※ For ecient use, please check the following item at least once a week
※ Emergency
For removal of a SD memory card, power must be turned o and then LED must be turned o before the removal of the card.
A SD memory card must be formatted once/twice a month.
A SD memory card should be changed every 6 month in case of connection to permanent power, and 1 year in case of connection to Cigar Jack
(ACC power). (Provided, only an authorized memory card should be used)
A memory card for the Car DVR should be used only for the Car DVR.
After watching the saved image on a smart phone, it must be formatted before use. There could be errors on saving due to automatically generated les.
In case of installing a rear camera → For installing a rear camera, a connection cord should be connected to a main body of the Car DVR and then
a power cord should be connected.
In case of a hybrid vehicle – Please do not connect to permanent power in case of a hybrid car. (electric car)
What would cause malfunctions of the Car DVR?
1 : when a memory card is removed by force while the Car DVR is still on.
2 : when a memory card does not formatted at least once/twice a month.
3 : A dierent e is saved on a memory card. Especially when it does not get formatted after playing the saved video on a smart phone Support
format function on Smart-phone conguration window.
4: In case of warning massage of writing error appeared even if it has been formatted.
In case of no. 1, 2 and 3, format a memory card. In case of no. 4, check a memory adapter Lock switch or exchange a memory.
If the inside temperature is increased to more than 70°C, power of the device would shut o automatically to extend the lifespan and prevent re.
If the temperature drops to the certain level, power would be turned on automatically due to a watchdog function.
We do not recommend of permanent power connection. The manufacturer is not responsible for any of battery discharge, overheating, re and damage on Car
DVR lifespan caused by permanent power connection. For ecient operation of a Car DVR, please check the device at least once a week.
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