84 85
A lista abaixo pode ser alterada sem aviso pévio .
BIEL ORRÚSIA: Sinij Medved, Osipenko 2, 92, 220053,
tel: +375 29 621 86 07, email: contact@velozona.by
BUL GÁRIA: KCP Group, 50 Sfakion STR 12131, Grécia,
tel: +30 210 5317960, fax: +30 210 5317961,
email: info@kcp .gr , http://w ww.kcp .gr
CROÁ CIA: Keindl Spor t, Reljkoviceva 2, 10000 Zagreb ,
tel: +385 1 3711 711, fax: +385 13708324,
email: info@keindl-sport.com, http://www.keindl-sport.com
REPÚBLICA CHECA: Aspire Sports s.r .o., Karasek 11, Brno,
62100, tel: +420 532 199 540, fax: +420 532 199 554,
email: Marian.Materna@aspire.cz, http://www.aspir e.cz
CHIPRE: KCP Group, 50 Sfakion STR 12131, Grécia,
tel: +30 210 5317960, fax: +30 210 5317961,
email: info@kcp .gr , http://w ww.kcp .gr,
ESTÓNIA: Extreme Sport AS, Merivälja tee 1, 11911 T alin,
tel: +372 650 8686, fax: +372 650 8687,
email: info@extreme.ee , http://www.extreme.ee
GRÉCIA: KCP Group, 50 Sfakion STR 12131, Grécia,
tel: +30 210 5317960, fax: +30 210 5317961,
email: info@kcp .gr , http://w ww.kcp .gr
HUNGRIA: Mali Bic ycle T echnology, Szinesf em u. 22-24,
1211 Budapeste, tel: +36-1420-5032, fax: +36-142-0532,
email: mali@mali.hu
ISLÂNDIA: GA Petursson Ltd., F axafen 7, 108 Reiquejavique,
Box 8176, tel: +354 5200 200, fax: +354 5200 301,
email:mogens@gap.is, h ttp://www.gap.is
CAZAQUIST ÃO: Limpopo Outdoor , 534 Seifallin Str ., Alma-
ata, 050022. tel: 73272617061, fax: 73272617265,
email: limpop@nursat.kz, http://www.limpopo .kz
LETÓNIA: SIA Multisport, Garozes street 1 Riga, L V-1004,
Juris Mikulens, email: jurism@fans.lv , +371 67626025,
fax +371 67892053, http://www.fans.lv
MAL T A: Pedal Po wer , 56 T riq Is-Stazzjon, B’K ara BKR 12,
Malta, tel: +356 212 27265, fax: +356 212 227265,
email: musco@global.net.mt,
http://www.pedpow ermalta.com
POL ÓNIA: PGR Sp. Z.O.O ., ul R ydygier a 8/bud.20B, lok
227, Varsóvia 01-793, t el: +48 22 6699690, email: biuro@
grupapgr .pl, http://www.grupapgr .pl
ROMÉNIA: Maros Bike, Aurel Vlaicu no. 120, Cluj Napoca,
tel: +40 2644 10779, email: oce@marossport.ro,
http://www.marosbike .ro
RÚSSIA: Velomir Group, L usinovskaya st 53, 115093,
Moscovo , tel: +74952368278, fax: +74952378463,
email: info@velomir .ru
ESL OV ÁQUIA: Eximo s.r.o ., T rencianska 764/409, 01851
Nova Dubnica, Eslováquia, tel: 00421-424430034, fax:
00421424430034, email: eximo@psg.sk
SÉRVIA: Planet Bike Co. doo , Milosa Obilica 9-11, 37000
Krusevac, tel: +381 37 420000, fax: +381 37 420011,
email: oce@planetbike.rs, http://www .planetbike.rs
ESL OVÉNIA: Spor t trade 2000 d.o .o., Celov ska 280,
Liubliana, 1000, tel: +386-15104940, fax: +385-151 82163,
email: sandi.gabrovsek@siol.net , http://www.funsports.si
ESL OV ÁQUIA: Aspire Sports s.r .o., Karasek 11, Brno, 62100,
tel: +420 532 199 540, fax: +420 532 199 554,
email: Marian.Materna@aspire.cz, http://www.aspir e.cz
TURQUIA: Delta Bisik let HQ , BosnaHersek Cd. 20/D , 06510,
Emek Ancara, T urquia, tel: +90312 2236027, fax: +90312
2223492, email: info@deltabisiklet.com,
UCRÂNIA: Velotr ade, Enakievskaya 2E, Kharkov,Ucrânia,
tel: +38057 7544980, fax: +38057 7544 981,
email: maxim_ivanov@velotrade .com.ua,
distributors@cannondale.com, tel: 0041 61 4879387,
fax: 0041 61 4879385 0031-541-573587,
fax: 0031-541-514240
distributors@cannondale.com, tel: 0041 61 4879387,
fax: 0041 61 4879385, 0031-541-573587,
fax: 0031-541-514240
distributors@cannondale.com, tel: 0041 61 4879387,
fax: 0041 61 4879385
VENDAS INTERNA CIONAIS: 172 Friendship V illage RD,
Bedford, P A 15522 EU A, tel: 814-623-4391,
fax: 814-623-2107, email: international@cannondale.com
ARGENTINA: Lauro Competicion, Avda. San P edrito 577,
Buenos Aires, Argen tina 01406, tel: 4613-8859, fax: 54-11-
4612-8805, email: laurocompeticion@hotmail.com,
http://www.cannondaleargentina.c om
BERMUDA: The New W inners Edge, 34 Church Street,
Hamilton HM11, Bermuda, tel: 441-295-6012,
fax: 411-292-1904
BOLÍVIA: Visal Import & Export, Avenida Banzer #656, Santa
Cruz, Bolívia, tel: (591-3) 341 4141, fax: (591-3) 341 4600
BORNÉU Cannaisa, 101 Fr ankel Ave., Singapur a
tel/fax: 65-6441-4772, http://www ww w .cannasia.com
BRASIL: Cannondale Brasil, Av . Prof . Sylia Matos, 370, CEP
04182-010 São Paulo , Brasil, tel: 2264-2167/2264-2143,
http://www.cannondale.c om.br
BRUNEI: Cannasia, 101 Frankel A ve., Singapura, 458224,
tel: 65-6441-4772, email: cannasia@mbox5.singnet.com.sg ,
CHILE: Inversiones Intercycles Ltda., Av . Neuva Las Condes,
12.270 #101, Santiago, Chile , América do Sul,
tel: 562-215-3470, fax: 562-217-3167,
email: cycles@cannondale.cl
CHINA: Kele ShanGu T rading Co. L TD (Shenzhen)
F2-28 Arc De Triomphe Str City Valle Shahe West Road 2029
Nanshan Shenzhen RP China, tel: 755-267-54695
COST A RICA: Xcesso S.A., San José, Costa Rica,
tel: 506-2290-5696, fax: 506-2290-3412,
email: xcesso@racsa.co .cr
REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA: Aro & P edal, 27 de F ebrero
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, tel: (809) 686-5861,
fax: (809) 687-6548, email: aro.pedal2@c odetel.net.do
EQUADOR: BikeLife, Shirys N41-206 e Isla Flor eana, Quito,
Equador tel: 593-99-217050, fax: 593+22-440312
EL SAL VADOR: Grupo Extremo, Blv d Santa Elena Atrium
Plata 5y6 Antiquo Cuscattan San Salvador , El Salvador ,
tel: 502-228-99636
GUAM: Hornet Bic ycles, PO Box 8294, T amuning, Guam
96931, tel: 671-646-9191, fax: 671-646-1900,
email: hikko@guamcell.net
GUA TEMALA: Bike C enter , S. A., 20 Calle 24-67 Zona 10,
Paris Plaza, L ocal 2-3, Guatemala City , Guatemala, tel: 502-
333-4388, fax:502-333-7394,
HONDURAS: Hondubikes, Col.Humuya Av .Sabana
T egucigalpa, Honduras, tel/fax: 504-239-2192
HONG KONG: Flying Ball Bicycle, Unit G58 Lai Sun
Commercial Cen ter , 680 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Ko wloon,
Hong Kong, tel: 852-238-13661, fax: 852-239-74406,
ÍNDIA: Tube Investments of India, PO Box 5, M TH Rd
Ambattur , Chennai 60053, Índia, tel: 914 428 553492,
fax: 914 -428-553757
INDONÉSIA: Cannasia Pte. Ltd., 101 F rankel Ave .,
Singapura, 458224, tel: 65-6441-4772, email: cannasia@
mbox5.singnet.com.sg , http://www.cannasia.com
ISRAEL: O.R Cycling Lt d., 6296,Netanya 42160,
tel: +972-(0)-891-7395, email: info@cannondale.c o.il,
http://www.cannondale.c o.il
JAMAICA: H i T ech Industries L TD., 8 Dumfries Road
Kingston 10 Jamaica W . Indies, tel: 876 855 8888,
fax: 876 978 7414
COREIA: Sanbada Sports, 1F Gungdo Building 278-19,
NonHyun-Dong, Seul, Coreia, tel: 822-543-6390, fax: 822-
3442-6391, email: sanbada1@unitel.co .kr
KUWEIT : Silicon V alley Group, Cannondale S tore, Shuwaikh
Industrial Area, Kuweit city , Kuweit tel: 965-482-6723
email: svg@qualitynet.net
LÍBANO: VO2 MA X, Asco Center , Sassine, Beirute, Líbano ,
tel: 961-132-6111, fax: 961-132-8666,
http://www.vo2maxlb .com
MALÁSIA: Cannasia Pte. Ltd ., 101 Frankel A venue,
Singapura, 458224, tel: 65-6441-4772, cannasia@singnet.
com.sg, http://www .cannasia.com
MA URÍCIA: Emcar Ltd, Old Mok a Road, Bell Village,
República da Maurícia, tel: 230-208-6335, fax: (230) 212-
MÉXICO: Viansi T riathlon Boutique, Av . Division Del Nor te
#2957, Col. Rosedal Coy oacan, México 04330, D.F ., tel: 525-
5549-5291, fax: 525-549-5291,
ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS: T ri-Spor t N.V ., #14B Airport
Blvd Simpson bay , St. Maar ten, Antilhas Holandesas, tel:
(599)545-4385, fax: (599)545-4384,
NOV A CALEDÓNIA: Royal Motors SA., 9, route de la Baie
des Dames B.P . 2548, Nouméa, Nova Caledónia, 98846, tel:
687 285 912, fax: 687 286 320,
http://www.r .motors@groupedang.nc
NOV A ZELÂNDIA: WH W or rall, 43 F elix Street, Penrose,
Auckland, Nova Zelândia; tel: (649) 636 0641;
email: oce@worrall.co .nz
P ANAMÁ: Latin Bikes S.A., Calle 50 F inal y V ía
Cincuentenario, E dicio Adelina, Local #1, San F rancisco,
Panamá, tel: (507) 60902002
PERÚ: Cycling S.R.L., Av . T omas Marsano 2851, Higuereta-
Surco , Lima, Perú, tel/fax: 511-271-0247,
FILIPINAS: Newton Multi-Sales, 689-D Del monte Ave.,
SFDM Quezon City , Metro Manila, Filipinas, 1100, tel:
(0632)3725127-28 & 3717231, 5595301, 5595311, fax: (0632)
3735439, email: bike_newton@yahoo.c om
PORTO RIC O: TL Bic ycle Distributor Inc, Jose A. Lugo , Edif.
Mar de Isla V erde Apt 10-Q, San Juan, Porto Rico, 00979,
tel: 787 613 1040,
SINGAPURA: Cannasia Pte. Ltd., 101 Fr ankel Avenue,
Singapura, 458224, tel: 65-6441-4772, Cannasia@singnet.
com.sg, http://www .cannasia.com
ÁFRICA DO SUL: Omnico (PT Y ) Ltd, Unit 1 B Kimbult
Industrial park, 8 Zeiss Road, Honeydew, Á frica do Sul,
2170, Lionel Dippenaar , tel: +27(0)117943808, tlm:
+27(0)832587777, lionel@omnico.c o.za,
http://www.omnico .co.za
T AIW AN: Three P eaks Bic ycle Company , No. 222 Jin-Xian
8th Rd, T aichung T aiwan, tel: 886-424-368842,
http://www.threepeaks .com.tw
T AILÂNDIA: Cyc oholic 45/39 Soi Atthakrawee 1,
Sukhumvit 26 Road (Soi Aree) Banguecoque, T ailândia10110
tel:+66815678886 email: thaicann@cannasia.com,
TRINIDADE: Motorcycles Etc., 89 Eastern Main Road,
Barataria, T rinidade e T obago , tel: 868-675-2453,
fax: 868-675-3816, email: larrya@wow.net
TRINIDADE: Sports & G ames 47 Tissue Drive Trincity ,
T rinidade, tel: 868-640-2507, fax: 868-640-0505
EMIRADOS ÁRABES UNIDOS: Pro zone P .O. Box # 123500
Dubai (Emirados Árabes Unidos) tel: +9714 33-88644,
fax: +009714 3385552, email: Info@prozoneltd .com,
URUGUAI: Motociclo SA, A V Sayago 1385-CP 12400,
Montevideu, Uruguai, tel: 5982 354 20 80
VENEZUELA: Bici Bikes, 2A AV ., Ed. Artelito local 5
( WINDCTR) Los Palos Grandes, Car acas, Venezuela 1041, tel:
58-212-286-0285; fax: 58-212-283-7466
VENEZUELA: Bicimania C.A., C.C., M Ave. Bolivar , Porlamar ,
Ilha Margarita, V enezuela, tel: 58-295-262-9116, fax: 58-295-
262-9116, bicimania@cantv.net
VENEZUELA: Bike Spor ts/Venezuela-Centr o Comercial
Ibarra, Local 3A, Calle Garcilazo , Colinas de Bello Monte,
Caracas, Venezuela, tel: 58-212-751-9730, fax: 58 212 753
fax: 814 623 2107, international@cannondale.com
fax: 814 623 2107, international@cannondale.com