If the setting of the side to be scanned differs from the camera unit currently in
use in the Backup mode, the following confirmation message is displayed when
you click [Start Scanning].
● When the 1/57 camera unit is used and [Simplex] is selected
The images on both sides are backed up to film even if scanning is performed
with [Simplex] selected and the 1/57 camera unit in use.
● When the 1/24 camera unit is used and [Duplex] is selected
The images on the front side of the original are backed up to film when
scanning is performed with [Duplex] selected and the 1/24 camera unit in use.
● When the 1/24 camera unit is used and [Backside scanning] is selected
(See “Backside scanning” P. 56)
The 1/24 camera unit is exclusively for photography of the front side. The
images on the front side of the original are backed up to film even when
scanning is performed with [Backside scanning] selected.
Set [Separator].
Scanning Originals and Saving Scanned Images