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Before Use
Basic Guide
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Camera Basics
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Setting Menu
Safety Precautions
• Before using the product, ensure that you read the safety precautions
described below. Always ensure that the product is used correctly.
• The safety precautions noted here are intended to prevent you and other
persons from being injured or incurring property damage.
• Be sure to also check the guides included with any separately sold
accessories you use.
Denotes the possibility of serious injury or death.
• Donottriggertheashincloseproximitytopeople’seyes.
Exposure to the intense light produced by the ash could damage eyesight.
In particular, remain at least 1 meter (3.3 feet) away from infants when
using the ash.
• Storethisequipmentoutofthereachofchildrenandinfants.
A strap wound around a child’s neck may result in asphyxiation.
If your product uses a power cord, mistakenly winding the cord around a
child’s neck may result in asphyxiation.
• Useonlyrecommendedpowersources.
• Donotdisassemble,alter,orapplyheattotheproduct.
• Avoiddroppingorsubjectingtheproducttosevereimpacts.
• Donottouchtheinterioroftheproductifitisbroken,suchaswhen
• Stopusingtheproductimmediatelyifitemitssmokeorastrange
• Donotuseorganicsolventssuchasalcohol,benzine,orthinnerto
• Avoidcontactwithliquid,anddonotallowliquidorforeignobjects
This could result in electrical shock or re.
If the product gets wet, or if liquid or foreign objects get inside, remove the
battery pack/batteries or unplug immediately.
• Donotlookthroughtheviewnder(ifyourmodelhasone)atintense
This could damage your eyesight.
• Donottouchtheproductduringthunderstormsifitispluggedin.
This could result in electrical shock or re. Immediately stop using the
product and distance yourself from it.
• Useonlytherecommendedbatterypack/batteries.
• Donotplacethebatterypack/batteriesnearorindirectame.
This may cause the battery pack/batteries to explode or leak, resulting in
electrical shock, re, or injuries. If leaking battery electrolyte comes into
contact with eyes, mouth, skin, or clothing, immediately ush with water.
• Iftheproductusesabatterycharger,notethefollowingprecautions.
This could result in electrical shock or re.
• Turnthecameraoffinplaceswherecamerauseisprohibited.
The electromagnetic waves emitted by the camera may interfere with the
operation of electronic instruments and other devices. Exercise adequate
caution when using the product in places where use of electronic devices is
restricted, such as inside airplanes and medical facilities.

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Suche zurücksetzen

  • Wie lösche ich die Bilder der Speicherkarte von canon ixus 150 Eingereicht am 6-7-2017 13:12

    Antworten Frage melden
  • Die Canon ixus 150 wird von einem "Handbuch" begleitet, das mirbei weitem nicht reicht. Die Knöpfe werden nicht erklärt/gezeigt. Ich hätte gern etwas ausführlicheres. Bis jetzt habe ich nicht einmal die Uhrzeit und das Datum einstellen können!

    Frdl. Grüße
    Danielle Eingereicht am 26-11-2014 18:57

    Antworten Frage melden
    • Hallo Danielle! Ich habe genau das gleiche Problem. Ich kann die Bilder nicht löschen. Tasten werden nicht erklärt! Ich hätte auch eine Ausführliche Erklärung! Grüß Christiane Beantwortet 13-5-2015 23:06

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Canon IXUS 150 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 118 seiten

Canon IXUS 150 Bedienungsanleitung - Holländisch - 118 seiten

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