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MF515x / MF512x
User's Guide
USRMA-0856-00 2016-04 en Copyright CANON INC. 2016
Important Safety Instructions ........................................................................................................... 2
Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Power Supply ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Handling ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Maintenance and Inspections .................................................................................................................................... 9
Consumables .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Basic Operations .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Parts and Their Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Front Side .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Back Side ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Interior .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Multi-Purpose Tray .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Paper Drawer ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Operation Panel ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Display ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
Customizing the Home Screen ....................................................................................................................... 33
Using the Display .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Entering Text .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Logging on to the Machine ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Placing Documents ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Loading Paper ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer ....................................................................................................................... 52
Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray ............................................................................................................... 57
Loading Envelopes .............................................................................................................................................. 60
Loading Preprinted Paper .................................................................................................................................... 62
Specifying Paper Size and Type ............................................................................................................................. 66
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer ......................................................................................... 67
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Multi-Purpose Tray .................................................................................. 69
Registering Default Paper Settings for the Multi-Purpose Tray ............................................................................ 71
Registering a Custom Paper Size .................................................................................................................... 73
Limiting the Paper Sizes Displayed .................................................................................................................. 76
Registering in the Address Book .............................................................................................................................. 77
Registering Destinations in the Address Book ........................................................................................................ 79
Registering Destinations for Favorites ................................................................................................................... 86
Registering Multiple Destinations for Group Dial .................................................................................................... 93
Adjusting the Volume .............................................................................................................................................. 98
Entering Sleep Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 100
Setting Auto Shutdown Time ................................................................................................................................. 102
Copying .............................................................................................................................................................. 104
Basic Copy Operations ........................................................................................................................................... 106
Selecting Copy Paper ........................................................................................................................................ 109
Canceling Copies ................................................................................................................................................... 110
Checking the Copying Status and Log .................................................................................................................... 112
Various Copy Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 114
Enlarging or Reducing ....................................................................................................................................... 115
Selecting Document Type .................................................................................................................................. 116
Adjusting Density ............................................................................................................................................. 117
Adjusting Sharpness ......................................................................................................................................... 119
2-Sided Copying ............................................................................................................................................... 121
Copying Multiple Documents onto One Sheet (2 on 1/4 on 1) ................................................................................. 124
Copying Both Sides of an ID Card onto One Page ................................................................................................. 126
Erasing Dark Borders and Frame Lines (Erase Frame) ............................................................................................ 127
Collating Copies by Page ................................................................................................................................... 128
Conguring Copy Settings to Your Needs ............................................................................................................... 129
Changing Default Settings ................................................................................................................................. 130
Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings .......................................................................................................... 131
Faxing .................................................................................................................................................................. 136
Conguring Initial Settings for Fax Functions (MF515x) .......................................................................................... 139
Deciding Which Fax Receive Mode to Use ............................................................................................................ 140
Registering the Fax Number and Unit Name ........................................................................................................ 141
Selecting the Receive Mode ............................................................................................................................... 143
Connecting the Telephone Line .......................................................................................................................... 145
Sending Faxes (MF515x) ......................................................................................................................................... 148
Specifying Registered Destinations ..................................................................................................................... 152
Specifying from Address Book ...................................................................................................................... 153
Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial Numbers ...................................................................... 155
Specifying Previously Used Destinations ........................................................................................................ 158
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server ..................................................................................................... 161
Various Fax Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 165
Adjusting Resolution ................................................................................................................................... 166
Adjusting Density ....................................................................................................................................... 167
Scanning 2-Sided Documents ....................................................................................................................... 168
Adjusting Sharpness ................................................................................................................................... 169
Conguring Fax Settings to Your Needs ............................................................................................................... 171
Changing Default Settings ........................................................................................................................... 172
Registering Frequently Used Fax Settings ...................................................................................................... 173
Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax) ........................................................................................................... 176
Receiving Faxes (MF515x) ...................................................................................................................................... 178
Sending and Receiving Faxes According to Your Purposes (MF515x) ........................................................................ 182
Making a Call before Sending Faxes (Manual Sending) .......................................................................................... 183
Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously (Sequential Broadcast) ........................................................ 185
Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory Reception) ..................................................................................... 187
Forwarding Received Faxes ................................................................................................................................ 190
Selecting a Document to Forward ................................................................................................................. 191
Forwarding All the Received Documents Automatically .................................................................................... 193
Archiving Sent Faxes ......................................................................................................................................... 197
Receiving Fax Information Services ..................................................................................................................... 198
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x) ..................................................................... 200
Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax) (MF515x) ............................................................................................ 202
Sending PC Faxes ............................................................................................................................................. 203
Attaching Cover Sheets to PC Faxes .................................................................................................................... 206
Using Address Book for PC Faxes ........................................................................................................................ 210
Registering Destinations ............................................................................................................................. 213
Using Registered Destinations ..................................................................................................................... 217
Importing/Exporting Address Book Data from the Fax Driver ........................................................................... 219
Using Internet Fax (I-Fax) ...................................................................................................................................... 223
Sending I-Faxes ................................................................................................................................................ 224
Receiving I-Faxes .............................................................................................................................................. 231
Using the Machine as a Printer ..................................................................................................... 234
Printing from a Computer ..................................................................................................................................... 235
Printing a Document ......................................................................................................................................... 237
Canceling Prints ............................................................................................................................................... 241
Checking the Printing Status and Log .................................................................................................................. 244
Various Print Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 246
Enlarging or Reducing ................................................................................................................................. 248
Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided Printing ......................................................................................................... 250
Collating Printouts by Page .......................................................................................................................... 252
Printing Multiple Pages onto One Sheet ........................................................................................................ 254
Printing Posters .......................................................................................................................................... 256
Printing Booklet ......................................................................................................................................... 257
Printing Borders ......................................................................................................................................... 259
Printing Dates and Page Numbers ................................................................................................................ 260
Printing Watermarks ................................................................................................................................... 262
Printing Specic Pages onto Different Paper .................................................................................................. 264
Selecting Document Type ............................................................................................................................ 266
Saving Toner .............................................................................................................................................. 268
Combining and Printing Multiple Documents ................................................................................................. 270
Conguring Printer Settings on the Machine .................................................................................................. 274
Printing a Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print) ............................................................................................ 276
Preparing for Using Secure Print .................................................................................................................. 277
Printing via Secure Print .............................................................................................................................. 279
Conguring Print Settings to Your Needs ............................................................................................................. 284
Registering Combinations of Frequently Used Print Settings ............................................................................ 285
Changing Default Settings ........................................................................................................................... 287
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print) .................................................................................................. 289
Changing Default Memory Media Print Settings ................................................................................................... 302
Using the Machine as a Scanner ................................................................................................... 304
Preparing to Use the Machine as a Scanner ............................................................................................................ 305
Scanning from the Machine ................................................................................................................................... 306
Scanning from a Computer .................................................................................................................................... 310
Scanning Using an Application ........................................................................................................................... 311
Conguring Scan Settings in ScanGear MF ........................................................................................................... 313
Conguring Scan Settings in Simple Mode ..................................................................................................... 314
Conguring Scan Settings in Advanced Mode ................................................................................................. 317
Convenient Scanning with a Machine-Based Operation .......................................................................................... 331
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory ...................................................................................................... 332
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine ..................................................................................... 335
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server ........................................................................................ 342
Canceling Sending Documents (E-Mail/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ........................................................................... 345
Specifying Detailed Settings ............................................................................................................................... 347
Specifying a Scanning Size ........................................................................................................................... 349
Setting Color Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 350
Selecting a File Format ................................................................................................................................ 351
Adjusting Density ....................................................................................................................................... 353
Specifying Orientation of Your Document ...................................................................................................... 354
Selecting Document Type ............................................................................................................................ 355
Scanning 2-Sided Documents ....................................................................................................................... 356
Adjusting Sharpness ................................................................................................................................... 357
Adjusting Balance between File Size and Image Quality ................................................................................... 359
Setting Gamma Values ................................................................................................................................ 360
Sending Using Registered Destinations (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ....................................................... 361
Specifying from Address Book ...................................................................................................................... 362
Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial Numbers ...................................................................... 365
Specifying Previously Used Destinations ........................................................................................................ 368
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server (E-Mail/I-Fax) .................................................................................. 371
Conguring Scan Settings to Your Needs ............................................................................................................. 375
Changing Default Settings ........................................................................................................................... 376
Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ............................................ 379
Checking Status and Log for Sent Documents (E-Mail/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ...................................................... 383
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device ........................................................... 386
Connecting to a Mobile Device ............................................................................................................................... 387
Make Direct Connection (Access Point Mode) ....................................................................................................... 388
Making the Best Use of the Machine by Utilizing Applications ................................................................................. 390
Using AirPrint ................................................................................................................................................... 392
Printing with AirPrint .................................................................................................................................. 397
Scanning with AirPrint ................................................................................................................................. 400
Faxing with AirPrint .................................................................................................................................... 402
If AirPrint Cannot Be Used ........................................................................................................................... 404
Using Google Cloud Print .................................................................................................................................. 405
Managing the Machine Remotely .......................................................................................................................... 409
Network ............................................................................................................................................................ 412
Connecting to a Network ...................................................................................................................................... 414
Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN .................................................................................................................. 416
Connecting to a Wired LAN ................................................................................................................................ 417
Connecting to a Wireless LAN ............................................................................................................................. 418
Setting Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode ..................................................................................... 420
Setting Up Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode ......................................................................................... 422
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router ..................................................................................... 425
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings .................................................................................... 429
Checking the SSID and Network Key ............................................................................................................. 433
Setting IP Addresses ......................................................................................................................................... 436
Setting IPv4 Address ................................................................................................................................... 437
Setting IPv6 Addresses ................................................................................................................................ 441
Viewing Network Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 445
Conguring the Machine for Printing or Faxing from a Computer ........................................................................... 448
Conguring Printing Protocols and WSD Functions ............................................................................................... 449
Conguring Printer Ports ................................................................................................................................... 453
Setting Up Print Server ...................................................................................................................................... 458
Conguring Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Faxes/Shared Folders/FTP Server) ..................................................................... 461
Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending & Receiving I-Faxes) ................................................................. 462
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings ................................................................................................................. 464
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings .......................................................................................... 469
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to Shared Folders ....................................................................................... 474
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location .................................................................................................... 475
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to FTP Server ............................................................................................. 480
Conguring FTP PASV mode ........................................................................................................................ 481
Conguring the Machine for Your Network Environment ....................................................................................... 483
Conguring Ethernet Settings ............................................................................................................................ 484
Changing the Maximum Transmission Unit .......................................................................................................... 486
Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network .................................................................................................. 487
Conguring DNS .............................................................................................................................................. 488
Conguring SMB .............................................................................................................................................. 493
Conguring WINS ............................................................................................................................................. 496
Registering LDAP Servers .................................................................................................................................. 499
Conguring SNTP ............................................................................................................................................. 505
Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP ............................................................................................. 508
Conguring Settings for Device Management Software ......................................................................................... 513
Security .............................................................................................................................................................. 519
Protecting the Machine from Unauthorized Access ................................................................................................ 520
Preventing Unauthorized Access ........................................................................................................................ 521
Setting Access Privileges .................................................................................................................................... 523
Setting the System Manager ID .................................................................................................................... 524
Setting the Department ID Management ....................................................................................................... 526
Setting a Remote UI PIN .............................................................................................................................. 534
LDAP Server Authentication ............................................................................................................................... 536
Restricting Communication by Using Firewalls ..................................................................................................... 541
Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall Rules ...................................................................................................... 542
Specifying MAC Addresses for Firewall Rules .................................................................................................. 546
Changing Port Numbers .................................................................................................................................... 549
Setting a Proxy ................................................................................................................................................. 551
Restricting the Machine's Functions ...................................................................................................................... 554
Restricting Access to Address Book and Sending Functions .................................................................................... 555
Setting a PIN for Address Book ..................................................................................................................... 556
Limiting Available Destinations ..................................................................................................................... 558
Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF515x) .................................................................................................................... 559
Disabling Use of Previously Used Destinations ............................................................................................... 560
Checking Destinations before Sending Documents ......................................................................................... 561
Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF515x) ............................................................................................... 563
Restricting USB Functions .................................................................................................................................. 564
Disabling HTTP Communication ......................................................................................................................... 567
Disabling Remote UI ......................................................................................................................................... 568
Implementing Robust Security Features ................................................................................................................ 569
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI ................................................................................... 570
Conguring IPSec Settings ................................................................................................................................. 574
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication ............................................................................................................... 583
Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital Certicates ...................................................................................... 588
Generating Key Pairs ................................................................................................................................... 590
Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates ........................................................................................... 598
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates ..................................................................................................... 602
Using Remote UI ........................................................................................................................................ 605
Starting Remote UI ............................................................................................................................................... 606
Remote UI Screens ................................................................................................................................................ 608
Managing Documents and Checking the Machine Status ........................................................................................ 613
Setting Up Menu Options from Remote UI ............................................................................................................. 617
Saving/Loading Settings Data ................................................................................................................................ 619
Saving Settings Data ......................................................................................................................................... 620
Loading Settings Data ....................................................................................................................................... 622
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI ............................................................................... 624
Setting Menu List ...................................................................................................................................... 629
Network Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 630
Preferences .......................................................................................................................................................... 641
Timer Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 645
Common Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 649
Copy Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 653
Fax Settings (MF515x) ............................................................................................................................................ 655
Scan Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 666
Memory Media Print Settings ................................................................................................................................ 673
Printer Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 677
Adjustment/Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 700
System Management Settings ............................................................................................................................... 707
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................... 720
Clearing Jams ........................................................................................................................................................ 722
When an Error Message Appears ........................................................................................................................... 732
When an Error Code Appears ................................................................................................................................. 745
Common Problems ................................................................................................................................................ 755
Installation/Settings Problems ........................................................................................................................... 756
Copy/Printing Problems .................................................................................................................................... 760
Faxing/Telephone Problems (MF515x) ................................................................................................................. 763
When You Cannot Print Properly ............................................................................................................................ 765
Printing Results Are Not Satisfactory ................................................................................................................... 767
Paper Creases or Curls ...................................................................................................................................... 774
Paper Is Fed Incorrectly ..................................................................................................................................... 776
When a Problem Cannot Be Solved ......................................................................................................................... 778
Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................. 780
Cleaning the Machine ........................................................................................................................................... 782
Exterior ........................................................................................................................................................... 783
Platen Glass ..................................................................................................................................................... 784
Feeder ............................................................................................................................................................ 786
Fixing Unit ....................................................................................................................................................... 788
Paper Roller ..................................................................................................................................................... 790
Replacing Toner Cartridges ................................................................................................................................... 793
Using Up Toner ................................................................................................................................................ 796
How to Replace Toner Cartridges ........................................................................................................................ 798
Relocating the Machine ......................................................................................................................................... 800
Maintaining and Improving Print Quality ............................................................................................................... 802
Adjusting the Gradation and Density for Copy Jobs ............................................................................................... 803
Adjusting Print Density ...................................................................................................................................... 805
Printing Reports and Lists ..................................................................................................................................... 807
TX Result Report ............................................................................................................................................... 808
Communication Management Report ................................................................................................................. 811
RX Result Report ............................................................................................................................................... 813
Consumables Status Report ............................................................................................................................... 814
Address Book List ............................................................................................................................................. 815
User Data List/System Manager Data List ............................................................................................................ 817
Department ID Management Report ................................................................................................................... 818
IPSec Policy List ................................................................................................................................................ 819
PCL Font List .................................................................................................................................................... 820
PS Font List ...................................................................................................................................................... 821
Viewing the Counter Value .................................................................................................................................... 822
Using a USB Memory Device to Save/Load Settings Data ......................................................................................... 823
Saving Settings Data to a USB Memory Device ..................................................................................................... 824
Loading Settings Data from a USB Memory Device ............................................................................................... 826
Initializing Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 828
Initializing Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 829
Initializing Key and Certicate ............................................................................................................................ 831
Initializing Address Book ................................................................................................................................... 832
Updating the Firmware ......................................................................................................................................... 833
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................... 837
Feature Highlights ................................................................................................................................................ 838
Going Green and Saving Money ......................................................................................................................... 839
Improving Eciency ......................................................................................................................................... 841
Going Digital .................................................................................................................................................... 844
So Much More .................................................................................................................................................. 847
Specications ....................................................................................................................................................... 850
Machine Specications ...................................................................................................................................... 851
Wireless LAN Specications ................................................................................................................................ 853
Document Type ................................................................................................................................................ 854
Scan Area .................................................................................................................................................. 855
Paper .............................................................................................................................................................. 856
Copy Specications ........................................................................................................................................... 859
Fax Specications (MF515x) ............................................................................................................................... 860
Scanner Specications ....................................................................................................................................... 861
Printer Specications ........................................................................................................................................ 862
Specications for E-Mail Sending/I-Faxes Sending and Receiving ............................................................................ 863
Specications for Scanning to Shared Folders/FTP Server ...................................................................................... 864
Consumables ........................................................................................................................................................ 865
Optional Items ...................................................................................................................................................... 866
Manuals Included with the Machine ...................................................................................................................... 869
Using e-Manual ..................................................................................................................................................... 870
Installing e-Manual ........................................................................................................................................... 871
Uninstalling e-Manual ....................................................................................................................................... 876
Screen Layout of e-Manual ................................................................................................................................ 879
Viewing e-Manual ............................................................................................................................................. 885
Manual Display Settings .................................................................................................................................... 886
Others .................................................................................................................................................................. 887
Basic Windows Operations ................................................................................................................................. 888
For Mac OS Users ............................................................................................................................................. 896
Notice ............................................................................................................................................................. 897
Oce Locations .................................................................................................................................................... 902
Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................... 2
Installation ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Handling ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Maintenance and Inspections .............................................................................................................................. 9
Consumables ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions
The content described in this chapter is for the prevention of damage to property and injury to users of the machine
and others. Before using this machine, read this chapter and follow the instructions to properly use this machine. Do
not perform any operations not described in this manual. Canon will not be responsible for any damages resulting
from use not described in this manual, improper use, or repair/changes not performed by Canon or a third party
authorized by Canon.
Important Safety Instructions
To use this machine safely and comfortably, carefully read the following precautions and install the machine in an
appropriate location.
Do not install in a location that may result in a re or electrical shock
A location where the ventilation slots are blocked
(too close to walls, beds, rugs, or similar objects)
A damp or dusty location
A location exposed to direct sunlight or outdoors
A location subject to high temperatures
A location exposed to open ames
Near alcohol, paint thinners or other ammable substances
Other warnings
Do not connect unapproved cables to this machine. Doing so may result in a re or electrical shock.
Do not place necklaces and other metal objects or containers lled with liquid on the machine. If foreign
substances come in contact with electrical parts inside the machine, it may result in a re or electrical shock.
When installing and removing the optional accessories, be sure to turn OFF the power, unplug the power
plug, and then disconnect all the interface cables and power cord from the machine. Otherwise, the power
cord or interface cables may be damaged, resulting in a re or electrical shock.
Do not use near any medical equipment. Radiowaves emitted from this machine may interfere with medical
equipment, which may cause a malfunction and result in serious accidents.
If any foreign substance falls into this machine, unplug the power plug from the AC power outlet and
contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
Do not install in the following locations
The machine may drop or fall, resulting in injury.
Unstable location
Location exposed to vibrations
Other cautions
When carrying this machine, follow the instructions in this manual. If carried improperly, it may fall, resulting
in injury.
When installing this machine, be careful not to get your hands caught between the machine and the oor or
walls, or between the paper drawers. Doing so may result in injury.
Important Safety Instructions
Do not install in the following locations that may result in damage
A location subject to dramatic changes in temperature or
A location near equipment that generates magnetic or
electromagnetic waves
A laboratory or location where chemical reactions occur
A location exposed to corrosive or toxic gases
A location that may warp from the weight of the machine or
where the machine is liable to sink (a carpet, etc.)
Avoid poorly ventilated locations
This machine generates a slight amount of ozone, etc. during normal use. Although sensitivity to ozone, etc.
may vary, this amount is not harmful. Ozone, etc. may be more noticeable during extended use or long
production runs, especially in poorly ventilated rooms. It is recommended that the room where the machine
operates be appropriately ventilated to maintain a comfortable working environment. Also avoid locations
where people would be exposed to emissions from the machine.
Do not install in a location where condensation occurs
Water droplets (condensation) may form inside the machine when the room where the machine is installed
is heated rapidly, and when the machine is moved from a cool or dry location to a hot or humid location.
Using the machine under these conditions may result in paper jams, poor print quality, or damage to the
machine. Let the machine adjust to the ambient temperature and humidity for at least 2 hours before use.
When using wireless LAN
Set the machine at a distance of 50 m or less from the wireless LAN router.
Do not set machine in a location where any object blocks communication. The signal may be degraded when
passing through walls or oors.
Keep the machine as far as possible from digital cordless phones, microwave ovens, or other equipment that
emit radio waves.
Connecting the telephone line
This machine conforms to an analog telephone line standard. The machine can be connected to the public
switched telephone network (PSTN) only.
If you connect the machine to a digital telephone line or a dedicated telephone line, it might impede proper
operation of the machine and could be the cause of damage. Make sure to conrm a type of telephone line
before connecting the machine.
Contact your optical ber line or IP telephone line service providers if you want to connect the machine to
those telephone lines.
In altitudes of 3,000 m or above sea level
Machines with a hard disk may not operate properly when used at high altitudes of about 3,000 meters
above sea level, or higher.
Important Safety Instructions
Power Supply
This machine is compatible with voltages of 220 to 240 V, and electrical frequency of 50/60 Hz.
Use only a power supply that meets the specied voltage requirements. Failure to do so may result in a re
or electrical shock.
Do not use power cords other than the one provided, as this may result in a re or electrical shock.
The provided power cord is intended for use with this machine. Do not connect the power cord to other
Do not modify, pull, forcibly bend, or perform any other act that may damage the power cord. Do not place
heavy objects on the power cord. Damaging the power cord may result in a re or electrical shock.
Do not plug in or unplug the power plug with wet hands, as this may result in an electrical shock.
Do not use extension cords or multi-plug power strips with the machine. Doing so may result in a re or
electrical shock.
Do not wrap the power cord or tie it in a knot, as this may result in a re or electrical shock.
Insert the power plug completely into the AC power outlet. Failure to do so may result in a re or electrical
Remove the power plug completely from the AC power outlet during a thunder storm. Failure to do so may
result in a re, electrical shock, or damage to the machine.
Install this machine near the power outlet and leave sucient space around the power plug so that it can be
unplugged easily in an emergency.
When connecting power
Do not connect the machine to an uninterruptible power source.
If plugging this machine into an AC power outlet with multiple sockets, do not use the remaining sockets to
connect other devices.
Do not connect the power cord into the auxiliary outlet on a computer.
Other precautions
Electrical noise may cause this machine to malfunction or lose data.
Important Safety Instructions
Immediately unplug the power plug from the AC power outlet
and contact an authorized Canon dealer if the machine makes
an unusual noise, emits an unusual smell, or emits smoke or
excessive heat. Continued use may result in a re or electrical
Do not disassemble or modify this machine. There are high-
voltage and high-temperature components inside the machine
which may result in a re or electrical shock.
Place the machine where children will not come in contact with the power cord and other cables or internal
and electrical parts. Failure to do so may result in unexpected accidents.
Do not use ammable sprays near this machine. If ammable substances come into contact with electrical
parts inside this machine, it may result in a re or electrical shock.
When moving this machine, be sure to turn OFF the power of this machine and your computer, and then
unplug the power plug and interface cables. Failure to do so may damage the power cord or interface
cables, resulting in a re or electrical shock.
When plugging or unplugging a USB cable when the power plug is plugged into an AC power outlet, do not
touch the metal part of the connector, as this may result in an electrical shock.
If you are using a cardiac pacemaker
This machine generates a low level magnetic ux. If you use a cardiac pacemaker and feel abnormalities,
please move away from this machine and consult your physician immediately.
Do not place heavy objects on this machine as they may fall, resulting in injury.
For your safety, please unplug the power cord if the machine will not be used for a long period of time.
Use caution when opening and closing covers to avoid injury to your hands.
Keep hands and clothing away from the rollers in the output area. If the rollers catch your hands or clothing,
this may result in personal injury.
The inside of the machine and the output slot are very hot during and immediately after use. Avoid contact
with these areas to prevent burns. Also, printed paper may be hot immediately after being output, so use
caution when handling it. Failure to do so may result in burns.
Important Safety Instructions
When copying with a thick book placed on the platen glass, do not press the feeder forcefully. Doing so may
damage the platen glass and result in injury.
Be careful not to drop a heavy object, such as a dictionary, on the platen glass. Doing so may damage the
platen glass and result in injury.
Do not carry the machine with the paper drawers or the
optional paper feeder installed. Otherwise, the paper
drawer may fall and result in injury.
Laser beam
This machine is classied as a Class 1 Laser Product under IEC60825-1:2007 and EN60825-1:2007. The laser
beam can be harmful to the human body. The laser beam is conned within protective housings and
external covers, so there is no danger of the laser beam escaping during normal machine operation. For
safety, never open covers other than those indicated in this manual.
If you operate the machine in manners other than the control, adjustment, and operating procedures
prescribed in this manual, this may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
If the laser beam should escape and enter your eyes, exposure may cause damage to your eyes.
When transporting the machine
To prevent damage to the machine during transport, perform the following.
Remove the toner cartridges.
Securely pack the machine in the original box with packing materials.
If the operating noise concerns you
Depending on the use environment and operating mode, if the operating noise is of concern, it is
recommended that the machine be Installed in a place other than the oce.
Other precautions
Follow the instructions in the caution label attached to this machine.
Avoid shaking or applying shock to this machine.
Important Safety Instructions
Do not forcibly open and close doors, covers, and other parts. Doing so may result in damage to the
Do not touch the contacts ( ) inside the machine. Doing so may result in damage to the machine.
To prevent a paper jam, do not turn OFF the power, open/close the operation panel area or covers, and load/
unload the paper when printing.
Use a telephone cable with a length of 3 m or less.
The display is a touch panel. Press gently to operate. Avoid pressing with a mechanical pencil, ballpoint pen,
or other pointed object. Doing so may scratch or damage the touch panel's surface.
Important Safety Instructions
Maintenance and Inspections
Clean this machine periodically. If dust accumulates, the machine may not operate properly. When cleaning, be sure to
observe the following. If a problem occurs during operation, see Troubleshooting(P. 720) . If the problem cannot be
resolved or you feel the machine requires an inspection, see When a Problem Cannot Be Solved(P. 778) .
Before cleaning, turn OFF the power and unplug the power plug from the AC power outlet. Failure to do so
may result in a re or electrical shock.
Unplug the power plug periodically and clean with a dry cloth to remove dust and grime. Accumulated dust
may absorb humidity in the air and may result in a re if it comes into contact with electricity.
Use a damp, well wrung-out cloth to clean the machine. Dampen cleaning cloths with water only. Do not use
alcohol, benzenes, paint thinners, or other ammable substances. Do not use tissue paper or paper towels.
If these substances come into contact with electrical parts inside the machine, they may generate static
electricity or result in a re or electrical shock.
Check the power cord and plug periodically for damage. Check the machine for rust, dents, scratches,
cracks, or excessive heat generation. Use of poorly-maintained equipment may result in a re or electrical
The inside of the machine has high-temperature and high-voltage components. Touching these components
may result in burns. Do not touch any part of the machine that is not indicated in the manual.
When loading paper or removing jammed documents or paper, be careful not to cut your hands with the
edges of the paper.
When removing jammed paper or replacing toner cartridges, be careful not to get any toner on your hands
or clothing. If toner gets on your hands or clothing, wash them immediately with cold water.
Important Safety Instructions
Do not dispose of used toner cartridges in open ames. Also, do not store toner cartridges or paper in a
location exposed to open ames. This may cause the toner to ignite, and result in burns or re.
If you accidentally spill or scatter toner, carefully wipe up the loose toner with a damp, soft cloth and avoid
inhaling any toner dust. Do not use a vacuum cleaner that is not equipped with safety measures to prevent
dust explosions to clean up loose toner. Doing so may cause damage to the vacuum cleaner or result in a
dust explosion due to static discharge.
If you are using a cardiac pacemaker
The toner cartridge generates a low level magnetic ux. If you are using a cardiac pacemaker and feel
abnormalities, please move away from the toner cartridge and consult your physician immediately.
Use caution not to inhale any toner. If you should inhale toner, consult a physician immediately.
Use caution so that toner does not get into your eyes or mouth. If toner should get into your eyes or mouth,
immediately wash with cold water and consult a physician.
Use caution so that toner does not come into contact with your skin. If it should, wash with soap and cold
water. If there is any irritation on your skin, consult a physician immediately.
Keep the toner cartridges and other consumables out of the reach of small children. If toner is ingested,
consult a physician or poison control center immediately.
Do not disassemble or modify the toner cartridge. Doing so may cause the toner to scatter.
Remove the sealing tape of the toner cartridge completely without using excessive force. Doing otherwise
may cause the toner to scatter.
Handling the toner cartridge
Be sure to hold the toner cartridge using the handle.
Do not touch the toner cartridge memory ( ) or the electrical contacts ( ). To avoid scratching the
surface of the drum inside the machine or exposing it to light, do not open the drum protective shutter ( ).
Important Safety Instructions
Do not remove the toner cartridge from this machine or from the protective bag unnecessarily.
The toner cartridge is a magnetic product. Do not move it close to products susceptible to magnetism
including oppy disks and disk drives. Doing so may result in data corruption.
Storing the toner cartridge
Store in the following environment to ensure safe and satisfactory use.
Storage temperature range: 0 to 35°C
Storage humidity range: 35 to 85% RH (relative humidity/no condensation)
Store without opening until the toner cartridge is to be used.
When removing the toner cartridge from this machine for storage, place the removed toner cartridge into
the original protective bag or wrap it with a thick cloth.
When storing the toner cartridge, do not store it upright or upside down. The toner will solidify and may not
return to its original condition even if it is shaken.
Even within the storable humidity range, water droplets (condensation) may develop inside the toner cartridge if there is a
difference of temperature inside and outside the toner cartridge. Condensation will adversely affect the print quality of
toner cartridges.
Do not store the toner cartridge in the following locations
Locations exposed to open ames
Locations exposed to direct sunlight or bright light for ve minutes or more
Locations exposed to excessive salty air
Locations where there are corrosive gases (i.e. aerosol sprays and ammonia)
Locations subject to high temperature and high humidity
Locations subject to dramatic changes in temperature and humidity where condensation may easily occur
Locations with a large amount of dust
Locations within the reach of children
Be careful of counterfeit toner cartridges
Please be aware that there are counterfeit Canon toner cartridges in the marketplace. Use of counterfeit
toner cartridge may result in poor print quality or machine performance. Canon is not responsible for any
malfunction, accident or damage caused by the use of counterfeit toner cartridge.
For more information, see canon.com/counterfeit .
Availability period of repairing parts and toner cartridges
The repairing parts and toner cartridges for the machine will be available for at least seven (7) years after
production of this machine model has been discontinued.
Toner cartridge packing materials
Save the protective bag for the toner cartridge. They are required when transporting this machine.
The packing materials may be changed in form or placement, or may be added or removed without notice.
Dispose of the removed sealing tape according to local regulations.
Important Safety Instructions
When disposing of a used toner cartridge
Place the toner cartridge into its protective bag to prevent the toner from scattering, and then dispose of the
toner cartridge according to local regulations.
Important Safety Instructions
Basic Operations
Basic Operations ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Parts and Their Functions ................................................................................................................................... 17
Front Side ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Back Side ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Interior ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Multi-Purpose Tray ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Paper Drawer ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Operation Panel .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Display ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Customizing the Home Screen ................................................................................................................. 33
Using the Display ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Entering Text ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Logging on to the Machine ................................................................................................................................. 43
Placing Documents .............................................................................................................................................. 46
Loading Paper ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer ................................................................................................................ 52
Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray ........................................................................................................ 57
Loading Envelopes .......................................................................................................................................... 60
Loading Preprinted Paper ............................................................................................................................... 62
Specifying Paper Size and Type ....................................................................................................................... 66
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer ............................................................................... 67
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Multi-Purpose Tray ....................................................................... 69
Registering Default Paper Settings for the Multi-Purpose Tray ................................................................ 71
Registering a Custom Paper Size ............................................................................................................. 73
Limiting the Paper Sizes Displayed .......................................................................................................... 76
Registering in the Address Book ........................................................................................................................ 77
Registering Destinations in the Address Book ................................................................................................ 79
Registering Destinations for Favorites ............................................................................................................ 86
Registering Multiple Destinations for Group Dial ........................................................................................... 93
Adjusting the Volume .......................................................................................................................................... 98
Entering Sleep Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 100
Setting Auto Shutdown Time ............................................................................................................................ 102
Basic Operations
Basic Operations
This chapter describes basic operations, such as how to use the operation panel or how to load the paper and
documents, that are frequently performed to use the functions of the machine.
Parts and Their Functions
This section describes the exterior and interior parts of the machine and their functions, as well as how to use the keys
on the operation panel and how to view the display.
Parts and Their Functions(P. 17)
Using the Display
The display used on this machine is a touch panel display. This section describes how to use the display for tasks such
as selecting items and adjusting settings. Using the Display(P. 37)
Entering Text
This section describes how to enter the characters and numbers for registering destinations in the Address Book or
sending faxes. Entering Text(P. 40)
Logging on to the Machine
This section describes how to log on when a logon screen is displayed.
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Basic Operations
Placing Documents
This section describes how to place documents on the platen glass and in the feeder. Placing Documents(P. 46)
Loading Paper
This section describes how to load the paper into the paper drawer and multi-purpose tray. Loading Paper(P. 50)
Registering in the Address Book
This section describes how to register destinations for sending faxes or scanned documents.
Registering in the
Address Book(P. 77)
Adjusting the Volume
This section describes how to adjust the volume of various machine sounds, such as those produced when fax sending
is complete or when an error occurs. Adjusting the Volume(P. 98)
Basic Operations
Entering Sleep Mode
This section describes how to set the sleep mode.
Entering Sleep Mode(P. 100)
Setting Auto Shutdown Time
This section describes how to enable the <Auto Shutdown Time> setting.
Setting Auto Shutdown Time(P. 102)
Basic Operations
Parts and Their Functions
This section describes the parts of the machine (exterior, front and back side, and interior) and how they function. In
addition to describing the parts of the machine used for such basic operations as placing documents, loading paper,
and replacing the toner cartridges, this section also describes the keys on the operation panel and display. Read this
section for tips on how to use the machine properly.
Front Side(P. 18)
Back Side(P. 20)
Interior(P. 22)
Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 23)
Paper Drawer(P. 24)
Operation Panel(P. 25)
Basic Operations
Front Side
Automatically feeds documents into the machine for scanning. When two or more sheets are loaded in the
feeder, documents can be scanned continuously. Placing Documents(P. 46)
Ventilation slots
Air from inside the machine is vented out to cool down the inside of the machine. Note that placing objects in
front of the ventilation slots prevents ventilation. Installation(P. 3)
Lift handles
Hold the lift handles when carrying the machine. Relocating the Machine(P. 800)
Operation panel
The operation panel consists of keys such as the numeric keys and Start key, a display, and status indicators.
You can perform all the operations and specify settings from the operation panel. Operation Panel(P. 25)
Display(P. 28)
USB port (for USB device connection)
Use this port to connect a USB memory device or USB keyboard. Connecting a USB memory device allows
you to print data from the memory device or save scanned documents to the memory device. Printing
from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289) Scanning Documents Directly to USB
Memory(P. 332)
Basic Operations
Front cover
Open the front cover when replacing the toner cartridge or clearing paper jams. How to Replace Toner
Cartridges(P. 798) Clearing Jams(P. 722)
Paper drawer
Load the type of paper you frequently use into the paper drawer. Loading Paper in the Paper
Drawer(P. 52)
Multi-purpose tray
Load the paper into the multi-purpose tray when you want to temporarily use a type of paper different from
that which is loaded in the paper drawer. Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57)
Scanning area
Documents loaded in the feeder are automatically fed to the scanning area for scanning.
Output tray
Printed paper is output to the output tray.
Paper stopper
Open the paper stopper to prevent paper in the output tray from falling.
Platen glass
Place documents to scan on the platen glass. Also, use the platen glass to place thick or bound documents
such as books when they cannot be loaded in the feeder. Placing Documents(P. 46)
Emits sounds produced by the machine, such as fax tones and warning tones.
Power switch
Turns the power ON or OFF. To restart the machine, turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and
turn it back ON.
Basic Operations
Back Side
USB port (for USB device connection)
Use this port to connect devices such as a third-party USB keyboard.
USB port (for computer connection)
Connect a USB cable when connecting the machine and a computer.
LAN port
Connect a LAN cable when connecting the machine to a wired LAN router, etc. Connecting to a Wired
LAN(P. 417)
Handset jack (MF515x)
Connect the optional handset. Connecting the Telephone Line(P. 145)
External telephone jack (MF515x)
Connect your telephone or answering machine. Connecting the Telephone Line(P. 145)
Telephone line jack (MF515x)
Connect a telephone cable when connecting the machine to a telephone line.
Connecting the Telephone
Line(P. 145)
Sub-output tray
When using a paper type that easily curls such as labels or envelopes, you can reduce curl by opening this
Paper Curls(P. 774)
Rating label
The label shows the serial number, which is needed when making inquiries about the machine.
When a
Problem Cannot Be Solved(P. 778)
Basic Operations
Power socket
Connect the power cord.
Basic Operations
Transport guide
If there is a paper jam inside the machine, raise the transport guide to remove the jammed paper.
Clearing Jams(P. 722)
Lock release switch
If paper has jammed during 2-sided printing, press here to open the duplex transport guide, and then
remove the jammed paper. Clearing Jams(P. 722)
Basic Operations
Multi-Purpose Tray
Paper guides
Adjust the paper guides to exactly the width of the loaded paper to ensure that paper is fed straight into the
Paper tray
Pull out the paper tray when loading paper.
Tray extension
Open the tray extension when loading large paper.
Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57)
Basic Operations
Paper Drawer
Paper guides
Adjust the paper guides to exactly the size of the loaded paper to ensure that paper is fed straight into the
machine. Press the lock release levers that are marked with arrows in the illustrations to release the locks
and slide the paper guides.
Paper level indicator
Indicates the remaining amount of paper. The mark moves downward as the remaining amount of paper
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer(P. 52)
Basic Operations
Operation Panel
Home key
Press to display the Home screen, which provides access to the setting menu and functions such as copy and
scan. Customizing the Home Screen(P. 33)
Back key
Press to return to the previous screen. If you press this key when specifying settings, for example, the
settings are not applied and the display returns to the previous screen.
You can view the progress of copy, fax, and other jobs and error statuses. The display is also a touch panel,
so you can specify settings by touching the screen directly. Display(P. 28) Using the Display(P. 37)
Quick Guide key
Press to view operation guidance and error causes/solutions.
Status Monitor key
Press to check the status of printing or faxing, to view the usage history, or to view the network settings such
as the IP address of the machine. You can also check the status of the machine, such as the remaining
Basic Operations
amounts of paper and the amount remaining in the toner cartridges, or whether any errors occurred.
Display(P. 28)
Numeric keys ([0]-[9] keys)
Press to enter numbers and text. Entering Text(P. 40)
[ID] key
Press after entering the ID and PIN to log on when Department ID Management is enabled. After you nish
using the machine, press this key again to log off.
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Clear key
Press to delete the entered numbers and text.
Energy Saver key
Press to put the machine into sleep mode. The key lights up green when the machine is in sleep mode. Press
the key again to exit sleep mode.
Entering Sleep Mode(P. 100)
Stop key
Press to cancel copying, faxing, and other operations.
Start key
Press to scan or copy documents. Also press this key when you start printing images from a USB memory
Sound Volume key
Press to adjust volume. Adjusting the Volume(P. 98)
Counter Check key
Press to view the counter values of printouts as well as the list of the available optional equipment.
Viewing the Counter Value(P. 822) Display(P. 28)
[#] key
Press to enter symbols such as "@" or "/".
Error indicator
Blinks or lights up when an error such as a paper jam occurs
Wi-Fi indicator
Lights up when the machine is connected to wireless LAN.
Processing/Data indicator
Blinks while operations such as sending or printing are being performed. Lights up when there are
documents waiting to be processed.
Basic Operations
[*] key
Press to switch the type of text that is entered.
Press to use tone dialing such as when receiving fax information services. Receiving Fax Information
Services(P. 198)
Reset key
Press to cancel the settings and restore the previously specied settings.
Using the Display(P. 37)
Basic Operations
The Home screen or settings screen appears on the display, allowing you to initiate functions such as copying or
scanning. You can also use the display to check information such as error messages and the machine's operation
status. The screen is also a touch panel, so you can perform operations by touching the screen directly.
Home Screen
The Home screen is displayed when the power is turned ON or by pressing on the operation panel. Use this
screen to specify settings for and register functions.
Use this button to start copying. Copying(P. 104)
<Fax> (MF515x)
Use this button to send a fax from the machine. Faxing(P. 136)
Scans a document and converts it into an electronic le. You can save
scanned les on your computer or send them via e-mail.
Using the
Machine as a Scanner(P. 304)
<Memory Media Print>
Prints les stored in a USB memory media.
Printing from USB Memory
(Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
Change page button
Use this to view another page in the Home screen. This works in the same
way as icking left/right.
<Address Book>
Use this to register or edit the destinations for e-mails and faxes. You can
also display a registered destination when sending an e-mail or fax.
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
<Timer Settings>, <Preferences>, and many other machine settings start
from this button. Setting Menu List(P. 629)
Basic Operations
<Secure Print>
Use this function to print a secure document. Printing a Document
Secured by a PIN (Secure Print)(P. 276)
<Paper Settings>
This button is also used for specifying the size and type of paper loaded in
the paper drawer and multi-purpose tray.
Specifying Paper Size and
Type(P. 66)
<Home Screen Settings>
Allows you to change the order that Home screen buttons are displayed in.
Customizing the Home Screen(P. 33)
<ID Card Copy>
Settings are preregistered for copying the front and back sides of a driver's
license or other card onto the same side of a page at actual size. Copying
Both Sides of an ID Card onto One Page(P. 126)
<Direct Connection>
Use this to establish a direct wireless connection to a mobile device. Make
Direct Connection (Access Point Mode)(P. 388)
Shortcut buttons
Display "Favorite Settings" that are registered to Copy, Fax, and Scan.
Adding Buttons to the Home Screen(P. 33)
<Status Monitor> Screen
When you press , a screen appears in which you can check the progress of documents that are being
printed, sent or received, as well as the status of the machine (amount remaining in the toner cartridge, etc.)
and network settings such as the machine's IP address.
<Error Information/Notication>
Displays the details of any errors that occurred. When an Error Message Appears(P. 732)
Basic Operations
<Device Status>
Displays the status of the machine, such as the amount of paper or the amount remaining in the toner
<Paper Information>
Displays whether paper is loaded in each paper source.
<Amount Remaining in Cartridge>
Displays the amount remaining in the toner cartridges. Other internal parts may reach the end of their
lifetime before the toner runs out.
<Remove Memory Media>
Use to safely remove a USB memory device.
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
<Secure Print Memory Usage>
Displays the amount of memory currently used for storing secured document data. Printing a
Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print)(P. 276)
<Version Information>
Displays rmware version information.
<Serial Number>
Displays the serial number.
Status of copy/print/send/receive jobs
Displays the current status of the selected item. The <Copy/Print Job Status> screen is shown below as an
<Network Information>
Displays the network settings such as the IP address of the machine and status such as the condition of
wireless LAN communications. Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
<Check Counter> Screen
When you press ( ), the <Check Counter> screen is displayed. From this screen, you can view the
counter values of printouts, as well as the serial number of the machine and the machine conguration.
Basic Operations
<Check Device Conguration>
Displays the serial number of the machine and the list of the equipment that is attached or enabled.
Select the counter to check the counter value. Viewing the Counter Value(P. 822)
When a Message Is Displayed
Messages are displayed at the top of the screen in situations such as when paper runs out or end of toner
cartridge lifetime. The display alternates between showing the normal screen and the message.
When an Error Message Appears(P. 732)
is displayed
to view the notication.
When an Error Occurs
In some cases when an error occurs, instructions on how to respond to the error are displayed. Follow the on-
screen instructions to solve the problem. The screen displayed when a paper jam occurs is shown below as an
Basic Operations
Customizing the Home Screen(P. 33)
Using the Display(P. 37)
Basic Operations
Customizing the Home Screen
You can add/delete shortcut buttons displayed in the Home screen according to your application or a preferred
arrangement. You can also change the order that they are displayed in.
Adding Buttons to the Home Screen(P. 33)
Changing the Arrangement of Buttons(P. 34)
Inserting a Blank(P. 35)
Adding Buttons to the Home Screen
You can add shortcut buttons to the Home screen for frequently used functions such as <Copy>, <Fax>, and <Scan>.
For example, you can carry out tasks more quickly and eciently by assigning a sequence of settings (e.g. "Scan both
sides of a document, save it as a highly compressed PDF le and send it via e-mail") to a single button.
The settings to be added as a shortcut button must be registered beforehand as Favorite Settings.
Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings(P. 131)
Registering Frequently Used Fax Settings(P. 173)
Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
You can register up to 11 shortcut buttons.
Press and tap <Home Screen Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Select Button to Display>.
Select the function with the Favorite Settings you want to add as a button.
Basic Operations
Select the check box for all settings to be displayed in the Home screen and tap
Clear the check box for the name of the button you want to remove and then tap <Apply>. Once you
remove a registered button, a space appears where the button was displayed in the Home screen. If
necessary, delete the space. Inserting a Blank(P. 35)
Read the message that is displayed, and tap <OK>.
A button for the newly selected settings is added to the Home screen.
If the Home screen is full and no more settings can be registered, Delete registered buttons and spaces in
<Home Screen Settings>.
Changing the Arrangement of Buttons
To make the buttons easier to use, you can rearrange the buttons however you like. For instance, you can put the most
frequently used functions rst, or arrange the function buttons together with shortcut buttons for Favorite Settings.
Press and tap <Home Screen Settings>.
Basic Operations
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Set Display Order>.
Select the button to move.
The selected button is highlighted. Tap the selected button again to deselect it.
Tap <Previous> or <Next>.
The button moves as many times as you tapped.
Long touching <Previous>/<Next> to move the button continuously.
Tap <Apply>.
Inserting a Blank
To make the Home screen easier to view, you can insert spaces instead of buttons.
Press and tap <Home Screen Settings>.
Basic Operations
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Insert and Delete Blank>.
Select the button where you want to insert a blank, and tap <Insert>.
A space is inserted before the selected button.
Deleting Spaces
To delete a space, select the space to be deleted and tap <Delete>.
Tap <Apply>.
Display(P. 28)
Basic Operations
Using the Display
The display is a touch panel, allowing you to operate directly on the screen.
Avoid the following actions.
The display may misfunction or be damaged.
Pressing forcefully
Pressing with pointed objects (ngernails, ballpoint pen, pencil, etc.)
Operating with wet/soiled hands
Operating the display while an object is placed on it
Touch the screen lightly and quickly. Use for selecting or nalizing items.
Long Touch
Keep nger held on the screen. When text cannot be completely displayed on one line ("..." appears), touch and
hold the line to scroll all of the text. You can also use a long touch to continuously increase or decrease
numbers, such as the copy magnication.
Flick with the nger on the display. The effect of icking varies depending on the screen. For instance, icking in
the Home screen moves you one page in the direction of the ick, while icking in the Copy screen scrolls the
screen in accordance with the icking motion.
Basic Operations
Selecting Items
Tap an item name or button to make a selection.
If an item is mistakenly touched
Slide your nger away then release it from the screen to cancel the selection.
To return to the previous screen
Press to return to the previous screen.
Scrolling the Screen
The scroll bar appears on the screen when there is still information that is undisplayed. If the scroll bar is displayed,
ick the screen to scroll in the direction of the ick. Note that the scroll bar only appears while the screen is being
Basic Operations
Changing Values and Settings
Changing Values
Tap / to enter values. If an icon such as below is displayed at the upper left of the screen, you can enter
values directly using the numeric keys.
To move the cursor
When / is displayed, tap to move the cursor.
Value range
Values in ( ) displayed below the entry box are the enterable value range.
Changing Setting Values
Tap / to adjust the setting on the scale. You can also adjust a setting by icking the slider left or right.
You can change a variety of display-related settings, such as the scrolling speed or display language:
Display Settings(P. 641)
To change the screen that is automatically displayed when the machine remains idle for a specied length of
Function After Auto Reset(P. 647)
Basic Operations
Entering Text
Use the display and numeric keys to enter text and values.
Switching the Type of Text
Tap <A/a/12> to switch the type of text that is entered. The currently selected type of text is indicated by the "A",
"a", or "12" displayed above and to the right of the text input eld.
You can also press to switch the type of text.
Types of Text That Can Be Entered
Text that can be entered is listed below.
A a 12
@ . - _ / 1
ABC abc 2
DEF def 3
GHI ghi 4
JKL jkl 5
MNO mno 6
PQRS pqrs 7
TUV tuv 8
WXYZ wxyz 9
Basic Operations
(Not available) 0
(space) -.*#!",;:^`_=/|'?$@%&+\~()[]{}<> (Not available)
Press or tap <#> when the type of text that is entered is <A> or <a> to display enterable symbols
in the screen. Tap symbols to enter.
Deleting Text
One character is deleted each time is pressed. Press and hold to delete all of the entered text.
Moving the Cursor (Entering a Space)
Tap or to move the cursor. To enter a space, move the cursor to the end of the text, and tap .
Example of Entering Text and Numbers
Example: "Canon-1"
Tap <A/a/12> repeatedly until <A> is selected.
Press repeatedly until the letter "C" is selected.
Tap <A/a/12> repeatedly until <a> is selected.
Press repeatedly until the letter "a" is selected.
Press repeatedly until the letter "n" is selected.
Press repeatedly until the letter "o" is selected.
Press repeatedly until the letter "n" is selected.
Press repeatedly until the symbol "-" is selected.
Tap <A/a/12> repeatedly until <12> is selected.
Press .
Tap <Apply>.
Entering Characters Using a USB Keyboard
When is displayed on the screen, you can connect a keyboard to the USB port for USB devices on the Front
Side(P. 18) or Back Side(P. 20) and enter text from the keyboard. When using a keyboard, you can still use the
number keypad.
Some keys on the USB keyboard, such as the [Backspace], [Home] and [End] keys, cannot be used. When
keys that cannot be used are pressed, nothing is entered or changed.
To delete text, press the [Delete] key.
Pressing the [RETURN/ENTER] key completes text entry in the same way as tapping <Apply>.
You can specify the type of keyboard layout (US layout or UK layout).
English Keyboard Layout(P. 644)
Basic Operations
You can disconnect the USB keyboard from the machine at any time. No special operation is required to
disconnect it.
Depending on the display language, you may not be able to enter some characters correctly.
Basic Operations
Logging on to the Machine
If Department ID Management is enabled or System Manager IDs are enabled, you must log on before using the
machine. You also need to log on if use of the fax and scan functions is restricted.
Department ID Management logon(P. 43)
Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Department ID Management logon
When the logon screen appears, use the procedure below to enter the Department ID and PIN.
If the screen is displayed prompting you to insert a control card, see
Optional Items(P. 866) .
Enter an ID.
Tap <Department ID> or <System Manager ID>.
Enter a ID using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
If no PIN is registered, proceed to step 3.
Enter the PIN.
Tap <PIN>.
Enter a ID using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Basic Operations
Press .
The logon screen will be changed to the Home screen.
After you nish using the machine, press again to display the logon screen.
Logging on to Authorized Send
If the Send function authorization setting (
LDAP Server Authentication(P. 536) ) is enabled, the Authorized Send
logon screen appears when the fax or scan function is used.
Enter your user name.
Tap <User Name>.
Enter your user name using the numeric keys, tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Enter the password.
Tap <Password>.
Enter the password using the numeric keys, tap <Apply>.
Tap <Server Name>, and Select the server for your authentication.
Select the LDAP server where your user name and password are registered.
Basic Operations
Press .
The logon screen switches to the fax or scan function Home screen.
After you nish using the machine, press again to display the logon screen.
If the logout selection screen appears
If you are logged in to both Authorized Send and Department ID Management, a dialog box appears in
which you can select the items you want to log out of.
<Log Out from All Authenticated Functions>
Select to log out of Authorized Send (fax or scan function) and Department ID Management simultaneously.
<Log Out from Authenticated Sending>
Select to log out of Authorized Send (fax or scan function) only. You are still logging on to Department ID
Management. After you nish using the machine, press
again to log out of Department ID
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Setting the System Manager ID(P. 524)
Basic Operations
Placing Documents
Place documents on the platen glass or in the feeder. Use the platen glass when scanning thick or bound documents
such as books. You can load two or more sheets of documents in the feeder so that they can be scanned continuously.
For information about the types of documents that can be placed on the platen glass or in the feeder, and information
about the scannable area of a document, see
Document Type(P. 854) or Scan Area(P. 855) .
Placing Documents on the Platen Glass(P. 47)
Placing Documents in the Feeder(P. 47)
Use documents that are completely dry
When placing documents, make sure that any glue, ink, or correction uid on the documents has
completely dried.
To avoid paper jams
Do not place the following types of documents in the feeder as this may cause paper jams:
Wrinkled or creased paper
Carbon paper
Curled or rolled paper
Coated paper
Torn paper
Onion skin or thin paper
Stapled or clipped documents
Paper printed by a thermal transfer printer
To scan documents more accurately
Documents placed in the feeder are scanned while being fed into the machine. On the other hand,
documents placed on the platen glass remain in a xed position while they are scanned. To ensure more
accurate scanning results, placing documents on the platen glass is recommended.
To scan tracing paper or transparencies
To scan transparent documents (for example, tracing paper or transparencies), place them on the platen
Basic Operations
Placing Documents on the Platen Glass
Open the feeder.
Place the document face down on the platen glass.
Align the corner of the document with the top-left corner of the platen glass.
To scan transparent documents (for example, tracing paper or transparencies), cover them with plain
white paper.
Gently close the feeder.
The machine is ready to scan the document.
When scanning is complete
Remove the document from the platen glass.
Placing Documents in the Feeder
Spread the document guides apart.
Slide the document guides outward until they are slightly farther apart than the actual document width.
Basic Operations
Fan the document stack and align the edges.
Fan the document stack in small batches, and align the edges by lightly tapping the stack on a at surface a
few times.
Place the document(s) face up in the feeder.
Make sure that the document stack does not exceed the load limit lines ( ).
Do not load documents of various sizes at the same time.
Up to 50 sheets can be loaded at a time. If 51 or more sheets are loaded, scanning may stop or a paper
jam may occur.
Align the document guides against the edges of the document.
Slide the document guides inward until they are aligned securely against the edges of the document.
The machine is ready to scan the document.
Basic Operations
Align the document guides securely against the edges of the document
Document guides that are too loose or too tight can cause misfeeds or paper jam.
While documents are being scanned
Do not add or remove documents.
When scanning is complete
Remove the scanned documents from beneath the feeder to prevent paper jams.
Basic Operations
Loading Paper
You can load the paper into the paper drawer or multi-purpose tray. Load the paper you usually use into the paper
drawer. The paper drawer is convenient when using large amounts of paper. Use the multi-purpose tray when you
temporarily use size or type of paper that is not loaded in the paper drawer. See Paper(P. 856) for available paper
Paper Type and Setting for the Machine
See the table below to specify the paper settings according to the type and weight of the paper to load into the
paper source. For more information about how to specify the paper settings on the machine, see Specifying
Paper Size and Type(P. 66) . For the amount of paper that can be loaded in each paper source, see
Paper(P. 856) .
Paper Type Paper Weight
Paper Setting
on the Machine
Plain paper
60 to 90 g/m² <Plain>
60 to 70 g/m²
<Plain L>
Recycled paper 60 to 90 g/m² <Recycled>
Color paper 60 to 90 g/m² <Color>
Heavy paper
91 to 105 g/m² <Heavy 1>
106 to 120 g/m² <Heavy 2>
121 to 199 g/m² <Heavy 3>
Envelope <Envelope>
Label <Labels>
Specify <Plain L> as the paper type if printouts come out curled with <Plain> specied.
Do not use the following types of paper:
Wrinkled or creased paper
Curled or rolled paper
Torn paper
Damp paper
Very thin paper
Paper printed by a thermal transfer printer
Highly textured paper
Glossy paper
Basic Operations
Paper handling and storage
Store the paper on a at surface.
Keep the paper wrapped in its original package to protect the paper from moisture or dryness.
Do not store the paper in such a way that may cause it to curl or fold.
Do not store the paper vertically or stack too much paper.
Do not store the paper in direct sunlight, or in a place subject to high humidity, dryness, or drastic
changes in temperature or humidity.
When printing on paper that has absorbed moisture
Steam may emit from the paper output area, or water droplets may form on the back side of the
operation panel or around the paper output area. There is nothing unusual about any of these
occurrences, which occur when the heat generated from xing toner on the paper causes moisture in
the paper to evaporate (most likely to occur at low room temperatures).
Registering a Custom Paper Size(P. 73)
Basic Operations
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer
Load the paper that you usually use in the paper drawer. When you want to print on paper that is not loaded in the
paper drawer, load the paper in the multi-purpose tray. Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57)
Loading Regular Size Paper(P. 52)
Loading Custom Size Paper(P. 54)
Make sure to load paper in portrait orientation
Paper cannot be loaded in landscape orientation. Make sure to load the paper in portrait orientation, as
shown in the illustrations below.
Custom size paper can only be loaded in landscape orientation. For custom size paper that can be loaded in the paper
drawer, see Paper(P. 856) .
Follow the procedure below when loading paper into the optional paper feeder.
Loading Regular Size Paper
To load paper whose size is found in the paper size markings on the paper drawer, use the following procedure. For
paper whose size is not found in the paper size markings, see Loading Custom Size Paper(P. 54) .
Pull out the paper drawer.
Make sure to hold the paper drawer with both hands, and pull it out gently. Otherwise, you may damage
the paper drawer by dropping it, if it slides out too easily.
Adjust the positions of the paper guides to the paper size you want to use.
Basic Operations
Press the lock release lever ( ) to align the projection ( ) to the appropriate paper size markings.
Load the paper so that the edge of the paper stack is aligned against the rear side of
the paper drawer.
Load the paper with the print side face down.
Fan the paper stack well, and tap it on a at surface to align the edges.
Do not exceed the load limit line when loading paper
Make sure that the paper stack does not exceed the load limit line ( ). Loading too much paper can
cause paper jams.
When loading paper with a logo, see Loading Preprinted Paper(P. 62) .
Insert the paper drawer into the machine.
When you insert the paper drawer with <Notify to Check Paper Settings> set to <On>, a conrmation screen
is displayed. Notify to Check Paper Settings(P. 715)
Continue to Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer(P. 67)
When changing the paper size or type
The factory default settings for paper size and type are <A4> and <Plain>, respectively. If you load a
different size or type of paper into the machine, make sure to change the settings. If you do not change
the settings, the machine cannot print properly.
Basic Operations
Printing on the Back Side of Printed Paper (Manual 2-Sided Printing)
You can print on the back side of printed paper. Flatten any curls on the printed paper and insert it into the
multi-purpose tray ( Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57) ), with the side to print face up
(previously printed side face down).
Load one sheet of paper each time you print.
You can use only the paper printed with this machine.
You cannot print on the side that has previously been printed on.
Loading Custom Size Paper
To load custom size paper or other paper whose size is not found in the paper size markings on the paper drawer, use
the following procedure.
Pull out the paper drawer.
Make sure to hold the paper drawer with both hands, and pull it out gently. Otherwise, you may damage
the paper drawer by dropping it, if it slides out too easily.
Slide the paper guides apart.
Press the lock release lever to slide the paper guides outward.
Load the paper so that the edge of the paper stack is aligned against the front side of
the paper drawer.
Load the paper with the print side face down.
Fan the paper stack well, and tap it on a at surface to align the edges.
Basic Operations
Do not exceed the load limit line when loading paper
Make sure that the paper stack does not exceed the load limit line (
). Loading too much paper can
cause paper jams.
When loading paper with a logo, see Loading Preprinted Paper(P. 62) .
Align the paper guides against the edges of the paper.
Press the lock release lever and slide the paper guides inward until they are aligned securely against the
edges of the paper.
Align the paper guides securely against the edges of the paper
Paper guides that are too loose or too tight can cause misfeeds or paper jams.
Insert the paper drawer into the machine.
When you insert the paper drawer with <Notify to Check Paper Settings> set to <On>, a conrmation screen
is displayed. Notify to Check Paper Settings(P. 715)
Continue to Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer(P. 67)
When changing the paper size or type
The factory default settings for paper size and type are <A4> and <Plain>, respectively. If you load a
different size or type of paper into the machine, make sure to change the settings. If you do not change
the settings, the machine cannot print properly.
Printing on the Back Side of Printed Paper (Manual 2-Sided Printing)
Basic Operations
You can print on the back side of printed paper. Flatten any curls on the printed paper and insert it into the
multi-purpose tray ( Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57) ), with the side to print face up
(previously printed side face down).
Load one sheet of paper each time you print.
You can use only the paper printed with this machine.
You cannot print on the side that has previously been printed on.
Paper(P. 856)
Basic Operations
Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray
When you want to print on paper that is not loaded in the paper drawer, load the paper in the multi-purpose tray.
Load the paper that you usually use in the paper drawer. Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer(P. 52)
Make sure to load paper in portrait orientation
Paper cannot be loaded in landscape orientation. Make sure to load the paper in portrait orientation, as
shown in the illustrations below.
Custom size paper can only be loaded in landscape orientation. For custom size paper that can be loaded in the multi-
purpose tray, see Paper(P. 856) .
Open the cover.
Hold the top center of the cover to open it.
Pull out the paper tray and the tray extension.
Pull out the tray extension when loading large paper.
Basic Operations
Spread the paper guides apart.
Slide the paper guides outward.
Insert the paper into the multi-purpose tray until the paper stops.
Load the paper with the print side face down.
Fan the paper stack well, and tap it on a at surface to align the edges.
Do not exceed the load limit guide when loading paper
Make sure that the paper stack does not exceed the load limit guide ( ). Loading too much paper can
cause paper jams.
When loading envelopes or paper with a logo, see Loading Envelopes(P. 60) or Loading Preprinted
Paper(P. 62) .
Align the paper guides against the edges of the paper.
Basic Operations
Slide the paper guides inward until they are aligned securely against the edges of the paper.
Align the paper guides securely against the edges of the paper
Paper guides that are too loose or too tight can cause misfeeds or paper jams.
Continue to Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 69)
Printing on the Back Side of Printed Paper (Manual 2-Sided Printing)
You can print on the back side of printed paper. Flatten any curls on the printed paper and insert it into the
multi-purpose tray, with the side to print face up (previously printed side face down).
Load one sheet of paper each time you print.
You can use only the paper printed with this machine.
You cannot print on the side that has previously been printed on.
Paper(P. 856)
Basic Operations
Loading Envelopes
Make sure to atten any curls on envelopes before loading them. Also pay attention to the orientation of envelopes
and which side is face up. Note that envelopes cannot be loaded in the paper drawer.
Before Loading Envelopes(P. 60)
Loading Envelopes in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 61)
This section describes how to load envelopes in the orientation you want, as well as procedures that you
need to complete before loading envelopes. For a description of the general procedure for loading
envelopes in the multi-purpose tray, see Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57) .
Before Loading Envelopes
Follow the procedure below to prepare the envelopes before loading.
Close the ap of each envelope.
Flatten them to release any remaining air, and make sure that the edges are pressed
Loosen any stiff corners of the envelopes and atten any curls.
Basic Operations
Align the edges of the envelope on a at surface.
Loading Envelopes in the Multi-Purpose Tray
Load the envelopes Monarch, COM10, DL, or ISO-C5 in portrait orientation (with the short edge toward the machine),
with the non-glued side (front side) face up. You cannot print on the reverse side of envelopes.
Load the envelopes so that the edge with the ap is toward the left side as shown in the illustration.
Basic Operations
Loading Preprinted Paper
When you use paper that has been preprinted with a logo, pay attention to the orientation of the paper when loading.
Load the paper properly so that printing is performed on the correct side of the paper with a logo.
Making 1-Sided Printouts on Paper with Logos(P. 62)
Making 2-Sided Printouts on Paper with Logos(P. 63)
This section mainly describes how to load preprinted paper with the proper facing and orientation. For a
description of the general procedure for loading paper in the paper drawer or multi-purpose tray, see
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer(P. 52) or Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57) .
Making 1-Sided Printouts on Paper with Logos
Printing on Paper with Logos in Portrait Orientation
When loading the paper in the paper drawer
Load the paper with the logo side (the side to print the document) face down.
When loading the paper in the multi-purpose tray
Load the paper with the logo side (the side to print the document) face up.
Basic Operations
Printing on Paper with Logos in Landscape Orientation
When loading the paper in the paper drawer
Load the paper with the logo side (the side to print the document) face down.
When loading the paper in the multi-purpose tray
Load the paper with the logo side (the side to print the document) face up.
Making 2-Sided Printouts on Paper with Logos
Printing on Paper with Logos in Portrait Orientation
When loading the paper in the paper drawer
Load the paper with the front logo side (the side to print the rst page of the document) face up.
Basic Operations
When loading the paper in the multi-purpose tray
Load the paper with the front logo side (the side to print the rst page of the document) face down.
Printing on Paper with Logos in Landscape Orientation
When loading the paper in the paper drawer
Load the paper with the front logo side (the side to print the rst page of the document) face up.
When loading the paper in the multi-purpose tray
Load the paper with the front logo side (the side to print the rst page of the document) face down.
Basic Operations
The <Switch Paper Feed Method> setting
When you print on preprinted paper, you need to change the facing of the paper to load each time you
switch between 1-sided and 2-sided printing. However, if <Switch Paper Feed Method> is set to <Print Side
Priority>, the facing that you use for loading preprinted paper for 2-sided printing (logo side face up for
paper drawer or down for multi-purpose tray) can also be used for 1-sided printing. This setting is especially
useful if you frequently perform both 1-sided and 2-sided printing. Switch Paper Feed Method(P. 651)
Basic Operations
Specifying Paper Size and Type
You must specify the paper size and type settings to match the paper that is loaded. Make sure to change the paper
settings when you load the paper that is different from the previously loaded paper.
If the setting does not match the size and type of loaded paper, a paper jam or printing error may occur.
Basic Operations
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer
To specify a custom paper size, you need to register that size before hand. Registering a Custom Paper
Size(P. 73)
Press and tap <Paper Settings>.
Tap <Drawer 1>, <Drawer 2>, or <Drawer 3>.
<Drawer 2> and <Drawer 3> are displayed only when the optional paper feeders are installed.
Select the paper size.
If the loaded paper size is not displayed, tap <Other Sizes>.
Select the paper type.
Basic Operations
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer(P. 52)
Limiting the Paper Sizes Displayed(P. 76)
Paper(P. 856)
Notify to Check Paper Settings(P. 715)
Basic Operations
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Multi-Purpose
The screen shown here is displayed when paper is loaded in the multi-purpose tray. Follow the on-screen instructions
to specify settings that match the size and type of the loaded paper.
If the screen shown above is not displayed when paper is loaded
If you always load the same paper in the multi-purpose tray, you can skip the paper setting operations by
registering the paper size and type as the default setting. When the default setting is registered, however,
the screen shown above is not displayed. To display the screen, select <Specify When Loading Paper> (
Registering Default Paper Settings for the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 71) ).
Select the paper size.
If the loaded paper size is not displayed, tap <Other Sizes>.
When loading custom size paper
Tap <Custom>.
Specify the length of the <X> (shorter) side.
Tap <X>.
Input the length of the <X> side using / or the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Basic Operations
Specify the length of the <Y> (longer) side.
Tap <Y>.
Input the length of the <Y> side, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Apply>.
Select the paper type.
Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57)
Limiting the Paper Sizes Displayed(P. 76)
Paper(P. 856)
Basic Operations
Registering Default Paper Settings for the Multi-
Purpose Tray
You can register default paper settings for the multi-purpose tray. Registering default settings can save yourself the
effort of having to specify the settings each time you load the same paper into the multi-purpose tray.
After the default paper setting is registered, the paper setting screen is not displayed when paper is loaded,
and the same setting is always used. If you load a different paper size or type without changing the paper
settings, the machine may not print properly. To avoid this problem, select <Specify When Loading Paper> in
step 3, and then load the paper.
Press and tap <Paper Settings>.
Tap <Multi-Purpose Tray>.
Select the paper size.
If the loaded paper size is not displayed, tap <Other Sizes>.
Registering a custom paper size
Tap <Custom>.
Basic Operations
Specify the length of the <X> (shorter) side.
Tap <X>.
Input the length of the <X> side using / or the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Specify the length of the <Y> (longer) side.
Tap <Y>.
Input the length of the <Y> side, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Apply>.
Select the paper type.
Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57)
Limiting the Paper Sizes Displayed(P. 76)
Paper(P. 856)
Basic Operations
Registering a Custom Paper Size
You can register up to three frequently used custom paper sizes.
Press and tap <Paper Settings>.
Tap <Register Custom Paper>.
Tap <Not Registered>.
If paper sizes <1> to <3> have already been registered, either change or delete the setting to continue. The
procedures for changing and deleting these settings are described below.
Changing a setting
Select the registered size you want to change.
Tap <Edit>, and proceed to step 4.
Deleting a setting
Select the registered size you want to delete.
Basic Operations
Tap <Delete> <Yes>.
Specify the paper size.
Specify the length of the <X> (shorter) side.
Tap <X>.
Input the length of the <X> side using / or the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Specify the length of the <Y> (longer) side.
Tap <Y>.
Input the length of the <Y> side, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Apply>.
Select the paper type.
Basic Operations
Selecting a Registered Custom Paper Setting
The paper sizes that are registered in the procedure above are displayed on the screen for selecting the paper
When selecting the paper size for the paper drawer
On the screen to specify the size of the paper that is loaded in the paper drawers, the registered paper sizes
are displayed. Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer(P. 67)
Of the registered paper sizes, only those that can be loaded in a paper drawer are displayed.
Paper(P. 856)
When selecting the paper size for the multi-purpose tray
When paper is loaded in the multi-purpose tray, the screen for selecting the paper size for the multi-purpose
tray is displayed. The registered paper sizes are displayed on this screen. Specifying Paper Size and Type
in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 69)
The registered paper sizes are displayed when you set the default paper settings for the multi-purpose
tray. From the screen, you can select one of the displayed sizes as the default paper size for the multi-
purpose tray. Registering Default Paper Settings for the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 71)
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer(P. 52)
Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57)
Basic Operations
Limiting the Paper Sizes Displayed
You can ensure that only frequently used paper sizes are shown in the screen for selecting the paper size setting.
Press and tap <Paper Settings>.
Tap <Select Frequently Used Paper Sizes>.
Tap <Multi-Purpose Tray>, <Drawer 1>, <Drawer 2>, or <Drawer 3>.
<Drawer 2> and <Drawer 3> are displayed only when the optional paper feeders are installed.
Clear the check boxes for paper sizes you do not want displayed.
Ensure that only the check boxes for frequently used paper sizes are selected.
Paper sizes that are not selected can be viewed by tapping <Other Sizes> in the paper size setting selection
Tap <Apply>.
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer(P. 67)
Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 69)
Registering Default Paper Settings for the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 71)
Basic Operations
Registering in the Address Book
You can register frequently used fax/scan destinations in the Address Book and
easily select them when needed. Destinations can be searched alphabetically, from
lists in the Address Book, or by entering three-digit numbers (coded dial numbers).
You can also specify destinations more quickly by using the following features.
Registering a lot of addresses in the Address Book makes it dicult to nd the destination you need. To avoid this
situation, register frequently used destinations as Favorites. Destinations registered in Favorites can be searched from
the < > in the Address Book. You can register up to 19 destinations as Favorites. Registering Destinations for
Favorites(P. 86)
Group Dial
You can select multiple destinations that have already been registered and register them together as a group. You can
send faxes or e-mails to multiple destinations at the same time. You can register up to 299 destinations (100
destinations for e-mails) for a group. Groups can also be registered in Favorites.
Registering Multiple Destinations
for Group Dial(P. 93)
The registered destinations are classied into indexes depending on the initial character or the type of address.
Changing indexes allows you to perform a destination search quickly.
Displays all the destinations registered in the Address Book.
< >
Displays a list of destinations registered in Favorites.
<A-Z>/<0-9>/<ABC> to <YZ>
Displays destinations with recipient names whose rst characters correspond to the characters of the selected
< > (MF515x)
Displays destinations for faxes.
Displays destinations for e-mails.
< >
Displays destinations for I-Faxes.
Basic Operations
< >
Displays destinations for shared folders and FTP servers. Registration of destinations is performed from the
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location(P. 475) Registering Destinations in the Address
Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Displays a list of destinations registered in Group Dial.
The Address Book allows for registration of up to 300 destinations including average and favorite ones.
Use the computer to register a shared folder or FTP server as the destination for scans.
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location(P. 475)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
You can save the Address Book as a le on your computer (although you cannot use the computer to edit
the Address Book). You can also import a saved Address Book from the computer to the machine. Saving/
Loading Settings Data(P. 619)
You can print a list of destinations registered in the Address Book. Address Book List(P. 815)
If your oce has an LDAP server installed, you can make search to nd user information on the server and
register it in the Address Book. You need to specify the settings for connecting to an LDAP server
beforehand. Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Basic Operations
Registering Destinations in the Address Book
You can register up to 281 normal destinations in the Address Book. You can edit or delete destinations that you have
registered. Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Register Dest.>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Tap <Coded Dial> Select type of address to register.
According to the address being registered, tap <Fax>/<E-Mail>/<I-Fax>.
The types of destinations that can be selected vary depending on the machine model.
A three-digit number is automatically specied as coded dial number. You can later change this number to a
different one.
Registering destinations with the LDAP server
If your oce has an LDAP server installed, you can make search to nd user information on the server and
register it in the Address Book.
To make registration from the LDAP server, you need to specify the settings for connecting to the LDAP
server beforehand. Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Tap <LDAP Server>.
Basic Operations
Select the LDAP server you are using.
Select the search criteria.
Name, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, organization names, and organization unit are available criteria
for searching destinations.
Enter the search target character string using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
To specify multiple search criteria, repeat steps 3 and 4.
Tap <Search Method>.
Select the search method.
<Using All Conditions Below>
Basic Operations
Searches and displays the users that meet all the search criteria specied in steps 3 and 4.
<Using Some Conditions Below>
If users that meet even one of the criteria specied in steps 3 and 4 are found, displays all those users.
Tap <Start Search>.
The users meeting your search criteria are displayed.
If the authentication screen appears when you tap <Start Search>, enter the user name of the
machine and the password registered in the LDAP server, and tap <Apply>. Registering LDAP
Servers(P. 499)
Select a user.
The user name, fax number, or e-mail address of the selected user that are registered in the LDAP
server is entered into the destination eld.
Proceed to step 8.
Tap <Name>.
Registering <Name> is optional. If you register <Name>, the destination can be searched alphabetically.
Enter the name using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Tap <Fax Number>, <E-Mail Address>, or <I-Fax Address>.
Enter the destination using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Basic Operations
Making detailed settings (only when registered for fax)
After tapping <Details>, a screen similar to the following is displayed.
If an error occurs in an image that is being sent, the error is checked and corrected to prevent an improper
image from being sent when setting <On>.
<TX Speed>
If it takes time for transmissions to start, such as when there is a poor telephone connection, you can adjust
the transmission start speed downward incrementally starting from "33600 bps."
<Long Distance>
Specify <International (1)> to <International (3)> according to the transmission conditions when registering
overseas fax numbers.
You can also specify <ECM TX> and <TX Speed> from <Menu> <Fax Settings>. However, settings
made from <Address Book> are enabled for the detailed settings of destinations registered in the
Address Book.
Tap <Apply>.
Basic Operations
Editing the Content of Destinations
After registering destinations, you can change the content of registered information. For example, you can change the
fax number or name of a registered destination, change the type from fax number to e-mail, change the coded dial
number, and so on.
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Details/Edit>.
Select the index containing the destination you want to edit. Index(P. 77)
You can change the display by tapping / .
Select the destination.
Tap <Edit>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Basic Operations
After editing the necessary items, tap <Apply>.
Deleting a Destination from the Address Book
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Details/Edit>.
Select the index containing the destination you want to delete. Index(P. 77)
You can change the display by tapping / .
Select the destination.
Tap <Delete>.
Basic Operations
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Tap <Yes>.
Basic Operations
Registering Destinations for Favorites
You can register frequently used destinations as Favorites in the Address Book. Destinations can be edited or deleted
after they have been registered( Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624) ). You can
register up to 19 destinations in Favorites.
Three-digit numbers are not assigned to Favorites.
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Register Dest.>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Tap <Favorites> Select type of address to register.
According to the address being registered, tap <Fax>/<E-Mail>/<I-Fax>.
The types of destinations that can be selected vary depending on the machine model.
Registering destinations with the LDAP server
If your oce has an LDAP server installed, you can make search to nd user information on the server and
register it in the Address Book.
To make registration from the LDAP server, you need to specify the settings for connecting to the LDAP
server beforehand. Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Basic Operations
Tap <LDAP Server>.
Select the LDAP server you are using.
Select the search criteria.
Name, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, organization names, and organization unit are available criteria
for searching destinations.
Enter the search target character string using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
To specify multiple search criteria, repeat steps 3 and 4.
Tap <Search Method>.
Select the search method.
Basic Operations
<Using All Conditions Below>
Searches and displays the users that meet all the search criteria specied in steps 3 and 4.
<Using Some Conditions Below>
If users that meet even one of the criteria specied in steps 3 and 4 are found, displays all those users.
Tap <Start Search>.
The users meeting your search criteria are displayed.
If the authentication screen appears when you tap <Start Search>, enter the user name of the
machine and the password registered in the LDAP server, and tap <Apply>. Registering LDAP
Servers(P. 499)
Select a user.
The user name, fax number, or e-mail address of the selected user that are registered in the LDAP
server is entered into the destination eld.
Proceed to step 8.
Tap <Name>.
Registering <Name> is optional. If you register <Name>, the destination can be searched alphabetically.
Enter the name using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Basic Operations
Tap <Fax Number>, <E-Mail Address>, or <I-Fax Address>.
Enter the destination using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Making detailed settings (only when registered for fax)
After tapping <Details>, a screen similar to the following is displayed.
If an error occurs in an image that is being sent, the error is checked and corrected to prevent an improper
image from being sent when setting <On>.
<TX Speed>
If it takes time for transmissions to start, such as when there is a poor telephone connection, you can adjust
the transmission start speed downward incrementally starting from "33600 bps."
<Long Distance>
Specify <International (1)> to <International (3)> according to the transmission conditions when registering
overseas fax numbers.
You can also specify <ECM TX> and <TX Speed> from <Menu> <Fax Settings>. However, settings
made from <Address Book> are enabled for the detailed settings of destinations registered in the
Address Book.
Tap <Apply>.
Basic Operations
Editing the Content of Destinations in Favorites
After registering destinations, you can change the content of registered information. For example, you can change the
fax number or name of a registered destination, change the type from fax number to e-mail, and so on.
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Details/Edit>.
Tap < >.
Select the destination you want to edit.
Tap <Edit>.
Basic Operations
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
After editing the necessary items, tap <Apply>.
Deleting a Favorite Destination from the Address Book
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Details/Edit>.
Tap < >.
Basic Operations
Select the destination you want to delete.
Tap <Delete>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Tap <Yes>.
Basic Operations
Registering Multiple Destinations for Group Dial
Multiple destinations can be combined into groups. You can register up to 299 destinations (100 destinations for e-
mails) for a group. After a group is registered, you can edit or delete it.
Only destinations of the same type of address can be registered in the same group.
Shared folders or FTP servers cannot be registered in a group as destinations.
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Register Dest.>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Select <Coded Dial> <Group>.
Groups can also be registered in Favorites. Select <Favorites> <Group> to register the group as Favorites.
Tap <Name>.
Registering <Name> is optional. If you register <Name>, the destination can be searched alphabetically.
Basic Operations
Enter the name using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Tap <Number of Destinations>.
Tap <Add>.
Select the index containing the destination you want to register. Index(P. 77)
You can change the display by tapping / .
Select the destination.
Repeat steps 7 to 9 until you have registered all of the destinations that you want to
register, and then tap <Apply>.
Basic Operations
To remove a destination from the group
Select the destination that you want to remove from the group, and tap <Remv. from Grp> <Yes>.
Tap <Apply>.
Editing the Content of Groups
After registering destinations in a group, you can change the content of registered information. For example, you can
change the group name or coded dial number, add/delete destinations, and so on.
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Details/Edit>.
Tap < >.
Basic Operations
Select the group you want to edit.
Tap <Edit>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
After editing the necessary items, tap <Apply>.
Deleting a Group from the Address Book
Press and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Details/Edit>.
Basic Operations
Tap < >.
Select the group you want to delete.
Tap <Delete>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap
<Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Tap <Yes>.
Basic Operations
Adjusting the Volume
The machine produces sounds in a variety of situations, such as when fax sending is complete or when a paper jam or
error occurs. You can set the volume of each of these sounds individually.
Adjusting <Fax Volume>
Press the ( ) key.
To change <Fax Volume>, tap / , and tap <Apply>.
You can also adjust the volume by icking the slider.
Tap and move the cursor all the way to the left to mute the sound.
Adjusting <Other Volume>
Press ( ) key.
For MF515x, tap <Other Volume>.
Select a setting.
Setting Description Procedure
<Ring Tone>
Sound produced when an incoming fax is
Go to step 4.
<TX Done Tone>
Sound produced when fax sending is complete
<RX Done Tone>
Sound produced when fax receiving is
<Scanning Done Tone>
Sound produced when fax document scanning
is complete
Basic Operations
<Entry Tone>
Conrmation sound each time a key on the
operation panel or button on the display is
Select <On> (produce a tone) or
<Off> (not produce a tone).
<Invalid Entry Tone>
Sound produced when an invalid key operation
is performed, such as when you enter a
number outside the valid setting range
<Restock Supplies Tone>
Sound produced when a toner cartridge is
almost empty
<Warning Tone>
Sound produced when a paper jam or other
error occurs
<Job Done Tone>
Sound produced when an operation such as
copying or scanning is complete
<Energy Saver Alert>
Sound produced when the machine enters or
exits sleep mode
<Original in Feeder Detection Tone>
Sound produced when an original is loaded in
the feeder
Displayed only for MF515x
Use / to set volume, tap <Apply>.
Tap and move the cursor all the way to the left to mute the sound.
For sound to be produced only when an error has occurred
Tap <Only When Err.> <On> <Apply>.
Basic Operations
Entering Sleep Mode
The sleep mode function reduces the amount of power consumed by the machine by disabling power ow to the
operation panel. If no operations will be performed on the machine for a while, such as during a lunch break, you can
save power simply by pressing on the operation panel. You can also use the Auto Sleep Time setting to
automatically put the machine into sleep mode if it remains idle for a specied length of time.
When in sleep mode
When the machine enters sleep mode, lights up yellow green.
Situations in which the machine does not enter sleep mode
When the machine is in operation
When the Processing/Data indicator is lit up or blinking
When the machine is performing an operation such as adjustment or cleaning
When a paper jam occurs
When the receiver of the external telephone or the optional handset is off the hook
When the menu screen is displayed
When a job is waiting to be scanned to a USB memory device or to a computer
When an error message is displayed on the screen (There are some exceptions. The machine sometimes
enters sleep mode when error messages are displayed.)
When the machine is communicating with an LDAP server, etc.
When the SSID/network key screen for Direct Connection is displayed
When settings data is being imported/exported
When You Want to Set the Auto Sleep Timer
The factory default settings for the amount of time that elapses before the machine enters auto sleep mode is 3
minutes (the user setting range is 3 to 60 minutes). We recommend using the factory default settings to save
the most power. If you want to change the amount of time that elapses before the machine enters auto sleep
mode, follow the procedure below.
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Auto Sleep Time> Set the amount of time that elapses before the
machine automatically enters sleep mode <Apply>
Basic Operations
Exiting Sleep Mode
Press . You can also tap the display or press any key other than to exit sleep mode.
If an external telephone or the optional handset is connected, the machine exits sleep mode when
you take the receiver off the hook.
Basic Operations
Setting Auto Shutdown Time
By enabling this setting, you can set the machine to automatically shut down. The machine automatically turns OFF
after the specied period of idle time has elapsed since entering the sleep mode. You can cut electric power
consumption at night and on holidays if you forget to turn OFF the machine.
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Auto Shutdown Time> Set the time period <Apply>
Before setting <Auto Shutdown Time>
When the <Auto Shutdown Time> setting is enabled, the machine may automatically shut down even
if you are operating the machine from the Remote UI or from the Send Function Setting Tool. A
malfunction may occur, particularly if the machine shuts down while data is being imported. When
you import data using the Remote UI or use the Send Function Setting Tool, set <Auto Shutdown
Time> to <0> (Off) in advance.
The default setting is 4 hours.
If any setting of the [Timer Settings] is changed from the Remote UI while the machine is in the sleep
mode, the timer for the <Auto Shutdown Time> setting is reset to the beginning. The machine
automatically shuts down after the specied period of idle time has elapsed since the timer was reset.
Basic Operations
Copying ................................................................................................................................................................ 104
Basic Copy Operations ...................................................................................................................................... 106
Selecting Copy Paper .................................................................................................................................... 109
Canceling Copies ............................................................................................................................................... 110
Checking the Copying Status and Log .............................................................................................................. 112
Various Copy Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 114
Enlarging or Reducing .................................................................................................................................. 115
Selecting Document Type ............................................................................................................................. 116
Adjusting Density ......................................................................................................................................... 117
Adjusting Sharpness ..................................................................................................................................... 119
2-Sided Copying ........................................................................................................................................... 121
Copying Multiple Documents onto One Sheet (2 on 1/4 on 1) ...................................................................... 124
Copying Both Sides of an ID Card onto One Page ........................................................................................ 126
Erasing Dark Borders and Frame Lines (Erase Frame) .................................................................................. 127
Collating Copies by Page .............................................................................................................................. 128
Conguring Copy Settings to Your Needs ........................................................................................................ 129
Changing Default Settings ............................................................................................................................ 130
Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings .................................................................................................. 131
This chapter describes basic copy operations and various other useful functions, such as 2-sided copying and copying
both sides of an ID card onto one page.
Using Basic Operations
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Canceling Copies(P. 110)
Selecting Copy Paper(P. 109)
Using Copy Settings to Suit Your Needs
Enlarging or Reducing(P. 115) Erasing Dark Borders and Frame
Lines (Erase Frame)(P. 127)
Collating Copies by Page(P. 128)
Selecting Document Type(P. 116) Adjusting Density(P. 117) Adjusting Sharpness(P. 119)
2-Sided Copying(P. 121) Copying Multiple Documents
onto One Sheet (2 on 1/4 on 1)
(P. 124)
Copying Both Sides of an ID Card
onto One Page(P. 126)
Simplifying Your Frequent Copy Operations
Changing Default Settings(P. 130)
Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings(P. 131)
Basic Copy Operations
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Copy>.
Enter the number of copies using the numeric keys.
Enter a quantity from 1 to 999.
Press to cancel the entered quantity.
Specify the copy settings as necessary.
Tap the item you want to set. Various Copy Settings(P. 114)
Press .
Copying starts.
To cancel copying, tap <Cancel> <Yes>. Canceling Copies(P. 110)
When placing documents in the feeder in step 1
The document is automatically scanned.
When placing documents on the platen glass in step 1
Depending on the copy settings you made, the screen for selecting the document size and paper source are
displayed when copying multiple documents. Follow the procedure below.
Select the document size.
Select the paper source that contains the paper you want to use.
If the screen is not displayed, proceed to step 3.
Place the next document on the platen glass, and press .
Repeat this step until you nish scanning the entire document.
Tap <Start Copying>.
When the <Paper Size & Settings Mismatch> or <The memory is full. Scanning will be canceled. Do you
want to print?> message is shown in the display. When an Error Message Appears(P. 732)
When copying documents with text or images that extend to the edges of the page
The edges of the document might not be copied. For more information about the scan margins, see
Area(P. 855) .
If you always want to make copies with the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 130)
If you want to register a combination of settings to use when needed: Registering Frequently Used Copy
Settings(P. 131)
Checking the Copying Status and Log(P. 112)
Selecting Copy Paper
Specify the paper source that contains the paper to use for printing out copies.
You must rst specify the size and type of paper that is loaded in the paper source.
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
<Copy> <Paper> Select the paper source ( , , , )
< >
Selects the paper loaded in the multi-purpose tray.
< >
Selects the paper loaded in the paper drawer of the machine (drawer 1).
< >
Selects the paper loaded in the optional paper feeder (drawer 2).
< >
Selects the paper loaded in the optional paper feeder (drawer 3).
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Canceling Copies
If you want to cancel copying immediately after pressing , tap <Cancel> on the screen or press on the
operation panel. You can also cancel copying after checking the copy status.
Tap <Cancel> on the Screen That is Displayed While Copying
Press to Cancel
If the Screen Displays a List of Documents When is Pressed
Documents have been scanned and are waiting to be printed. Select the copy document to cancel.
Check the Copy Job Status before Canceling
<Copy/Print Job> <Job Status> Select the copy document on the <Copy/Print Job Status>
screen <Cancel> <Yes>
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Checking the Copying Status and Log(P. 112)
Checking the Copying Status and Log
You can check the current copy statuses and the logs for copied documents.
When <Display Job Log> is set to <Off>, you cannot check the copy job log. Display Job Log(P. 712)
Useful in the Following Cases
When some long time has already passed after scanning of your document to be copied but printing of the
document has not started yet, you may want to see the waiting list of the documents waiting to be printed.
When you cannot nd your printouts that you thought had been copied, you may want to see whether an
error has occurred.
Press .
Tap <Copy/Print Job>.
Check the copy statuses and logs.
To check the copy statuses
Tap <Job Status>.
Select the document whose status you want to check.
<Copy/Print Job Status>
Displays a list of the documents that are being copied, being processed, or are waiting to be
Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list.
To check the copy logs
Tap <Copy Job Log>.
Select the document whose log you want to check.
<Copy Job Log>
Displays a list of the documents that were copied. <OK> is displayed when a document was copied
successfully, and <Error> is displayed when a document failed to be copied because it was canceled or
there was some error.
Displays detailed information about the document to be copied selected from the list.
When a three-digit number is shown in the case of <Error>
This number represents an error code. When an Error Code Appears(P. 745)
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Canceling Copies(P. 110)
Various Copy Settings
A variety of settings are available to suit your needs, such as when you want to save paper or make your documents
easier to read.
Enlarging or Reducing(P. 115) Selecting Document Type(P. 116) Adjusting Density(P. 117)
Adjusting Sharpness(P. 119) 2-Sided Copying(P. 121) Copying Multiple Documents
onto One Sheet (2 on 1/4 on 1)
(P. 124)
Copying Both Sides of an ID Card
onto One Page(P. 126)
Erasing Dark Borders and Frame
Lines (Erase Frame)(P. 127)
Collating Copies by Page(P. 128)
Enlarging or Reducing
You can enlarge or reduce copies by using a preset copy ratio such as <A5->A4>, or
by setting a custom copy ratio in increments of 1%.
If you make a setting for <N on 1> after setting the copy ratio, the setting of reduction ratio in <N on 1>
takes priority.
<Copy> <Copy Ratio> Select the copy ratio
<Custom Ratio>
Tap / or the numeric keys to enter the copy ratio, and tap <Apply>. You can set any copy ratio from
25% to 400% in 1% increments.
Preset copy ratio
Select a copy ratio.
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Selecting Document Type
You can select the optical image quality for the copy depending on the document
type, such as text-only documents, documents with charts and graphs, or magazine
<Copy> <Original Type> Select the document type
Suitable when copying documents that only contain text.
Suitable when copying documents that contain both text and photos.
<Text/Photo (Quality)>
Suitable when making a high quality copy of documents that contain both text and photos.
Suitable when copying photos.
If a setting other than <Text> is specied, <Background> is automatically set to <Adjust (Manual)>.
Adjusting Density(P. 117)
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Adjusting Density
You can adjust the density of the copy if the text or images in a document are too
light or dark. You can also adjust the background to remove the background color
when document pages are lightly colored or yellowing.
Adjust both the density and background when copying a document printed on thin paper, such as a
newspaper, so that the text and images on the opposite side of the page are not visible in the copy.
<Copy> <Density> Adjust the density <Apply>
Decreases the density.
Increases the density.
Adjusting the Background Density
<Copy> <Density> <Background> <Adjust (Manual)> Adjust the density <Apply>
Makes the background color lighter.
Makes the background color darker.
When you set <Background> to <Auto>, automatic adjustment is performed so that the background
color becomes white. In this case, <Original Type> is automatically set to <Text> ( Selecting
Document Type(P. 116) ).
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Adjusting Sharpness(P. 119)
Adjusting Sharpness
You can adjust sharpness of the copied image. Increase the sharpness to sharpen
blurred text and lines, or decrease the sharpness to improve the appearance of
magazine photos.
<Copy> <Sharpness> Adjust the sharpness <Apply>
Decreases the sharpness, resulting in a softer image.
Example: If you want to improve the appearance of magazine photos
Increases the image sharpness.
Example: If you want to sharpen text and lines written in pencil
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Adjusting Density(P. 117)
2-Sided Copying
You can copy two pages of a document on both sides of the paper. You can also copy
a two-sided document on both sides of the paper, or on two separate pages.
Make sure that the sub-output tray is closed
When the sub-output tray is open, you cannot perform 2-sided copying. When performing 2-sided copying,
always make sure that the sub-output tray is closed. Back Side(P. 20)
<2-Sided> may not be available with some sizes and types of paper. Paper(P. 856)
<2-Sided> is not available when using <ID Card Copy>.
<Copy> <2-Sided> Select the type of 2-sided copying
Types of 2-sided copying
The illustration below shows the types of 2-sided copying.
1-Sided->2-Sided 2-Sided->2-Sided 2-Sided->1-Sided
<Original/Finishing Type>
Specify if you want to change the binding, such as when copying book-type documents in calendar-type
If you want to copy portrait-oriented documents in calendar-type format (short-edge binding)
<Original/Finishing Type> <1-Sided->2-Sided> <Portrait> <Calendar Type>
If you want to copy landscape-oriented documents in book-type format (short-edge binding)
<Original/Finishing Type> <1-Sided->2-Sided> <Landscape> <Book Type>
If you want to create copies with a different binding type than the original
<Original/Finishing Type> <2-Sided->2-Sided> Select the original orientation Select the
original binding type Select the binding type for the nished copy, which is different from that of
the original document
This setting enables you to align the direction of the output paper.
When a 2-sided document is in portrait-oriented calendar-type format (short-edge binding)
<Original/Finishing Type> <2-Sided->1-Sided> <Portrait> <Calendar Type>
When a 2-sided document is in landscape-oriented book-type format (short-edge binding)
<Original/Finishing Type> <2-Sided->1-Sided> <Landscape> <Book Type>
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Copying Multiple Documents onto One Sheet (2 on 1/4 on 1)(P. 124)
Copying Multiple Documents onto One Sheet (2 on 1/4
on 1)
You can copy two or four documents onto a single sheet at a reduced size. This
decreases the number of pages, enabling you to save paper.
Using <2 on 1>/<4 on 1> reduces the copy ratio automatically (the copy ratio is displayed on the screen). You
can increase or further reduce the copy ratio before pressing ( Enlarging or Reducing(P. 115) ), but
the edges of the document might not be copied if you increase it.
<2 on 1>/<4 on 1> is not available when using <Erase Frame> or <ID Card Copy>.
When you copy multiple documents onto one page, margins may be created in the copied image.
<Copy> <N on 1> Select <2 on 1> or <4 on 1> Select the document size on the <Scan Size>
On the <Output Size> screen, select the paper source that contains the paper you want to use
<2 on 1>/<4 on 1>
Select <2 on 1> to copy two pages of documents onto a single sheet, or select <4 on 1> to copy four pages of
documents onto a single sheet.
<Select Layout>
Specify how to arrange the documents on the page.
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
2-Sided Copying(P. 121)
Copying Both Sides of an ID Card onto One Page
You can use <ID Card Copy> to copy the front and back sides of a card onto the same
side of a page. This function is useful when copying a driver's license or ID card.
<ID Card Copy> is available with A4/Letter size paper or larger.
<Copy Ratio> is automatically set to <100%>.
<ID Card Copy> is not available when using <Erase Frame>, <2-Sided>, or <2 on 1>/<4 on 1>.
Place the card <ID Card Copy> Turn the card over
How to place the card
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Erasing Dark Borders and Frame Lines (Erase Frame)
When copying documents that are smaller than the output paper size, frame lines
may appear around the edges in the copied image. When copying facing pages from
thick book, dark borders may appear. <Erase Frame> enables you to erase these
frame lines and dark borders.
The width of the frame to erase is increased or decreased relative to the <Copy Ratio> setting.
<Erase Frame> is not available when using <2 on 1>/<4 on 1> or <ID Card Copy>.
<Copy> <Erase Frame> <On> Specify the width of the frame to erase <Apply> Select the
document size on the <Scan Size> screen
Frame Width
Tap / or the numeric keys to enter the frame width (1 to 50 mm).
Example: If you want to erase the dark borders and frame lines
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Collating Copies by Page
When preparing multiple copies of multi-page documents, set <Collate> to <On> to
collate copies in sequential page order. This function is useful when preparing
handouts for meetings or presentations.
<Copy> <Collate> <On>
The copies are grouped by page and not collated. For example, if you are making three copies of a ve-page
document, the printouts will be arranged in the following page order: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5.
The copies are grouped into complete sets in sequential page order. For example, if you are making three
copies of a ve-page document, the printouts will be arranged in the following page order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Conguring Copy Settings to Your Needs
The default settings are the settings that are displayed whenever you turn ON the machine, or when you press . If
you register your frequently used settings as default settings, you can eliminate the need to congure the same
settings every time you make copies. In addition, you can also register combinations of multiple copy settings and use
them whenever you need them.
The machine comes pre-congured with factory default settings ( Setting Menu List(P. 629) ). You can
change and register the default settings according to your needs.
Change the copy ratio to 95% and register it as the
default setting. From now on, you can make copies
without changing the copy ratio.
Changing Default
Settings(P. 130)
Go to <Favorite Settings> and register the combination of
<2-Sided> and <Collate> turned <On>. You can then
easily use this setting combination whenever you need it.
Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings(P. 131)
Changing Default Settings
The default settings are the settings that are displayed whenever you turn ON the machine, or when you press . If
you change these default settings to match the operations that you perform frequently, you can eliminate the need to
congure the same settings every time you make copies.
<Menu> <Copy Settings> <Change Default Settings> Select the setting Change the default
value of the selected item <Apply>
Select the item you want to set, and change the default value.
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Various Copy Settings(P. 114)
Copy Settings(P. 653)
Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings
You can register up to four frequently used combinations of copy settings. By simply selecting a registered setting
combination when it is needed, you can eliminate the need to congure the same settings every time you make
copies, such as if you frequently set the number of copies to 5, set <Erase Frame> to <On>, and increase the sharpness
when copying. You can also display settings as shortcut buttons in the Home screen.
Registering Favorite Settings(P. 131)
Recalling Favorite Settings(P. 132)
Registering Favorite Settings
Press and tap <Copy>.
Select <Favorite Settings> <Register/Edit>.
Select where to register the settings.
Change the values for the settings you want to register, and tap <Apply>. Various
Copy Settings(P. 114)
To rename the registration destination, tap <Change Name>. On how to enter text, see Entering
Text(P. 40) .
Tap <Yes>.
Select whether to register the settings as a shortcut button.
If you select <Yes>, a message appears. Check the message and then tap <OK>. The registered setting
combination is added to the Home screen as a shortcut button.
If the Home screen is full and the shortcut button cannot be added, use <Home Screen Settings> to delete
registered buttons or blanks. Customizing the Home Screen(P. 33)
Registered settings are retained even when the machine is turned OFF.
To edit registered settings, select the setting combination to be edited in step 3 and then edit the settings.
If you want to delete a registered setting, tap <Copy> <Favorite Settings> <Delete> Select the
Settings <Yes> <Yes>.
Recalling Favorite Settings
Simply select the setting combination that suit your purpose from the favorite settings.
<Copy> <Favorite Settings> Select the setting combination to be recalled
Once you have recalled the setting combination, you can also change the copy settings as needed.
Basic Copy Operations(P. 106)
Faxing ................................................................................................................................................................... 136
Conguring Initial Settings for Fax Functions (MF515x) ................................................................................. 139
Deciding Which Fax Receive Mode to Use ..................................................................................................... 140
Registering the Fax Number and Unit Name ................................................................................................ 141
Selecting the Receive Mode .......................................................................................................................... 143
Connecting the Telephone Line .................................................................................................................... 145
Sending Faxes (MF515x) .................................................................................................................................... 148
Specifying Registered Destinations .............................................................................................................. 152
Specifying from Address Book ............................................................................................................... 153
Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial Numbers .......................................................... 155
Specifying Previously Used Destinations ................................................................................................ 158
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server ............................................................................................. 161
Various Fax Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 165
Adjusting Resolution .............................................................................................................................. 166
Adjusting Density ................................................................................................................................... 167
Scanning 2-Sided Documents ................................................................................................................ 168
Adjusting Sharpness .............................................................................................................................. 169
Conguring Fax Settings to Your Needs ....................................................................................................... 171
Changing Default Settings ..................................................................................................................... 172
Registering Frequently Used Fax Settings .............................................................................................. 173
Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax) .................................................................................................... 176
Receiving Faxes (MF515x) ................................................................................................................................. 178
Sending and Receiving Faxes According to Your Purposes (MF515x) ............................................................. 182
Making a Call before Sending Faxes (Manual Sending) ................................................................................. 183
Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously (Sequential Broadcast) ........................................... 185
Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory Reception) ........................................................................... 187
Forwarding Received Faxes .......................................................................................................................... 190
Selecting a Document to Forward .......................................................................................................... 191
Forwarding All the Received Documents Automatically ......................................................................... 193
Archiving Sent Faxes ..................................................................................................................................... 197
Receiving Fax Information Services .............................................................................................................. 198
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x) ......................................................... 200
Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax) (MF515x) ................................................................................... 202
Sending PC Faxes ......................................................................................................................................... 203
Attaching Cover Sheets to PC Faxes .............................................................................................................. 206
Using Address Book for PC Faxes ................................................................................................................. 210
Registering Destinations ........................................................................................................................ 213
Using Registered Destinations ............................................................................................................... 217
Importing/Exporting Address Book Data from the Fax Driver ............................................................... 219
Using Internet Fax (I-Fax) ................................................................................................................................. 223
Sending I-Faxes ............................................................................................................................................ 224
Receiving I-Faxes .......................................................................................................................................... 231
This chapter describes fax settings, basic fax operations and various other useful functions to suit your needs, such as
PC Fax to send documents directly from computers, Address Book to specify destinations easily, and Forwarding to
receive faxes even when you are out of the oce.
Fax functions are only available for MF515x.
You need to complete some procedures before using fax functions. Conguring Initial Settings for Fax
Functions (MF515x)(P. 139)
You need to register destinations in the Address Book before using this feature.
Registering in the
Address Book(P. 77)
Using Basic Operations
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax)(P. 176)
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Specifying Scanning Settings
Adjusting Resolution(P. 166) Adjusting Density(P. 167) Adjusting Sharpness(P. 169)
Scanning 2-Sided Documents(P. 168)
Specifying Destinations Simply and Quickly
Specifying from Address
Book(P. 153)
Selecting Destinations Directly
by Entering Coded Dial
Numbers(P. 155)
Specifying Previously Used
Destinations(P. 158)
Specifying Destinations in an
LDAP Server(P. 161)
Sending and Receiving According to Your Purposes
Making a Call before Sending
Faxes (Manual Sending)(P. 183)
Sending Faxes to Multiple
Destinations Simultaneously
(Sequential Broadcast)(P. 185)
Storing Received Faxes into
Memory (Memory Reception)
(P. 187)
Forwarding Received
Faxes(P. 190)
Archiving Sent Faxes(P. 197) Receiving Fax Information
Services(P. 198)
Sending Faxes Directly from Your Computer
Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax) (MF515x)(P. 202)
Sending and Receiving Faxes via the Internet
Using Internet Fax (I-Fax)(P. 223)
Conguring Initial Settings for Fax Functions
Follow steps 1 to 4 described below to congure the fax settings. First, determine which receive mode best suits your
intended use, and then follow the on-screen instructions to congure the settings. For more information about a
particular step, click on the link to go to the corresponding section.
Step 1
Deciding Which Fax Receive Mode to Use(P. 140)
Step 2
Registering the Fax Number and Unit Name(P. 141)
Step 3
Selecting the Receive Mode(P. 143)
Step 4
Connecting the Telephone Line(P. 145)
Deciding Which Fax Receive Mode to Use
Before conguring the fax settings, determine which receive mode best suits your intended use.
Intended use Receive mode
Use fax only/Never use telephone <Auto>
This setting is for when you want to use the machine exclusively for receiving faxes,
and you do not want to use the telephone or optional handset.
Mostly use telephone/Almost never use fax <Manual>
Connect your telephone or optional handset to the machine. This setting is for when
you mostly want to use the telephone. You can receive incoming faxes manually.
Use both fax and telephone Use answering machine <Answering Machine>
Connect your answering machine. Callers can
record a message if they call while you are away
from the telephone. The machine automatically
receives incoming faxes.
Use standard telephone or
optional handset
<Fax/Tel Auto Switch>
Connect your telephone or optional handset. The
machine automatically receives incoming faxes,
and the telephone rings for incoming calls.
Depending on the type of telephone connected to it, the machine may not be able to send or receive faxes
You may be able to manually set a receive mode other than those described above, depending on your
country or region.
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Continue to Registering the Fax Number and Unit Name(P. 141)
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Registering the Fax Number and Unit Name
Register the fax number and unit name of your machine. This information is printed at the top of each page sent from
the machine.
Press and tap <Menu>.
Select <Fax Settings> <Fax Setup Guide>.
Tap <Set Up Now>.
Tap <Next>.
Enter the fax number using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Next>.
Enter the unit name (such as a user name or company name) using the numeric keys,
and tap <Apply>.
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters. On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Continue to Selecting the Receive Mode(P. 143)
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Selecting the Receive Mode
Select the receive mode that suits your intended use beforehand ( Deciding Which Fax Receive Mode to
Use(P. 140) ).
Tap <Next>.
The screen shown here is displayed after the unit name has been registered ( Registering the Fax
Number and Unit Name(P. 141) ).
Select the receive mode that suits your intended use.
Tap <Yes> or <No> to select the receive mode.
You may be able to manually set a receive mode other than those described below, depending on your
country or region. Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
To set the receive mode to <Auto>
To set the receive mode to <Fax/Tel Auto Switch>
To set the receive mode to <Answering Machine>
To set the receive mode to <Manual>
Tap <Apply>.
If the machine is set to <Answering Machine>, tap <Next>.
Continue to Connecting the Telephone Line(P. 145)
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Connecting the Telephone Line
Connect the telephone line to the machine.
Tap <Next>.
One of the screens shown here is displayed after the receive mode has been set ( Selecting the Receive
Mode(P. 143) ).
Connect the telephone line to the machine.
Notice for Connecting the Telephone Line
This product includes the Telephone Line Cord and Adapter to connect the telephone line. Depending on your
country or region, you may need to use the provided Adapter to connect the Telephone Line Cord to the wall
telephone jack. If you use the provided Adapter, follow the instructions below to connect correctly.
If you use provided Adapter, use the Telephone Line Cord with 6 contacts connector in the package with
Do not connect the Telephone Line Cord with 2 contacts connector to Adapter. There is the case that this
product or connected telephone does not work correctly.
Adapter to use is different depending on your country or a region. Select the proper type of Adapter which
you usually use.
Connect the included telephone cable to the telephone line jack on the machine ( ) and the telephone line
jack on the wall.
If you are using a telephone or answering machine, connect it to the external telephone jack (
If you are using an optional handset, connect it to the handset jack ( ).
If you are connecting an external telephone with fax functions, set up the telephone to receive faxes
Tap <Next> after the telephone line has been connected.
Tap <Yes>.
Tap <OK>.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
When the machine is restarted, the telephone line type is automatically set.
If the Machine Does Not Automatically Set the Type of Telephone Line
Follow the procedure below to set the type of telephone line. If you are not sure of the type of phone line you
are using, contact your local telephone company.
The following settings may not be available depending on your country or region.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Basic Settings> <Select Line Type> Select the type of telephone
Installation(P. 3)
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Sending Faxes
You need to complete some procedures before using fax functions. Conguring Initial Settings for Fax
Functions (MF515x)(P. 139)
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Press .
If the destinations set by the previous user are still selected, this can cause transmission errors. Always reset
the settings before sending.
Enter the destination using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
If your machine is connected to a PBX (Private Branch Exchange), tap <R> before entering the destination. If
<R> is not available, you need to register the R-key settings. R-Key Setting(P. 656)
If you enter the wrong characters, press . (Press to delete each character one by one; press and hold to
delete all the input characters at once.)
To use the Address Book to quickly specify destinations: Specifying Registered Destinations(P. 152)
If a conrmation window appears
When <Conrm Entered Fax Number> is set to <On>, the input screen reappears so that you can conrm
the destination ( Checking Destinations before Sending Documents(P. 561) ). Enter the destination
Adding a destination
To enter a second or subsequent destination, tap <Destination>
<Specify Using Numeric Keys>. You can
specify up to 10 destinations.
To delete destinations
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
To send overseas
Enter the international access code, the country code, the area code, and the fax number to specify the
Enter the international access code.
Tap <Pause>.
<p> (pause) is inserted between numbers. In this case, 012 will be dialed rst, then 4 seconds later,
the next number will be dialed.
Inputting pauses is optional; however, consecutive numbers that are input without pauses may not be
recognized correctly.
Pauses can be inserted continuously.
One pause inserts 4 seconds of waiting time. This time can be changed as necessary. Set Pause
Time(P. 658)
Enter the country code, the area code, and the fax number.
Tap <Pause> to insert a pause at the end of the fax number as necessary.
The waiting time inserted here is xed to 10 seconds. This time cannot be changed.
Tap <Apply>.
Specify the scanning settings as necessary.
Tap the item you want to set. Various Fax Settings(P. 165)
Press to start sending.
Scanning of the document starts.
To cancel sending, tap <Cancel> <Yes>. Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax)(P. 176)
When placing documents in the feeder in step 1
When scanning is complete, the faxes are sent.
When placing documents on the platen glass in step 1
Follow the procedures below.
Select the document size.
When there is only one page to be scanned, proceed to step 3.
Place the next document on the platen glass, and press .
Repeat this step until you nish scanning all of the pages.
Tap <Start Sending>.
The faxes are sent.
If you always want to send faxes with the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 172)
If you want to register a combination of settings to use when needed: Registering Frequently Used Fax
Settings(P. 173)
If you want to sound an alarm when the handset is off the hook:
Off-Hook Alarm(P. 655)
Sending and Receiving Faxes According to Your Purposes (MF515x)(P. 182)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Specifying Registered Destinations
You can specify destinations by selecting them from the Address Book or coded dial numbers, as well as by using the
numeric keys. To use the Address Book or coded dial numbers, you need to register destinations beforehand. You can
also specify previously used destinations. If your oce has an LDAP server installed, you can also specify a destination
using user information in the server.
Specifying from Address
Book(P. 153)
Selecting Destinations Directly
by Entering Coded Dial
Numbers(P. 155)
Specifying Previously Used
Destinations(P. 158)
Specifying Destinations in an
LDAP Server(P. 161)
TIPS for Enhancing Security
If you want to limit available destinations to ones from the Address Book, ones in an LDAP server, or
previously specied ones: Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
If you want to disable specifying previously used destinations:
Disabling Use of Previously Used
Destinations(P. 560)
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Specifying from Address Book
The Address Book enables you to specify a destination by selecting from a list of
registered destinations or by searching by name for destinations with recipient
You need to register destinations in the Address Book before using this feature. Registering in the
Address Book(P. 77)
Press and tap <Address Book>.
You can also tap <Fax> <Destination> <Specify from Address Book>.
Select an index. Index(P. 77)
You can change the display by tapping / .
Select a destination.
If you want to specify multiple destinations
Repeat the following steps. Up to 300 destinations can be specied from the Address Book.
<Specify from Address Book> Select an index Select a destination.
To specify any additional destinations with the numeric keys, tap <Destination>
<Specify Using Numeric
To delete destinations
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
If you select Group Dial in step 2, <Number of Destinations: XX> is displayed. Tapping this item
displays destinations registered in the group.
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously (Sequential Broadcast)(P. 185)
Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial
Three-digit numbers (coded dial numbers) are assigned to addresses in the Address
Book. You can specify an address simply by entering its coded dial number.
To use coded dial numbers, the destination must be registered in the Address Book beforehand.
Registering Destinations in the Address Book(P. 79)
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44) .
Select <Destination> <Specify from Coded Dial>.
Use the numeric keys to enter a three-digit number (001 to 281).
If you enter the wrong characters, press . (Press to delete each character one by one; press and hold to
delete all the input characters at once.)
If a conrmation screen appears
When <Coded Dial TX Conrmation> is set to <On>, a screen is displayed that shows the destination and
the name for the number. (For Group Dial, the destination name and the number of destinations are
shown.) Check the contents and if everything is correct, and tap <On>. To specify a different destination,
tap <Cancel> and re-enter the three-digit coded dial number. Displaying Destinations in Address
Book(P. 561)
If you want to specify multiple destinations
Repeat the following steps. Up to 281 destinations can be specied using coded dial numbers.
<Destination> <Specify from Coded Dial> Enter a number.
To specify any additional destinations with the numeric keys, tap <Destination> <Specify Using Numeric
To delete destinations
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
If you select Group Dial in step 2, <Number of Destinations: XX> is displayed. Tapping this item
displays destinations registered in the group.
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously (Sequential Broadcast)(P. 185)
Specifying Previously Used Destinations
You can select a destination from among the past three destinations. When you
specify a previously used destination, the machine also sets the same fax settings
such as density you used the last time you sent documents to that destination.
When <Restrict Resending from Log> is set to <On>, you cannot use this feature. Disabling Use of
Previously Used Destinations(P. 560)
Turning OFF the machine or setting <Restrict New Destinations> to <On> deletes the past destinations, and
disables this feature.
Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
The destinations in Manual Sending are not available for this feature. Making a Call before Sending
Faxes (Manual Sending)(P. 183)
When you specify a destination using this feature, any destinations that you have already specied are
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Select <Destination> <Recall Set.>.
Select a destination.
When you transmit to multiple destinations, only the address specied for the rst transmission is displayed
in the log, but all the destinations are specied. Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously
(Sequential Broadcast)(P. 185)
The selected destination and the fax settings used at the time are specied. You can also change the
settings before sending.
To delete destinations
When you transmitted to multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
If you select Group Dial in step 2, <Number of Destinations: XX> is displayed. Tapping this item
displays destinations registered in the group.
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server
If your oce has an LDAP server installed, you can specify a destination using user
information in the server. Access the LDAP server via the machine to search for the
appropriate user information and specify it as destination.
You need to specify the settings for connecting to an LDAP server beforehand. Registering LDAP
Servers(P. 499)
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Select <Destination> <Specify from LDAP Server>.
Select the LDAP server you are using.
Select the search criteria.
Name, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, organization names, and organization unit are available criteria for
searching destinations.
Enter the search target character string using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
To specify multiple search criteria, repeat steps 4 and 5.
Tap <Search Method>.
Select the search method.
<Using All Conditions Below>
Searches and displays the users that meet all the search criteria specied in steps 4 and 5.
<Using Some Conditions Below>
If users that meet even one of the criteria specied in steps 4 and 5 are found, displays all those users.
Tap <Start Search>.
The users meeting your search criteria are displayed.
If the authentication screen appears when you tap <Start Search>, enter the user name of the machine
and the password registered in the LDAP server, and tap <Apply>. Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Select the check box for the user that you want to specify as destination.
Up to 10 destinations can be specied from an LDAP server.
To cancel selection, tap a selected ( ) user.
The maximum number of destinations that you can specify when using the numeric keys in combination
with an LDAP server is 10. For example, if three destinations have been specied using the numeric keys,
up to seven destinations can be specied using an LDAP server.
Tap <Apply>.
When searching for destinations using a different set of search conditions, repeat steps 2 to 10.
To delete destinations
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously (Sequential Broadcast)(P. 185)
Various Fax Settings
A variety of settings are available to suit your needs, for example, when you want to adjust density or enhance the
clarity of an image.
Adjusting Resolution(P. 166) Adjusting Density(P. 167) Scanning 2-Sided Documents(P. 168)
Adjusting Sharpness(P. 169)
Adjusting Resolution
You can select the resolution suitable for your document type. The higher the
resolution is, the clearer the image becomes, but the longer it takes to send.
<Fax> <Resolution> Select the resolution
<200 x 100 dpi (Normal)>
Suitable for documents that contain text only.
<200 x 200 dpi (Fine)>
Suitable for documents that contain ne text.
<200 x 200 dpi (Photo)>
Suitable for documents that contain photographs.
<200 x 400 dpi (Superne)>
Achieves an even ner resolution than Fine.
<400 x 400 dpi (Ultrane)>
Achieves an even ner resolution than Superne.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Adjusting Density
You can adjust the density of the fax if the text or images in a document are too light
or dark.
<Fax> <Density> Adjust the density <Apply>
Decreases the density.
Increases the density.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Adjusting Sharpness(P. 169)
Scanning 2-Sided Documents
The machine can automatically scan the front and back sides of documents in the
The machine cannot scan both sides of documents automatically when the documents are placed on the
platen glass or when the machine is set to Manual Sending.
<Fax> <2-Sided Original> Select <Book Type> or <Calendar Type>
<Book Type>
Select for documents whose images on the front and back sides face the same direction.
<Calendar Type>
Select for documents whose images on the front and back sides face in opposite directions.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Making a Call before Sending Faxes (Manual Sending)(P. 183)
Adjusting Sharpness
You can adjust the sharpness of the image. Increase the sharpness to sharpen
blurred text and lines, or decrease the sharpness to improve the appearance of
magazine photos.
<Fax> <Sharpness> Adjust the sharpness <Apply>
Decreases the sharpness, resulting in a softer image.
Example: If you want to improve the appearance of magazine photos
Increases the image sharpness.
Example: If you want to sharpen text and lines written in pencil
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Adjusting Density(P. 167)
Conguring Fax Settings to Your Needs
The default settings are the settings that are displayed whenever you turn ON the machine, or when you press . If
you register your frequently used settings as default settings, you can eliminate the need to congure the same
settings every time you send a fax. In addition, you can also register combinations of destinations and fax settings and
use them whenever you need them.
The machine comes pre-congured with factory default settings ( Setting Menu List(P. 629) ). You can
change and register the default settings according to your needs.
Increase the density and register it as the default setting.
From now on, you can send faxes without changing the
density. Changing Default Settings(P. 172)
Specify a combination of 2-sided scan and multiple
destinations, and register it in <Favorite Settings>. You
can then easily use this setting combination whenever
you need it. Registering Frequently Used Fax
Settings(P. 173)
Changing Default Settings
The default settings are the settings that are displayed whenever you turn ON the machine, or when you press . If
you change these default settings to match the operations that you perform frequently, you can eliminate the need to
congure the same settings every time you send faxes.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Change Default Settings> Tap the setting
Change the default value of the selected item <Apply>
Tap the item you want to set, and change the default value.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Various Fax Settings(P. 165)
Fax Settings (MF515x)(P. 655)
Registering Frequently Used Fax Settings
You can register up to 18 frequently used combinations of fax settings. You can quickly display registered settings
when needed, eliminating the need to make involved settings every time, such as "making a scan of a two-sided
original, sending it to 5 destinations, and setting the sharpness." You can also display settings as shortcut buttons in
the Home screen.
Registering Favorite Settings(P. 173)
Recalling Favorite Settings(P. 175)
Registering Favorite Settings
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Change the values for the settings you want to register. Various Fax
Settings(P. 165)
To also include the destination in a favorite fax setting, enter the destination to be registered. Sending
Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Select <Favorite Settings> <Register>.
Check the message and tap <OK>.
Select where to register the settings.
Check the details of the settings to be registered, and tap <Apply>.
To change the value of a setting to be registered, tap the setting. Various Fax Settings(P. 165)
To rename the registration destination, tap <Change Name>. On how to enter text, see Entering
Text(P. 40) .
Select whether to register the settings as a shortcut button.
If you select <Yes>, a message appears. Check the message and then tap <OK>. The registered setting
combination is added to the Home screen as a shortcut button.
If the Home screen is full and the button cannot be added, use <Home Screen Settings> to delete
registered buttons or blanks. Customizing the Home Screen(P. 33)
Registered settings are saved even when the machine is turned OFF.
To edit or delete registered settings, go to <Fax> <Favorite Settings> <Edit/Delete> <Edit> or <Delete>
and then follow the steps below.
To edit a setting:
Select the setting to be edited change the setting tap <Apply> <Yes>.
To delete a setting:
Select the setting to be deleted tap <Yes>.
Destinations cannot be changed once the settings have been registered. To change a destination, delete the
settings and then register them again.
If you registered a destination that was specied from the Address Book and then delete the destination
entry in the Address Book, the destination is also deleted from the favorite fax settings.
Recalling Favorite Settings
Simply select the setting combination that suits your purpose from the favorite settings.
<Fax> <Favorite Settings> Select the setting combination to be recalled
Once you have recalled the setting combination, you can also change the fax settings as needed.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax)
If you want to cancel sending faxes immediately after pressing , tap <Cancel> on the display or press on the
operation panel. You can also cancel sending faxes after checking the fax status.
Tap <Cancel> on the Screen during Fax Transmission
Press to Cancel
If the Screen Displays a List of Documents When Is Pressed
Documents have been scanned and are waiting to be processed. Select the document to cancel.
Check the Transmission Status before Canceling
<TX Job> <Job Status> Select the document on the <TX Job Status> screen <Cancel>
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Receiving Faxes
This section describes the methods for receiving faxes and how to set up the machine to receive faxes. You need to
complete some procedures for using fax functions before specifying the receiving settings. Conguring Initial
Settings for Fax Functions (MF515x)(P. 139)
The machine can print received fax documents on A4 or Letter size paper. If received fax documents are
printed on other paper sizes, a portion of the page may not be printed or a page may be printed on two
separate sheets of paper.
Methods for Receiving Faxes
The machine provides the following receiving methods. Select the method that best suits your needs and then set it up
by following the procedures in Setting Up the Machine to Receive Faxes(P. 179) .
Dedicated to receiving faxes
The machine receives faxes automatically. Even if someone makes a call to you, you cannot
talk to the caller.
<Fax/Tel Auto
When the call is a fax
The machine receives the fax automatically.
When the call is a telephone call
An incoming call rings. Pick up the handset to answer the call.
You need to connect your telephone or the optional handset to the machine beforehand.
When the call is a fax
An incoming call rings. Pick up the handset. If you hear a beep, tap <Fax> <Start
Receiving> to receive faxes.
When the call is a telephone call
An incoming call rings. Pick up the handset and start your conversation.
You need to connect your telephone or the optional handset to the machine beforehand.
You can set the machine to automatically receive faxes when an incoming call rings within
a specied timeframe.
Switch to Auto RX(P. 662)
When the call is a fax
After an incoming call rings, the machine receives the fax automatically.
When the call is a telephone call
The answering machine activates, enabling the caller to leave a message. If you pick up the
handset before the answering machine starts recording a message, you can talk with the
You need to connect your answering machine to the machine beforehand.
Set the answering machine to answer after a few rings.
We recommend that you add approximately 4 seconds of silence at the beginning of the
message or set the maximum recording time to 20 seconds.
<Net Switch>
The machine distinguishes between fax and telephone calls. This mode is only available for
certain countries and requires subscription to a network switch service.
You need to connect your telephone or the optional handset to the machine beforehand.
Depending on the type of telephone connected to it, the machine may not be able to send or receive faxes
If you are connecting an external telephone with fax functions, set the telephone to not receive faxes
If you pick up the telephone handset and hear a beep, the call is a fax. You can receive the fax just by using
the telephone to enter a specic ID number.
Using a Telephone to Receive Faxes (Remote Reception)
(P. 181)
Setting Up the Machine to Receive Faxes
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press
. Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Tap <RX Mode>.
Select the receiving method.
When selecting <Fax/Tel (Auto Switch)>
Specify the following three settings as necessary. When the setting is complete, tap <Apply>.
<Ring Start Time>
Enables you to specify the duration during which the machine determines whether an incoming call is a fax
or a telephone call. (Setting values: 5 to 30 seconds; default setting: 8 seconds)
<Incoming Ring Time>
Enables you to specify the duration during which an incoming call rings for a telephone call. (Setting values:
15 to 300 seconds; default setting: 22 seconds)
<After Ring>
Enables you to specify how the machine operates if you do not pick up the handset while an incoming call is
ringing. Select <End> to disconnect the call or <Receive> to receive an incoming fax. (Default setting:
If you want to print received documents on both sides of paper: Print on Both Sides(P. 663)
If you want to print information, such as reception date and time, at the bottom of received documents:
RX Page Footer(P. 664)
If you want to continue printing even when the toner cartridge is low: Continue Printing When Amount
in Cartridge Is Low(P. 664)
Using a Telephone to Receive Faxes (Remote Reception)
When you pick up the telephone and get a fax signal, you do not need to go to the machine to receive the fax. Just
enter a specic ID number (default setting: 25) with the telephone, and you can start receiving the fax.
When the telephone is not directly connected with the machine, the remote reception function is not
When an incoming call rings, pick up the telephone handset.
If you hear a beep, enter the ID number for Remote Reception with the telephone.
The ID number is set to "25" by default. You can change this number as necessary. Remote RX(P. 662)
Hang up the handset.
Sending and Receiving Faxes According to Your Purposes (MF515x)(P. 182)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Sending and Receiving Faxes According to Your
In addition to the basic sending and receiving methods, there are a variety of other methods to suit your purposes.
Making a Call before Sending
Faxes (Manual Sending)(P. 183)
Sending Faxes to Multiple
Destinations Simultaneously
(Sequential Broadcast)(P. 185)
Storing Received Faxes into
Memory (Memory Reception)
(P. 187)
Forwarding Received
Faxes(P. 190)
Archiving Sent Faxes(P. 197) Receiving Fax Information
Services(P. 198)
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Making a Call before Sending Faxes (Manual Sending)
You can send faxes manually at the end of a phone conversation. When you hear a
beep over the phone, it means the recipient is trying to receive your faxes. Press
to send your faxes.
You need to connect your telephone or the optional handset to the machine beforehand.
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
The machine cannot automatically scan both sides of the documents in Manual Sending.
When the document is placed on the platen glass, only one page can be sent.
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press
. Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Press .
If the destinations set by the previous user are still selected, this can cause transmission errors. Always reset
the settings before sending.
Specify the scanning settings as necessary. Various Fax Settings(P. 165)
Dial the recipient's fax number.
Ask the recipient to set their fax machine to receive your faxes.
If you hear a beep, proceed to step 7.
Press , and hang up the handset.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax)(P. 176)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously
(Sequential Broadcast)
You can send faxes to up to 310 destinations at once. Use the numeric keys
or the
Address Book to specify multiple destinations. If your oce has an LDAP server
The maximum number of destinations that you can specify when using an LDAP server or
the numeric keys is 10 respectively. If you use the numeric keys in combination with an LDAP
server, a total of 10 destinations can be specied. For example, if seven destinations have
been specied using the numeric keys, up to three destinations can be specied using an
LDAP server.
When <Restrict Sequential Broadcast> is set to <Reject Sequential Broadcast>, you cannot use this feature.
Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF515x)(P. 563)
You need to register destinations in the Address Book before using this feature. Registering in the
Address Book(P. 77)
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Press .
If the destinations set by the previous user are still selected, this can cause transmission errors. Always reset
the settings before sending.
Specify the destination.
To specify with the numeric keys, enter the fax number, and tap <Apply>. To specify any additional
destinations, select <Destination> <Specify Using Numeric Keys> before repeating the same procedure.
To specify from the Address Book, see Specifying from Address Book(P. 153) .
To use coded dial numbers, see Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial
Numbers(P. 155) .
To specify from an LDAP server, see Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server(P. 161) .
Specify the scanning settings as necessary.
Tap the settings you want to specify. Various Fax Settings(P. 165)
Press to start sending.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax)(P. 176)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory
You can store received faxes into memory, and then print them later. This feature
can prevent unauthorized persons from seeing condential documents
Storing Documents into Memory(P. 187)
Printing Documents in Memory(P. 188)
Checking/Deleting Documents in Memory(P. 188)
The documents in memory can be also forwarded to a destination. Selecting a Document to
Forward(P. 191)
Storing Documents into Memory
To store received documents into memory, set <Memory Lock Settings> to <On>. You can also specify optional settings
such as a security setting that makes a password necessary to unlock the feature and a time setting that species a
period of time during the day in which received documents are stored in memory.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Function Settings> <Memory Lock Settings> <On> Specify
each setting <Apply>
<Memory Lock PIN>
Enables you to register a password of up to seven digits. To register a password, use the numeric keys to
enter a password, and tap <Apply>. Enter the same numbers again for conrmation, and tap <Apply>. This
password is necessary when you change the memory reception settings or when you deactivate the Memory
Reception feature to print all the stored documents. If you do not want to register a password, just tap
<Apply> without entering anything.
Passwords with only zeros, as in "00" or "0000000", are not allowed.
<Report Print>
Enables you to print RX Result reports every time documents are stored into memory. To print reports, tap
<On>. You also need to set <RX Result Report> to <On>. RX Result Report(P. 813)
<Memory Lock Time>
Specify a period of time during the day in which received documents are stored in memory. If you do not set
a period of time, the machine stores every document into memory when Memory Reception is turned on.
Printing Documents in Memory
To print received documents in memory, set <Memory Lock Settings> to <Off>. All the documents in memory are
You cannot select a specic document for printing.
If a time for the feature to deactivate has been specied, the documents are automatically printed at the
specied time.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Function Settings> <Memory Lock Settings> <Off>
Checking/Deleting Documents in Memory
You can check detailed information about the documents stored in memory, including sender fax numbers and
number of pages sent, and then delete unnecessary documents.
Press .
Tap <RX Job>.
Tap <Job Status>.
Select the document you want to check.
To delete the checked document
Tap <Delete>.
Tap <Yes>.
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Forwarding Received Faxes
You can forward received documents to other destinations. You can select a
document from among all the documents received in memory for forwarding, or set
the machine to automatically forward every received document to specied
destinations. Fax numbers as well as e-mail addresses, I-Fax, shared folders in
computers and FTP server can be specied as forwarding destinations.
Available destinations for forwarding are limited to the destinations registered in the Address Book. If no
destinations are registered, register destinations in the Address Book before using this feature.
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
If e-mail addresses, shared folders in computers, or FTP server are specied as forwarding destinations, the
document is converted to PDF format and sent. If I-Faxes are specied as forwarding destinations, the
document is converted to TIFF format and sent.
Selecting a Document to Forward
The machine forwards the document that you select from among all the documents received in memory. To use this
feature, rst activate the Memory Reception feature. Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory Reception)
(P. 187)
As long as the Memory Reception feature is not deactivated, the documents in memory are not deleted even
after they are forwarded; the same documents can be forwarded multiple times.
Press .
Tap <RX Job>.
Tap <Job Status>.
Select the document you want to forward.
Tap <Forward>.
Select the forwarding destination from the Address Book.
For instructions on how to use the Address Book, see Specifying from Address Book(P. 153) .
The document is forwarded to the specied destination.
Forwarding All the Received Documents Automatically
The machine can forward all the received documents to specied destinations. Even if you are out of the oce, you
can receive fax information anytime, anywhere.
Specifying Settings for Documents to be Forwarded Automatically(P. 193)
Printing Documents to be Forwarded(P. 193)
Printing/Resending/Deleting Documents that Failed to be Forwarded(P. 194)
Specifying Settings for Documents to be Forwarded Automatically
While the Forwarding feature is activated, all the documents to be received are automatically forwarded.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Forwarding Settings> <Enable Forwarding Settings> <On>
Select the forwarding destination from the Address Book
For instructions on how to use the Address Book, see Specifying from Address Book(P. 153) .
Printing Documents to be Forwarded
If you want to check the documents to be forwarded for yourself, you can set the machine to print the documents
whenever they are forwarded, or to print only the documents that failed to be forwarded.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Forwarding Settings> <Print Images> Select <On> or <Only
When Error Occurs>
Prints all the documents to be forwarded.
<Only When Error Occurs>
Prints only the documents that failed to be forwarded.
Printing/Resending/Deleting Documents that Failed to be Forwarded
You can store documents that failed to be forwarded in memory, and print, resend, or delete them later.
Storing Documents that Failed to be Forwarded in Memory
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Forwarding Settings> <Store Images in Memory> <Only When
Error Occurs>
Printing/Resending/Deleting Documents Stored in Memory
Press .
Tap <Fax Forwarding Errors>.
Select the document you want to check.
To print the checked document
Tap <Print/Forward>.
Tap <Print>.
Tap <Yes>.
To resend the checked document
Tap <Print/Forward>.
Tap <Forward>.
Select the forwarding destination from the Address Book.
For instructions on how to use the Address Book, see Specifying from Address Book(P. 153) .
To delete the checked document
Tap <Delete>.
Tap <Yes>.
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Archiving Sent Faxes
In addition to the address specied when the fax is sent, you can also send faxed
documents to a preset storage address for archiving. This is useful for keeping a log
of what has been sent. You can specify a fax number, an e-mail address, a shared
folder on the computer, an FTP server or an I-Fax as the storage address.
Only destinations in the Address Book can be specied as a storage address. To use the Address Book, the
destination must be registered beforehand. Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
For instructions on how to use the Address Book, see
Specifying from Address Book(P. 153) .
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Basic Settings> <Communication Management Settings>
<Archive TX Document> <On> Select the archive destination from the Address Book
Receiving Fax Information Services
Through fax information services, you can easily get a variety of helpful lifestyle and
work information from companies and organizations. This section describes a typical
procedure for receiving these services.
Depending on the service, actual procedures may differ from the ones described below. Follow the
procedures for the service you are using.
Press and tap <Fax>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Tap <Hook>.
If an external telephone or the optional handset is connected to the machine, you can pick up the handset
instead of tapping <Hook>.
When you hear a dial tone, dial the information service.
When the recorded message of the information service answers, press .
This step is unnecessary if the machine is using a tone-dialing line.
Use the numeric keys to enter the service number assigned for the information you
want to receive.
You can also use the keypad on the telephone to enter the information service number.
Tap <Start Receiving>.
If you have picked up the handset, hang it up.
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received
The statuses and communication logs for sent and received fax and I-Fax documents can be checked separately for
sending and receiving.
When <Display Job Log> is set to <Off>, you cannot check the communication logs. Display Job Log(P. 712)
Press .
Tap <TX Job> or <RX Job>.
Check the statuses and communication logs for sent and received documents.
To check the statuses for sent and received documents
Tap <Job Status>.
Select the document whose status you want to check.
<TX Job Status>/<RX Job Status>
Displays a list of the documents that are being sent and received or are waiting to be processed.
Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list. If you specied multiple
destinations, the number of specied destinations is displayed on the screen. To check the details of
specied multiple destinations, tap <Destination>.
To check the communication logs for sent and received documents
Tap <Job Log>.
Select the document whose log you want to check.
<TX Job Log>/<RX Job Log>
Displays a list of the documents that were sent and received. <OK> is displayed when a document was
sent or received successfully, and <Error> is displayed when a document failed to be sent or received
because it was canceled or there was some error.
Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list.
When a three-digit number is shown in the case of <Error>
This number represents an error code. When an Error Code Appears(P. 745)
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax)(P. 176)
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Receiving I-Faxes(P. 231)
TX Result Report(P. 808)
Communication Management Report(P. 811)
RX Result Report(P. 813)
Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax)
You can send fax documents created on your computer application directly from your computer. This feature
eliminates the need to print documents for faxing and saves paper. You need to complete some procedures, such as
specifying the basic fax settings (
Conguring Initial Settings for Fax Functions (MF515x)(P. 139) ) and referring to
the MF Driver Installation Guide to install the fax driver on your computer, before using this feature.
If you are a Mac OS user, see "Canon Fax Driver Guide" for installing the fax driver and see the Fax Driver's
Help for using fax functions. For Mac OS Users(P. 896)
Depending on the operating system and the version of the fax driver you are using, the fax driver screens in
this manual may differ from your screens.
About the Fax Driver Help
Clicking [Help] on the fax driver screen displays the Help screen. On this screen you can see information that
is not in the e-Manual, including information about driver features such as registering frequently used
settings and how to set up those features.
Sending PC Faxes
When <Allow Fax Driver TX> is set to <Off> on the machine, you cannot send faxes from computers.
Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF515x)(P. 559)
You need to enable Department ID Management on the fax driver you are using if Department ID
Management is enabled on the machine. For more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen.
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select the fax driver for this machine, and click [Print].
When sending from the Windows Store app in Windows 8/Server 2012
Display the charms on the right side of the screen and use the procedure shown below.
Windows 8/Server 2012
Tap or click [Devices]
the fax driver for this machine [Print].
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Tap or click [Devices] [Print] the fax driver for this machine [Print].
If you send faxes using this method, only a limited number of fax functions are available.
If the message [The printer requires your attention. Go to the desktop to take care of it.] is displayed, go to
the desktop and proceed to step 3. This message appears when the machine is set to display the user
name during sending a fax and similar instances.
Specify the destination.
To specify only one destination
Click the [Enter Destination] tab.
Set the communication mode and fax number (or URI).
To specify multiple destinations at once
Click the [Select Destination] tab.
Click [Add Destination].
Set the communication mode and fax number (or URI), and click [OK].
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add concurrent destinations.
You can also add a destination by clicking [Add Next Destination] in step 3.
If you need to specify a number to dial an outside line, select [Detailed Settings] [Add Outside Dialing
Prex to G3/IP Fax Number] and enter the number in [Outside Dialing Prex]. The specied number is added
to the beginning of the fax number when the machine dials.
To make it easier to specify destinations using the Address Book, see Using Registered
Destinations(P. 217) .
Selecting [Store Sent Fax Information and Image] enables you to store the logs for sending documents and
check detailed information of a sent document along with its image, including destinations and number of
pages. For more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen.
When the [Conrm Fax Number] or [Conrm URI] eld is active, also enter the appropriate number in the
eld. The setting of whether to conrm entered numbers can be changed in the fax driver screen. For
more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen.
Attach a cover sheet to the document as necessary. Attaching Cover Sheets to PC
Faxes(P. 206)
Click [Send] to send the document.
Attaching Cover Sheets to PC Faxes
You can attach a cover sheet to the document you are sending. Select a cover sheet from three preset cover sheets in
the fax driver, or create your own custom cover sheets. For more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen.
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select the fax driver for this machine, and click [Print].
Click the [Cover Sheet] and specify each setting.
[Cover Sheet Attachment]
Select [Different Sheet to Each Destination] or [Same Sheet to All Destinations].
Select a cover sheet from the three preset cover sheets ([Template 1] to [Template 3]). The layout of the
selected cover sheet is displayed in the image on the left.
[Items to Include]
Displays items that are to be included on a cover sheet. To change the items to be included, click
[Sender] tab
Select the sender items you want to include and enter the information.
[Destination] tab
Select the destination items you want to include and enter the information. Destination names, company
names, department names, and fax numbers specied in the [Select Destination]/[Enter Destination] tab (
Sending PC Faxes(P. 203) ) are included on the cover sheet.
[Logo] tab/[Signature] tab
Specify each setting. The following screen shows an example for when the [Logo] tab is selected.
With/without logos or signatures
Select [Print with Logo] or [Print with Signature] if you want to include logos or signatures on the cover
sheet. Have the bitmap les for logos or signatures ready beforehand.
Location of logos or signature les
Specify the location where logos or signatures les are saved. Click [Browse] to locate the le you are
using for logos or signatures.
Size and position of the specied logos or signatures
Adjust the size and position of the specied logos or signatures while checking the image displayed on the
[Details] tab
[Include Number of Sheets to Send]
Select this check box if you want to include the number of sheets that you are going to send in the cover
sheet and specify the number of sheets in [Number of Sheets to Send]. The number of sheets to send is
not counted automatically. The value specied here is included in the cover sheet.
[Include Title]
Select this check box if you want to add a title to the cover sheet and enter the title in [Title].
If you want to insert an attention note, select [Insert Attention Note] and select a
note from the [Attention Note] drop-down list.
Attention notes such as "Urgent" and "Condential" are available. You can also enter characters directly in
[Attention Note] instead of selecting a note from the list.
You can also add comments in [Comment to Include].
Click [Preview] to check the contents of the cover sheet, and if everything is correct,
click [OK].
To modify the contents, perform the steps from 3 again.
The specied cover sheet is attached to the fax when the fax is sent.
Using Address Book for PC Faxes
Once you register frequently used destinations for PC faxes in the Address Book, you
can easily specify destinations whenever you send PC faxes. Also, Address Book data
in CSV format created on applications such as Microsoft Excel can be imported into
the machine, or the Address Book data can be exported to a le for use on other fax
machines or applications.
Changing Location to Save Address Book Data
The location to save Address Book data can be changed to any arbitrary folder. You cannot use the Address Book if
you do not have permission to access the folder where the Address Book is saved. In this case, change the save
location of the Address Book.
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the fax driver icon for this machine and click [Printing preferences].
Click the [Select Destination] tab [Edit Address Book].
Click [Specify a Folder].
Specify the location to save the Address Book data, and click [OK].
Save the Address Book data in a folder, such as the [My Documents] folder, where you have write
Click [New] or [Copy].
To create a new and empty Address Book, click [New], and to just change the save location while keeping the
present Address Book content as is, click [Copy].
Even if you change the Address Book save location, it does not result in deletion of the Address Book data
in the original folder.
If Address Book data already exists in the save location specied in step 5, the following message is
displayed. If you want to use the existing Address Book, click [Use as-is], and if you want to overwrite it
with the present Address Book, click [Overwrite].
Registering Destinations
This section describes how to register destinations in the Address Book for PC faxes. You can select single destinations
from among those registered in the Address Book to make one group destination (Group Dial), which is useful when
sending to multiple destinations at once.
Registering Destinations(P. 213)
Registering Multiple Destinations as One Destination (Group Dial)(P. 215)
A total of 6,000 destinations can be registered: 3,000 for single destinations and 3,000 for group
You can select and combine registered group destinations and register them as separate group
You cannot use the Address Book if you do not have permission to access the folder where the Address Book
is saved. Log on as a user who has permission to access the folder, or change the save location of the
Address Book.
Changing Location to Save Address Book Data(P. 210)
Registering Destinations
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the fax driver icon for this machine and click [Printing preferences].
Click the [Select Destination] tab [Edit Address Book].
Click [Add Person].
To change or delete registered destinations, select a destination from [Address Book], and click [Edit] or
Specify each setting and click [OK].
Enter the recipient name, company name, and department name.
Enter comments as necessary.
Fax Number
Enter the fax number(s). Hyphens can be inserted between numbers as necessary. If you want to add
explanations of the uses for the fax numbers, such as "Home" or "Oce", enter them in [Description].
Registering Multiple Destinations as One Destination (Group Dial)
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the fax driver icon for this machine and click [Printing preferences].
Click the [Select Destination] tab [Edit Address Book].
Click [Add Group].
To change or delete registered destinations, select a destination from [Address Book], and click [Edit] or
Specify each setting and click [OK].
[Group Name]
Enter a group name such as "Sales Department 1."
Select the type of the destinations to display in [Available Destinations], from which you can select the
destinations to register in Group Dial.
Displays single destinations.
Displays group destinations.
Displays all the destinations registered in the Address Book.
[Available Destinations]
Select the destinations to register in Group Dial, and click [Add]. The selected destinations are displayed in
[Current Group Members].
To select multiple destinations, click the destinations while holding down [SHIFT] key or [CTRL] key.
To delete a destination from [Current Group Members], select a destination and click [Delete].
Enter comments as necessary.
Using Registered Destinations
This section describes how to specify destinations registered in the Address Book. Registering Destinations(P. 213)
You cannot use the Address Book if you do not have permission to access the folder where the Address Book
is saved. Log on as a user who has permission to access the folder, or change the save location of the
Address Book. Changing Location to Save Address Book Data(P. 210)
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select the fax driver for this machine, and click [Print].
Click the [Select Destination] tab select the Address Book from [Address Book List].
Select a destination and click [Add to Destination List].
To specify multiple destinations, repeat step 4.
You can search for destinations with [Address List].
Clicking [Edit Address Book] allows you to edit the Address Book.
Importing/Exporting Address Book Data from the Fax
Address Book data in CSV format created on applications such as Microsoft Excel can be imported into the machine, or
the Address Book data can be exported to a le for use on other fax machines or applications.
Importing Address Book Data(P. 219)
Exporting Address Book Data(P. 220)
Importing Address Book Data
The le formats that can be read into the fax driver are the following three: CSV le (*.csv), Canon Address Book le
(*.abk), and device conguration information le (*.dcm).
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the fax driver icon for this machine and click [Printing preferences].
Click the [Select Destination] tab [Edit Address Book].
Click [Import].
Select the le to import and click [Open].
For a CSV le, specify the separators used in the le.
The destinations imported from the le are displayed in [Address Book].
Exporting Address Book Data
The le formats that can be written out from the fax driver are the following two: CSV le (*.csv) and Canon Address
Book le (*.abk).
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the fax driver icon for this machine and click [Printing preferences].
Click the [Select Destination] tab [Edit Address Book].
Click [Export].
If you have selected [Protect with Password when Exporting Address List] in the dialog box that is
displayed when [Security Settings] of the [Special] tab is clicked, a dialog box for entering a password is
displayed when you click [Export]. For more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen.
Specify the location to save the le, the le name, and the le format, and then click
For a CSV le, specify the separators used in the le.
The Address Book data is exported to the specied location.
Using Internet Fax (I-Fax)
The Internet Fax (I-Fax) function allows you to send and receive faxes over the Internet. Originals are sent attached as
TIFF images les to e-mail. Since a telephone connection is not used, you can send faxes to distant locations and send
documents with many pages without worrying about communications charges. Some advance preparation is required,
such as specifying the mail server settings.
Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending & Receiving I-
Faxes)(P. 462)
Sending I-Faxes
To send a fax to a computer or another I-Fax-compatible device, specify an e-mail address instead of a fax number as
the destination. If you send an I-Fax to a computer, it is sent as an e-mail attachment in TIFF format. And in the same
way as when you send e-mail to a computer, you can specify multiple destinations and specify Cc and Bcc destinations.
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Tap <I-Fax>.
Enter the destination using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
To use the Address Book to quickly specify destinations: Sending Using Registered Destinations (E-
Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 361)
If the screen above is not displayed
You can only send to your own e-mail address. To send to other destinations, you must congure the send
function authentication settings so that e-mail transmission is not restricted. Contact your administrator
for details. LDAP Server Authentication(P. 536) .
Specify multiple destinations, including Cc/Bcc destinations, as necessary.
Tap <Destination>, select the method for specifying destinations and then specify the destination.
If you selected <Specify from LDAP Server> or <Specify Myself as Destination>, the destination is selected in
the <To> eld.
<Cc> and <Bcc> addresses can only be selected using <Specify from Address Book>, <Specify from Coded
Dial>, or <Specify from Favorites>.
Specify the scanning settings as necessary.
Tap the item you want to set.
<Scan Size> Specifying a Scanning Size(P. 349)
<Density> Adjusting Density(P. 353)
<Original Type> Selecting Document Type(P. 355)
<2-Sided Original> Scanning 2-Sided Documents(P. 356)
<Sharpness> Adjusting Sharpness(P. 357)
The le name of a scanned document is automatically assigned based on the following format:
"communication management number (four digits)_sent date and time_document number (three
Example of le names: To send only a one-page document on October 17, 2015 at 07:00:05 PM.
You cannot specify le names yourself.
Specify the subject, body, and reply-to address for the e-mail as necessary.
The subject is set to "Attached Image" by default.
The body is not set by default. Enter it as necessary. Without the body text, only scanned documents are sent.
The reply-to address is not set by default. If you want to specify an e-mail reply-to address that is different
than the machine's e-mail address, specify the address from among those registered in the Address Book. If
no destination is registered in the Address Book, see
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77) .
To specify subject/body
Tap <Subject/Message>.
Tap <Subject>
Enter the subject using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Message>.
Enter the body using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Apply>.
To specify reply-to address
Tap <Reply To>.
Tap <Specify from Address Book>.
Select a reply-to address from the Address Book.
For instructions on how to use the Address Book, see Specifying from Address Book(P. 153) .
The reply-to address that can be specied is always one of the e-mail addresses registered in the Address
Press to start sending.
Scanning of the document starts.
To cancel sending, tap <Cancel> <Yes>. Canceling Sending Documents (Fax/I-Fax)(P. 176)
When placing documents in the feeder in step 1
When scanning is complete, the I-Fax is sent.
When placing documents on the platen glass in step 1
When scanning is complete, follow the procedures below.
If there are additional pages of documents to be scanned, place the next document on the platen
glass, and press .
Repeat this step until you nish scanning all of the pages.
When there is only one page to be scanned, proceed to the next step.
Tap <Start Sending>.
The I-Fax is sent.
If the <SMTP Authentication> screen is displayed
Enter the user name and password with the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
If a Send Error Occurs
Error notications are sometimes sent to the e-mail address set to the machine. If you leave it as-is, it may
result in an insucient remaining capacity of mailbox depending on your mail server. It is recommended that
you clear the mailbox periodically.
To clear the mailbox
When the mailbox is cleared, all e-mail in the server mailbox is deleted. When you specify the e-mail
account that you use usually, you should rst check whether any e-mail in the mailbox needs to be kept.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [E-Mail/I-Fax Settings].
Click [Clear] in [Clear Mail Box].
Read the message that is displayed, and click [OK].
E-mail is deleted from the mailbox.
If you always want to send using the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
If you want to register a combination of settings to use when needed: Registering Frequently Used Scan
Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
If you want to specify the I-Fax sender name:
Register Unit Name (E-Mail/I-Fax)(P. 672)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Receiving I-Faxes
When an I-Fax Arrives
When an I-Fax arrives, the Processing/Data indicator on the operation panel blinks. After the I-Fax is completely
received, the document is printed out automatically and the indicator goes out.
To cancel reception, press <RX Job> <Job Status> Select the document on the <RX Job Status>
screen <Delete> <Yes>
Receiving I-Faxes Manually
If you want to connect to the server before receiving I-Faxes automatically, or if you want to congure the machine so
that it does not receive I-Faxes automatically, use the method below to receive I-Faxes manually.
<RX Job> <Check I-Fax RX>
Connect to the server. If there is a document on the server, printing begins.
Printout Paper
Regardless of the received document size, incoming I-Faxes are printed at the size specied in <RX Print Size>.
Print Size(P. 670)
If paper of the size specied in <RX Print Size> is not loaded in the paper drawer, the <No Paper> error
message is displayed. When an Error Message Appears(P. 732)
If you want to print received documents on both sides of paper: Print on Both Sides(P. 670)
If you want to continue printing even when toner is running low: Continue Printing When Amount in
Cartridge Is Low(P. 664)
Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents (MF515x)(P. 200)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Using the Machine as a Printer .............................................................................................................. 234
Printing from a Computer ................................................................................................................................ 235
Printing a Document .................................................................................................................................... 237
Canceling Prints ........................................................................................................................................... 241
Checking the Printing Status and Log ........................................................................................................... 244
Various Print Settings ................................................................................................................................... 246
Enlarging or Reducing ........................................................................................................................... 248
Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided Printing ................................................................................................. 250
Collating Printouts by Page .................................................................................................................... 252
Printing Multiple Pages onto One Sheet ................................................................................................ 254
Printing Posters ..................................................................................................................................... 256
Printing Booklet ..................................................................................................................................... 257
Printing Borders .................................................................................................................................... 259
Printing Dates and Page Numbers ......................................................................................................... 260
Printing Watermarks .............................................................................................................................. 262
Printing Specic Pages onto Different Paper ......................................................................................... 264
Selecting Document Type ...................................................................................................................... 266
Saving Toner .......................................................................................................................................... 268
Combining and Printing Multiple Documents ........................................................................................ 270
Conguring Printer Settings on the Machine ......................................................................................... 274
Printing a Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print) ................................................................................... 276
Preparing for Using Secure Print ........................................................................................................... 277
Printing via Secure Print ........................................................................................................................ 279
Conguring Print Settings to Your Needs ..................................................................................................... 284
Registering Combinations of Frequently Used Print Settings ................................................................. 285
Changing Default Settings ..................................................................................................................... 287
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print) ......................................................................................... 289
Changing Default Memory Media Print Settings ........................................................................................... 302
Using the Machine as a Printer
Using the Machine as a Printer
There are many ways to use the machine as a printer. You can print documents on your computer by using the printer
driver or print image les from a USB memory device. Make full use of the print functions to suit your needs.
Printing from a Computer
You can print a document made on your computer by using the printer driver. Printing from a Computer(P. 235)
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)
You can print JPEG, TIFF and PDF les stored in a USB memory device by connecting it directly to the machine. Using
this function, you can print without using a computer.
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
Printing from Mobile Devices
Linking mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets to this machine provides a quick and easy way to
print photos and web pages. The machine also supports Google Cloud Print™.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device(P. 386)
Using Google Cloud Print(P. 405)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing from a Computer
You can print a document made with an application on your computer by using the printer driver. There are useful
settings on the printer driver, such as enlarging/reducing and 2-sided printing, that enable you to print your
documents in various ways. Before you can use this function, you need to complete some procedures, such as
installing the printer driver on your computer. For more information, see "MF Driver Installation Guide."
If you are a Mac OS user, see "Canon MF Printer Driver Guide" for installing the printer drivers and Printer
Driver's Help for using print functions. For Mac OS Users(P. 896)
Depending on the operating system and the type or version of the printer driver you are using, the printer
driver screens in this manual may differ from your screens.
You can use the PCL6 printer driver as well as the UFR II printer driver. The available print settings vary
depending on the printer driver. For more information, click [Help] on each printer driver screen.
About the Printer Driver Help
Clicking [Help] on the printer driver screen displays the Help screen. On this screen, you can see the detailed
descriptions that are not in the e-Manual.
To Use the Optional Items
If the optional paper feeder is attached to the machine, perform the following operation on the printer driver.
To perform the following procedure, log on to your computer with an administrator account.
Open the printer folder ( Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888) ) Right-click the printer driver
icon for this machine [Printer Properties] or [Properties] [Device Settings] tab Set [Paper
Source Options] [OK]
Using the Machine as a Printer
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing a Document
This section describes how to print a document on your computer by using the printer driver.
Paper settings on the machine
Normally, it is necessary to specify the paper size and type for the paper loaded in each paper source before
proceeding to printing. Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
By setting <Prioritize Driver Settings When Printing> to <On>, you can print from the paper source specied
in the printer driver, regardless of the paper settings on the machine. Prioritize Driver Settings When
Printing(P. 677)
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select the printer driver for this machine, and click [Preferences] or [Properties].
The screen that is displayed differs depending on the application you are using.
Specify the paper size.
Using the Machine as a Printer
[Page Size]
Select the size of a document made in the application.
[Output Size]
Select the size of paper on which the document will be actually printed. If the selected size differs from the
one specied in [Page Size], the document is printed enlarged/reduced automatically according to the
selected size. Enlarging or Reducing(P. 248)
Clickable UI
You can easily specify the page layout, binding position, etc. intuitively on the preview image. For more
information, click [Help] on the printer driver screen.
Click the [Paper Source] tab, and specify the paper source and paper type.
[Paper Source]
Select the paper source from which paper is fed.
Setting Value
Paper Source
The paper source is automatically selected according to the specied size and type of
the paper to print on and the settings congured in the machine.
Multi-purpose Tray Paper is fed from the multi-purpose tray.
Drawer 1 Paper is fed from the paper drawer of the machine.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Setting Value Paper Source
Drawer N
(N = 2 to 3)
Paper is fed from the optional paper feeder.
[Paper Type]
Specify the setting according to the type and basis weight of the paper to print on. Loading Paper(P. 50)
Specify other print settings as necessary. Various Print Settings(P. 246)
You can register the settings you specied in this step as a "prole" and use the prole whenever you
print. You can eliminate the need to specify the same settings every time you print. Registering
Combinations of Frequently Used Print Settings(P. 285)
Click [OK].
Click [Print] or [OK].
Printing starts. On some applications, a screen like shown below appears.
To cancel printing, click [Cancel] when the screen shown above is displayed. After the screen disappears
or if the screen is not displayed, you can cancel printing in other ways. Canceling Prints(P. 241)
Using the Machine as a Printer
When printing from the Windows Store app in Windows 8/Server 2012
Display the charms on the right side of the screen and use the procedure shown below.
Windows 8/Server 2012
Tap or click [Devices] the printer driver for this machine [Print].
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Tap or click [Devices]
[Print] the printer driver for this machine [Print].
If you print using this method, only a limited number of print settings are available.
If the message [The printer requires your attention. Go to the desktop to take care of it.] is displayed, go to
the desktop and follow the instructions in the displayed dialog box. This message appears when the
machine is set to display the user name during printing and similar instances.
Managing Documents and Checking the Machine Status(P. 613)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Canceling Prints
You can cancel printing from your computer or on the operation panel of the machine.
From a Computer(P. 241)
From the Operation Panel(P. 242)
From a Computer
You can cancel printing from the printer icon displayed on the system tray on the desktop.
Double-click the printer icon.
When the printer icon is not displayed
Open the printer folder ( Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888) ), right-click the printer driver icon for
this machine, and click [See what's printing] (or double-click the icon of the printer driver for the machine).
Select the document you want to cancel, and click [Document] [Cancel].
Click [Yes].
Printing of the selected document is canceled.
Several pages may be output after you cancel printing.
Canceling from the Remote UI
You can cancel printing from the [Job Status] page on the Remote UI: Checking Current Status of Print
Documents(P. 613)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Canceling from an application
On some applications, a screen like shown below appears. You can cancel printing by clicking [Cancel].
From the Operation Panel
Cancel printing using or .
to Cancel
If the Screen Displays a List of Documents When is Pressed
Tap the document to cancel.
Check the Print Job Status before Canceling
<Copy/Print Job> <Job Status> Select the document on the <Copy/Print Job Status>
screen <Cancel> <Yes>
Using the Machine as a Printer
Several pages may be output after you cancel printing.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Checking the Printing Status and Log(P. 244)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Checking the Printing Status and Log
You can check the current print statuses and the logs for printed documents.
When <Display Job Log> is set to <Off>, you cannot check the print job log. Display Job Log(P. 712)
Useful in the Following Cases
When your documents are not printed for a long time, you may want to see the waiting list of the
documents waiting to be printed.
When you cannot nd your printouts that you thought had been printed, you may want to see whether an
error has occurred.
Press .
Tap <Copy/Print Job>.
Check the print statuses and logs.
To check the print statuses
Tap <Job Status>.
Select the document whose status you want to check.
Using the Machine as a Printer
<Copy/Print Job Status>
Displays a list of the documents that are being processed, being copied, or are waiting to be
Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list.
To check the print logs
Tap <Print Job Log>.
Select the document whose log you want to check.
<Print Job Log>
Displays a list of the documents that were printed. <OK> is displayed when a document was printed
successfully, and <Error> is displayed when a document failed to be printed because it was canceled
or there was some error.
Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list. The displayed document
name or user name may not reect the actual document or user name.
When a three-digit number is shown in the case of <Error>
This number represents an error code. When an Error Code Appears(P. 745)
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Canceling Prints(P. 241)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Various Print Settings
There are a variety of settings to suit your needs, such as Enlarged/Reduced and 2-sided Printing.
Enlarging or Reducing(P. 248) Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided
Printing(P. 250)
Collating Printouts by
Page(P. 252)
Printing Multiple Pages onto One
Sheet(P. 254)
Printing Posters(P. 256) Printing Booklet(P. 257)
Printing Borders(P. 259) Printing Dates and Page
Numbers(P. 260)
Printing Watermarks(P. 262)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Specic Pages onto
Different Paper(P. 264)
Selecting Document Type(P. 266) Saving Toner(P. 268)
Combining and Printing Multiple
Documents(P. 270)
Conguring Printer Settings on
the Machine(P. 274)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Enlarging or Reducing
You can make enlarged or reduced printouts by using a preset print ratio, such as A5
to A4, or a custom print ratio that you set in increments of 1%.
Setting Print Ratio by Specifying the Original Document and Paper Size (Preset Ratio)
The print ratio is automatically set based on the document and paper size you have specied.
[Basic Settings] tab Select the document size in [Page Size] Select the paper size in [Output
Size] [OK]
Specifying Print Ratio in Increments of 1%
[Basic Settings] tab Select the [Manual Scaling] check box Enter the print ratio in [Scaling]
Using the Machine as a Printer
Depending on the selected paper size, you may not be able to set the optimum enlarging/reducing ratio. For
example, there may be large blank spaces on your printout, or portions of the document that are missing.
The enlarging/reducing settings on some applications have priority over those on the printer driver.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided Printing
You can make both 1-sided and 2-sided printouts. The default setting is [2-sided
Printing]. Change the setting as necessary.
Make sure that the sub-output tray is closed
When the sub-output tray is open, you cannot perform 2-sided printing. When performing 2-sided printing,
always make sure that the sub-output tray is closed. Back Side(P. 20)
2-sided printing may not be available with some sizes and types of paper. Paper(P. 856)
[Basic Settings] tab Select [1-sided Printing] or [2-sided Printing] in [1-sided/2-sided/Booklet
Printing] Select the position to bind in [Binding Location] [OK]
[1-sided/2-sided/Booklet Printing]
Select [1-sided Printing] or [2-sided Printing].
For [Booklet Printing], see Printing Booklet(P. 257) .
Using the Machine as a Printer
[Binding Location]
Specify the position to bind the printouts with a binding tool such as a stapler. Printing orientation will be
changed depending on the specied binding position. To specify the margin width for the binding position,
click [Gutter].
[Long Edge [Left]]
Prints images in such a way that the printed pages are opened horizontally when bound.
[Short Edge [Top]]
Prints images in such a way that the printed pages are opened vertically when bound.
Specify a binding margin.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Printing Multiple Pages onto One Sheet(P. 254)
Printing Booklet(P. 257)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Collating Printouts by Page
When printing copies of multi-page documents, select [Collate] to print complete
sets in sequential page order. This function is useful when preparing handouts for
meetings or presentations.
[Basic Settings] tab Select [Collate] or [Group] in [Collate/Group] [OK]
Specify the sorting method of the printouts when printing multiple-page documents.
The printouts are grouped into complete sets in sequential page order. For example, if you are printing
three copies of a ve-page document, the printouts will be arranged in the following page order: 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The printouts are not collated. For example, if you are printing three copies of a ve-page document, the
printouts will be arranged in the following page order: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5.
Using the Machine as a Printer
If you select [Off], whether the printouts are collated or not depends on the setting made on the
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Multiple Pages onto One Sheet
You can print multiple pages onto a single sheet. For example, you can print four or
nine pages onto a single sheet by using [4 on 1] or [9 on 1]. Use this function if you
want to save paper or to view your document in thumbnails.
To save more paper, combine this setting with 2-sided printing. Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided
Printing(P. 250)
[Basic Settings] tab In [Page Layout], select the number of pages to print onto a single sheet In
[Page Order], select the page distribution layout [OK]
[Page Layout]
Select the number of pages to print onto a single sheet from [1 on 1] to [16 on 1]. For example, to print 16
pages onto a single sheet, select [16 on 1].
For options such as [Poster [2 x 2]], see Printing Posters(P. 256) .
Printing may not be performed properly if you combine this setting with an application setting for
collating printouts.
Using the Machine as a Printer
[Page Order]
Select a page distribution layout. For example, if you select [Across from Left], the rst page is printed on the
top left, and then the rest of the pages are arranged rightward.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided Printing(P. 250)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Posters
You can print one page of a document onto multiple pages. For example, if you
make a one-page A4-size document nine times larger, you will have a poster 3x3 A4
size sheets large after you print the document and paste it together.
[Basic Settings] tab In [Page Layout], select the dimensions of your poster (for example, [Poster [2
x 2]]) [OK]
There are four size settings:[Poster [1 x 2]], [Poster [2 x 2]], [Poster [3 x 3]], and [Poster [4 x 4]].
Poster size settings cannot be selected when 2-sided printing is enabled. Select [1-sided Printing] in [1-
sided/2-sided/Booklet Printing], and then select a poster size setting.
Select the [Print Border] check box to add borders on your printouts. The borders are helpful if you want to
paste the printouts together or cut off the margins.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Enlarging or Reducing(P. 248)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Booklet
You can print two pages of a document on both sides of paper and then fold your
printed pages in half to make a booklet. The printer driver controls the print order in
such a way that the page numbers are correctly arranged.
Make sure that the sub-output tray is closed
When the sub-output tray is open, you cannot perform booklet printing. When performing booklet printing,
always make sure that the sub-output tray is closed. Back Side(P. 20)
Booklet printing may not be available with some sizes and types of paper. The paper that is available for 2-
sided printing is also available for booklet printing. See Paper(P. 856) .
[Basic Settings] tab Select [Booklet Printing] in [1-sided/2-sided/Booklet Printing] Click
[Booklet] to specify detailed settings as necessary [OK] [OK]
[1-sided/2-sided/Booklet Printing]
Select [Booklet Printing].
Using the Machine as a Printer
For [1-sided Printing] and [2-sided Printing], see Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided Printing(P. 250) .
The screen below is displayed.
[Booklet Printing Method]
[All Pages at Once]: Prints all of the pages at once as a single bundle so that you can make a booklet just
by folding the printed pages in half.
[Divide into Sets]: Prints as multiple bundles divided by the number of the pages specied on [Sheets
per Set]. Bind each bundle, and then combine them as one booklet. Select this option when the
document has so many pages that you cannot bind them all into a single booklet.
[Specify Booklet Gutter]
If you are using a stapler or other binding tools, specify the margin width for binding your booklet. Select
the [Specify Booklet Gutter] check box and specify the margin width in [Booklet Gutter].
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Borders
You can add borders, such as broken lines or double lines, in the margins of
[Page Setup] tab Click [Page Options] Select the border type in [Edging] [OK] [OK]
Select the border type.
Displays a preview with the selected border.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Printing Dates and Page Numbers(P. 260)
Printing Watermarks(P. 262)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Dates and Page Numbers
You can print the information such as dates or page numbers, and you can specify
where to print this information on the document (upper-left, lower-right, etc.).
[Page Setup] tab Click [Page Options] Select the print position of the print date, user name or
page number [OK] [OK]
[Print Date]
Specify the position to print the print date.
[Print User Name]
Specify the position to print the user name (logon name) for the computer used to print the document.
[Print Page Number]
Specify the position to print the page number.
Changing the Print Format of Dates and Page Numbers
You can change formatting details such as font and font size when printing dates, logon names, or page
numbers. Click [Format Settings] on the Page Options screen shown above to specify the details.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Printing Borders(P. 259)
Printing Watermarks(P. 262)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Watermarks
You can print watermarks such as "COPY" or "CONFIDENTIAL" over the document.
You can create new watermarks or use pre-registered watermarks.
[Page Setup] tab Select the [Watermark] check box Select a watermark from the drop-down list
Select the [Watermark] check box to display the list of the watermarks in the drop-down list. Select a
watermark from the menu.
[Edit Watermark]
Displays the screen to create or edit watermarks.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Click to create a new watermark. Up to 50 watermarks can be registered.
Enter the created watermark name.
[Attributes]/[Alignment]/[Print Style]
Click each tab to specify the text, color, or print position of the watermark. For more information, click [Help]
on the printer driver screen.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Printing Borders(P. 259)
Printing Dates and Page Numbers(P. 260)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing Specic Pages onto Different Paper
You can print specic pages of a document, such as when you want to print the
cover of a booklet on colored paper. In this case, load colored paper for the cover in
the multi-purpose tray and load plain paper for the body pages in the paper drawer,
and then specify the paper settings on the printer driver.
[Paper Source] tab Select the pages to print on different paper and the paper source loaded with
the paper from [Paper Selection] [OK]
[Paper Selection]
Specify which pages should be printed on different paper, and select which paper source should be used to
feed paper for each page.
[Same Paper for All Pages]
Prints all of the pages on the same paper, and does not print any specic
pages on different paper. All the pages are printed on paper specied in
[Paper Source].
[Different for First, Others, and Last] You can use different paper for the rst page, body pages, and last page,
respectively. For example, you can specify the paper in the multi-purpose tray
for [First Page], the paper in the paper drawer for [Other Pages] (body pages),
and the paper in the multi-purpose tray for [Last Page]. Also, selecting [Paper
Type] in [Select by] enables you to specify the paper type used for printing
rather than the paper source.
[Different for First, Second, Others,
and Last]
You can also specify the paper for the following page of the cover as well as
specifying the paper in [Different for First, Others, and Last].
[Different for Cover and Others] Specify the settings for booklet printing ( Printing Booklet(P. 257) ). You can
specify different paper for the cover and body pages, respectively. For
example, you can specify the paper in the multi-purpose tray for [Cover Page]
and the paper in the paper drawer for [Other Pages] (body pages).
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Selecting Document Type
You can specify the document type to ensure optimal image quality. There are
different settings for photo documents, documents that have charts or graphs, and
documents that have design drawings with ne lines.
[Quality] tab Select the document type in [Objective] [OK]
Select an option that suits the document type or purpose of printing. For example, select [General] for
general use, or select [Photos] when you want to print photo images in optimal print quality.
A versatile option that is suitable when printing most documents.
Suitable when printing documents that have a mix of photo images, charts, and graphs.
Suitable when printing documents that have charts or graphs.
Suitable when printing photo images.
[Designs [CAD]]
Suitable when printing design drawings that have many ne lines.
[High Denition Text]
Suitable when printing documents that have small characters.
Using the Machine as a Printer
To specify detailed settings for each item selected on [Objective], click [Advanced Settings]. For more
information, click [Help] on the printer driver screen.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Saving Toner
You can set the printer driver to print documents using less toner.
When the toner save setting is enabled, ne lines and portions with lighter print density may become
[Quality] tab Select the document type in [Objective] Click [Advanced Settings] Select [Toner
Save] in the [Advanced Settings] screen Select [On] from the drop-down list Check the
message [OK] [OK] [OK]
Using the Machine as a Printer
[Objective] Selecting Document Type(P. 266)
Select the document type for which you want to enable the toner save setting.
[Advanced Settings]
A screen with settings is displayed. Click [Toner Save] and select [On] from the drop-down list on the bottom
of the screen.
You can specify whether to enable the toner save setting for each document type. Specify the toner save
setting for each document type listed in [Objective].
In the [Advanced Settings] screen, you can specify various print settings other than toner save settings.
For more information, click [Help] on the printer driver screen.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Combining and Printing Multiple Documents
By using Canon PageComposer, you can combine multiple documents into one print
job and print the job with specied print settings. This function, for example, enables
you to combine documents made with different applications and print all of the
pages in the same paper size.
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select the printer driver for this machine, and click [Preferences] or [Properties].
Select [Edit and Preview] in [Output Method].
Click [OK] on the [Information] pop-up screen.
Click [OK] at the bottom of the screen.
Click [Print] or [OK].
Using the Machine as a Printer
The Canon PageComposer starts. Printing does not start in this step.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the documents you want to combine.
The documents are added to the Canon PageComposer.
From the [Document Name] list, select the documents to combine, and click .
To select multiple documents, click the documents while holding down [SHIFT] key or [CTRL] key.
Change the settings as necessary, and click [Combine].
The documents selected in step 6 are combined.
Using the Machine as a Printer
[Print Preview]
Displays a preview of the document to be printed.
[Document List]/[Print Settings]
Click the [Document List] tab to display the documents added in steps 1 to 4. You can remove
documents by selecting them in the list and clicking [Delete from List].
Click the [Print Settings] tab to display the screen for specifying print settings such as the number of
copies or 1-sided/2-sided printing. The settings specied here are applied to the whole print job.
For more information, click [Help] on the Canon PageComposer screen.
Displays the print setting screen of the printer driver. There are fewer settings available than when using
the ordinary printing method.
Using the Machine as a Printer
On the [Document Name] list, select the combined-document print job you want to
print, and click .
Printing starts.
For instructions on how to cancel printing, see
Canceling Prints(P. 241) .
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Conguring Printer Settings on the Machine
When you print a document from a computer, you can specify many print settings such as the number of copies or 1-
sided/2-sided printing, on the printer driver. However, the <Paper Size Override> setting described below can only be
specied on the operation panel of the machine.
<Paper Size Override>
Select whether to switch between printing on A4 and Letter size paper if one of these paper sizes is loaded but the
other is not. For example, if you are printing a Letter size document but only A4 paper is loaded in the machine, the
machine will print your document on A4 paper.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Paper Size Override> Select <Off> or <On>
Printing stops and an error message is displayed when the machine runs out of the paper that has been
Performs printing with paper size substitution between A4 and Letter.
Other Printer Settings
In addition to <Paper Size Override>, there are some other printer settings you can only specify on the operation panel
of the machine when performing PS/PCL printing and printing from UNIX or other operating system that does not
support printer drivers.
Printer Settings(P. 677)
Priority of settings
If a print setting is specied both from the printer driver and the operation panel of the machine, the
specication from the printer driver overrides that from the operation panel.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Various Print Settings(P. 246)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing a Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print)
By setting a PIN to a document when printing from a computer, the document is held in the memory of the machine,
and is not printed until the correct PIN is entered on the operation panel of the machine. This function is called "Secure
Print," and the document that is protected by a PIN is called a "secured document." Using Secure Print keeps printouts
of condential documents from being left unattended. Before you can use this function, you need to complete some
Preparing for Using Secure Print(P. 277)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Preparing for Using Secure Print
Make sure that Secure Print is enabled on the printer driver.
To perform the following procedure, log on to the computer with an administrator account.
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon for this machine and click [Printer properties] or
Click the [Device Settings] tab and make sure that the [Allow Use of Secured Print]
check box is selected.
If the check box is selected, Secure Print is enabled.
If the check box is not selected, select it and click [OK].
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing via Secure Print(P. 279)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing via Secure Print
This section describes how to print a document from an application as a secured document. The rst part of this
section describes how to send a secured document to the machine, and the second part of this section describes how
to print the secured document on the machine.
Sending a Secured Document from a Computer to the Machine(P. 279)
Printing Out Secured Documents(P. 281)
Changing the Valid Time Period for Secured Documents(P. 282)
Sending a Secured Document from a Computer to the Machine
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select the printer driver for this machine, and click [Preferences] or [Properties].
Select [Secured Print] in [Output Method].
Click [Yes] or [No] on the [Information] pop-up screen.
If you want to use the same user name and PIN every time, click [Yes]. To change the user name and PIN
every time, click [No].
Using the Machine as a Printer
If you selected [Yes]
Enter the [User Name] and [PIN], and click [OK].
The computer name (logon name) of your computer is displayed in [User Name]. If you want to change the
user name, enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for a new user name.
Enter a number of up to seven digits to [PIN].
Specify the print settings, and click [OK].
Click the [Basic Settings], [Page Setup], [Finishing], [Paper Source], or [Quality] tabs to specify the print
settings on each screen as necessary. Various Print Settings(P. 246)
Click [Print] or [OK].
Using the Machine as a Printer
After the secured document is sent to the machine, it is held in the memory of the machine waiting to be
If you selected [No] at step 3
Enter the [Document Name], [User Name], and [PIN] and click [OK].
The document name is automatically set based on the information from the application. If you want to
change the document name, enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for a new document name.
The computer name (logon name) of your computer is displayed in [User Name]. If you want to change the
user name, enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for a new user name.
Enter a number of up to seven digits to [PIN].
Printing Out Secured Documents
After you send the secured document to the machine, print it out within 30 minutes. After that, the secured document
will be deleted from the memory of the machine and can no longer be printed.
If secured documents are left unprinted, they occupy the memory and may prevent the machine from
printing even ordinary (not secured) documents. Make sure that you print your secured documents as soon
as you can.
You can check how much memory is being used for secured documents.
<Device Status> <Secure Print Memory Usage>
You can change the valid time period for secured documents.
Changing the Valid Time Period for
Secured Documents(P. 282)
Press and tap <Secure Print>.
You cannot proceed to the next step if the <Remote Scanner> screen shown below is displayed. In this
case, press to close the screen, and tap <Secure Print> again.
Select the secured document to print.
Using the Machine as a Printer
If the <Select User> screen is displayed
If secured documents from two or more users are being held in memory, the <Select User> screen is
displayed prior to the <Select File> screen. Select your user name.
Enter the PIN using the numeric keys, and then tap <Apply>.
Printing starts.
If you want to cancel printing, tap <Cancel> <Yes>.
Changing the Valid Time Period for Secured Documents
The machine at purchase is set to delete secured documents 30 minutes after receiving them unless they are printed,
but you can change this setting.
Press and tap <Menu>.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Secure Print Settings>.
Tap <On>.
Disabling Secure Print
Using the Machine as a Printer
Tap <Off>, and restart the machine.
Specify how long the machine holds secured documents, and tap <Apply>.
Tap / or the numeric keys to enter the time.
The secured document is erased from the memory of the machine when the time specied here elapses.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Preparing for Using Secure Print(P. 277)
Checking the Printing Status and Log(P. 244)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Conguring Print Settings to Your Needs
You can register combinations of settings as "Proles" to suit your different printing needs. Also, you can register the
settings that you frequently use as the default setting. Once the default setting is set, the registered settings are
automatically displayed on the printer driver screen, and you can skip the operations to specify the print settings and
print immediately.
Specify "TOP SECRET" for a watermark and register it as a
"Prole." Just select this "Prole" when you need it.
Registering Combinations of Frequently Used Print
Settings(P. 285)
Specify [2 on 1] as the user default in the printer driver.
The next and following print jobs will be performed so
that each two pages are shrinked and printed on one
page. Changing Default Settings(P. 287)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Registering Combinations of Frequently Used Print
Specifying combinations of settings such as "1-sided landscape orientation on A4 size paper" every time you print may
be time consuming. If you register these frequently used combinations of print settings as "proles," you can specify
printing settings simply by selecting one of these proles from the list. This section describes how to register proles
and how to print using them.
Registering a Prole(P. 285)
Selecting a Prole(P. 286)
Registering a Prole
Change the settings that you want to register as a prole, and click [Add].
Click the [Basic Settings], [Page Setup], [Finishing], [Paper Source], or [Quality] tabs to specify the print
settings on each screen as necessary. Various Print Settings(P. 246)
Enter a prole name in [Name], select an icon, and then click [OK].
Enter comments on the prole in [Comment] as necessary.
Click [View Settings] to see the settings to register.
Editing a
By clicking [Edit] on the right side of [Add] on the screen shown in step 1, you can change the name, icon, or
comment of the proles you have previously registered. You cannot edit the pre-registered proles.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Selecting a Prole
Select the prole that suits your needs, and click [OK].
Changing the settings of the selected prole
You can change the settings of a selected prole. In addition, the changed settings can be registered as
another prole.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Changing Default Settings
The default settings are the settings that are rst displayed whenever you open the print settings screen of the printer
driver, but you can change them. For example, if you want to print all documents in such manner that each two pages
are shrinked and printed on one page, specify [2 on 1] as the user default of page layout. From next time on, the
printer driver will be opened with [2 on 1] specied as page layout setting and you will not have to change settings
each time you print.
To perform the following procedure, log on to your computer with an administrator account.
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon for this machine and click [Printing preferences].
Change the settings on the print setting screen, and click [OK].
Click the [Basic Settings], [Page Setup], [Finishing], [Paper Source], or [Quality] tabs to specify the print
settings on each screen as necessary. Various Print Settings(P. 246)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Various Print Settings(P. 246)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)
You can print image les and PDF les stored in a USB memory device by connecting it directly to the machine. Using
this function, you can print without using a computer.
Available File Formats
You can print the following types of image les.
JPEG (DCF/Exif 2.21 or earlier/JFIF)
TIFF (JPEG/MH/MR/MMR compression)
For JPEG and TIFF les, maximum printable data size per le
is 20 MB
For PDF les, maximum printable data size per le is 2 GB.
Note that even some les smaller than the size described above may not be printed correctly.
For multi-page TIFF les, maximum data size is per page.
Setting <Secure Print Settings> to <Off> allows data of up to 50 MB to be printed (
Secure Print
Settings(P. 715) ).
Available USB Memory Devices
You can use USB memory devices with the following format styles.
FAT16 (memory capacity: up to 2 GB)
FAT32 (memory capacity: up to 32 GB)
Do not use non-standard USB memory devices. You may not be able to print the images properly in
some USB memory devices.
USB memory devices cannot be connected via a USB hub or an extension cable.
Do not use USB memory devices with special functions such as built-in security functions.
The USB ports of the machine support USB 2.0.
If a folder in a USB memory device has many les, scanning image les to print will take more time.
Use your computer to delete unnecessary les on your USB memory device or move them to a
different folder.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Connect a USB memory device to the USB port on the front of the machine.
Do not remove the USB memory device or shock or shake the device or the machine when data is being
read or written. Also, do not turn OFF the machine while the processing is in progress.
Press and tap <Memory Media Print>.
Tap <Select File and Print>.
Index Print
You can print thumbnails of the JPEG les stored in a USB memory device. To print the images in
thumbnails, select <Index Print> on the screen, and proceed to the next step.
Select the check box for the le you want to print.
You can select multiple les.
To clear a selection, tap the le you have selected (marked as ).
To display the contents of a folder, select a folder, and tap. To return to the folder in the upper level, press
Using the Machine as a Printer
Folders and les lower than the third directory are not displayed.
When you move to another folder, the previous le selections will be cleared.
To select all les
Tap <All Items>.
Tap <Select All>.
To clear all selections, tap <Clear All>.
Tap <JPEG/TIFF> or <PDF>.
If you selected a le before you tap <All Items>, you can only select les of the same format.
To display previews
You can change the display method from <Details> (for le names and modication dates) to <Images> (for
previews). By previewing images, you can check the le content before you select a le to print.
Preview images are not displayed for PDF les.
You can specify either <Details> or <Images> as the default display method. Default Display
Settings(P. 675)
Tap <All Items>.
Tap <Display Method>.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Tap the display method.
Displays le names and dates.
You can set whether to display abbreviated le names. File Name Display Format(P. 675)
Displays previews.
Tap / or ick to switch the preview.
to display a larger preview. Tap to return to the original preview size.
To change the le sort order
You can change the sort order of the les in a USB memory device.
You can specify a sort setting such as <Name (Ascending)> or <Date/Time (Ascending)> as the default
setting for the le sort order. File Sort Default Settings(P. 675)
Tap <All Items>.
Using the Machine as a Printer
Tap <Sort Files>.
Tap the criteria for le sorting.
When you select <Date/Time (Ascending)> or <Date/Time (Descending)>, les are sorted based on the
modication dates and time of the les.
Tap <Apply>.
Specify the print settings as necessary.
Tap the item you want to set.
Using the Machine as a Printer
<Number of Copies>
Specify the number of copies from 1 to 99. Tap / or the numeric keys to enter a quantity, and tap
Select the paper to print on.
<N on 1>
<N on 1> is not available for printing TIFF les.
You can print two or four images onto a single sheet. Select <2 on 1> or <4 on 1>.
<2 on 1>
Prints two images onto a single sheet.
<4 on 1>
Prints four images onto a single sheet.
You can make 2-sided printouts. Select the binding position.
Using the Machine as a Printer
<Book Type>
Prints images in such a way that the printed pages are opened horizontally when bound.
<Calendar Type>
Prints images in such a way that the printed pages are opened vertically when bound.
<2-Sided> may not be available with some sizes or types of paper.
Paper(P. 856)
<Print Quality>
You can change settings related to print quality.
Adjust the toner density to be used for printing. Make adjustment using / , and then tap <Apply>. Note
that if <Toner Save> is set to <On>, you cannot set this item.
Making ne adjustment of toner density
When you want to make ne adjustments of toner density on three density levels - high, medium, and low -,
use the following procedure.
<Fine Adjust>
Select the density level Adjust the density <Apply> <Apply>
<Toner Save>
Tapping <On> prints in toner saving mode. Select <On> when you want to check the layout or other
appearance characteristics before proceeding to nal printing of a large job.
Using the Machine as a Printer
<Set JPEG/TIFF Details>
Specify the default settings of the memory media print function for JPEG and TIFF les.
<Print Date>
If you tap <On>, you can print the modication date of the le below each image.
Although <Print Date> is not available for Index Print, the modication date of the le is automatically
printed below each image.
<Print File Name>
If you tap <On>, you can print the le name below each image.
Although <Print File Name> is not available for Index Print, the le name is automatically printed below
each image.
<Original Type>
You can select the type of original depending on the image to print. Select <Photo Priority> or <Text Priority>.
Using the Machine as a Printer
<Photo Priority>
Gives priority to printing photo images smoothly.
<Text Priority>
Gives priority to printing text clearly.
You can adjust the brightness of printouts. Tap / to adjust the brightness, and tap <Apply>.
<Brightness> is not available for printing those TIFF les that are not JPEG-compressed.
Prints images darker.
Prints images brighter.
You can select the printing method to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and
darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality. Tap <Gradation> or <Error Diffusion>.
Prints images with ne gradation, such as digital camera images, with a smooth nish.
Using the Machine as a Printer
<Error Diffusion>
Prints images with small text or ne lines with a clear nish.
<Grayscale Conversion>
You can select ways to convert color values to a grayscale value when you print color print data.
Color data is converted to monochrome with emphasis on color differences so that a smooth gradation is
Color data is converted to monochrome so that the resulting image looks like a television picture (of the
NTSC system).
<Uniform RGB>
Color data is converted to monochrome so that R, G, and B are uniformly converted to the same gray level.
<Set PDF Details>
Specify the default settings of the memory media print function only for PDF les.
<Enlarge/Reduce to Fit Paper Size>
This setting enlarges or reduces the original document to match the printable area of the paper size.
<Enlarge Print Area>
Using the Machine as a Printer
This setting species whether to enlarge the printable area on the paper.
The area 5 mm from the top, bottom, left and right edges of the paper is not printable.
The printable area is enlarged to the top, bottom, left, and right edges of the paper.
If you select <On>, images on the edge of the paper may not print properly.
<Print Comments>
This setting species whether to print annotations in the PDF le.
Prints no annotations.
Prints only those annotations that are specied to be printed in the PDF le.
<Password to Open Document>
You can print password protected PDF les by entering the password required to open them.
Using the Machine as a Printer
You can select the printing method to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and
darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality. You can make this setting for each of the types of image
contained in one document.
Type of image
Select the type of image for which you want change the setting. <Text> represents letters and characters,
<Graphics> represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and other types of images.
Prints text with clear edges to produce a ne print. This is suitable for printing text and thin lines.
Prints gradations and outlines with a smooth nish. This is suitable for printing gures and graphs that
use gradations.
<High Resolution>
Enables you to perform even ner printing than <Resolution>, but with slightly less stable texture. This is
suitable for printing text and thin lines or sharply printing the lines in CAD data.
<Grayscale Conversion>
You can select ways to convert color values to a grayscale value when you print color print data.
Color data is converted to monochrome with emphasis on color differences so that a smooth gradation is
Color data is converted to monochrome so that the resulting image looks like a television picture (of the
NTSC system).
<Uniform RGB>
Color data is converted to monochrome so that R, G, and B are uniformly converted to the same gray level.
Press .
Printing starts.
If you want to cancel printing, tap <Cancel> <Yes>
Disconnect the USB memory device from the USB port.
Press .
Using the Machine as a Printer
Press .
Tap <Device Status>.
Tap <Remove Memory Media>.
Wait until the message <The memory media can be safely removed.> is displayed.
Disconnect the USB memory device.
If you always want to print with the same settings: Changing Default Memory Media Print
Settings(P. 302)
Memory Media Print Settings(P. 673)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Changing Default Memory Media Print Settings
The default settings are the settings that are displayed whenever you turn ON the machine, or when you press . If
you change these default settings to match the operations that you perform frequently, you can eliminate the need to
specify the same settings every time you make prints.
<Menu> <Memory Media Print Settings> <Change Default Settings> Select the setting
Change the default value of the selected item <Apply>
Select the item you want to set, and change the default value.
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
Memory Media Print Settings(P. 673)
Using the Machine as a Printer
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Using the Machine as a Scanner ........................................................................................................... 304
Preparing to Use the Machine as a Scanner .................................................................................................... 305
Scanning from the Machine .............................................................................................................................. 306
Scanning from a Computer ............................................................................................................................... 310
Scanning Using an Application ..................................................................................................................... 311
Conguring Scan Settings in ScanGear MF ................................................................................................... 313
Conguring Scan Settings in Simple Mode ............................................................................................ 314
Conguring Scan Settings in Advanced Mode ........................................................................................ 317
Convenient Scanning with a Machine-Based Operation ................................................................................. 331
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory ............................................................................................. 332
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine ........................................................................... 335
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server .............................................................................. 342
Canceling Sending Documents (E-Mail/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ............................................................... 345
Specifying Detailed Settings ......................................................................................................................... 347
Specifying a Scanning Size ..................................................................................................................... 349
Setting Color Mode ................................................................................................................................ 350
Selecting a File Format ........................................................................................................................... 351
Adjusting Density ................................................................................................................................... 353
Specifying Orientation of Your Document .............................................................................................. 354
Selecting Document Type ...................................................................................................................... 355
Scanning 2-Sided Documents ................................................................................................................ 356
Adjusting Sharpness .............................................................................................................................. 357
Adjusting Balance between File Size and Image Quality ........................................................................ 359
Setting Gamma Values ........................................................................................................................... 360
Sending Using Registered Destinations (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ......................................... 361
Specifying from Address Book ............................................................................................................... 362
Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial Numbers .......................................................... 365
Specifying Previously Used Destinations ................................................................................................ 368
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server (E-Mail/I-Fax) ....................................................................... 371
Conguring Scan Settings to Your Needs ..................................................................................................... 375
Changing Default Settings ..................................................................................................................... 376
Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ............................. 379
Checking Status and Log for Sent Documents (E-Mail/Shared Folder/FTP Server) ........................................ 383
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Using the Machine as a Scanner
You can scan original documents by using the operation panel of the machine or an application on a computer.
Whichever way you use, the scanned documents are converted into electronic le formats such as PDFs. Use the scan
function to convert large-volume paper documents into les so that you can organize them easily.
To use this machine as a scanner, you must complete preparations in advance, including installation of
software to a computer. For more information, see "MF Driver Installation Guide." To connect the machine to
your computer via a network, you must register the machine to the installed software. Preparing to Use
the Machine as a Scanner(P. 305)
If you are a Mac OS user, see "Canon Scanner Driver Guide" for installing the software and for using scan
For Mac OS Users(P. 896)
Depending on the operating system and the version of the scanner driver or applications you are using, the
screens in this manual may differ from your screens.
Scanning from the Machine
You can scan and save documents to your computer by using the operation panel of the machine. You can also save
documents to a USB memory device or send them as e-mail attachments.
Scanning from the Machine(P. 306)
Convenient Scanning with a Machine-Based Operation(P. 331)
Scanning from a Computer
You can scan documents placed on the machine from a computer. The scanned documents are saved to the computer.
You can scan using MF Scan Utility (included with the machine), or with other applications such as an image-processing
or word-processing application.
Scanning from a Computer(P. 310)
Scanning from Mobile Devices
Linking mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets to this machine provides a quick and easy way to
scan documents set on this machine. Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device(P. 386)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Preparing to Use the Machine as a Scanner
To use this machine as a scanner, you must complete preparations in advance, including installation of software to a
computer. For more information, see "MF Driver Installation Guide." To connect the machine to your computer via a
wireless or wired LAN, you must register the machine in "MF Network Scanner Selector" by following the procedure
below. This procedure is not required if the machine and your computer are connected via USB.
The scan function is not available if the machine and your computer are connected in an IPv6 environment.
Use IPv4 or a USB connection.
Click in the system tray.
Select the check box for the machine, and click [OK].
Up to 10 scanners on a network can be registered on a computer.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Scanning from the Machine
The sequence of "scanning a document and saving it to a computer" can only be
done when scanning from the machine. Scan while specifying what computer
documents will be saved to; whether to scan documents in color or black and white;
whether to save documents as PDFs or JPEGs; and other settings.
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Tap <Computer>.
Select the destination computer.
This screen is not displayed if only a computer is connected to the machine via USB.
Up to 10 network-connected computers can be displayed.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select the scan type.
Scan type Color Resolution File format
<Color Scan> Color 300 dpi JPEG (Exif)
<Black & White Scan>
Black and white
300 dpi
PDF (Searchable
, High compression)
<Custom 1> Color 300 dpi JPEG (Exif)
<Custom 2> Color 300 dpi JPEG (Exif)
Documents are scanned in black and white only, with no intermediate shades of gray.
A PDF format where characters on the document are scanned as text data and the text can be searched using a computer.
To change settings
The settings in the table above are all factory default settings. You can change settings from MF Scan
Utility. For more information, click [Instructions] on MF Scan Utility.
If you are a Mac OS user, see "Canon Scanner Driver Guide." For Mac OS Users(P. 896)
Press .
Scanning of the document starts.
To cancel scanning, tap <Cancel> <Yes>.
You cannot scan while the ScanGear MF is displayed. Close
the screen before scanning.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
When placing documents in the feeder in step 1
When scanning is complete, the save destination folder is displayed on the computer.
When placing documents on the platen glass in step 1
When scanning is complete, follow the procedure below (except if you selected JPEG as a le format).
If there are additional pages of documents to be scanned, place the next document on the platen glass,
and press .
Repeat this step until you nish scanning all of the pages.
When there is only one page to be scanned, proceed to the next step.
Tap <Finish>.
The save destination folder is displayed on the computer.
About the save destination folder
By default, the scanned data is saved to the My Documents folder. A subfolder named with the scanning
date is created, and the data is saved to that folder.
You can change the save destination from MF Scan Utility. For more information, click [Instructions] on MF
Scan Utility.
Scan from the machine more easily
To always scan using the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
To register combinations of scan settings and display them when needed: Registering Frequently Used
Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Other useful scanning functions
You can save scanned documents to a USB memory device or send them by e-mail or as I-Faxes. The
documents can also be saved to shared folders/FTP Server. You can accomplish these functions directly from
the machine.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Scanning from a Computer
There are two ways to scan from a computer: using MF Scan Utility and using an application such as an image-
processing or word-processing application.
Scanning Using MF Scan Utility
MF Scan Utility is an application included with the machine that enables you to scan
documents or images to a computer. You can forward the scanned data to a specied
application, or attach it to an e-mail message. For more information, click [Instructions]
on MF Scan Utility.
If you are a Mac OS user, see "Canon Scanner Driver Guide." For Mac OS Users(P. 896)
Scanning Using an Application
You can scan images by using an application such as a word-processing or
image-processing application, and load the images directly into the application.
You do not need to start another application to scan.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Scanning Using an Application
You can scan documents from applications such as image-processing or word-
processing software. The scanned image is directly loaded in the application,
allowing you to edit or process the image immediately. The following procedure
varies depending on the application.
The application must be compatible with TWAIN or WIA
. For more information, see the instruction manual
for your application.
TWAIN is a standard for connecting image input devices, such as scanners, with computers. WIA is a function that is an
integrated standard in Windows.
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
The second or subsequent documents may not be scanned, or an error message may be displayed
depending on the application. In such a case, place and scan one document at a time.
When <Auto Online for Remote Scan> is set to <Off>, you must tap <Scan> <Remote Scanner> in the
Home screen to bring the machine online. Auto Online for Remote Scan(P. 711)
From the application, select the start scan command.
The procedure for selecting the start scan command varies depending on the application. For more
information, see the instruction manual for your application.
Select the scanner driver for the machine.
Select ScanGear MF or WIA. If you select ScanGear MF, you can congure advanced scan settings.
Congure the scan settings as necessary.
For more information about ScanGear MF scan settings, see Conguring Scan Settings in Simple
Mode(P. 314) or Conguring Scan Settings in Advanced Mode(P. 317) .
Click [Scan].
Scanning of the document starts.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
When scanning is complete, the scanned image is forwarded to an application.
Conguring Scan Settings in ScanGear MF(P. 313)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Conguring Scan Settings in ScanGear MF
ScanGear MF is a scanner driver included with the machine. You can use ScanGear
MF to congure advanced scan settings when you scan. The way of starting
ScanGear MF differs depending of the way of scanning from the computer.
Starting from MF Scan Utility
When scanning from MF Scan Utility, click [ScanGear] to start ScanGear MF. For more information, click
[Instructions] on MF Scan Utility.
If you are a Mac OS user, see "Canon Scanner Driver Guide." For Mac OS Users(P. 896)
Starting from an Application
To scan from applications such as image-processing or word-processing software, select ScanGear MF as
scanner driver. Scanning Using an Application(P. 311)
You can do the following by using ScanGear MF:
Previewing the image before scanning
Specifying the scanning area
Adjusting the detailed image quality
For details, see
Conguring Scan Settings in Simple Mode(P. 314) and Conguring Scan Settings in
Advanced Mode(P. 317) .
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Conguring Scan Settings in Simple Mode
Simple Mode is a collection of basic scan settings in ScanGear MF designed for easy operation. In other words, Simple
Mode is a digest version of ScanGear MF. Congure settings in the order indicated from
to on the screen, and
click [Scan]. By doing so, you can congure basic settings and scan.
Preview area
You can preview the document that is placed on the platen glass. If you click [Preview], a preview image is
displayed in this area and the cropping frame is displayed with a dotted line.
Control the image in the preview area.
(Auto Crop)
The cropping frame that ts the scanned image is automatically set. Each time you click the icon, the
cropping frame is reduced. You can move the frame, or change its size with your mouse.
Manually setting multiple scanning areas
You can manually add cropping frames. You can also specify cropping areas in the document so that
each of them can be scanned as separate images. Drag the cropping frames to specify the areas you
want to scan. You can specify up to 10 areas. Click [Scan] to scan the areas in the cropping frames as
separate images.
(Clear Crop Frame)
Clears the selected cropping frame.
(Left Rotate) / (Right Rotate)
Rotates the preview image 90 degrees to the left or right.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Displays the current settings of the scanned image, such as the color mode and size of the scan area.
[Select Source]
Select the image type to scan documents. Available items vary depending on where you placed the
If you placed the document on the platen glass
[Photo (Color/Platen Glass)] The photo document is scanned as a color image.
[Magazine (Color/Platen Glass)]
Print material, such as a magazine, is scanned as a color image. The color
unevenness and moire that occurs when scanning print images is reduced.
[Newspaper (B&W/Platen Glass)]
The text document or line drawing is scanned as a black and white image (in
black and white only, with no intermediate shades of gray).
[Document (Grayscale/Platen Glass)]
The text or photograph document is scanned as a grayscale image (in black and
white with intermediate shades of gray, similar to a black and white
If you placed the document in the feeder
[Document (Color/Feeder)]
The document is scanned as a color image.
[Document (Grayscale/Feeder)] The document is scanned as a grayscale image.
[Select Purpose]
Select a setting based on your intended use of the scanned image.
[Print (300dpi)]
Select when printing the scanned image.
[Image Display (150dpi)] Select when displaying the scanned image on a computer.
[OCR (300dpi)] Select when using the scanned image with OCR (optical character recognition)
[Output Size]
Select the size of the scanned image when it is printed or displayed on a computer. For example, if you
want to output an image that is appropriate for printing on A4 paper, select [A4], and [Print (300dpi)] for
[Select Purpose] ( ).
to switch between the portrait and landscape orientation. This button is not available when
[Flexible] is selected.
If you select [Add/Delete], you can add new output size settings and delete the added sizes.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select [Flexible] to change the ratio of width to height. Drag the area you want to scan on the preview
[Image Correction]
Select the [Fading Correction] check box to correct faded colors on an old photograph or other images into
vivid colors. This setting is available when a preview image is displayed and you select [Photo (Color/Platen
Glass)] or [Magazine (Color/Platen Glass)] for [Select Source] (
Conguring Scan Settings in Advanced Mode(P. 317)
Scanning Using an Application(P. 311)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Conguring Scan Settings in Advanced Mode
If you click the [Advanced Mode] tab on the ScanGear MF screen, you can make more advanced adjustments in the
image quality than you can in Simple Mode. You can also register adjusted settings as Favorite Settings. For more
detailed information, click the icon next to the topic.
Operating Preview Images(P. 317)
Specifying Settings for Documents and Color Mode(P. 318)
Specifying Resolution and Image Size(P. 320)
Adjusting Image Quality(P. 321)
Adjusting Brightness and Color(P. 322)
Specifying Other Settings(P. 325)
Registering Frequently Used Settings(P. 328)
Operating Preview Images
If you place the document on the platen glass and click [Preview], a preview image is displayed. You can specify the
area you want to scan, and check the effects of image adjustments on the preview image.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Clears the preview image.
Species the cropping area with the cropping frame. Click and drag the area you want to crop. The cropping
area is indicated with a dotted line. You can move the cropping frame or change its size with your mouse.
Setting multiple scanning areas
You can specify cropping areas in the document so that each of them can be scanned as separate images.
Drag the cropping frame to specify the areas you want to scan. You can specify up to 10 areas. Click [Scan]
to scan the areas in the cropping frames as separate images.
(Move the Image)
Drags the image to move the visible part of the image when a preview image is enlarged.
Enlarges the entire preview image. Left-click the image to zoom in. Right-click the enlarged image to zoom
out. To enlarge a part of the image to check the details, use [Zoom] (
(Left Rotate) / (Right Rotate)
Rotates the preview image 90 degrees to the left or right.
Displays the current settings of the scanned image, such as the color mode and size of the scan area.
(Auto Crop)
Automatically sets the cropping frame that ts the scanned document. Each time you click the icon, the
cropping frame is reduced.
(Clear Crop Frame)
Clears the selected cropping frame.
[Select All Crops]
Selects all of the cropping frames on the image.
Enlarges the image in the cropping frame. The smaller the cropping frame, the larger the image is displayed.
You can check the details that are dicult to see with ( ). To return the image to its original size, click
Specifying Settings for Documents and Color Mode
Specify the document input method (the platen glass or feeder), document size, color mode, and other settings.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
[Original Input Method]
Select a setting based on whether you place your documents on the platen glass or in the feeder.
[Platen Glass]
Select when placing documents on the platen glass.
[Feeder (1-sided)] Select when placing 1-sided documents in the feeder.
[Feeder (2-sided)] Select when placing 2-sided documents in the feeder.
[Input Size]
Specify the size of the scanning area. For normal cases, select the same size as the document. To specify the
size with values, select a unit, and enter the values for width and height. To lock the width to height ratio of
the image, click .
If you select [Feeder (2-sided)] for [Original Input Method] ( ), you cannot specify the size by entering
the values.
The image size that can be scanned is limited on some applications.
If documents are placed in the feeder, set the orientation of the documents in [Orientation]. You can also
set [Binding Location] if 2-sided documents are placed in the feeder.
[Color Mode]
Select the image type to scan documents.
[Black and White]
The document is scanned as a black and white image (in black and white only, with no
intermediate shades of gray). You can change the threshold that separates text in the
document or the image into black and white with [Threshold] ( Adjusting
Brightness and Color(P. 322) ).
Using the Machine as a Scanner
[Grayscale] The document is scanned as a grayscale image (in black and white with intermediate
shades of gray, similar to a black and white photograph).
[Color] The document is scanned as a color image.
[Text Enhanced] The document is scanned as a black and white image optimized for processing by OCR
(optical character recognition) software.
Specifying Resolution and Image Size
Specify the output resolution and output size.
[Output Resolution]
Select the resolution of the scanned image that suits your intended use. If documents are placed in the
feeder, the maximum resolution is 300 dpi.
About the output resolution
A resolution of 75 dpi is a rough guide for displaying the scanned image on a computer, and 300 dpi for
printing or creating a searchable PDF.
If you double the output resolution, the image le size increases by a factor of 4. If the le size is too large,
a memory shortage or other error may occur. Set the resolution to the minimum required for your
intended use.
[Output Size]
Select the size of the scanned image when it is printed or displayed on a computer.
to switch between the portrait and landscape orientation. This button is not available when
[Flexible] is selected.
If you select [Add/Delete], you can add new output size settings and delete the added sizes.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select [Flexible] to change the output size and the ratio of width to height. Drag the area you want to scan on
the preview image or enter values for width and height. If you specify the magnication percentage in the
[%] entry eld on the right side of the width and height entry elds, the document is enlarged or reduced for
[Data Size]
Displays the data size of the image when it is scanned with the set [Output Resolution] and [Output Size].
Adjusting Image Quality
Congure settings for improving the image quality, such as correction of scratches or faded colors on a photograph.
These settings are available if you select [Color] or [Grayscale] for [Color Mode] (
Specifying Settings for
Documents and Color Mode(P. 318) ).
[Auto Tone]
Automatically adjusts the color tone of the image.
[Reduce Dust and Scratches]
Makes dust or scratches on the document less noticeable. [High] makes large scratches and dust less
noticeable, but may ruin details on the image.
[Fading Correction]
The setting is available if you select [Color] for [Color Mode]. Corrects faded colors on the document or
enhances the color saturation of dull-colored documents. [High] dramatically corrects the faded colors, but
may change the color tone of the entire image.
[Grain Correction]
Reduces graininess to create a smooth color tone when scanning photographs taken with high-speed lm.
[High] dramatically reduces graininess, but may also reduce image sharpness or degrade image quality.
[Use Unsharp Mask]
Emphasizes the edges and lines in the image, creating a sharper appearance.
[Use Descreen]
Reduces the color unevenness and moire that occur when scanning printed images.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Adjusting Brightness and Color
Congure color settings such as brightness, contrast, and color tone. The displayed items vary depending on the
settings selected for [Color Mode] (
Specifying Settings for Documents and Color Mode(P. 318) ). When [Text
Enhanced] is selected, you cannot congure these settings.
Adjusts the brightness and contrast (the difference between the light and dark parts) of the image. To adjust
while checking on a graph, click on the upper-right of the screen.
If you select [Color] for [Color Mode], you can adjust the [Red], [Green] and [Blue] color channels
separately. To adjust all three colors at the same time, select [Master]. You can combine the
adjustments made in [Master] and those made in the individual color channels.
If you select [Grayscale] for [Color Mode], only [Grayscale] is displayed.
Slide or enter a value.
Slide or enter a value. When contrast is reduced, the difference between the light and dark parts of
the image is reduced to create a softer appearance. When contrast is increased, the difference between
the light and dark parts is increased to create a bolder appearance.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
A histogram is a graph that shows the distribution of brightness in an image. You can
adjust the image while checking the preview image and histogram. Specify the part of
the image you want to make brightest (or darkest) in the preview image, so that the
brightness balance of the original image is automatically adjusted with the specied
part being the average. Likewise, you can also adjust the balance with the brightness
of the medium tone being the average.
If you select [Color] for [Color Mode], you can adjust the [Red], [Green] and [Blue] color channels
separately. To adjust all three colors at the same time, select [Master]. You can combine the
adjustments made in [Master] and those made in the individual color channels.
If you select [Grayscale] for [Color Mode], only [Grayscale] is displayed.
(Black-point Eyedropper) / (Mid-point Eyedropper) / (White-point Eyedropper)
Click the parts on the preview image (or cropping frame) you want to specify as the darkest, the medium,
and the brightest. Slide
, , or . Alternatively, you can enter a value.
(Gray Balance Eyedropper Tool)
Click a part on the preview image (or cropping frame) you want to render as an achromatic color, which is
black, grey, or white, each of which does not have color depth. Color tone on the rest of the image is
adjusted with the clicked part being the average. For example, if snow on a photograph image is bluish,
click this part because you essentially want to render this part as white. When you click this part, the snow
is no longer bluish, and the entire image is adjusted so that it comes closer to natural colors. Click
different parts little by little while checking the preview image to produce the optimum color tone.
(Tone Curve Settings)
The tone curve is a curved line that indicates the brightness and contrast levels of the
image before and after adjustment. Select a registered tone curve to adjust the
brightness and contrast levels of the image.
If you select [Color] for [Color Mode], you can adjust the [Red], [Green] and [Blue] color channels
separately. To adjust all three colors at the same time, select [Master]. You can combine the
adjustments made in [Master] and those made in the individual color channels.
If you select [Grayscale] for [Color Mode], only [Grayscale] is displayed.
[Select Tone Curve]
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select from the items listed below.
[No Correction] Performs no correction.
[Over Exposure] Lightens the entire image.
[Under Exposure] Darkens the entire image.
[High Contrast] Emphasizes the difference between the light and dark parts of the image.
[Invert the Negative/Positive Image] Inverts the light and dark parts of the image.
(Final Review)
The results of all adjustments made to the brightness, contrast ( ), histogram ( ),
and tone curve settings ( ) are displayed in a tone curve and as numerical values.
Perform a nal check of the color settings.
Adjust the threshold value
for black and white images. You can enhance the
appearance of text or reduce the visibility of text or images printed on the reverse
side of a semi-transparent document, such as a newspaper. The setting is available if
you select [Black and White] for [Color Mode].
The threshold value is the boundary that separates whether a color is rendered as black or
white. Colors below a certain density level are rendered as white, and colors above a certain
density level are rendered as black.
[Threshold Level]
Slide or enter a value. To render more parts as black, slide to the right or enter a larger value.
Registering or Calling Settings
Call registered brightness or color settings for to and . Registering Frequently Used
Settings(P. 328)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Specifying Other Settings
Click [Preferences] to congure various settings, including the operation when scanning.
[Preview] Tab
Congure the preview and auto crop operations.
[Preview at the Start of ScanGear]
Select the preview operation when you start ScanGear MF.
[Automatically Execute Preview]
Scanning of the preview image starts automatically when you start ScanGear MF.
[Display Saved Preview Image]
Preview does not start automatically, and the most recently saved preview image is displayed.
Preview does not start automatically, and no preview image is displayed.
[Cropping Frame on Previewed Images]
Select how the cropping frame (
Operating Preview Images(P. 317) ) is displayed on the preview image.
[Execute Auto Cropping on Previewed Images]
Auto Crop is performed based on the scanned document.
[Display the Last Frame on Previewed Images]
Auto Crop is not performed, and the most recently set cropping frame is displayed.
Auto Crop is not performed, and no cropping frame is displayed.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
[Scan] Tab
Congure the settings that are applied when you scan a document by using
an application, and the settings for ScanGear MF operations.
[Scan without Using ScanGear's Window]
When you scan the document by using an OCR software or other application, the ScanGear MF screen may
not be displayed. In such a case, the document is scanned with the setting of the application applied.
However, if the application does not have the following settings, enable them here so that these settings are
applied for scanning.
[Color Mode (Text and Table)]
If the application settings are specied to scan documents in color, those settings are replaced and
documents are scanned with the ScanGear MF color mode set to [Color Mode (Text and Table)].
[Text Enhanced]
If the application settings are specied to scan documents in black and white, those settings are replaced
and documents are scanned with the ScanGear MF color mode set to [Text Enhanced].
[Automatically Quit ScanGear after Scanning]
The [ScanGear MF] screen automatically closes after scanning is complete. The screen may automatically
close with some applications regardless of this setting.
[Color Settings] Tab
Congure advanced color and brightness settings, such as color matching
and gamma correction.
[Color Correction]
Select the color correction method.
Color tone is vividly reproduced on a computer display. This setting is recommended for most color
[Color Matching]
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Color is adjusted so that the color tone on the display comes closer to that on the printed result. This
setting is available if you select [Color] for [Color Mode] ( Specifying Settings for Documents and Color
Mode(P. 318) ).
If [Color Matching] is enabled, the [Fading Correction] ( Adjusting Image Quality(P. 321) ) setting and
the buttons for brightness and color settings ( Adjusting Brightness and Color(P. 322) ) are disabled.
[Always Execute the Auto Tone]
Color tone is automatically adjusted. The setting is available if you select [Color] or [Grayscale] for [Color
[Monitor Gamma]
You can display the document at the proper brightness level by specifying the gamma value of the computer
display that displays the scanned image. The setting is applied if you select [Color] or [Grayscale] for [Color
[Scanner] Tab
Congure the temporary save destination of les, the playing of audio les,
and other settings.
[Select Folder Where Temporary Files are Saved]
Click [Browse] to change the folder to which an image is temporarily saved.
[Sound Settings]
You can specify the music or sounds that are played while the machine is scanning or when scanning is
complete. Click [Browse] to specify a le to be played. The following le formats (extensions) are supported:
MIDI les (.mid/.rmi/.midi)
Audio les (.wav/.aif/.aiff)
MP3 les (.mp3)
[Play Music During Scanning]
The specied sound le is played while scanning is being performed.
[Play Sound When Scanning is Completed]
The specied sound le is played when scanning is complete.
[Test Scanner]
You can check whether the scan function of the machine is working properly. When the [Scanner Diagnostics]
screen opens, click [Start].
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Registering Frequently Used Settings
It is troublesome to congure the color mode, image quality, or other settings each time you scan. If you register
frequently used settings as Favorite Settings, you can scan simply call the registered settings when scanning.
The following settings cannot be registered in [Favorite Settings].
Widths and heights in [Input Settings] and [Output Settings]
On/Off of the (to lock the ratio of width to height) in [Input Settings]
The magnication percentage (%) in [Output Settings]
Place the document(s), and click [Preview].
Change the scan settings.
Select settings to register as necessary.
Select [Add/Delete] in [Favorite Settings].
[Add/Delete] is available when the preview image is displayed.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
The [Add/Delete Favorite Settings] screen is displayed.
Enter a name into [Setting Name], and click [Add] [Save].
Enter a name for the settings to register. Use a name that is easy to nd in the drop-down list.
Calling registered Favorite Settings
Display a preview image, and select the registered setting in the drop-down list.
Registering the Brightness or Color Setting
To register only the brightness, contrast, histogram, tone curve, or threshold setting, follow the procedure
Place the document(s), and click [Preview].
Adjust the brightness or color. Adjusting Brightness and Color(P. 322)
Select settings to register as necessary.
Select [Add/Delete] in the drop-down list.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
The [Add/Delete Tone Curve Settings] or [Add/Delete Threshold Settings] screen is displayed.
Enter a name into [Setting Name], and click [Add] [Save].
Enter a name for the settings to register. Use a name that is easy to nd in the drop-down list.
Calling the registered setting
Display a preview image, and select the registered setting in the drop-down list.
Conguring Scan Settings in Simple Mode(P. 314)
Scanning Using an Application(P. 311)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Convenient Scanning with a Machine-Based Operation
The machine can convert original documents into electronic le formats such as PDF without using a computer. There
are many advantages to digitizing documents. A variety of useful settings are available to suit your needs.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory
One way this function can be used is by scanning documents directly onto a USB memory device and taking the
USB memory device to your meeting. You can then connect the USB memory device to a computer connected to
a projector and project your documents on a projector.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB
Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine
You can save scanned documents as JPEG images, PDF les or in other digital le formats and send them
directly from the machine as e-mail attachments. You can work more eciently because this feature eliminates
the need to use your computer to send scanned documents. Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from
the Machine(P. 335)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server
You can save scanned documents as JPEG images, PDF les or in other digital le formats and store them in
shared folders or FTP servers on computers. This feature is helpful when digitalizing paper documents for
sharing. Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory
This section describes how to scan documents to save directly in a USB memory device connected to the machine.
Scanned documents are saved as JPEG images, PDF les or in other digital le formats.
Available USB Memory Devices
You can use USB memory devices with the following format styles.
FAT16 (memory capacity: up to 2 GB)
FAT32 (memory capacity: up to 32 GB)
Do not use non-standard USB memory devices. You may not be able to save data properly in some
USB memory devices.
USB memory devices cannot be connected via a USB hub or an extension cable.
Do not use USB memory devices with special functions such as built-in security functions.
The USB ports of the machine support USB 2.0.
If a folder in a USB memory device has many les, saving scanned data will take more time. Use your
computer to delete unnecessary les on your USB memory device or move them to a different folder.
Connect a USB memory device to the USB port on the front of the machine.
Do not remove the USB memory device or shock or shake the device or the machine when data is being
read or written. Also, do not turn OFF the machine while the processing is in progress.
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Scan>.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44) .
Tap <USB Memory>.
Specify the scan settings as necessary.
Select the settings. Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 347)
Press .
Scanning of the document starts.
To cancel scanning, tap <Cancel> <Yes>.
When placing documents in the feeder in step 2
When scanning is complete, the scanned data is saved in the USB memory device.
When placing documents on the platen glass in step 2
When scanning is complete, follow the procedures below (except if you selected JPEG as a le format in step 5).
If there are additional pages of documents to be scanned, place the next document on the platen glass,
and press .
Repeat this step until you nish scanning all of the pages.
When there is only one page to be scanned, proceed to the next step.
Tap <Finish>.
The scanned data is saved in the USB memory device.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
How the folders to save scanned data and les are named
When scanning is complete, a folder is automatically created in the USB memory device to save the
scanned data. Folders and les are named as follows.
The "SCAN_00" folder is created and up to 100 les are saved in the folder. The folders
"SCAN_01" to "SCAN_99" are then created when the current folder becomes full of 100 les.
File names from "SCAN0000.XXX" to "SCAN9999.XXX" are given to the scanned data les ("XXX"
is the extension for the le format such as "JPG"). For the rst two numerical digits, the same
number is allotted as that of the folder number in which the les are saved. For example, The
fth JPEG le stored in the "SCAN_01" folder is named "SCAN0105.JPG".
Tap <Close>.
Disconnect the USB memory device from the USB port.
Press .
Press .
Tap <Device Status>.
Tap <Remove Memory Media>.
Wait until the message <The memory media can be safely removed.> is displayed.
Disconnect the USB memory device.
If you always want to scan with the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 130)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the
This section describes how to scan documents and send them as e-mails directly from the machine. Scanned
documents are sent as e-mail attachments in JPEG, PDF, or other digital le formats. You can specify multiple
destinations, including Cc/Bcc destinations, just like you can when sending normal e-mails.
To send e-mails directly from the machine, you must complete preparations in advance, including
specication of mail server settings. Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending & Receiving I-
Faxes)(P. 462)
When you specify multiple destinations, the second and following destinations must be ones registered in
the Address Book or in an LDAP server. As for Cc and Bcc, you can only specify destinations registered in the
Address Book. To use the Address Book or an LDAP server, you must complete the necessary registration
procedure in advance.
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44) .
Tap <E-Mail>.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Enter the destination using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
To use the Address Book to quickly specify destinations: Sending Using Registered Destinations (E-
Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 361)
If the screen above is not displayed
You can only send to your own e-mail address. To send to other destinations, you must congure the send
function authentication settings so that e-mail transmission is not restricted. Contact your administrator
for details. LDAP Server Authentication(P. 536) .
Specify multiple destinations, including Cc/Bcc destinations, as necessary.
Tap <Destination>, and select the method for specifying destinations.
If you tap <Specify from LDAP Server> or <Specify Myself as Destination>, the destination is selected as the
<To> destination.
<Cc> and <Bcc> addresses can only be selected using <Specify from Address Book>, <Specify from Coded
Dial>, or <Specify from Favorites>.
Specify the scanning settings as necessary.
Tap the settings. Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 347)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
The le name of a scanned document is automatically assigned based on the following format:
"communication management number (four digits)_sent date and time_document number (three
digits).le extension."
Example of le names: If a one-page document is converted into a PDF le and sent on October 17, 2015
at 07:00:05 P.M.
You cannot specify le names yourself.
Specify the subject, body, reply-to address, and priority for the e-mail as necessary.
The subject and the priority are set to "Attached Image" and "Standard" respectively by default.
The body is not set by default. Enter it as necessary. Without the body text, only scanned documents are sent.
The reply-to address is not set by default. If you want to display the reply-to address differently from that of
the machine, specify the address from among those registered in the Address Book. If no destination is
registered in the Address Book, see
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77) .
To specify subject/body
Tap <Subject/Message>.
Tap <Subject>.
Enter the subject using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Message>.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Enter the body using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Apply>.
To specify reply-to address
Tap <Reply To>.
Tap <Specify from Address Book>.
Select a reply-to address from the Address Book.
For instructions on how to use the Address Book, see Specifying from Address Book (P. 362) .
Using the Machine as a Scanner
To specify priority
Tap <Priority>.
Select a priority level.
Press to start sending.
Scanning of the document starts.
To cancel sending, tap <Cancel> <Yes>. Canceling Sending Documents (E-Mail/Shared
Folder/FTP Server)(P. 345)
When placing documents in the feeder in step 1
When scanning is complete, the e-mail is sent.
When placing documents on the platen glass in step 1
When scanning is complete, follow the procedures below (except if you selected JPEG as a le format in step 6).
If there are additional pages of documents to be scanned, place the next document on the platen glass,
and press .
Repeat this step until you nish scanning all of the pages.
When there is only one page to be scanned, proceed to the next step.
Tap <Start Sending>.
The e-mail is sent.
If the <SMTP Authentication> screen is displayed
Enter the user name and password with the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
If a Send Error Occurs
Error notications are sometimes sent to the e-mail address set to the machine. If you leave it as-is, it may
result in an insucient remaining capacity of mailbox depending on your mail server. It is recommended that
you clear the mailbox periodically.
To clear the mailbox
When the mailbox is cleared, all e-mail in the server mailbox is deleted. When you specify the e-mail
account that you use usually, you should rst check whether any e-mail in the mailbox needs to be kept.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [E-Mail/I-Fax Settings].
Click [Clear] in [Clear Mail Box].
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Read the message that is displayed, and click [OK].
E-mail is deleted from the mailbox.
If you always want to scan with the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
If you want to register a combination of settings to use when needed: Registering Frequently Used Scan
Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
If you want to specify the e-mail sender name:
Register Unit Name (E-Mail/I-Fax)(P. 672)
Checking Status and Log for Sent Documents (E-Mail/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 383)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server
This section describes how to scan documents and save them to a shared folder or FTP server directly from the
machine. Scanned documents are saved as JPEG images, PDF les or in other digital le formats.
To save documents directly to a shared folder or FTP server, you must complete preparations in advance,
including specication of the save destination.
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to Shared Folders(P. 474)
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to FTP Server(P. 480)
Available destinations for shared folders/FTP servers are limited to the destinations registered in the
Address Book. To specify a destination using the Address Book, it is necessary to register that destination
before scanning the relevant folder/FTP server.
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location(P. 475)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
You can only specify one destination at a time.
Place the document(s). Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press
. Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44) .
Tap <File>.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select a destination from the Address Book.
For instructions on how to use the Address Book, see Specifying from Address Book (P. 362) .
Selecting destinations directly by entering coded dial numbers. You can also specify previously used
Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial Numbers(P. 365)
Specifying Previously Used Destinations(P. 368)
Specify the scanning settings as necessary.
Tap the settings. Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 347)
The le name of a scanned document is automatically assigned based on the following format:
"communication management number (four digits)_sent date and time_document number (three
digits).le extension name."
Example of le names: If a one-page document is converted into a PDF le and sent on October 17, 2015
at 07:00:05 P.M.
You cannot specify le names yourself.
Press to start scanning.
Scanning of the document starts.
To cancel scanning, tap <Cancel> <Yes>. Canceling Sending Documents (E-Mail/Shared
Folder/FTP Server)(P. 345)
When placing documents in the feeder in step 1
When scanning is complete, the documents are scanned to the shared folder or FTP server.
When placing documents on the platen glass in step 1
When scanning is complete, follow the procedures below (except if you selected JPEG as a le format in step 5).
Using the Machine as a Scanner
If there are additional pages of documents to be scanned, place the next document on the platen glass,
and press .
Repeat this step until you nish scanning all of the pages.
When there is only one page to be scanned, proceed to the next step.
Tap <Start Sending>.
The documents are scanned to the shared folder or FTP server.
If the <File Authentication> screen is displayed
Enter the user name and password with the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
If you always want to scan with the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
If you want to register a combination of settings to use when needed: Registering Frequently Used Scan
Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
Checking Status and Log for Sent Documents (E-Mail/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 383)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Canceling Sending Documents (E-Mail/Shared
Folder/FTP Server)
If you want to cancel sending documents immediately after pressing , tap <Cancel> on the display or press .
You can also cancel sending documents after checking the sending status.
Use <Cancel> to Cancel
Press to Cancel
If the Screen Displays a List of Documents When Is Pressed
Documents have been scanned and are waiting to be processed. Select the document to cancel.
Check the Transmission Status before Canceling
<TX Job> <Job Status> Select the document <Cancel> <Yes>
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Specifying Detailed Settings
This section describes the settings available when scanning documents. These settings include specifying the le
format into which documents are converted and adjusting density to improve the appearance of scanned documents
as well as the basic settings such as specifying the document orientation or scanning size.
Specifying a Scanning Size(P. 349) Setting Color Mode(P. 350) Selecting a File Format(P. 351)
Adjusting Density(P. 353) Specifying Orientation of Your
Document(P. 354)
Selecting Document Type(P. 355)
Scanning 2-Sided
Documents(P. 356)
Adjusting Sharpness(P. 357) Adjusting Balance between File
Size and Image Quality(P. 359)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Setting Gamma Values(P. 360)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Specifying a Scanning Size
You can specify the scanning size of your documents.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File> <Scan Size>
Select the document size
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Setting Color Mode
You can specify whether to scan documents in color or black and white.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<File> <Color Mode>
Select the color mode
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Selecting a File Format
You can select the le format to which documents are scanned, from PDF/JPEG/TIFF.
For PDF, you can select a highly compressed PDF le with a reduced le size or a text
searchable PDF le prepared by OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<File> <File Format>
Select a le format
Converts a scanned document into a PDF le with no le size reduction.
<PDF (Compact)>
Converts a scanned document into a PDF le with a reduced le size than that of <PDF>.
<PDF (Compact/OCR)>
Converts a scanned document into a text searchable PDF le with a reduced le size than that of <PDF>. The
PDF le includes text data, extracted from the characters in the scanned document with OCR, enabling you to
search the text using a computer.
Converts a scanned document into a text searchable PDF le as <PDF (Compact/OCR)>, with no le size
The scanned document is converted into a JPEG le.
The scanned document is converted into a TIFF le.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
If you select JPEG in <File Format> and try to scan a document from the platen glass, you can only scan one
page. To scan a multiple-page document all at once, use the feeder. Each page of the document is saved as a
separate le. If you select TIFF or PDF, you can scan multiple-page documents either from the platen glass or
from the feeder and the whole of the scanned document is saved as one le.
<PDF (Compact)> and <PDF (Compact/OCR)> compress photos and illustrations on documents more than
<PDF> and <PDF (OCR)>. The le will be smaller, but the image quality of some documents or the number of
documents that can be scanned at once may be lower.
In <PDF (Compact/OCR)> and <PDF (OCR)> you can congure the settings so that the machine automatically
detects the document direction during scanning based on the direction of the text read by the OCR function.
OCR (Text Searchable) Settings(P. 672)
For the resolutions of each le format, see Specications for Scanning to Shared Folders/FTP
Server(P. 864) .
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Adjusting Density
You can adjust the density of the scan if the text or images in a document are too
light or dark.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File> <Density>
Adjust the density <Apply>
Decreases the density.
Increases the density.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Adjusting Sharpness(P. 357)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Specifying Orientation of Your Document
You can specify portrait or landscape orientation.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<File> <Original Type>
Select the document type
Select for documents with portrait orientation.
Select for documents with landscape orientation.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Selecting Document Type
You can select the image quality for the scan depending on the document type, such
as text-only documents, documents with charts and graphs, or magazine photos.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File> <Original
Type> Select the document type
Suitable when scanning documents that only contain text.
Suitable when scanning documents that contain both text and photos.
Suitable when scanning documents that contain printed photos, such as magazines or pamphlets.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Scanning 2-Sided Documents
The machine can automatically scan the front and back sides of documents in the
The machine cannot scan both sides of documents automatically when the documents are placed on the
platen glass.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File> <2-Sided
Original> Select <Book Type> or <Calendar Type>
<Book Type>
Select for documents whose images on the front and back sides face the same direction.
<Calendar Type>
Select for documents whose images on the front and back sides face in opposite directions.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Adjusting Sharpness
You can adjust the sharpness of the image. Increase the sharpness to sharpen
blurred text and lines, or decrease the sharpness to improve the appearance of
magazine photos.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File>
<Sharpness> Adjust the sharpness <Apply>
Decreases the sharpness, resulting in a softer image.
Example: If you want to improve the appearance of magazine photos
Increases the image sharpness.
Example: If you want to sharpen text and lines written in pencil
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Adjusting Density(P. 353)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Adjusting Balance between File Size and Image Quality
You can specify the le compression ratio when converting scanned documents into
the JPEG format. <Small: Memory Priority> makes the compression ratio higher than
normal to create smaller les with lower image quality. On the other hand, <Large:
Image Quality Priority> makes the compression ratio lower than normal larger les
with higher image quality.
<Scan> Select <USB Memory> or specify a destination with <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File> <Data
Size> Specify the setting
<Small: Memory Priority>
The data size is highly compressed and reduced, but the image quality becomes low.
The compression ratio and the image quality are adjusted to an intermediate setting between <Small:
Memory Priority> and <Large: Image Quality Priority>.
<Large: Image Quality Priority>
The image quality improves, but the data compression ratio decreased and data size becomes large.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Selecting a File Format(P. 351)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Setting Gamma Values
The scanned documents are converted into the specied le formats. At that time,
you can specify the gamma values to apply to the documents. You can specify the
same gamma value as that of the monitor which is to be used for viewing the
converted les so the les are displayed with brightness true to the original
For the gamma value of a monitor display, see the instruction manual included with the display.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <Output File Image Settings> <YCbCr TX Gamma Value> Select
the gamma value
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Selecting a File Format(P. 351)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Sending Using Registered Destinations (E-Mail/I-Fax/
Shared Folder/FTP Server)
You can specify destinations by selecting from the Address Book as well as by using the numeric keys. To use the
Address Book, you need to register destinations in the Address Book beforehand. You can also specify previously used
destinations. If your oce has an LDAP server installed, you can also specify a destination using user information in
the server.
Specifying from Address Book
(P. 362)
Selecting Destinations Directly
by Entering Coded Dial
Numbers(P. 365)
Specifying Previously Used
Destinations(P. 368)
Specifying Destinations in an
LDAP Server (E-Mail/I-Fax)(P. 371)
TIPS for Enhancing Security
If you want to limit available destinations to ones from the Address Book, ones in an LDAP server, or
previously specied ones: Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
If you want to disable specifying previously used destinations:
Disabling Use of Previously Used
Destinations(P. 560)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Specifying from Address Book
The Address Book enables you to specify a destination by selecting from a list of
registered destinations or by searching by name for destinations with recipient
You need to register destinations in the Address Book before using this feature. Registering in the
Address Book(P. 77)
To register shared folders or FTP servers as destinations, you need to perform the registration procedure
from the computer.
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location(P. 475)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Tap <E-Mail>, <I-Fax>, or <File>.
If you select <File>, proceed to step 4.
Select <Destination> <Specify from Address Book>.
If the <Type> screen appears, select <To>, <Cc>, or <Bcc> as a destination type.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select an index. Index(P. 77)
You can change the display by tapping / .
Select a destination.
If you want to specify multiple destinations (e-mail/I-Fax)
Repeat steps 3 to 5. Up to 100 destinations can be specied.
To delete destinations (e-mail/I-Fax)
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
If you select Group Dial in step 2, <Number of Destinations: XX> is displayed. Tapping this item
displays destinations registered in the group.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial
Three-digit numbers (coded dial numbers) are assigned to addresses in the Address
Book. You can specify an address simply by entering its coded dial number.
To use coded dial numbers, the destination must be registered in the Address Book beforehand.
Registering Destinations in the Address Book(P. 79)
To register shared folders or FTP servers as destinations, you need to perform the registration procedure
from the computer.
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location(P. 475)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Select <Destination> <Specify from Coded Dial>.
If the <Type> screen appears, select <To>, <Cc>, or <Bcc> as a destination type.
Use the numeric keys to enter a three-digit number (001 to 281).
If you enter the wrong characters, press . (Press to delete each character one by one; press and hold to
delete all the input characters at once.)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
If a conrmation screen appears
When <Coded Dial TX Conrmation> is set to <On>, a screen is displayed that shows the destination and
the name for the number. (For Group Dial, the destination name and the number of destinations are
shown.) Check the contents and if everything is correct, tap <OK>. To specify a different destination, tap
<Cancel> and then re-enter the three-digit coded dial number. Displaying Destinations in Address
Book(P. 561)
If you want to specify multiple destinations (e-mail/I-Fax)
Repeat steps 2 and 3. Up to 100 destinations can be specied.
To delete destinations (e-mail/I-Fax)
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
If you select Group Dial in step 2, <Number of Destinations: XX> is displayed. Tapping this item
displays destinations registered in the group.
Tap <Yes>.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Specifying Previously Used Destinations
You can select a destination from among the past three destinations. When you
specify a previously used destination, the machine also sets the same scan settings
such as density you used the last time you sent documents to that destination.
When <Restrict Resending from Log> is set to <On>, you cannot use this feature. Disabling Use of
Previously Used Destinations(P. 560)
Turning OFF the machine or setting <Restrict New Destinations> to <On> deletes the past destinations, and
disables this feature.
Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
When you specify a destination using this feature, any destinations that you have already specied are
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Select <Destination> <Recall Set.>.
Select a destination.
When you transmit to multiple destinations, only the address specied for the rst transmission is displayed
in the log, but all the destinations are specied.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
The selected destination and its scan settings are specied. You can also change the settings before
To delete destinations (e-mail/I-Fax)
When you transmitted to multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
If you select Group Dial in step 2, <Number of Destinations: XX> is displayed. Tapping this item
displays destinations registered in the group.
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server (E-Mail/I-Fax)
If your oce has an LDAP server installed, you can specify a destination using user
information in the server. Access the LDAP server via the machine to search for the
appropriate user information and specify it as destination.
You need to specify the settings for connecting to an LDAP server beforehand. Registering LDAP
Servers(P. 499)
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Select <Destination> <Specify from LDAP Server>.
Select the LDAP server you are using.
Select the search criteria.
Personal names, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, organization names, and Organization Unit names are
available criteria for searching destinations.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Enter the search target character string using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
To specify multiple search criteria, repeat steps 4 and 5.
Tap <Search Method>.
Specify the search method.
<Using All Conditions Below>
Searches and displays the users that meet all the search criteria specied in steps 4 and 5.
<Using Some Conditions Below>
If users that meet even one of the criteria specied in steps 4 and 5 are found, displays all those users.
Tap <Start Search>.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
The users meeting your search criteria are displayed.
If the authentication screen appears when you tap <Start Search>, enter the user name of the machine
and the password registered in the LDAP server, and tap <Apply>. Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Select the check box for the user that you want to specify as destination.
Up to 10 destinations can be specied from an LDAP server.
To cancel selection, tap a selected ( ) user.
To send I-Faxes
Tap <Specify I-Fax>.
Tap <On>.
If you have already specied a destination using the numeric keys, up to nine destinations can be specied
using an LDAP server.
You cannot specify the selected destinations as Cc or Bcc addresses.
Tap <Apply>.
When searching for destinations using a different set of search conditions, repeat steps 2 to 10.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
To delete destinations
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
Tap <Remove>.
Tap <Yes>.
If you want to easily and quickly delete destinations without displaying a list of
Before tapping <Destination> in step 1, you can tap / to toggle the destinations you specied.
Display a destination you want to delete, and press .
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Conguring Scan Settings to Your Needs
The default settings are the settings that are displayed whenever you turn ON the machine, or when you press . If
you register your frequently used scan settings as default settings, you can eliminate the need to congure the same
settings every time you make a scan. In addition, you can also register combinations of destinations and scan settings
and use them whenever you need them (e-mail/I-Fax/shared folders/FTP server).
The machine comes pre-congured with factory default settings ( Setting Menu List(P. 629) ). You can
change and register the default settings according to your needs.
Set <File Format> to <PDF (Compact/OCR)>, and register it
as the default setting. From now on, you will not have to
change the le format when scanning. Changing Default
Settings(P. 376)
Specify the e-mail address of your client with <File Format>
set to <JPEG> for scan settings, and register the address and
setting as a combination in <Favorite Settings>. You can
then easily use this setting combination whenever you need
it. Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-
Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Changing Default Settings
The default settings are the settings that are displayed whenever you turn ON the machine, or when you press . If
you change these default settings to match the operations that you perform frequently, you can eliminate the need to
congure the same settings every time you scan.
USB Memory
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <USB Memory Settings> <Change Default Settings> Select the
Change the default value of the selected item <Apply>
Select the item you want to set, and change the default value.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <E-Mail Settings> <Change Default Settings> Select the setting
Change the default value of the selected item <Apply>
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select the item you want to set, and change the default value.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <I-Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Change Default
Settings> Select the setting Change the default value of the selected item <Apply>
Select the item you want to set, and change the default value.
Shared Folder/FTP Server
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <File Settings> <Change Default Settings> Select the setting
Change the default value of the selected item <Apply>
Select the item you want to set, and change the default value.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 347)
Scan Settings(P. 666)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-
Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)
Because registered settings can be displayed as needed, there is no need for complicated procedures (e.g. setting the
document type, specifying compact PDF as the le format and sending the le to all internal staff) every time. You can
also assign registered setting combinations to a shortcut button displayed on the Home screen.
Registering Favorite Settings(P. 379)
Recalling Favorite Settings(P. 381)
Registering Favorite Settings
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the
authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send(P. 44)
Tap <E-Mail>, <I-Fax>, or <File>.
Change the values for the settings you want to register. Specifying Detailed
Settings(P. 347)
To also include the destination in a favorite scan setting, enter the destination to be registered. Sending
Using Registered Destinations (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 361)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Select <Favorite Settings> <Register>.
Check the message and tap <OK>.
Select where to register the settings.
Check the details of the settings to be registered, and tap <Apply>.
To change the value of a setting to be registered, tap the setting. Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 347)
To rename the registration destination, tap <Change Name>. On how to enter text, see Entering
Text(P. 40) .
Select whether to register the settings as a shortcut button.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
If you select <Yes>, a message appears. Check the message and then tap <OK>. The registered setting
combination is added to the Home screen as a shortcut button.
If the Home screen is full and the button cannot be added, use <Home Screen Settings> to delete
registered buttons or blanks. Customizing the Home Screen(P. 33)
Registered settings are retained even when the machine is turned OFF.
To edit or delete registered settings, go to <Scan> <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File> <Favorite Settings> <Edit/
<Edit> or <Delete> and then follow the steps below.
To edit a setting:
Select the setting to be edited
change the setting tap <Apply> <Yes>.
To delete a setting:
Select the setting to be deleted tap <Yes>.
Destinations cannot be changed once the settings have been registered. To change a destination, delete the
settings and then register them again.
If you registered a destination that was specied from the Address Book and then delete the destination
entry in the Address Book, the destination is also deleted from the favorite scan settings.
Recalling Favorite Settings
Simply select the setting combination that suits your purpose from the favorite settings.
<Scan> <E-Mail>/<I-Fax>/<File> <Favorite Settings> Select the setting combination to be
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Once you have recalled the settings, the setting combination, you can also change the scan settings as
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Sending I-Faxes(P. 224)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Checking Status and Log for Sent Documents (E-Mail/
Shared Folder/FTP Server)
You can check the status and log for scanned documents sent directly from the machine.
When <Display Job Log> is set to <Off>, you cannot check the logs for sent documents. Display Job
Log(P. 712)
Press .
Tap <TX Job>.
Check the statuses and logs for sent documents.
To check the statuses for sent documents
Tap <Job Status>.
Select the document whose status you want to check.
<TX Job Status>
Displays a list of the documents that are being sent or are waiting to be processed.
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list. If you specied multiple
destinations, the number of specied destinations is displayed on the screen. To check the details of
specied multiple destinations, tap <Destination>.
To check the logs for sent documents
Tap <Job Log>.
Select the document whose log you want to check.
<TX Job Log>
Displays a list of the documents that were sent. <OK> is displayed when a document was sent
successfully, and <Error> is displayed when a document failed to be sent because it was canceled or
there was some error.
Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list.
When a three-digit number is shown in the case of <Error>
This number represents an error code. When an Error Code Appears(P. 745)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Canceling Sending Documents (E-Mail/Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 345)
TX Result Report(P. 808)
Communication Management Report(P. 811)
Using the Machine as a Scanner
Can Be Used Conveniently with a
Mobile Device
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device ........................................................................ 386
Connecting to a Mobile Device ......................................................................................................................... 387
Make Direct Connection (Access Point Mode) ............................................................................................... 388
Making the Best Use of the Machine by Utilizing Applications ...................................................................... 390
Using AirPrint ............................................................................................................................................... 392
Printing with AirPrint ............................................................................................................................. 397
Scanning with AirPrint ........................................................................................................................... 400
Faxing with AirPrint ............................................................................................................................... 402
If AirPrint Cannot Be Used ..................................................................................................................... 404
Using Google Cloud Print ............................................................................................................................. 405
Managing the Machine Remotely .................................................................................................................... 409
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Combining the machine with a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet enables you to use an appropriate
application to perform printing, scan, or other operation with ease. You can also use a mobile device to operate the
machine remotely, check the printing status, and change machine's settings.
Connecting to a Mobile Device(P. 387)
Making the Best Use of the Machine by Utilizing Applications(P. 390)
Managing the Machine Remotely(P. 409)
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Connecting to a Mobile Device
When connecting the machine to a mobile device, you can select whether to connect by wireless LAN or Direct
Connection. Select the connection method that best suits your environment and devices.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN
Like when connecting a computer and the machine, connect a mobile device and the machine via a wireless LAN
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Making Direct Connection
Connect the mobile device and the machine directly without using a wireless LAN router. Even where no wireless LAN
environment is available, you can quickly connect the machine and a mobile device. Make Direct Connection
(Access Point Mode)(P. 388)
When Direct Connection has been established, you can use neither a wired LAN nor a wireless LAN via router.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Make Direct Connection (Access Point Mode)
Even in an environment without wireless LAN router, you can connect your mobile device and the machine without
going through dicult settings when you use "Access Point Mode," which allows you to wirelessly and directly connect
your mobile device to the machine.
Using the Machine in Direct Connection (in Access Point Mode)
Follow these steps to establish a connection using Access Point Mode.
Put the machine into Access Point Mode.
Set <Enable Direct Connection> to <On>.
Enable Direct Connection(P. 632)
Put the machine into a connection waiting state.
In the Home screen, tap <Direct Connection>. The machine enters the state in which
you can connect your mobile device to the machine.
Connecting from a mobile device
Based on the SSID and network key displayed in the display, make wireless LAN
connection settings for connecting to the machine.
The screen below appears in the display during the connection process.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
<Connect. Info.>
You can view the information on the Direct Connection being proceeding.
Stops the Direct Connection procedure. When printing, scanning, or other
desired operation is complete, tap this button to terminate the connection.
When the machine is in Direct Connection mode, it is possible that you cannot connect to the Internet
depending on your mobile device.
Direct Connection is only possible as a one-to-one connection between the machine and a single mobile
device. You cannot connect 2 or more mobile devices to the machine at a time.
If wireless connection from the mobile device is not performed within 5 minutes while the SSID and network
key are displayed, the connection waiting state terminates.
If while in communication by Direct Connection, a duration when there is no data transmission between the
machine and the mobile device lasts for some time, the communication may terminate.
The machine's SSID and network key are changed each time the Direct Connection procedure is started.
While in Direct Connection, sleep mode is not as effective at saving power.
If you use the Direct Connection, do not set the IP address manually on the mobile device. Doing so may
prevent proper communication after using the Direct Connection.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Making the Best Use of the Machine by Utilizing
You can use an appropriate application that enables you to perform printing, scanning, or other operation by
operating the machine from your mobile device. The machine supports a dedicated application from Canon and
various other applications. You can select the most appropriate application to your mobile device, the purpose, the
situation, and so on.
Printing/Scanning through Canon Mobile Application or a Plug-In
You can perform printing from a mobile device, or scan documents set in the machine and send the scanned data to a
mobile device. For compatible operating systems, the detailed setting procedure and operating procedure, please see
the Canon website at: http://www.canon.com/ .
Using Google Cloud Print
You can print from an application or service that supports Google Cloud Print. You can print by remotely operating the
machine at any time and from anywhere, for example even while you are on the go.
Using Google Cloud
Print(P. 405)
Printing with Mopria™
This machine also supports Mopria™. Using Mopria™ allows you to print with printers of different models from
different manufacturers by using common operations and common settings. For example, assume that Mopria™
compatible printers of different models from different manufacturers are installed in your oce, at your place, or at
places you are visiting. You can then print with any of those printers by using Mopria™ without the need to install the
respective dedicated applications on them. For details about the models supporting Mopria™ and the system
requirements, see http://www.mopria.org .
Viewing Mopria™ Settings
Log on to the Remote UI in System Manager Mode ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Settings/
Registration] [Network Settings] [Mopria Settings] [Edit] Check that the [Use Mopria]
check box is selected [OK]
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Using AirPrint
You can print, scan, or fax without using drivers by sending print data from Apple devices.
AirPrint settings
Conguring AirPrint Settings(P. 392)
Displaying the Screen for AirPrint(P. 395)
Functions of the AirPrint
Printing with AirPrint(P. 397)
Scanning with AirPrint(P. 400)
Faxing with AirPrint(P. 402)
If AirPrint Cannot Be Used(P. 404)
Conguring AirPrint Settings
You can register information, including the name of the machine and installation location, that is used for identifying
the machine. You can also disable the AirPrint function of the machine. Use the Remote UI to change these settings.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
If you are using a mobile device, such as iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, read "click" as "tap" in this section.
Click [Network Settings] [AirPrint Settings].
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Click [Edit].
Specify the required settings, and click [OK].
[Use AirPrint]
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Select the check box to enable AirPrint. To disable AirPrint, clear the check box.
[Printer Name]/[Location]/[Latitude]/[Longitude]
Enter the name and the installation location information to help you identify this machine when operating
your Apple device. This information is useful if you have more than one AirPrint printer.
If you select the [Use AirPrint] check box
The following items are also set to <On> automatically.
<mDNS Settings> for IPv4 and IPv6
Conguring DNS(P. 488)
<Use HTTP> Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
<Use IPP Printing> under <IPP Print Settings>
Changing the Setting of Functions Available with
AirPrint(P. 394)
<Use Network Link Scan> Changing the Setting of Functions Available with AirPrint(P. 394)
If you change [Printer Name]
If you change [Printer Name] that you have once specied, you may be unable to print any more from the
Mac that has been able to be used for printing so far. This phenomenon occurs because <mDNS Name>
Conguring DNS(P. 488) ) of IPv4 is also changed automatically. In this case, add the machine to the
Mac again.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Changing the Setting of Functions Available with AirPrint
If you want to disable functions that you are not going to use with AirPrint or encrypt communications, congure the
necessary setting using the operation panel.
Changing Print and Fax Settings
To perform printing or fax sending with AirPrint, IPP protocol is used.
Turning the function On/Off
You can specify whether to perform printing and fax sending with AirPrint. The factory default setting is <On>.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <TCP/IP Settings> <IPP Print Settings> <Use IPP
Select <Off> or <On>
Changing the TLS setting
You can specify whether to encrypt communications using TLS when performing printing or sending faxes with
AirPrint. The factory default setting is <Off>.
When the machine is connected to a Mac via USB, set <Use TLS> to <Off>.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
<Menu> <Network Settings> <TCP/IP Settings> <IPP Print Settings> <Use TLS>
Select <Off> or <On>
Changing the Scan Setting
You can turn on/off the scan function available with AirPrint. The factory default setting is <On>.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <TCP/IP Settings> <Use Network Link Scan> Select <Off> or
Displaying the Screen for AirPrint
You can display the screen for AirPrint, on which you can not only access the AirPrint Settings but also view
information about consumables, such as paper and toner cartridge. Further, you can congure security function
settings (
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570) ).
Click [System Preferences] in the Dock on the desktop [Printers & Scanners].
Select this machine and click [Options & Supplies].
Click [Show Printer Webpage].
Log on to the Remote UI.
To change AirPrint settings, log on in System Manager Mode.
The screen for AirPrint is displayed.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Apple, Bonjour, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Safari, Mac, Mac OS, Mac OS X, AirPrint and the AirPrint logo are trademarks
of Apple Inc.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Printing with AirPrint
You do not necessarily need to use a computer for printing e-mails, photos, Web pages, and other documents. AirPrint
enables you to print directly from Apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
Printing from iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch(P. 397)
Printing from Mac(P. 398)
Specifying the Halftones Setting for Image Files(P. 399)
System Requirements
To print with AirPrint, you need one of the following Apple devices.
iPad (all models)
iPhone (3GS or later)
iPod touch (3rd generation or later)
Mac (Mac OS X 10.7 or later)
Mac OS X 10.9 or later when you use USB connection.
Network Environment
You need one of the following environments.
The Apple device and the machine are connected to the same LAN.
The Apple device and the machine are in Direct Connection.
The Mac and the machine are connected via USB.
For printing, it is required to set <Use IPP Printing> to <On>. Changing the Setting of Functions
Available with AirPrint(P. 394)
Printing from iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch
Make sure that the machine is turned ON and that it is connected to your Apple
For how to make sure of this, see "Getting Started." Manuals Included with the Machine(P. 869)
For how to make sure whether the Apple device and the machine are in Direct Connection, see Make
Direct Connection (Access Point Mode)(P. 388) .
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
From the application on your Apple device, tap to display the menu options.
From the drop-down list, tap [Print].
Select this machine from [Printer] in [Printer Options].
The printers connected to the network are displayed. Select this machine in this step.
[Printer Options] is not displayed on applications that do not support AirPrint. You cannot print by using
those applications.
Specify the print settings as necessary.
The available settings and paper sizes differ depending on the application you are using.
You can specify the halftones setting for image les using the operation panel.
Specifying the
Halftones Setting for Image Files(P. 399)
Tap [Print].
Printing starts.
Checking the print status
During printing, press the Home button of the Apple device twice
tap [Print].
Printing from Mac
Make sure that the machine is turned ON and that it is connected to your Mac.
For how to make sure of this, see "Getting Started." Manuals Included with the Machine(P. 869)
Add the machine to the Mac from [System Preferences] [Printers & Scanners].
This operation is not necessary if the registration has already been performed for scanning or faxing.
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select this machine in the print dialog box.
The printers connected to the Mac are displayed. Select this machine in this step.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Specify the print settings as necessary.
The available settings and paper sizes differ depending on the application you are using.
You can specify the halftones setting for image les using the operation panel. Specifying the
Halftones Setting for Image Files(P. 399)
Click [Print].
Printing starts.
Specifying the Halftones Setting for Image Files
When printing JPEG and TIFF image les by AirPrint, you can change a print setting to select the printing method to
reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and darker areas of an image) for optimal image
quality. The factory default setting is <Gradation>.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Imaging> <Halftones> Select the halftone reproduction
Prints images with ne gradation, such as digital camera images, with a smooth nish.
<Error Diffusion>
Prints images with small text or ne lines with a clear nish.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Scanning with AirPrint
You can use AirPrint to transfer the data scanned by the machine directly to a Mac.
System Requirements
To scan with AirPrint, you need a Mac with Mac OS X 10.9 or later installed.
Network Environment
You need one of the following environments.
The Mac and the machine are connected to the same LAN.
The Mac and the machine are connected via USB.
For scanning, it is required to set <Use Network Link Scan> to <On>. Changing the Setting of Functions
Available with AirPrint(P. 394)
Before scanning, it is required to put the machine into online state. When the auto online function (
Online for Remote Scan(P. 711) ) is set to <Off>, rst put the machine into online state by tapping <Scan>
<Remote Scanner>, then start the procedure for scanning.
You cannot scan while settings for printing, copying, or faxing are being made, or while the machine is
performing an operation whatsoever.
Scanning from the Mac
Make sure that the machine is turned ON and that it is connected to the Mac.
For how to make sure of this, see "Getting Started." Manuals Included with the Machine(P. 869)
Add the machine to your Mac from [System Preferences] [Printers & Scanners].
This operation is not necessary if the registration has already been performed for printing or faxing.
Select this machine from the list of printers in [Printers & Scanners].
Click [Scan].
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Click [Open Scanner].
The [Scanner] screen is displayed.
Congure the scan settings as necessary.
Click [Scan].
Scanning starts, and scanned data is displayed.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Faxing with AirPrint
AirPrint enables you to send faxes from a Mac in almost the same way as when you print from a Mac.
System Requirements
To send faxes with AirPrint, you need a Mac with Mac OS X 10.9 or later installed.
Network Environment
You need one of the following environments.
The Mac and the machine are connected to the same LAN.
The Mac and the machine are connected via USB.
For faxing, it is required to set <Use IPP Printing> to <On>. Changing the Setting of Functions Available
with AirPrint(P. 394)
Faxing from Mac
Make sure that the machine is turned ON and that it is connected to the Mac.
For how to make sure of this, see "Getting Started." Manuals Included with the Machine(P. 869)
Add the machine to your Mac from [System Preferences] [Printers & Scanners].
This operation is not necessary if the registration has already been performed for printing or scanning.
Open a document in an application and display the print dialog box.
How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction
manual for the application you are using.
Select this machine in the print dialog box.
The printers connected to the Mac are displayed. Select the fax driver of this machine in this step.
Specify the destination.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Click [Fax].
Fax sending starts.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
If AirPrint Cannot Be Used
If AirPrint cannot be used, try taking the following solutions.
Make sure that the machine is turned ON. If the machine is turned ON, rst turn it OFF, then wait for at least 10
seconds and then turn it back ON to check if the problem is solved.
Make sure that no error messages are displayed on the machine.
Make sure that Apple devices and the machine are connected to the same LAN. If the machine is turned ON, it may
take several minutes before the machine is ready for communication.
Make sure that Bonjour on your Apple device is enabled.
Make sure that the machine is congured to enable printing/scanning/faxing from a computer even when no
department ID and password are entered.
Setting the Department ID Management for Printing or Faxing
from the Computer(P. 530)
For printing, make sure that the paper is loaded in the machine and the machine has sucient toner cartridge
Displaying the Screen for AirPrint(P. 395)
For scanning, make sure that the machine's setting for Network Link Scan is <On>. Changing the Setting of
Functions Available with AirPrint(P. 394)
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Using Google Cloud Print
Google Cloud Print is a service that enables a user who has a Google account to print from applications such as Google
Docs™ or Gmail™ via a smartphone, tablet, or computer connected to the Internet. Unlike conventional printing from a
computer, Google Cloud Print enables you to print without using a printer driver. For example, if you want to print an
e-mail or les that are attached to an e-mail, you can print just by using Gmail for mobile. You will nd your printouts
when you go to the machine.
Checking the Machine Settings(P. 405)
Changing Google Cloud Print Settings(P. 405)
Registering the Machine with Google Cloud Print(P. 406)
When registering the machine or when using Google Cloud Print to print documents, you must be able to
connect the machine to the Internet. You are also responsible for paying all Internet connection fees.
You may not be able to use this function in some countries or regions.
To use Google Cloud Print, a Google account is required. If you do not have one, access Google website to
create your account.
Checking the Machine Settings
Before setting up Google Cloud Print, check the following:
Make sure that the machine is assigned an IPv4 address and connected to a computer over a network.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Make sure that the date and time and the time zone settings are correct.
Date/Time Settings(P. 645)
If the Department ID Management is enabled, make sure that the machine is congured to enable printing from a
computer even when no Department ID and PIN are entered. Setting the Department ID Management for
Printing or Faxing from the Computer(P. 530)
Changing Google Cloud Print Settings
Enable the Google Cloud Print function of the machine. You can also disable the Google Cloud Print function of the
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Google Cloud Print Settings> <Enable Google Cloud Print>.
Tap <On> or <Off>.
Registering the Machine with Google Cloud Print
Registering the machine with Google Cloud Print allows you to print from anywhere.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [Google Cloud Print Settings].
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Click [Register] in [Registration Status].
If [Register] is unavailable
You need to enable Google Cloud Print. Click [Edit], select the [Use Google Cloud Print] check box, and
then click [OK].
To reregister the machine
To reregister the machine if the owner of the machine has changed or for other reasons, unregister the
machine and register it again.
Click the link of the URL displayed for [URL for Registration].
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Follow the on-screen instructions to register the machine.
You can print from a Google Cloud Print compatible application such as Google Chrome™, Gmail, or
Google Docs.
Access the Google Cloud Print website for information about the latest applications that support Google
Cloud Print.
Registering from a mobile device or Google Chrome
You can also register the machine from a mobile device or Google Chrome
. The machine's display shows
the following conrmation screen before completion of the registration. Press <Yes> to complete the
For the registration procedure, see the instruction manual for your mobile device or the Google Cloud Print website.
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Managing the Machine Remotely
You can use the Remote UI from a Web browser installed on your mobile device. This allows you to check the
machine's status and specify machine's settings from your mobile device.
Supported Browsers
The browsers compatible with the Remote UI for mobile devices are the following.
For Android OS
For iOS
Starting Remote UI with a Mobile Device
Enter the IP address of the machine into the Web browser and start the Remote UI. Check the IP address set to the
machine in advance ( Viewing Network Settings(P. 445) ). If you have any questions, ask your Network
Start the Web browser on your mobile device.
Enter "http://<the IP address of the machine>/" in the address eld.
If you want to use an IPv6 address, enclose the IPv6 address with brackets (example: http://
Some items of the Remote UI are not displayed in its "Smartphone Version." If you want to check all items,
see the "PC Version."
Using Remote UI(P. 605)
Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device
Network .............................................................................................................................................................. 412
Connecting to a Network .................................................................................................................................. 414
Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN ........................................................................................................... 416
Connecting to a Wired LAN ........................................................................................................................... 417
Connecting to a Wireless LAN ....................................................................................................................... 418
Setting Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode ........................................................................... 420
Setting Up Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode ................................................................................ 422
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router ........................................................................... 425
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings .......................................................................... 429
Checking the SSID and Network Key ...................................................................................................... 433
Setting IP Addresses ..................................................................................................................................... 436
Setting IPv4 Address .............................................................................................................................. 437
Setting IPv6 Addresses .......................................................................................................................... 441
Viewing Network Settings ................................................................................................................................ 445
Conguring the Machine for Printing or Faxing from a Computer ................................................................ 448
Conguring Printing Protocols and WSD Functions ...................................................................................... 449
Conguring Printer Ports ............................................................................................................................. 453
Setting Up Print Server ................................................................................................................................. 458
Conguring Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Faxes/Shared Folders/FTP Server) ......................................................... 461
Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending & Receiving I-Faxes) .................................................... 462
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings .......................................................................................................... 464
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings ................................................................................. 469
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to Shared Folders ............................................................................ 474
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location ............................................................................................ 475
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to FTP Server ................................................................................... 480
Conguring FTP PASV mode .................................................................................................................. 481
Conguring the Machine for Your Network Environment ............................................................................. 483
Conguring Ethernet Settings ...................................................................................................................... 484
Changing the Maximum Transmission Unit .................................................................................................. 486
Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network ......................................................................................... 487
Conguring DNS .......................................................................................................................................... 488
Conguring SMB .......................................................................................................................................... 493
Conguring WINS ......................................................................................................................................... 496
Registering LDAP Servers ............................................................................................................................. 499
Conguring SNTP ......................................................................................................................................... 505
Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP .................................................................................... 508
Conguring Settings for Device Management Software ............................................................................... 513
The machine has been designed for exibility of use across a variety of environments, and it includes advanced
technologies in addition to basic network features. Do not worry if you are not a network expert, because the machine
has also been designed for convenience and ease of use. Relax and proceed with the network setup one step at a time.
Connecting to a Computer/Viewing the Machine's Network Settings
Connecting to a Network(P. 414) Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
Conguring or Preparing for Print/PC Fax/Scan Functions
Conguring the Machine for Printing or Faxing
from a Computer(P. 448)
Conguring Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Faxes/Shared
Folders/FTP Server)(P. 461)
Customizing the Machine for More Convenient Network Experience
Conguring the Machine for Your Network Environment(P. 483)
Direct Connection to a mobile device
You can directly communicate with the machine from your mobile device without the need to congure
dicult network settings. Make Direct Connection (Access Point Mode)(P. 388)
Connecting to a Network
When connecting the machine to a wired or wireless local area network (LAN), you need to set an IP address unique to
the selected network. Select "wired" or "wireless" depending on your communication environment and networking
devices. For specic IP address settings, contact your Internet service provider or Network Administrator.
If the machine is connected to an unsecured network, your personal information might be leaked to a third
The machine cannot connect to both wired and wireless LANs at the same time.
The machine does not come with a LAN cable or router. Have them ready as necessary.
For more information about your networking devices, see the instruction manuals for the devices or contact
your manufacturer.
Before You Start
Follow these steps to connect the machine to a network.
Check your computer settings.
Make sure that the computer is correctly connected to the network. For more
information, see the instruction manuals for the devices you are using, or contact the
device manufacturers.
Make sure that the network settings have been completed on the computer. If the
network has not been set up properly, you will not be able to use the machine on the
network, even if you perform the rest of the procedure below.
Depending on the network, you may need to change settings for the communication
method (half-duplex/full-duplex) or the Ethernet type (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/
1000BASE-T) ( Conguring Ethernet Settings(P. 484) ). For more information,
contact your Internet service provider or Network Administrator.
To check the MAC address of the machine.
Viewing the MAC Address for Wired LAN(P. 446)
Viewing the MAC Address and Information for Wireless LAN(P. 446)
To connect to an IEEE 802.1X network, see Conguring IEEE 802.1X
Authentication(P. 583) .
Select wired or wireless LAN.
Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN(P. 416)
Connect to a wired or wireless LAN.
Proceed to the section that corresponds to the setting you selected in step 2.
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Set the IP address as necessary.
At the time of purchase, the machine is set to automatically acquire an IP address.
Change this setting if you want to use a specic IP address.
Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN
After you decide on wired or wireless LAN to connect the machine to the computer, select wired LAN or wireless LAN
using the operation panel. Note that if you change the setting from <Wired LAN> to <Wireless LAN> or vice versa, you
will need to uninstall MF Drivers installed on your computer and then reinstall them. For more information, see "MF
Driver Installation Guide."
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Select Wired/Wireless LAN>.
Tap <Wired LAN> or <Wireless LAN>.
Connecting to a Network(P. 414)
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Connecting to a Wired LAN
Connect the machine to a computer via a router. Use a LAN cable to connect the machine to the router.
Connect a LAN cable.
Connect the machine to a router by using a LAN cable.
Push the connector in until it clicks into place.
Wait approximately 2 minutes.
While you wait, the IP address is set automatically.
You can set the IP address manually. Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
Connecting to a Network(P. 414)
Connecting to a Wireless LAN
Wireless routers (or access points) connect the machine to a computer via radio waves. If your wireless router is
equipped with Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), conguring your network is automatic and easy. If your networking
devices do not support automatic conguration, or if you want to specify authentication and encryption settings in
detail, you need to manually set up the connection. Make sure that your computer is correctly connected to the
Setting Up Connection Using WPS(P. 418)
Manually Setting Up Connection(P. 419)
Risk of information leak
Use wireless LAN connection at your own discretion and at your own risk. If the machine is connected to an
unsecured network, your personal information might be leaked to a third party because radio waves used in
wireless communication can go anywhere nearby, even beyond walls.
Wireless LAN security
The wireless LAN function of this machine supports WEP, WPA-PSK, and WPA2-PSK. For the wireless security
compatibility of your wireless router, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or contact
your manufacturer.
Required devices for wireless LAN connection
The machine does not come with a wireless router. Have the router ready as necessary.
The wireless router must conform to IEEE 802.11b/g/n and be able to communicate in 2.4 GHz frequency
band. For more information, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or contact your
Setting Up Connection Using WPS
When using WPS, two modes are available: push button mode and PIN code mode.
Push Button Mode
Find the WPS mark shown below on the package of your wireless router. Also make sure that there is a WPS button on
your networking device.
Setting Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode(P. 420)
PIN Code Mode
Some WPS routers do not support the push button mode. If WPS PIN code mode is mentioned on the package or in
the instruction manuals of your networking device, set up the connection by entering the PIN code. Setting Up
Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode(P. 422)
If the wireless router is set to use WEP authentication, you may not be able to set up connection using WPS.
Manually Setting Up Connection
When manually setting up a wireless connection, you can either select a wireless router or manually enter the required
information. Regardless of the method, make sure that you have the required setup information, including the SSID
and network key (
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433) ).
Selecting a Wireless Router
Select this setup option if you need to manually set up the connection but want to complete the setup as easily as
possible. Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Manually Entering the Setup Information
If you want to specify security settings in detail, such as authentication and encryption settings, manually enter the
SSID and network key to set up the connection.
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
Connecting to a Network(P. 414)
Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN(P. 416)
Setting Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode
If your wireless router supports WPS push button mode, you can easily set up a connection with a WPS button.
How to operate the wireless router may vary on each device. See the instruction manuals for your
networking device for help.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Wireless LAN Settings>.
If the <Do you want to enable the wireless LAN?> message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Read the message that is displayed, and tap <OK>.
Tap <WPS Push Button Mode>.
Tap <Yes>.
Press and hold the WPS button on the wireless router.
The button must be pressed within 2 minutes after tapping <Yes> in step 6.
Depending on the networking device, you may need to press and hold the button for 2 seconds or longer.
See the instruction manuals for your networking device for help.
If an error message is displayed during setup
Tap <Close> and return to step 5.
Check that the Wi-Fi indicator is blinking on the operation panel.
The Wi-Fi indicator blinks when a wireless router is detected.
When the setup is completed, the screen below is displayed, and approximately 2 seconds later, the Wi-Fi
indicator lights up. Wait approximately 2 minutes (until the automatic settings of IP address and other
items are complete).
Signal strength
When more than one wireless router is available for connection, the machine connects to the device with
the strongest signal. Signal strength is measured using RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication).
You can set the IP address manually. Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
Reducing power consumption
You can set the machine to enter <Power Save Mode> based on signals emitted from the wireless router.
Power Save Mode(P. 631)
If the IP address of the machine has changed
In a DHCP environment, the IP address of the machine may be changed automatically. If this happens, the
connection is maintained as long as the machine and the computer belong to the same subnet.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Setting Up Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode
If your wireless router supports WPS PIN code mode, generate a PIN code with the machine and register the code to
the networking device.
How to operate the wireless router may vary on each device. See the instruction manuals for your
networking device for help.
From a Computer
Access your wireless router from a computer and display the screen for entering a
WPS PIN code.
For more information, see the instruction manuals for your networking device.
From the Operation Panel
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Wireless LAN Settings>.
If the <Do you want to enable the wireless LAN?> message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Read the message that is displayed, and tap <OK>.
Tap <WPS PIN Code Mode>.
Tap <Yes>.
A PIN code is generated.
From a Computer
Register the generated PIN code to the wireless router.
Register the PIN code on the setup screen displayed in step 1.
The PIN code must be registered within 10 minutes after tapping <Yes> in step 7.
If an error message is displayed during setup
Tap <Close> and return to step 6.
From the Operation Panel
Check that the Wi-Fi indicator is blinking on the operation panel.
The Wi-Fi indicator blinks when a wireless router is detected.
When the setup is completed, the screen below is displayed, and approximately 2 seconds later, the Wi-Fi
indicator lights up. Wait approximately 2 minutes (until the automatic settings of IP address and other
items are complete).
Signal strength
When more than one wireless router is available for connection, the machine connects to the device with
the strongest signal. Signal strength is measured using RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication).
You can set the IP address manually. Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
Reducing power consumption
You can set the machine to enter <Power Save Mode> based on signals emitted from the wireless router.
Power Save Mode(P. 631)
If the IP address of the machine has changed
In a DHCP environment, the IP address of the machine may be changed automatically. If this happens, the
connection is maintained as long as the machine and the computer belong to the same subnet.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router
You can search the wireless routers (or access points) available for connection and select one from the display of the
machine. For the network key, enter a WEP key or PSK. Before selecting a wireless router, check and write down the
required setup information, including the SSID and network key ( Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433) ).
Security settings
If the wireless connection is set up by selecting a wireless router, the WEP authentication method is set to
<Open System> or the WPA/WPA2 encryption method is set to <Auto> (AES-CCMP or TKIP). If you want to
select <Shared Key> for WEP authentication or <AES-CCMP> for WPA/WPA2 encryption, you need to set up
the connection using the manual entry method ( Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed
Settings(P. 429) ).
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Wireless LAN Settings>.
If the <Do you want to enable the wireless LAN?> message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Read the message that is displayed, and tap <OK>.
Tap <SSID Settings>.
Tap <Select Access Point>.
The machine starts searching for available wireless routers.
If <Cannot nd the access point.> is displayed, see When an Error Message Appears(P. 732) .
Select a wireless LAN router.
Tap the router whose SSID matches the one that you have written down.
To view details of security settings
Tap <Details> and select the wireless LAN router. To return to the original screen, tap <Close> twice, and
then press
If your wireless router is not found
Check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network.
Settings Problems(P. 756)
Enter the network key that you have written down.
Enter the network key using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see
Entering Text(P. 40) .
Tap <Yes>.
If an error message is displayed during setup
Tap <Close>, check whether the network key is correct, and return to step 5.
Check that the Wi-Fi indicator is blinking on the operation panel.
The Wi-Fi indicator blinks when a wireless router is detected.
When the setup is completed, the screen below is displayed, and approximately 2 seconds later, the Wi-Fi
indicator lights up. Wait approximately 2 minutes (until the automatic settings of IP address and other
items are complete).
Signal strength
When more than one wireless router is available for connection, the machine connects to the device with
the strongest signal. Signal strength is measured using RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication).
You can set the IP address manually. Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
Reducing power consumption
You can set the machine to enter <Power Save Mode> based on signals emitted from the wireless router.
Power Save Mode(P. 631)
If the IP address of the machine has changed
In a DHCP environment, the IP address of the machine may be changed automatically. If this happens, the
connection is maintained as long as the machine and the computer belong to the same subnet.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings
If you want to specify the security settings in detail or cannot establish the wireless connection using the other
procedures, manually enter all the required information for the wireless LAN connection. Before specifying detailed
settings, check and write down the required information, including the SSID, network key, and wireless security
protocols (
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433) ).
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Wireless LAN Settings>.
If the <Do you want to enable the wireless LAN?> message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Read the message that is displayed, and tap <OK>.
Select <SSID Settings> <Enter Manually>.
Enter the SSID that you have written down.
Enter the SSID using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Specify the security settings based on the information that you have written down.
If you do not need to specify the security settings, tap <None>.
Using WEP
Tap <WEP>.
Select an authentication method.
<Open System>
Sets open system authentication, which is also called "open authentication."
<Shared Key>
Uses the WEP key as a password.
When <Open System> is selected
When connecting to a wireless LAN, the machine experiences an authentication error if the shared key
authentication is set on the wireless router. If this happens, the machine automatically changes the
setting to <Shared Key> and retries the connection.
Tap <Edit WEP Key>.
Select the WEP key(1 to 4) you want to edit.
Up to four WEP keys can be registered.
Enter the network key that you have written down.
Enter the network key using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Select WEP Key>.
Tap the WEP key you have edited.
Select an encryption method.
Sets the machine to automatically select AES-CCMP or TKIP to match the setting of the wireless router.
Sets AES-CCMP as the encryption method.
Enter the network key that you have written down.
Enter the network key using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Tap <Yes>.
If an error message is displayed during setup
Tap <Close>, check whether the specied settings are correct, and return to step 5.
Check that the Wi-Fi indicator is blinking on the operation panel.
The Wi-Fi indicator blinks when a wireless router is detected.
When the setup is completed, the screen below is displayed, and approximately 2 seconds later, the Wi-Fi
indicator lights up. Wait approximately 2 minutes (until the automatic settings of IP address and other
items are complete).
Signal strength
When more than one wireless router is available for connection, the machine connects to the device with
the strongest signal. Signal strength is measured using RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication).
You can set the IP address manually. Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
Reducing power consumption
You can set the machine to enter <Power Save Mode> based on signals emitted from the wireless router.
Power Save Mode(P. 631)
If the IP address of the machine has changed
In a DHCP environment, the IP address of the machine may be changed automatically. If this happens, the
connection is maintained as long as the machine and the computer belong to the same subnet.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Checking the SSID and Network Key
When manually setting up a wireless connection, you need to specify the SSID and network key of your wireless router.
The SSID and network key may be indicated on these networking devices. Check your devices and write down the
necessary information before setting up the connection. For more information, see the instruction manuals for your
networking devices or contact your manufacturer.
A name given for identifying a specic wireless LAN. Some other terms used for SSID include
"access point name" and "network name."
Network Key
A keyword or password used for encrypting data or authenticating a network. Some other
terms used for network key include "encryption key," "WEP key," "WPA/WPA2 passphrase,"
and "preshared key (PSK)."
Wireless Security
When manually setting up a wireless connection by specifying detailed settings, you need to
specify security settings. Check the following information:
Security types (WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK)
Authentication method (Open System/Shared Key)
Encryption method (TKIP/AES-CCMP)
Checking the SSID and Network Key from a Computer
The SSID or the network key may have been changed. If you do not know the SSID or the network key, you can check
them by using the Canon MF/LBP Wireless Setup Assistant included with the provided DVD-ROM. The Canon MF/LBP
Wireless Setup Assistant can be used on a computer connected to a wireless LAN.
If you are a Mac OS user
The provided DVD-ROM that comes with the machine does not contain the Canon MF/LBP Wireless Setup
Assistant for Macintosh. It is available from the following Canon website: http://www.canon.com/
Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer.
Select a language and click [OK] if you are prompted to do so.
Click [Start Software Programs].
If the above screen is not displayed, see Displaying the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup]
Screen(P. 889) .
If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].
Click [Start] for [Canon MF/LBP Wireless Setup Assistant].
Read the License Agreement and click [Yes] to agree.
Check the information displayed for the wireless router.
Write down the necessary information. If you do not know what information is necessary, write down all the
information that is displayed.
If wireless routers are not found
Click [Refresh]. If nothing happens, check that the settings are correctly congured on the computer and
the wireless router.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
Setting IP Addresses
Connecting the machine to a network requires a unique network IP address. Two versions of IP addresses are
available: IPv4 and IPv6. Congure these settings depending on the network environment. To use IPv6 addresses, you
need to properly congure the IPv4 address settings.
Setting IPv4 Address
The machine's IPv4 address can be either assigned automatically by a dynamic IP
addressing protocol, such as DHCP, or entered manually. When connecting the
machine to a wired LAN, make sure that the connectors of the LAN cable are rmly
inserted into the ports ( Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417) ). You can test the
network connection if necessary.
Setting IPv4 Address(P. 437)
Testing the Network Connection(P. 439)
Setting IPv4 Address
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <TCP/IP Settings> <IPv4 Settings> <IP Address Settings>.
Congure IP address settings.
<Auto Acquire>
Select to automatically assign an IP address via DHCP protocol. When <Auto Acquire: On> is displayed,
automatic addressing is enabled.
<Manually Acquire>
Select to congure the IP address settings by manually entering an IP address. In order to select this
option, <Auto Acquire> must be set to <Off>.
<Check Settings>
Select when you want to view the current IP address settings.
Automatically assigning an IP address
Select <Auto Acquire> <Select Protocol>.
Tap <DHCP>.
If you do not want to use DHCP to assign an IP address
Tap <Off>. If you select <DHCP> when this service is unavailable, the machine will waste time and
communications resources searching the network for this service.
Check that <Auto IP> is set to <On>.
If <Off> is selected, change the setting to <On>.
Tap <Apply>.
IP addresses assigned via DHCP override the address obtained via Auto IP.
Manually entering an IP address
Check that <Auto Acquire> is set to <Off>.
If <On> is displayed, tap <Auto Acquire>, and set both <Select Protocol> and <Auto IP> to <Off>.
Tap <Manually Acquire>.
Specify the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address (or default gateway).
Specify the settings in the following order: <IP Address> <Subnet Mask> <Gateway Address>.
Enter each setting using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Checking whether the settings are correct
Make sure that the Remote UI screen can be displayed with your computer ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ).
If a computer is not available, you can check the connection by using the operation panel ( Testing the
Network Connection(P. 439) ).
If you changed the IP address after installing the printer driver
If you are using an MFNP port, and the machine and the computer are on the same subnet, then the
connection will be maintained. You do not need to add a new port. If you are using a standard TCP/IP port,
then you need to add a new port. Conguring Printer Ports(P. 453)
If you are not sure which type of port you are using, see Checking the Printer Port(P. 893) .
Testing the Network Connection
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <TCP/IP Settings> <IPv4 Settings> <PING Command>.
Enter the IPv4 address of another device on the network, and tap <Apply>.
If a proper connection has been established, the following screen is displayed.
Setting IPv6 Addresses(P. 441)
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
Conguring WINS(P. 496)
Setting IPv6 Addresses
The IPv6 addresses of the machine can be congured via the Remote UI. Before
setting IPv6 addresses, check the IPv4 address settings ( Viewing IPv4
Settings(P. 445) ). You need to set the correct IPv4 settings to use IPv6 addresses.
Note that the scan function that uses the scanner driver or MF Scan Utility is not
available in an IPv6 environment. The machine can use up to nine of the following
IPv6 addresses:
Type Maximum
Link-local address 1 An address that is only valid within a subnet or link and cannot be used to
communicate with devices beyond a router. A link-local address is automatically set
when the IPv6 function of the machine is enabled.
Manual address 1 An address that is entered manually. When using this address, specify the prex
length and default router address.
Stateless address 6 An address that is generated automatically using the MAC address of the machine
and the network prex that is advertised by the router. Stateless addresses are
discarded when the machine is restarted (or turned ON).
Stateful address 1 An address obtained from a DHCP server using DHCPv6.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Click [Edit] in [IPv6 Settings].
Select the [Use IPv6] check box and congure the required settings.
[Use IPv6]
Select the check box to enable IPv6 on the machine. When not using IPv6, clear the check box.
[Use Stateless Address]
Select the check box when using a stateless address. When not using a stateless address, clear the check box.
[Use Manual Address]
When you want to manually enter an IPv6 address, select the check box and enter the IP address, prex
length, and default router address in the corresponding text boxes.
[IP Address]
Enter an IPv6 address. Addresses that start with "ff" (or multicast address) cannot be entered.
[Prex Length]
Enter a number that indicates how many bits are available for the network address.
[Default Router Address]
Specify the IPv6 address of the default router as necessary. Addresses that start with "ff" (or multicast
address) cannot be entered.
[Use DHCPv6]
Select the check box when using a stateful address. When not using DHCPv6, clear the check box.
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Checking whether the settings are correct
Make sure that the Remote UI screen can be displayed with your computer by using the IPv6 address of the
machine. Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Using the operation panel
IPv6 settings can also be accessed from <Menu> in the Home screen. IPv6 Settings(P. 634)
When you have changed the IP address after installing the printer driver
You need to add a new port.
Conguring Printer Ports(P. 453)
Setting IPv4 Address(P. 437)
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
Viewing Network Settings
Viewing IPv4 Settings(P. 445)
Viewing IPv6 Settings(P. 445)
Viewing the MAC Address for Wired LAN(P. 446)
Viewing the MAC Address and Information for Wireless LAN(P. 446)
The IP address is not correctly congured if it is displayed as "".
Connecting the machine to a switching hub or bridge may result in a connection failure even when the IP
address is correctly congured. This problem can be solved by setting a certain interval before the machine
starts communicating.
Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network(P. 487)
You can print a list of the current network settings. User Data List/System Manager Data List(P. 817)
Viewing IPv4 Settings
<Network Information> <IPv4> Select the setting to view Check the settings
Viewing IPv6 Settings
<Network Information> <IPv6> Select the setting to view Check the settings
Viewing the MAC Address for Wired LAN
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Ethernet Driver Settings>.
Viewing the MAC Address and Information for Wireless LAN
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Wireless LAN Settings>.
If the <Do you want to enable the wireless LAN?> message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Read the message that is displayed, and tap <OK>.
Tap <Connection Information>.
Select the setting to view.
Viewing WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK information
Tap <Security Settings>.
Conrm and tap the current security setting.
If the security settings are not congured, <None> is displayed.
Select the setting to view.
<Wireless LAN Status> and <Latest Error Information> can be viewed from . Press <Network
<Network Connection Method> <Connect. Info.> and select the setting to view.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Setting IPv4 Address(P. 437)
Setting IPv6 Addresses(P. 441)
Conguring DNS(P. 488)
Conguring the Machine for Printing or Faxing from a
When using the machine as a network printer or a PC-to-fax machine, you can congure the protocols and ports used
for printing and create a print server for the machine. Before conguring the machine for printing or faxing from a
computer, perform the basic setup procedures. For more information, see "MF Driver Installation Guide."
Printing protocols are rules for delivering document data created on a computer to the machine, and can be
selected according to the printing purpose or the network environment.
Ports are gateways for passing document data from a computer to the printer. Incorrect port settings are
often the cause when documents cannot be printed from a network computer.
Conguring Printing Protocols and WSD Functions
Congure the protocols that are used for printing documents from a networked computer. The protocols supported
by the machine include LPD, RAW, and WSD (Web Services on Devices).
To change protocols' port numbers, see Changing Port Numbers(P. 549) .
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Congure printing protocols.
Conguring LPD or RAW
Click [Edit] in [LPD Settings] or [RAW Settings].
Congure the settings as necessary.
[Use LPD Printing]
Select the check box to print via LPD. When not using LPD printing, clear the check box.
[Use RAW Printing]
Select the check box to print via RAW. When not using RAW printing, clear the check box.
[RX Timeout]
Set a value between 1 and 60 (minutes) as the restart wait time for data reception. If data reception does
not resume within the set time, printing is canceled.
Click [OK].
Conguring WSD
Click [Edit] in [WSD Settings].
Congure the settings as necessary.
[Use WSD Printing]
Select the check box to print via WSD. When not using WSD printing, clear the check box.
[Use WSD Browsing]
Select the check box to obtain information about the machine from a computer via WSD. This check box is
automatically selected when the [Use WSD Printing] check box is selected.
[Use WSD Scanning]
Available for Windows Vista/7/8, WSD scanning enables you to scan documents to a computer without
installing the scanner driver. Select the check box to scan documents via WSD. When not using WSD
scanning, clear the check box.
[Use Computer Scanning]
Select the check box to use WSD scanning by operating the machine with the operation panel. This check
box can only be selected when the [Use WSD Scanning] check box is selected. To perform scanning, tap
<Scan> and specify a WSD-connected computer as a scan destination. (
Scanning from the
Machine(P. 306) ).
[Use Multicast Discovery]
Select the check box to set the machine to reply to multicast discovery messages. If the check box is
cleared, the machine stays in sleep mode even when multicast discovery messages are owing on the
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
LPD, RAW, and WSD settings can also be accessed from <Menu> in the Home screen.
LPD Settings(P. 636)
RAW Settings(P. 636)
WSD Settings(P. 636)
Setting up WSD network devices on Windows Vista/7/8
The WSD printer and scanner can be added from the printer folder. Open the printer folder ( Displaying
the Printer Folder(P. 888) ) click [Add a device] or [Add a printer] and follow the on-screen instructions.
For more information about how to install MF Drivers for the WSD network printer, see "MF Driver
Installation Guide."
Conguring Printer Ports(P. 453)
Conguring Printer Ports
Printing errors can occur when the IP address of the machine has been changed, or when a printer has been added via
the Windows printer folder. These errors are typically caused by incorrect printer port settings. For example, an
incorrect port number or port type may have been specied. In such situations, your attempt to print fails because the
document data cannot reach the machine. To x this type of problem, congure the printer port settings on the
To perform the following procedure, log on to your computer with an administrator account.
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon or fax driver icon for this machine, and click
[Printer properties] or [Properties].
Click the [Ports] tab and congure the required settings.
Adding a port
When an incorrect port was selected while installing a printer driver or a fax driver from the Windows printer
folder, add a new port. There are two types of port: "MFNP Port" and "Standard TCP/IP Port." Select the port
type according to your environment.
(only for IPv4 environment)
This is a port that allows the IP address of the machine to be detected automatically.
Even if the IP address of the machine is changed, the connection is maintained,
provided that the machine and the computer are in the same subnet. You do not need
to add a new port every time the IP address is changed. If you are using the machine
in an IPv4 environment, you should normally select this type of port.
You can add an MFNP port only when you installed the printer driver or the fax
driver from the provided DVD-ROM, or when you downloaded and installed the
printer driver or the fax driver from the Canon website.
Standard TCP/IP Port This is a standard Windows port. When you use this type of port, you need to add a
new port every time that the IP address of the machine is changed. Select this type of
port when you are using the machine in an IPv6 environment and when you cannot
add an MFNP port.
Adding an MFNP port
Click [Add Port].
Select [Canon MFNP Port] in [Available port types] and click [New Port].
Select [Auto Detect] and select the machine when it is detected, and then click [Next].
If the machine is not detected
Click [Refresh]. If the problem persists, select [IP address] or [MAC address], enter the IP address or
MAC address of the machine (
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445) ) and then click [Next].
Click [Add] [Finish].
Click [Close].
Adding a standard TCP/IP port
Click [Add Port].
Select [Standard TCP/IP Port] in [Available port types] and click [New Port].
Click [Next].
Enter the IP address or the DNS name of the machine, and click [Next].
The [Port Name] is entered automatically. If necessary, you can change it.
When the next screen is displayed, follow the instructions on the screen.
When you select the [Device Type], select [Canon Network Printing Device with P9100] under [Standard].
Click [Finish].
Click [Close].
Changing the port type or number
If the printing protocol (LPD or RAW) has been changed on the machine side (
Conguring Printing
Protocols and WSD Functions(P. 449) ) or the port number has been changed ( Changing Port
Numbers(P. 549) ), the corresponding settings on the computer must also be congured. This operation is
not needed for WSD ports.
MFNP port
Click [Congure Port].
Under [Protocol Type], select [RAW] or [LPR], and change the [Port Number].
Click [OK].
Standard TCP/IP port
Click [Congure Port].
Under [Protocol], select [Raw] or [LPR].
If you selected [Raw], change the [Port Number].
If you selected [LPR], enter "lp" in [Queue Name].
Click [OK].
Click [Close].
Setting Up Print Server(P. 458)
Setting Up Print Server
With a print server, you can reduce the load on the computer that you print from. The print server also enables each
computer to install MF Drivers over the network, which saves you the trouble of installing the drivers on each
computer by using the provided DVD-ROM. To set up a computer on the network as a print server, congure the
settings for sharing the printer.
To perform the following procedure, log on to your computer with an administrator account.
You may be unable to install drivers over the network depending on the operating system and the bit
architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) of the print server and client computers.
When implementing a print server in a domain environment, consult your Network Administrator.
To carry out Department ID Management when using a print server
"Canon Driver Information Assist Service" must be added during the printer driver installation. Refer to
the "MF Driver Installation Guide" for details.
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon for this machine and click [Printer properties] or
Click the [Sharing] tab, select [Share this printer], and enter the share name of the
When [Change Sharing Options] is displayed
Click [Change Sharing Options].
Install additional drivers as necessary.
This operation is required if you want to install MF Drivers in other computers running a different bit
architecture via the print server.
Click [Additional Drivers].
Select the check box for the bit architecture that other computers are running, and click [OK].
Select additional drivers from the following, according to the operating system of the print server.
Print server
Select the check box for
32-bit operating systems [x64]
64-bit operating systems
Windows Server 2003
[Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003] under [Version]
Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008/Server 2012
[x86] under [Processor]
If you do not know whether your Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008/Server 2012 is a 32-bit or 64-bit
operating system, see Checking the Bit Architecture(P. 891) .
Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer, click [Browse] to specify the folder that
contains MF Drivers, and then click [OK].
If the print server runs a 32-bit operating system, select [DRIVERS]
[x64] [Driver] folders on the
provided DVD-ROM.
If the print server runs a 64-bit operating system, select [DRIVERS] [32bit] [Driver] folders on the
provided DVD-ROM.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install additional drivers.
Click [OK].
Installing MF Drivers on a Computer via the Print Server
Locate the shared printer in the print server. Displaying Shared Printers in the
Print Server(P. 889)
Double-click the shared printer.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install MF Drivers.
Printing from a Computer(P. 235)
Conguring Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Faxes/Shared
Folders/FTP Server)
To send scanned originals directly by e-mail or I-Fax or save them to shared folders or FTP server, you need to
congure the network. The Send Function Setting Tool, an application that is included with the machine, will assist you
with the required setup. Set the necessary conguration depending on your purpose and network environment.
Scanning to E-Mail or I-Fax
Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending & Receiving I-Faxes)(P. 462)
Scanning to Shared Folders
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to Shared Folders(P. 474)
Saving to FTP Server
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to FTP Server(P. 480)
Specications for E-Mail Sending/I-Faxes Sending and Receiving(P. 863)
Specications for Scanning to Shared Folders/FTP Server(P. 864)
Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending &
Receiving I-Faxes)
Before conguring the machine for scanning to e-mail, check the setup ow shown below.
Make sure that the machine and the computer are correctly connected.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Make sure that you have the following information:
The IP address of the machine. Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
An e-mail address to be registered as a destination.
Information about the e-mail server, including the SMTP server name, port
numbers, whether authentication is required, and the user name and password
for authentication.
For more information about the e-mail server settings, contact your Internet
service provider or Network Administrator.
Make sure that the computer meets the following system requirements for the
Send Setting Tool(sending e-mail):
Operating system
Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2003/Server 2008/Server 2012
Web browser
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
SVGA monitor (with at least 800 x 600 pixel screen resolution) that supports at
least 256 colors
Also make sure that <Use HTTP> and <Use Remote UI> are set to <On>.
Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Disabling Remote UI(P. 568)
Set the machine conguration.
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings(P. 464)
Conguring I-Fax Receiving Settings Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax
Communication Settings(P. 469)
Conguring Detailed E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings (Authentication,
Encryption, etc.) Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings
This section describes how to congure the e-mail settings by using the Send Function Setting Tool. With the Send
Function Setting Tool, you can also register e-mail addresses to the Address Book.
The Send Function Setting Tool helps you congure the basic settings for sending e-mails. Instead of the
Send Function Setting Tool, you can use the Remote UI to congure more detailed settings such as the
settings for POP authentication before sending or for encrypted communication. Conguring E-Mail/I-
Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
Start the Send Function Setting Tool.
Using a Web browser
Enter "http://<the IP address of the machine>/sendsupport_login.html" in the address eld of a Web browser,
and press the [ENTER] key.
Using the DVD-ROM
Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer.
Select a language and click [OK] if you are prompted to do so.
Click [Start Software Programs].
If the above screen is not displayed, see Displaying the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup]
Screen(P. 889) .
If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].
Click [Start] for [Send Function Setting Tool].
Click [Next].
If you want to view "Send Setting Guide," click [How to Set].
If the screen below appears
Click [Yes].
Select the machine from [Device List] and click [Next].
If the machine is not displayed in [Device List]
Click [Search Again]. If the problem persists, click [Search by IP Address], enter the IP address of the
machine, and then click [OK].
Conrm the settings and click [OK].
Click [Start].
If the logon screen is displayed, enter the appropriate ID and PIN in the corresponding text boxes, and then
click [Logon].
Click [Send to E-mail Settings].
If the screen prompting you to enter the Address Book PIN is displayed, enter the PIN for the Address Book,
and click [OK]. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Specify the required settings.
[Favorites Number]
With the Send Function Setting Tool, you can register an e-mail address into <Favorites> in the Address
Book. Select a number from the drop-down list.
[Name for Favorites Number]
Enter the name for identifying the destination to be registered. Set a name that will be easy for you to
nd later in the Address Book.
[Send Destination Settings]
[Destination E-mail Address]
Enter the e-mail address that you want to send your scanned documents to.
[SMTP Server Settings]
[SMTP Server]
Enter the SMTP server name.
[SMTP Authentication]
Click the [Not Set] or [Set] radio button to match the authentication settings of the SMTP server. When
[Set] is selected, enter the user name in the [User Name] text box and password in the [Password] text
Authentication methods for sending e-mails
To prevent e-mail transmissions by unauthorized users, the machine supports SMTP authentication (SMTP
AUTH) and POP before SMTP. For more information about the required authentication method, contact
your Internet service provider or Network Administrator.
POP before SMTP authentication can only be congured by using the Remote UI. Conguring E-Mail/I-
Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
Click [Next].
Conrm the settings and click [Register].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Additional settings may be required depending on the network you are using. For more information, contact
your Internet service provider or Network Administrator.
To enable TLS for e-mailing, see Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469) .
To change port numbers, see Changing Port Numbers(P. 549) .
Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending & Receiving I-Faxes)(P. 462)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings
Use the Remote UI to congure the detailed send and receive settings, such as the settings for using the machine to
send and receive I-Faxes and the settings for POP authentication and encryption of communication before you send e-
mail or I-Faxes. Contact your provider or network administrator for the required settings.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [E-Mail/I-Fax Settings].
Click [Edit].
Specify the required settings.
[SMTP Server]
Enter up to 48 alphanumeric characters as the SMTP server name (or IP address) for sending e-mail and I-
[E-Mail Address]
Enter up to 120 characters for the e-mail address that you want to use for the machine.
[POP Server]
Enter up to 48 alphanumeric characters as the SMTP server name or IP address for sending e-mail and I-
[User Name]
Enter up to 64 alphanumeric characters as the user name for the specied e-mail account when a POP3
server is used.
[Set/Change Password]
To set or change the password when a POP3 server is used, select this check box and enter up to 32
alphanumeric characters in [Password].
Specify the settings required for I-Fax reception
Select the check box to receive I-Faxes.
[POP Interval]
This sets the interval (in minutes) used for automatically connecting to the POP3 server. If there are any I-Fax
documents on the server, they are automatically received and printed.
To disable automatic reception
Set [POP Interval] to [0]. When [0] is set, you receive I-Faxes manually. Receiving I-Faxes
Manually(P. 231)
Conguring Pop Authentication before Sending
POP before SMTP authentication prevents unauthorized users from using e-mail and I-Faxes by performing
user authentication on the POP3 server.
[Use POP Authentication Before Sending]
To use the POP3 server for authentication before you send e-mail or I-Faxes, select the check box.
[Use APOP Authentication]
Select the check box to use APOP to encrypt the password during the authentication process.
Conguring SMTP authentication
If you congure SMTP authentication (SMTP AUTH), user identication by user name and password is
performed at the time of sending e-mail or I-Fax.
[Use SMTP Authentication (SMTP AUTH)]
To enable authentication on the SMTP server, select the check box and enter up to 64 characters in the [User
Name] text box.
[Set/Change Password]
To specify or change the password, enter up to 32 characters in the [Password] text box.
Conguring encrypted communication
You can congure encryption of communication with an SMTP or POP3 server.
[Use TLS for SMTP]
Select the check box to use TLS for encrypting communication with the SMTP server. Select the check box for
[Verify Certicate] or [Add CN to Verication Items] depending on your needs.
[Use TLS for POP]
Select the check box to encrypt communication with the POP3 server using TLS. Select the [Verify Certicate]
and [Add CN to Verication Items] check boxes as required.
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Depending on the network you are using, you may need to change the SMTP or POP3 port setting (
Changing Port Numbers(P. 549) ). For more information, contact your Internet service provider or Network
Conguring Scan Settings (Sending E-Mail, Sending & Receiving I-Faxes)(P. 462)
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings(P. 464)
Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the Machine(P. 335)
Using Internet Fax (I-Fax)(P. 223)
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to Shared
Before conguring the machine for scanning to shared folders, check the setup ow shown below.
Make sure that the machine and the computer are correctly connected.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Make sure that you have the following information:
The IP address of the machine. Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
The name of the computer where the shared folder is located. Checking the
Computer Name(P. 891)
Path to and the name of the shared folder (If access restrictions are set to the
folder, the user name and password information is also needed).
For instructions on how to create a new shared folder, see "Send Setting Guide."
Make sure that the computer meets the following system requirements for the
Send Function Setting Tool:
Operating system
Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2003/Server 2008/Server 2012
Web browser
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
SVGA monitor (with at least 800 x 600 pixel screen resolution) that supports at
least 256 colors
Also make sure that <Use HTTP> and <Use Remote UI> are set to <On>.
Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Disabling Remote UI(P. 568)
Set the machine conguration. Setting a Shared Folder as a Save
Location(P. 475)
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location
The feature of scanning to shared folders is also called "Scan to SMB" because the feature uses Server Message Block
(SMB), a Windows-specic technology. SMB is a protocol for sharing resources, such as les and printers, with more
than one device in a network ( Conguring SMB(P. 493) ). To congure the machine for saving your scanned
documents into a shared folder in the network via SMB, specify the location of the shared folder from a computer in
advance. This section describes how to specify the save location by using the Send Function Setting Tool.
You can also use the Remote UI to specify the location of the shared folder as save destination by registering
the folder to the Address Book. Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Start the Send Function Setting Tool.
Using a Web browser
Enter "http://<the IP address of the machine>/sendsupport_login.html" in the address eld of a Web browser,
and press the [ENTER] key.
Using the DVD-ROM
Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer.
Select a language and click [OK] if you are prompted to do so.
Click [Start Software Programs].
If the above screen is not displayed, see Displaying the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup]
Screen(P. 889) .
If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].
Click [Start] for [Send Function Setting Tool].
Click [Next].
If you want to view "Send Setting Guide," click [How to Set].
If the screen below appears
Click [Yes].
Select the machine from [Device List] and click [Next].
If the machine is not displayed in [Device List]
Click [Search Again]. If the problem persists, click [Search by IP Address], enter the IP address of the
machine, and then click [OK].
Conrm the settings and click [OK].
Click [Start].
If the logon screen is displayed, enter the appropriate ID and PIN in the corresponding text boxes, and then
click [Logon].
Click [Store to Shared Folder Settings].
If the screen prompting you to enter the Address Book PIN is displayed, enter the PIN for the Address Book,
and click [OK]. Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Specify the required settings.
[Favorites Number]
With the Send Function Setting Tool, you can register a shared folder for saving scanned documents
into <Favorites> in the Address Book. Select a number from the drop-down list.
[Name for Favorites Number]
Enter the name for identifying the destination to be registered. Set a name that will be easy for you to
nd later in the Address Book.
[Store Destination Settings]
The protocol that is used for sending scanned documents to a shared folder is displayed.
[Computer Name of Store Destination]
Enter the name or the IP address of the computer where the shared folder is located.
[Shared Folder Name on Store Destination Computer]
Enter the name of (or path to) the shared folder. For example, if the shared folder is a subfolder named
"share" and is contained in the [Public] folder in drive C (path: C:\users\public\share), enter
[Status of Settings for Shared Folder]
[Access Restriction to Shared Folder]
Click the [Not Set] or [Set] radio button to match the access restrictions set to the shared folder. When
[Set] is selected, enter the user name in the [Registered User Name] text box and password in the
[Password to Access] text box.
Click [Next].
Conrm the settings and click [Register].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to Shared Folders(P. 474)
Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP Server(P. 342)
Conguring the Machine for Scanning to FTP Server
Before conguring the machine for scanning to FTP Server, check the setup ow shown below.
Make sure that the machine and the computer are correctly connected.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Make sure that you have the following information:
The IP address of the machine. Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
FTP server name.
Path to the FTP server and folder name.
User name, password (only if set).
If the path, folder name, user name, password, etc. for the FTP server are
unknown,contact you Network Administrator.
To change the FTP port number
Changing Port Numbers(P. 549)
Check whether you need to use PASV mode.
If a rewall is installed between the machine and the FTP server, you must set
PASV mode.
Conguring FTP PASV mode(P. 481)
Also make sure that <Use HTTP> and <Use Remote UI> are set to <On>.
Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Disabling Remote UI(P. 568)
Register the FTP server address. Registering Destinations in the Address
Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Conguring FTP PASV mode
PASV is an FTP communication mode used for le transfer. To connect to an FTP
server through a rewall, you must use PASV mode. First check that the PASV mode
is set on the FTP server.
Whether PASV mode is used for FTP depends on your network environment and the settings on the FTP
server to which data is being sent. For more information, contact your Network Administrator.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Click [Edit] in [FTP PASV Mode Settings].
Select the [Use FTP PASV Mode] check box and click [OK].
[Use FTP PASV Mode]
Select the check box to use PASV mode. If you are not using PASV mode, leave the check box clear.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Conguring the Machine for Your Network
The conguration of a network varies depending on the purpose of the network. The machine has been designed to
be compatible with as many network congurations as possible, and it is equipped with a variety of technologies.
Consult your Network Administrator and set a conguration to suit your network environment.
Conguring Ethernet Settings
Ethernet is a standard for communicating data in a local area network (LAN). You can
set the communication mode (half-duplex/full-duplex) and the Ethernet type (10BASE-
T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T). In general, the machine can be used without changing the
defaults ( Ethernet Driver Settings(P. 639) ), but you can change these settings to
suit your network environment.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Ethernet Driver Settings> <Auto Detect>.
Select whether to congure Ethernet settings automatically or manually.
Conguring Ethernet settings automatically
Tap <On>. The machine detects and automatically sets the communication mode and the Ethernet type that
can be used.
Conguring Ethernet settings manually
Tap <Off>.
Select the communication mode.
Tap <Communication Mode> tap <Half Duplex> or <Full Duplex>.
<Half Duplex>
Alternately sends and receives communication data. Select when the machine is connected to a
networking device using half duplex.
<Full Duplex>
Simultaneously sends and receives communication data. Use this setting for most environments.
Select the Ethernet type.
Tap <Ethernet Type> select the Ethernet type.
When <Communication Mode> is set to <Half Duplex>, you cannot select <1000BASE-T>.
Tap <Apply>.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Changing the Maximum Transmission Unit(P. 486)
Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network(P. 487)
Changing the Maximum Transmission Unit
In most Ethernet networks, the maximum size of a packet that can be sent is 1500 bytes. A packet refers to a chunk of
data into which the original data is divided before being sent. The maximum transmission unit (MTU) may vary on each
network. Change the settings of the machine as necessary. For more information, contact your Network Administrator.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <TCP/IP Settings> <MTU Size>.
Select the MTU.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Conguring Ethernet Settings(P. 484)
Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network(P. 487)
Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network
When a network is designed to enjoy redundant connectivity with multiple switching hubs or bridges, it must have a
mechanism to prevent packets from looping. One effective solution is to dene the role of each switch port. However,
communication may still be disrupted for several tens of seconds immediately after you change the way that network
devices are connected, or if you add a new device. If this type of problem occurs, set a wait time for connecting to the
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Waiting Time for Connection at Startup>.
Enter the wait time in seconds, and tap <Apply>.
Use / or the numeric keys to enter the time.
Conguring Ethernet Settings(P. 484)
Changing the Maximum Transmission Unit(P. 486)
Conguring DNS
DNS (Domain Name System) provides a service for name resolution that associates a host (or domain) name with an IP
address. Congure the DNS, mDNS, or DHCP option settings as necessary. Note that the procedures for conguring
DNS are different for IPv4 and IPv6.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Congure DNS settings.
Conguring IPv4 DNS
Click [Edit] in [IPv4 Settings].
Congure IPv4 DNS settings.
[DNS Settings]
[Primary DNS Server Address]
Enter the IP address of a DNS server.
[Secondary DNS Server Address]
Enter the IP address of a secondary DNS server, if any.
[Host Name]
Enter up to 47 alphanumeric characters for the host name of the machine that is to be registered to
the DNS server.
[Domain Name]
Enter up to 47 alphanumeric characters for the name of the domain the machine belongs to, such
as "example.com."
[DNS Dynamic Update]
Select the check box to dynamically update the DNS records whenever the machine's IP address is
changed. When specifying the interval between updates, enter the time in hours in the [DNS
Dynamic Update Interval] text box.
[mDNS Settings]
[Use mDNS]
Adopted by Bonjour, mDNS (multicast DNS) is a protocol for associating a host name with an IP
address without using DNS. Select the check box to enable mDNS and enter the mDNS name in the
[mDNS Name] text box.
[DHCP Option Settings]
[Acquire Host Name]
Select the check box to enable Option 12 to obtain the host name from the DHCP server.
[DNS Dynamic Update]
Select the check box to enable Option 81 to dynamically update the DNS records through the DHCP
[Acquire DNS Server Address]
Select the check box to enable Option 6 to obtain a DNS server address from the DHCP server.
[Acquire Domain Name]
Select the check box to enable Option 15 to obtain a domain name from the DHCP server.
[Acquire WINS Server Address]
Select the check box to enable Option 44 to obtain a WINS server address from the DHCP server.
[Acquire SMTP Server Address]
Select the check box to enable Option 69 to obtain an SMTP server address from the DHCP server.
[Acquire POP Server Address]
Select the check box to enable Option 70 to obtain a POP3 server address from the DHCP server.
Click [OK].
Conguring IPv6 DNS
Click [Edit] in [IPv6 Settings].
Congure IPv6 DNS settings.
The [Use IPv6] check box must be selected to congure the settings. Setting IPv6
Addresses(P. 441)
[DNS Settings]
[Primary DNS Server Address]
Enter the IP address of a DNS server. Addresses that start with "ff" (or multicast address) cannot be
[Secondary DNS Server Address]
Enter the IP address of a secondary DNS server, if any. Addresses that start with "ff" (or multicast
address) cannot be entered.
[Use Same Host Name/Domain Name as IPv4]
Select the check box to use the same host and domain names as in IPv4.
[Host Name]
Enter up to 47 alphanumeric characters for the host name of the machine that is to be registered to
the DNS server.
[Domain Name]
Enter up to 47 alphanumeric characters for the name of the domain the machine belongs to, such
as "example.com."
[DNS Dynamic Update]
Select the check box to dynamically update the DNS records whenever the machine's IP address is
changed. To specify the type(s) of addresses you want to register to the DNS server, select the
check box for [Register Manual Address], [Register Stateful Address], or [Register Stateless
Address]. To specify the interval between updates, enter the time in hours in the [DNS Dynamic
Update Interval] text box.
[mDNS Settings]
[Use mDNS]
Adopted by Bonjour, mDNS (multicast DNS) is a protocol for associating a host name with an IP
address without using DNS. Select the check box to enable mDNS.
[Use Same mDNS Name as IPv4]
Select the check box to use the same mDNS name as in IPv4. To set a different name, clear the
check box and enter the mDNS name in the [mDNS Name] text box.
[DHCP Option Settings]
[Acquire DNS Server Address]
Select the check box to enable Option 23 to obtain a DNS server address from the DHCP server.
[Acquire Domain Name]
Select the check box to enable Option 24 to obtain a domain name from the DHCP server.
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
DNS settings can also be accessed from <Menu> in the Home screen.
IPv4 Settings(P. 632)
IPv6 Settings(P. 634)
Setting IPv4 Address(P. 437)
Setting IPv6 Addresses(P. 441)
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
Conguring SMB
Server Message Block (SMB) is a protocol for sharing resources, such as les and
printers, with more than one device in a network. The machine uses SMB to store
scanned documents into a shared folder. Depending on your network, you may have
to set the NetBIOS name and workgroup name.
NetBIOS Name
In a Windows network that uses NetBIOS, NetBIOS names are used for identifying network-connected
computers as well as for le sharing and other network services. Most computers use the computer name as
the NetBIOS name.
Workgroup Name
Workgroup name is a name for grouping multiple computers so that basic network functions, such as le
sharing, become available in a Windows network. Specify the workgroup name to identify the group that the
machine belongs to.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [SMB Settings].
Click [Edit].
Specify the required settings and click [OK].
[NetBIOS Name]
Enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters for the NetBIOS name of the machine.
[Workgroup Name]
Enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters for the name of the workgroup that the machine belongs to.
NetBIOS names or workgroup names that start with an asterisk (
) cannot be registered to a WINS server.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Conguring WINS(P. 496)
Conguring WINS
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is a name resolution service that associates a NetBIOS name (a computer or
printer name in an SMB network) with an IP address. To enable WINS, the WINS server must be specied.
In order to specify WINS server settings, NetBIOS name and workgroup name are required to be set.
Conguring SMB(P. 493)
The function is not available in an IPv6 network.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Click [Edit] in [WINS Settings].
Select the [WINS Resolution] check box, specify the required settings, and click [OK].
[WINS Resolution]
Select the check box to use WINS for name resolution. When not using WINS, clear the check box.
[WINS Server Address]
Enter the IP address of the WINS server.
If the IP address of the WINS server is obtained from a DHCP server, the obtained IP address overrides the
IP address entered in the [WINS Server Address] text box.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
WINS settings can also be accessed from <Menu> in the Home screen. WINS Settings(P. 636)
Setting IPv4 Address(P. 437)
Registering LDAP Servers
If an LDAP server is implemented in the network, you can search the server for fax
numbers or e-mail addresses, and then specify them as destinations or register
them in the Address Book. Note also that if send function authentication ( LDAP
Server Authentication(P. 536) ) is enabled, you must register the server used for
authentication. You can register a maximum of ve LDAP servers each for searching
and for authentication to the machine. Register LDAP servers via the Remote UI.
LDAP servers that are supported by the machine are Windows Server 2003/Server 2008/Server 2012 Active
The machine communicates with LDAP servers using LDAPv3.
UTF-8 is the supported character encoding used when the text data is transmitted between the machine and
an LDAP server.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [LDAP Server Settings].
Click [Register New Server] for [LDAP Server (For Search)] or [LDAP Server (For
LDAP server registration is separated, with registration either for searching or for authentication. To use an
LDAP server for searching for fax and e-mail destinations, register if for searching, and to use it for
authenticating sending of e-mail or faxes, register it for authenticating.
To edit registered server information
Click a text link under [Server Name] for the edit screen.
To delete registered server information
Click [Delete] on the right of the server name you want to delete
click [OK].
Register the LDAP server.
Register the server used for searches
Register the server for searching for fax, e-mail destinations.
[Server Name]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for identifying the LDAP server.
[Server Address]
Enter the IP address of the LDAP server or enter up to 47 alphanumeric characters for the host name of the
server (example: ldap.example.com).
[Server Address] and DNS
To prevent errors from occurring when searching for destinations, make sure to check the following:
If the host name is entered for [Server Address], make sure that a DNS server is available in the
If the IP address is entered for [Server Address], check whether the DNS server supports only
forward lookup. If the server supports only forward lookup, select [Do Not Use] or [Use] for [Login
Information]. If you select [Use (Security Authentication)], make sure that the DNS server supports
reverse lookup.
[Position to Start Search]
Specify the node in the directory information tree (DIT) that you want to start search from. Leaving the text box
blank sets the machine to start search from an arbitrary node selected automatically.
Depending on the type of characters used, up to 120 characters can be entered.
When specifying the node, enter "DC=", followed by a host name (a dot-delimited character string in the
Active Directory domain name), and separate each of the entries with a comma. If the domain name is
"john.example.com", for example, enter "DC=john,DC=example,DC=com."
[Port Number]
Enter the port number used for communicating with the LDAP server.
[Search Timeout]
Specify how long the machine searches. Enter between 30 and 300 seconds.
[Login Information]
Select [Do Not Use], [Use], or [Use (Security Authentication)] depending on the type of authentication
implemented by the LDAP server. When [Use] or [Use (Security Authentication)] is selected, the user name and
password must be specied.
[Do Not Use] Select not to authenticate the machine using the login information.
[Use] Select to authenticate the machine using the login information.
[Use (Security Authentication)]
Select to use data obtained by Kerberos, a network authentication protocol, for the
authentication password. If this setting is selected, the clock of the machine needs to be
synchronized with that of the LDAP server.
[Display Authentication Screen When Searching]
Select the check box to require the user to enter the user name and password when a search is requested. If the
[Use Same Authentication Information as When Send Operation Started] check box is selected, the user name
and password used for authentication when sending scans are also used here.
[Use Same Authentication Information as When Send Operation Started]
This check box is normally displayed selected; however, it is only valid when the [Display Authentication Screen
When Searching] check box is selected.
[User Name]
Enter the user name of the machine that was registered to the LDAP server. Depending on the type of
characters used, up to 120 characters can be entered.
When [Use] is selected for [Login Information], enter the user name in the form "(domain name)\(user
name)" (example: domain1\user1).
When [Use (Security Authentication)] is selected, enter the user name only (example: user1).
[Set/Change Password]
To specify or change the password, select the check box and enter up to 24 characters in the [Password] text
[Domain Name]
When [Use (Security Authentication)] is selected for [Login Information], enter up to 120 alphanumeric
characters for the directory tree name in Active Directory (example: example.com).
Registering the authentication server
If the use of the fax and scan functions is restricted, register the server used for authentication.
[Server Name]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for identifying the LDAP server.
[Server Address]
Enter the IP address of the LDAP server or enter up to 47 alphanumeric characters for the host name of the
server (example: ldap.example.com).
[Server Address] and DNS
To prevent errors from occurring when searching for destinations, make sure to check the following:
If the host name is entered for [Server Address], make sure that a DNS server is available in the
If the IP address is entered for [Server Address], check whether the DNS server supports only
forward lookup. If the server supports only forward lookup, select [Use] for [Login Information]. If
you select [Use (Security Authentication)], make sure that the DNS server supports reverse lookup.
[Position to Start Search]
Specify the node in the directory information tree (DIT) that you want to start search from. Leaving the text box
blank sets the machine to start search from an arbitrary node selected automatically.
Depending on the type of characters used, up to 120 characters can be entered.
When specifying the node, enter "DC=", followed by a host name (a dot-delimited character string in the
Active Directory domain name), and separate each of the entries with a comma. If the domain name is
"john.example.com", for example, enter "DC=john,DC=example,DC=com."
[Use TLS]
Select the check box to encrypt communication with the LDAP server using TLS.
This is enabled only when [Use] is selected in [Login Information].
[Port Number]
Enter the port number used for communicating with the LDAP server.
[Authentication/Attribute Acquisition Timeout]
Specify how long authentication and attribute acquisition can continue in a range from 15 to 150 seconds.
[User Name Attribute]
Enter the attribute name, to be compared with a user name entered during authentication, of up to 64
alphanumeric characters (Example: "sAMAccountName").
No entry is required when [Use (Security Authentication)] is selected in [Login Information].
[E-Mail Address Attribute]
Enter the attribute name, to be used for obtaining an e-mail address from the authentication server, of up to 64
alphanumeric characters (Example: "mail").
[Login Information]
Select [Use] or [Use (Security Authentication)] depending on the type of authentication implemented by the
LDAP server.
[Use] Select to authenticate the machine using the System Manager ID.
[Use (Security Authentication)]
Select to use data obtained by Kerberos, a network authentication protocol, for the
authentication password. If this setting is selected, the clock of the machine needs to be
synchronized with that of the LDAP server.
[Use System Manager ID]
If [Use] is selected in [Login Information], this species whether authentication using the system manager ID is
used. To use the system manager ID, select the check box and specify the user name and password for used for
authentication. If you deselect this check box, login is anonymous (no user name).
[User Name]
Enter the user name of the machine that was registered to the LDAP server in the form "(domain name)\(user
name)" (example: domain1\user1). Depending on the type of characters used, up to 120 characters can be
[Set/Change Password]
To specify or change the password, select the check box and enter up to 24 characters in the [Password] text
[Domain Name]
When [Use (Security Authentication)] is selected for [Login Information], enter up to 120 alphanumeric
characters for the directory tree name in Active Directory (example: example.com).
Click [OK].
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server(P. 161)
Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server (E-Mail/I-Fax)(P. 371)
Conguring SNTP(P. 505)
LDAP Server Authentication(P. 536)
Conguring SNTP
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) enables you to adjust the system clock by
using the time server on the network. The protocol is typically used for synchronizing
the machine and a server, such as when the machine needs to access an LDAP server
with the security authentication that was enabled. The time is adjusted based on
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), so specify the time zone setting before
conguring SNTP ( Date/Time Settings(P. 645) ). SNTP settings can be specied
via the Remote UI.
The SNTP of the machine supports both NTP (version 3) and SNTP (versions 3 and 4) servers.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Click [Edit] in [SNTP Settings].
Select the [Use SNTP] check box and specify the required settings.
[Use SNTP]
Select the check box to use SNTP for synchronization. If you do not want to use SNTP, clear the check box.
[NTP Server Name]
Enter the IP address of the NTP or the SNTP server. If DNS is available on the network, you can enter a host
name (or FQDN) of up to 255 alphanumeric characters instead (example: ntp.example.com).
[Polling Interval]
Specify the interval between one synchronization and the next. Specify an interval from 1 to 48 hours.
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Testing communication with the NTP/SNTP server
You can view communication status with the registered server by clicking [Settings/Registration] [Network
Settings] [TCP/IP Settings] and then clicking [Check NTP Server] in [SNTP Settings] that appears. If a
proper connection has been established, the result is displayed as shown below. Note that this operation
does not adjust the system clock.
Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol for monitoring and controlling communication devices in a
network by using Management Information Base (MIB). The machine supports SNMPv1 and security-enhanced
SNMPv3. You can check the status of the machine from a computer when you print documents or use the Remote UI.
You can enable either SNMPv1 or SNMPv3, or both at the same time. Specify the settings for each version to suit your
network environment and the purpose of use.
SNMPv1 uses information called "community" to dene the scope of SNMP communication. Because this
information is exposed to the network in plain text, your network will be vulnerable to attacks. If you want to
ensure network security, disable SNMPv1 and use SNMPv3.
With SNMPv3, you can implement network device management that is protected by robust security features.
Note that TLS must be enabled for the Remote UI before conguring SNMPv3 ( Enabling TLS Encrypted
Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570) ).
The machine does not support the trap notication feature of SNMP.
To change the port number of SNMP, see Changing Port Numbers(P. 549) .
SNMP management software, when installed on a computer on the network, enables you to congure,
monitor, and control the machine remotely from the computer. For more information, see the instruction
manuals for your management software.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [SNMP Settings].
Click [Edit].
Specify SNMPv1 settings.
If you do not need to change SNMPv1 settings, proceed to the next step.
[Use SNMPv1]
Select the check box to enable SNMPv1. You can specify the rest of SNMPv1 settings only when this check box
is selected.
[Use Community Name 1]/[Use Community Name 2]
Select the check box to specify a community name. If you do not need to specify a community name, clear
the check box.
[Community Name]
Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for the name of the community.
[MIB Access Permission]
For each community, select [Read/Write] or [Read Only] for the access privileges to MIB objects.
Permits both viewing and changing the values of MIB objects.
[Read Only] Permits only viewing the values of MIB objects.
[Use Dedicated Community]
Dedicated Community is a preset community, intended exclusively for Administrators using Canon software,
such as iW Management Console. Select the check box and specify [MIB Access Permission] to use Dedicated
Community. If you do not need to use Dedicated Community, clear the check box.
Specify SNMPv3 settings.
If you do not need to change SNMPv3 settings, proceed to the next step.
[Use SNMPv3]
Select the check box to enable SNMPv3. You can specify the rest of SNMPv3 settings only when this check box
is selected.
[Enable User]
Select the check box to enable [User Settings 1]/[User Settings 2]/[User Settings 3]. To disable user settings,
clear the corresponding check box.
[User Name]
Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for the user name.
[MIB Access Permission]
Select [Read/Write] or [Read Only] for the access privileges to MIB objects.
Permits both viewing and changing the values of MIB objects.
[Read Only] Permits only viewing the values of MIB objects.
[Security Settings]
Select [Authentication On/Encryption On], [Authentication On/Encryption Off], or [Authentication On/
Encryption Off] for the desired combination of authentication and encryption settings.
[Authentication Algorithm]
Click the [Authentication On/Encryption On] or [Authentication On/Encryption Off] for [Security Settings] for
the algorithm that corresponds to your environment.
[Encryption Algorithm]
Click the [Authentication On/Encryption On] for [Security Settings] for the algorithm that corresponds to your
[Set/Change Password]
To set or change the password, select the check box and enter between 8 and 16 alphanumeric characters
for the password in the [Authentication Password] or [Encryption Password] text box. For conrmation, enter
the same password in the [Conrm] text box. Passwords can be set independently for authentication and
encryption algorithms.
[Context Name 1]/[Context Name 2]/[Context Name 3]
Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for the context name. Up to three context names can be registered.
Specify Printer Management Information Acquisition Settings.
With SNMP, the printer management information, such as printing protocols and printer ports, can be
monitored and obtained regularly from a computer on the network.
[Acquire Printer Management Information from Host]
Select the check box to enable monitoring of the printer management information of the machine via SNMP.
To disable monitoring of the printer management information, clear the check box.
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Disabling both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3
If both versions of SNMP are disabled, some of the functions of the machine become unavailable, such as
obtaining machine information via the printer driver.
Using the operation panel
You can enable or disable the SNMP settings from <Menu>.
SNMP Settings(P. 638)
Enabling Both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3
If both versions of SNMP are enabled, it is recommended that MIB access permission in SNMPv1 be set to
[Read Only]. MIB access permission can be set independently in SNMPv1 and SNMPv3 (and for each user in
SNMPv3). Selecting [Read/Write] (full access permission) in SNMPv1 negates the robust security features
that characterize SNMPv3 because most of the machine settings can then be controlled with SNMPv1.
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570)
Conguring Settings for Device Management Software
You can facilitate the collection and management of various information about networked devices by implementing
device management software, such as iW Management Console
, into the network. Information such as device
settings, Address Books, and error logs is retrieved and distributed via the server computer. If the machine is
connected to such a network, iW Management Console searches the network for the machine by using protocols such
as Service Location Protocol (SLP) to gather information from the machine, such as power supply status information.
SLP settings can be specied via the Remote UI. This section also describes the procedure to congure settings for
communication between the machine and plug-ins for iW Management Console.
For more information about iW Management Console, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
Conguring SLP Communication with Device Management Software(P. 513)
Conguring Settings for Communication between the Machine and Plug-ins(P. 516)
To use iW Management Console plug-ins
You need to enable the settings of the dedicated port and the SNMP settings. As for the SNMP settings, set
[MIB Access Permission] to [Read/Write] for both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3.
Dedicated Port Settings(P. 639)
Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP(P. 508)
Conguring SLP Communication with Device Management Software
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Specify SLP settings.
Specifying multicast device discovery
Click [Edit] in [Multicast Discovery Settings].
Select the [Respond to Discovery] check box and specify the required settings.
[Respond to Discovery]
Select the check box to set the machine to respond to device management software multicast discovery
packets and enable monitoring by device management software.
[Scope Name]
To include the machine into a specic scope, enter up to 32 characters for the scope name.
Click [OK].
To change the port number for multicast discovery, see Changing Port Numbers(P. 549) .
Notifying a device management software of the power status of the machine
Click [Edit] in [Sleep Mode Notication Settings].
Select the [Notify] check box and specify the required settings.
Select the check box to notify a device management software of the power status of the machine. When
[Notify] is selected, you can expect the machine to avoid unnecessary communication during sleep mode
and reduce the total power consumption.
[Port Number]
Change the port number for this function according to the network environment.
[Number of Routers to Traverse]
Specify how many routers the notication packets can pass. Enter a number from 0 to 254.
[Notication Interval]
Specify how often the machine noties a device management software of its power status. Enter a
number in seconds from 60 to 65535.
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Conguring Settings for Communication between the Machine and Plug-ins
You can specify the settings to enable communication between the machine and iW Management Console plug-ins.
Use of plug-ins allows you to manage the machine's settings from iW Management Console.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [Settings for Device Settings Management].
Click [Edit]
Select [Use Device Settings Management] [OK].
[Use Device Settings Management]
To communicate with iW Management Console plug-ins, select the check box. When the check box is cleared,
the machine will not be recognized as a device to be managed from plug-ins.
Using the operation panel
You can also congure the settings for communication with plug-ins from <Menu> in the Home screen.
Device Settings Management On/Off(P. 640)
Entering Sleep Mode(P. 100)
Security ................................................................................................................................................................ 519
Protecting the Machine from Unauthorized Access ....................................................................................... 520
Preventing Unauthorized Access .................................................................................................................. 521
Setting Access Privileges .............................................................................................................................. 523
Setting the System Manager ID ............................................................................................................. 524
Setting the Department ID Management .............................................................................................. 526
Setting a Remote UI PIN ........................................................................................................................ 534
LDAP Server Authentication .......................................................................................................................... 536
Restricting Communication by Using Firewalls ............................................................................................. 541
Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall Rules ............................................................................................. 542
Specifying MAC Addresses for Firewall Rules ......................................................................................... 546
Changing Port Numbers ............................................................................................................................... 549
Setting a Proxy ............................................................................................................................................. 551
Restricting the Machine's Functions ................................................................................................................ 554
Restricting Access to Address Book and Sending Functions ......................................................................... 555
Setting a PIN for Address Book .............................................................................................................. 556
Limiting Available Destinations .............................................................................................................. 558
Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF515x) ............................................................................................................. 559
Disabling Use of Previously Used Destinations ...................................................................................... 560
Checking Destinations before Sending Documents ............................................................................... 561
Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF515x) ...................................................................................... 563
Restricting USB Functions ............................................................................................................................. 564
Disabling HTTP Communication ................................................................................................................... 567
Disabling Remote UI ..................................................................................................................................... 568
Implementing Robust Security Features ......................................................................................................... 569
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI ......................................................................... 570
Conguring IPSec Settings ........................................................................................................................... 574
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication ....................................................................................................... 583
Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital Certicates ........................................................................... 588
Generating Key Pairs ............................................................................................................................. 590
Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates ................................................................................. 598
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates ............................................................................................. 602
Condential information is handled by information devices everywhere, including computers and printers, and any of
these devices may become a target for malicious third parties at anytime. Attackers may directly gain unauthorized
access to your devices, or indirectly take advantage of negligence or improper use. Either way, you may incur
unanticipated losses when your condential information is leaked. To counter these risks, the machine is equipped
with a variety of security functions. Set the necessary conguration depending on your network environment.
You can congure the best security system by building an environment that inhibits access to printers on
your in-house network via the Internet and using such environment together with the machine's security
features. Preventing Unauthorized Access(P. 521)
Establishing the Basics of Information Security
Protecting the Machine from Unauthorized Access(P. 520)
Preparing for Risks from Negligence or Misuse
Restricting the Machine's Functions(P. 554) Printing a Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print)
(P. 276)
Implementing Robust Security Features
Implementing Robust Security Features(P. 569)
Protecting the Machine from Unauthorized Access
Prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing and using the machine. You can implement multiple security
measures, such as managing user access privileges, using rewalls, and changing port numbers.
Preventing Unauthorized Access
This section describes the security measures on how to prevent unauthorized access from the external network. This is
a must-read for all users and administrators before using this machine, other printers, and multifunction machines
connected to the network. In recent years, a printer/multifunction machine connected to the network can offer you a
variety of useful functions, such as printing from a computer, operating from a computer using the remote function,
and sending scanned documents via the Internet. On the other hand, it is essential to take security measures to
reduce the security risk for information leakage, as a printer/multifunction machine has become more exposed to
threats, such as unauthorized access and theft, when it is connected to the network. This section explains necessary
settings you need to specify to prevent unauthorized access before using a printer/multifunction machine connected
to the network.
Security Measures to Prevent Unauthorized Access from the External Network
Assigning a Private IP Address(P. 521)
Using Firewall to Restrict Transmission(P. 522)
Specifying the TLS Encrypted Communication (P. 522)
Setting PIN to Manage Information Stored in the Multifunction Machine(P. 522)
Assigning a Private IP Address
An IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device participating in a computer network. A "global IP address" is
used for the communication connecting to the Internet, and a "private IP address" is used for the communication
within a local area network, such as a LAN in the company. If a global IP address is assigned, your printer/
multifunction machine is open to the public and can be accessed via the Internet. Thus, the risk of information leakage
due to unauthorized access from external network increases. On the other hand, if a private IP address is assigned,
your printer/multifunction machine is closed to a local area network and can be accessed by only users on your local
area network, such as a LAN in the company.
Global IP Address
Can be accessed from the users within a local area
Private IP Address
Can be accessed from the users within a local area network
Basically, assign a private IP address to your printer/multifunction machine. Make sure to conrm the IP address,
assigned to the printer/multifunction machine you are using, is a private IP address or not. A private IP address is
found in one of the following ranges.
Ranges for Private IP addresses
From to
From to
From to
For information on how to conrm the IP address, see Setting IPv4 Address(P. 437) .
If a global IP address is assigned to a printer/multifunction machine, you can create a network environment
to reduce the risk of unauthorized access by installing security software, such as a rewall that prevents
access from the external networks. If you want to assign a global IP address to and use a printer/
multifunction machine, contact your network administrator.
Using Firewall to Restrict Transmission
A rewall is a system that prevents unauthorized access from the external networks and protects against attacks/
intrusions to a local area network. You can use a rewall on your network environment to block access from the
external network that appears to be dangerous, by restricting communication from specied IP address of the
external network. The function installed to a Canon printer/multifunction machine enables you to set up the IP
address lter. For information on how to set up an IP address lter, see
Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall
Rules(P. 542) .
Specifying the TLS Encrypted Communication
For information on the TLS Encrypted Communication, see Implementing Robust Security Features(P. 569) , and
on the procedures to specify, see Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570) .
Setting PIN to Manage Information Stored in the Multifunction Machine
If a malicious third party attempts to gain unauthorized access to a printer/multifunction machine, setting PIN to
information stored in the machine will reduce the risk of information leakage. Canon printer/multifunction machine
enables you to protect various type of information by setting PIN.
Setting PIN to Each Function
Setting PIN for Using Remote UI
For more information, see Setting a Remote UI PIN(P. 534) .
Setting PIN for the System Manager Settings
For more information, see Setting the System Manager ID(P. 524) .
Address Book PIN
For more information on setting a PIN, see
Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556) .
Listed above are some examples of security measures for preventing unauthorized access. For more information on
the other security measures, see Security(P. 519) and take necessary security measures for preventing
unauthorized access to suit your environment.
Setting Access Privileges
Protect the machine from unauthorized access by only allowing users with access privileges to use the machine.
Access privileges are set separately for system administrators, general users, and the Remote UI. When privileges are
set, the user must enter an ID and PIN to print or change settings.
Department ID accounts are divided into two types: System Manager ID, which is intended exclusively for
Administrators, and Department ID for general users. System Manager ID is an account with full access privileges. The
use of functions can be restricted for user Department IDs, such as by restricting copying for one Department ID and
faxing for another, allowing several different user Department IDs, which makes it possible to exibly manage the
machine's security. And by setting a Remote UI Access PIN, you can restrict use of the Remote UI.
System Manager ID
System Manager ID is an account with full access privileges. If you specify a System Manager ID, you need to
log on to the machine using the System Manager ID information in order to access <Network Settings> or
<System Management Settings>. Set the System Manager ID when you need different access privilege levels for
Administrators and general users. Only one System Manager ID can be registered. Setting the System
Manager ID(P. 524)
Department ID (Department ID Management)
You can specify access privileges for a user (or group of users) by registering a Department ID. You can register
multiple Department IDs. If a user tries to operate the machine when Department IDs are enabled, a logon
screen is displayed, and the user must enter their own Department ID and PIN to use the machine. Information
for each Department ID can be viewed, such as how many pages have been copied, printed, or scanned.
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Remote UI PIN (Remote UI Access PIN)
This is a PIN for using the Remote UI. Only users who know the PIN can access the Remote UI. Setting a
Remote UI PIN(P. 534)
Setting the System Manager ID
This is a PIN for using the Remote UI. Only users who know the PIN can access the Remote UI. You can also set a PIN
for the System Manager ID. If this ID is enabled, you can access <Network Settings> and <System Management
Settings> only when the System Manager ID and PIN have been entered correctly. The System Manager ID settings
information is critical to the security of the machine, so make sure that only Administrators know the System Manager
ID and PIN.
By default, the System Manager ID and PIN are "7654321". It is recommended that you change this setting
for higher security.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the System Manager ID has already been set
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <System Manager Information Settings> <System Manager ID and PIN>.
Specify the System Manager ID and PIN.
Specify the <System Manager ID>, and then specify the <System Manager PIN>.
Enter a number of up to seven digits using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
When <PIN (Conrm)> is displayed, enter the PIN once again to conrm.
You cannot register an ID or PIN that consists only of zeros, such as "00" or "0000000".
To cancel the System Manager ID and PIN settings, clear the information you entered in
and tap
<Apply> with the elds blank.
Setting the System Manager Name
Tap <System Manager Name>.
Enter up to 32 characters for the System Manager Name, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Do not forget your PIN. If you forget your PIN, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help
Conguring settings via the Remote UI
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Click [Settings/Registration] [System
Management] [Edit] and specify the necessary settings on the displayed screen.
By using the Remote UI, you can register a variety of information, including contact information,
Administrator comments, the installation location of the machine, as well as to the settings that you can
register by using the operation panel. The registered information can be viewed on the [Device Information]
page of the Remote UI. Checking System Manager Information(P. 615)
Logging on to the machine
If you try to access <Network Settings> or <System Management Settings>
when only the System Manager ID is enabled, the following logon screen is
You must also enter the System Manager ID and PIN to log on using the
Remote UI in System Manager Mode.
Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Setting Access Privileges(P. 523)
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Setting the Department ID Management
You can control access to the machine by using multiple IDs for multiple users or groups. If a user tries to operate the
machine when Department ID Management is enabled, a logon screen is displayed, and the user must enter their own
Department ID and PIN to use the machine. When Department ID Management is enabled, usage of functions, such as
copying and scanning, is recorded for each Department ID. To congure Department ID Management, register
department IDs as necessary and then enable Department ID Management function. Additional settings are required
if you want to enable Department ID Management for operations from a computer, such as printing and PC faxing.
Registering/Editing Department ID and PIN(P. 526)
Enabling the Department ID Management(P. 528)
Setting the Department ID Management for Printing or Faxing from the Computer(P. 530)
Blocking Jobs When Department ID Is Unknown(P. 532)
Registering/Editing Department ID and PIN
Register a Department ID and set a PIN for it. You can also disable functions, such as copying and printing, for each
Department ID. Up to 300 Department IDs can be registered.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Department ID Management] and register or edit Department IDs.
Registering a Department ID
Click [Register New Department].
Specify the required settings and click [OK].
[Department ID]
Enter a number of up to seven digits for the Department ID.
[Set PIN]
To set a PIN, select the check box and enter a number of up to seven digits both in the [PIN] and
[Conrm] text boxes.
[Restrict Functions]
Select the check box for the function that you want to disable for the Department ID.
If the [Scan] check box is selected, the Save to USB Memory Device, Send E-Mail, and Save to Shared
Folder or FTP Server functions are all restricted. You can also restrict other methods that scan
documents by importing them to a computer, but in that case you cannot block access for each
Department ID ( Blocking Jobs When Department ID Is Unknown(P. 532) ).
Editing the settings of the registered Department ID
Click the corresponding text link under [Department ID] to edit.
Change the settings as necessary and click [OK].
Deleting a Department ID
Click [Delete] on the right of the Department ID you want to delete click [OK].
[Department ID Page Total]
You can check the total numbers of pages copied, printed, scanned, or faxed for each Department ID.
If you want to return the counts to zero, click the corresponding text link under [Department ID] and click
[Clear Count] [OK]. If you want to return the counts of all Department IDs to zero, click [Clear All Counts]
Using control cards
When the optional Copy Card Reader-F1 is attached to the machine, 300 sequential numbers are registered
Do not edit or delete the department IDs. The control cards that correspond to the edited or deleted
department IDs will be unavailable.
Enabling the Department ID Management
After you register as many Department IDs as necessary, enable Department ID Management.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Department ID Management] [Edit].
Select the [Department ID Management] check box and click [OK].
[Department ID Management]
Select the check box to enable Department ID Management. If you do not want to use Department ID
Management, clear the check box.
For information on the [Allow Print Jobs with Unknown IDs]/[Allow Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs] check
boxes, see Blocking Jobs When Department ID Is Unknown(P. 532) .
Using the operation panel
You can also switch Department ID Management On/Off from <Menu> in the Home screen. Department
ID Management On/Off(P. 708)
Logging on to the machine
When you try to operate the machine when Department ID Management is
enabled, the following logon screen is displayed:
Setting the Department ID Management for Printing or Faxing from the
If you want to enable Department ID Management for printing and faxing from a computer, you need to specify
settings by using the drivers you already installed on the computer. Specify the Department ID and PIN as necessary.
To perform the following procedure, log on to your computer with an administrator account.
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon or fax driver icon for this machine, and click
[Printer properties] or [Properties].
Click the [Device Settings] tab and specify the required settings.
Enable the Department ID Management function.
Printer driver
Select the [Use Department ID Management] check box.
Fax driver
Select [Department ID Management] under [User Management].
Click [Settings] found to the right.
Specify the settings as necessary and click [OK].
[Allow PIN Setting]
Select the check box to enable the PIN setting.
[Department ID]
Enter a number of up to seven digits for the Department ID.
Enter a number of up to seven digits for the PIN if it is set for the Department ID.
Click to verify that the correct ID and PIN are entered. This function is not available if the machine and the
computer are connected via a USB or WSD (Web Services on Devices) port.
[Conrm Department ID/PIN When Printing]/[Conrm Department ID/PIN When Sending Faxes]
Select the check box to display the [Conrm Department ID/PIN] pop-up screen each time you print or fax
from a computer.
[Authenticate Department ID/PIN at Device]
Select the check box if the machine and the computer are connected via a USB or WSD port.
Click [OK].
Logging on to the machine
When you try to print or fax from a computer when Department ID
Management is enabled, the following pop-up screen is displayed
(unless the [Conrm Department ID/PIN When Printing]/[Conrm
Department ID/PIN When Sending Faxes] check box is cleared):
Blocking Jobs When Department ID Is Unknown
If you do not change the default settings, any user can print from a computer, fax from a computer (PC fax), or scan
(via <Computer> and <Remote Scanner>) without entering an ID and PIN even when Department ID Management is
enabled for the machine. You can change the default settings so that the machine cannot be used for these functions
without a correct ID and PIN.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Department ID Management] [Edit].
Clear the check boxes as necessary and click [OK].
[Allow Print Jobs with Unknown IDs]
In order to print or fax from a computer when Department ID Management is enabled, you need to enter the
correct ID and PIN (
Setting the Department ID Management for Printing or Faxing from the
Computer(P. 530) ). However, if the check box is selected for this setting, you can print or fax from a
computer without entering the ID and PIN. Clear the check box to require entering an ID and PIN.
[Allow Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs]
If the check box is selected, you can select <Computer> or <Remote Scanner> on the main screen and scan
documents into a computer anytime.
Setting Access Privileges(P. 523)
Setting the System Manager ID(P. 524)
Setting a Remote UI PIN
You can set a PIN for access to the Remote UI. All users use a common PIN.
When Department ID Management is enabled, setting here is not required.
Setting the Department ID
Management(P. 526)
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Tap [Security Settings] [Remote UI Settings].
Click [Edit].
Select the [Use Remote UI Access PIN] check box and set the PIN.
[Use Remote UI Access PIN]
If you select the check box, you must enter a PIN to access the Remote UI.
[Set/Change PIN]
To set a PIN, select the check box and enter a number of up to seven digits both in the [PIN] and [Conrm]
text boxes.
Click [OK].
Using the operation panel
Remote UI Access PIN settings can also be accessed from <Menu> in the Home screen.
Remote UI
Settings(P. 711)
If Remote UI settings are initialized
The Remote UI Access PIN is also initialized. After an initialization, reset the PIN. Initializing
Menu(P. 829)
Setting Access Privileges(P. 523)
Setting the System Manager ID(P. 524)
LDAP Server Authentication
If your system has an LDAP server installed, you can ensure that LDAP server authentication is carried out when the
send function is used. This enables you to prevent unauthorized use by third parties and information disclosure. Once
the authorization settings are enabled, the Authorized Send screen appears when the fax or scan function is used and
operation can only continue if it is correctly authorized by the LDAP server. Use the settings described here to
congure LDAP server authentication. For more information on registering the server to be used for authentication,
Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499) .
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [Authentication Settings for Send Function].
Click [Edit].
Select the [Display Authentication Screen When Sending Operation Starts] check box
and select whether a conrmation screen is displayed at logout.
[Display Authentication Screen When Sending Operation Starts]
Select the check box to display the Authorized Send logon screen when the fax or scan function is used (LDAP
server authentication).
[Display Conrmation Screen When Logging Out]
Select the check box to display a screen that allows you to selectively log out when you are logged on for
both Authorized Send and Department ID Management. If you clear this check box, no selection screen is
displayed when you log out and you are logged out from both Authorized Send and Department ID
Congure the settings for sending e-mail/I-Faxes.
[E-Mail/I-Fax Sending]
Select whether to allow sending e-mail and I-Faxes.
[Do Not Allow] Blocks sending e-mail and I-Faxes. <E-Mail> and <I-Fax> in the scan function can no
longer be used.
[Allow] Sending e-mail and I-Faxes is not blocked.
[Only Allow Sending to Myself] Blocks all sending e-mail and I-Faxes other than those to users with authorized e-mail
addresses The e-mail addresses of authorized users must be registered on the LDAP
[Authentication Method]
When [Allow] or [Only Allow Sending to Myself] is selected in [E-Mail/I-Fax Sending], this allows you to specify
whether an authentication screen is shown on the SMTP server when e-mail is sent.
[Display the authentication screen using the same
user name as when the sending operation started]
Displays the authentication screen showing the same user
name and password entered in the Authorized Send logon
[Display the authentication screen without any
authentication information]
Displays the authentication screen with the user name and
password elds blank.
[Use device-specic authentication information and
do not display the authentication screen]
No authentication screen is displayed when e-mail or I-Faxes are
sent. Authorization on the SMTP server is carried out using the
user name and password set in [E-Mail/I-Fax Settings]
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469) .
[Specify Authentication User Destination as Sender]
Select the check box when the e-mail address of an authorized user will be set as the sender. The e-mail
addresses of authorized users must be registered on the LDAP server. If you clear this check box, the e-mail
address set in the [E-Mail/I-Fax Settings] is set as the sender.
Congure the le transfer settings (for saving to shared folders and FTP servers).
[File Sending]
Select whether to allow saving to shared folders and FTP servers.
[Do Not Allow]
Blocks saving to shared folders and FTP servers. <File> in the scan
function can no longer be used.
[Allow] Saving to shared folders and FTP servers is not blocked.
[Only Allow Sending to Myself or
Specied Folder]
Blocks all saving to shared folders and FTP servers other than specied
folders. The data is saved to folders registered on the LDAP server or to
the folder specied in [Specify Destination Folder].
When [Allow] is specied in [File Sending]
[Authentication Method]
Allows you to specify whether an authentication screen is shown on the server when sending.
[Display the authentication screen using the same
authentication information as when the sending operation
Displays the authentication screen showing the same user
name and password entered in the Authorized Send logon
[Display the authentication screen without any
authentication information]
Displays the authentication screen with the user name and
password elds blank.
[Use the authentication information from the address book
and do not display the authentication screen]
No authentication screen is displayed when sending.
Authentication is carried out on the server using the user
name and password set in the Address Book.
When [Only Allow Sending to Myself or Specied Folder] is specied in [File Sending]
[Authentication Method]
Allows you to specify whether an authentication screen is shown on the server when sending.
[Use the same authentication information as
when the sending operation started]
Carries out authorization on the server using the user name and
password entered in the Authorized Send logon screen. Selecting the
[Display Authentication Screen] check box displays the authentication
screen with this user name and password already entered when you
send the data.
[Display the authentication screen without any
authentication information]
Displays the authentication screen with the user name and password
elds blank.
[Specify Destination Folder]
Selecting this check box allows you to specify the folder where the data is saved. If the check box is not selected,
the save destination is set based on authorized user information registered on the LDAP server.
[Host Name]
Enter a host name for the shared folder or FTP server up to 120 characters in length.
[Folder Path]
Enter a path name for the save destination folder up to 120 characters in length (excluding
the host name). When the [Add User Name] check box is selected, the user name and path
used for LDAP authentication are added.
Congure the settings for sending faxes.
[Fax Sending]
Select whether to allow sending faxes.
[Do Not Allow]
Blocks sending faxes. The fax function can no longer be used.
[Allow] Sending faxes is not blocked.
Click [OK].
Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Restricting Communication by Using Firewalls
Without proper security, unauthorized third parties can access computers and other communication devices that are
connected to a network. To prevent this unauthorized access, specify the settings for packet lter, a feature that
restricts communication to devices with specied IP addresses or MAC addresses.
Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall Rules
You can either limit communication to only devices with specied IP addresses, or block devices with specied IP
addresses but permit other communications. You can specify a single IP address or a range of IP addresses.
Up to 16 IP addresses (or ranges of IP addresses) can be specied for both IPv4 and IPv6.
The packet lters described in this section control communications over TCP, UDP, and ICMP.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [IP Address Filter].
Click [Edit] for the lter type that you want to use.
[IPv4 Address: Outbound Filter]
Select to restrict sending data from the machine to a computer by specifying IPv4 addresses.
[IPv4 Address: Inbound Filter]
Select to restrict receiving data from the machine to a computer by specifying IPv4 addresses.
[IPv6 Address: Outbound Filter]
Select to restrict sending data from the machine to a computer by specifying IPv6 addresses.
[IPv6 Address: Inbound Filter]
Select to restrict receiving data from the machine to a computer by specifying IPv6 addresses.
Specify the settings for packet ltering.
Select the default policy to allow or reject the communication of other devices with the machine, and then
specify IP addresses for exceptions.
Select the [Use Filter] check box and click the [Reject] or [Allow] radio button for the [Default Policy].
[Use Filter]
Select the check box to restrict communication. Clear the check box to disable the restriction.
[Default Policy]
Select the precondition to allow or reject the communication of other devices with the machine.
Select to pass communication packets only when they are sent to or received from
devices whose IP addresses are entered in [Exception Addresses]. Communications
with other devices are prohibited.
Select to block communication packets when they are sent to or received from
devices whose IP addresses are entered in [Exception Addresses]. Communications
with other devices are permitted.
Specify address exceptions.
Enter the IP address (or the range of IP addresses) in the [Address to Register] text box and click
Check for entry errors
If IP addresses are incorrectly entered, you may be unable to access the machine from the Remote UI,
in which case you need to set <IPv4 Address Filter> or <IPv6 Address Filter> to <Off>.
IPv4 Address Filter(P. 709)
IPv6 Address Filter(P. 710)
Entry form for IP addresses
Entering a single address
Delimit numbers with periods.
Delimit alphanumeric characters with
Specifying a range of addresses Insert a hyphen between the addresses.
Specifying a range of addresses with a prex
Enter the address, followed by a slash and
a number indicating the prex length.
When [Reject] is selected for an outbound lter
Outgoing multicast and broadcast packets cannot be ltered.
Deleting an IP address from exceptions
Select an IP address and click [Delete].
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
You can also enable or disable IP address ltering from <Menu> in the Home screen.
IPv4 Address Filter(P. 709)
IPv6 Address Filter(P. 710)
Specifying MAC Addresses for Firewall Rules(P. 546)
Specifying MAC Addresses for Firewall Rules
You can limit communication to only devices with specied MAC addresses, or block devices with specied MAC
addresses but permit other communications. Up to 32 MAC addresses can be specied.
This function is unavailable when the machine is connected to a wireless LAN.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [MAC Address Filter].
Click [Edit] for a lter type.
[Outbound Filter]
Select to restrict sending data from the machine to a computer by specifying MAC addresses.
[Inbound Filter]
Select to restrict receiving data from the machine to a computer by specifying MAC addresses.
Specify the settings for packet ltering.
Select the precondition (default policy) to allow or reject the communication of other devices with the
machine, and then specify MAC addresses for exceptions.
Select the [Use Filter] check box and click the [Reject] or [Allow] radio button for the [Default Policy].
[Use Filter]
Select the check box to restrict communication. Clear the check box to disable the restriction.
[Default Policy]
Select the precondition to allow or reject other devices to communicate with the machine.
Select to pass communication packets only when they are sent to or received from
devices whose MAC addresses are entered in [Exception Addresses].
Communications with other devices are prohibited.
Select to block communication packets when they are sent to or received from
devices whose MAC addresses are entered in [Exception Addresses].
Communications with other devices are permitted.
Specify address exceptions.
Enter the MAC address in the [Address to Register] text box and click [Add].
You do not need to delimit the address with hyphens or colons.
Check for entry errors
If MAC addresses are incorrectly entered, you may become unable to access the machine from the
Remote UI, in which case you need to set <MAC Address Filter> to <Off>. MAC Address
Filter(P. 710)
When [Reject] is selected for an outbound lter
Outgoing multicast and broadcast packets cannot be ltered.
Deleting a MAC address from exceptions
Select a MAC address and click [Delete].
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
You can also enable or disable MAC address ltering from <Menu> in the Home screen.
MAC Address
Filter(P. 710)
Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall Rules(P. 542)
Changing Port Numbers
Ports serve as endpoints for communicating with other devices. Typically, conventional port numbers are used for
major protocols, but devices that use these port numbers are vulnerable to attacks because these port numbers are
well-known. To enhance security, your Network Administrator may change the port numbers. When a port number has
been changed, the new number must be shared with the communicating devices, such as computers and servers.
Specify the port number settings depending on the network environment.
To change the port number for proxy server, see Setting a Proxy(P. 551) .
To change the port number for LDAP server, see Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499) .
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <TCP/IP Settings> <Port Number Settings>.
Select a port.
Learning more about the ports
<LPD>/<RAW>/<WSD Multicast Discovery> Conguring Printing Protocols and WSD Functions(P. 449)
<HTTP> Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
<SNMP> Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP(P. 508)
<Multicast Discovery>
Conguring Settings for Device Management Software(P. 513)
<FTP> Conguring the Machine for Scanning to FTP Server(P. 480)
Enter the port number using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Conguring Printer Ports(P. 453)
Setting a Proxy
A proxy (or HTTP proxy server) refers to a computer or software that carries out HTTP communication for other
devices, especially when communicating with resources outside the network, such as when browsing websites. The
client devices connect to the outside network through the proxy server, and do not communicate directly to the
resources outside. Setting a proxy not only facilitates management of trac between in-house and outside networks
but also blocks unauthorized access and consolidates anti-virus protection for enhanced security. When you use
Google Cloud Print to print over the Internet, you can enhance security by setting a proxy. When setting a proxy, make
sure that you have the necessary proxy information, including the IP address, port number, and a user name and
password for authentication.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Click [Edit] in [Proxy Settings].
Select the [Use Proxy] check box and specify the required settings.
[Use Proxy]
Select the check box to use the specied proxy server when communicating with an HTTP server.
[HTTP Proxy Server Address]
Enter the address of the proxy server. Specify the IP address or host name depending on the environment.
[HTTP Proxy Server Port Number]
Change the port number as necessary. Enter a number between 1 and 65535.
[Use Proxy within Same Domain]
Select the check box to also use the specied proxy server for communication with devices in the same
[Use Proxy Authentication]
To enable authentication by the proxy server, select the check box and enter up to 24 alphanumeric
characters for the user name in the [User Name] text box.
[Set/Change Password]
To set or change the password for the proxy authentication, when it is enabled, select the check box and
enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the new password in the [Password] text box.
Click [OK].
Using Google Cloud Print(P. 405)
Restricting the Machine's Functions
Some of the functions of the machine may rarely be used or provide opportunities for misuse. For security purposes,
the machine can be set to limit its capabilities by partially or completely disabling these functions.
Restricting Access to Address Book and Sending Functions
Restricting Access to Address Book and Sending Functions(P. 555)
Restricting USB Functions
Restricting USB Functions(P. 564)
Disabling HTTP Communication and Remote Management
Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Disabling Remote UI(P. 568)
Restricting Access to Address Book and Sending
Some cases of information leakage can be prevented by limiting the available fax and e-mail destinations to those
registered in the Address Book or LDAP servers, or by setting a PIN for the Address Book so that unauthorized users
cannot add or edit Address Book entries. You can also avoid sending documents to unintended recipients if the
machine is set to ask you to enter the fax number twice for conrmation.
Setting a PIN for Address Book
The Address Book can be set to require users to enter a PIN in order to add new
entries to the Address Book or edit existing entries. Setting a PIN to the Address
Book can reduce the risk of documents being sent to unintended recipients because
changes to the Address Book can only be made by users who know the PIN.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Restrict TX Function> <Address Book PIN>.
Set the PIN for editing the Address Book.
Enter a number of up to seven digits using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
When <PIN (Conrm)> is displayed, enter the PIN once again to conrm.
You cannot set a PIN that consists only of zeros, such as "00" or "0000000".
To cancel the PIN setting, clear the information entered in
and tap <Apply> with the elds blank.
In addition to setting the Address Book PIN, you can further enhance security by performing the following
Restricting the addition of new destinations, see Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558) .
Disabling the PC fax function, see Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF515x)(P. 559) .
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings(P. 464)
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location(P. 475)
Limiting Available Destinations
By limiting fax numbers that can be specied when sending documents to those
already registered in the Address Book, those previously used, or those searchable
from the LDAP servers, you can reduce the possibility of specifying incorrect
destinations and prevent users from leaking information. When this function is
enabled, the machine prohibits users from entering destinations using the numeric
keys, adding new entries to the Address Book, and editing the existing Address Book
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Restrict TX Function> <Restrict New Destinations>.
Tap <On>.
Cancels the restriction on new destinations. Fax numbers and e-mail addresses can be specied by using
any method.
Restricts input so that the only addresses that can be specied are those registered in the Address Book,
those previously used, or those that can be found on the LDAP server.
This function does not limit the available destinations for PC faxing. Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF515x)
(P. 559)
Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Disabling Use of Previously Used Destinations(P. 560)
Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF515x)(P. 563)
Prohibiting PC Faxing
You can prohibit users from PC faxing (faxing from a computer).
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Fax Settings>.
Select <TX Function Settings> <Allow Fax Driver TX>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Off>.
Disables PC faxing.
Enables PC faxing.
Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax) (MF515x)(P. 202)
Setting the Department ID Management for Printing or Faxing from the Computer(P. 530)
Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
Disabling Use of Previously Used Destinations
Prohibits the specication of destinations from the transmission records. Using this restriction prevents destinations
being selected from the transmission records for "Send Fax", "Scan and Send as E-Mail" and "Scan and Save to Shared
Folder or FTP Server".
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Restrict TX Function> <Restrict Resending from Log>.
Tap <On>.
Enables use of previously used destinations.
Disables use of previously used destinations.
Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF515x)(P. 563)
Specifying Previously Used Destinations(P. 158)
Specifying Previously Used Destinations(P. 368)
Checking Destinations before Sending Documents
By entering the fax number twice, you can reduce the risk of faxing to the wrong number due to input mistakes. Use
features described in this section if you send condential documents.
Displaying the Screen for Conrming the Fax Number (MF515x)(P. 561)
Displaying Destinations in Address Book(P. 561)
Displaying the Screen for Conrming the Fax Number (MF515x)
You can set the machine to ask users to enter the fax number twice when it is entered by using the numeric keys. This
way, you can reduce the risk of faxing to the wrong number due to input mistakes.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Fax Settings>.
Select <TX Function Settings> <Conrm Entered Fax Number>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <On>.
Does not display the screen for conrming the fax number.
Displays the screen for conrming the fax number.
Displaying Destinations in Address Book
When using coded dial numbers to specify destinations, you need to remember whose destination (or what group) is
registered in what coded dial number. If you do not remember all these numbers perfectly, you may send your
documents to unintended destinations. You can avoid sending data to unintended recipients by conguring the
machine to display the details of the coded dial number you selected/entered as a sending destination before you
send documents to that destination.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Restrict TX Function> <Coded Dial TX Conrmation>.
Tap <On>.
Does not display the details of the entered coded dial number.
Displays the details of the entered coded dial number.
Registering Destinations(P. 213)
Specifying from Address Book(P. 153)
Specifying from Address Book (P. 362)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting
Sequential broadcasting is a feature that sends faxes to multiple recipients in succession. This feature can be disabled
if preferred.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Fax Settings>.
Select <Restrict TX Function> <Restrict Sequential Broadcast>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Conrm Sequential Broadcast> or <Reject Sequential Broadcast>.
Enables sequential broadcasting.
<Conrm Sequential Broadcast>
Displays the conrmation screen when sending a fax via sequential broadcasting.
<Reject Sequential Broadcast>
Disables sequential broadcasting.
Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
Disabling Use of Previously Used Destinations(P. 560)
Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously (Sequential Broadcast)(P. 185)
Restricting USB Functions
USB is a convenient way of connecting peripheral devices and storing or relocating data, but USB can also be a source
of information leakage if it is not properly managed. Be especially careful when handling USB memory devices. This
section describes how to restrict connection via the USB port of the machine and how to prohibit use of USB memory
Restricting the USB Connection with a Computer(P. 564)
Restricting the Scan to USB Function(P. 565)
Restricting the Memory Media Print Function(P. 565)
Restricting the USB Connection with a Computer
You can disable the computer connection USB port located on the back side of the machine. If this port is disabled, the
machine cannot communicate with a computer via USB. This setting does not affect the front USB port, which is for
attaching USB memory devices.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Use as USB Device>.
Tap <Off>.
You cannot connect the machine and a computer via USB port.
You can connect the machine and a computer via USB port.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Restricting the Scan to USB Function
You can disable storing scanned document data into a USB memory device.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Store to USB Memory>.
Tap <Off>.
Prohibits data from being stored into a USB memory device. Scanned data cannot be stored into the USB
memory device.
Permits data being stored into a USB memory device.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Restricting the Memory Media Print Function
You can disable printing data from a USB memory device. The data in the USB memory device cannot be printed.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Memory Media Print On/Off>.
Tap <Off>.
Disables the function to read the data from a USB memory device. The data in the USB memory device
cannot be printed.
Enables the function to print the data stored in a USB memory device.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
Disabling HTTP Communication
HTTP is used for communications over the network, such as when you access the machine via the Remote UI. If you
are using a USB connection or are otherwise not using HTTP, you can disable HTTP to block malicious third-party
intrusions via the unused HTTP port.
Disabling HTTP disables some of the network capabilities, such as the Remote UI, WSD printing, and printing
with Google Cloud Print.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <Network Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <TCP/IP Settings> <Use HTTP>.
Tap <Off>.
Disables HTTP communication.
Enables HTTP communication.
Using Remote UI(P. 605)
Changing Port Numbers(P. 549)
Conguring Printing Protocols and WSD Functions(P. 449)
Using Google Cloud Print(P. 405)
Disabling Remote UI
The Remote UI is useful because the machine settings can be specied by using a Web browser on a computer. To use
the Remote UI, the machine must be connected to a computer over the network. If the machine is connected to a
computer via USB, or if you do not need to use the Remote UI, you might want to disable the Remote UI to reduce the
risk of having your machine controlled remotely over the network by malicious third parties.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Remote UI Settings> <Use Remote UI>.
Tap <Off>.
Disables the Remote UI.
Enables the Remote UI.
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using Remote UI(P. 605)
Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Implementing Robust Security Features
Authorized users may incur unanticipated losses from attacks by malicious third parties, such as sning, spoong,
and tampering of data as it ows over a network. To protect your important and valuable information from these
attacks, the machine supports the following features to enhance security and secrecy.
TLS Encrypted Communication
TLS is a protocol for encryption for data sent over a network and is often used for communication via a Web
browser or an e-mail application. TLS enables secure network communication when you access the machine
from a computer via the Remote UI.
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570)
IPSec Communication
While TLS only encrypts data used on a specic application, such as a Web browser or an e-mail application,
IPSec encrypts the whole (or payloads of) IP packets. This enables IPSec to offer a more versatile security system
than TLS. Conguring IPSec Settings(P. 574)
IEEE 802.1X Authentication
IEEE 802.1X is a standard and mechanism for blocking unauthorized access to the network by collectively
managing user authentication information. If a device tries to connect to the 802.1X network, the device must
go through user authentication in order to prove that the connection is made by an authorized user.
Authentication information is sent to and checked by a RADIUS server, which permits or rejects communication
to the network depending on the authentication result. If authentication fails, a LAN switch (or an access point)
blocks access from the outside of the network. The machine can connect to an 802.1X network as a client
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 588)
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote
You can encrypt communication between the machine and a Web browser on the computer by using Transport Layer
Security (TLS). TLS is a mechanism for encrypting data sent or received over the network. TLS must be enabled when
the Remote UI is used for specifying settings for IPSec (Pre-Shared Key Method), IEEE 802.1X authentication (TTLS/
PEAP), or SNMPv3. To use TLS for the Remote UI, you need to set a key pair and enable the TLS function. Generate or
install the key pair for TLS before enabling TLS ( Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital
Certicates(P. 588) ).
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [TCP/IP Settings].
Click [Key and Certicate] in [TLS Settings].
Click [Register Default Key] on the right of the key pair you want to use.
Viewing details of a certicate
You can check the details of the certicate or verify the certicate by clicking the corresponding text link
under [Key Name], or the certicate icon. Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Enable TLS for the Remote UI.
Click [Security Settings] [Remote UI Settings].
Click [Edit].
Select the [Use TLS] check box and click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
You can also enable or disable TLS encrypted communication from <Menu> in the Home screen. Use
TLS(P. 709)
Starting the Remote UI with TLS
If you try to start the Remote UI when TLS is enabled, a security alert may be displayed regarding the
security certicate. In this case, check that the correct URL is entered in the address eld, and then proceed
to display the Remote UI screen. Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Enabling TLS for e-mailing/I-Faxing
If the SMTP server and the POP3 server support TLS, you can enable TLS for communication with these
servers (
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469) ). For more information about the
SMTP server and the POP3 server, contact your Internet service provider or Network Administrator.
Generating Key Pairs(P. 590)
Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 598)
Conguring IPSec Settings(P. 574)
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP(P. 508)
Registering LDAP Servers(P. 499)
Conguring IPSec Settings
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec or IPsec) is a protocol suite for encrypting data transported over a network, including
Internet networks. While TLS only encrypts data used on a specic application, such as a Web browser or an e-mail
application, IPSec encrypts either whole IP packets or the payloads of IP packets, offering a more versatile security
system. The IPSec of the machine works in transport mode, in which the payloads of IP packets are encrypted. With
this feature, the machine can connect directly to a computer that is in the same virtual private network (VPN). Check
the system requirements and set the necessary conguration on the computer before you congure the machine.
System Requirements
IPSec that is supported by the machine conforms to RFC2401, RFC2402, RFC2406, and RFC4305.
Operating system
Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2003/Server 2008/Server 2012
Connection mode Transport mode
Key exchange protocol
IKEv1 (main mode)
Authentication method
Pre-shared key
Digital signature
Hash algorithm
(and key length)
HMAC-SHA2 (256 bits or 384 bits)
Encryption algorithm
(and key length)
AES-CBC (128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits)
Key exchange algorithm/group (and key length)
Die-Hellman (DH)
Group 1 (768 bits)
Group 2 (1024 bits)
Group 14 (2048 bits)
Hash algorithm HMAC-SHA1-96
Encryption algorithm
(and key length)
AES-CBC (128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits)
Hash algorithm/encryption algorithm (and key
AES-GCM (128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits)
AH Hash algorithm HMAC-SHA1-96
IPSec functional restrictions
IPSec supports communication to a unicast address (or a single device).
The machine cannot use both IPSec and DHCPv6 at the same time.
IPSec is unavailable in networks in which NAT or IP masquerade is implemented.
Using IPSec with IP address lter
IP address lter settings are applied before the IPSec policies. Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall
Rules(P. 542)
Conguring IPSec Settings
Before using IPSec for encrypted communication, you need to register security policies (SP). A security policy consists
of the groups of settings described below. Up to 10 policies can be registered. After registering policies, specify the
order in which they are applied.
Selector denes conditions for IP packets to apply IPSec communication. Selectable conditions include IP
addresses and port numbers of the machine and the devices to communicate with.
IKE congures the IKEv1 that is used for key exchange protocol. Note that instructions vary depending on the
authentication method selected.
[Pre-Shared Key Method]
A key of up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be shared with the other devices. Enable TLS for the Remote UI
before specifying this authentication method (
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote
UI(P. 570) ).
[Digital Signature Method]
The machine and the other devices authenticate each other by mutually verifying their digital signatures.
Generate or install the key pair beforehand ( Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital
Certicates(P. 588) ).
Specify the settings for AH/ESP, which is added to packets during IPSec communication. AH and ESP can be used
at the same time. You can also select whether or not to enable PFS for tighter security.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [IPSec Settings].
Click [Edit].
Select the [Use IPSec] check box and click [OK].
If you want the machine to only receive packets that match one of the security policies that you dene in the
steps below, clear the [Receive Non-Policy Packets] check box.
Click [Register New Policy].
Specify the Policy Settings.
In the [Policy Name] text box, enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for a name that is used for
identifying the policy.
Select the [Enable Policy] check box.
Specify the Selector Settings.
[Local Address]
Click the radio button for the type of IP address of the machine to apply the policy.
[All IP Addresses] Select to use IPSec for all IP packets.
[IPv4 Address] Select to use IPSec for all IP packets that are sent to or from the IPv4 address of the
[IPv6 Address] Select to use IPSec for all IP packets that are sent to or from an IPv6 address of the
[Remote Address]
Click the radio button for the type of IP address of the other devices to apply the policy.
[All IP Addresses]
Select to use IPSec for all IP packets.
[All IPv4 Addresses] Select to use IPSec for all IP packets that are sent to or from IPv4 addresses of the
other devices.
[All IPv6 Addresses] Select to use IPSec for all IP packets that are sent to or from IPv6 addresses of the
other devices.
[IPv4 Manual Settings] Select to specify a single IPv4 address or a range of IPv4 addresses to apply IPSec.
Enter the IPv4 address (or the range) in the [Addresses to Set Manually] text box.
[IPv6 Manual Settings] Select to specify a single IPv6 address or a range of IPv6 addresses to apply IPSec.
Enter the IPv6 address (or the range) in the [Addresses to Set Manually] text box.
[Addresses to Set Manually]
If [IPv4 Manual Settings] or [IPv6 Manual Settings] is selected for [Remote Address], enter the IP address to
apply the policy. You can also enter a range of addresses by inserting a hyphen between the addresses.
Entering IP addresses
Entering a single address IPv4:
Delimit numbers with periods.
Delimit alphanumeric characters with colons.
Specifying a range of addresses Insert a hyphen between the addresses.
[Subnet Settings]
When manually specifying IPv4 address, you can express the range by using the subnet mask. Enter the
subnet mask using periods to delimit numbers (example:"").
[Prex Length]
Specifying the range of IPv6 addresses manually also allows you to specify the range using prexes. Enter a
range between 0 and 128 as the prex length.
[Local Port]/[Remote Port]
If you want to create separate policies for each protocol, such as HTTP or SMTP, enter the appropriate port
number for the protocol to determine whether to use IPSec.
IPSec is not applied to the following packets
Loopback, multicast, and broadcast packets
IKE packets (using UDP on port 500)
ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation and neighbor advertisement packets
Specify the IKE Settings.
[IKE Mode]
The mode used for the key exchange protocol is displayed. The machine supports the main mode, not the
aggressive mode.
[Authentication Method]
Select [Pre-Shared Key Method] or [Digital Signature Method] for the method used when authenticating the
machine. You need to enable TLS for the Remote UI before selecting [Pre-Shared Key Method] (
TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570) ). You need to generate or install a key pair
before selecting [Digital Signature Method] ( Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital
Certicates(P. 588) ).
[Valid for]
Specify how long a session lasts for IKE SA (ISAKMP SA). Enter the time in minutes.
[Authentication]/[Encryption]/[DH Group]
Select an algorithm from the drop-down list. Each algorithm is used in the key exchange.
Select the hash algorithm.
[Encryption] Select the encryption algorithm.
[DH Group] Select the Die-Hellman group, which determines the key strength.
Using a pre-shared key for authentication
Click the [Pre-Shared Key Method] radio button for [Authentication Method] and then click [Shared Key
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the pre-shared key and click [OK].
Specify the [Valid for] and [Authentication]/[Encryption]/[DH Group] settings.
Using a key pair and preinstalled CA certicates for authentication
Click the [Digital Signature Method] radio button for [Authentication Method] and then click [Key and
Click [Register Default Key] on the right of a key pair you want to use.
Viewing details of a key pair or certicate
You can check the details of the certicate or verify the certicate by clicking the corresponding text
link under [Key Name], or the certicate icon.
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Specify the [Valid for] and [Authentication]/[Encryption]/[DH Group] settings.
Specify the IPSec Network Settings.
[Use PFS]
Select the check box to enable Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) for IPSec session keys. Enabling PFS enhances
the security while increasing the load on the communication. Make sure that PFS is also enabled for the other
[Specify by Time]/[Specify by Size]
Set the conditions for terminating a session for IPSec SA. IPSec SA is used as a communication tunnel. Select
either or both of the check boxes as necessary. If both check boxes are selected, the IPSec SA session is
terminated when either of the conditions has been satised.
[Specify by Time]
Enter a time in minutes to specify how long a session lasts.
[Specify by Size] Enter a size in megabytes to specify how much data can be transported in a session.
[Select Algorithm]
Select the [ESP], [ESP (AES-GCM)], or [AH (SHA1)] check box(es) depending on the IPSec header and the
algorithm used. AES-GCM is an algorithm for both authentication and encryption. If [ESP] is selected, also
select algorithms for authentication and encryption from the [ESP Authentication] and [ESP Encryption] drop-
down lists.
[ESP Authentication]
To enable the ESP authentication, select [SHA1] for the hash algorithm. Select [Do Not
Use] if you want to disable the ESP authentication.
[ESP Encryption] Select the encryption algorithm for ESP. You can select [NULL] if you do not want to
specify the algorithm, or select [Do Not Use] if you want to disable the ESP encryption.
[Connection Mode]
The connection mode of IPSec is displayed. The machine supports transport mode, in which the payloads of
IP packets are encrypted. Tunnel mode, in which whole IP packets (headers and payloads) are encapsulated
is not available.
Click [OK].
If you need to register an additional security policy, return to step 6.
Arrange the order of policies listed under [Registered IPSec Policies].
Policies are applied from one at the highest position to the lowest. Click [Up] or [Down] to move a policy up or
down the order.
Editing a policy
Click the corresponding text link under [Policy Name] for the edit screen.
Deleting a policy
Click [Delete] on the right of the policy name you want to delete
click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
You can also enable or disable IPSec communication from <Menu> in the Home screen.
Use IPSec(P. 709)
Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 588)
IPSec Policy List(P. 819)
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication
The machine can connect to an 802.1X network as a client device. A typical 802.1X network consists of a RADIUS server
(authentication server), LAN switch (authenticator), and client devices with authentication software (supplicants). If a
device tries to connect to the 802.1X network, the device must go through user authentication in order to prove that
the connection is made by an authorized user. Authentication information is sent to and checked by a RADIUS server,
which permits or rejects communication to the network depending on the authentication result. If authentication fails,
a LAN switch (or an access point) blocks access from the outside of the network.
Select the authentication method from the options below. If necessary, install or register a key pair or CA certicate
before conguring IEEE 802.1X authentication ( Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 598) ).
The machine and the authentication server authenticate each other by mutually verifying their certicates. A
key pair issued by a certication authority (CA) is required for the client authentication (when authenticating the
machine). For the server authentication, a CA certicate installed via the Remote UI can be used in addition to a
CA certicate preinstalled in the machine.
This authentication method uses a user name and password for the client authentication and a CA certicate for
the server authentication. MSCHAPv2 or PAP can be selected as the internal protocol. TTLS can be used with
PEAP at the same time. Enable TLS for the Remote UI before conguring this authentication method (
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570) ).
The required settings are almost the same as those of TTLS. MS-CHAPv2 is used as the internal protocol. Enable
TLS for the Remote UI before conguring this authentication method ( Enabling TLS Encrypted
Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570) ).
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] [IEEE 802.1X Settings].
Click [Edit].
Select the [Use IEEE 802.1X] check box, enter the login name in the [Login Name] text
box, and specify the required settings.
[Use IEEE 802.1X]
Select the check box to enable IEEE 802.1X authentication.
[Login Name]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for a name (EAP identity) that is used for identifying the user.
Setting TLS
Select the [Use TLS] check box and click [Key and Certicate].
You cannot use TLS with TTLS or PEAP.
Click [Register Default Key] on the right of the key pair you want to use for the client authentication.
Viewing details of a key pair or certicate
You can check the details of the certicate or verify the certicate by clicking the corresponding text
link under [Key Name], or the certicate icon.
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Select the [Use TTLS] or [Use PEAP] check box.
Internal protocol for TTLS
You can select MSCHAPv2 or PAP. If you want to use PAP, click the [PAP] radio button.
Click [Change User Name/Password].
To specify a user name other than the login name, clear the [Use Login Name as User Name] check
box. Select the check box if you want to use the login name as the user name.
Set the user name/password and click [OK].
[User Name]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the user name.
[Change Password]
To set or change the password, select the check box and enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the
new password both in the [Password] and [Conrm] text boxes.
Click [OK].
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
Using the operation panel
You can also enable or disable IEEE 802.1X authentication from <Menu> in the Home screen.
IEEE 802.1X
Settings(P. 640)
Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 588)
Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital
In order to encrypt communication with a remote device, an encryption key must be sent and received over an
unsecured network beforehand. This problem is solved by public-key cryptography. Public-key cryptography ensures
secure communication by protecting important and valuable information from attacks, such as sning, spoong, and
tampering of data as it ows over a network.
Key Pair
A key pair consists of a public key and a secret key, both of which are required for encrypting or
decrypting data. Because data that has been encrypted with one of the key pair cannot be
returned to its original data form without the other, public-key cryptography ensures secure
communication of data over the network. A key pair is used for TLS encrypted communication,
TLS of the IEEE 802.1X authentication, or digital signature for IPSec communication. Up to ve
key pairs (including the preinstalled pairs) can be generated to the machine ( Using CA-
issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 598) ). For TLS encrypted communication, a key
pair can be generated for the machine ( Generating Key Pairs(P. 590) ).
CA Certicate
Digital certicates including CA certicates are similar to other forms of identication, such as
driver's licenses. A digital certicate contains a digital signature, which enables the machine to
detect any spoong or tampering of data. It is extremely dicult for third parties to abuse
digital certicates. A digital certicate that contains a public key of a certication authority (CA)
is referred to as a CA certicate. CA certicates are used for verifying the device the machine is
communicating with for features such as printing with Google Cloud Print or IEEE 802.1X
authentication. Up to 67 CA certicates can be registered, including the 62 certicates that are
preinstalled in the machine ( Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 598) ).
Key and Certicate Requirements
The certicate contained in a key pair generated with the machine conforms to X.509v3. If you install a key pair or a CA
certicate from a computer, make sure that they meet the following requirements:
Key pair: PKCS#12
CA certicate: X.509v1 or X.509v3, DER (encoded binary)
File extension Key pair: ".p12" or ".pfx"
CA certicate: ".cer"
Public key algorithm
(and key length)
RSA (512 bits, 1024 bits, 2048 bits, or 4096 bits)
Certicate signature algorithm
, SHA512-RSA
, MD5-RSA, or MD2-RSA
Certicate thumbprint algorithm SHA1
Requirements for the certicate contained in a key pair are pursuant to CA certicates.
SHA384-RSA and SHA512-RSA are available only when the RSA key length is 1024 bits or more.
The machine does not support use of a certicate revocation list (CRL).
Generating Key Pairs
A key pair can be generated with the machine when it is required for encrypted communication via Transport Layer
Security (TLS). You can use TLS when accessing the machine via the Remote UI. Up to ve key pairs (including the
preinstalled pairs) can be generated to the machine. Self-signed certicates are used with key pairs generated in
"Network Communication". With a "Key and Certicate Signing Request (CSR)", you can apply for a CA-issued digital
certicate for the key pair generated by the machine.
Generate Network Communication Key(P. 590)
Generate Key and Certicate Signing Request (CSR)(P. 593)
Generate Network Communication Key
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [Key and Certicate Settings].
Click [Generate Key].
Deleting a registered key pair
Click [Delete] on the right of the key pair you want to delete
click [OK].
A key pair cannot be deleted if it is currently used for some purpose, such as when "[TLS]" or "[IEEE
802.1X]" is displayed under [Key Usage]. In this case, disable the function or replace the key pair before
deleting it.
Select [Network Communication] and click [OK].
Specify settings for the key and certicate.
[Key Settings]
[Key Name]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for naming the key pair. Set a name that will be easy for you to
nd later in a list.
[Signature Algorithm]
Select the signature algorithm from the drop-down list.
[Key Algorithm]
RSA is used for generating a key pair. Select the key length from the drop-down list. The larger the
number for the key length, the slower the communication. However, the security is tighter.
[512-bit] cannot be selected for the key length, if [SHA384] or [SHA512] is selected for [Signature
[Certicate Settings]
[Validity Start Date (YYYY/MM/DD)]
Enter the validity start date of the certicate in the range between 01/01/2000 and 31/12/2037, in the
order of: year, month, day.
[Validity End Date (YYYY/MM/DD)]
Enter the validity end date of the certicate in the range between 01/01/2000 and 31/12/2037, in the
order of: year, month, day. A date earlier than [Validity Start Date (YYYY/MM/DD)] cannot be set.
Click the [Select Country/Region] radio button and select the country/region from the drop-down list.
You can also click the [Enter Internet Country Code] radio button and enter a country code, such as "US"
for the United States.
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the location as necessary.
[Organization]/[Organization Unit]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the organization name as necessary.
[Common Name]
Enter up to 48 alphanumeric characters for the common name of the certicate as necessary. "Common
Name" is often abbreviated as "CN."
Click [OK].
Keys for network communication may take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to generate.
After a key pair is generated, it is automatically registered to the machine.
Generate Key and Certicate Signing Request (CSR)
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode.
Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [Key and Certicate Settings].
Click [Generate Key].
Deleting a registered key pair
Click [Delete] on the right of the key pair you want to delete
click [OK].
A key pair cannot be deleted if it is currently used for some purpose, such as when "[TLS]" or "[IEEE
802.1X]" is displayed under [Key Usage]. In this case, disable the function or replace the key pair before
deleting it.
Select [Key and Certicate Signing Request (CSR)] and click [OK].
Specify settings for the key and certicate.
[Key Settings]
[Key Name]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for naming the key pair. Set a name that will be easy for you to
nd later in a list.
[Signature Algorithm]
Select the signature algorithm from the drop-down list.
[Key Algorithm]
RSA is used for generating a key pair. Select the key length from the drop-down list. The larger the
number for the key length, the slower the communication. However, the security is tighter.
[512-bit] cannot be selected for the key length, if [SHA384] or [SHA512] is selected for [Signature
[Certicate Signing Request (CSR) Settings]
Click the [Select Country/Region] radio button and select the country/region from the drop-down list.
You can also click the [Enter Internet Country Code] radio button and enter a country code, such as "US"
for the United States.
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the location as necessary.
[Organization]/[Organization Unit]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the organization name as necessary.
[Common Name]
Enter up to 48 alphanumeric characters for the common name of the certicate as necessary. "Common
Name" is often abbreviated as "CN."
Click [OK].
Key and Certicate Signing Request (CSR) may take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to generate.
Click [Store in File].
A dialog box for storing the le appears. Choose where to store the le and click [Save].
The Key and Certicate Signing Request (CSR) le is stored on the computer.
Attach the stored le and submit the application to the certication authority.
Registering the CA-issued Digital Certicate
You cannot use the key pair generated by the Certicate Signing Request (CSR) until the certicate is registered. Once
the certication authority has issued the digital certicate, register it using the procedure below.
Start the Remote UI and log on in Administrator mode.
Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [Key and Certicate Settings].
Click [Key Name] or [Certicate] for the certicate to be registered.
Click [Register Certicate].
Click [Browse], specify the le for the certicate signing request, and click [Register].
Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 598)
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570)
Conguring IPSec Settings(P. 574)
Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates
Key pairs and digital certicates can be obtained from a certication authority (CA) for use with the machine. You can
store and then register these les by using the Remote UI. Make sure that the key pair and the certicate satisfy the
requirements of the machine ( Key and Certicate Requirements(P. 588) ). Up to ve key pairs (including the
preinstalled key pairs) and up to 67 CA certicates (including the 62 preinstalled certicates) can be registered.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [Key and Certicate Settings] or [CA Certicate Settings].
Click [Key and Certicate Settings] to install a key pair, or [CA Certicate Settings] to install a CA certicate.
Click [Register Key and Certicate] or [Register CA Certicate].
Deleting a registered key pair or CA certicate
Click [Delete] on the right of the key pair or CA certicate you want to delete
click [OK]. You cannot
delete the preinstalled CA certicates.
A key pair cannot be deleted if it is currently used for some purpose, such as when "[TLS]" or "[IEEE
802.1X]" is displayed under [Key Usage]. In this case, disable the function or replace the key pair before
deleting it. The preinstalled CA certicate cannot be deleted.
Disabling or enabling the preinstalled CA certicates
Click [Disable] on the right of the preinstalled CA certicate you want to disable. To enable the certicate
again, click [Enable] on the right of the certicate.
Click [Install].
Deleting a key pair or CA certicate le
Click [Delete] on the right of the le you want to delete
click [OK].
Click [Browse], specify the le to install, and click [Start Installation].
The key pair or CA certicate is installed in the machine.
Register the key pair or CA certicate.
Registering a key pair
Click [Register] on the right of the key pair you want to register.
Enter the name of the key pair and password, and then click [OK].
[Key Name]
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the name of the key pair to be registered.
Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the password of the private key set for the le to be
Registering a CA certicate
Click [Register] on the right of the CA certicate you want to register.
Generating Key Pairs(P. 590)
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570)
Conguring IPSec Settings(P. 574)
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates
Once key pairs and CA certicates are registered, you can view their detailed information or verify them for validity
and signature.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Security Settings] [Key and Certicate Settings] or [CA Certicate Settings].
Click [Key and Certicate Settings] to verify a key pair, or [CA Certicate Settings] to verify a CA certicate.
Click the icon for the key pair or certicate that you want to verify.
Certicate details can be viewed on this screen.
Check the details of the certicate, and click [Verify Certicate].
The result from verifying the certicate is displayed as shown below.
Generating Key Pairs(P. 590)
Using CA-issued Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 598)
Using Remote UI
Using Remote UI ............................................................................................................................................. 605
Starting Remote UI ........................................................................................................................................... 606
Remote UI Screens ............................................................................................................................................ 608
Managing Documents and Checking the Machine Status .............................................................................. 613
Setting Up Menu Options from Remote UI ...................................................................................................... 617
Saving/Loading Settings Data .......................................................................................................................... 619
Saving Settings Data ..................................................................................................................................... 620
Loading Settings Data .................................................................................................................................. 622
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI .................................................................... 624
Using Remote UI
Using Remote UI
Using a Web browser to operate the machine remotely, you can check the documents waiting to be printed or the
status of the machine. You can also make some settings such as registering the Address Book. You can do this without
leaving your desk, making system management easier.
Functions of the Remote UI
Managing Documents and Checking the Machine Status(P. 613)
Setting Up Menu Options from Remote UI(P. 617)
Saving/Loading Settings Data(P. 619)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Basics of the Remote UI
Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Remote UI Screens(P. 608)
System Requirements
The following environment is required to use the Remote UI. In addition, set the Web browser to enable
Windows Vista/7/8
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or later
Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later (except for Classic environment)
Safari 5.0.6 or later
Using Remote UI
Starting Remote UI
To operate remotely, you need to input the IP address of the machine into a Web browser and start the Remote UI.
Check the IP address set to the machine in advance ( Viewing Network Settings(P. 445) ). If you have any
questions, ask your Network Administrator.
Start the Web browser.
Enter "http://<the IP address of the machine>/" in the address eld, and press the
[ENTER] key.
If you want to use an IPv6 address, enclose the IPv6 address with brackets (example: http://
If a security alert is displayed
A security alert may be displayed when the Remote UI communication is encrypted (
Enabling TLS
Encrypted Communication for the Remote UI(P. 570) ). When certicate settings or TLS settings have no
errors, continue browsing the website.
Log on to the Remote UI.
When the Department ID Management is disabled
Select [System Manager Mode] or [General User Mode], and enter a value in [Remote UI Access PIN] as
[System Manager Mode]
You can perform all the Remote UI operations and settings. If a System Manager ID is specied, enter the
appropriate ID in [System Manager ID] and the appropriate PIN in [System Manager PIN]. Setting the
System Manager ID(P. 524)
[General User Mode]
Using Remote UI
You can check the status of documents or the machine, and you can also change some of the settings. If
you wish to delete your print documents, enter the user name of the documents in [User Name]. The user
name is automatically set to print documents based on information such as your computer name or
computer logon name.
[Remote UI Access PIN]
If [Remote UI Access PIN] is set, enter the PIN. Setting a Remote UI PIN(P. 534)
When the Department ID Management is enabled
Enter the appropriate ID in [Department ID] and PIN in [PIN]. Setting the Department ID
Management(P. 526)
Click [Log In].
Portal Page (main page) will be displayed. Remote UI Screens(P. 608)
Using Remote UI
Remote UI Screens
This section describes the typical screens of the Remote UI.
Portal Page (main page)(P. 608)
[Status Monitor/Cancel] Page(P. 609)
[Settings/Registration] Page(P. 610)
[Address Book] Page(P. 611)
Portal Page (main page)
[Log Out]
Logs off from the Remote UI. The Login page will be displayed.
[Mail to System Manager]
Displays a window for creating an e-mail to the system manager specied in [System Manager Information]
under [System Management].
Refresh Icon
Refreshes the currently displayed page.
Device Basic Information
Displays the current status of the machine and error information. If an error has occurred, the link to the
Error Information page will be displayed.
Using Remote UI
Consumables Information
Displays paper information and the amount remaining in the toner cartridges.
Support Link
Displays the support link specied in [Device Information] under [System Management].
[Status Monitor/Cancel]
Displays the status of the current print documents and history of print, copy, send, and received documents.
You can also check the status of the machine.
Displays [Settings/Registration] page. When you have logged on in System Manager Mode, you can change
the settings items and save/load the registered data.
Setting Up Menu Options from Remote UI(P. 617)
[Address Book]
Displays the coded dial numbers and the Favorites list registered in the Address Book. You can also register
or edit the Address Book when you have logged on in System Manager Mode. Registering Destinations in
the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
[Status Monitor/Cancel] Page
[To Portal]
Returns to Portal Page (main page).
Click an item, and the content is displayed in the right page.
Managing Documents and Checking the
Machine Status(P. 613)
Breadcrumb Trail
Indicates the series of pages you opened to display the currently displayed page. You can check what page is
currently displayed.
Using Remote UI
Refresh Icon
Refreshes the currently displayed page.
Top Icon
Moves the scroll box up to the top of the page when the page is scrolled down.
[Settings/Registration] Page
[To Portal]
Returns to Portal Page (main page).
Click an item, the content is displayed in the right page. Setting Up Menu Options from Remote
UI(P. 617)
Breadcrumb Trail
Indicates the series of pages you opened to display the currently displayed page. You can check what page is
currently displayed.
Top Icon
Moves the scroll box up to the top of the page when the page is scrolled down.
System Management Settings
You can only set [System Management Settings] when you have logged on in System Manager Mode.
Using Remote UI
When you have logged on in General User Mode, only [System Management] will be displayed.
[Address Book] Page
[To Portal]
Displays Portal Page (main page).
Displays the list of the Favorites.
Favorites(P. 77)
[Coded Dial]
Displays the list of the coded dial numbers.
Breadcrumb Trail
Indicates the series of pages you opened to display the currently displayed page. You can check what page is
currently displayed.
List Number
Species the range of coded dial numbers displayed on the page. You cannot display List Number in
Top Icon
Moves the scroll box up to the top of the page when the page is scrolled down.
Using Remote UI
Registering/Editing the Address Book
You can register or edit the Address Book when you have logged on in System Manager Mode.
Using Remote UI
Managing Documents and Checking the Machine
Checking Current Status of Print Documents(P. 613)
Checking History of Documents(P. 614)
Checking Error Information(P. 614)
Checking Consumables(P. 614)
Checking Device Specications(P. 615)
Checking System Manager Information(P. 615)
Checking Print Total Counter(P. 616)
As for document le name, up to 256 characters are displayed depending on the type of character. The
printed application name may be added to the le name.
Checking Current Status of Print Documents
The list of the documents currently printing or waiting to be printed is displayed.
Log on to the Remote UI ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Status Monitor/Cancel] [Job Status]
You can delete a document job by clicking [Cancel].
Regardless of the Department ID Management setting, all the print documents currently printing and
waiting to be printed will be listed.
If you entered your user name when you logged on in General User Mode, your user name will only
be displayed on the documents that you printed.
Click [Job Number] on the paused documents and secure documents to display detailed information.
You can check the user name and the page count of the printed document.
Using Remote UI
Checking History of Documents
The history of print, copy, sending faxes/e-mails (TX), or receiving faxes (RX) is displayed.
Log on to the Remote UI ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Status Monitor/Cancel] [Job Log]
Checking Error Information
When an error occurs, this page will be displayed by clicking the message displayed under [Error Information] on
Portal Page (main page)(P. 608) .
Log on to the Remote UI ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Status Monitor/Cancel] [Error
Checking Consumables
Paper size and paper type for the paper source, toner cartridge model number, etc. are displayed. You can also click
[Check Consumables Details] in Portal Page (main page)(P. 608) to display this page.
Using Remote UI
Log in to the Remote UI ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Status Monitor/Cancel]
Click [Access Purchasing Site] to display the page for purchasing consumables.
Checking Device Specications
Information including maximum print speed and machine's hardware features is displayed.
Log on to the Remote UI ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Status Monitor/Cancel] [Device
Checking System Manager Information
Information about the machine and the system manager is displayed. This information is set in [System Management]
on the [Settings/Registration] page.
System Management Settings(P. 707)
Using Remote UI
Log on to the Remote UI ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Status Monitor/Cancel] [Device
Checking Print Total Counter
The total number of pages that have been printed by the copy, print, and fax functions is displayed.
Log on to the Remote UI ( Starting Remote UI(P. 606) ) [Status Monitor/Cancel] [Check
Remote UI Screens(P. 608)
Using Remote UI
Setting Up Menu Options from Remote UI
You can change the various machine settings by using the Remote UI. Most of the settings can be set also on the
machine, but some settings can only be set using the Remote UI.
Some settings can only be changed when you have logged on in System Manager Mode.
Start the Remote UI. Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click the menu item you want to set.
For more information about the settings menu, see each item below
Using Remote UI
Menu items Referents
Paper Settings
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
Sound Volume Control/Display Settings
Preferences(P. 641)
Timer Settings
Timer Settings(P. 645)
Sound Volume Control
Adjusting the Volume(P. 98)
Function Settings
Common Settings
Common Settings(P. 649)
Copy Settings
Copy Settings(P. 653)
Fax Settings
Fax Settings (MF515x)(P. 655)
Scan Settings
Scan Settings(P. 666)
Memory Media Print Settings
Memory Media Print Settings(P. 673)
Printer Settings
Printer Settings(P. 677)
Output Report Settings
Printing Reports and Lists(P. 807)
Favorite Settings
Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings(P. 131)
Registering Frequently Used Fax Settings(P. 173)
Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/Shared
Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
System Management Settings
System Management
System Management Settings(P. 707)
Department ID Management
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Network Settings
Network(P. 412)
Security Settings
Security(P. 519)
Saving/Loading Settings Data(P. 619)
Initialize Setting Information
Initializing Menu(P. 829)
Remote UI Screens(P. 608)
Using Remote UI
Saving/Loading Settings Data
Address Book and machine settings data can be saved in your computer (export). Data that is saved on your
computer can also be registered in the machine (import). You can easily copy the destinations in the Address Book
to multiple machines.
To use these features, it is required that you have logged on in System Manager Mode.
Depending on the model, you cannot import the Address Book data that exported from the machine. If using the same
model, you can import/export machine settings data.
Saving Settings Data(P. 620)
Loading Settings Data(P. 622)
Do not turn OFF the machine until the import or export process is complete
It may take a few minutes to complete the process. If the machine is turned OFF during the process, it may
result in damage to data or the machine.
Do not operate the machine during the import or export process
Before importing/exporting, check that no operation such as printing documents is currently processing.
For the settings that cannot be imported/exported, see Setting Menu List(P. 629) .
You can also save/load settings data via a USB memory device by using the operation panel of the machine.
Using a USB Memory Device to Save/Load Settings Data(P. 823)
Using Remote UI
Saving Settings Data
You can export Address Book and machine settings data, and save them on a computer. It is recommended that you
regularly back up important settings.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Import/Export] [Export].
Select the settings to export, and set the encryption password.
Using Remote UI
[Address Book]
Select the check box to export Address Book data.
[Address Book PIN]
If the Address Book is code-protected, enter the code for the Address Book.
Select the check box to export machine settings data.
[Encryption Password]
Enter a maximum of 32 characters as password to encrypt export data. Enter the same password in
[Conrm]. If you do not enter the same password, you cannot export data.
The password is required when exported data is imported. Loading Settings Data(P. 622)
Click [Start Exporting].
Follow the on-screen instructions to specify the location where the exported setting
data is saved.
The setting data will be saved.
Remote UI Screens(P. 608)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Setting Menu List(P. 629)
Address Book List(P. 815)
Using Remote UI
Loading Settings Data
Load (import) data that was exported from the machine. You can also import machine settings data from another
machine if it is the same model as your machine.
Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode. Starting Remote
UI(P. 606)
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Import/Export] [Import].
Specify the le, enter the password, and select the settings to import.
Using Remote UI
[File Path]
Click [Browse] and select the le.
[Decryption Password]
Enter the password set when the settings were exported.
[Address Book]
Select the check box to import Address Book data.
Importing Address Book data will overwrite the Address Book entries currently registered on the machine.
[Address Book PIN]
If the Address Book is code protected, enter the code for the Address Book.
Setting a PIN for Address
Book(P. 556)
Select the check box to import machine settings data.
Click [Start Importing].
Click [OK].
The selected settings data is loaded into the machine.
Click [OK].
If the [Settings/Registration] check box is selected in step 4, the machine automatically restarts.
Remote UI Screens(P. 608)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Setting Menu List(P. 629)
Address Book List(P. 815)
Using Remote UI
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from
Remote UI
You can use the computer to register destinations in the Address Book of the machine and edit information of
registered destinations. Specify the shared folder or FTP server destination here.
You can change the settings only when you have logged on in System Manager Mode.
Start the Remote UI. Starting Remote UI(P. 606)
Click [Address Book].
If the enter PIN page is displayed
The Address Book is protected by a PIN. Enter the [PIN] and click [OK].
Click [Coded Dial].
You can also register destinations in Favorites. In this case, click [Favorites] instead of [Coded Dial].
Favorites(P. 77)
Using Remote UI
Click the text link under [Number], [Type], or [Name] for an item named "Not
You can edit a registered item by clicking the corresponding text link under [Number], [Type] or [Name].
You can delete a registered destination by clicking the corresponding [Delete] button.
Select [Destination Type to Register] and click [OK].
To register the shared folder or FTP server destination, select [File].
Specify the destination.
To register the fax destination
Enter the name of the destination.
Using Remote UI
[Fax Number]
Enter the fax number of the destination.
Select the check box to make the following possible: if an error occurs in an image that is being sent, the error is
checked and corrected to prevent an improper image from being sent.
If it takes time for transmissions to start, such as when there is a poor telephone connection, you can adjust the
transmission start speed downward incrementally starting from [33600 bps].
[Long Distance]
Specify [International (1)] to [International (3)] according to the transmission conditions when registering
overseas fax numbers.
You can also specify [ECM TX] and [Speed] from <Fax Settings> (
Fax Settings (MF515x)(P. 655) ) on the
operation panel. However, settings made from <Address Book> are enabled for the detailed settings of
destinations registered in the Address Book.
To register the e-mail or I-Fax destination
Enter the name of the destination.
[E-Mail Address]/[I-Fax Address]
Enter the e-mail address of the destination.
To register the shared folder or FTP server destination
Enter the name for the destination.
Using Remote UI
Select the protocol for the destination.
[Windows (SMB)] Select this when registering a shared folder as a destination.
[FTP] Select this when registering an FTP server as a destination.
[Host Name]
For a shared folder
Enter the computer name or IP address using up to 120 characters. You can include a path to the shared
folder with the computer name or IP address (e.g. "\\swan\share" or "\\\share").
For an FTP server
Enter the IP address of the FTP server using up to 120 characters (e.g. "").
Using a DNS server
You can also enter the host name (or FQDN) instead of the computer name or IP address (e.g. for a shared
folder: "\\swan.organization.company.com\share").
[Folder Path]
Enter the location of the folder to which the data will be sent (up to 120 characters).
For a shared folder
Use "\" as a separator. Specify the level that follows the path specied in [Host Name].
For an FTP server
Use "/" as a separator. The path is an absolute path when a "/" is placed at its top, otherwise a relative path
with respective to the current directory of the user who has logged in.
[User Name]
Enter the user name set for the shared folder or FTP server (up to 32 characters).
[Set Password]
To set a password for the shared folder or FTP server, select this check box and enter a [Password] of up to 32
Ensure that the same display language is selected on both the computer and the
Remote UI.
[Host Name] and [Folder Path] may not be displayed correctly or may not be referenceable.
Click [OK].
Remote UI Screens(P. 608)
Saving/Loading Settings Data(P. 619)
Address Book List(P. 815)
Using Remote UI
Setting Menu List
Setting Menu List ........................................................................................................................................... 629
Network Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 630
Preferences ........................................................................................................................................................ 641
Timer Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 645
Common Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 649
Copy Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 653
Fax Settings (MF515x) ....................................................................................................................................... 655
Scan Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 666
Memory Media Print Settings ........................................................................................................................... 673
Printer Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 677
Adjustment/Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 700
System Management Settings .......................................................................................................................... 707
Setting Menu List
Setting Menu List
There are various settings in this machine. You can adjust each of the settings in detail. Access these settings from
<Menu> in the Home screen.
You can print the setting menu in list form to check the current settings: User Data List/System Manager
Data List(P. 817)
Setting Menu List
Network Settings
All the settings about the network are listed with short descriptions. Default settings
are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with an asterisk (
) cannot be imported or exported.
Select Wired/Wireless LAN(P. 630)
Wireless LAN Settings(P. 630)
Enable Direct Connection(P. 632)
TCP/IP Settings(P. 632)
SNMP Settings(P. 638)
Dedicated Port Settings(P. 639)
Waiting Time for Connection at Startup(P. 639)
Ethernet Driver Settings(P. 639)
IEEE 802.1X Settings(P. 640)
Device Settings Management On/Off(P. 640)
Initialize Network Settings(P. 640)
Select Wired/Wireless LAN
When switching the machine from Wireless LAN to Wired LAN, you need to specify the setting. Conversely, when
switching the machine from Wired LAN to Wireless LAN, you do not need to specify this setting (You can switch using
the following <Wireless LAN Settings>).
Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN(P. 416)
Wired LAN
Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN Settings
Specify settings for connecting the machine to a wireless LAN. You can also view the current settings or specify the
setting for saving power consumption.
WPS Push Button Mode
Select to automatically congure a wireless connection by using the button on a WPS wireless router. Setting
Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode(P. 420)
WPS PIN Code Mode
Select to congure a wireless connection by entering a PIN code for a WPS wireless router. Setting Up
Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode(P. 422)
Setting Menu List
SSID Settings
Select to congure a wireless connection by specifying information including an SSID or a network key by
inputting manually from the operation panel.
Select Access Point
Wireless LAN routers that can access the machine are automatically located, so you can select from the list.
You must manually enter a network key, such as a WEP key or a PSK. Setting Up Connection by Selecting
a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Enter Manually
Select to congure a wireless connection by manually entering an SSID. By using this method, you can specify
authentication and encryption settings in detail. Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed
Settings(P. 429)
Security Settings
Open System
WEP Key: 1/2/3/4
Edit WEP Key
Shared Key
WEP Key: 1/2/3/4
Edit WEP Key
Power Save Mode
Select whether or not the machine enters Power Save Mode based on signals emitted from the wireless router.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <Wireless LAN Settings> Read the displayed message
<OK> <Power Save Mode> Select <Off> or <On>
Connection Information
Select to view the current wireless LAN settings. Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
MAC Address
Wireless LAN Status
Latest Error Information
SSID Settings
Security Settings
Power Save Mode
Setting Menu List
Enable Direct Connection
Set whether to connect directly. By enabling this function, connecting directly with the machine is possible even in an
environment without an access point or wireless LAN router.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <Enable Direct Connection> Select <Off> or <On> Restart the
Setting <Enable Direct Connection> to <On> prevents use of a wired LAN or any wireless LAN other than
Direct Connection.
TCP/IP Settings
Specify settings for using the machine in a TCP/IP network, such as IP address settings.
IPv4 Settings
Specify settings for using the machine in an IPv4 network.
IP Address Settings
Congure the IP address, which is used for identifying devices, such as computers and printers, on a TCP/IP
network. Setting IPv4 Address(P. 437)
Auto Acquire
Select Protocol
Auto IP
Manually Acquire
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway Address:
Check Settings
Auto Acquire
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Gateway Address
Setting Menu List
PING Command
Select to check that the machine is connected to a computer over a network. Testing the Network
Connection(P. 439)
DNS Settings
Specify settings for Domain Name System (DNS), which provides a host name for IP address resolutions.
Conguring DNS(P. 488)
DNS Server Settings
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
DNS Host Name/Domain Name Settings
Host Name
Domain Name
DNS Dynamic Update Settings
DNS Dynamic Update Interval
0 to 24
to 48 (hr.)
mDNS Settings
Specify settings for using DNS functions without DNS servers. Conguring DNS(P. 488)
mDNS Name
DHCP Option Settings
If DHCP is enabled, use these settings to select whether to use the DHCP optional functions to acquire the
DNS server address or the domain name.
Conguring DNS(P. 488)
Acquire Host Name
DNS Dynamic Update
Acquire DNS Server Address
Acquire Domain Name
Acquire WINS Server Address
Setting Menu List
Acquire SMTP Server Address
Acquire POP Server Address
IPv6 Settings
Specify settings for using the machine in an IPv6 network.
Use IPv6
Enable or disable IPv6 in the machine. You can also view the current settings.
Setting IPv6
Addresses(P. 441)
Check Settings
Link-Local Address
Prex Length
Stateless Address Settings
Enable or disable stateless addresses. Setting IPv6 Addresses(P. 441)
Check Settings
Stateless Address
Prex Length
Use DHCPv6
Enable or disable the stateful address that is acquired via DHCPv6. Setting IPv6 Addresses(P. 441)
Check Settings
Stateful Address
Prex Length
Setting Menu List
DNS Settings
Specify settings for Domain Name System (DNS), which provides a host name for IP address resolutions.
Conguring DNS(P. 488)
DNS Host Name/Domain Name Settings
Use IPv4 Host/Domain
Host Name
Domain Name
DNS Dynamic Update Settings
Register Manual Address
Register Stateful Address
Register Stateless Address
DNS Dynamic Update Interval
0 to 24 to 48 (hr.)
mDNS Settings
Specify settings for using DNS functions without DNS servers. Conguring DNS(P. 488)
Use Same mDNS Name as IPv4
mDNS Name
DHCP Option Settings
If DHCP is enabled, use these settings to select whether to use the DHCP optional functions to acquire the
DNS server address or the domain name. Conguring DNS(P. 488)
Acquire DNS Server Address
Acquire Domain Name
Setting Menu List
WINS Settings
Specify settings for Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), which provides a NetBIOS name for IP address
resolutions in a mixed network environment of NetBIOS and TCP/IP. Conguring WINS(P. 496)
WINS Resolution
WINS Server Address:
LPD Settings
Enable or disable LPD, a printing protocol that can be used on any hardware platform or operating system. You
can also set the reception timeout period after which printing is canceled if print data reception is interrupted.
Conguring Printing Protocols and WSD Functions(P. 449)
LPD Print Settings
RX Timeout
1 to 5 to 60 (min.)
RAW Settings
Enable or disable RAW, a Windows specic printing protocol. You can also set the reception timeout period after
which printing is canceled if print data reception is interrupted. Conguring Printing Protocols and WSD
Functions(P. 449)
RAW Print Settings
RX Timeout
1 to 5 to 60 (min.)
WSD Settings
Enable or disable automatic browsing and acquiring information for the printer or scanner by using the WSD
protocol that is available on Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008/Server 2012. Conguring Printing Protocols
and WSD Functions(P. 449)
WSD Print Settings
Use WSD Print
Use WSD Browsing
WSD Scan Settings
Use WSD Scan
Use Computer Scan
Setting Menu List
Use Multicast Discovery
Specify whether to use PASV mode for FTP. If you are connecting to an FTP server through a rewall, you must
select PASV mode. Conguring FTP PASV mode(P. 481)
Enable or disable HTTP, which is required for communications with a computer, such as when using the Remote
UI, WSD printing, or printing with Google Cloud Print. Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Port Number Settings
Change port numbers for protocols according to the network environment. Changing Port Numbers(P. 549)
1 to 515
to 65535
1 to 9100 to 65535
WSD Multicast Discovery
1 to 3702 to 65535
1 to 80
to 65535
Multicast Discovery
1 to 427 to 65535
1 to 110
to 65535
1 to 25 to 65535
1 to 21
to 65535
1 to 161 to 65535
Setting Menu List
MTU Size
Select the maximum size of packets the machine sends or receives. Changing the Maximum Transmission
Unit(P. 486)
SNMP Settings
Specify the settings for monitoring and controlling the machine from a computer running SNMP-compatible software.
Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP(P. 508)
SNMPv1 Settings
Enable or disable SNMPv1. When enabling SNMPv1, specify a community name and access privileges to
Management Information Base (MIB) objects.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <SNMP Settings> <SNMPv1 Settings> Select <Off> or
<On> Restart the machine
SNMPv3 Settings
Enable or disable SNMPv3. Use the Remote UI to specify detailed settings that are applied when SNMPv3 is
<Menu> <Network Settings> <SNMP Settings> <SNMPv3 Settings> Select <Off> or
<On> Restart the machine
Acquire Printer Management Information from Host
Enable or disable the monitoring of printer management information from a networked computer running
SNMP-compatible software.
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Network Settings> <SNMP Settings> <Acquire Printer Management Information
from Host> Select <Off> or <On> Restart the machine
Dedicated Port Settings
Enable or disable the dedicated port. The dedicated port is used when printing, faxing, or scanning uses MF Scan
Utility and when browsing or specifying the machine settings over the network.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <Dedicated Port Settings> Select <Off> or <On> Restart the
Waiting Time for Connection at Startup
Specify a wait time for connecting to a network. Select the setting depending on the network environment.
Setting a
Wait Time for Connecting to a Network(P. 487)
0 to 300 (sec.)
Ethernet Driver Settings
Select the Ethernet type (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T) and the communication mode of Ethernet (half-duplex/
full-duplex). You can also view the MAC address for wired LAN.
MAC Address
Check the MAC address of the machine, which is a number unique to each communication device. Viewing
the MAC Address for Wired LAN(P. 446)
Auto Detect
Select whether to automatically detect or manually select the communication mode and the Ethernet type.
Conguring Ethernet Settings(P. 484)
Communication Mode
Half Duplex
Full Duplex
Ethernet Type
Setting Menu List
IEEE 802.1X Settings
Enable or disable IEEE 802.1X authentication.
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
<Menu> <Network Settings> <IEEE 802.1X Settings> Select <Off> or <On> Restart the
Device Settings Management On/Off
Specify whether to use iW Management Console plug-ins to manage machine data such as settings and Address Book
destinations. For detailed information on iW Management Console, contact your nearest Canon dealer.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <Device Settings Management On/Off> Select <Off> or <On>
Initialize Network Settings
Select to return the Network Settings to the factory defaults. Initialize Menu(P. 717)
Setting Menu List
All the settings about the display and English Keyboard Layout are listed with short
descriptions. Default settings are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with "
" are only available for the MF515x.
Settings marked with "
" cannot be imported or exported.
Settings marked with "
" have different defaults depending on your country or region.
Display Settings(P. 641)
English Keyboard Layout(P. 644)
Display Settings
Default Screen after Startup/Restoration
By default, the Home screen is displayed immediately after the machine is turned ON or when the Auto Reset
function is performed. Specify the setting to change the default screen and display the main screen of a
different function.
Memory Media Print
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Default Screen after Startup/
Restoration> Select a function to display the desired screen
Home Screen Button Display Settings
Congure the settings for the buttons displayed in the Home screen. You can select the settings that will be
displayed as shortcut buttons, rearrange the order in which the buttons appear, and insert or remove spaces.
Customizing the Home Screen(P. 33)
Select Button to Display
Favorite Copy Settings
Favorite Fax Settings
Favorite Scan Settings
Setting Menu List
Set Display Order
Insert and Delete Blank
Adjust the brightness of the display to suit the installation location of the machine.
Five Levels
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Brightness> Tap / to adjust the
brightness <Apply>
Invert Screen Colors
Select <On> to invert the display colors. Select <On> if the display is hard to view even after the brightness was
adjusted in <Brightness>.
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Invert Screen Colors> Select <Off> or
Millimeter/Inch Entry Switch
Select the unit of measurement.
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Millimeter/Inch Entry Switch> Select
<Millimeter> or <Inch>
Message Display Time
Specify the interval in seconds at which two different messages are alternately displayed.
1 to 2 to 5 (sec.)
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Message Display Time> Enter a number for
the interval <Apply>
Scrolling Speed
Adjust the speed for scrolling the screen by selecting from three levels.
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Scrolling Speed> Select the speed
Cursor Movement Type
Congure how the cursor moves after a character is entered on the screen. Select <Auto> to automatically move
the cursor to the right of the entered character after approximately 1 second. Select <Manual> to manually
move the cursor to the right of the entered character.
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Cursor Movement Type> Select the
Select the display language used for the display, reports, and lists.
Chinese (Simplied)
Chinese (Traditional)
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Language> Select a language <Yes>
Remote UI Language
Select the display language used for the Remote UI screens.
Chinese (Simplied)
Chinese (Traditional)
<Menu> <Preferences> <Display Settings> <Remote UI Language> Select a
English Keyboard Layout
Specify the layout of a USB keyboard if connected to the machine.
USA Layout
UK Layout
<Menu> <Preferences> <English Keyboard Layout> Select <USA Layout> or <UK Layout>
Setting Menu List
Timer Settings
All the settings about the timer are listed with short descriptions. Default settings
are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with "
" may be unavailable or have different defaults depending on your country or
Settings marked with "
" cannot be imported or exported.
Date/Time Settings(P. 645)
Auto Reset Time(P. 647)
Function After Auto Reset(P. 647)
Auto Sleep Time(P. 648)
Auto Oine Time(P. 648)
Auto Shutdown Time(P. 648)
Date/Time Settings
Specify date and time settings, including the date format and the 12- or 24-hour clock display setting. The date and
time that are printed on each fax document, report, and list are determined by these settings.
Date Format
Select the date format (order of year, month, and day).
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Date/Time Settings> <Date Format> Select the date
Time Format
Select the 12- or 24-hour clock display setting.
12 Hour (AM/PM)
24 Hour
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Date/Time Settings> <Time Format> Select the display
Current Date/Time Settings
Set the current date and time. Tap / to move the cursor, and / to specify the date and time or
switch between <AM>/<PM>.
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Date/Time Settings> <Current Date/Time Settings> Set the
date and time <Apply>
Set <Time Zone> before setting the current date and time. If the <Time Zone> setting is changed, the
current date and time are also changed accordingly.
The current date and time cannot be changed for 1 hour after daylight saving time is in effect.
Time Zone
Select the time zone. If the time zone setting is changed, the values set in <Current Date/Time Settings> are also
changed accordingly.
(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West
(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC+14:00) Christmas Island
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Date/Time Settings> <Time Zone> Select a time zone
Setting Menu List
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks
and time. The correct UTC time zone setting is required for Internet communications.
Daylight Saving Time Settings
Enable or disable daylight saving time. If daylight saving time is enabled, specify the dates from which and to
which daylight saving time is in effect.
Start: Month, Week, Day
End: Month, Week, Day
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Date/Time Settings> <Daylight Saving Time Settings> Select a
month and day
Auto Reset Time
If a key is not pressed for a specied period of time, the screen and the settings are initialized to display the
default screen (Auto Reset). Specify the interval at which the Auto Reset is performed. Select <0> to disable the
Auto Reset function. The Auto Reset is not performed in the following cases:
The setting menu is displayed.
The machine is processing data, such as when printing documents or sending or receiving faxes.
An error message is displayed and the Error indicator is blinking (However, Auto Reset is performed when the
error does not prevent the user from continuing to use a function.)
0 (Auto Reset is disabled.)
1 to 2 to 9 (min.)
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Auto Reset Time> Set the Auto Reset time <Apply>
The screen displayed after the Auto Reset is performed can be selected in <Function After Auto Reset>.
Function After Auto Reset
Select whether to return the display to the default screen after the Auto Reset is performed. If <Default Function> is
selected, the main screen of the function selected in <Default Screen after Startup/Restoration> is displayed (
Setting Menu List
Default Screen after Startup/Restoration(P. 641) ). If <Selected Function> is selected, the display returns to the main
screen of the function that was selected.
Default Function
Selected Function
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Function After Auto Reset> Select <Default Function> or
<Selected Function>
Auto Sleep Time
If the machine has not been operated or has had no data to process for a specied period of time, the machine enters
sleep mode to save energy consumption (Auto Sleep). Specify the period of time after which auto sleep is performed.
Auto Sleep is not performed when the setting menu is displayed. We recommend using the factory default settings to
save the most power.
Entering Sleep Mode(P. 100)
3 to 60 (min.)
Auto Oine Time
If scan is not performed within a specied period of time after the screen below is displayed (the machine is set
online for scanning), the machine automatically becomes oine. Specify the time period at which the machine
becomes oine. You can also set the machine to remain online.
0 (The machine remains online.)
1 to 5 to 60 (min.)
<Menu> <Timer Settings> <Auto Oine Time> Set the time period <Apply>
Auto Shutdown Time
Set a timer to automatically shut down the machine after the specied period of idle time has elapsed since the
machine entered the sleep mode.
Setting Auto Shutdown Time(P. 102)
0 (Auto Shutdown is disabled.)
1 to 4 to 8 (hr.)
Setting Menu List
Common Settings
All the settings about the operation of the paper drawer and the paper feed method
are listed with short descriptions. Default settings are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with an asterisk (
) are only available when the optional paper feeder is attached.
Drawer Auto Selection On/Off(P. 649)
Switch Paper Feed Method(P. 651)
Drawer Auto Selection On/Off
Enable or disable the automatic drawer selection feature for the paper sources. If automatic drawer selection is set to
<On> when printing documents, the machine automatically selects a paper source that is loaded with the appropriate
paper size. Also, when the paper runs out, this setting enables continuous printing by switching from one paper
source to another that is loaded with the same paper size. You can select a function, such as copy or print, to enable
this feature.
Multi-Purpose Tray
Drawer 1
Drawer 2
Drawer 3
Drawer 1
Drawer 2
Setting Menu List
Drawer 3
Receive/Fax (MF515x) or Receive (MF512x)
Multi-Purpose Tray
Drawer 1
Drawer 2
Drawer 3
Multi-Purpose Tray
Drawer 1
Drawer 2
Drawer 3
<Menu> <Common Settings> <Drawer Auto Selection On/Off> Select the function Select
the paper source Select <Off> or <On> <Apply>
Setting Menu List
Select the function for which you want to congure automatic drawer selection.
Select <Other> for functions such as printing reports and lists and printing images from a USB memory
Paper Sources
Select the paper source for which you want to enable.
<Multi-Purpose Tray> is not displayed if <Printer> was selected on the previous screen ( ). Automatic
drawer selection is always enabled for printing on paper fed from the multi-purpose tray.
Switch of the settings
Select <On> to enable automatic drawer selection for the paper source you selected on the previous screen
( ).
Make sure to select <On> for <Drawer 1>, <Drawer 2> or <Drawer 3>. If <Off> is selected for all drawers, you
cannot nish the conguration.
Switch Paper Feed Method
Specify this setting when you print a document on paper with logos. To print on paper with logos, you need to change
how the paper loaded in the paper source is facing depending on whether you are performing 1- or 2-sided printing.
However, if you specify <Print Side Priority>, you can use just the same way of paper loading (which side up or down)
both for 1- and 2-sided printing (namely, the side with logos face up when using the paper drawer, or the side with
logos face down when using the multi-purpose tray). For more information, see
Loading Preprinted Paper(P. 62) .
Multi-Purpose Tray
Speed Priority
Print Side Priority
Drawer 1
Speed Priority
Print Side Priority
Drawer 2
Speed Priority
Print Side Priority
Drawer 3
Speed Priority
Print Side Priority
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Common Settings> <Switch Paper Feed Method> Select the paper source Select
<Speed Priority> or <Print Side Priority>
Paper Sources
Select the paper source that you want to change the setting for.
<Speed Priority>
When using paper that has been preprinted with a logo, you need to change how it is facing when you
perform 1-sided and 2-sided printing.
We recommend selecting <Speed Priority> if you do not need to consider which side to print on.
<Print Side Priority>
To print on a specic side of paper, you do not need to ip over paper in the paper source whether 1- or 2-
sided printing is selected.
If <Print Side Priority> is set for a paper source that is loaded with paper you cannot use for 2-sided printing
( Paper(P. 856) ), <Speed Priority> is applied to the paper source instead. In this case, you need to load the
paper in the same way as when <Speed Priority> is selected ( Loading Preprinted Paper(P. 62) ).
1-sided printing speed may be slower when <Print Side Priority> is selected.
Setting Menu List
Copy Settings
All the settings about the copy are listed with short descriptions. Default settings
are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with an asterisk (
) are only available when the optional paper feeder is attached.
Change Default Settings(P. 653)
Initialize Default Settings(P. 654)
Change Default Settings
You can change the factory default settings about copy. The selected settings are used as the default settings of the
copy function.
Changing Default Settings(P. 130)
Number of Copies
to 999
Nine Levels
Adjust (Manual)
Nine Levels
Original Type
Text/Photo (Quality)
Copy Ratio
Custom Ratio
100% (1:1)
Setting Menu List
400% (Max)
141% A5->A4
70% A4->A5
25% (Min)
Multi-Purpose Tray
Drawer 1
Drawer 2
N on 1
2 on 1
4 on 1
ID Card Copy
Select Layout
Erase Frame
Seven Levels
Initialize Default Settings
Select this option to restore the default copy settings.
<Menu> <Copy Settings> <Initialize Default Settings> <Yes>
Setting Menu List
Fax Settings
All the settings about the fax are listed with short descriptions. Default settings are
marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with "
" may be unavailable or vary or have different defaults depending on your country
or region.
Settings marked with "
" cannot be imported or exported.
Basic Settings(P. 655)
TX Function Settings(P. 657)
RX Function Settings(P. 661)
RX Print Settings(P. 663)
Forwarding Settings(P. 665)
Fax Setup Guide(P. 665)
Basic Settings
Specify the basic settings for using the machine as a fax device.
Register Unit Telephone Number
Register the fax number for the machine. Registering the Fax Number and Unit Name(P. 141)
Select Line Type
Select the telephone line type used for fax transmission. Connecting the Telephone Line(P. 145)
Off-Hook Alarm
Select whether the machine makes an alert sound when the handset of a telephone or the optional handset
connected to the machine is not properly set on the cradle. You can also adjust the volume of the alert sound.
0 to 3
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Basic Settings> <Off-Hook Alarm> <On> Select the volume of
the alert sound <Apply>
Setting Menu List
Communication Management Settings
Congure the settings for the transmission start speed when faxes are sent and received, and for archiving
documents that have been sent.
TX Start Speed
Adjust the communication start speed in descending order from <33600 bps>. This adjustment should be
made when it takes a long time to start sending a fax due to a poor telephone line connection.
33600 bps
14400 bps
9600 bps
7200 bps
4800 bps
2400 bps
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Basic Settings> <Communication Management Settings> <TX
Start Speed> Select a communication start speed
RX Start Speed
Adjust the communication start speed in descending order from <33600 bps>. This adjustment should be
made when it takes a long time to start receiving a fax due to a poor telephone line connection.
33600 bps
14400 bps
9600 bps
7200 bps
4800 bps
2400 bps
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Basic Settings> <Communication Management Settings> <RX
Start Speed> Select a communication start speed
R-Key Setting
If your machine is connected through a PBX (Private Branch Exchange), it is necessary to set the access
method. You can set the PBX type to <Prex> or <Hooking>. If you register the outside line access number to
the R-key, you can easily access the outside line.
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <Basic Settings> <Communication Management Settings> <R-Key
Setting> <PBX> Select <Prex> or <Hooking> Enter the outside line access number if you
select <Prex> <Apply>
Select the type of PBX you are using. If you select <Prex>, register the prex code on the next screen.
Enter the prex code using the numeric keys, tap <Pause>, and then tap <Apply>. If you do not insert a
pause, the prex code is not registered.
Archive TX Document
In addition to the destination specied when the fax is sent, you can specify whether faxed documents are
also sent to a preset storage address for archiving.
Archiving Sent Faxes(P. 197)
TX Function Settings
Specify settings for sending faxes.
Change Default Settings
Specify settings used for sending faxes. The selected settings are used as the default settings when scanning
documents. Changing Default Settings(P. 172)
200 x 100 dpi (Normal)
200 x 200 dpi (Fine)
200 x 200 dpi (Photo)
200 x 400 dpi (Superne)
400 x 400 dpi (Ultrane)
Nine Levels
2-Sided Original
Book Type
Setting Menu List
Calendar Type
Seven Levels
Register Unit Name (Fax)
Register the name of a company or person ( Registering the Fax Number and Unit Name(P. 141) ). The
registered name is sent as sender information to the destination ( TX Terminal ID(P. 659) ).
Enable or disable error correction mode (ECM). ECM checks for fax data errors and corrects them. To reduce
errors on received faxes, see ECM RX(P. 661) .
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <ECM TX> <On>
ECM must be enabled on both the machine and the other fax device because error checks are
performed on both the sending and receiving devices.
Even when ECM is enabled, errors may occur due to telephone line conditions.
It may take a longer time than usual to process data when ECM is enabled because the error checks
and corrections are performed while the data is transmitted.
Set Pause Time
For example, when you make calls by dialing "0 - (pause) - (telephone number)", 0 is dialed rst and then a few
seconds later, the telephone number. When sending faxes overseas, you need to specify destinations by dialing
"(international access code) - (country code) - (area code) - (fax number)" but consecutive numbers that are
input without pauses may not be recognized correctly. In this case, try adding a pause after the international
access code or the fax number. If the code or the number is still not recognized correctly, change the duration
of the pause. For instructions on how to enter a pause, see step 3 on
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148) .
1 to 4 to 15 (sec.)
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Set Pause Time> Specify the duration of
pause <Apply>
Auto Redial
Specify settings for Auto Redial, a function that automatically redials the fax number after several minutes if the
rst attempt fails because the line is busy. You can specify how many times the machine redials and the interval
between redials.
Setting Menu List
Number of Times to Redial
1 to 2 to 10 (times)
Redial Interval
2 to 99 (min.)
Redial When Error Occurs
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Auto Redial> <On> Specify the settings
<Number of Times to Redial>
Species how many times the machine redials. Tap
/ or the numeric keys to enter a number, and tap
<Redial Interval>
Species the interval between redials. Tap
/ or the numeric keys to enter a number for the interval,
and tap <Apply>.
<Redial When Error Occurs>
When set to <On>, species to redial when a transmission error occurs.
TX Terminal ID
Specify settings for adding the sender information, including the fax number and the name of the machine, to
the fax header. The recipient can check who sent the fax by looking at the added information.
Print Position
Inside Image Area
Outside Image Area
Mark Number as
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <TX Terminal ID> <On> Specify the
settings <Apply>
<Print Position>
Species the position to print the terminal ID information in the sent fax. Select <Inside Image Area> to print
the information inside the image area, or <Outside Image Area> to print the information outside the image
<Mark Number as>
Adds the "FAX" or "TEL" mark in front of the fax number registered for the machine ( Registering the Fax
Number and Unit Name(P. 141) ). Select <TEL> to indicate that the notied number is a telephone number.
Check Dial Tone Before Sending
Select whether to check the dial tone before a fax number is dialed.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Check Dial Tone Before
Sending> <On>
Allow Fax Driver TX
Enable or disable PC faxing (sending faxes from a computer). Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF515x)(P. 559)
Conrm Entered Fax Number
Select whether to display the details of an entered coded dial number when it is selected as a destination.
Displaying Destinations in Address Book(P. 561)
Restrict Sequential Broadcast
Select whether to prohibit sequential broadcasting, a feature that sends faxes to multiple destinations in
succession. Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF515x)(P. 563)
Setting Menu List
Conrm Sequential Broadcast
Reject Sequential Broadcast
Initialize Default Settings
Select this option to restore the default fax transmission settings.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Initialize Default Settings> <Yes>
RX Function Settings
Specify settings for receiving faxes.
Enable or disable error correction mode (ECM). ECM checks for fax data errors and corrects them. To reduce
errors on sent faxes, see ECM TX(P. 658) .
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Function Settings> <ECM RX> <On>
ECM must be enabled on both the machine and the other fax device because error check is
performed on both the sending and receiving devices.
Even when ECM is enabled, errors may occur due to telephone line conditions.
It may take a longer time than usual to process data when ECM is enabled because the error check
and corrections are performed while the data is transmitted.
Incoming Ring
Specify settings for sounding a ring to notify you of incoming faxes. This feature is only available when <Auto>
or <Fax/Tel Auto Switch> is selected for the receive mode. Specify how many times the incoming call rings when
the machine receives a fax call. You can also disable the settings to prevent the incoming call from ringing.
1 to 2 to 99 (times)
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Function Settings> <Incoming Ring> <On> Specify how
many times the incoming call rings <Apply>
When <On> is specied, you need to connect your telephone or the optional handset to the machine
Remote RX
Specify settings for receiving a fax by operating a telephone that is connected to the machine (Remote
Reception). When a fax is sent to the machine, you can receive it just by picking up the handset of the telephone
and entering a specic ID number by using the telephone. This feature can save you the trouble of going all the
way to the machine. For instructions on how to use Remote Reception, see
Using a Telephone to Receive
Faxes (Remote Reception)(P. 181) .
00 to 25 to 99
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Function Settings> <Remote RX> <On> Specify the ID
number for receiving a fax <Apply>
Switch to Auto RX
Specify settings for automatically receiving a fax after the machine has rung for a specied time period. This
feature is only available when <Manual> is selected for the receive mode. By using this feature, faxes can be
received even when no one is available to pick up the handset.
1 to 15 to 99 (sec.)
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Function Settings> <Switch to Auto RX> <On> Specify how
long the incoming call rings <Apply>
Memory Lock Settings
Select whether to store received faxes without immediately printing them. Stored fax documents can be printed
at any time by changing the setting to <Off>. Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory Reception)
(P. 187)
Setting Menu List
Memory Lock PIN
Report Print
Memory Lock Time
Memory Lock Start Time
Memory Lock End Time
RX Print Settings
Specify settings for printing received faxes.
Print on Both Sides
Specify settings for printing received faxes on both sides of paper.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Print Settings> <Print on Both Sides> <On>
Make sure that the sub-output tray is closed
When the sub-output tray is open, you cannot perform Print on Both Sides. When performing Print on
Both Sides, always make sure that the sub-output tray is closed.
Back Side(P. 20)
Reduce RX Size
Specify settings for reducing the image size of a received document. You can select an automatic reduction ratio
that reduces the received document to size of the loaded paper. You can also select a ratio from a list.
Vertical Only
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Print Settings> <Reduce RX Size> <On> Specify the settings
<Auto> reduces the image by a ratio that is based on the size of the loaded paper. <97%>, <95%>, <90%>, or
<75%> reduce the image by the corresponding ratio.
Select <Vertical/Horizontal> to reduce the image both vertically and horizontally. Select <Vertical Only> to
reduce only vertically.
RX Page Footer
Select whether to print information, including date and time of reception and page numbers, on the bottom of
received faxes.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Print Settings> <RX Page Footer> <On>
Continue Printing When Amount in Cartridge Is Low
If receiving faxes when the amount remaining in a toner cartridge is low, the machine holds them in memory
instead of printing. However, if this function is enabled, the machine continues printing. In addition to fax
reception, this is true with I-Fax reception.
<Menu> <Fax Settings> <RX Print Settings> <Continue Printing When Amount in Cartridge Is
Low> <On>
Setting Menu List
When this function is enabled, faxes may fade or blur. Because received documents are not stored,
you need to ask the sender to resend the document.
Forwarding Settings
Specify settings for forwarding faxes.
Enable Forwarding Settings
Select whether to forward all the received fax documents to a specied destination. In addition to a fax number,
you can also specify an e-mail address or a shared folder in a computer, etc. as the forwarding destination.
Forwarding All the Received Documents Automatically(P. 193)
Print Images
Select whether to print forwarded fax documents. You can set the machine to print forwarded documents only
when an error occurs. Printing Documents to be Forwarded(P. 193)
Only When Error Occurs
Store Images in Memory
Select whether to store fax documents in memory when they are not successfully forwarded. You can resend or
print the documents later as necessary. Printing/Resending/Deleting Documents that Failed to be
Forwarded(P. 194)
Only When Error Occurs
Fax Setup Guide
Select to display on-screen instructions for specifying settings, including the fax number and the telephone line type.
Conguring Initial Settings for Fax Functions (MF515x)(P. 139)
Setting Menu List
Scan Settings
All the settings about the scan are listed with short descriptions. Default settings
are marked with a dagger ( ).
USB Memory Settings(P. 666)
E-Mail Settings(P. 667)
I-Fax Settings(P. 668)
File Settings(P. 671)
Register Unit Name (E-Mail/I-Fax)(P. 672)
Output File Image Settings(P. 672)
OCR (Text Searchable) Settings(P. 672)
USB Memory Settings
You can change and register the settings used when data is saved to a USB memory device.
Change Default Settings
Specify settings used for saving scanned documents to a USB memory device. The selected settings are used as
the default settings when scanning documents. Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
Scan Size
Color Mode
Black & White
File Format
PDF (Compact)
PDF (Compact/OCR)
Nine Levels
Original Orientation
Original Type
Setting Menu List
2-Sided Original
Book Type
Calendar Type
Seven Levels
Data Size
Small: Memory Priority
Large: Image Quality Priority
Initialize Default Settings
Select this option to restore the default settings for saving data to a USB memory device.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <USB Memory Settings> <Initialize Default Settings> <Yes>
E-Mail Settings
Specify settings used for scanning documents to send as e-mails.
Change Default Settings
Specify settings used for scanning documents to send as e-mails. The selected settings are used as the default
settings when scanning documents. Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
Scan Size
Color Mode
Black & White
File Format
PDF (Compact)
PDF (Compact/OCR)
Setting Menu List
Nine Levels
Original Orientation
Original Type
2-Sided Original
Book Type
Calendar Type
Seven Levels
Data Size
Small: Memory Priority
Large: Image Quality Priority
Reply To
Specify from Address Book
Initialize Default Settings
Select this option to restore the default e-mail transmission settings.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <E-Mail Settings> <Initialize Default Settings> <Yes>
I-Fax Settings
Specify the basic settings for using the machine as a I-Fax device.
Setting Menu List
TX Function Settings
You can change and register the settings used for sending I-Faxes.
Change Default Settings
Specify settings used for sending I-Fax. The selected settings are used as the default settings when scanning
documents. Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
Scan Size
Nine Levels
Original Type
2-Sided Original
Book Type
Calendar Type
Seven Levels
Reply To
Specify from Address Book
TX Terminal ID
Information such as the date and time of transmission and the e-mail address of the machine (sender
information) can be added as a header in transmitted documents. This information tells the recipient when
the I-Fax was sent and who sent it.
Print Position
Inside Image Area
Outside Image Area
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <I-Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <TX Terminal ID>
<On> <Print Position> Select <Inside Image Area> or <Outside Image Area> <Apply>
Setting Menu List
Initialize Default Settings
Select this option to restore the default I-Fax transmission settings.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <I-Fax Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Initialize Default
Settings> <Yes>
RX Print Settings
Specify settings for printing received I-Faxes.
Print on Both Sides
Specify settings for printing received I-Faxes on both sides of paper.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <I-Fax Settings> <RX Print Settings> <Print on Both Sides>
Make sure that the sub-output tray is closed
When the sub-output tray is open, you cannot perform Print on Both Sides. When performing Print on
Both Sides, always make sure that the sub-output tray is closed. Back Side(P. 20)
RX Print Size
Specify the paper size to be used for printing.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <I-Fax Settings> <RX Print Settings> <RX Print Size> Select the
paper size
Setting Menu List
File Settings
You can change and register the settings used when documents are saved to a shared folder or FTP server.
Change Default Settings
You can change the default settings used when documents are saved to a shared folder or FTP server. The
selected settings are used as the default settings when scanning. Changing Default Settings(P. 376)
Scan Size
Color Mode
Black & White
File Format
PDF (Compact)
PDF (Compact/OCR)
Nine Levels
Original Orientation
Original Type
2-Sided Original
Book Type
Calendar Type
Seven Levels
Data Size
Small: Memory Priority
Large: Image Quality Priority
Setting Menu List
Initialize Default Settings
You can change and register the settings used when documents are saved to a shared folder or FTP server.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <File Settings> <Initialize Default Settings> <Yes>
Register Unit Name (E-Mail/I-Fax)
Register the sender name for e-mails and I-Faxes. The registered name is displayed in e-mails, along with the e-
mail address. If the sender name is not registered, only the e-mail address is displayed.
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <TX Function Settings> <Register Unit Name (E-Mail/I-Fax)> Enter
the sender name <Apply>
Output File Image Settings
Specify settings for the gamma value and le compression ratio for converting scanned documents into les.
YCbCr TX Gamma Value
Select the gamma value used when converting scanned color documents into the specied le format. You can
specify the same gamma value as that of the monitor which is to be used for viewing the converted les. The
les are displayed with brightness that is true to the original documents. Setting Gamma Values(P. 360)
Gamma 1.0
Gamma 1.4
Gamma 1.8
Gamma 2.2
OCR (Text Searchable) Settings
To run OCR (Optical Character Recognition) on a text document to create a "searchable PDF", specify whether the
machine determines the document's text direction and detects the document direction.
Smart Scan
<Menu> <Scan Settings> <OCR (Text Searchable) Settings> <Smart Scan> Select <Off> or
Setting Menu List
Memory Media Print Settings
All the settings are about the memory media print listed with short descriptions.
Default settings are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with an asterisk (
) are only available when the optional paper feeder is attached.
Change Default Settings(P. 673)
Default Display Settings(P. 675)
File Sort Default Settings(P. 675)
File Name Display Format(P. 675)
Initialize Default Settings(P. 676)
Change Default Settings
Specify the memory media print settings. The selected settings are used as the default settings of the memory media
print function.
Changing Default Memory Media Print Settings(P. 302)
Number of Copies
to 99
Multi-Purpose Tray
Drawer 1
Drawer 2
Drawer 3
N on 1
2 on 1
4 on 1
Book Type
Calendar Type
Print Quality
17 Levels
Setting Menu List
Density (Fine Adjust)
High: 17 Levels
Medium: 17 Levels
Low: 17 Levels
Toner Save
Set JPEG/TIFF Details
Print Date
Print File Name
Original Type
Photo Priority
Text Priority
Five Levels
Error Diffusion
Grayscale Conversion
Uniform RGB
Set PDF Details
Enlarge/Reduce to Fit Paper Size
Enlarge Print Area
Print Comments
Text: Resolution /Gradation/High Resolution
Graphics: Resolution
/Gradation/High Resolution
Image: Resolution /Gradation/High Resolution
Grayscale Conversion
Uniform RGB
Setting Menu List
Default Display Settings
Select whether to display a list of le names or thumbnails for previewing when accessing les in a USB memory
<Menu> <Memory Media Print Settings> <Default Display Settings> Select <Details> or
Displays le names and dates in list form.
Displays thumbnails for previewing.
File Sort Default Settings
Select whether to display les in a USB memory device in ascending or descending order of le name or date.
Name (Ascending)
Name (Descending)
Date/Time (Ascending)
Date/Time (Descending)
<Menu> <Memory Media Print Settings> <File Sort Default Settings> Select the order of les
that are displayed
File Name Display Format
Select whether to display short or long text for le names that are stored in a USB memory device.
Setting Menu List
Short File Name
Long File Name
<Menu> <Memory Media Print Settings> <File Name Display Format> Select <Short File
Name> or <Long File Name>
<Short File Name>
Shortens a le name to as few as eight characters. To distinguish les that have similar names, numbers such
as "
1" or "
2" are added at the end of the le names.
<Long File Name>
Displays a le name up to 20 characters.
The number of characters described above does not include the characters in le extensions, such as
Initialize Default Settings
Select to return the Memory Media Print Settings to the factory defaults.
<Menu> <Memory Media Print Settings> <Initialize Default Settings> <Yes>
Setting Menu List
Printer Settings
All the settings about the printer are listed with short descriptions. Default settings
are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with an asterisk (
) are only available when the optional paper feeder is attached.
Priority of settings
If a print setting is specied both from the printer driver and the operation panel of the machine, the
specication from the printer driver overrides that from the operation panel. The specication from the
operation panel becomes effective in some specic cases, such as when performing PS/PCL printing and
printing from UNIX or other operating system that does not support printer drivers.
Prioritize Driver Settings When Printing(P. 677)
Copies(P. 679)
2-Sided Printing(P. 679)
Default Paper(P. 679)
Paper Size Override(P. 679)
Print Quality(P. 680)
Layout(P. 681)
Auto Error Skip(P. 683)
Timeout(P. 684)
Personality(P. 684)
UFR II(P. 684)
PCL(P. 685)
PS(P. 692)
PDF(P. 694)
XPS(P. 696)
Prioritize Driver Settings When Printing
Select whether printing is performed in accordance with the printer driver's settings for paper size and type taking
priority over the settings made for each paper source under <Paper Settings> in the Home screen. By selecting <On>,
you can print from the paper source specied in the printer drive, regardless of the paper settings on the machine. An
error message can be set to display if the loaded paper size is largely different from that set in the printer driver.
Multi-Purpose Tray
Setting Menu List
Force Output
Display Error
Drawer 1
Force Output
Display Error
Drawer 2
Force Output
Display Error
Drawer 3
Force Output
Display Error
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Prioritize Driver Settings When Printing> Select the paper
<On> Select <Force Output> or <Display Error>
Paper Sources
Select the paper source for which you want to enable.
<Force Output>
Continue printing even when the paper size setting in the printer driver and the loaded paper are largely
<Display Error>
When the paper size setting in the printer driver and the loaded paper are largely different, an error message
is displayed and printing is stopped.
Setting Menu List
If the printer driver's settings do not match the size and type of loaded paper with <On> selected, a paper
jam or printing error may occur.
Set the number of copies to print.
1 to 99
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Copies> Set the number of copies to print <Apply>
2-Sided Printing
Select whether to make 2-sided printouts.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <2-Sided Printing> Select <Off> or <On>
Default Paper
Use this item to specify the paper size and type.
Paper(P. 856)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Default Paper> Select the paper size Select the paper
Paper Size Override
Select whether to switch between printing on A4 and LTR size paper if one of these paper sizes is loaded but the other
is not.
Conguring Printer Settings on the Machine(P. 274)
Setting Menu List
Print Quality
You can change settings related to print quality.
Adjust the toner density. Adjusting Print Density(P. 805)
17 Levels
Fine Adjust
17 Levels
17 Levels
17 Levels
The settings specied for <Density> are disabled when <Toner Save> is enabled.
Toner Save
You can save toner consumption. Select <On> when you want to check the layout or other appearance
characteristics before proceeding to nal printing of a large job.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Print Quality> <Toner Save> Select <Off> or <On>
Specify the resolution to be used for print data processing.
1200 dpi
600 dpi
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Print Quality> <Resolution> Select <1200 dpi> or <600
Barcode Adjustment Mode
If bar codes printed with this machine cannot be read, set this item. The improvement effect is weakest with
<Mode 1> and strongest with <Mode 3>.
Setting Menu List
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Print Quality> <Barcode Adjustment Mode> Select the
Print density will be lighter when you select stronger improvement.
When printing from the computer, the setting in the printer driver takes precedence. When the
setting of [Graphics Mode] in the printer driver is changed to [UFR II Mode] and [Barcode Adjustment
Mode] is changed to [Printer Default], the setting in the operation panel takes precedence.
When you set this item to one of <Mode 1> to <Mode 3>, <Special Printing Mode A> is automatically
set to <Off>.
Special Printing Mode A(P. 703)
Specify the page layout settings such as binding position and margin values.
Binding Location
If you are binding the printouts with a binding tool such as a stapler, use this item to specify whether to bind on
the long or short edge. Specify the setting of this item in combination with <Gutter>, which species the binding
margin to apply to the binding position.
Long Edge
Short Edge
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Layout> <Binding Location> Select <Long Edge> or <Short
<Long Edge>
Specify this to bind on the long edge of paper.
Setting Menu List
<Short Edge>
Specify this to bind on the short edge of paper.
Shift the print position to adjust the binding margin to apply to the binding edge specied by <Binding
Location>. The value "00.0" exerts no effect on the binding margin.
-50.0 to 00.0 to +50.0 (mm)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Layout> <Gutter> Specify the binding
margin <Apply>
Entering the setting value
Specify the print position shift direction and shift width. Whether the setting value is a "+" or "-" value
determines the binding edge along which to adjust the binding margin. You can adjust the binding margin in
units of 0.5 mm. Use / to move the cursor, and / to switch between "+" / "-" and to increase or
decrease the value.
Setting Value
Long Edge Short Edge
A value with a "+" sign Left edge of paper Top edge of paper
A value with a "-" sign Right edge of paper Bottom edge of paper
Offset Short Edge/Offset Long Edge
Irrespective of the paper source, you can shift the print position in units of 0.5 mm for all print jobs.
Setting Menu List
-50.0 to 00.0 to +50.0 (mm)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Layout> Select the combination of adjustment direction and
printing side Specify the offset value <Apply>
<Offset Short Edge (Front)>/<Offset Long Edge (Front)>
Shifts the print position on the side of paper facing up.
<Offset Short Edge (Back)>/<Offset Long Edge (Back)>
Shifts the print position on the side of paper facing down.
Entering the setting value
For <Offset Short Edge (Front)>/<Offset Short Edge (Back)>, specify a value with a "+" sign to shift the print
position in the left-to-right direction. For <Offset Long Edge (Front)>/<Offset Long Edge (Back)>, specify a
value with a "+" sign to shift the print position in the up-to-down direction. To shift in the reverse direction,
specify a value with a "-" sign. Use / to move the cursor, and / to switch between "+" / "-" and
to increase or decrease the value.
<Offset Short Edge (Front)>
<Offset Short Edge (Back)>
<Offset Long Edge (Front)>
<Offset Long Edge (Back)>
Auto Error Skip
Printing stops if a certain error occurs in the process. However, if you set this item to <On>, the certain error will be
skipped and printing can continue. Normally, set this item to <Off>.
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Auto Error Skip> Select <Off> or <On>
Set the time period after which the current print job is automatically canceled in the case of a print data reception
5 to 15 to 300 (sec.)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Timeout> Set the time period <Apply>
Specify the mode in which the machine should operate when the format of document data is unknown.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <Personality> Select the Personality mode
You can change the settings that become effective when printing from the UFR II printer driver.
You can select the printing method to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and
darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality. For each document, you can make settings by type of
Color Tone
High Resolution
Setting Menu List
Color Tone
High Resolution
Color Tone
High Resolution
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <UFR II> <Halftones> Select the type of image Select the
halftone reproduction method
Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <Text> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Produces a ne print with clear edges of text. It is suitable for printing characters and ne lines.
<Color Tone>
Produces a sharp print with strong contrast of lightness and darkness. It is suitable for printing image data
such as photo image data.
Produces a print with smooth gradation or smooth edges. It is suitable for printing gures or graphs
containing gradation areas.
<High Resolution>
As compared to <Resolution>, this produces a ner print but quality stability is slightly lower. It is suitable to
obtain a print of character data or ne line data or CAD data with sharp edges.
Specify the PCL printing settings such as page layout and print quality.
Setting Menu List
Paper Save
Select whether to save paper by not outputting blank pages in documents. By selecting <On>, the machine will
not output blank pages. To output all your document data when printing, including any blank pages that you
have inserted in your document, select <Off>.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Paper Save> Select <Off> or <On>
Select <Portrait> (vertical orientation) or <Landscape> (horizontal orientation) for the page orientation.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Orientation> Select <Portrait> or <Landscape>
Font Number
Specify the font to use by selecting a corresponding font ID number. You can print the PCL font list with font
samples from the operation panel.
PCL Font List(P. 820)
0 to 104
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Font Number> Select the font number
Point Size
Set the font size in points, adjustable in 0.25 increments. You can specify this setting only when a proportionally-
spaced scalable font is selected in <Font Number>.
4.00 to 12.00 to 999.75 (point)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Point Size> Specify the point size <Apply>
Setting Menu List
Set the font pitch, or cpi (characters per inch), adjustable in 0.01 increments. You can specify this setting only
when a xed-pitch scalable font or a bitmap font is selected in <Font Number>.
0.44 to 10.00 to 99.99 (cpi)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Pitch> Specify the pitch value <Apply>
Form Lines
Set the number of lines printed on one page from 5 to 128. This setting is automatically changed according to
the settings specied in <Default Paper Size> and <Orientation>.
5 to 64 to 128 (lines)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Form Lines> Specify the number of lines
Character Code
Select the character code that is most suited for the computer you send print data from. The specied setting is
ignored when the character code is controlled by the font specied in <Font Number>.
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Character Code> Select the character code
Custom Paper
Select whether to set a custom paper size. Select <On> to set the dimensions of the paper in <X dimension> and
<Y dimension>.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Custom Paper> Select <Off> or <On>
Unit of Measure
Select the unit of measurement to use to set a custom paper size.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Unit of Measure> Select <Millimeters> or
X dimension
Specify the horizontal dimension (short edge) of the custom paper.
77 to 216 (mm)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <X dimension> Specify the dimension <Apply>
Y dimension
Specify the vertical dimension (long edge) of the custom paper.
127 to 356 (mm)
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Y dimension> Specify the dimension <Apply>
Append CR to LF
Select whether to append a carriage return (CR) when the machine receives a line feed code (LF). If <Yes> is
selected, the print position moves to the beginning of the next line when the machine receives an LF code. If
<No> is selected, the print position moves to the next line, just under the received LF code.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Append CR to LF> Select <Yes> or <No>
Enlarge A4 Print Width
Select whether to expand the width of the printable area of A4 size paper in portrait orientation to that of LTR
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Enlarge A4 Print Width> Select <Off> or <On>
You can select the printing method to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and
darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality. For each document, you can make settings by type of
Color Tone
High Resolution
Setting Menu List
Color Tone
High Resolution
Color Tone
High Resolution
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <Halftones> Select the type of image Select the
halftone reproduction method
Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <Text> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Produces a ne print with clear edges of text. It is suitable for printing characters and ne lines.
<Color Tone>
Produces a sharp print with strong contrast of lightness and darkness. It is suitable for printing image data
such as photo image data.
Produces a print with smooth gradation or smooth edges. It is suitable for printing gures or graphs
containing gradation areas.
<High Resolution>
As compared to <Resolution>, this produces a ner print but quality stability is slightly lower. It is suitable to
obtain a print of character data or ne line data or CAD data with sharp edges.
Setting Menu List
This setting enables you to print bar codes supported by the Barcode Printing Kit. If <Enable> is selected, the
machine will generate bar codes when it receives bar code commands from the host computer. If <Disable> is
selected, bar codes will not be generated, even if bar code commands are sent from the host computer.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <BarDIMM> Select <Enable> or <Disable>
To enable the BarDIMM menu, it is necessary to activate the Barcode Printing Kit. When you are not
printing bar codes, make sure to disable the BarDIMM menu. Otherwise, the processing speed of
regular print jobs may be reduced.
The default setting is <Disable>. If you activate the Barcode Printing Kit, it changes to <Enable>.
Specify the AEC (Alternate Escape Code) to be used for bar code commands when the host computer does not
support the standard Escape Code.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PCL> <FreeScape> Select an escape code
This setting is available only when <BarDIMM> is enabled.
Setting Menu List
Specify the PS printing settings such as page layout and print quality.
Job Timeout
This setting enables you to specify the amount of time before a job times out. If a job has not nished within the
set time limit, the job automatically cancels.
0 to 3600 (sec.)
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Job Timeout> Specify the seconds for job timeout
Print PS Errors
This setting determines whether an error page is printed when an error is encountered.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Print PS Errors> Select <Off> or <On>
You can select the printing method to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and
darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality. For each document, you can make settings by type of
High Resolution
High Resolution
High Resolution
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Halftones> Select the type of image Select the
halftone reproduction method
Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <Text> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Produces a ne print with clear edges of text. It is suitable for printing characters and ne lines.
Produces a print with smooth gradation or smooth edges. It is suitable for printing gures or graphs
containing gradation areas.
<High Resolution>
As compared to <Resolution>, this produces a ner print but quality stability is slightly lower. It is suitable to
obtain a print of character data or ne line data or CAD data with sharp edges.
Grayscale Conversion
You can select ways to convert color values to a grayscale value when you print color print data.
Uniform RGB
This section describes the settings to convert the color data into grayscale data.
This setting is invalid for black-and-white data.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PS> <Grayscale Conversion> Specify the grayscale conversion
Setting Menu List
You can change settings for PDF les.
Enlarge/Reduce to Fit Paper Size
Specify whether to print in an enlarged/reduced size to t to the Printable Area(P. 858) of the paper. Note
that size enlargement/reduction will not affect the aspect ratio of the document.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <Enlarge/Reduce to Fit Paper Size> Select <Off> or
Enlarge Print Area
Specify whether to enlarge the Printable Area(P. 858) as much as the paper size permits.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <Enlarge Print Area> Select <Off> or <On>
If you specify <On>, it may occur that edge-adjacent portions of page are not printed or that printouts
come out partially smudged depending on the document.
N on 1
Specify whether to shrink multiple pages and print them on one page in such arrangement that the rst page is
positioned at top left. For example, to print 4 pages onto a single sheet, select <4 on 1>.
2 on 1
4 on 1
6 on 1
8 on 1
9 on 1
16 on 1
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <N on 1> Select the shrinkage ratio
Setting Menu List
Print Comments
Specify whether to print comments. If you specify <Auto>, comments in PDF les will be printed.
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <Print Comments> Select <Auto> or <Off>
You can select the printing method to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and
darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality. For each document, you can make settings by type of
High Resolution
High Resolution
High Resolution
<Printer Settings> <PDF> <Halftones> Select the type of image Select the
halftone reproduction method
Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <Text> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Setting Menu List
Produces a ne print with clear edges of text. It is suitable for printing characters and ne lines.
Produces a print with smooth gradation or smooth edges. It is suitable for printing gures or graphs
containing gradation areas.
<High Resolution>
As compared to <Resolution>, this produces a ner print but quality stability is slightly lower. It is suitable to
obtain a print of character data or ne line data or CAD data with sharp edges.
Grayscale Conversion
Specify the type of grayscale conversion of color print data.
Uniform RGB
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <PDF> <Grayscale Conversion> Select the type of grayscale
Color data is converted to monochrome with emphasis on color differences so that a smooth gradation is
Color data is converted to monochrome so that the resulting image looks like a television picture (of the
NTSC system).
<Uniform RGB>
Color data is converted to monochrome so that R, G, and B are uniformly converted to the same gray level.
You can change settings for XPS les.
Setting Menu List
You can select the printing method to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter and
darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality. For each document, you can make settings by type of
High Resolution
High Resolution
High Resolution
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <XPS> <Halftones> Select the type of image Select the
halftone reproduction method
Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <Text> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Produces a ne print with clear edges of text. It is suitable for printing characters and ne lines.
Produces a print with smooth gradation or smooth edges. It is suitable for printing gures or graphs
containing gradation areas.
<High Resolution>
As compared to <Resolution>, this produces a ner print but quality stability is slightly lower. It is suitable to
obtain a print of character data or ne line data or CAD data with sharp edges.
Setting Menu List
Grayscale Conversion
Specify the type of grayscale conversion of color print data.
Uniform RGB
Uniform RGB
Uniform RGB
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <XPS> <Grayscale Conversion> Select the type of
image Select the type of grayscale conversion
Type of image
Select the object for which to change the setting. <Text> represents letters and characters, <Graphics>
represents lines and gures, and <Image> represents photos and images.
Color data is converted to monochrome with emphasis on color differences so that a smooth gradation is
Color data is converted to monochrome so that the resulting image looks like a television picture (of the
NTSC system).
<Uniform RGB>
Color data is converted to monochrome so that R, G, and B are uniformly converted to the same gray level.
Setting Menu List
Compressed Image Output
As time passes after a print job starts, image quality may decrease depending on the print data. Specify how the
machine is to behave when image quality has signicantly decreased.
Display Error
<Menu> <Printer Settings> <XPS> <Compressed Image Output> Select <Output> or
<Display Error>
The machine continues the print job regardless of the degree of decrease in image quality.
<Display Error>
When image quality has signicantly decreased, the machine displays an error message and stops the print
Setting Menu List
All the settings about adjustment and maintenance are listed with short
descriptions. Default settings are marked with a dagger ( ).
Adjust Copy Image(P. 700)
Display Timing for Cartridge Preparation Notication(P. 700)
Printer Density(P. 700)
Toner Save(P. 701)
Special Processing(P. 701)
Clean Fixing Assembly(P. 706)
Clean Feeder(P. 706)
Adjust Copy Image
Adjust the gradation and density in copies.
Adjusting the Gradation and Density for Copy Jobs(P. 803)
Display Timing for Cartridge Preparation Notication
Set the display timing for the message notifying you that the amount remaining in the toner cartridges is low.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Display Timing for Cartridge Preparation
Notication> <Custom> Enter toner level <Apply>
Printer Density
Adjust this if the printed text or thin lines are faded.
Nine Levels
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Printer Density> Tap / to adjust the toner
density <Apply>
Setting Menu List
Toner Save
You can save toner when performing copying, printing received faxes, or report printing.
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Toner Save> Select <Off> or <On>
Special Processing
If the print results on special types of paper are not satisfactory, the following settings may improve the quality of the
Special Paper Processing
Paper curl/crease, toner scattering/spreading, or slower printing speed due to paper type may be solved by
special processing appropriate for the paper type or environmental condition.
Paper Wrinkle Correction
If paper with damp edge is used, the printout may crease. In this case, setting this item may solve the
problem. The improvement effect is stronger with <Mode 2> than with <Mode 1>.
Mode 1
Mode 2
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Paper Processing>
<Paper Wrinkle Correction> Select the mode
Printing speed becomes slower when you select stronger improvement.
Paper Curl Correction
If the printed paper curls, set this item. The improvement effect is stronger with <Mode 2> than with <Mode
Mode 1
Mode 2
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Paper Processing>
<Paper Curl Correction> Select the mode
If the improvement effect becomes stronger, it may take some time to start printing.
Printing speed may become slower depending on the paper size.
Speed Priority for Plain L Paper
This item reduces the time before start of printing when the paper type is set to <Plain L>.
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Paper Processing>
<Speed Priority for Plain L Paper> <On>
If paper creases after you set this item to <On>, return it to <Off>.
High-Resistance Paper Mode
Toner smudges and splatters may appear on printouts depending on the paper type or the environmental
conditions. In this case, setting this item may solve the problem. The improvement effect is stronger with
<Mode 2> than with <Mode 1>.
Mode 1
Mode 2
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Paper Processing>
<High-Resistance Paper Mode> Select the mode
Setting Menu List
When you select stronger improvement, print quality may be lower depending on the paper type or the
operating environment (more specically when you print on thin paper or use the machine in an
environment with high humidity).
Smudge Reduction Mode
Streaks may appear on printouts depending on the paper type or the environmental conditions. In this case,
setting this item to <On> may solve the problem.
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Paper Processing>
<Smudge Reduction Mode> <On>
If printouts crease after you set this item to <On>, return it to <Off>.
Special Printing Mode A
Streaks may appear on printouts depending on the paper type or the environmental conditions. In this case,
setting this item may solve the problem. The improvement effect is weakest with <Mode 1> and strongest with
<Mode 4>.
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
Mode 4
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Printing Mode A>
Select the mode
Setting Menu List
When printing from the computer, the setting in the printer driver takes precedence. When the
setting of [Graphics Mode] in the printer driver is changed to [UFR II Mode], the setting in the
operation panel takes precedence. Smudges Appear on Printouts(P. 767)
This item cannot be set when <Barcode Adjustment Mode> is set to one of <Mode 1> to <Mode 3>.
Barcode Adjustment Mode(P. 680)
Print density will be lighter when you select stronger improvement. It may also result in less sharp
edges and rougher details.
If the problem cannot be solved in spite of this item having been set, set <Special Printing Mode D> to
<On>. Special Printing Mode D(P. 705)
Special Printing Mode Z
Blurred smudges may appear on copied paper depending on the paper type or the environmental conditions.
In this case, setting this item may solve the problem. The improvement effect is weakest with <Mode 1> and
strongest with <Mode 3>.
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Printing Mode
Z> Select the mode
This item is only effective for copy job output.
Print density will be lighter when you select stronger improvement. It may also result in less sharp
edges and rougher details.
If the problem cannot be solved in spite of this item having been set, set <Special Printing Mode D> to
Special Printing Mode D(P. 705)
Setting Menu List
Special Printing Mode B
Streaks may appear on printouts immediately after you replace the toner cartridge or when you print for the
rst time after a long time. In this case, setting this item may solve the problem. The improvement effect is
weakest with <Mode 1> and strongest with <Mode 3>.
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Printing Mode B>
Select the mode
Printing speed becomes slower when you select stronger improvement.
Special Printing Mode D
Streaks may appear on printouts depending on the paper type or the environmental conditions. Setting this
item to <On> may solve the problem. Also, setting this item to <On> will reduce the operating noise during
<Menu> <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Special Processing> <Special Printing Mode D>
If you set this item to <On>, the printing speed becomes slower.
Setting Menu List
Clean Fixing Assembly
Clean the xing unit after a toner cartridge is replaced or if black streaks appear on printouts.
Fixing Unit(P. 788)
Clean Feeder
Clean the feeder rollers if documents become dirty after being fed through the feeder. Feeder(P. 786)
Setting Menu List
System Management Settings
All the settings about System Management Settings are listed with short
descriptions. Default settings are marked with a dagger ( ).
Asterisks (
Settings marked with "
" cannot be imported or exported.
Settings marked with "
" have different defaults depending on your country or region.
Settings marked with "
" are only available for the MF515x.
Network Settings(P. 707)
System Manager Information Settings(P. 708)
Device Information Settings(P. 708)
Department ID Management On/Off(P. 708)
Security Settings(P. 709)
Select Country/Region(P. 710)
Remote UI Settings(P. 711)
Auto Online for Remote Scan(P. 711)
Restrict TX Function(P. 712)
Display Job Log(P. 712)
Use as USB Device(P. 713)
Store to USB Memory(P. 713)
Memory Media Print On/Off(P. 713)
Enable Product Extended Survey Program(P. 713)
Display Consumables Information (RUI/Toner Status)(P. 713)
Enable Canon Mobile Scanning(P. 714)
Google Cloud Print Settings(P. 714)
Notify to Check Paper Settings(P. 715)
Import/Export of Settings(P. 715)
Secure Print Settings(P. 715)
PDL Selection (Plug and Play)(P. 715)
Update Firmware(P. 716)
Register License(P. 717)
Initialize Key and Certicate(P. 717)
Initialize Address Book(P. 717)
Initialize Menu(P. 717)
Initialize All Data/Settings(P. 718)
Network Settings
See Network Settings(P. 630) .
Setting Menu List
System Manager Information Settings
Specify the ID or PIN exclusively for Administrators who have access privileges to <Network Settings> and <System
Management Settings>. ID is <System Manager ID> and PIN is <System Manager PIN>. You can also register the name
of an Administrator.
Setting the System Manager ID(P. 524)
System Manager ID and PIN
Enter a number of up to seven digits for the System Manager ID and PIN.
System Manager ID
System Manager PIN
System Manager Name
Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for the name of an Administrator.
Device Information Settings
Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters for the name and the installation location to identify the machine.
Device Name
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Device Information Settings> Select <Device
Name> or <Location> Enter <Device Name> or <Location> ( Entering Text(P. 40) ) <Apply>
Department ID Management On/Off
Select whether to use the Department ID Management, a feature that uses IDs as user accounts to specify access
privileges and maintain information on how the machine is used. Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Department ID Management On/Off> Select
<Off> or <On>
Setting Menu List
Security Settings
Enable or disable settings for encrypted communication via TLS or IPSec, as well as settings for IP address or MAC
address packet ltering.
Select whether to use TLS encrypted communication. Enabling TLS Encrypted Communication for the
Remote UI(P. 570)
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Security Settings> <Use TLS> Select <Off> or
<On> Restart the machine
Use IPSec
Select whether to perform encrypted communication by establishing a virtual private network (VPN) via IPSec.
Conguring IPSec Settings(P. 574)
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Security Settings> <Use IPSec> Select <Off> or
<On> Restart the machine
IPv4 Address Filter
Enable or disable settings for ltering packets sent to or received from devices with specied IPv4 addresses.
Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall Rules(P. 542)
Outbound Filter
Inbound Filter
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Security Settings> <IPv4 Address Filter> Select
<Outbound Filter> or <Inbound Filter> Select <Off> or <On> Restart the machine
Setting Menu List
IPv6 Address Filter
Enable or disable settings for ltering packets sent to or received from devices with specied IPv6 addresses.
Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall Rules(P. 542)
Outbound Filter
Inbound Filter
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Security Settings> <IPv6 Address Filter> Select
<Outbound Filter> or <Inbound Filter> Select <Off> or <On> Restart the machine
MAC Address Filter
Enable or disable settings for ltering packets sent to or received from devices with specied MAC addresses.
Specifying MAC Addresses for Firewall Rules(P. 546)
Outbound Filter
Inbound Filter
<System Management Settings> <Security Settings> <MAC Address Filter> Select
<Outbound Filter> or <Inbound Filter> Select <Off> or <On> Restart the machine
Select Country/Region
*1 *2
Specify the country or region where the machine is used. The default setting may vary depending on the setting
selected at initial power-on.
Austria (AT)
Belarus (BY)
Belgium (BE)
Czech Republic (CZ)
Denmark (DK)
Egypt (EG)
Finland (FI)
France (FR)
Germany (DE)
Netherlands (NL)
Norway (NO)
Poland (PL)
Portugal (PT)
Russia (RU)
Saudi Arabia (SA)
Slovenia (SI)
South Africa (ZA)
Spain (ES)
Setting Menu List
Greece (GR)
Hungary (HU)
Ireland (IE)
Italy (IT)
Jordan (JO)
Luxembourg (LU)
Sweden (SE)
Switzerland (CH)
Ukraine (UA)
Great Britain (GB)
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Select Country/Region> Select a country or
Remote UI Settings
Congure settings for using the Remote UI. Using the Remote UI allows you to congure machine settings from a Web
Use Remote UI
Select whether to use the Remote UI. Using the Remote UI allows you to congure machine settings from a
Web browser. Disabling Remote UI(P. 568)
Remote UI Access Security Settings
Specify so that entry of a PIN is required for access to the Remote UI. Set a PIN of up to 7 digits. All users use a
common PIN. Setting a Remote UI PIN(P. 534)
Remote UI Access PIN
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Remote UI Settings> <Remote UI Access Security
<On> Enter PIN <Apply> PIN (Conrm) <Apply>
Auto Online for Remote Scan
When scanning from the computer, use this to specify whether to automatically go online for remote scanning (scan
standby mode) without using the operation panel.
Setting Menu List
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Auto Online for Remote Scan> Select <Off> or
Restrict TX Function
Congure restrictions on various methods for assigning destinations when sending e-mails, I-Faxes, etc.
Address Book PIN
Specify a PIN and require entering it to add new entries to or edit existing entries in the Address Book.
Setting a PIN for Address Book(P. 556)
Restrict New Destinations
Select whether to limit the fax numbers and e-mail/I-Fax addresses that can be specied as destinations to
those already registered in the Address Book.
Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
Restrict Resending from Log
Select whether to prevent a destination from being selected from the sent job logs. Disabling Use of
Previously Used Destinations(P. 560)
Coded Dial TX Conrmation
Select whether to display the details of an entered coded dial number when it is selected as a destination.
Displaying Destinations in Address Book(P. 561)
Display Job Log
Select whether to display the copying, printing, faxing, and scanning logs on the display of the machine and in the
Communication Management Report.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Display Job Log> Select <Off> or <On> Restart
the machine
Setting Menu List
Use as USB Device
Enable or disable the USB port that is used for connecting the machine to a computer.
Restricting the USB
Connection with a Computer(P. 564)
Store to USB Memory
Select whether to permit storing scanned documents into a USB memory device.
Restricting the Scan to USB
Function(P. 565)
Memory Media Print On/Off
Select whether to permit printing data from a USB memory device when it is attached to the machine. Restricting
the Memory Media Print Function(P. 565)
Enable Product Extended Survey Program
Enable or disable the Product Extended Survey Program (a program for the machine usage survey).
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Enable Product Extended Survey Program> Select
<Off> or <On> Restart the machine
Display Consumables Information (RUI/Toner Status)
Set whether to display a button in the Remote UI or Toner Status for accessing the website for purchasing toner
cartridges. Also set whether to use Toner Status.
Display Consumables Purchase Button (RUI)
Toner Status Settings
Setting Menu List
Displ. Consmbls. Purchase Btn.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Display Consumables Information (RUI/Toner
Status)> Specify the settings
<Display Consumables Purchase Button (RUI)>
Select <Off> to prevent a button that accesses sites for purchasing toner cartridges from being displayed in
the Remote UI.
<Toner Status Settings>
If you do not want to use Toner Status, select <Off>. To prevent a button that accesses sites for purchasing
toner cartridges from being displayed in Toner Status, select <On> and then <Off>.
Enable Canon Mobile Scanning
Select whether to allow scanning from a mobile device using the Canon Mobile Scanning application.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Enable Canon Mobile Scanning> Select <Off> or
<On> Restart the machine
Google Cloud Print Settings
Enable or disable Google Cloud Print. Changing Google Cloud Print Settings(P. 405)
Enable Google Cloud Print
Google Cloud Print Registration Status
Setting Menu List
Notify to Check Paper Settings
Specify whether to display a message prompting you to check paper settings when loading the paper drawer into the
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Notify to Check Paper Settings> Select <Off> or
<On> Restart the machine
Import/Export of Settings
You can use a USB memory device to import and export Address Book and machine settings data. Using a USB
Memory Device to Save/Load Settings Data(P. 823)
Secure Print Settings
Enable or disable Secure Print.
Printing via Secure Print(P. 279)
Secure Print Deletion Time
10 to 30
to 240 (min.)
PDL Selection (Plug and Play)
Select a page description language so that the machine is detected as a printer that is compatible with that language
when it is connected to a computer by using Plug and Play.
Select a page description language so that the machine is detected as a printer that is compatible with that
language when it is detected over the network.
Setting Menu List
Select a page description language so that the machine is detected as a printer that is compatible with that
language when it is connected to a computer via USB.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <PDL Selection (Plug and Play)> Select <Network>
or <USB> Select a page description language Restart the machine
Detects and connects the machine as a fax device.
Detects and connects the machine as a UFR II printer.
<UFR II (V4)>
Detects and connects the machine as a UFR II printer that is compatible with XML Paper Specication (XPS).
Detects and connects the machine as a PCL6 printer.
Detects and connects the machine as a PS printer.
Update Firmware
Select how to install the rmware update according to the environment of the machine. Updating the
Firmware(P. 833)
Via PC
Via Internet
Version Information
Setting Menu List
Register License
Enter a license key for enabling option functions.
License Registration(P. 867)
Initialize Key and Certicate
Select to restore [Key and Certicate Settings] and [CA Certicate Settings] to the factory defaults. Initializing Key
and Certicate(P. 831)
Initialize Address Book
Select to restore the Address Book settings to the factory defaults. Initializing Address Book(P. 832)
Initialize Menu
Select to restore the settings listed below to the factory defaults. You can restore all the settings listed below at once,
or you can restore individual settings separately. Initializing Menu(P. 829)
Timer Settings
Common Settings
Copy Settings
Fax Settings
Scan Settings
Memory Media Print Settings
Printer Settings
System Management Settings
Initialize All
System Management Settings
Select to restore the System Management Settings to the factory defaults. You can restore all the System
Management Settings at once.
Initializing Menu(P. 829)
Network Settings
System Manager Information Settings
Device Information Settings
Department ID Management On/Off
Security/Remote UI Settings
Auto Online for Remote Scan
Restrict TX Function
Register LDAP Server
Authentication Settings for Send Function
Display Job Log
Use as USB Device
Store to USB Memory
Memory Media Print On/Off
Enable Product Extended Survey Program
Information for Purchasing Consumables
Enable Canon Mobile Scanning
Google Cloud Print Settings
Notify to Check Paper Settings
Secure Print Settings
PDL Selection (Plug and Play)
Initialize All
Setting Menu List
Initialize All Data/Settings
Initializes the area where data including logs and settings are stored. Perform this as necessary, for example in such
cases as when you want to dispose of the machine after erasing all usage logs. When initializing is complete, the
machine restarts automatically.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Initialize All Data/Settings> <Yes> <Yes>
To use the machine after initializing, it is necessary to specify all settings again from scratch.
Setting Menu List
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................. 720
Clearing Jams ..................................................................................................................................................... 722
When an Error Message Appears ..................................................................................................................... 732
When an Error Code Appears ............................................................................................................................ 745
Common Problems ............................................................................................................................................ 755
Installation/Settings Problems ..................................................................................................................... 756
Copy/Printing Problems ............................................................................................................................... 760
Faxing/Telephone Problems (MF515x) .......................................................................................................... 763
When You Cannot Print Properly ...................................................................................................................... 765
Printing Results Are Not Satisfactory ............................................................................................................ 767
Paper Creases or Curls ................................................................................................................................. 774
Paper Is Fed Incorrectly ................................................................................................................................ 776
When a Problem Cannot Be Solved .................................................................................................................. 778
When a problem occurs, check this chapter to nd out solutions before contacting Canon.
Paper Jams
If a document or paper jams, see Clearing Jams(P. 722) to remove the jammed paper.
A Message or Error Code Appears
If the screen displays a message or error code (three digits), see the following sections.
When an Error Message Appears(P. 732)
When an Error Code Appears(P. 745)
Common Problems
If you suspect that the machine is malfunctioning, see the following sections before contacting Canon.
Common Problems(P. 755)
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
Copy/Printing Problems(P. 760)
Faxing/Telephone Problems (MF515x)(P. 763)
Printing Results are Not Satisfactory
If printing results are not satisfactory, see
When You Cannot Print Properly(P. 765) .
When a Problem Cannot Be Solved
If a problem persists, see When a Problem Cannot Be Solved(P. 778) to nd out where to contact.
Clearing Jams
If a paper jams, <Paper jammed.> is displayed on the screen. Tap <Next> to display simple solutions
. If it is dicult to
understand the procedures on the display, see the following sections to clear jams.
If the solution is not displayed, press and then select <Error Information/Notication> to display the
Paper Jam Locations
Document Jams in the Feeder(P. 723)
Multi-purpose tray
Paper Jams in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 726)
Paper drawer
Paper Jams in the Paper Drawer(P. 726)
Output area
Paper Jams in the Output Area(P. 727)
Paper Jams inside the Machine(P. 728)
Duplex transport guide
Paper Jams at the Duplex Transport
Guide(P. 730)
When removing the jammed paper, do not turn OFF the machine
Turning OFF the machine deletes the data that is being printed. Be especially careful when receiving fax
If paper tears
Remove all the paper fragments to prevent them from becoming jammed.
If paper jams repeatedly
Tap the paper stack on a at surface to even the edges of the paper before loading it into the machine.
Check that the paper is appropriate for the machine.
Paper(P. 856)
Check that no jammed paper fragments remain in the machine.
Cleaning the paper roller may solve the paper jam problems.
Paper Roller(P. 790)
Thin paper (60 to 74 g/m²) may curl and jam when output. In this case, setting <Paper Curl Correction> to
other than <Off> may solve the problem.
Paper Curl Correction(P. 701)
Paper with damp edge may crease and jam. In this case, setting <Paper Wrinkle Correction> to other than
<Off> may solve the problem.
Paper Wrinkle Correction(P. 701)
Do not forcibly remove the jammed document or paper from the machine
Forcibly removing the paper may damage parts. If you are not able to remove the paper, contact your local
authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line. When a Problem Cannot Be Solved(P. 778)
Document Jams in the Feeder
If there are documents placed in the feeder, remove them rst. Then, follow the procedure below. Do not forcibly
remove jammed paper from the machine. If the jammed paper cannot be removed easily, proceed to the next step.
Remove the jammed document from the feeder cover.
Open the feeder cover.
Move the lever to unlock.
Gently pull out the document.
Remove the jammed document from the inner cover inside the feeder.
Hold the green knob, and open the inner cover.
Gently pull out the document.
Lift the document tray, and gently pull out the document.
Return the document tray back to position, and close the inner cover.
Return the lever back in place, and close the feeder cover.
Remove the jammed document from the underside of the feeder.
Open the feeder.
Gently pull out the document.
Gently close the feeder.
Paper Jams in the Multi-Purpose Tray
If there is paper loaded in the tray, remove it rst. If the jammed paper cannot be removed easily, do not forcibly pull it
out, but follow the procedure for a different paper jam location indicated by the message.
Gently pull out the paper.
Load the paper. Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose Tray(P. 57)
When the following message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Paper Jams in the Paper Drawer
If the jammed paper cannot be removed easily, do not forcibly pull it out, but follow the procedure for a different
paper jam location indicated by the message.
Pull out the paper drawer.
Make sure to hold the paper drawer with both hands, and pull it out gently. Otherwise, you may damage
the paper drawer by dropping it, if it slides out too easily.
Gently pull out the paper.
When the optional paper feeder is attached, gently pull out the paper in the same way.
Set the paper drawer.
When you insert the paper drawer with <Notify to Check Paper Settings> set to <On>, a conrmation screen
is displayed. Notify to Check Paper Settings(P. 715)
When the following message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Paper Jams in the Output Area
Do not forcibly remove jammed paper from the machine. If the jammed paper cannot be removed easily, proceed to
the next step.
Fully open the sub-output tray.
Lift the operation panel.
Gently pull out the paper.
Lower the operation panel.
Gently pull out the paper.
Close the sub-output tray.
When the following message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
Paper Jams inside the Machine
Do not forcibly remove jammed paper from the machine. If the jammed paper cannot be removed easily, proceed to
the next step.
Open the front cover while holding down on the button.
Remove the toner cartridge.
Hold the green knob located toward the back and raise the transport guide.
Keep holding the transport guide until returning it back to position in step 5.
Gently pull out the paper.
Pull out the paper while holding it as horizontally as possible to prevent unxed toner from falling.
Gently return the transport guide back to position.
Hold the green knob located toward the front and raise the transport guide.
Keep holding the transport guide until returning it back to position in step 8.
Gently pull out the paper.
Pull out the paper while holding it as horizontally as possible to prevent unxed toner from falling.
Gently return the transport guide back to position.
Install the toner cartridge.
Fully push it in until it cannot go any further.
Close the front cover.
Paper Jams at the Duplex Transport Guide
If the jammed paper cannot be removed easily, do not forcibly pull it out, but follow the procedure for a different
paper jam location indicated by the message.
Pull out the paper drawer.
Make sure to hold the paper drawer with both hands, and pull it out gently. Otherwise, you may damage
the paper drawer by dropping it, if it slides out too easily.
Push the green lock release switch to open the duplex transport guide.
Gently pull out the paper.
Return the guide back to position.
Fully close the guide until it clicks.
Set the paper drawer.
When you insert the paper drawer with <Notify to Check Paper Settings> set to <On>, a conrmation screen
is displayed. Notify to Check Paper Settings(P. 715)
When the following message is displayed, tap <Yes>.
When an Error Message Appears
If you cannot send a fax or the memory is full, or you encounter operation problems, a message appears on the
display. Find out more information about messages in the following list.
Cannot analyze the authentication server certicate.
The authentication server certicate may be invalid, or the certicate may be in a format that the
printer does not support.
Check the authentication server certicate.
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
Cannot change the destination type of destinations registered to a group.
A selected destination could not be edited because it was registered to Group Dial.
To change the type of destination that is registered to Group Dial, rst delete the registered destination
from Group Dial. Next, change the destination type, and then register the destination to Group Dial again.
Cannot nd the access point.
When automatic setting with WPS was attempted, a wireless router could not be detected within a
specic period of time.
Connect again paying attention to the time limit.
Setting Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode(P. 420)
Setting Up Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode(P. 422)
An SSID or network key of a wireless router was entered manually, but the entry was incorrect.
Check the SSID and network key, and enter the correct ones again.
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
A wireless router could not be detected due to setting problems of the network to be connected.
Check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network.
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
If the problem persists, check the security settings of the wireless router.
Cannot print RX data.
Received documents cannot be printed due to some specic situation.
Check if there has occurred one of the following situations. If messages including causes and solutions
appear on the display, check the contents.
A cover is open.
There is no paper loaded.
The paper or document is jammed.
The toner cartridge is consumed.
An error has occurred.
Cannot receive the fax. Make sure the fax was sent correctly by the sender.
The recipient's machine did not respond within 35 seconds.
Ask the sender to send the fax again. If you hear a beep, select <Start Receiving> to receive the fax.
Receiving Faxes (MF515x)(P. 178)
Cannot send because more than one destination is specied.
Sending a fax to multiple destinations is disabled.
To specify multiple destinations, you need to set <Restrict Sequential Broadcast> to <Off> or <Conrm
Sequential Broadcast>. For more information, contact your Administrator.
Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF515x)(P. 563)
Cannot specify a group.
Group Dial was specied as a destination after tapping <Hook>.
Once you tap <Hook>, you cannot specify destinations in Group Dial. Tap <End> on the <Specify the
destination.> screen, and specify destinations to send fax documents without tapping <Hook>.
Cannot use Google Cloud Print. Server authentication failed.
Cloud Print could not perform server authentication, or could not acquire information for registration.
Check whether the date and time settings are correctly specied.
Date/Time Settings(P. 645)
Cannot use Google Cloud Print. Server communication error.
Cloud Print is unavailable due to an error.
Check whether the machine is correctly connected to a wireless LAN or wired LAN.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
A port that is used for Cloud Print may be blocked by a rewall or other protection. Check whether the
5222 port is available with your computer.
If a proxy server is used on the network, check whether the proxy settings on the machine and the server
are correct. For details, contact your Network Administrator.
Setting a Proxy(P. 551)
Cannot use these settings. Sending to the specied destination is restricted.
The machine is set up so that the user currently logged in cannot send to the addresses registered in the
selected <Favorite Settings>.
Change the send restrictions for the logged in user.
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Cart. communication error. Use of non-Canon cartridges is not covered by
the warranty. Amount remaining in the cartridge cannot be displayed
A toner cartridge may not be installed correctly or may be faulty.
Re-install the toner cartridge. If re-installing the toner cartridge fails to clear the error message, the toner
cartridge may be faulty. Contact the store where you purchased the toner cartridge or consult the Canon
Customer Help Center.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
The toner cartridge used may not be a genuine Canon product.
Only genuine Canon toner cartridges should be used as replacement toner cartridges.
Consumables(P. 865)
Cartridge has reached end of lifetime. Rplcmt. recommended.
The toner cartridge has reached the end of its lifetime.
Replacement of the toner cartridge is recommended.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
Change the authentication password.
The password has expired.
Set a new password.
Check the authentication settings.
The authentication method set on the machine does not match the authentication method set on the
RADIUS server.
Check that the same authentication method is set on this machine and the RADIUS server, and set the
correct authentication method.
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
Connection failed. Check the PSK settings.
The network key (PSK) of a wireless router to be connected is not set to the machine correctly.
Check the network key (PSK) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine again.
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433)
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
If the problem persists even after checking the network key, check whether the machine is properly
installed and ready to connect to the network.
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
Copying is restricted.
Copying is disabled in the Department ID Management.
Log on with a Department ID for which copying is not disabled. For the Department ID and PIN, contact
your Administrator.
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Could not connect using Access Point Mode.
Connection in Access Point Mode failed due to an error.
Wait a few moments and try again. If you still cannot connect, try switching the machine off briey.
Make Direct Connection (Access Point Mode)(P. 388)
Could not connect using the wireless LAN.
Wireless LAN communication failed due to an error.
Wait for a while, and set again. If you still cannot get connection, turn OFF the machine and then restart it.
Could not connect using the wireless LAN. Turn the main power OFF and ON,
then congure the settings again.
A connection failed due to an error while setting wireless LAN connection.
Restart the machine and set again.
If the problem persists even after restarting the machine, check whether the machine is properly installed
and ready to connect to the network.
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
If the problem persists even after checking the wireless LAN connection, check the security settings of the
wireless router.
Could not connect using WPS. Wait a moment, then congure the settings
When automatic setting with WPS was attempted, the connection failed due to an error.
Wait for a while, and set again. If the problem persists, check whether the wireless router supports WPS.
If WPS is supported:
Check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network.
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
If WPS is not supported:
Set using another connecting method.
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
Could not connect. The maximum number of devices that can connect to the
access point has been reached.
The machine attempted to connect to a wireless LAN router to which the maximum number of devices
were already connected.
Decrease the number of devices (clients) that are connected to the wireless LAN router. For information on
the maximum number of devices that can connect, see the instruction manual for the wireless LAN router
or contact the manufacturer.
Could not detect any connections from wireless devices.
It was not possible to detect any mobile device within the predetermined length of time.
Connect again paying attention to the time limit.
Make Direct Connection (Access Point Mode)(P. 388)
Could not perform cleaning.
Paper jammed during cleaning.
Remove the jammed paper, set paper correctly, and perform cleaning again.
Clearing Jams(P. 722)
Feeder(P. 786)
Fixing Unit(P. 788)
The amount remaining in toner cartridges required for cleaning the xing unit is insucient.
Cleaning requires sucient toner cartridge remaining. Replace the toner cartridge, and perform the
cleaning again.
Replacing Toner Cartridges(P. 793)
Could not perform correction.
Appropriate paper that is required for correction is not loaded in a paper drawer.
Load plain or recycled A4 or Letter size paper into the paper drawer.
Loading Paper in the Paper Drawer(P. 52)
An adjustment image that is required for correction is not placed on the platen glass correctly.
Place the adjustment image on the platen glass with the print side face down and the black line toward the
back side of the machine.
Adjusting the Gradation and Density for Copy Jobs(P. 803)
Paper jammed during correction.
Remove the jammed paper, and perform correction again.
Clearing Jams(P. 722)
The amount remaining in toner cartridges required for correction is insucient.
Corrections require sucient toner cartridge remaining. Replace the toner cartridge, and perform
correction again.
Replacing Toner Cartridges(P. 793)
Could not perform Open System authentication. Check the WEP settings.
The authentication method of the machine is set to <Open System>, but that of a wireless router is set to
"Shared Key."
Connect again by manually changing the WEP authentication method to <Shared Key>.
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
The MAC address of the machine is rejected because the MAC address lter is set at a wireless router.
Set the wireless router to permit the MAC address of the machine and your computer. For more
information about how to set, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or contact your
manufacturer. To check the MAC address of the machine, select <Menu> <Network
Settings> <Wireless LAN Settings> <Connection Information>.
Viewing the MAC Address for Wired LAN(P. 446)
Could not perform Shared Key authentication. Check the WEP settings.
The network key (the WEP key) of a wireless router to be connected is not set to the machine correctly.
Check the network key (the WEP key) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine again.
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
Connect again by selecting a wireless router or by manually changing the WEP authentication method to
<Open System>.
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
The authentication method of the machine is set to <Shared Key>, but that of the wireless router is set to
"Open System."
Change the WEP authentication method to "Shared Key" at the wireless router, and connect again. For
more information about how to change, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or
contact your manufacturer.
Direct Connection terminated.
Connection between the machine and the mobile device was terminated.
Reestablish Direct Connection.
Make Direct Connection (Access Point Mode)(P. 388)
Faxing is restricted.
Faxing is disabled in the Department ID Management.
Log on with a Department ID for which faxing is not disabled. For the Department ID and PIN, contact
your Administrator.
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Insert the toner cartridge.
The toner cartridge is not set or properly set.
Properly set the toner cartridge.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
Memory full. Check error info. using the Status Monitor key.
The memory became full of print data that could not be printed due to errors.
Cancel printing of the documents with errors or print the documents by tapping <Skip Error> in the print
job status screen.
Canceling Prints(P. 241)
Memory Media Print is restricted.
The function that prints les in a USB memory device is disabled.
Set <Memory Media Print On/Off> to <On>.
Restricting the Memory Media Print Function(P. 565)
No Paper
Paper is not loaded in the paper drawer or the multi-purpose tray.
Load the paper.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Paper on which reports or lists can be printed is not loaded.
Reports or lists can be printed on plain/recycled/color paper of A4 or Letter size. Load appropriate paper,
and make settings for paper size and paper type.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
Paper on which received documents can be printed is not loaded.
Received documents can be printed on plain/recycled/color paper of A4 or Letter size. Load appropriate
paper, and make settings for paper size and paper type.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
If you print received documents on paper other than A4 or Letter size, some portions of the image may be
missing or the image may be divided and printed onto several sheets.
No reply from the destination.
A network cable may be disconnected, or there may be a problem in a switch.
Check the status of the network cables and switches.
No response from the host.
The machine is not connected to a network correctly.
Check the machine and network settings, and connect again.
Connecting to a Network(P. 414)
Paper jammed.
Paper jams.
Remove the jammed paper or document, and print again (Printing may resume automatically).
Clearing Jams(P. 722)
Paper Size & Settings Mismatch
The paper size setting on the operation panel does not match the loaded paper size.
Match the paper size setting specied in <Paper Settings> and the size of the paper that is actually loaded.
To use the loaded paper
Change the setting of <Paper Settings> to match the loaded paper size.
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
If printing from a computer, check whether the paper size setting in the printer driver matches the loaded
paper size.
To load paper without changing the settings
Load the paper with the size that is set to <Paper Settings>.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Check that the paper guides in the paper drawer are set in the correct position.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Prepare a cartridge.
Toner cartridge replacement time is near.
Distribute the toner inside the cartridge evenly. Replace the toner cartridge if you see this message before
you start to print a large job.
Using Up Toner(P. 796)
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
When copying or printing, you can continue printing.
If the machine is receiving a fax, or automatic report output is set, received faxes and reports will be
stored in the machine so that they do not appear faded after they are printed. To continue printing
even if the amount remaining in toner cartridge is running low, set <Continue Printing When Amount
in Cartridge Is Low> to <On>.
Continue Printing When Amount in Cartridge Is Low(P. 664)
Printing is restricted.
Printing is disabled in the Department ID Management.
Log on with a Department ID for which printing is not disabled. For the Department ID and PIN, contact
your Administrator.
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Remote scanning is restricted.
Scanning that is operated by using a computer is disabled in the Department ID Management.
Log on to the Remote UI in System Manager Mode, display the edit screen of the corresponding
Department ID, and select the [Allow Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs] check box.
Blocking Jobs When Department ID Is Unknown(P. 532)
Scanning is restricted.
Scanning is disabled in the Department ID Management.
Log on with a Department ID for which scanning is not disabled. For the Department ID and PIN, contact
your Administrator.
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
Set the correct authentication information.
The client authentication information (key pair and certicate, user name and password, or CA
certicate) is not set correctly.
Check the specied authentication method and authentication information (key pair and certicate, user
name and password, and CA certicate).
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Set the information necessary for authentication.
The IEEE 802.1X authentication has not been congured correctly.
Congure the IEEE 802.1X correctly from the Remote UI.
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
Specifying and registering new destinations is restricted.
Only destinations that are registered in the Address Book can be specied to send a fax or e-mail.
To enter a new destination with the operation panel, or add or edit it in the Address Book, you need to set
<Restrict New Destinations> to <Off>. For more information, contact your Administrator.
Limiting Available Destinations(P. 558)
The authentication server certicate has expired.
The server certicate sent from the RADIUS server has expired.
Check the valid period of the server certicate on the RADIUS server.
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
The authentication server certicate is incorrect.
There is no CA certicate registered in the printer that is compatible with the authentication server
Check that there is a CA certicate registered in the printer that is compatible with the authentication
server certicate.
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
The cartridge needs to be replaced soon.
Toner cartridge replacement time is near.
Distribute the toner inside the cartridge evenly. Replace the toner cartridge if you see this message before
you start to print a large job.
Using Up Toner(P. 796)
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
When copying or printing, you can continue printing.
If the machine is receiving a fax, or automatic report output is set, received faxes and reports will be
stored in the machine so that they do not appear faded after they are printed. To continue printing
even if the amount remaining in toner cartridge is running low, set <Continue Printing When Amount
in Cartridge Is Low> to <On>.
Continue Printing When Amount in Cartridge Is Low(P. 664)
The computer is restricted.
Scanning that is operated on the operation panel is disabled in the Department ID Management.
Log on to the Remote UI in System Manager Mode, display the edit screen of the corresponding
Department ID, and select the [Allow Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs] check box.
Blocking Jobs When Department ID Is Unknown(P. 532)
The image cannot be recognized.
The image you selected could not be previewed when you were selecting les to print in a USB memory
Images with the "?" icon cannot be previewed. JPEG or TIFF images can be previewed, but some of the
images may not be able to be displayed.
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
The memory is full.
A fax could not be sent or received, or a document could not be scanned due to insucient memory
If a sending or printing job is queued, wait until the job is completed.
If a received document is stored to memory, print or delete it.
Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory Reception)(P. 187)
If sending a document with many pages, divide it into multiple sections.
If sending a fax, reduce the resolution to scan the document.
Adjusting Resolution(P. 166)
If scanning, change the le format to reduce its le size.
Selecting a File Format(P. 351)
A scanned document could not be stored to a USB memory device due to insucient memory space.
Delete unnecessary data to free space in the USB memory device, or connect a different USB memory
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
The memory is full. Enter the original type settings again.
A document could not be scanned because memory became full during copying.
Set <Original Type> to <Original Type: Text/Photo>, and copy.
Selecting Document Type(P. 116)
The memory is full. Process secure print jobs.
Memory became full of secured documents that were not printed.
Print the secured documents that are stored in memory.
Printing via Secure Print(P. 279)
The memory is full. Scanning will be canceled. Do you want to print?
A document could not be scanned due to insucient memory space.
Select whether to print the pages that were scanned or cancel the job.
Copy the document in two or more parts.
Not all of the pages could be scanned during sorting and copying.
Select whether to print the pages that were scanned or cancel the job.
If this is a copy job, either copy the document in two or more parts or change the <Original Type> setting
to <Text/Photo> and then copy the document.
Selecting Document Type(P. 116)
The number of entered characters is incorrect or invalid characters are used.
The network key (the WPA/WPA2-PSK or WEP key) of a wireless router is not entered correctly.
Check the network key (the WPA/WPA2-PSK or WEP key) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine
again. For more information about how to check the network key, see the instruction manuals for your
networking devices or contact your manufacturer.
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433)
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
The USB memory is restricted.
The function that stores a scanned document to a USB memory device is disabled.
Set <Store to USB Memory> to <On>.
Restricting the Scan to USB Function(P. 565)
The WEP key is not set correctly. Check the WEP settings.
The network key (the WEP key) of a wireless router to be connected is not set to the machine correctly.
Check the network key (the WEP key) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine again.
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433)
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
The authentication method of the machine is set to <Shared Key>, but that of the wireless router is set to
"Open System."
Connect again by selecting a wireless router or by manually changing the WEP authentication method to
<Open System>.
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
Change the WEP authentication method to "Shared Key" at the wireless router, and connect again. For
more information about how to change, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or
contact your manufacturer.
Use of non-Canon cartridges is not covered by the warranty. The amount
remaining in the cartridge cannot be displayed correctly.
The toner cartridge used may not be a genuine Canon product.
Only genuine Canon toner cartridges should be used as replacement toner cartridges.
Consumables(P. 865)
Use Remote UI to set the information necessary for authentication.
The IEEE 802.1X settings are incorrect.
Check whether [Login Name] is set correctly.
Check whether the [Use TLS], [Use TTLS], or [Use PEAP] check box is selected.
If using TLS, check whether a key pair is registered.
If using TTLS or PEAP, check whether a user name and password are set correctly.
Conguring IEEE 802.1X Authentication(P. 583)
When an Error Code Appears
If an error occurs such as when printing is not successful or when you cannot send or receive a fax or scanned
document, the corresponding error code is displayed in a report or in the <Job Log> screen as a three-digit number.
Check the following to nd out causes and solutions for each error code. For how to print an error report and
information in the report, see
Printing Reports and Lists(P. 807) .
A document jams in the feeder.
Remove the jammed document.
Document Jams in the Feeder(P. 723)
A fax could not be sent or received due to its large data size.
When sending a fax: Reduce the resolution, and scan the document.
Adjusting Resolution(P. 166)
When receiving a fax: Ask the sender to divide the document into multiple sections or reduce the
resolution before sending.
A fax could not be sent because the recipient's machine did not respond within 35 seconds.
When the recipient's machine is turned OFF or the line is busy, a fax may not be sent. Ask the recipient to
check the machine status. When sending the fax overseas, insert pauses in the fax number.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
A fax could not be sent because the recipient's machine ran out of paper.
Ask the recipient to reload the paper.
A fax could not be sent since the recipient's machine did not respond because the line was busy or for
other reasons.
When the recipient's machine is turned OFF or the line is busy, a fax may not be sent. Ask the recipient to
check the machine status. When sending the fax overseas, insert pauses in the fax number.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
Sending of a fax from a computer is disabled.
To send a fax from a computer, you need to set <Allow Fax Driver TX> to <On>. For more information,
contact your Administrator.
Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF515x)(P. 559)
A fax could not be forwarded because the specied destination was deleted from the Address Book.
Register the forwarding destination again. If the documents that failed to be forwarded remain in
memory, you can forward it again.
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Printing/Resending/Deleting Documents that Failed to be Forwarded(P. 194)
Memory is full.
If a sending or printing job is queued, wait until the job is completed.
If a received document is stored to memory, print or delete it.
Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory Reception)(P. 187)
If sending a document with many pages, divide it into multiple sections.
If sending a fax, reduce the resolution to scan the document.
Adjusting Resolution(P. 166)
Printing, sending, or receiving was canceled.
When you cancel an operation, this error code is displayed, but this is not abnormal. Print, send, or receive
documents again as necessary.
A scanned document could not be stored to a USB memory device due to insucient memory space.
Delete unnecessary data to free space in the USB memory device, or connect a different USB memory
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
A scanned document could not be stored to a USB memory device due to an error.
Remove the USB memory device, and connect it again.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory(P. 332)
Reduce the number of documents to scan.
Read failed because the memory media was removed while data was being read from it.
Check that the memory media has not been removed and then read the data again.
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
The connected memory media is using an unsupported format.
Check that the memory media is using a format supported by this machine (FAT16 or FAT32).
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
Authentication failed because an incorrect Department ID or PIN was entered when the Department ID
Management was activated.
Enter the correct Department ID and PIN.
Continuing operating without entering a Department ID was attempted even though unknown-ID jobs
(functions that permit operations without a Department ID and PIN) were disabled in the Department ID
Enable unknown-ID jobs in System Manager Mode in Remote UI.
Blocking Jobs When Department ID Is Unknown(P. 532)
Data could not be written because the memory space that was allocated for images was full when
sending an e-mail/I-Fax or storing to a shared folder/FTP server.
If another sending document is queued, wait for a while until it is completed, and send again.
Divide the document into multiple sections before sending.
Delete the documents that are stored in memory.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON.
The FTP server has not been started up or a network connection has been cut.
(Failure to connect to the destination is sometimes caused by a disconnection en route.)
Check the destination.
Check the network status.
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
The IP address was not set correctly.
Check <TCP/IP Settings>.
Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
E-mail sending or I-Fax sending/receiving was impossible because an incorrect SMTP server name was
Check the SMTP server name, and correct the setting.
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings(P. 464)
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
E-mail sending or I-Fax sending/receiving was impossible because an incorrect domain name was set.
Check the domain name, and correct the setting.
Conguring DNS(P. 488)
E-mail sending or I-Fax sending/receiving was impossible because the machine was not connected to a
network correctly.
Check whether the machine is properly installed and correctly connected to the network.
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
Scanned data could not be sent as e-mail, not sent/received as I-Fax, or not stored in the shared
folder/FTP server because the LAN cable is disconnected.
Check whether the LAN cable is connected correctly.
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Scanned data could not be sent as e-mail or I-Fax nor stored in the shared folder or FTP server because
TCP/IP was not working correctly.
Check <TCP/IP Settings>, and set correctly.
Network Settings(P. 630)
An IP address is not set.
Set the IP address correctly.
Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
The machine cannot communicate with devices on a network immediately after the machine starts up
because the waiting time for the start of the communication is set.
The machine cannot start communicating immediately after it is turned ON. Wait until the set time for
<Waiting Time for Connection at Startup> passes after turning ON the machine, and send again.
Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network(P. 487)
The certicate used for sending a signed PDF document has expired.
Update the certicate or use a certicate that has not expired.
Check that the <Date/Time Settings> are correct.
Timer Settings(P. 645)
When communicating with an SMTP server to send an e-mail/I-Fax, a timeout error occurred from the
Check whether SMTP is running on the network correctly.
Check whether the machine is properly installed and correctly connected to the network.
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
When communicating with the SMTP server, an error returned from the server.
Check whether the SMTP server is set correctly.
A destination is not set correctly.
Check whether the destination is set correctly.
When storing a scanned document into the shared folder, an error occurred from the folder.
Check whether the shared folder and the computer that has the shared folder are running correctly.
The incorrect folder name or password was specied when storing to the shared folder.
Check the destination settings.
The SMTP/POP3/FTP server name is not set correctly.
Set the SMTP/POP3/FTP server name correctly.
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings(P. 464)
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
No access privileges to access the shared folder/FTP server are granted.
Grant the sending user (user name registered to the destination) a privilege for writing to the save
location folder. For details, contact your network administrator.
The incorrect folder name was specied when storing to the shared folder/FTP server.
Check the destination settings.
When storing data to a shared folder/FTP server, an incorrect user name or password was specied.
The same user name and password as those registered in a shared folder/FTP server must be registered in
the Address Book.
Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location(P. 475)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
When sending an e-mail/I-Fax, an incorrect destination was specied.
Enter the correct e-mail address, and send the message again. If the destination that was registered in the
Address Book was used, check whether the e-mail address is correct.
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
An error or timeout occurred on the FTP server.
Check the FTP server settings.
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
When communicating with the POP3 server to send e-mail or send/receive I-Fax, an error returned from
the server.
Check whether the POP3 server is set correctly.
Check whether your mail server and network are running correctly. For more information, contact your
Network Administrator.
The logon name or password that is used on the POP3 server is not set correctly.
Correctly enter the logon name or password that is used on the POP3 server.
The received data is in a le format that the machine cannot print.
Contact the other party and ask them to resend the data in a different le format.
The received data is not supported (incorrect MIME information).
Contact the other party and ask them to check the settings and then resend the data.
The received data is not supported (incorrect BASE64 or uuencode information).
Contact the other party and ask them to check the settings and then resend the data.
The received data is not supported (a TIFF analysis error occurred).
Contact the other party and ask them to check the settings and then resend the data.
A le in a USB memory device could not be printed because the format of the le is not supported.
Check the supported le formats and save the le again.
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
The received data is not supported (includes unsupported MIME information).
Contact the other party and ask them to check the settings and then resend the data.
The received data exceeds the maximum receivable size.
In fax reception, the machine deletes the data for page 1,000 onwards and either prints the rst 999 pages
or holds them in memory. Get the sender to resend page 1,000 onwards.
In I-Fax reception, the machine cannot receive the e-mail if its size exceeds 24 MB. Ask the sender to
reduce the size of the e-mail down to under 24 MB and try resending.
A user name and password that are used for SMTP authentication are not set correctly.
Set the user name and password correctly.
Conguring Basic E-Mail Settings(P. 464)
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
When sending an e-mail/I-Fax, an encryption algorithm that is common to the mail server is not present.
Clear the [Use TLS] check box for the SMTP server.
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
Add the common encryption algorithm to the mail server settings.
When verifying a TLS server certicate to communicate to the SMTP server, a verication error occurred.
Check that the CA certicate that signed the TLS server certicate on the SMTP server side is registered to
the machine by using the Remote UI.
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Check that the TLS server certicate on the SMTP server side is valid.
Check that the TLS server certicate is not a self-signed certicate.
TLS encrypted communication to a POP3 server failed when sending an e-mail with POP before SMTP.
Check the TLS encrypted communication settings in the POP3 server.
Clear the [Use TLS] check box for the POP3 server. If the problem persists, clear the [Use POP
Authentication Before Sending] check box, and set the communication setting to a setting other than POP
before SMTP.
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
When verifying a TLS server certicate to communicate to the POP3 server, a verication error occurred.
Check that the CA certicate that signed the TLS server certicate on the POP3 server side is registered to
the machine by using the Remote UI.
Verifying Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 602)
Check that the TLS server certicate on the POP3 server side is valid.
Check that the TLS server certicate is not a self-signed certicate.
An e-mail or I-Fax could not be sent due to a POP authentication failure.
Check the setting, and try again.
Conguring E-Mail/I-Fax Communication Settings(P. 469)
The machine turns OFF for some reason.
Check whether the power plug is inserted into an outlet rmly.
A document could not be printed because its data size exceeded the machine's upper processing
The machine may not be able to print documents with many pages. Reduce the number of pages per
printing, or print when no print job is queued or no document is being printed. If you are still unable to
print, check the document data for any defects.
Printing was canceled from the computer.
If you cancel an operation when the print data is being sent to the machine from a computer, this error
code is displayed, but this is not abnormal. Print again as necessary.
A secured document that was left unprinted was deleted.
If the secured document is not printed within a specic period of time (30 minutes by default), it is deleted
from memory. Send the secured document again, and print it within the period.
Printing via Secure Print(P. 279)
Printing using Secure Print was attempted when Secure Print was restricted.
When <Secure Print Settings> is set to <Off>, you cannot use Secure Print. Set the setting to <On> and
print again.
Printing via Secure Print(P. 279)
Print without using Secure Print.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
You tried to print a le that is either corrupted or not supported.
Check the le and try again.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
Password protected PDF les could not be printed.
Enter the correct password for the PDF le.
Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
A document could not be printed because a printer driver that was not intended for this machine was
Print again by using the printer driver for this machine.
Printing a Document(P. 237)
A document could not be printed due to a defect in its data.
Check the document data for any defects.
An error occurred when printing from a computer.
Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON. After the restart is complete, try
printing again.
A document waiting to be sent was canceled.
Send the document again as necessary.
Common Problems
If you encounter problems when using the machine, check the items in this section before contacting us. If the
problems persist, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
Check the Following
Is the machine turned ON? Is the power cord connected?
If the machine is turned ON but does not respond, turn it OFF, check whether the power cord is connected
correctly, and turn it back ON. For information on connecting the power cord, see Getting Started.
Manuals Included with the Machine(P. 869)
Are the phone cord, LAN cable and USB cable connected correctly?
Check whether these cables are connected correctly. Use care not to mistake the phone cord's port for the
other cables' ports.
Connecting the Telephone Line(P. 145)
Parts and Their Functions(P. 17)
Is sleep mode activated?
If you leave the machine unattended for a specic period of time, it enters sleep mode for power
conservation, not allowing you to operate it.
To cancel sleep mode, press .
Is any message displayed on the screen?
If a problem occurs, a message is displayed.
When an Error Message Appears(P. 732)
If a Problem Persists Even after Checking
Click the link that corresponds to the problem.
Installation/Settings Problems(P. 756)
Copy/Printing Problems(P. 760)
Faxing/Telephone Problems (MF515x)(P. 763)
Installation/Settings Problems
See Common Problems(P. 755) also.
Problems with the Wireless/Wired LAN Connection(P. 756)
Problem with the USB Connection(P. 759)
Problem with the Print Server(P. 759)
Problems with the Wireless/Wired LAN Connection
The wireless LAN and wired LAN cannot be connected at the same time.
The wireless LAN and wired LAN cannot be connected at the same time. The following can be used at the
same time: a USB cable and a wireless LAN, or a USB cable and a wired LAN.
Remote UI is not displayed.
Are <Use HTTP> and <Use Remote UI> set to <On>?
Disabling HTTP Communication(P. 567)
Disabling Remote UI(P. 568)
If the machine is connected to a wireless LAN, check that the Wi-Fi indicator is lit and the IP address is set
correctly, and then start the Remote UI again.
Operation Panel(P. 25)
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
If the machine is connected to a wired LAN, check that the cable is connected rmly and the IP address is set
correctly, and then start the Remote UI again.
Connecting to a Wired LAN(P. 417)
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
Are you using a proxy server? If so, add the machine's IP address to the [Exceptions] list (addresses that do
not use the proxy server) in the Web browser's proxy settings dialog.
Is communication not limited by the rewall on your computer? If IP addresses are or an MAC address is
incorrectly entered, the Remote UI cannot be displayed. In that case, you need to use the operation panel to
set <IPv4 Address Filter>, <IPv6 Address Filter>, or <MAC Address Filter> to <Off>.
Restricting Communication by Using Firewalls(P. 541)
IPv4 Address Filter(P. 709)
IPv6 Address Filter(P. 710)
MAC Address Filter(P. 710)
A connection to a network cannot be established.
The IP address may not be set correctly. Set the IP address again.
Setting IP Addresses(P. 436)
When you connect the machine to a computer via wireless LAN, check whether the machine is properly
installed and ready to connect to the network.
When the Machine Cannot Connect to the Wireless LAN(P. 757)
You are unsure of the set IP address. Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
The connection method cannot be switched between a wired LAN and a
wireless LAN.
Did you select a wired LAN or a wireless LAN on the operation panel on the machine as well? This selection is
required to have the machine switch to your selection.
Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN(P. 416)
You are unsure of the SSID or the network key of the wireless router to be
connected. The SSID is not displayed on the screen.
Check whether the SSID can be found on the wireless router or package box.
Check the SSID or the network key of the wireless router by using Canon MF/LBP Wireless Setup Assistant.
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433)
The SSID of the wireless router to be connected is not displayed in the access
point list.
Check whether the SSID is correct.
Checking the SSID and Network Key(P. 433)
If the SSID of the wireless router is hidden (using a stealth mode
), set the SSID to be visible on the wireless
A mode that disables the SSID auto-detection of other devices.
Check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network.
When the Machine Cannot Connect to the Wireless LAN(P. 757)
The machine dials up to an unintended connection destination (if a dialup
router is connected to a network).
If a dialup router does not need to pass broadcast packets, set the dialup router so that the broadcast
packets will not pass. If the dialup router needs to pass broadcast packets, check whether the settings are
If a DNS server is located in an external network, set the IP address to be connected, not the host name, even
if connecting to the devices that are on the network that is connected to the machine.
If a DNS server is located on a network that is connected to the machine and the information about the
devices that are connected to an external network is registered to the DNS server, check whether the settings
are correct.
When the Machine Cannot Connect to the Wireless LAN
Check the status of your computer.
Have the settings of the computer and the wireless router been completed?
Are the cables of the wireless router (including the power cord and LAN cable)
correctly plugged in?
Is the wireless router turned on?
If the problem persists even after checking the above:
Turn off the devices, and then turn them on again.
Wait for a while, and try again to connect to the network.
Check whether the machine is turned ON.
If the machine is turned ON, turn it OFF, and then turn it back ON.
Check the installation site of the machine and the wireless router.
Is the machine too far from the wireless router?
Are there any obstacles such as walls between the machine and the wireless router?
Are there any appliances such as microwave ovens or digital cordless phones that
emit radio waves near the machine?
Perform one of the following settings again.
Setting Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode(P. 420)
Setting Up Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode(P. 422)
Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router(P. 425)
Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429)
When you need to manually set up the connection
If the wireless router is set as described below, manually enter all the required information for the wireless LAN
connection ( Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings(P. 429) ).
ANY connection refusal
is activated.
The WEP key that was automatically generated (hexadecimal) is selected.
The stealth mode is activated.
A function in which the wireless router refuses the connection if the SSID on the device to be connected is set to "ANY"
or is blank.
When you need to change the settings of the wireless router
If the wireless router is set as described below, change the settings of the router.
The MAC address packet ltering is set.
When only IEEE 802.11n is used for the wireless communication, WEP is selected or the WPA/WPA2
encryption method is set to TKIP.
Problem with the USB Connection
Cannot communicate.
Change the USB cable. If you are using a long USB cable, replace it with a short one.
If you are using a USB hub, connect the machine directly to your computer using a USB cable.
Problem with the Print Server
You cannot nd the print server to connect to.
Are the print server and computer connected correctly?
Is the print server running?
Do you have user rights to connect to the print server? If you are not sure, contact the server administrator.
Is [Network discovery] enabled? (Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008/Server 2012)
Enabling [Network discovery](P. 888)
You cannot connect to a shared printer.
On the network, does the machine appear among the printers of the print server? If it is not displayed,
contact the network or server administrator.
Displaying Shared Printers in the Print Server(P. 889)
Copy/Printing Problems
See Common Problems(P. 755) also.
Printing/copy results are not satisfactory. Paper creases or curls. When You
Cannot Print Properly(P. 765)
You cannot print.
Can you print a Windows test page? If you can print a Windows test page, there is no problem with the
machine or the printer driver. Check the print settings of your application.
Printing a Test Page in Windows(P. 890)
If you cannot print a test page, check the following according to your environment.
Wireless LAN connection
Check the connection status (signal strength) of the wireless LAN.
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
If the connection is poor, try the following.
Change the channel of your wireless LAN router. If you have more than one router, set the channels to be
at least ve channels apart.
If you can change the radio output power of your wireless LAN router, raise the output power.
If your computer is connected to a wireless LAN, are the computer and this machine using the same
wireless LAN router SSID? If they are different, reset the wireless LAN connection settings of this machine.
Viewing Network Settings(P. 445)
Checking the SSID to Which Your Computer Is Connected(P. 895)
Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418)
When you reset wireless LAN connection settings
As the wireless LAN router, select the one with the SSID to which the computer is connected.
Have you selected the correct port? If there is no port to use, create a port.
Checking the Printer Port(P. 893)
Conguring Printer Ports(P. 453)
Is communication not limited by the rewall on your computer? If IP addresses are incorrectly entered,
you will be not able to access the machine. In that case, you need to use the operation panel to set <IPv4
Address Filter> or <IPv6 Address Filter> to <Off>.
Restricting Communication by Using Firewalls(P. 541)
IPv4 Address Filter(P. 709)
IPv6 Address Filter(P. 710)
Disable security software and other resident software.
Reinstall the printer driver in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide.
Can you print from other computers on the network? If you also cannot print from other computers,
contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
Wired LAN connection
Have you selected the correct port? If there is no port to use, create a port.
Checking the Printer Port(P. 893)
Conguring Printer Ports(P. 453)
Is communication not limited by the rewall on your computer? If IP addresses are or an MAC address is
incorrectly entered, you will be not able to access the machine. In that case, you need to use the operation
panel to set <IPv4 Address Filter>, <IPv6 Address Filter>, or <MAC Address Filter> to <Off>.
Restricting Communication by Using Firewalls(P. 541)
IPv4 Address Filter(P. 709)
IPv6 Address Filter(P. 710)
MAC Address Filter(P. 710)
Disable security software and other resident software.
Reinstall the printer driver in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide.
Can you print from other computers on the network? If you also cannot print from other computers,
contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
USB connection
Have you selected the correct port? If there is no port to use or you are not sure, reinstall the printer driver
in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide. When you reinstall the printer driver, the correct port
is created automatically.
Checking the Printer Port(P. 893)
Is bidirectional communication enabled? Enable bidirectional communication, and restart the computer.
Checking Bidirectional Communication(P. 894)
Disable security software and other resident software.
Connect to another USB port on the computer.
Can you print from a USB connection to another computer? If you also cannot print from other computers,
contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
Via print server
Can you print from the print server? If you can print from the print server, check the connection between
the print server and your computer.
Problem with the Print Server(P. 759)
Disable security software and other resident software.
Reinstall the printer driver in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide.
Can you print from other computers via the print server? If you also cannot print from other computers,
contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
Printing seems to be slow.
Disabling Secure Print is recommended if you are not using it.
Changing the Valid Time Period for Secured Documents(P. 282)
When the free space in memory is running low, the processing speed of the machine becomes slow, just as a computer
does. There is nothing abnormal.
You cannot print with Google Cloud Print. Using Google Cloud Print(P. 405)
It takes a long time before printing starts.
Did you print to narrow width paper? After you print to narrow width paper, the machine may cool itself to
maintain the print quality. As a result, it may take some time before the next job is printed. Wait until the
machine is ready to print. Printing will resume when the temperature inside the machine has fallen.
A blank sheet is output (nothing is printed).
Did you pull the sealing tape out when loading the toner cartridge? If you did not pull it out, remove the
toner cartridge, pull the sealing tape out, and reload the toner cartridge.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
Faxing/Telephone Problems
See Common Problems(P. 755) also.
Sending Problems(P. 763)
Receiving Problems(P. 764)
Sending Problems
A fax cannot be sent.
Is an external phone line busy? Wait until the line becomes free.
Has an error occurred? Print and check a Communication Management Report.
Communication Management Report(P. 811)
Is a telephone line set correctly?
Connecting the Telephone Line(P. 145)
When sending the fax overseas, insert pauses in the fax number.
Sending Faxes (MF515x)(P. 148)
A fax cannot be sent with a destination in the history specied.
Did you turn OFF the machine? If so, the stored history was deleted.
Did you set <Restrict New Destinations> to <On>? If so, the history before you set was deleted.
Did you set <Restrict Resending from Log> to <On>? If so, the destinations in the history cannot be specied.
A fax cannot be sent on an optical ber line.
The machine is compliant with use on analog lines. When using an optical ber line or IP phone line, the
machine may not work correctly depending on the connection environment or connected devices. In such a
case, contact the provider of the optical ber line or IP phone.
The results of a sent fax are not satisfactory.
Clean the platen glass or feeder. If cleaning does not improve the results, the recipient's fax machine may be
a cause.
Platen Glass(P. 784)
Feeder(P. 786)
Receiving Problems
The results of received fax are not satisfactory. Paper creases or curls. When
You Cannot Print Properly(P. 765)
Telephone and fax cannot be switched automatically.
Check that the receive mode is set to <Fax/Tel Auto Switch>, <Answering Machine>, or <Net Switch>.
Selecting the Receive Mode(P. 143)
Free space in memory may be running low. Print or delete data in memory.
Checking/Deleting Documents in Memory(P. 188)
Printing Documents in Memory(P. 188)
A fax cannot be received automatically.
Check that the receive mode is set to <Fax/Tel Auto Switch>, <Auto>, <Answering Machine>, or <Net Switch>.
Selecting the Receive Mode(P. 143)
Free space in memory may be running low. Print or delete data in memory.
Checking/Deleting Documents in Memory(P. 188)
Printing Documents in Memory(P. 188)
A fax cannot be received on an optical ber line.
The machine is compliant with use on analog lines. When using an optical ber line or IP phone line, the
machine may not work correctly depending on the connection environment or connected devices. In such a
case, contact the provider of the optical ber line or IP phone.
When You Cannot Print Properly
If printing results are not satisfactory, or paper creases or curls, try the following solutions. If the problems persist,
contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
Smudge Marks Appear on the
Bottom Edge of Printouts(P. 767)
Smudges Appear on
Printouts(P. 767)
Toner Smudges and Splatters
Appear(P. 769)
Afterimages Appear in Blank
Areas(P. 769)
Printouts Are Faded(P. 770) A Portion of the Page Is Not
Printed(P. 770)
Streaks Appear/Printing is
Uneven(P. 771)
White Spots Appear(P. 771) Black Spots Appear(P. 772)
Reverse Side of Paper is
Smudged(P. 772)
Printed Barcode Cannot Be
Read(P. 773)
Paper Creases(P. 774)
Paper Curls(P. 774) Paper Is Not Fed/Two or More
Sheets Are Fed Together(P. 776)
Printouts Are Skewed(P. 777)
Printing Results Are Not Satisfactory
Dirt inside the machine may affect printing results. Perform care and cleaning to the machine rst. Cleaning the
Machine(P. 782)
Smudge Marks Appear on the Bottom Edge of Printouts
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check the supported paper types and replace with an appropriate type.Also, specify the paper size and
type settings properly.
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
Do you print data without margins?
This symptom occurs if a margin is set to none in the printer driver. The marginal areas within the rst 5
mm from the respective edges of paper are not printable (for envelopes, the top and bottom marginal
areas within the rst 10 mm from the top/bottom edge are not printable). Make sure to have margins
around the document to print.
[Finishing] tab
[Advanced Settings] [Expand Print Region and Print] [Off]
Smudges Appear on Printouts
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Do smudges appear on printouts depending on the paper type or the
operating environment?
Change the setting for [Special Print Adjustment A]. The improvement effect is weakest with [Mode 1] and
strongest with [Mode 4]. Try the adjustment starting with [Mode 1].
Setting in the Printer Driver
[Finishing] tab [Advanced Settings] [Special Print Adjustment A] Select the mode
Specifying Settings in the Setting Menu of the Operation Panel
Special Printing Mode A(P. 703)
When printing from the computer, the setting in the printer driver takes precedence. When the setting of
[Graphics Mode] in the printer driver is changed to [UFR II Mode], the setting in the operation panel takes
This item cannot be set when [Barcode Adjustment Mode] is set to one of [Mode 1] to [Mode 3].
Print density will be lighter when you select stronger improvement. It may also result in less sharp edges
and rougher details.
If the problem cannot be solved in spite of this item having been set, set <Special Printing Mode D> to
Special Printing Mode D(P. 705)
Do smudges appear on copy job output depending on the paper type or the
operating environment?
Change the setting for <Special Printing Mode Z>. The improvement effect is weakest with <Mode 1> and
strongest with <Mode 3>. Try the adjustment starting with <Mode 1>.
Special Printing Mode Z(P. 704)
This item is only effective for copy job output.
Print density will be lighter when you select stronger improvement. It may also result in less sharp edges
and rougher details.
If the problem cannot be solved in spite of this item having been set, set <Special Printing Mode D> to
<On>. Special Printing Mode D(P. 705)
Are the characters or images printed doubly depending on the paper type or
the operating environment?
Change the setting for <Smudge Reduction Mode>. Setting this item to <On> may solve the problem.
Smudge Reduction Mode(P. 703)
If the print quality has deteriorated after you set this item to <On>, return it to <Off>.
Do streaks appear immediately after you replace the toner cartridge or when
you print for the rst time after a long time?
Change the setting for <Special Printing Mode B>. The improvement effect is weakest with <Mode 1> and
strongest with <Mode 3>. Try the adjustment starting with <Mode 1>.
Special Printing Mode B(P. 705)
Printing speed becomes slower when you select stronger improvement.
Toner Smudges and Splatters Appear
Do smudges appear on printouts depending on the paper type or the
environmental conditions (more specically when you print on heavy paper or
use the machine in an environment with low humidity)?
Change the setting for <High-Resistance Paper Mode>. The improvement effect is stronger with <Mode 2>
than with <Mode 1>. First try the adjustment with <Mode 1>.
High-Resistance Paper Mode(P. 702)
When you select stronger improvement, print quality may be lower depending on the paper type or the
operating environment (more specically when you print on thin paper or use the machine in an
environment with high humidity).
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Afterimages Appear in Blank Areas
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Is it time to replace the toner cartridge?
Materials inside the toner cartridge may have deteriorated. Replace the toner cartridge.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
Printouts Are Faded
Is the amount remaining in toner cartridge running low?
Remove the toner cartridge, shake it ve or six times gently to evenly distribute the toner inside the
cartridge, and then reload it into the machine.
Using Up Toner(P. 796)
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper. Also, specify the paper size and type settings
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
A Portion of the Page Is Not Printed
Do the paper guides align with the edges of the paper?
If the paper guides are too loose or too tight, part of a document may not be printed.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Do you print data without margins?
This symptom occurs if a margin is set to none in the printer driver. The marginal areas within the rst 5
mm from the respective edges of paper are not printable (for envelopes, the top and bottom marginal
areas within the rst 10 mm from the top/bottom edge are not printable). Make sure to have margins
around the document to print.
[Finishing] tab [Advanced Settings] [Expand Print Region and Print] [Off]
Streaks Appear/Printing is Uneven
Is the platen glass dirty?
Clean the platen glass and the underside of the feeder.
Platen Glass(P. 784)
Have you cleaned the xing unit?
Clean the xing unit.
Fixing Unit(P. 788)
Is the amount remaining in toner cartridge running low?
Remove the toner cartridge, shake it ve or six times gently to evenly distribute the toner inside the
cartridge, and then reload it into the machine.
Using Up Toner(P. 796)
Is it time to replace the toner cartridge?
Materials inside the toner cartridge may have deteriorated. Replace the toner cartridge.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
White Spots Appear
Are you using paper that has absorbed moisture?
Replace with appropriate paper.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Is it time to replace the toner cartridge?
Materials inside the toner cartridge may have deteriorated. Replace the toner cartridge.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
Black Spots Appear
Have you cleaned the xing unit?
Clean the xing unit.
Fixing Unit(P. 788)
Reverse Side of Paper is Smudged
Have you loaded paper that is smaller than the size of the print data?
Check to make sure that the paper size matches the size of the print data.
Have you cleaned the xing unit?
Clean the xing unit.
Fixing Unit(P. 788)
Printed Barcode Cannot Be Read
Are you using a small barcode or a barcode consisting of thick lines?
Enlarge the barcode.
If the direction of lines in the barcode is perpendicular to the paper output direction, turn the image 90
degrees to make the lines parallel to the paper output direction.
If the problem persists even after performing the above operation, change the mode by using [Barcode
Adjustment Mode]. The improvement effect is weakest with [Mode 1] and strongest with [Mode 3]. Try the
adjustment starting with [Mode 1].
Setting in the Printer Driver
[Finishing] tab
[Advanced Settings] [Barcode Adjustment Mode] Select the mode
Specifying Settings in the Setting Menu of the Operation Panel
Barcode Adjustment Mode(P. 680)
Print density will be lighter when you select stronger improvement.
When printing from the computer, the setting in the printer driver takes precedence. When the setting of
[Graphics Mode] in the printer driver is changed to [UFR II Mode] and [Barcode Adjustment Mode] is
changed to [Printer Default], the setting in the operation panel takes precedence.
When you set [Barcode Adjustment Mode] to one of [Mode 1] to [Mode 3], [Special Print Adjustment A] is
automatically set to [Off].
Paper Creases or Curls
Paper Creases
Is paper loaded correctly?
If paper is not loaded below the load limit line or the load limit guide or is loaded obliquely, it may crease.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Are you using paper that has absorbed moisture?
Replace with appropriate paper.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Change the setting for <Paper Wrinkle Correction>. The improvement effect is stronger with <Mode 2>
than with <Mode 1>. First try the adjustment with <Mode 1>.
Paper Wrinkle Correction(P. 701)
Printing speed becomes slower when you select stronger improvement.
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Paper Curls
Are you using paper that has absorbed moisture?
Replace with appropriate paper.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
When the current setting of <Paper Type> is <Plain>, change it to <Plain L>.
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
Change the setting for <Paper Curl Correction>. The improvement effect is stronger with <Mode 2> than
with <Mode 1>. First try the adjustment with <Mode 1>.
Paper Curl Correction(P. 701)
If the improvement effect becomes stronger, it may take some time to start printing.
Printing speed may become slower depending on the paper size.
Are you using appropriate paper?
Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper. Also, specify the paper size and type settings
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Specifying Paper Size and Type(P. 66)
Are you outputting printed paper to the output tray?
If envelopes or other type paper are curled, output printed paper to the sub-output tray on the back side
of the machine.
Paper Is Fed Incorrectly
Paper Is Not Fed/Two or More Sheets Are Fed Together
Is paper loaded correctly?
Fan the paper stack thoroughly so that paper is not stuck together.
Check whether paper is loaded correctly.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Check whether the number of sheets of paper loaded is appropriate and whether the appropriate paper is
Paper(P. 856)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Check whether mixed sizes and types of paper are loaded together.
Is the rubber pad of the paper drawer dirty?
Wipe the rubber pad of the paper drawer with a water-soaked and rmly wrung cloth as shown below. If
you have any queries or worries about cleaning by yourself, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
Do not use an oil-contained detergent or the like.
Be careful not to touch the rubber pad directly with hands.
Printouts Are Skewed
Do the paper guides align with the edges of the paper?
If the paper guides are too loose or too tight, the printouts are skewed.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
When a Problem Cannot Be Solved
If you cannot solve a problem by referring to the information in this chapter, contact your local authorized Canon
dealer or the Canon help line.
Do not disassemble or repair the machine yourself
If you disassemble or repair the machine yourself, it may not be covered by warranty.
When Contacting Canon
When contacting us, have the following information ready:
Product name (MF515x / MF512x)
Dealer where you purchased the machine
Details about your problem (such as what you did and what happened as a result)
Serial number (eight alphanumeric characters long, found on the label on the back side of the machine)
Checking the serial number from the operation panel
( ), and tap <Check Device Conguration>.
You can also check by <Device Status> <Serial Number>.
Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................... 780
Cleaning the Machine ....................................................................................................................................... 782
Exterior ......................................................................................................................................................... 783
Platen Glass .................................................................................................................................................. 784
Feeder .......................................................................................................................................................... 786
Fixing Unit .................................................................................................................................................... 788
Paper Roller .................................................................................................................................................. 790
Replacing Toner Cartridges .............................................................................................................................. 793
Using Up Toner ............................................................................................................................................. 796
How to Replace Toner Cartridges ................................................................................................................. 798
Relocating the Machine .................................................................................................................................... 800
Maintaining and Improving Print Quality ....................................................................................................... 802
Adjusting the Gradation and Density for Copy Jobs ...................................................................................... 803
Adjusting Print Density ................................................................................................................................. 805
Printing Reports and Lists ................................................................................................................................ 807
TX Result Report ........................................................................................................................................... 808
Communication Management Report .......................................................................................................... 811
RX Result Report ........................................................................................................................................... 813
Consumables Status Report ......................................................................................................................... 814
Address Book List ......................................................................................................................................... 815
User Data List/System Manager Data List ..................................................................................................... 817
Department ID Management Report ............................................................................................................ 818
IPSec Policy List ............................................................................................................................................ 819
PCL Font List ................................................................................................................................................. 820
PS Font List ................................................................................................................................................... 821
Viewing the Counter Value ............................................................................................................................... 822
Using a USB Memory Device to Save/Load Settings Data ............................................................................... 823
Saving Settings Data to a USB Memory Device ............................................................................................. 824
Loading Settings Data from a USB Memory Device ...................................................................................... 826
Initializing Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 828
Initializing Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 829
Initializing Key and Certicate ...................................................................................................................... 831
Initializing Address Book .............................................................................................................................. 832
Updating the Firmware ..................................................................................................................................... 833
This chapter describes upkeep of the machine, including how to clean the machine and initialize settings.
Basic Cleaning
Cleaning the Machine(P. 782)
The machine becomes dirty, see Exterior(P. 783) .
Smudge marks appear on originals or printouts, see Platen Glass(P. 784) or
Feeder(P. 786) .
Streaks appear on printouts, see Fixing Unit(P. 788) .
Paper jams occur frequently, see Paper Roller(P. 790) .
Replacing Toner Cartridges Replacing Toner Cartridges(P. 793)
If you want to use all of the toner, see Using Up Toner(P. 796) .
How to replace toner cartridges, see How to Replace Toner
Cartridges(P. 798) .
Relocating the Machine
Relocating the machine for maintenance or an oce move, see Relocating
the Machine(P. 800) .
Managing Print Quality Maintaining and Improving Print Quality(P. 802)
If you want to adjust the gradation for copy jobs, see Adjusting the Gradation and Density for Copy
Jobs(P. 803) .
If you wan t to adjust the toner density to be used for printing, see Adjusting Print Density(P. 805) .
Printing Reports and Lists
Print out reports describing transmission results, or a list of Address Book information, see
Printing Reports and Lists(P. 807) .
Checking the Total Pages Printed by the Machine
If you want to check the total page number of printouts, see Viewing the Counter Value(P. 822) .
Saving/Loading Settings Data
If you want to save the machine settings data or load the saved data, see
Using a USB Memory Device to Save/
Load Settings Data(P. 823) .
Initializing Settings
If you want to restore the settings, see
Initializing Settings(P. 828) .
Updating the Firmware
If you want to update the rmware of the machine, see Updating the Firmware(P. 833) .
Cleaning the Machine
Regularly clean the machine to prevent deterioration in printing quality and to ensure that you use it safely and easily.
Carefully read the safety instructions before you start cleaning. Maintenance and Inspections(P. 9)
Where to Clean
Exterior of the machine and ventilation slots
Exterior(P. 783)
Rollers inside the feeder
Feeder(P. 786)
Internal xing unit
Fixing Unit(P. 788)
Paper roller at the bottom of the machine
Paper Roller(P. 790)
Platen glass and the underside of the feeder
Platen Glass(P. 784)
Regularly wipe the exterior of the machine, especially around the ventilation slots, to keep the machine in good
Turn OFF the machine, and unplug the power cord from the AC power outlet.
When you turn OFF the machine, data that is waiting to be printed is deleted. Fax documents that were
received by using the Memory Reception function, faxes that are waiting to be sent, and reports that are
automatically printed after sending and receiving faxes are not deleted.
Clean the exterior of the machine and the ventilation slots.
Use a soft, well-wrung-out cloth dampened with water or a mild detergent diluted with water.
To locate the ventilation slots, see
Front Side(P. 18) and Back Side(P. 20) .
Wait for the exterior of machine to dry completely.
Reconnect the power cord and turn ON the machine.
Platen Glass
Regularly wipe off the dust from the platen glass and the underside of the feeder to prevent smudges to be printed on
documents or printouts.
Turn OFF the machine, and unplug the power cord from the AC power outlet.
When you turn OFF the machine, data that is waiting to be printed is deleted. Fax documents that were
received by using the Memory Reception function, faxes that are waiting to be sent, and reports that are
automatically printed after sending and receiving faxes are not deleted.
Open the feeder.
Clean the platen glass and the underside of the feeder.
Clean the areas with a cloth dampened with water. Then, wipe the area with a soft, dry cloth.
In addition to the platen glass and underside of the feeder, make sure to clean and wipe the white strip of
plate ( ) and the surface of the transparent plastic part ( ), too.
When wiping the transparent plastic part ( ), take care not to bend the plastic.
If the problem persists
Remove the transparent plastic part ( ) and wipe it.
Hold the tabs ( ) at both ends of the transparent plastic part, and remove the plastic part by gently
lifting the rearward end rst.
The plastic part ( ) is rather damageable. When removing it, be careful not to bend it.
Wipe the scanning area ( ).
Wipe the back side of the transparent plastic part.
Wait for the plastic part to dry completely.
Place the transparent plastic part back into position.
Make sure of the proper orientation, then hold the tabs and place the plastic part back into position
by gently lowering the frontward end rst.
Wait for the cleaned area to dry completely.
Gently close the feeder.
Reconnect the power cord and turn ON the machine.
Graphite powder or dust on the rollers inside the feeder may cause smudges to appear on printouts. If this occurs,
clean the feeder. If smudges still appear after you clean the feeder, run automatic feeder cleaning.
Cleaning the Feeder(P. 786)
Automatic Feeder Cleaning(P. 786)
Cleaning the Feeder
Turn off the machine and unplug it from the power outlet.
Turning the printer off erases any queued print data. Data such as documents received and held in memory,
documents waiting to be sent, and reports that are automatically printed after sending or receiving faxes are
not deleted.
Open the feeder cover.
Wipe the rollers in the feeder.
Wipe the rollers with a cloth that has been moistened with water and wrung out. Then wipe with a dry cloth.
Close the feeder cover.
Plug the machine back into the power outlet and switch it on.
Automatic Feeder Cleaning
Automatic feeder cleaning uses paper loaded in the feeder. Set 10 sheets of plain A4 or US Letter size paper in the
feeder before starting automatic cleaning.
Placing Documents(P. 46)
Press and tap <Menu>.
Tap <Adjustment/Maintenance>.
Tap <Clean Feeder>.
Tap <Start>.
Cleaning starts. When the <Finished.> message is displayed approximately 60 seconds later, press to
return to the Home screen.
Fixing Unit
Dirt may adhere to the xing units inside the machine and cause black streaks to appear on printouts. To clean the
xing unit, perform the following procedure. Note that you cannot clean the xing unit when the machine has
documents waiting to be printed. To clean the xing unit, you need plain A4 or Letter size paper. Set the paper in the
paper drawer or multi-purpose tray before performing the following procedure.
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Cleaning consumes the toner cartridge. Make sure that there is sucient toner cartridge remaining
beforehand. Checking the Amount Remaining in the Toner Cartridge(P. 794)
If the problem cannot be xed by the following procedure, repeat cleaning in step 6 with the printed side
face up this time.
Press and tap <Menu>.
Tap <Adjustment/Maintenance>.
Tap <Clean Fixing Assembly>.
Check that the size and type of paper displayed is loaded in the machine, and tap
Tap <Start>.
The cleaning sheet is printed out.
Load the printed cleaning sheet in the multi-purpose tray, with the printed side face
If paper remains in the multi-purpose tray
Remove the loaded paper before loading the cleaning sheet.
Tap <OK>.
Cleaning starts. When the <Finished.> message is displayed approximately 95 seconds later, press to
return to the Home screen.
Paper Roller
Dust on the paper roller may cause paper jams to occur frequently. In this case, perform the following procedure to
clean the paper rollers. If you have any queries or worries about cleaning by yourself, contact your local authorized
Canon dealer.
Be careful not to touch the black rubbers of the paper rollers directly with hands.
Also perform the following procedure to clean the paper rollers of the optional paper feeders.
Pull out the paper drawer.
Make sure to hold the paper drawer with both hands, and pull it out gently. Otherwise, you may damage
the paper drawer by dropping it, if it slides out too easily.
Remove the paper roller.
Disengage the right portion of the shaft while pushing the paper roller to the left.
Do not use excessive force when pushing the paper roller to the left. Doing so may damage the paper
Pull out the paper roller downwards.
Wipe the paper roller.
Wipe the paper roller with a cloth that has been moistened with water and wrung out.
Do not use an oil-contained detergent or the like.
Place the paper roller back into position.
Hold the right portion of the paper roller shaft and insert the left portion of the shaft.
Be sure to hold the right portion of the paper roller shaft. Do not hold the left portion of the shaft.
Insert the right shaft while pushing the paper roller to the left.
Do not use excessive force when pushing the paper roller to the left. Doing so may damage the paper
Install the paper drawer into the machine.
When you insert the paper drawer with <Notify to Check Paper Settings> set to <On>, a conrmation screen
is displayed. Notify to Check Paper Settings(P. 715)
Replacing Toner Cartridges
The machine will display a message when a toner cartridge is nearly empty. Note that the print quality becomes poor if
you continue printing without taking any action. You can check the amount remaining in the toner cartridge on the
When a Message Appear(P. 793)
If Printouts are Poor in Quality(P. 794)
Checking the Amount Remaining in the Toner Cartridge(P. 794)
When a Message Appear
Depending on which message is displayed, you will need to make sure that you have a replacement toner cartridge
ready or replace the toner cartridge. How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798) Consumables(P. 865)
<Prepare a cartridge.>
<The cartridge needs to be replaced soon.>
This message noties you that a toner cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Make sure that you have a
replacement toner cartridge ready. Replace the toner cartridge if you see this message before you start to print
a large job.
When this message is displayed
When copying or printing, you can continue printing the document.
If the machine is receiving a fax, or automatic report output is set, received faxes and reports will be
stored in the machine so that they do not appear faded after they are printed. To continue printing
even if the toner amount remaining in the cartridge is low, set <Continue Printing When Amount in
Cartridge Is Low> to <On>.
Continue Printing When Amount in Cartridge Is Low(P. 664)
Specify when this message is displayed
You can set any value as the percentage of the amount remaining in the toner cartridge that triggers
this message. Display Timing for Cartridge Preparation Notication(P. 700)
<Cartridge has reached end of lifetime. Rplcmt. recommended.>
This message noties you that a toner cartridge has reached the end of its lifetime. It is recommended that you
replace the cartridge with a new one. You can continue printing, but the print quality cannot be guaranteed.
If Printouts are Poor in Quality
If your printouts begin to show any of the following features, one of your toner cartridges is nearly empty. Replace the
nearly empty toner cartridge even if no message is displayed.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
Streaks appear
Partially faded
Uneven density
Afterimages appear in blank areas
White spots appear
If, of the above symptoms, "Streaks appear," "Partially faded," or "Uneven density" appears, performing the
procedure for Using Up Toner(P. 796) may allow you to get ne print again, for some limited time.
Checking the Amount Remaining in the Toner Cartridge
You can check the amount remaining in the toner cartridge according to the following, whenever you want to. It is
recommended that you check the level before you start to print a large job.
<Device Status> <Amount Remaining in Cartridge> Check the amount remaining in the
toner cartridge
Toner Level
Displays the amount remaining in the toner cartridge. Depending on your environment, other internal parts
may reach the end of their lifetime before the toner runs out.
The displayed amount remaining in the toner cartridge can be used only as a guide and may differ
from the actual amount.
Consumables(P. 865)
Using Up Toner
Symptoms like the following appear on printouts when toner runs low.
Streaks appear
Partially faded
Uneven density
Perform the following procedure when any of the above symptoms appears. They will allow you to use up all of the
toner in the toner cartridge. Performing this procedure may allow you to get ne print again for some time until the
toner is used up. If the symptom does not improve after you perform the following procedure, replace the toner
cartridge (
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798) ). Before starting the procedure, read the precautions given
in Maintenance and Inspections(P. 9) and Consumables(P. 10) .
Open the front cover while holding down on the button.
Remove the toner cartridge.
Shake the toner cartridge ve or six times as shown below to evenly distribute the
toner inside the cartridge.
Install the toner cartridge.
Fully push it in until it cannot go any further.
Close the front cover.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges
Read the precautions in Maintenance and Inspections(P. 9) and Consumables(P. 10) before replacing the toner
Open the front cover while holding down on the button.
Remove the toner cartridge.
Remove the replacement toner cartridge from the protective bag.
Shake the toner cartridge ve or six times as shown below to evenly distribute the
toner inside the cartridge, and then place it on a at surface.
Pull the sealing tape straight out.
The full length of the sealing tape is approximately 50 cm.
When pulling out the sealing tape
If the sealing tape remains inside the toner cartridge, the quality of printouts, including faxes, may
deteriorate. Also note that it will not be possible to reprint a fax because the fax function automatically
deletes data once it is printed.
Do not pull out the sealing tape at an angle or sideways. If the tape breaks, you may not be able to pull it
out completely.
If the sealing tape becomes stuck when pulling it out, keep pulling until it is completely removed.
Install the toner cartridge.
Fully push it in until it cannot go any further.
Close the front cover.
Relocating the Machine
The machine is heavy. Make sure to follow the procedures below when moving the machine to avoid injury, and also
make sure to read the safety precautions before you begin. Important Safety Instructions(P. 2)
Turn OFF the machine and computer.
When you turn OFF the machine, data that is waiting to be printed is deleted. Fax documents that were
received by using the Memory Reception function, faxes that are waiting to be sent, and reports that are
automatically printed after sending and receiving faxes are not deleted.
Disconnect the cables and cord from the machine in numerical order as in the
illustration below.
Whether the cables with "
" are connected depends on your environment.
When the optional handset is connected, remove it from the rack.
Power plug
Power cord
USB keyboard
USB cable
LAN cable
Handset cable
External telephone cable
Telephone cable
When transporting the machine across a long distance, remove the toner cartridge.
How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798)
Pull out the paper drawer.
Make sure to hold the paper drawer with both hands, and pull it out gently. Otherwise, you may damage
the paper drawer by dropping it, if it slides out too easily.
Close all the open covers, and move the machine to a new location.
The machine is heavy ( Machine Specications(P. 851) ). Make sure to move the machine with two or
more people.
Hold the lift handles, then lift up the machine. If you have attached the optional paper feeder, leave the
optional paper feeder on the oor and move it after moving the main unit of the machine.
Carefully place the machine at the new installation site.
For information about how to install the machine after relocating it, see "Getting Started." Manuals
Included with the Machine(P. 869)
Maintaining and Improving Print Quality
If the printing results are not satisfactory such as when the resulting print density is different than expected, try the
adjustments below.
Adjust Copy Image
If the density or brightness of copies and memory media print differs markedly from the originals, use this function so
that the appearance of the printing results becomes closer to that of the originals.
Adjusting the Gradation and
Density for Copy Jobs(P. 803)
Density Adjustment
Adjust the toner density. You can make ne adjustment of toner density by density level. Adjusting Print
Density(P. 805)
Adjusting the Gradation and Density for Copy Jobs
Gradation refers to the dark to light continuum of shades of a color. The more shades in the gradations of colors that
are printed, the more natural printouts seem. If color reproducibility becomes poor and the density and brightness of
printouts differs markedly from the originals, perform the appropriate auto adjustment. This adjustment improves the
results of copies and memory media print. For correcting copy images, an adjustment image will be printed and
scanned. Note that you cannot perform this adjustment while performing some functions, including, scanning, and
Adjustments may not be performed effectively if there is not sucient toner cartridge remaining.
Press and tap <Menu>.
Select <Adjustment/Maintenance> <Adjust Copy Image>.
Check that the size and type of paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the
machine, and tap <OK>.
Conrm the procedure, and tap <Start>.
Printing of an adjustment image starts.
Open the feeder after the screen displayed during printing disappears.
Place the adjustment sheet on the platen glass, with the printed side face down.
Place the adjustment sheet so that the black line ( ) is toward the left side of the machine.
Gently close the feeder.
Press .
The adjustment image is scanned and adjustment starts. In approximately 8 seconds, the adjustment is
Open the feeder, and remove the adjustment image.
Gently close the feeder.
If the <Could not perform correction.> message is displayed
Did you load plain/recycled/heavy paper or label of A4 or Letter size?
Did you place the adjustment sheet on the platen glass with the adjustment image printed side face down,
with the black line toward the left side of the machine?
Has a paper jam occurred?
Clearing Jams(P. 722)
Is the amount remaining in toner cartridge required for correction sucient? If the amount remaining in a
toner cartridge is low, it is recommended that you replace toner cartridges.
Checking the Amount
Remaining in the Toner Cartridge(P. 794)
Adjusting Print Density
If the resulting print is darker or lighter than expected, you can adjust the toner density. You can make ne adjustment
of the toner density by dividing the whole density range into three areas.
If <Toner Save> is set to <On>, you cannot use this adjustment function. Toner Save(P. 680)
Press and tap <Menu>.
Tap <Printer Settings>.
Select <Print Quality> <Density>.
Use / to adjust the density.
Making ne adjustment of toner density by density level
You can make ne adjustment of toner density on three density levels - high, medium, and low.
Tap <Fine Adjust>.
Select the desired density level.
Adjust the density.
Tap <Apply>.
If you want to also make adjustments on other density levels, repeat the operations in steps 2 to 4.
Tap <Apply>.
Tap <Apply>.
When the printed text or thin lines are faded
You can make the whole print job darker by using <Printer Density> under <Adjustment/Maintenance>.
Printer Density(P. 700)
Printing Reports and Lists
You can check fax results and the machine settings by printing reports and lists.
TX Result Report
You can check the logs of sent documents. TX Result Report(P. 808)
Communication Management Report
You can check the logs of sent and received documents. Communication Management Report(P. 811)
RX Result Report
You can check the logs of received fax or I-Fax documents. RX Result Report(P. 813)
Consumables Status Report
You can check the consumables status. Consumables Status Report(P. 814)
Address Book List
You can check the list of destinations registered in the Address Book. Address Book List(P. 815)
User Data List/System Manager Data List
You can check the list of the settings ( Setting Menu List(P. 629) ) as well as the content that has been
registered in the machine. User Data List/System Manager Data List(P. 817)
Department ID Management Report
You can check the total volume of printouts for each <Department ID>. Department ID Management
Report(P. 818)
IPSec Policy List
You can check the list of policy names and the content of the IPSec settings that are registered in the machine.
IPSec Policy List(P. 819)
PCL Font List
You can check the list of available fonts for the machine. PCL Font List(P. 820)
PS Font List
You can check the fonts available in PS mode. PS Font List(P. 821)
TX Result Report
You can check the fax or e-mail/I-Fax logs of sent documents as well as documents scanned to a shared folder or FTP
server by printing a TX Result Report. The report can be printed either every time a transmission is completed or only
when a sending error occurs.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Report Settings> <Fax TX Result Report> or <E-Mail/I-Fax/File TX
Result Report>
Select the print setting
Select if you do not want to print TX Result Reports.
Select to print a TX Result Report every time you send a document.
<Only When Error Occurs>
Select to print a TX Result Report only when a sending error occurs.
Example: Fax sending (MF515x)
Example: Scanning to e-mail/I-Fax/shared folder/FTP Server
"OK" indicates that the transmission was completed successfully while "NG" and three digits (an error code)
indicates that the transmission failed (
When an Error Code Appears(P. 745) ).
Department ID
The Department ID is shown when Department ID Management is enabled.
For e-mail, TX Result Reports indicate the transmission result between the machine and the mail server, not
between the machine and the destination address. Even if the transmission fails, a three-digit error code will
not be printed. To check the error code, print a Communication Management Report ( Communication
Management Report(P. 811) ).
To print a part of a fax document on the report
When you select <On> or <Only When Error Occurs>, a part of a fax document can be included in the report.
Set <Include TX Image> to <On>.
Communication Management Report
You can check the fax and e-mail logs of sent and received documents by printing a Communication Management
Report. The report can be printed automatically after every 40 transmissions, or you can print it manually.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Report Settings> <Communication Management
Report> Select the print setting
<Auto Print (40 Transmissions)>
Select <On> to print the report automatically after every 40 transmissions, or <Off> if you do not want to
print the report automatically.
<Separate TX/RX>
Select <On> to print sent and received reports separately, or <Off> to print both reports on one sheet.
Print the Report Manually
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <Communication Management Report> Check that
the size and type of paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the machine <Yes>
"OK" indicates that the transmission was completed successfully while "NG" and three digits (an error code)
indicates that the transmission failed ( When an Error Code Appears(P. 745) ). For e-mail, Communication
Management Reports indicate the transmission result between the machine and the mail server, not
between the machine and the destination address.
RX Result Report
You can check the logs of received fax or I-Fax documents by printing an RX Result Report. The report can be printed
either every time a transmission is completed or only when a receiving error occurs.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Report Settings> <RX Result Report> Select the print setting
Select if you do not want to print RX Result Reports.
Select to print an RX Result Report every time you receive a document.
<Only When Error Occurs>
Select to print an RX Result Report only when a receiving error occurs.
"OK" indicates that the transmission was completed successfully while "NG" and three digits (an error code)
indicates that the transmission failed ( When an Error Code Appears(P. 745) ).
Consumables Status Report
You can check the consumables status installed in the machine.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <Consumables Status Report> Check that the size
and type of paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the machine <OK> <Yes>
Replacing Toner Cartridges(P. 793)
Address Book List
You can check the list of destinations registered in the Address Book as <Coded Dial>, <Favorites>, and <Group Dial>
by printing an Address Book List.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <Address Book List> Select the setting you want to
print out Check that the size and type of paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the
machine <Yes>
Example: <Coded Dial>
Example: <Favorites>
Example: <Group Dial>
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
User Data List/System Manager Data List
You can check the list of the settings ( Setting Menu List(P. 629) ) as well as the content that has been registered in
the machine by printing a User Data List or a System Manager Data List. Both lists include the paper size and type
registered in the machine, the print settings of <TX Result Report>, <Communication Management Report>, and <RX
Result Report>.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <User Data List> or <System Manager Data
List> Check that the size and type of paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the
machine <Yes>
The <User Data List> does not include the setting lists of <Network Settings> and <System Management
Settings>, and part of the setting list of <Fax Settings>. To check all the settings items, including <Network
Settings> and <System Management Settings>, print the <System Manager Data List>.
TX Result Report(P. 808)
Communication Management Report(P. 811)
RX Result Report(P. 813)
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Department ID Management Report
When Department ID Management is enabled, you can check the total volume of printouts for each <Department ID>
by printing a Department ID Management Report. By checking the printout totals, you can better manage your paper
and toner cartridge supplies.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <Department ID Management Report> Check that
the size and type of paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the machine
Setting the Department ID Management(P. 526)
IPSec Policy List
You can check the list of policy names and the IPSec settings registered in the machine by printing an IPSec Policy List.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <IPSec Policy List> Check that the size and type of
paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the machine <Yes>
Conguring IPSec Settings(P. 574)
PCL Font List
You can print a list to check the fonts available in PCL mode.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <PCL Font List> Check that the size and type of
paper displayed on the screen is loaded in the machine <Yes>
PS Font List
You can print a list to check the fonts available in PS mode.
<Menu> <Output Report> <Print List> <PS Font List> Check that the size and type of paper
displayed on the screen is loaded in the machine <Yes>
Viewing the Counter Value
You can check the total number of pages printed by the machine. These totals include faxes, reports, and lists, in
addition to copies and printouts of data from computers.
( ) Select the item you want to check Check the number of pages printed
Select the counter to check the counter value.
Counter Value
You can check the count of the selected item.
Using a USB Memory Device to Save/Load Settings Data
Address Book and machine settings data can be saved to a USB memory device (export). Data that is saved to a
USB memory device can also be registered in the machine (import). You can easily copy the destinations in the
Address Book to multiple machines.
Depending on the model, you cannot import the Address Book data that exported from the machine. If using the same
model, you can import/export machine settings data.
Saving Settings Data to a USB Memory Device(P. 824)
Loading Settings Data from a USB Memory Device(P. 826)
Do not turn OFF the machine until the import or export process is complete
It may take a few minutes to complete the process. If the machine is turned OFF during the process, it may
result in damage to data or the machine.
Do not operate the machine during the import or export process
Before importing/exporting, check that no operation such as printing documents is currently processing.
For the settings that cannot be imported/exported, see Setting Menu List(P. 629) .
In situations where you want to selectively import or export settings data (e.g. only export Address Book
data), run the procedure from the Remote UI.
Saving/Loading Settings Data(P. 619)
Available USB Memory Devices
You can use USB memory devices with the following format styles.
FAT16 (memory capacity: up to 2 GB)
FAT32 (memory capacity: up to 32 GB)
Do not use non-standard USB memory devices. You may not be able to import/export data properly
with some USB memory devices.
USB memory devices cannot be connected via a USB hub or an extension cable.
Do not use USB memory devices with special functions such as built-in security functions.
Saving Settings Data to a USB Memory Device
You can export Address Book and machine settings data, and save them to a USB memory device. It is recommended
that you regularly back up important settings.
Connect a USB memory device to the USB port on the front of the machine.
The USB port on the rear of the machine is not available.
Do not remove the USB memory device or shock or shake the device or the machine when data is being
read or written. Also, do not turn OFF the machine while the processing is in progress.
Press and tap <Menu>.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Import/Export of Settings> <Export>.
Enter the password using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Enter a password for the export data up to 32 alphanumeric characters. On how to enter text, see Entering
Text(P. 40) .
The password is required when exported data is imported. Loading Settings Data from a USB Memory
Device(P. 826)
Enter the password again for conrmation, and tap <Apply>.
Exporting starts.
If the <Address Book PIN> screen appears
If a PIN has been set for the Address Book, the <Address Book PIN> screen appears during exporting.
Enter the Address Book PIN and tap <Apply>. Tap <Skip> to cancel Address Book data exporting.
Disconnect the USB memory device from the USB port.
Press .
Press .
Tap <Device Status>.
Tap <Remove Memory Media>.
Wait until the message <The memory media can be safely removed.> is displayed.
Disconnect the USB memory device.
Loading Settings Data from a USB Memory Device
Load (import) data that was exported from the machine to a USB memory device. You can also import machine
settings data from another machine if it is the same model as your machine.
Importing Address Book data will overwrite the Address Book entries currently registered on the machine.
Connect a USB memory device to the USB port on the front of the machine.
The USB port on the rear of the machine is not available.
Do not remove the USB memory device or shock or shake the device or the machine when data is being
read or written. Also, do not turn OFF the machine while the processing is in progress.
Press and tap <Menu>.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Select <Import/Export of Settings> <Import>.
Check the message and tap <Yes>.
Enter the password using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
Enter the password that was set when exporting the data. On how to enter text, see Entering Text(P. 40) .
Importing starts. The machine automatically restarts after the import is complete.
If the <Address Book PIN> screen appears
If a PIN has been set for the Address Book, the <Address Book PIN> screen appears during importing.
Enter the Address Book PIN and tap <Apply>. Tap <Skip> to cancel Address Book data importing.
Disconnect the USB memory device from the USB port.
Press .
Press .
Tap <Device Status>.
Tap <Remove Memory Media>.
Wait until the message <The memory media can be safely removed.> is displayed.
Disconnect the USB memory device.
Initializing Settings
You can restore the following settings:
Initializing Menu(P. 829)
Initializing Key and Certicate(P. 831)
Initializing Address Book(P. 832)
Initializing Menu
You can restore the settings of the machine ( Setting Menu List(P. 629) ). Depending on the settings selected, you
may need to restart the machine after initialization.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Initialize Menu> Select the item you want to
initialize <Yes> Restart the machine if necessary
Items for initializing
Select the setting you want to initialize.
When <System Management Settings> is selected
Select the specic system management settings that you want to initialize and tap <Yes>.
Settings to be initialized
Select the settings to be initialized.
<Initialize All>
Initializes all the system management settings.
If Remote UI settings are initialized
The Remote UI Access PIN is also initialized. After an initialization, reset the Remote UI Access PIN.
Setting a Remote UI PIN(P. 534)
You can use the procedure below to restore the default <Network Settings>.
<Menu> <Network Settings> <Initialize Network Settings> <Yes> Restart the machine
<Initialize All>
Initializes all the settings on the machine.
Initializing Key and Certicate
You can restore the settings of the key pairs and digital certicates. Note that all the key pairs and digital certicates
that you registered in the machine (except the preinstalled key pairs and digital certicates) will be deleted after
After initializing, functions that require key pairs such as TLS encrypted communication and IKE of IPSec
communication are not available. To use these functions, congure the settings for the key pairs and
activate the functions again.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Initialize Key and Certicate> <Yes>
Conguring Settings for Key Pairs and Digital Certicates(P. 588)
Initializing Address Book
You can restore the settings of the Address Book. Note that all the information registered in the Address Book will be
deleted after initializing.
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Initialize Address Book> <Yes>
Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
Updating the Firmware
For the rmware, select the method of update depending on the installation condition of the machine. There are two
methods of update: the one is to access the latest rmware version on the Internet from the machine and perform the
update if the version currently installed in the machine is not the latest, and the other is to access the latest rmware
version on the Internet from a computer and perform the update from the computer if the version currently installed
in the machine is not the latest. In an environment where connection to the Internet cannot be established via a
wireless LAN, establish connection via a wired LAN or USB and perform the update from the computer.
Installation Condition of the Machine How to Install the Update
Wireless LAN connection Updating via the Internet(P. 833)
Wired LAN connection Updating via the Internet(P. 833)
Updating from a Computer(P. 834)
USB connection Updating from a Computer(P. 834)
If you are in an IPv6 environment, you cannot perform rmware update. Use USB to re-establish connection,
and perform the update from the computer.
Checking the rmware version
You can check the rmware version from the operation panel of the machine. After completion of the
rmware update operation, make sure that the update was performed correctly. Checking the Firmware
Version(P. 834)
Updating via the Internet
You can access the Canon server from the machine to update the rmware to the latest version.
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Update Firmware>.
Tap <Via Internet>.
A check for existence of the latest rmware is performed.
If the <This is the latest rmware version.> message is displayed, there is no need to update the rmware.
Check the message and tap <Yes>.
When a license screen appears, tap <Accept>.
Tap <OK>.
When the rmware update is complete, the machine restarts automatically.
Do not turn OFF the machine while the restart is in progress.
Updating from a Computer
When you have downloaded the latest rmware version from the Canon website, use "User Support Tool" utility
software to update the rmware from a computer. For how to perform rmware update from a computer, see the
"User Support Tool Operation Guide" included with the rmware.
To Put the Machine into a Firmware Update Waiting State
<Menu> <System Management Settings> <Update Firmware> <Via PC> <Yes>
Checking the Firmware Version
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Update Firmware>.
Tap <Version Information>.
The current rmware version is displayed.
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................. 837
Feature Highlights ............................................................................................................................................ 838
Going Green and Saving Money ................................................................................................................... 839
Improving Eciency ..................................................................................................................................... 841
Going Digital ................................................................................................................................................ 844
So Much More .............................................................................................................................................. 847
Specications .................................................................................................................................................... 850
Machine Specications ................................................................................................................................. 851
Wireless LAN Specications .......................................................................................................................... 853
Document Type ............................................................................................................................................ 854
Scan Area ............................................................................................................................................... 855
Paper ............................................................................................................................................................ 856
Copy Specications ....................................................................................................................................... 859
Fax Specications (MF515x) .......................................................................................................................... 860
Scanner Specications .................................................................................................................................. 861
Printer Specications .................................................................................................................................... 862
Specications for E-Mail Sending/I-Faxes Sending and Receiving ................................................................. 863
Specications for Scanning to Shared Folders/FTP Server ............................................................................ 864
Consumables ..................................................................................................................................................... 865
Optional Items ................................................................................................................................................... 866
Manuals Included with the Machine ................................................................................................................ 869
Using e-Manual .................................................................................................................................................. 870
Installing e-Manual ....................................................................................................................................... 871
Uninstalling e-Manual .................................................................................................................................. 876
Screen Layout of e-Manual ........................................................................................................................... 879
Viewing e-Manual ......................................................................................................................................... 885
Manual Display Settings ............................................................................................................................... 886
Others ................................................................................................................................................................ 887
Basic Windows Operations ........................................................................................................................... 888
For Mac OS Users ......................................................................................................................................... 896
Notice ........................................................................................................................................................... 897
Oce Locations ................................................................................................................................................. 902
This chapter contains technical specications of this machine, instructions on how to use the e-Manual, disclaimers,
copyright information, and other important information for customers.
Feature Highlights
Give the features that are described in this section a try. The features are grouped under four headings: "Going Green
and Saving Money," "Improving Eciency," "Going Digital," and "So Much More."
Going Green and Saving Money
2-Sided Printing
You can use 2-sided printing for copies, print jobs sent from your computer, and even incoming faxes. Because
you'll only be using half the paper you would otherwise, you can cut your paper costs in half. To save even
more, combine 2-sided printing with N on 1 printing of multiple pages on one sheet of paper. You can print up
to 32 pages on a single sheet, which is both economical and environmentally friendly.
To make 2-sided copies: 2-Sided Copying(P. 121)
To print 2-sided documents from your computer: Switching 1-Sided and 2-Sided Printing(P. 250)
To print 2-Sided incoming faxes:
Print on Both Sides(P. 663)
Print Multiple Pages on a Single Sheet
To really start saving paper, shrink multiple pages onto a single sheet - 2 or 4 pages for copies, and up to 16
pages for print jobs sent from your computer. This is even more effective when used together with 2-sided
To copy multiple pages of a document onto one sheet: Copying Multiple Documents onto One Sheet
(2 on 1/4 on 1)(P. 124)
To print multiple pages of a document onto one sheet: Printing Multiple Pages onto One Sheet(P. 254)
Sleep Mode
For saving energy and money, a sleep mode that powers down a machine when nobody is using it has become
an essential feature. This machine will enter sleep mode automatically, and can also be put to sleep whenever
you want. Press once to put the machine to sleep. Press it again to instantly wake the machine back into
For more information about this function, see Entering Sleep Mode(P. 100) .
Save Toner
Got multi-page documents or drafts that don't need presentation-quality printing?
There's a setting that uses less toner. Give it a try and save toner and money.
For more information about this function, see Saving Toner(P. 268) .
Paperless Faxing (MF515x)
Assume you need paper to fax? Those old paper printouts you always make are a thing of the past. Send
documents by fax just as they are, created on your computer. It's paperless, so it's fast. And, received
documents are rst stored in memory, allowing you to print out only those needed and eliminating worry about
paper getting used on direct mailings, etc.
To send documents from the computer as faxes: Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax)
(MF515x)(P. 202)
To store received documents into memory:
Storing Received Faxes into Memory (Memory Reception)
(P. 187)
Improving Eciency
Address Book
Entering fax and e-mail addresses in the Address Book saves you the inconvenience of entering them number-
by-number, letter-by-letter every time you have something to send. Display the addresses you use most
frequently with the <Favorites> feature to quickly and easily send what you need to the people who need it. You
can save your Address Book data on your computer and feel secure knowing that your important contact
information is backed up.
To use the machine to enter addresses in the Address Book: Registering in the Address Book(P. 77)
To use your computer to enter addresses in the Address Book: Registering Destinations in the
Address Book from Remote UI(P. 624)
To select an Address Book address as a fax destination:
Specifying from Address Book(P. 153)
To select an Address Book address as an e-mail destination: Specifying from Address Book (P. 362)
To save Address Book addresses on your computer or to export Address Book addresses that are saved on
your computer to the machine:
Saving/Loading Settings Data(P. 619)
To save Address Book addresses on your USB memory device or to export Address Book addresses that
are saved on your USB memory device to the machine: Using a USB Memory Device to Save/Load
Settings Data(P. 823)
Frequently used Settings in One Touch
Always making 2-sided copies. Always scanning in the same format and to the same save destination.
Frequently used settings like these can be registered to a single shortcut button. This is convenient by allowing
you to specify involved operations all in a single touch.
To register your favorite copy settings: Registering Frequently Used Copy Settings(P. 131)
To register your favorite fax settings:
Registering Frequently Used Fax Settings(P. 173)
To register your favorite scan settings: Registering Frequently Used Scan Settings (E-Mail/I-Fax/
Shared Folder/FTP Server)(P. 379)
Print Images Right Off Your USB Memory Device
Plug a USB memory device into the machine and you can print images and documents directly, without using a
computer. You can even preview JPEG and other images before you print, so there is no wasted paper. You can
also scan handwritten memos, etc. and save them directly to a USB memory device. Convenient for carrying
To print directly from a USB memory device: Printing from USB Memory (Memory Media Print)(P. 289)
To store scanned document data directly into a USB memory device: Scanning Documents Directly to
USB Memory(P. 332)
Remote Management with Remote UI
Remote UI lets you manage a lot from your computer, all without having to go over to the machine. Congure
settings and keep an eye on the machine's status with an intuitive, easy-to-understand Web browser interface
that you'll master immediately. Save your time and energy for things other than taking care of the machine.
For more information about this function, see Using Remote UI(P. 605) .
Make Print Settings Quickly with Intuitive Operation
You can easily specify the page layout as well as binding position, switching between 1-sided and 2-sided
printing, etc. intuitively on the preview image in the printer driver. The simple click-operation allows you to
conveniently make settings while viewing how settings are applied.
For more information, see Printing a Document(P. 237) .
Going Digital
Scan and E-Mail
E-mail scanned documents without even turning on your computer. Just convert your scanned document into
an e-mail attachment right from the machine. If you're one of those people who'd rather send a fax than mess
around with a computer, this feature is for you.
For more information about this function, see Sending Documents as E-Mails Directly from the
Machine(P. 335) .
Scan and Share
Say you've got a paper copy of a report for a company-wide meeting. Scan it, convert it, and now everyone can
see it. It's saved directly in a shared folder on your network, so there's no need to print out copies and pass
them out. Once you start talking about hundreds of pages of documents that everyone needs, there's just no
other way to go.
For more information about this function, see Saving Documents Directly in Shared Folder/FTP
Server(P. 342) .
Scan Only What You Need
What if you're scanning a whole page of a newspaper but all you're really interested in is a headline and a
photo? Use ScanGear MF. You can select what you want from a preview, and then have the scanner disregard
the rest. Otherwise you'll have to use an editing program to crop out everything you don't need.
Using your product to scan, print or otherwise reproduce certain documents, and the use of such
images as scanned, printed or otherwise reproduced by your product, may be prohibited by law and
may result in criminal and/or civil liability. If you are uncertain about the legality of using your product
to scan, print or otherwise reproduce any particular document, and/or of the use of the images
scanned, printed or otherwise reproduced, you should consult in advance with your legal advisor for
For more information about this function, see Conguring Scan Settings in ScanGear MF(P. 313) .
Searchable PDFs
Searching of text in a PDF can be done with a "searchable PDF". By scanning an original with both text and
images, text portions are converted by OCR into text data. In addition to being able to search for text
information, you can also copy required portions into an Excel spreadsheet or Word document in Microsoft
Oce. Eliminate the need to type in customer data, addresses, etc. from scratch.
For more information about scanning by operating the machine alone: Selecting a File Format(P. 351)
For more information about scanning by operation from the computer, click [Instructions] on MF Scan
Add Images to a Work in Progress
Some applications work with the machine to let you easily import scanned images directly into documents
you're working on. This way you can skip the steps of opening a separate application just for receiving the
scanned images and then exporting them to the application you're really using.
For more information about this function, see Scanning Using an Application(P. 311) .
So Much More
Using a smartphone/tablet
At times such as when you want to quickly print out a proposal you completed on a tablet while travelling to a
business destination, or scan materials handed out at a meeting using a smartphone, Canon Mobile Application
comes in handy. Even in environments without a wireless LAN router, you can connect to the machine with a
mobile device wirelessly and directly.
PCless, quick, and easy! An even broader range of possibilities for work/play with functionality made for this age
of speed.
For more information, see Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device(P. 386) .
Easy Printing with Google Cloud Print
Hook up to Google Cloud Print with your laptop or cell phone, send your data, and out come your printed
documents. With this machine, Google Cloud Print, and your mobile device, print whenever you want from
wherever you want.
For more information about this function, see Using Google Cloud Print(P. 405) .
Keep Your Printouts Private
Normally, when you print something from your computer, it comes out of the printer right away. However, if
you have sensitive documents, this may not be what you want. Just use secure printing and no one will be able
to print your documents without entering your password on the machine's operation panel. Don't let your
condential documents lie exposed on the tray for everyone to see.
For more information about this function, see Printing a Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print)
(P. 276) .
Go Wireless
No cables, easy installation, simple maintenance. If you've got a WPS wireless LAN router, bypass the settings
process altogether and be ready to go before you know it. Enjoy the kind of clutter-free and easy to use
document system that you can only get from wireless. Compatible with IEEE 802.11b/g/n for stress-free
wireless, and also supports WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES-CCMP) for tighter security.
For more information about this function, see Connecting to a Wireless LAN(P. 418) .
Get Faxes Wherever You Go (MF515x)
Never worry about missing a fax when you're out of the oce. Set a forwarding destination and any fax that
comes in on the machine will go right to you. Better yet, make the forwarding destination the e-mail address for
your tablet or mobile.
For more information about this function, see Forwarding Received Faxes(P. 190) .
Make Posters
Blow up a regular one-sheet printout and make an exceptionally large poster. A large poster will be printed out
on nine sheets. Put them together in a 3x3 grid, and voila!
For more information about this function, see Printing Posters(P. 256) .
Make Booklets
Sometimes your documents deserve better presentation than a staple in the upper-left corner. Making booklets
is easy. The print driver will take care of the page positioning for you. All you have to do is fold the pages and
staple them along the middle.
For more information about this function, see Printing Booklet(P. 257) .
The machine specications are subject to change without prior notice due to improvements of the machine.
Machine Specications(P. 851)
Wireless LAN Specications(P. 853)
Document Type(P. 854)
Scan Area(P. 855)
Paper(P. 856)
Copy Specications(P. 859)
Fax Specications (MF515x)(P. 860)
Scanner Specications(P. 861)
Printer Specications(P. 862)
Specications for E-Mail Sending/I-Faxes Sending and Receiving(P. 863)
Specications for Scanning to Shared Folders/FTP Server(P. 864)
Machine Specications
Type Personal Desktop
Power Supply 220 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
(Power requirements differ depending on the country in which you purchased
the product.)
Power Consumption Maximum
1,430 W or less
During standby mode
Approx. 12.2 W (USB connection)
Approx. 12.4 W (wired LAN connection)
Approx. 12.9 W (wireless LAN connection)
During sleep mode
Approx. 0.8 W (USB connection)
Approx. 0.9 W (wired LAN connection)
Approx. 1.5 W (wireless LAN connection)
When the power switch is turned OFF
0.1 W or less
Warm-up Time *1
(From power ON until machine enters standby)
16 seconds or less
Weight *2 MF515x
Approx. 24.3 kg
Approx. 22.9 kg
(W x L x H)
In the normal state
453 x 477 x 503 mm
When the two optional paper feeders are installed
453 x 477 x 780 mm
When the optional handset is installed
530 x 477 x 503 mm
Environmental Conditions Temperature: 10 to 30°C
Humidity: 20% to 80% RH (no condensation)
Host Interface 1000BASE-T
Hi-Speed USB
IEEE 802.11b/g/n (Infrastructure mode)
(measured in accordance with ISO 7779, declared noise
emission in accordance with ISO 9296)
LwAd (Declared A-weighted sound power level (1 B = 10 dB))
During standby mode: Inaudible
During printing: 6.9 B or less (1-sided)
During printing: 6.7 B or less (2-sided)
Warm-up time may vary depending on the use conditions and environment of the machine.
The value indicates the mass of the main unit including toner cartridges.
Indicates that the sound pressure level of each bystander position is below the ISO 7779 absolute criteria for the background noise level.
LpAm (Declared A-weighted emission sound pressure level (Bystander
During standby mode: Inaudible
During printing: Approx. 54 dB (1-sided)
During printing: Approx. 52 dB (2-sided)
Gradation 256 gradations
Acceptable Documents Supported Document Types(P. 854)
Acceptable Paper Stock Paper(P. 856)
Printable Range Printable Area(P. 858)
Scan Range Scan Area(P. 855)
Warm-up time may vary depending on the use conditions and environment of the machine.
The value indicates the mass of the main unit including toner cartridges.
Indicates that the sound pressure level of each bystander position is below the ISO 7779 absolute criteria for the background noise level.
Wireless LAN Specications
Standard IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
Transmission Scheme DS-SS System, OFDM System
Frequency Range 2,412 to 2,472 MHz
Maximum Radio-Frequency Power Transmitte 15.98 dBm
Communication Mode Infrastructure Mode / Access Point Mode
Connection Method WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), Manual setup
Document Type
Supported Document Types
Platen Glass Feeder
Type Plain paper
Heavy paper
Small documents
(for example, index cards)
Special types of paper
(for example, tracing paper, transparencies, etc.)
Booklet (up to 20 mm thickness)
Plain paper
(one-page document/Multi-page documents of
the same size, thickness and weight)
(W x L)
Up to 215.9 x 355.6 mm Maximum size
215.9 x 355.6 mm
Minimum size
139.7 x 128.0 mm
Weight Up to 2 kg 50 to 105 g/m²
Paper Capacity 1 sheet Up to 50 sheets
Scan Area
The shaded areas in the table below indicate the scan area of the document. Make sure that text and images in your
documents t within the shaded area. The scan area varies depending on the function used and where documents are
placed (in the feeder or on the platen glass).
Platen Glass Feeder
The scan area for copying may differ from
the printable area. Printable
Area(P. 858)
The scan area for copying may differ from the
printable area. Printable Area(P. 858)
Fax (MF515x)
The whole document can be scanned.
Supported Paper Sizes
Paper sizes that can be loaded in the paper drawer, the multi-purpose tray, and optional paper feeders are listed
: Available : Unavailable
Paper Size
Paper Drawer Multi-Purpose Tray
Automatic 2-Sided Printing
(210.0 x 297.0 mm)
(182.0 x 257.0 mm)
(148.0 x 210.0 mm)
Legal (LGL)
(215.9 x 355.6 mm)
Letter (LTR)
(215.9 x 279.4 mm)
Statement (STMT)
(139.7 x 215.9 mm)
Executive (EXEC)
(184.1 x 266.7 mm)
(215.9 x 317.5 mm)
Ocio (Brazil)
(215.9 x 355.0 mm)
Ocio (Mexico)
(215.9 x 341.0 mm)
Letter (Government)
(203.2 x 266.7 mm)
Legal (Government)
(203.2 x 330.2 mm)
Automatic 2-sided printing is available without necessity of paper reloading.
The machine can print received fax documents.
Custom size paper with width 105.0 to 216.0 mm and length 148.0 to 356.0 mm can be loaded.
Custom size paper with width 76.2 to 216.0 mm and length 127.0 to 356.0 mm can be loaded.
Custom size paper with width 210.0 to 216.0 mm and length 279.4 to 356.0 mm can be loaded.
Paper Size Paper Drawer Multi-Purpose Tray
Automatic 2-Sided Printing
(215.9 x 330.2 mm)
Foolscap (Australia)
(206.0 x 337.0 mm)
Legal (India)
(215.0 x 345.0 mm)
(76.2 x 127.0 mm)
Envelope No.10 (COM10)
(104.7 x 241.3 mm)
Envelope Monarch
(98.4 x 190.5 mm)
Envelope C5
(162.0 x 229.0 mm)
Envelope DL
(110.0 x 220.0 mm)
Custom Paper Size
Automatic 2-sided printing is available without necessity of paper reloading.
The machine can print received fax documents.
Custom size paper with width 105.0 to 216.0 mm and length 148.0 to 356.0 mm can be loaded.
Custom size paper with width 76.2 to 216.0 mm and length 127.0 to 356.0 mm can be loaded.
Custom size paper with width 210.0 to 216.0 mm and length 279.4 to 356.0 mm can be loaded.
The default paper size of the machine is set to A4. Change the paper size setting when using a different size
of paper. Specifying Paper Size and Type in the Paper Drawer(P. 67)
Paper Type and Paper Source Capacity
Chlorine-free paper can be used with this machine.
Each source capacity indicated in the following table is merely a guide, so it may be different from the actual
: Unavailable
Paper Type Paper Drawer Multi-Purpose Tray
Plain paper
*1 *2
60 to 90 g/m² 500 sheets 100 sheets
Heavy paper
91 to 120 g/m²
400 sheets 80 sheets
121 to 199 g/m²
50 sheets
Recycled paper
*1 *2
60 to 90 g/m² 500 sheets 100 sheets
Color paper
*1 *2
60 to 90 g/m² 500 sheets 100 sheets
Label 40 sheets
Envelope 10 sheets
Automatic 2-sided printing is available without replacing paper.
The machine can print received fax documents.
For paper of 199 g/m², up to 30 sheets can be loaded.
Paper Type and Setting for the Machine
Loading Paper(P. 50)
Printable Area
The shaded areas in the image below indicate the printable area of the document. For envelope, the top, bottom, left,
and right margins are all 10 mm.
Copy Specications
Scan Resolution Text/Photo
300 x 600 dpi
Text/Photo (Quality), Photo, Text
600 x 600 dpi
Output Resolution 600 x 600 dpi
Copy Ratio 100% (1:1), 400% (Max), 200%, 141% A5->A4, 70% A4->A5, 50%,
25% (Min)
Copy Speed *1
(A4 Plain Direct)
40 cpm
Continuous Copying Capacity Maximum 999 copies
First Copy Time
Platen glass: 7.9 seconds or less
Feeder: 9.7 seconds or less
The copy speed on A4 size plain paper on one-side printing is measured during continuous copying. However, this varies depending on the use
conditions and environment of the machine.
Fax Specications
Line Used
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
Communication Mode Super G3, G3
Compression Method MH, MR, MMR, JBIG
Modem Speed Super G3: 33.6 Kbps, G3: 14.4 Kbps
Automatic Fallback
Transmission Speed
Approx. 3 seconds per page
(ECM-JBIG, transmitting from the memory at 33.6 Kbps)
Sending from Memory/Receiving in Memory
Maximum approx. 512 pages
(Total pages of transmission/reception)
(Maximum number of fax jobs that can be sent from the memory: 30 jobs/
Maximum number of fax jobs that can be received into the memory: 90 jobs)
Fax Resolution Normal: 200 x 100 dpi
Fine: 200 x 200 dpi
Photo: 200 x 200 dpi
Superne: 200 x 400 dpi
Ultrane: 400 x 400 dpi
Dialing Favorites (19 destinations)
Coded dialing (281 destinations)
Group dialing (299 destinations)
Address Book dialing
Regular dialing (with numeric keys)
Automatic redialing
Manual redialing
Sequential broadcast (310 destinations)
Receiving Automatic reception
Manual reception
Remote reception by telephone (Default ID: 25)
Reports TX Result Report
Communication Management Report (By default, auto output every 40
RX Result Report
Telephone Type Handset (optional)
External telephone
External telephone with the built-in answer function
Data modem
Depending on your locale or your telephone connection, you may be unable to perform data communication. In this case, contact your local
authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
Based on ITU-T (ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector) Standard Chart No. 1, JBIG standard mode.
Scanner Specications
Type Color scanner
Maximum Scan Size Platen glass: up to 215.9 x 355.6 mm
Feeder: up to 215.9 x 355.6 mm
Scan Resolution Optical resolution
Platen glass: up to 600 x 600 dpi
Feeder: up to 300 x 300 dpi
Software interpolation resolution
9,600 x 9,600 dpi
Scan Speed *1
(A4, 300 x 300 dpi)
Color: Approx. 7 seconds/sheet
Black and White: Approx. 3 seconds/sheet
Driver TWAIN
WIA 2.0 (Windows Vista/7/8)
ICA (Mac OS X 10.6.x or later)
Speed of scanning via the platen glass. The communication time is not included.
Printer Specications
Printing Method Indirect electrostatic system (On-demand xing)
Paper Capacity Multi-purpose tray: Approx. 100 sheets
Paper drawer: Approx. 500 sheets
Paper Feeder Unit PF-45 (optional): Approx. 500 sheets
Output Tray Capacity *1
(a fresh stack of A4 size paper)
Output tray: Approx. 250 sheets
Sub-output tray: Approx. 50 sheets
Print Speed *2
(A4 Plain Direct)
1-sided printing
40 ppm
2-sided printing
20 pages/minute (10 sheets/minute)
First Print Time *3
7.6 seconds or less
Output Resolution 600 x 600 dpi
Gradation 256 gradations
Toner Cartridges Consumables(P. 865)
May varies depending on the installation environment and paper type used.
The print speed on A4 size plain paper is measured during continuous printing. However, this varies depending on the use conditions and
environment of the machine.
May vary depending on the output environment.
Specications for E-Mail Sending/I-Faxes Sending and
Communication Protocol
Data Format E-mail
PDF, PDF (Compact), PDF (Compact/OCR), PDF (OCR), JPEG, TIFF
Resolution E-mail
JPEG: 300 dpi
TIFF: 300 dpi (MMR Compression)
PDF/PDF (OCR) (Black and White): 300 dpi (MMR Compression)
PDF/PDF (OCR) (Color): 200 dpi (JPEG Compression)
PDF (Compact)/PDF (Compact/OCR): Text 300 dpi, Background 150 dpi
200 dpi (MH Compression)
System Environment Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2003/Server 2008/Server 2012
Solaris Version 2.6 or later (with Samba 2.2 or later)
Mac OS X
Red Hat Linux 7.2 or later (with Samba 2.2 or later)
Interface 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 10BASE-T
Color Mode E-mail
Color, Black and White
Black and White
Inputted Image Text, Text/Photo, Photo
Paper Size A4, A5
For e-mail sending, POP3 can also be used, though limited to when authenticating before sending.
Specications for Scanning to Shared Folders/FTP
Communication Protocol SMB (TCP/IP), FTP
Data Format PDF, PDF (Compact), PDF (Compact/OCR), PDF (OCR), JPEG, TIFF
Resolution JPEG: 300 dpi
TIFF: 300 dpi (MMR Compression)
PDF/PDF (OCR) (Black and White): 300 dpi (MMR Compression)
PDF/PDF (OCR) (Color): 200 dpi (JPEG Compression)
PDF (Compact)/PDF (Compact/OCR): Text 300 dpi, Background 150 dpi
System Environment Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2003/Server 2008/Server 2012
Solaris Version 2.6 or later (with Samba 2.2 or later)
Mac OS X
Red Hat Linux 7.2 or later (with Samba 2.2 or later)
Interface 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 10BASE-T
Color Mode Color, Black and White
Inputted Image Text, Text/Photo, Photo
Paper Size A4, A5
The following is a guide to the estimated replacement time for the consumables used in this machine. Purchase
consumables at your local authorized Canon dealer. Observe safety and health precautions when storing and handling
consumables ( Consumables(P. 10) ).
Depending on the installation environment, printing paper size, or document type, you may need to replace
consumables before the end of the estimated lifetime.
Toner Cartridges
Supplied Toner Cartridges
The average yield
of the toner cartridge that comes with the machine is 6,000 sheets.
The average yield is based on "ISO/IEC 19752" (the global standard related to "Method for the determination of toner
cartridge yield for monochromatic electrophotographic printers and multi-function devices that contain printer
components" issued by ISO [International Organization for Standardization]) when printing A4 size paper with the default
print density setting.
Replacement Toner Cartridges
For optimum print quality, using Canon genuine toner cartridges is recommended.
Canon Genuine Toner Cartridge
Average yield of toner cartridge
Canon Cartridge 724 6,000 sheets
Canon Cartridge 724 H 12,500 sheets
Genuine Canon Consumables
For optimum print quality, using Canon genuine Toner, Cartridge and Parts is recommended.
When replacing toner cartridges, see How to Replace Toner Cartridges(P. 798) .
Optional Items
The functionality of the machine can be fully utilized by using the optional items described below. Optional items can
be purchased from the retail outlet where you purchased the machine or from your local Canon dealer.
Paper Feeder Unit PF-45(P. 866)
HANDSET-J1 (MF515x)(P. 866)
Copy Card Reader-F1(P. 866)
Barcode Printing Kit(P. 867)
License Registration(P. 867)
Paper Feeder Unit PF-45
This is a paper feeder capable of holding a maximum of 500 sheets. Installing
this paper feeder enables you to load up to 1,600 sheets of paper of different
sizes at a time and in such manner that a size is loaded in the standard drawer,
another size in the multi-purpose tray, and still another in this optional paper
feeder. This surely reduces the time and labor for paper replacement.
Paper Capacity Approx. 500 sheets
Available Paper Paper(P. 856)
Power Supply From main unit
(W x L x H)
453 x 470 x 141 mm
Weight Approx. 5.4 kg
This is a handset that can be connected to the machine. Use the handset when you
use the machine as a telephone. Also, use the handset when you send or receive
faxes manually.
Copy Card Reader-F1
The card control system simplies the logon process of Department ID Management by using the control card instead
of entering the department ID. You can log on to the machine by inserting a control card and log off by removing it.
Card slot
Insert the control card into the card slot when the logon screen is displayed. Remove the control card from
the card slot after using the machine. The main screen appears on the display after you log on, and the logon
screen appears on the display after you log off.
Control card
You can use the control card shown below. Make sure that the card is facing in the correct direction when you
insert it into the card slot.
Available Cards
Card Readout Method Magnetic readout
Magnetic Card Reading Direction Face up
Store/Replay Replay
(W x L x H)
88 x 96 x 40 mm (excluding the attachment kit and cable)
Weight Approx. 200 g (including the attachment kit and cable)
Barcode Printing Kit
This option enables you to generate bar codes in various formats. Note that if you want to print bar codes, PCL must
be enabled. For information on using the Barcode Printing Kit, see the Barcode Printing Guide (PDF manual).
The Barcode Printing Guide is stored in the following folder on the provided DVD-ROM.
[Manual]-[uk_eng]-[pdfs]-[Barcode Printing Guide]
License Registration
To activate the Barcode Printing Kit, you need to obtain a license key and register the key to the machine.
Obtaining a License Key
You can obtain a license key by using a web browser. Access the License Management System ( http://
www.canon.com/lms/license ) and follow the procedure. As a part of the procedure, you are required to enter the
following numbers.
License Access Number
Check the license access number provided on the License Access Number Certicate that is included in the
package of the option.
Serial Number of the Machine
Check the serial number of the machine by pressing ( ) <Check Device Conguration>.
Registering a License Key
Tap <Menu> in the Home screen.
Tap <System Management Settings>.
If the logon screen appears, enter the correct ID and PIN using the numeric keys, and then press .
Logging on to the Machine(P. 43)
Tap <Register License>.
Conrm the message on the screen, and tap <OK>.
Enter the license key using the numeric keys, and tap <Register>.
Registration starts. Wait until the <Installation complete. Effective after the main power is turned OFF and
ON.> message is displayed.
If the <Registering... Do not turn the main power OFF.> message is displayed, enable the functions that are
required to activate the option and register the license key again.
Tap <Close>.
Manuals Included with the Machine
The manuals listed below are included with the machine. Refer to them as necessary.
Getting Started Read this manual rst. It describes basic setup procedures, from removing the
packing materials to setting up the machine.
Wireless LAN Setting Guide This manual describes the procedure for connecting the machine to a wireless
LAN router, it also contains information for troubleshooting when conguring
the settings. Read this manual with Getting Started.
e-Manual (This Manual) This manual describes all the functions of the machine in a manual that is
viewed using a Web browser. You can browse information by category or enter a
keyword to search for pages on a specic topic. Using e-Manual(P. 870)
MF Driver Installation Guide This manual describes how to install the MF drivers, MF Scan Utility, and the
supplied software on the provided DVD-ROM.
Send Setting Guide This manual describes how to congure settings and prepare for sending
scanned images by e-mail and saving scanned images to shared folders.
Using e-Manual
The e-Manual is a manual that can be viewed on your computer that describes all of the functions of the machine. You
can search from your intended use or enter a keyword to quickly nd the page you are looking for. You can use the e-
Manual by installing it on your computer, or start the e-Manual directly from the provided DVD-ROM. Installing e-
Manual(P. 871)
How to Find the Topic You Are Looking for
You can nd the page you are looking for using the following 3 methods.
Search the contents
You can nd the page you are looking for by selecting the topic from the [Contents] tab on the left side of the
screen, and selecting the [Chapter icon] next to the topic.
Top Page(P. 879)
Topic Page(P. 881)
Search by keyword
Perform a search by entering a keyword, such as "fax" or "wireless LAN", and the pages containing the keyword
are displayed. You can nd the page you are looking for from those results. You can also enter phrases such as
"connecting to a network." The keyword search also supports the AND Boolean to search for multiple keywords.
Search Tab(P. 883)
Search the site map
Click [Site Map] on the top part of the screen, and a list of all the e-Manual topics is displayed. From there you
can nd the topic you are looking for.
Site Map(P. 884)
System Requirements
To use the e-Manual, the following Web browsers are required. The content of the e-Manual may not display
correctly if a browser not listed below is used.
Internet Explorer 8.0/9.0/10.0/11.0
Firefox 24.x ESR/26.x/29.x/30.x/31.x/31.x ESR/32.x/33.x/34.x/35.x/36.x/37.x/38.x/39.x
Mac OS:
Safari 7.x/8.x
Firefox 24.x ESR/26.x/29.x/30.x/31.x/31.x ESR/32.x/33.x/34.x/35.x/36.x/37.x/38.x/39.x
The DVD-ROM provided for this product may include manuals in PDF format. If you do not have access to
Adobe Reader to view the manuals in PDF format, try other programs such as PDF Preview developed by
Vivid Document Imaging Technologies.
About the latest e-Manual
For the latest e-Manual, see the Canon website: http://www.canon.com/
Installing e-Manual
Install the e-Manual on your computer by using the provided DVD-ROM that comes with the machine.
Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer.
Select a language and click [OK] if you are prompted to do so.
Click [Custom Installation].
If the above screen is not displayed, see Displaying the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup]
Screen(P. 889) .
If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].
Select [USB Connection], and click [Next].
Select [USB Connection], even if connected using a network.
Clear all the check boxes except for [Manuals], and click [Install].
Read the License Agreement and click [Yes] to agree.
Select a language and click [NEXT].
Click [Install].
If you want to change the installation location, click [Browse] and specify the desired location.
The installation begins.
Wait a moment. This process may take some time.
Click [Exit].
Click [Next] [Exit].
Viewing the e-Manual
Double-click the shortcut icon of the e-Manual on the desktop.
If a security warning message appears
Click [Allow blocked content].
TIPS for Viewing the e-Manual Directly from the provided DVD-ROM
Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer.
Select a language and click [OK] if you are prompted to do so.
If the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup] screen is not displayed, see Displaying the
[Software Programs/Manuals Setup] Screen(P. 889) .
If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].
Click [Manuals].
Click [e-Manual].
Uninstalling e-Manual
You can remove the e-Manual from the computer to restore the computer to the same state it was in before the e-
Manual was installed.
Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer.
Select a language and click [OK] if you are prompted to do so.
Click [Start Software Programs].
If the above screen is not displayed, see Displaying the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup]
Screen(P. 889) .
If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].
Click [Start] for [Manual Uninstaller].
Click [Uninstall].
Uninstall begins.
Wait a moment. This process may take some time.
Click [Exit].
Click [Back] [Exit].
Screen Layout of e-Manual
The e-Manual is divided into different screens, and the content of each screen varies.
Top Page
Appears when e-Manual is started.
Click to return to the top page.
[Contents] tab/[Search] tab
Click to toggle the display between the table of contents and search.
The titles of chapters are displayed ( ). Place the mouse pointer over one of the titles, and topics of the
chapter are displayed on the right. Click a topic and its page is displayed.
Click to return to the top page.
[Site map]
Click to display all the e-Manual topics.
Click to display information on how to view the e-Manual, how to perform a search, and other information.
Click to print the displayed content.
Feature Highlights
Provides a variety of practical examples of ways to use the machine. Click / / / to toggle the
display of practical examples by category, or click the sliding display for more information about each
category. The sliding display can be stopped by moving the pointer onto it.
Feature Highlights(P. 880)
[Quick Help] / [Troubleshooting] / [Maintenance]
Click to view how to solve problems or maintain the machine.
[For Mac OS Users]
Click to view precautions when using Mac OS.
Click to view important information you should know when using the machine.
[Oce Locations]
Click to display contact information for any inquiries about the machine.
Feature Highlights
Provides a variety of practical examples of ways to use the machine.
Click to display the detailed information. Click again to close the window.
Click to display the corresponding topic page.
Topic Page
Contains information about how to congure and use the machine.
The chapter icons and titles are displayed.
[Expand all]/[Collapse all]
Click [Expand all] to display all of the subsections of all topics. Click [Collapse all] to close all of the
subsections of all the topics.
Chapter icons
Click a chapter icon to navigate to the top of the corresponding chapter.
Topic page
Displays the topics of the selected chapter. If "+" is displayed on the topic, clicking it displays the
subsections of that topic. Click "-" to close the expanded topic.
[Print all]
All pages of the selected chapter are opened in a separate window. The chapter can be printed if
See what chapter topic you are currently viewing.
Click to return to the page top.
Click to display the previous or following topic.
Click to jump to the corresponding page. To return to the previous page, click "Back" on your Web
Click to display the hidden detailed descriptions. Click again to close the detailed descriptions.
Search Tab
Contains a text box to perform a search and nd the page you are looking for.
[Enter keyword(s) here]
Enter a keyword or keywords and click to display the search results in the search result list ( ).
Separate keywords with a space and search for pages containing all keywords. Enclose (a) keyword(s) in
quotation marks to search only for pages with exact matches.
[Search options]
Click to specify search conditions such as scope of search and fuzzy match conditions. To display the
conditions, click this button when it is gray. To close the display, click the button when it is orange.
Search scope selector
Species the search scope. You can eciently search for topics by narrowing the search scope. The search
scope selector is especially useful when you can predict the general location of the topic that you are
looking for.
Search options selector
Select the check box to make your search case-sensitive.
[Search with these conditions]
Click to display the search results with the conditions specied with
and .
Search result list
Displays the search results of the pages that contain the specied keywords. From the results, locate the
page you are looking for and click the topic title of the page. If the results cannot be displayed on one
page, click / or a page number to display the results on the corresponding page.
Site Map
Displays the table of contents for the e-Manual.
Chapter icons
Click to jump to the topic of the selected chapter.
Title (Topic)
Displays titles and topics. Click a title or topic to jump to the page.
Click to return to the page top.
Click to go to the previous or next chapter.
Viewing e-Manual
Cautions regarding safety, restrictions and cautions regarding the handling of the machine, useful tips, and
other information are indicated using the marks below.
Indicates a warning concerning operations that may lead to death or injury to
persons if not performed correctly. To use the machine safely, always pay
attention to these warnings.
Indicates a caution concerning operations that may lead to injury to persons if not
performed correctly. To use the machine safely, always pay attention to these
Indicates an operation that must not be performed. Read these items carefully,
and make sure not to perform the described operations.
Indicates operational requirements and restrictions. Be sure to read these items
carefully to operate the machine correctly, and avoid damage to the machine or
Indicates a clarication of an operation, or contains additional explanations for a
Indicates useful functions or tips for using the machine.
Keys and Buttons Used in this Manual
Keys on the operation panel and buttons on the computer display appear in the following notation:
Keys on the operation panel
( )
Settings displayed on the operation panel
<Timer Settings>
<Specify the destination.>
Buttons and other text interfaces displayed on the computer display [Preferences]
Computer Screens Used in This Manual
Unless otherwise noted, displays used in the e-Manual are those for the MF515x. Depending on the operating
system you are using, the appearance of the displays used in this manual may slightly differ from the actual
displays. Also, the appearance of drivers and software may differ depending on their version.
Illustrations Used in This Manual
Unless otherwise noted, illustrations used in the e-Manual are those for the MF515x. When differences are
signicant, multiple illustrations are used with the model names, such as "MFXXXX / MFXXXX."
The illustrations of the toner cartridge used in the e-Manual are those for the Canon Cartridge 724.
Manual Display Settings
This section describes basic Windows operations and includes disclaimers, copyright information, and other
Basic Windows Operations
Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Enabling [Network discovery](P. 888)
Displaying Shared Printers in the Print Server(P. 889)
Displaying the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup] Screen(P. 889)
Printing a Test Page in Windows(P. 890)
Checking the Bit Architecture(P. 891)
Checking the Computer Name(P. 891)
Checking the Printer Port(P. 893)
Checking Bidirectional Communication(P. 894)
Checking the SSID to Which Your Computer Is Connected(P. 895)
Displaying the Printer Folder
Windows Vista
[Start] select [Control Panel] [Printer].
Windows 7/Server 2008 R2
[Start] select [Devices and Printers].
Windows 8/Server 2012
Right-click the lower-left corner of the screen
select [Control Panel] [View devices and printers].
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Right-click [Start] select [Control Panel] [View devices and printers].
Windows Server 2003
select [Printers and Faxes].
Windows Server 2008
[Start] select [Control Panel] double-click [Printers].
Enabling [Network discovery]
If you are using Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008/Server 2012, enable [Network discovery] to view the computers on
your network.
Windows Vista
select [Control Panel] [View network status and tasks] select [Turn on network discovery] under
[Network discovery].
Windows 7/Server 2008 R2
[Start] select [Control Panel] [View network status and tasks] [Change advanced sharing settings]
select [Turn on network discovery] under [Network discovery].
Windows 8/Server 2012
Right-click the lower-left corner of the screen
select [Control Panel] [View network status and tasks]
[Change advanced sharing settings] select [Turn on network discovery] under [Network discovery].
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Right-click [Start] select [Control Panel] [View network status and tasks] [Change advanced sharing
settings] select [Turn on network discovery] under [Network discovery].
Windows Server 2008
[Start] select [Control Panel] double-click [Network and Sharing Center] select [Turn on network
discovery] under [Network discovery].
Displaying Shared Printers in the Print Server
Open Windows Explorer.
Windows Vista/7/Server 2003/Server 2008
[Start] select [All Programs] or [Programs] [Accessories] [Windows Explorer].
Windows 8/Server 2012
Right-click the lower-left corner of the screen
select [File Explorer].
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Right-click [Start]
select [File Explorer].
Select [Network] or [My Network Places] in printer server.
To view computers on the network, you may need to turn on network discovery or search the network for
Shared printers are displayed.
Displaying the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup] Screen
If your computer does not display the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup] screen after inserting the provided DVD-
ROM, follow the procedure below. The DVD-ROM drive name is indicated as "D:" in this manual. The DVD-ROM drive
name may differ depending on the computer you are using.
Windows Vista/7/Server 2008
[Start] enter "D:\MInst.exe" in [Search programs and les] or [Start Search] press the [ENTER] key.
Windows 8/Server 2012
Right-click the lower-left corner of the screen [Run] Enter "D:\MInst.exe" click [OK]
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Right-click [Start] [Run] Enter "D:\MInst.exe" click [OK]
Windows Server 2003
[Start] [Run] enter "D:\MInst.exe" click [OK]
Printing a Test Page in Windows
You can check whether the printer driver is operational by printing a test page in Windows.
Load A4 size paper in the multi-purpose tray. Loading Paper in the Multi-Purpose
Tray(P. 57)
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon for this machine and click [Printer properties] or
Click [Print Test Page] in [General] tab.
The test page is printed.
Checking the Bit Architecture
If you are not sure whether your computer is running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows follow the procedure below.
Display [Control Panel].
Windows Vista/7/Server 2008
select [Control Panel].
Windows 8/Server 2012
Right-click the lower-left corner of the screen select [Control Panel].
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Right-click [Start]
select [Control Panel].
Display [System].
Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012
Click [System and Maintenance] or [System and Security] [System].
Windows Server 2008
Double-click [System].
Check the bit architecture.
For 32-bit versions
[32-bit Operating System] is displayed.
For 64-bit versions
[64-bit Operating System] is displayed.
Checking the Computer Name
Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008/Server 2012
Display [Control Panel].
Windows Vista/7/Server 2008
[Start] select [Control Panel].
Windows 8/Server 2012
Right-click the lower-left corner of the screen
select [Control Panel].
Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2
Right-click [Start] select [Control Panel]
Display [System].
Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012
Click [System and Maintenance] or [System and Security] [System].
Windows Server 2008
Double-click [System].
Check the computer name.
Windows Server 2003
[Start] select [Control Panel] [System].
Click [Change] in [Computer Name] tab.
Check the computer name.
Checking the Printer Port
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon for this machine and click [Printer properties] or
In the [Ports] tab, check that the port is selected correctly.
If you are using a network connection and have changed the machine's IP address
If [Description] for the selected port is [Canon MFNP Port], and the machine and the computer are on the
same subnet, then the connection will be maintained. You do not need to add a new port. If it is [Standard
TCP/IP Port], you need to add a new port. Conguring Printer Ports(P. 453)
Checking Bidirectional Communication
Open the printer folder. Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 888)
Right-click the printer driver icon for this machine and click [Printer properties] or
In the [Ports] tab, make sure that the [Enable bidirectional support] check box is
Checking the SSID to Which Your Computer Is Connected
If your computer is connected to a wireless LAN network, click , , or in the system tray to display the SSID of
the connected wireless LAN router.
For Mac OS Users
Your machine may have not come with a driver for Mac OS depending on when you purchased the machine.
The drivers are uploaded to the Canon website when they become needed. Check the operating system of
your computer and download the appropriate driver from the Canon website. For the driver installation
procedure and how to operate the driver, see the "Canon MF Printer Driver Guide."
In the e-Manual and MF Driver Installation Guide, methods to operate in the Windows environment are explained as
examples. To view how to use the driver and utility for Mac OS, see the following guide or help.
Object Reference
Print function Installing the Driver Getting Started
Canon MF Printer Driver Guide
Using each feature Driver's Help
Canon MF Printer Driver Guide
Fax function Installing the Driver Getting Started
Canon Fax Driver Guide
Using each feature Driver's Help
Canon Fax Driver Guide
Scan function Installing the Driver Getting Started
Canon Scanner Driver Guide
(Setting the MF Scan Utility or ScanGear MF)
Canon Scanner Driver Guide
Displaying the Driver Guide
Double-click the following HTML le included in the provided DVD-ROM.
Canon MF Printer Driver Guide
[MF] - [Documents] - [XXXXXX]
- [Guide] - [index.html]
Canon Fax Driver Guide
[FAX] - [Documents] - [XXXXXX]
- [Guide] - [index.html]
Canon Scanner Driver Guide
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Third Party Services and Software
Third Party Software
EMC requirements of EC Directive
This equipment conforms with the essential EMC requirements of EC Directive. We declare that this product conforms
with the EMC requirements of EC Directive at nominal mains input 230 V, 50 Hz although the rated input of the product
is 220 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz. Use of shielded cable is necessary to comply with the technical EMC requirements of EC
Laser Safety Information
Laser radiation could be hazardous to the human body. For this reason, laser radiation emitted inside this equipment
is hermetically sealed within the protective housing and external cover. No radiation can leak from the machine in the
normal operation of the product by the user.
This machine is classied as a Class 1 Laser Product under IEC60825-1: 2007, EN60825-1: 2007.
220 to 240 V Model
The label shown below is attached to the laser scan unit on the machine.
This machine has been classied under IEC60825-1: 2007, EN60825-1: 2007 and conforms to the following classes:
Use of controls, adjustments, or performance of procedures other than those specied in the manuals for
the machine may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
WEEE Directive
Only for European Union and EEA (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)
These symbols indicate that this product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, according to the WEEE
Directive (2012/19/EU), the Battery Directive (2006/66/EC) and/or national legislation implementing those Directives.
If a chemical symbol is printed beneath the symbol shown above, in accordance with the Battery Directive, this
indicates that a heavy metal (Hg = Mercury, Cd = Cadmium, Pb = Lead) is present in this battery or accumulator at a
concentration above an applicable threshold specied in the Battery Directive.
This product should be handed over to a designated collection point, e.g., on an authorized one-for-one basis when
you buy a new similar product or to an authorized collection site for recycling waste electrical and electronic
equipment (EEE) and batteries and accumulators. Improper handling of this type of waste could have a possible
impact on the environment and human health due to potentially hazardous substances that are generally associated
with EEE. Your cooperation in the correct disposal of this product will contribute to the effective usage of natural
For more information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local city oce, waste authority,
approved scheme or your household waste disposal service or visit
www.canon-europe.com/weee, or www.canon-
International ENERGY STAR Program
Partner, Canon Inc. has determined that this product meets the
ENERGY STAR Program for energy eciency.
The International ENERGY STAR Oce Equipment Program is an international program that
promotes energy saving through the use of computers and other oce equipment.
The program backs the development and dissemination of products with functions that
effectively reduce energy consumption. It is an open system in which business proprietors
can participate voluntarily.
The targeted products are oce equipment, such as computers, displays, printers,
facsimiles, and copiers. The standards and logos are uniform among participating nations.
IPv6 Ready Logo
The protocol stack included in this machine has obtained the IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-2
established by the IPv6 Forum.
Wireless LAN Regulatory Information
Regulatory information for users in Jordan
MF515x / MF512x includes approved Wireless LAN Module (Model name: AW-NM383).
Contains Wireless LAN Module approved by TRC/SS/2014/38
Regulatory information for users in UAE
MF515x / MF512x includes approved Wireless LAN Module (Model name: AW-NM383).
REGISTERED No: ER0126617/14
DEALER No: DA0060877/11
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Copyright CANON INC. 2016
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into
any language or computer language in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical,
manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Canon Inc.
Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or
other countries.
Apple, Bonjour, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Safari, Mac, Mac OS and Mac OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server, Internet Explorer, Word and Excel are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Google Cloud Print, Google Chrome, Android, Google Docs and Gmail are either registered trademarks or trademarks
of Google Inc.
This product contains the Universal Font Scaling Technology or UFST® under license from Monotype Imaging, Inc.
UFST® is a trademark of Monotype Imaging, Inc. registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Oce and may
be registered in certain jurisdictions.
UFST: Copyright © 1989 - 1996, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2008, all rights reserved, by Monotype Imaging Inc.
Adobe, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Copyright © 2007 -08 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Protected by U.S. Patents 5,737,599; 5,781,785; 5,819,301; 5,929,866; 5,943,063; 6,073,148; 6,515,763; 6,639,593;
6,754,382; 7,046,403; 7,213,269; 7,242,415; Patents pending in the U.S. and other countries.
All instances of the name PostScript in the text are references to the PostScript language as dened by Adobe Systems
Incorporated unless otherwise stated. The name PostScript also is used as a product trademark for Adobe Systems'
implementation of the PostScript language interpreter.
Except as otherwise stated, any reference to a "PostScript printing device," "PostScript display device," or similar item
refers to a printing device, display device or item (respectively) that contains PostScript technology created or licensed
by Adobe Systems Incorporated and not to devices or items that purport to be merely compatible with the PostScript
Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, the PostScript logo, and PostScript 3 are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The Adobe PDF logo is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United
States and/or other countries.
Copyright © 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Protected by U.S. Patents 6,185,684; 6,205,549; 7,213,269; 7,272,628; 7,278,168; Patents pending in the U.S. and other
All instances of the name PostScript in the text are references to the PostScript language as dened by Adobe Systems
Incorporated unless otherwise stated. The name PostScript also is used as a product trademark for Adobe Systems'
implementation of the PostScript language interpreter.
Except as otherwise stated, any reference to a "PostScript printing device," "PostScript display device," or similar item
refers to a printing device, display device or item (respectively) that contains PostScript technology created or licensed
by Adobe Systems Incorporated and not to devices or items that purport to be merely compatible with the PostScript
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe LiveCycle® Policy Server, PostScript, the PostScript Logo, and PostScript 3 are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
All other product and brand names are registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Oce Locations
30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan
16-6, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8011, Japan
One Canon Park, Melville, NY 11747, U.S.A.
Bovenkerkerweg 59, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands
2F Jinbao Building No.89, Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100005, PRC
1 Fusionopolis Place, #15-10, Galaxis, Singapore 138522
Building A, The Park Estate, 5 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113, Australia
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
development of collaborative font projects, to support the font
creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to
provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and
improved in partnership with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modied and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to
any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
"Font Software" refers to the set of les released by the Copyright
Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
include source les, build scripts and documentation.
"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specied as such after the
copyright statement(s).
"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software
components as distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
"Modied Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to,
deleting, or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the
components of the Original Version, by changing formats or by porting
the Font Software to a new environment.
"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed,
modify, redistribute, and sell modied and unmodied copies of the
Font Software, subject to the following conditions:
1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, in
Original or Modied Versions, may be sold by itself.
2) Original or Modied Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
included either as stand-alone text les, human-readable headers or
in the appropriate machine-readable metadata elds within text or
binary les as long as those elds can be easily viewed by the user.
3) No Modied Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the
corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the
primary font name as presented to the users.
4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
Modied Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
5) The Font Software, modied or unmodied, in part or in whole,
must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
remain under this license does not apply to any document created using
the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
not met.

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Canon MF512 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 947 seiten

Canon MF512 Bedienungsanleitung - Holländisch - 938 seiten

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