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1.1 Opera ting manual
This opera ting manual provides guidance on safe and
eicient opera tion and should form a basis of any actions
involving the machine. It is an integr al part of the machine,
which should be kept in the immedia te vicinity acc essible
for its oper ating personnel. Prerequisit e of safe opera tion
is adherence t o all safety and handling instruc tions.
Therefore, bef ore st arting any work, the personnel must
read car efully and underst and the operating manual.
Moreover , the accident prevention regula tions applicable
at the site of the machine oper ation and gener al safety
regulations mus t be complied with.
1.2 E xplanation of symbols
Warnings and safety ins tructions
Warnings and safe ty instructions in the manual are
identified with the pictogr ams and provided in blocks
highlighted in grey .
... draws a ttention t o an immediate danger tha t, if
not avoided, may result in he avy or even fat al injuries.
... draws a ttention t o potentially danger ous situa-
tions that, if not avoided, may r esult in material damage.
… marks danger due to electric curr ent.
Failur e to observe the safety instruc tions leads to
danger of heavy or f atal injuries.
… marks danger of crushing.
Failur e to observe the safety instruc tions leads to
danger of heavy injuries fr om moving parts.
… marks danger due to hot surf ace.
Failur e to observe the safety instruc tions leads to
danger of burns and heavy skin injuries c aused by heat.
… marks danger from moving diamond blades.
Failur e to observe the safety instruc tions leads to
danger of cuts and he avy skin injuries caused by rot ating
diamond blades.
1.3 Liability limita tion
All data and ins tructions provided in this manual wer e
compiled with c onsideration of applic able standar ds
and regulations, s ta te of the art in this field and our
long-st anding insights and experience.
The manufactur er accep ts no liability for damages
caused by:
- Non-obser vanc e of the Operating manual.
- Unintended use.
- Employment of unskilled and uninstructed personnel.
- Unauthorized conversions.
- T echnical changes.
- Use of non-approved spare p arts.
The responsibilities agreed in the delivery contr act, the
General T erms and Conditions as well as the delivery
conditions of the manuf acturer and the st atutory
regulations v alid at the time of the c onclusion of the
contr act shall apply .
Warr anty
The manufactur er guarantees the func tional capability
of the applied process t echnology and performance
par ameters identified. The warr anty period commenc es
with the defect -free delivery.
Warr anty conditions
12 months aer delivery of mechanical and electrical
components f or one-shi operation, ex cept f or the wear
parts and t ools.
The warranty claim e xpires, if the system w as not inst alled
and st arted up by our experts.
The warranty e xtends t o the replacement p arts. Conse-
quential damages are ex cluded.
Damage caused by na tural wear , deficient of improper
maintenance, f ailure to c omply with the opera ting regula-
tions, exc essive loads and use of inappropria te equipment
shall be excluded from the w arranty .
2.1 Intended use
The T -3510, T -4010, T -5010, T -6010, T -7010
is designed for wet cut ting of the solid construc tion
materials such as:
Clinker , bricks, concret e block products, refr actory, na tural
and artificial stone pr oducts as well as tiles and c eramics
- Any claims for damages resulting fr om unintended use
are excluded.
- The opera tor alone is responsible for all damag es due to
unintended use.
2.2 Rationally f oreseeable misuse
Any use of the machine going beyond the intended one,
shall be deemed unintended and thus prohibit ed.
This also applies to:
- Cutting any ma terials other than present ed.
- Cutting without or with open diamond blade guar d.
- Cutting without w ater .
- Removal of clippings in pendulum cut ting procedur e
(vertical plunging into chippings fr om above).
2.3 Responsibilities of the oper ator
Opera tor
An opera tor is every natural or leg al person, who uses the
machine or delega tes its use to o thers and is responsible
for the safety of the user , personnel or third parties in the
course of such use.
Opera tor's duties
The machine is used in the commercial sec tor . Therefore,
the opera tor of the machine is subject to s tatut ory
obligations r egarding oc cupational safe ty.
The opera tor , in particular , must:
- Be informed about current oc cupational safe ty
- Determine, through haz ard evaluation, any potential
additional dangers resulting.
- From specific usag e conditions at the sit e of the machine
opera tion.
- Check regularly throughout the service lif e of the
machine, whether the opera ting instructions dr awn up
by the opera tor are in line with the current s tatus of rules
and regulations.
- Ex ercise contr ol of the competenc e for inst allation,
opera tion, maintenance and cle aning of the machine in a
clear¬ and unambiguous manner .
- Make sure tha t all personnel involved with the machine
have read and unders tood the oper ating instructions.
Moreover , the personnel must undergo tr aining in
handling the machine at regular int ervals and be
informed about pot ential dangers.
- Provide the persons appointed f or operating the machine
with the prescribed and rec ommended protec tive
- Moreover , the operator is r esponsible for ensuring that
the machine is always in a technically perf ect condition.
- Is maintained ac cording t o the specified maintenance
intervals, and that all safe ty mechanisms of the
machine are regularly c ontrolled for c ompleteness and
functionality .
2.4 Personnel r equirements
Fundament als
Any opera tion with the machine may only be carried out
by the persons, capable of perf orming their work properly
and reliably and meet every requirement mentioned.
- No works can be carried out by the persons, whose
response capability is a ected, e.g., by drugs, alc ohol or
- When deploying personnel at the sit e of operation,
always adhere to the applic able occupa tional and age-
specific regulations.
Risk of injury for unqualified personnel!
Improper opera tion can result in significant personal and
material damag e.
Any opera tions must be only carried out by the persons
having required tr aining, knowledge and experienc e.
Qualified electricians
As a matter of principle, all works on the elec trical
inst allations must be carried out b y qualified electricians.
2.5 Personal pr ot ective equipment
Wearing personal pro tective equipment is requir ed during
the work.
1. Helmet with ear pro tect ors.
2. Visor or pro tective goggles.
3. Dust mask / r espirat or .
4. Safety glov es.
5. Suitable pr otectiv e clothing.
6. Pro tective foo twear .
It is prohibited t o wear prot ective gloves near
rot ating part s, which pose the danger of pinching. Here,
danger cre ated by we aring protec tive definitely surpasses
the intended pro tection.
2.6 Dangers
The machine has undergone a risk review . Wherever possible,
the identified dangers were elimina ted and risks reduc ed.
Nevertheless, the machine poses residual risks described in
the following section.
- Strictly observe warnings and safety ins tructions specified
here and in the chapt ers about handling¬ to avoid pot ential
damage to he alth and dangerous situations.