For the latest version of these operating instructions and information on replacement and spare parts available, please visit in the service area.
Errors and changes excepted
Colours / final design – changes excepted
Technical changes and design-related changes excepted
Pictograms = symbolic photos
Car does not move
Either the switch on the controller or the car is set to OFF.Switch on.
There is no rechargeable battery in the car or the battery is too weak.Insert charged battery.
The car has come to a stop at an obstacle.
The voltage surge protector has switched the car off.
Turn the ON/OFF switch on the car to OFF, then back to ON, and
place the car on a clear surface.
The battery or rechargeable battery in the transmitter or model is too
Insert new battery or recharged battery.
The remote control is possibly not correctly frequency bound with the
receiver on the model
Carry out a frequency bind between the model and the remote control
as described in “Now you can drive the car”
The transmitter has switched itself off after 30 minutes.
To restart, switch the ON/OFF switch on both controller & vehicle to
OFF and then back to ON..
The vehicle is very warm.
Switch both car and controller off and allow the car to cool down for
about 30 minutes.
The overheat protection has caused the car’s motor to cut out due to
excess temperature.
Switch off the receiver.
Leave the RC car to cool down for approx. 30 minutes.
Car cannot be controlled
Vehicle starts moving unintentionally.First turn on the transmitter, only then the vehicle.
Attach the lanyard to the eyelet on the
controller and let the controller hang
from your neck.
CAUTION! Danger of strangulation!
The joysticks can be stored in the spe-
cial compartment at the back of the
You activate the water gun by pressing
the button on the right-hand-side of the
To fill the Red/Blue Freezer Watergun
water tanks, press the button on the
roof of the car.
Then the compartment with the filler
nozzles will open.
Using a bottle, carefully fill the car up
with water.
Caution: do not use any other liquid!
• When changing from the first battery to the second battery, you must stop run-
ning for at least ten minutes. At the next change, a pause of at least 20 minutes
is absolutely essential.
Avoid constant motor operation.
If the car switches itself off several times one after another, the battery is dead.
Please recharge the battery.
After 30 minutes inactivity, the controller and vehicle switch off automatically.
To restart, switch the ON/OFF switch on the controller & the car to OFF and
then back to ON.
To switch off after use, follow the steps in the reverse order.
• After use, remove or disconnect the battery. Always recharge the battery
immediately after use to prevent its becoming deep discharged.
• Always keep the rechargeable battery stored outside the vehicle.
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