Contents of package
1x Infrared helicopter
1x Infrared remote contr ol
1x USB charging cable
4x 1 .5 V Mignon AA batteries (non-rechargeable)
1x Lanyard
2 x Joy stick extensions
1x Set of replacement parts
Recharging the LiPo rechargeable
Make sure you only charge the LiPo rechargeable batter y
supplied with the LiP o charging unit also supplied (USB
cable and remote control). In case you tr y to charge the
rechargeable battery with a different LiPo batter y charger
or any o ther batt ery charger , this might cause serious dam-
ages. Please carefully read the previous chapter about
warnings and guidelines on the usage of rechargeable bat-
teries befor e proceeding. Rechargeable batteries are only to
be c harged b y adults. Supply t erminals are not t o be short-
The rechargeable batt er y fitt ed in the helicopter with its USB
charging cable can be charged either fr om a USB port on a
computer or directly from the remo te control:
Char ging via computer:
• Connect the USB charging cable with the USB
port of a computer . The LED on the USB charger
cable lights green indicating that the charger unit
is correctly connected to the comput er.
If you plug in a helicop ter with a discharged bat-
tery, the LED on the USB charging cable lights up
red and shows that the helicopter battery is being
The USB charging cable and the charging socket
on the helicop ter ar e designed t o make incorrect
connection impossible.
• It tak es about 30 minutes to recharge a dis-
charged battery (but NOT a deep-discharged
one). When the battery is fully charged, the LED
display on the USB charger cable lights up gr een
Char ging from the remote control:
• Open the right-hand storage compar tment at
the back of the remote control and connect the
stowed cable with the helicop ter .
• Switch on the remo te control. When y ou plug a
helicopter in with a discharged rechargeable bat-
tery, the LED on the remote control flashes red
and green. The charging cable and the socket on
the helicopter ar e designed so that re versing their
polarity is not possible.
• It will tak e about 30 minutes to recharge a dis-
charged (NO T a deep-discharged) battery . When
the batt er y is full y recharged, the LED on the re-
mote control will again light up red.
Tip: lay the remo te control on its back, so that
the two spik es are pointing upwards and when
you plug it in, put the helicopter on the battery
Note: When supplied, the lipo-battery is already par tiall y
charged so the first charging cycle ma y well take less time.
It is essential to follow the connection sequence given
above! If y ou have the charger cable only connect ed t o
the helicopter , and not t o a source of electricity , a green
LED display indicat es that there is still po wer in the bat-
tery. The green LED displa y does not necessarily indi-
cate the battery is still adequately charged.
While charging, the power switch must be in the “OFF”
Inserting the batteries in the
remote control
Open the battery compartment with a screwdriver
and insert the batteries in the remote control.
Please k eep in mind the correct polarity . After
having closed the compartment you can check all
functions of the remo te control with the help of the
power -switch on the front. With the po wer -switch
turned ON and pr oper functioning, the t op cent er
LED on the remote control will light up r ed.
When the control LED flashes r apidly , the batter-
ies in the controller must be changed.
Checklist for flight preparation
This checklist does not replace the contents of the operating
instructions. Although it can be used as a quick -start-guide
we s trongly advise to fir s t r ead the operating instructions in
detail before y ou proceed.
• Check the cont ents of the package
• Connect the charging unit t o the source of power .
• Charge the lipo-battery as described in the section “Charg-
ing the lipo-battery”.
• F it four AA batteries in the contr oller , making sure their po-
larity is correct.
• Look f or a suitable environment for flying
• Place the helicopt er on a flat surface
• T urn the remote control on at the ON/OFF switch. Push
the left-hand joy stick, i.e. the thr ottle lev er, fully down-
wards into the z ero position.
• Switch on the model at the ON/OFF swit ch.
• The LED in the helicopter no w flashes in rhythmically-
accelerating sequence.
• During the binding process, the controller emits an acous-
tic signal. Should you wish t o fly more than one helicop ter
at once, please select a different channel for each model.
A B C )
• Allo w the helicopter a f ew moments until the sy stem is cor -
rectly initialised and is r eady for operation. The LED in the
helicopter now lights continuously .
• R epeat the above points as requir ed, if you wish t o fly more
helicopters at the same time.
• Do not expose the helicopter to direct sunlight or to
bright spotlights when flying it.
• The infrared receiver on the helicopter and the infrared
transmitter on the controller must not be co vered o ver .
• Do not attach any stick ers or labels of an y description
to either the helicopter or the transmitter
• Check the contr ol system
• Mak e yourself familiar with the control sys tem
• T rim the helicopter as necessary as described under “Con-
trolling the helicop ter”, so that when hovering the helicopter
no long er mo ves from the spot, until given a command by
the controller .
• The helicopt er is now ready to be flown.
If the helicopter displa ys no functions, re tr y the above bind-
ing procedure.
• Fly the model
• Land the model
• Switch the model off at the ON/OFF swit ch
• Alw ays switch off the remo te control last
Range of functions of the remote
1 . IR - antenna
2. P ower switch (ON / OFF)
3. Contr ol LED
4. Gas · tail (spinning in circles)
5. Forward/backward
tail (spinning in circles)
6. T r immer for tail
7 . Batter y compartment
8. Slo t for keeping
Joystick e xtensions
9. Charging cable
10. Joys tick extensions
to s crew on l e ve r 4. & 5.
Description of helicopter
1 . Coaxial rotor system
2. T ail ro tor
3. Socket f or charging the lipo-battery
4. Landing skids
5. ON-/OFF switch
6. IR diode / receiver
Controlling the helicopter
In case you don´t know the control functions of
your Carrera RC helicopt er ye t, please tak e some
minutes befor e the first flight in or to make y our-
self familiar with them. The descriptions left or
right refer to the vie w out of the cockpit (pilote´s
view). Push the throttle up to increase the rota-
tional speed of the main rotor blades. Incr ease the
rotational speed of the main rotor blades and the
model will start to ascend.
If you push do wn the thr ottle and thus r educe the
rotational speed of the main r otor blades the heli-
copter will descend. When the model has lifted off
the ground y ou can ge t it into stationary ho vering
without abrup t ascending or descending by care-
fully moving the throttle upw ards and downwards.
Mo ve the right lev er (tail) to the left and
the helicopter’s nose turns (ya ws) round
the main rotor’s axis in a circle to the left.
Move the right lever (tail) to the right and the heli-
copter’s nose turns (y aws) round the main rotor’s
axis in a circle to the right.
Use the trimmer for tail until you ha ve r eached a
stable neutral position of the helicopter when hov-
ering, without moving the right lev er (tail).
The forward-/backward lever controls the
helicopter´s pitch f orward and backward. When
shifting the lev er f orward the nose of the helicop-
ter will move do wnwards and the helicopter will fly
forward. When shif ting the forward-/backw ard le-
ver backward the helicopter will mo ve backwards
and the helicopter will fly backward.
After having made yourself familiar with the main control
functions and having chosen an appr opriate area for flying
the helicopter , you can start the first flight.
Y ou will find a full description of how to trim your 3-chan-
nel helicopter on the Internet under carrera-rc.com in the
service section.
Choosing the flight area
When being prepared for the first flight you
should choose a closed room without an y
persons or obs tacles which is as big as pos-
sible. Due to the size and controllability of the
helicopter experienced pilo tes ma y be able t o
fly the helicopter in relativel y small rooms. F or
your first flights we strongly recommend to
choose a room with a minimum floor space of
3 x 3 metres and 2.40 me tres of height. After
having trimmed y our helicopter for flight and
having made yourself familiar with the control-
ling and its functions you may start flying in
smaller and less open environments.
The helicopter has been de veloped ex clusively for use
in enclosed rooms without direct sunlight or any strong
spotlighting. There must be no persons or objects such
as pillars between the controller and the helicopter to
obstruct direct connection.
Info rmatio n on trou ble- shoot ing will b e fou nd on pag e 3 6 .
For t he latest vers ion of th ese ope rating ins truct ions an d
info rmati on on re place ment a nd sp are p a r ts ava ilable,
ple ase vis it car rera-rc.com in t he ser vice ar ea.
Err ors a nd c hange s exce pted · C olou rs / fina l des ign – c hange s ex-
ce pted · T e chnic al cha nges a nd desi gn-r elate d ch ange s exc epted
Pi c to gr am s = s ym bo li c p ho to s