Operation Guide 3261 3281
To find the bearing to an objective
1. Set the map so its northerly indication is aligned with
north as indicated by the watch, and determine your
current location.
• Se e “To set a map a nd fi nd you r curre nt lo cati on” o n
page E- 48 for info rmatio n about ho w to perfo rm the
above s tep.
2. Set the map so the direction you want to travel on the
map is pointed straight in front of you.
3. With the watch on your wrist, position it so the face is
4. Press
to take a compass reading.
• The re adin g will a ppea r on th e disp lay af ter ab out
two s ec on ds .
12 o’clock
12 o’clock
5. Still holding the map in front of you, turn your body until north as indicated by the
watch and the northerly direction on the map are aligned.
• This will position the map in accordance with your curr ent location, so the
bea ring to yo ur obj ect ive is st raigh t ahea d of you.
To determine the direction angle to an objective on a map and head in that direction
1. Set the map so its northerly indication is aligned with
north as indicated by the watch, and determine your
current location.
• Se e “To set a map a nd fi nd you r curre nt lo cati on” o n
page E - 48 fo r info rma tio n abo ut ho w to per fo rm th e
above s tep.
2. As shown in the illustration to the left, change your
position so you (and the 12 o’clock position of the
watch) are pointed in the direction of objective, while
keeping the northerly direction indicated on the map
aligned with north as indicated by the watch.
• If you f ind i t dif fic ult to pe rf orm t he ab ove step w hile
keep ing ever y thi ng ali gned , firs t move in to the
cor rect p osit ion (12 o’ cloc k pos itio n of th e watch
poi nted at th e obj ecti ve) witho ut wo rr yin g abo ut the
ori enta tio n of the m ap. N ext , per for m step 1 a gain
to set th e map.
12 o’clock
12 o’clock
3. Press
to take a compass reading.
4. While direction angle readings are in progress, press
to record the currently displayed direction in Bearing
• The d irect ion a ngle va lue a nd poi nter st ored in
Bea ring M em or y wi ll rema in on t he dis play fo r abo ut
20 seconds.
• Se e “B ear ing M emo r y” (pag e E- 4 5) for m ore
5. Now you can advance while monitoring the Bearing
Memory pointer to ensure that it remains in the 12
o’clock position.
• T o re- di splay t he Be ari ng Me mo ry d irect ion a ngle
value a nd Be ari ng Me mo ry p ointe r, press
12 o’clock position
Bearing memory
direction angle value
North pointer
Bearing memory
12 o’clock position
Bearing memory
direction angle value
North pointer
Bearing memory
• Pressing
whil e the B ear ing M em or y direc tio n angl e valu e and B eari ng
Me mor y po inte r are on t he dis play wil l clea r the B ear ing M emo r y data y ou
saved i n step 3 an d save th e curre nt dire ctio n readi ng in B eari ng M emo ry.
• Wh en mo unt ain cli mbi ng or hi king , con diti ons o r ge ograp hic c onto urs m ay
make i t imp oss ible fo r you to ad vanc e in a stra ight li ne. If t his ha ppe ns, ret urn
to step 1 a nd save a ne w direct ion to t he ob ject ive.
Digital Compass Precautions
This watch features a built-in magnetic bearing sensor that detects terrestrial
magnetism. This means that north indicated by this watch is magnetic north, which is
somewhat different from true polar north. The magnetic north pole is located in
northern Canada, while the magnetic south pole is in southern Australia. Note that the
difference between magnetic north and true north as measured with all magnetic
compasses tends to be greater as one gets closer to either of the magnetic poles. You
should also remember that some maps indicate true north (instead of magnetic north),
and so you should make allowances when using such maps with this watch.
• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can
cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction
readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets
(magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.),
high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal computers,
washing machines, freezers, etc.).
• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.
• Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete
structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures picks up
magnetism from appliances, etc.
• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes
magnetized. Because of this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any
other sources of strong magnetism, including: permanent magnets (magnetic
necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing
machines, freezers, etc.).
• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the
procedure under “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-42).
This watch uses a temperature sensor to take temperature readings.
• The watch also takes direction readings in the Digital Compass/Thermometer
Mode. For more information, see “Digital Compass” (page E-33).
To enter and exit the Digital Compass/Thermometer
1. Press
to enter the Digital Compass/Thermometer
• Press
to ta ke anot her re adin g.
2. Press
to return to the mode you entered the Digital
Compass/Thermometer Mode from.
• The wa tch will a utom atic ally re turn to t he mo de you
entere d the D igit al C omp ass / Th erm om eter M ode
fro m if you d o not p er for m any op erati on fo r abo ut
one o r t wo min utes.
Direction indicator
Angle value (in degrees)
Direction indicator
Angle value (in degrees)
• Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).
• The displayed temperature value changes to
- - -
°C (or °F) if a measured
temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F). The
temperature value will reappear as soon as the measured temperature is within the
allowable range.
Display Units
You can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) for the displayed temperature
value. See “To specify temperature unit” (page E-61) for more information.
Temperature Sensor Calibration
The watch’s temperature sensor is calibrated at the factory and normally requires no
further adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the temperature readings produced
by the watch, you can calibrate the sensor to correct the errors.
• Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.
Carefully read the following before doing anything.
– Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and
accurate thermometer.
– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30
minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.
To calibrate the temperature sensor
1. Press
to enter the Digital Compass/Thermometer
2. Hold down
until the current magnetic declination
correct values (page E-40) starts to flash on the display.
This is the setting screen.
3. Press
three times.
• TEMP will app ear o n the di splay a lon g wit h the
curre nt tem perat ure cal ibrati on val ue.