To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off
1. In the Alarm Mode, use
to select an alarm or the Hourly Time Signal.
2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press
to turn it on and off.
• Th e alar m on i ndic ato r (whe n any al arm i s on), sno oze al arm
indi cato r (whe n the s no oze ala rm i s on), and th e Ho ur ly Ti me
Sig nal o n indi cato r (whe n the H o urly T im e Si gnal i s on) are sh own
on th e dis play in a ll mo des .
Hourly time signal
on indicator
Snooze alarm
Alarm on indicator
Hourly time signal
on indicator
Snooze alarm
Alarm on indicator
To stop the alarm
Press any button.
• The snooze alarm sounds up to seven times at intervals of about fi ve minutes.
• After the snooze alarm fi rst sounds,
will fl ash on the display until the snooze alarm sounds all
seven times or until it is canceled.
• The snooze alarm will be canceled when any of the following occurs while the
indicator is fl ashing
on the display.
- If you turn off the snooze alarm
- If you display the snooze alarm setting screen
- If you display the Timekeeping Mode setting screen
- If your Home City and World Time City are the same city, and you use the World Time Mode to
change the summer time setting of your Home City
Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone
You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the
globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.
To enter the World Time Mode
to select the World Time Mode (
) as shown on page E-24.
One second after
appears on the display, the city code of the
currently selected World Time City will scroll once in the upper display.
After that, the World Time City’s city code will be displayed in the upper
To view the time in another time zone
In the World Time Mode, use
(East) and
(West) to scroll through
city codes.
Currently selected
Word Time City
Current timekeeping
Mode time
Current time in the currently
selected World Time City
Currently selected
Word Time City
Current timekeeping
Mode time
Current time in the currently
selected World Time City
To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city
1. In the World Time Mode, use
(East) and
(West) to scroll through
the available city codes.
• Keep s croll ing u ntil t he ci ty c od e who se S ta nda rd Tim e/ D aylig ht
Savi ng T ime s et ting y ou wan t to cha nge is d ispl ayed.
2. Hold down
for at least two seconds.
• Keep
depre ss ed un til th e cur rent s et ting (DS T H ol d ON or DST
Hold OFF) star ts t o fl ash o n the d ispl ay.
• DST Hold ON means tha t summer time is enabled, and tha t the
curre nt ti me is a dvan ced a cco rdin gly. DST Hold OFF means that
sum me r tim e is dis abl ed, a nd th at the c urre nt ti me sh ows s tan dard
• Thi s togg les t he ci ty c od e you s ele cted in s tep 1 be t wee n Dayl ight
Savi ng Ti me (DST indica tor dis played) a nd st and ard ti me ( DST
indic ator n ot dis played).
• Usin g the Wo rld T im e Mo de to ch ang e the D ST s et tin g of th e
cit y co de th at is se le cted as y our H o me Ci t y als o will c han ge th e
Tim eke epi ng M ode t im e DS T set ti ng.
• Note tha t you c ann ot sw itch b et we en st and ard ti me /dayli ght
savi ng tim e (D ST ) w hile UTC is sel ecte d as th e Worl d Ti me Ci ty.
• Note th at th e sta nda rd tim e/d aylig ht sav ing ti me ( DS T ) set ti ng
af fect s onl y the c urre ntly s el ecte d tim e zone . Ot her t ime zo ne s are
not affected.
DST indicator DST indicator
The display of the watch is illuminated for easy reading in the dark.
The watch’s auto light switch turns on illumination automatically when
you angle the watch towards your face.
• The auto light switch must be turned on (page E-94) for it to operate.
To turn on illumination manually
in any mode to illuminate the display.
• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5 seconds or three
seconds as the illumination duration. When you press
, the display
will remain illuminated for about 1.5 seconds or three seconds,
depending on the current illumination duration setting.
• The above operation turns on illumination regardless of the current
auto light switch setting.
• Illumination is disabled during time calibration signal reception, while
confi guring sensor measurement mode settings, and during bearing
sensor calibration.
To change the illumination duration
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds. First,
SET Hold
will fl ash on the
display, and
will be displayed in the upper display. After that, the currently selected city code and
city name will scroll across the upper display. Keep
depressed until the scrolling starts.
2. Use
to cycle through the setting screens until
appears in the upper display.
• The c urre nt ill umi nati on d urati on s et tin g (1 or 3) will be fl as hing i n the m iddl e dis play.
• See t he se que nce i n step 2 o f the p roc edu re und er “ To change t he cur rent t ime a nd da te
set tin gs ma nua lly ” (page E - 3 0) for in for mati on a bou t how to s crol l thro ugh s et ting s cree ns.
3. Press
to toggle the illumination duration between three seconds (
displayed) and 1.5 seconds (
4. After all of the settings are the way you want, press
twice to exit the setting screen.
About the Auto Light Switch
Turning on the auto light switch causes illumination to turn on,
whenever you position your wrist as described below in any mode.
Moving the watch to a position that is parallel to the ground and
then tilting it towards you more than 40 degrees causes
illumination to turn on.
Always make sure you are in a safe place whenever you are reading the display of the watch
using the auto light switch. Be especially careful when running or engaged in any other activity
that can result in accident or injury. Also take care that sudden illumination by the auto light
switch does not startle or distract others around you.
When you are wearing the watch, make sure that its auto light switch is turned off before riding
on a bicycle or operating a motorcycle or any other motor vehicle. Sudden and unintended
operation of the auto light switch can create a distraction, which can result in a traffi c accident
and serious personal injury.
More than
Wear the watch on the
outside of your wrist
More than
Wear the watch on the
outside of your wrist
• This watch features a “Full Auto Light”, so the auto light switch operates only when available light is
below a certain level. It does not illuminate the display under bright light.
• The auto light switch is always disabled, regardless of its on/off setting, when any one of the following
conditions exists.
While an alarm is sounding
While a bearing sensor calibration operation is being performed in the Digital Compass Mode
While a receive operation is in progress in the Receive Mode
While a sunrise or sunset time is being calculated
While in a sensor mode, an auto light switch operation is performed after a sensor reading
To turn the auto light switch on and off
In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down
for at least three seconds to
toggle the auto light switch on (
displayed) and off (
not displayed).
• The auto light switch on indicator (
) is on the display in all modes
while the auto light switch is turned on.
• The auto light switch turns off automatically whenever battery power
drops to Level 4 (page E-10).
Auto light switch on
Auto light switch on
Illumination Precautions
• The LED that provides illumination loses power after very long use.
• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.
• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.
• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.
Auto light switch precautions
• Wearing the watch on the inside of your wrist, movement of your arm, or vibration of your arm can
cause frequent activation of the auto light switch and illumination of the display. To avoid running down
the battery, turn off the auto light switch whenever engaging in activities that might cause frequent
illumination of the display.
• Note that wearing the watch under your sleeve while the auto light switch is turned on can cause
frequent illumination of the display and can run down the battery.
• Illumination may not turn on if the face of the watch is more than 15 degrees above
or below parallel. Make sure that the back of your hand is parallel to the ground.
• Illumination turns off after the preset illumination duration (page E-92), even if you
keep the watch pointed towards your face.
• Static electricity or magnetic force can interfere with proper operation of the auto
light switch. If illumination does not turn on, try moving the watch back to the
starting position (parallel with the ground) and then tilt it back towards your face
again. If this does not work, drop your arm all the way down so it hangs at your
side, and then bring it back up again.
• You may notice a very faint clicking sound coming from the watch when it is shaken
back and forth. This sound is caused by mechanical operation of the auto light
switch, and does not indicate a problem with the watch.
Operation Guide 3444