Operation Guide 5176
The watch displays altitude values based on air pressure readings taken by a built-in
pressure sensor.
How the Altimeter Measures Altitude
The altimeter can measure altitude based on its own preset values (initial default
method) or using a reference altitude specifi ed by you.
When you measure altitude based on preset values
Data produced by the watch’s barometric pressure sensor is converted to approximate
altitude based on ISA (International Standard Atmosphere) conversion values stored
in watch memory.
When you measure altitude using a reference altitude specifi ed by you
After you specify a reference altitude, the watch uses
that value to convert barometric pressure readings to
altitude (page E-34).
• When mountain climbing, you can specify a reference altitude value in accordance
with a marker along the way or altitude information from a map. After that, the
altitude readings produced by the watch will be more accurate than they would
without a reference altitude value.
To take an altimeter reading
1. Make sure the watch is in the Timekeeping Mode.
2. Press
to start Altimeter measurement.
• AL TI will appe ar on t he disp lay, indicati ng tha t
Alt imete r meas ureme nt is in p rogres s. Th e fi rst
readi ng will ap pear o n the di splay af ter ab out f our
or fi ve second s.
• The c urren t altit ude val ue is dis played in u nits of 5
mete rs (20 fee t).
• Af ter th e fi rst re ading is o btain ed, th e watch con tinue s
to take a ltime ter readi ngs auto matic ally eve ry fi ve
sec onds fo r the fi rst thre e minu tes, an d then eve ry
tw o minute s af ter that .
Current time
Current time
• If you l eave the wa tch in the A ltim eter M ode, it w ill upd ate the di splayed a ltitu de
value re gula rly.
• T emp eratu re is mea sured in t he Baro mete r/ The rmo meter M ode a nd in the
Alt imete r Mod e. For d etail s abou t temp erature re ading s, see " Temperat ure"
(page E-24).
3. After you are fi nished using the Altimeter, press
to return to the Timekeeping
Mode and stop auto measurement.
• Th e watch wil l return to t he Ti meke eping M ode au toma tical ly if you d o not pe rfo rm
any op erati on for a bout 10 h ours a fter e nteri ng the A ltim eter Mo de.
• The measurement range for altitude is –700 to 10,000 meters (–2,300 to 32,800
• The displayed altitude value changes to
- - - -
if an altitude reading falls outside the
measurement range. An altitude value will reappear as soon as the altitude reading
is within the allowable range.
Normally, displayed altitude values are based on the watch’s preset conversion
values. You also can specify a reference altitude value, if you want. See “Specifying
a Reference Altitude Value” below.
• You can change the unit for displayed altitude values to either meters (m) or feet (ft).
See “To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude units” (page E-39).
Specifying a Reference Altitude Value
The altitude readings produced by this watch are subject to error caused by changes
in air pressure. Because of this, we recommend that you update the reference altitude
value whenever accurate altitude information is available during your climb. After you
specify a reference altitude value, the watch adjusts its air-pressure-to-altitude
conversion calculation accordingly.
To specify a reference altitude value
1. In the Altimeter Mode, hold down
until the current
reference altitude value starts to fl ash. This is the
setting screen.
• Before t he refere nce al titud e value s tar ts to fl ash,
the message SET Ho l d will appe ar on th e displ ay.
depre sse d until SET Hold disappears.
2. Press
(+) or
(–) to change the current reference
altitude value by 5 meters (or 20 feet).
• Spe cif y a referen ce alti tude val ue base d on acc urate
altitude information about your curr ent location fr om
a map, etc.
• Y ou ca n set th e referen ce alti tude va lue wi thin th e range o f – 10,0 0 0 to 10,0 0 0
meters (–32,800 to 32,800 feet ) .
at the s ame t ime ret urns to OFF (no refere nce alt itud e value), so
the watc h per form s air pre ssure to al titu de conve rsio ns bas ed on pre set dat a only.
3. Press
to exit the setting screen.
How does the altimeter work?
Generally, air pressure and temperature decrease as altitude increases. This watch
bases its altitude measurements on International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) values
stipulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). These values defi ne
relationships between altitude, air pressure, and temperature.
0 m
500 m
1000 m
1500 m
2000 m
2500 m
3000 m
3500 m
4000 m
899 hPa
795 hPa
701 hPa
616 hPa
15°C 1013 hPa
About 6.5°C
per 1000 m
About 8 hPa per 100 m
About 9 hPa per 100 m
About 10 hPa per 100 m
About 11 hPa per 100 m
About 12 hPa per 100 m
Altitude Air Pressure T emperature
0 ft.
2000 ft.
4000 ft.
6000 ft.
8000 ft.
10000 ft.
12000 ft.
14000 ft.
25.84 inHg
22.23 inHg
19.03 inHg
59.0°F 29.92 inHg
About 3.6°F
per 1000 ft.
About 0.15 inHg per 200 ft.
About 0.17 inHg per 200 ft.
About 0.192 inHg per 200 ft.
About 0.21 inHg per 200 ft.
Source: International Civil Aviation Organization
• Note that the following conditions will prevent you from obtaining accurate readings:
When air pressure changes because of changes in the weather
Extreme temperature changes
When the watch itself is subjected to strong impact
There are two standard methods of expressing altitude: Absolute altitude and relative
altitude. Absolute altitude expresses an absolute height above sea level. Relative
altitude expresses the difference between the height of two different places.
Height of building 130 m
(relative altitude)
Rooftop at an altitude of
230 m above sea level
(absolute altitude)
Sea Level
Altimeter Precautions
• This watch estimates altitude based on air pressure. This means that altitude
readings for the same location may vary if air pressure changes.
• The semiconductor pressure sensor used by the watch for altitude measurements
is also affected by temperature. When taking altitude measurements, do not subject
the watch to temperature changes.
• Do not rely upon this watch for altitude measurements or perform button operations
while sky diving, hang gliding, or paragliding, while riding a gyrocopter, glider, or
any other aircraft, or while engaging in any other activity where there is the chance
of sudden altitude changes.
• Do not use this watch for measuring altitude in applications that demand
professional or industrial level precision.
• Remember that the air inside of a commercial aircraft is pressurized. Because of
this, the readings produced by this watch will not match the altitude readings
announced or indicated the fl ight crew.
Specifying Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude Units
Use the procedure below to specify the temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude
units to be used in the Barometer/Thermometer Mode and the Altimeter Mode.
(Tokyo) is selected as the Home City, the
altitude unit is set automatically to meters (
), the
barometric pressure unit to hectopascals (
), and the
temperature unit to Celsius (
). These settings cannot
be changed.
To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and
altitude units
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down
until the
currently selected city code starts to fl ash. This is the
city code setting screen.