Operation Guide 5266
Displaying Elapsed Prayer Time
While the Today’s Salat Time Screen is displayed, the digital display
will show the time elapsed for up to 30 minutes after the start of the
prayer. The second hand will remain pointing to the name of the
ongoing prayer. Elapsed prayer time is shown only while Today’s Salat
Time Screen is displayed.
• After the 31st minute of elapsed timing, the digital display will
change to show the start time of the next prayer, and the second
hand will move to the name of the next prayer time.
During the time after ISHA,
the second hand will move to FAJR.
• While elapsed time is displayed, you can press
to display
the next prayer time.
• Press
to enter the Qibla Mode. Press
to enter the Timekeeping
To view prayer times on a specifi c date
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, press
• This e nters t he S AL AT Tim e Se arch M ode.
• SALAT will appe ar on t he digi tal di splay fo r abo ut on e sec ond.
Af ter th at the cu rrent ye ar, month , and day a ppea rs for ab ou t
one second .
• Next, CALC will app ear o n the d igita l disp lay indi catin g that
prayer ti me c alcul atio n is in pr ogres s. Af ter c alc ulati on is
com plete, t he se con d hand w ill m ove to the pr ayer nam e tha t
was ind icate d the la st tim e you ex ited t he SA L AT Time S ea rch
Mo de. Th e digi tal dis play wi ll sho w the praye r tim e for th at
prayer .
Elapsed prayer time
Current alarm on
indicator (currently
display alarm on)
Prayer time alarm on indicator
(at least one alarm on)
2. Use the
(+) and
(–) buttons to scroll from day to day.
• Scro lling to a not her day w ill cau se CALC to a ppea r on th e digit al dis play for o ne se co nd
indi catin g that p rayer tim e cal culat ion i s in prog ress . Af ter ca lcul atio n is co mple te, the
sec ond h and wi ll move to t he praye r nam e that wa s indic ated t he las t time y ou exite d the
SA L AT Time S earc h Mod e. Th e digit al dis play wil l sho w the praye r tim e for th at prayer.
3. Use
to move the second hand sequentially to the other prayer names. The digital display will
show the start time of the prayer indicated by the second hand.
4. Hold down
for about two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
To turn a prayer alarm on or off
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, press
to display the Today’s Salat
Time screen. The prayer time on/off setting can be changed only
while the Today’s Salat Time screen is displayed.
2. Use
to move the second hand between prayer names until it is
pointed at the one whose setting you want to change. The prayer
time will appear on the digital display.
3. Hold down
for about two seconds until
appears on the digital display.
• Thi s indic ator sh ows t he cur rent ala rm on /of f set tin g.
• The c urren t alar m on ind icato r ( ) wi ll app ear to th e righ t of a
displ ayed praye r time i f its al arm is t urn ed on. N o ind icato r is
sho wn if th e disp layed al arm is t urn ed of f.
4. Press
to toggle the display alarm between on and off.
5. After the settings are the way you want, press
• This retur ns to prayer n ame i ndic atio n and t he Today’s Sa lat T ime S cree n.
To stop a sounding prayer alarm
Press any button.
About prayer time calculation methods
Methods that are used to determine prayer times (especially Fajr, Asr, and Isha) differ somewhat
between countries and regions. This watch comes with a total of fi ve built-in prayer time calculation
methods that conform with various geographical areas around the world. In addition, you can also
set your own calculation method for calculation of Fajr, Asr, and Isha.
Prayer Time Calculation Methods
Method Organization Method
Angle of the sun under
the Horizon (Fajr)
Angle of the sun under
the Horizon (Isha)
Umm al-Qura University,
MAKKAH 18.5° 90 minutes after
Maghrib/120 minutes
(during Ramadan only)
Muslim World League MWL 18.0° 17.0°
Islamic Society of North
America (ISNA)
ISNA 15.0° 15.0°
University Of Islamic
Sciences, Karachi
KARACHI 18.0° 18.0°
Egyptian General Authority of
EGYPT 19.5° 17.5°
CUSTOM CUSTOM 10-20.0°, 90 minutes before
10-20.0°,90 minutes after
Maghrib, 120 minutes
(during Ramadan only)
To select a prayer time calculation method (FAJR, ISHA)
See “Prayer Time Calculation Methods” on page E-32 before confi guring the setting below.
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, press
to display the Today’s Salat
Time Screen. The prayer time calculation method can be selected
only while Today’s Salat Time Screen is displayed.
2. Use
to move the second hand between prayer names until it is
pointed at the one whose calculation method you want to set. The
prayer time appears on the digital display.
3. Hold down
for about two seconds to display the setting screen.
• This d ispl ays the p rayer ala rm se tt ing scre en o n the di gita l
display .
4. Press
to display the prayer time setting screen.
• This w ill ca use th e curre nt prayer t ime c alcu latio n met hod to
fl ash o n the di gita l displ ay.
• Use
to scrol l thro ugh th e set ting s until [ Prayer T im e
Calc ulati on M eth ods] is disp layed.
Prayer Time Calculation Methods
ASR Setting
FAJR Setting ISHA Setting
5. Use the
buttons to select a prayer time calculation method as shown below.
6. After selecting the prayer time calculation method you want, press
• Thi s will di splay t he [AS R] set tin g scree n.
7. Press
to toggle the [ASR] setting between
Sun position when the length of the shadow of an object is equal to the length of its
shadow at noon plus the length of the object
Sun position when the length of the shadow of an object is equal to the length of its
shadow at noon plus twice the length of the object
8. When the ASR setting is the way you want, press
• Thi s will di splay t he [FA JR] s ett ing sc reen . This set ting c an be c on fi gured o nly if y ou se lect
CUSTOM for the p rayer tim e cal culat ion m eth od, ab ove. If yo u sele ct any m etho d oth er
than CUSTOM , a default FA JR se tt ing is ap plied .
9. Use the
buttons to scroll through the FAJR settings on the digital display as shown
FAJR10.0° FAJR20.0° FAJR-1.5H
• Scro lli ng fr om FAJR 10.0° to FAJR20.0° is in un its of 0 .5°.
FA JR -1. 5 H: 90 minutes before sunrise
10. When the FAJR setting is the way you want, press
• This w ill di splay th e [IS HA] s ett ing sc reen . This s et ting c an be c onfi gured on ly if yo u sele ct
CUSTOM for the p rayer tim e cal culat ion m eth od, ab ove. If you s ele ct any m etho d oth er
than CUSTOM , a default I SH A set tin g is appl ied.
11. Use the
buttons to scroll through the ISHA settings on the digital display as shown
ISHA10.0° ISHA20.0° ISHA+1.5H ISHA+1.5/2
• Scro lli ng fr om ISHA 1 0.0° to ISHA 20.0° is in u nits of 0 .5°.
ISHA+ 1.5H : 90 m inu te s af ter M ag hri b
ISHA+ 1 .5/2: 9 0 mi nut es af t er Ma ghr ib /120 minu tes (du rin g Ra mad an on ly)
12. After the settings are the way you want, press
• This w ill ca use th e sec ond h and to m ove to a prayer n ame i n acco rdan ce wit h your s et tings .
The d igit al disp lay will s how t he prayer t ime fo r that p rayer.
Prayer Time Precautions
• When you move from one region to another, be sure that you correctly confi gure Timekeeping
Mode settings (city data, prayer time calculation method, and current time) for the region you
are moving into. Remember that if you fail to confi gure these settings correctly, prayer times
cannot be calculated and displayed properly.