2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and press
to calibrate the fi rst
• --- will be s how n in t he lo wer di splay w hil e fi rst di rect ion c ali brati on i s in pro gres s. W hen
cali brati on i s suc ces sfu l, OK will ap pea r in th e upp er di splay fo r a sh or t wh ile, a nd th en ch ang e
. The l owe r disp lay wi ll sho w -2- . Th ese i ndic ate th at the wa tch is rea dy fo r cali brati on o f the
second direction.
3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.
4. Press
again to calibrate the second direction.
• --- will be d ispl ayed in t he lo wer di splay w hil e cal ibrat ion i s in pro gres s.
• Af ter c alib ratio n is s ucc ess ful, t he up per d ispl ay will s how OK an d the n the wa tch wil l retur n to the
Digi ta l Co mpa ss M ode .
• ERR will app ear o n th e uppe r dis play fo r a sho r t whi le if a n erro r oc curs . Af ter t hat, t he s cree n will
auto mat ica lly ret urn to t he fi rs t direc tio n ca librat io n scre en (the o ne t hat ap pea rs af ter
is hel d
dow n in ste p 1).
To perform magnetic declination correction
1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down
• The s ec ond h and w ill m ove to 12 o’clock, i ndi cati ng th e bidire cti ona l
cali brati on m od e.
2. Press
to enter the magnetic declination correction mode.
• The u ppe r dis play wi ll sh ow th e curre nt ma gnet ic de clin ati on
direc tio n, an d the l owe r disp lay wil l sho w the c urre nt mag net ic
decl inat ion a ngl e valu e.
3. Use
(East) and
(West) to change the settings.
Th e foll owi ng exp lain s mag net ic de clin ati on an gle d irect io n
: No magnetic declination correction performed. The magnetic
declination angle with this setting is 0°.
: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)
: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)
• Y ou ca n se lect a va lue w ith in th e rang e of W 9 0 ° to E 9 0 ° wit h the se se tt ing s.
• You can tur n of f (OFF ) mag net ic de clin ati on co rre cti on by pre ssi ng
at the s am e tim e.
• The i llu strat ion , for exa mp le, sh ows t he valu e you s ho uld in put a nd th e dire cti on se tt ing yo u sh oul d
sel ect w hen t he m ap sh ows a m agne tic d ecli nati on o f 1° West.
4. When the setting is the way you want, press
to exit the setting screen.
Magnetic declination direction
(E, W, or OFF)
Magnetic declination
angle value
Magnetic declination direction
(E, W, or OFF)
Magnetic declination
angle value
Using Bearing Memory
Bearing Memory lets you temporarily store and display a direction
reading so you can use it as a reference as you take subsequent digital
compass readings. Accessing the Bearing Memory data displays the
direction angle for the stored reading in the lower display, along with an
indicator in Digital Meter A (page E-27) that shows the stored bearing.
If you perform a digital compass operation while Bearing Memory data is
displayed, the direction angle of the current digital compass reading (as
read from the 12 o’clock position of the watch) will be shown in the lower
display and the stored Bearing Memory direction reading will be shown in
the upper display.
To store a direction angle reading in Bearing Memory
1. Press
to start a digital compass operation (page E-20).
• Thi s will t ake a n ini tial re adin g and t hen t ake re adin gs ever y
sec ond f or 2 0 se co nds.
• If a bea rin g me mo ry d irec tio n ang le valu e is al ready d ispl ayed in
the l ower d ispl ay, it mean s that t here i s a readi ng al ready s tore d
in Be ari ng M emo r y. If this h appe ns, p res s
to cle ar th e Be arin g
Me mo ry re adi ng an d exit t he be ari ng me mo r y scre en be fore
performing the above step.
2. During the 20 seconds that digital compass readings are being taken, press
to store the current
reading in Bearing Memory.
• The B ea rin g Me mo r y direc tio n ang le fl as hes f or ab ou t one s ec ond i n the l owe r disp lay as it i s
store d in Be ari ng M em or y. Afte r tha t, th e angl e valu e will s top fl ashin g (indi cati ng th at it is B ea ring
Me mo ry d ata), a nd a new 2 0 -se co nd dire cti on re adin g ope rati on w ill st ar t.
12 o’clock
Bearing Memory
North pointer
Direction angle
of current
Bearing Memory Data
Bearing memory
direction angle
12 o’clock
Bearing Memory
North pointer
Direction angle
of current
Bearing Memory Data
Bearing memory
direction angle
• You can pres s
at any ti me w hile t he B ear ing M em or y an gle val ue is d ispl ayed, to st ar t a new
20 -se co nd dire cti on re adin g ope rati on. D oi ng so w ill di splay t he di rect ion a ngl e for t he di recti on
that t he 12 o’clock p osi tio n of t he watch i s poi nted. T he di rect ion a ngl e of th e curre nt rea ding w ill
disa ppe ar fro m th e dis play af ter t he 2 0 - se co nd dire cti on re adin g ope rati on is c om plete .
• The d irec tio n sto red in B ear ing M em or y is i ndic ated by D igi tal M eter A i n the f oll owi ng cas es o nly.
– During the fi rst 20 seconds after you display Memory data
– During a direction reading operation triggered by pressing
while Bearing Memory data is
displayed in the upper display
• Pressing
whil e the B ea rin g Me mo ry d ata i s disp layed w ill cle ar t he read ing cu rren tly i n Bea rin g
Me mo ry a nd st ar t a ne w 20 -se co nd di rect ion re adin g ope rati on.
Bearing Memory Pointer
Digital Meter A indicates the bearing stored for a Bearing Memory record.
Bearing straight ahead
Bearing display area (Indicates a bearing within ±60° of 0.)
Bearing outside of display area (Bearing more than 60° left of 0.)
Bearing outside of display area (Bearing more than 60° right of 0.)
Bearing straight back
• To position yourself to move in the direction of the recorded bearing, move around until the Bearing
Memory Pointer points straight ahead of you, as shown above.
Using the Digital Compass While Mountain Climbing or Hiking
This section shows three actual examples of how to use the watch’s digital compass.
• Setting a map and fi nding your current location
Having an idea of your current location is important when mountain climbing or hiking. To do this, you
need to “set the map”, which means to align the map so the directions indicated on it are aligned with
the actual directions of your location. Basically what you are doing is aligning north on the map with
north as indicated by the watch.
• Finding the bearing to an objective
• Determining the direction angle to an objective on a map and heading in that direction
To set a map and fi nd your current location
1. With the watch on your wrist, position it so the face is horizontal.
2. While in any mode (except a setting mode), press
to take a compass reading.
• Dire cti on re ading s are t aken eve r y sec on d for 2 0 se co nds .
3. Rotate the map without moving the watch so the northerly direction
indicated on the map matches north as indicated by the watch.
• If the wa tch is c onfi gured to in dica te magn eti c nor t h, alig n the
map’s mag net ic no r th wi th th e watch in dica tio n. If t he watch h as
bee n co nfi gu red wi th a de clin ati on to c orre ct to tr ue n or th, a lign
the m ap’s tru e no rt h wi th th e watch in dica tio n. F or de tail s, se e
“Ca libra ting t he B ear ing S ens or ” (pag e E-2 2).
• This will position the map in accordance with your curr ent location.
4. Determine your location as you check the geographic contours around
North indicated
on the map
North indicated by
north pointer
North indicated
on the map
North indicated by
north pointer
To fi nd the bearing to an objective
1. With the watch on your wrist, position it so the face is horizontal.
2. Set the map so its northerly indication is aligned with north as indicated
by the watch, and determine your current location.
• Se e “To set a ma p and fi nd your cu rre nt lo cati on” o n page E -2 9 fo r
info rma tio n abo ut h ow to pe r for m the a bove s tep.
3. Next, set the map so the direction you want to travel on the map is
pointed straight in front of you.
4. While in any mode (except a setting mode), press
to take a
compass reading.
• The re adi ng wil l appe ar o n the u ppe r disp lay af ter a bo ut t wo
5. Still holding the map in front of you, turn your body until north as
indicated by the watch and the northerly direction on the map are
• This will position the map in a ccordance with your curren t location,
so th e bea ring to y our o bje ctive i s stra ight a head o f you.
12 o’clock
12 o’clock
To determine the direction angle to an objective on a map and head in that direction (Bearing Memory)
1. Set the map so its northerly indication is aligned with north as indicated
by the watch, and determine your current location.
• Se e “To set a ma p and fi nd your cu rre nt lo cati on” o n page E -2 9 fo r
info rma tio n abo ut h ow to pe r for m the a bove s tep.
2. As shown in the illustration to the left, change your position so you (and
the 12 o’clock position of the watch) are pointed in the direction of
objective, while keeping the northerly direction indicated on the map
aligned with north as indicated by the watch.
• If you fi nd it dif fi cult to pe r for m the a bove s tep w hile ke epi ng
ever y thi ng alig ned , fi rst m ove into t he co rrec t pos iti on (12 o’ cloc k
pos iti on of t he watch p oin ted at th e obj ect ive) with out w orr y ing
abo ut th e or ient ati on o f the m ap. N ext , per fo rm s tep 1 aga in to se t
the map.
12 o’clock
12 o’clock
Operation Guide 5302