To measure two fi nishes
Start Split
First runner fi nishes.
appears on the
digital display.)
Display time of fi rst
Second runner
fi nishes.
Split release
Display time of
second runner
• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds.
• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press
to stop it, even if you exit the Stopwatch
Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.
• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the display clears the split time and returns
to elapsed time measurement.
Using the Countdown Timer
The countdown timer can be confi gured to start at a preset time, and sound an alarm when the end of the
countdown is reached.
To enter the Countdown Timer Mode
to select the Countdown Timer Mode (
) as shown on page
• About one second after
appears on the display, the display will
change to show the countdown time hours.
To specify the countdown start time
1. Enter the Countdown Timer Mode.
2. Pull out the crown.
• Thi s will ca use th e curre nt sta rt t ime mi nutes d igits to fl ash o n the
digital display .
• The t ime keepi ng (ho ur, minute, se con d) hand s will m ove to 2
o’clock .
3. Rotate the crown to adjust the minutes setting.
• Y ou ca n als o use H S1 high -sp eed m oveme nt (pag e E- 5) to chan ge
this setting.
• T o set a st ar ting c oun tdown t ime o f 60 m inute s, set 0 0 ’0 0.
4. After the setting is the way you want, push the crown back in.
Countdown time
(Minutes, seconds)
Current time
Countdown time
(Minutes, seconds)
Current time
To perform a countdown timer operation
Start Stop (Resume) (Stop) Reset
• Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that a countdown operation is not in
progress (indicated by the seconds counting down). If it is, press
to stop it and then
to reset to
the countdown start time.
• An alarm sounds for ten seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This alarm will sound in
all modes. The countdown time is reset to its starting value automatically when the alarm sounds.
• Pulling out the crown while a timer operation is in progress will stop the operation and reset the time to
the start time.
To stop the alarm
Press any button.
Using the Alarm
You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When an alarm is turned on,
an alarm will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the
Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the
watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.
You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch
to beep twice every hour on the hour.
To enter the Alarm Mode
to select the Alarm Mode (
) as shown on page E-30.
• About one second after
appears on the display, the display
will change to show an alarm name (
) or the
indicator. The alarm name indicates an alarm screen.
is shown
when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the display.
• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you
last exited the mode appears fi rst.
Alarm name
(AL- or SIG)
Alarm time
(Hour : Minutes)
Hourly Time Signal screen
Alarm 1 screen
Alarm name
(AL- or SIG)
Alarm time
(Hour : Minutes)
Hourly Time Signal screen
Alarm 1 screen
To set an alarm time
1. In the Alarm Mode, use
to scroll through the alarm screens
until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.
* The re is no t ime se tti ng for t he ho urly t ime si gnal.
2. Pull out the crown.
• Thi s will ca use th e hou r and mi nute di gits of t he ala rm tim e to fl ash.
• The t ime keepi ng (ho ur, minute, se con d) hand s will m ove to 2 o’clock .
3. Rotate the crown to adjust the minute setting.
• Y ou ca n als o use H S1 high -s peed m ovem ent (pag e E- 5) to cha nge thi s set ting .
• Hour setting will change in accordance with minute setting changes. T o change the hour setting
sepa rately, go to step 4 o f this pro ced ure.
4. Press
5. Rotate the crown to adjust the hour setting.
• Y ou ca n als o use H S1 high -s peed m ovem ent (pag e E- 5) to cha nge thi s set ting .
• If you a re usi ng 12-h our ti meke epin g, the P (p. m.) and A (a.m.) indic ator s will al so app ear o n the
display .
Alarm ON/OFF indicator Alarm ON/OFF indicator
6. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown back in.
• Set tin g an ala rm ti me cau ses th at ala rm to tu rn on au toma tica lly.
To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off
1. In the Alarm Mode, use
to select an alarm or the Hourly Time Signal.
2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press
to turn it on and off.
The a lar m on indi cator (w hen an y alar m is on), and th e Ho urly T ime
Sig nal on i ndica tor (whe n the H our ly Ti me Sig nal is o n) are show n on
the di splay in a ll mo des.
To stop the alarm
Press any button.
To test the alarm
In the Alarm Mode, hold down
to sound the alarm tone.
Hourly time signal
on indicator
Alarm on indicator
Hourly time signal
on indicator
Alarm on indicator
Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone
You can use the World Time Mode to display the current time in any one for 29 time zones (29 cities)
around the world, and in the UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time zone. The city that is currently
selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.
• Your watch includes functions for quickly swapping your Home City and World Time City settings, and
for one-touch access to the UTC time zone.
To enter the World Time Mode
to select the World Time Mode (
) as shown on page E-30.
This causes
to appear on the digital display. After one second, the
hour and minute hands move to indicate the time in the current World
Time City. The second hand points to the city code of the currently
selected World Time City.
• The digital display shows the current time in the Home City.
• To check whether the indicated World Time City time is a.m. or p.m.,
. This will cause the second hand to move to
(a.m.) or
(p.m.) The second hand will return to regular timekeeping after about
three seconds.
• Pressing
will cause the second hand to move to the currently
selected World Time City city code. The second hand will return to
regular timekeeping after about three seconds.
Currently selected
Word Time City
Current timekeeping
Mode time
Current time in the currently
selected World Time City
Currently selected
Word Time City
Current timekeeping
Mode time
Current time in the currently
selected World Time City
To confi gure World Time City and summer time settings
1. In the World Time Mode, pull out the crown.
• This will cause CITY to fl as h on th e digit al dis play.
2. Rotate the crown to move the second hand to the City Code you want
to select.
• The c urren tly se lecte d World T ime C it y will be i ndic ated by th e
second hand.
3. Press
• This will cause the curren t DST setting (DST ON or DST OFF) to
fl a s h o n t h e d i s p l a y .
4. Rotate the crown to select either on (
) or off (
) for the
DST setting.
5. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown back in.
• Note tha t you ca nno t switc h bet ween s tan dard ti me/d ayligh t
savi ng tim e (DS T) w hile UTC is sel ected a s the Wor ld Ti me Cit y.
• Note th at the s tand ard ti me/day light s aving t ime ( DST ) se tti ng
af fects o nly th e curre ntly s elec ted tim e zone . Oth er tim e zone s are
not affected.
DST indicator DST indicator
Operation Guide 5365