To specify a reference altitude value
1. In the Altimeter Mode, pull out the crown.
• Thi s will cau se the cu rrent alt itude re ading val ue to fl ash on t he
digital display .
2. Rotate the crown to change the altitude value in one-meter (fi ve-foot)
• Cha nge the refe rence al titud e value to an ac curate alt itude re ading
that y ou get fro m a map or o ther s ource.
• Y ou c an set th e reference a ltitu de value w ithin t he range of – 3 ,00 0
to 10,0 0 0 meters (– 9, 84 0 to 32, 80 0 feet).
• Pressing
at the s ame ti me retur ns to OFF ( no refe rence
alti tude valu e ), so th e watch per form s air pres sure to alti tude
conver sions base d on pr eset d ata only .
3. After the setting is the way you want, push the crown back in to exit the
setting screen.
Advanced Altimeter Mode Operations
Use the information in this section to obtain more accurate altimeter readings, especially while mountain
climbing or trekking.
Using an Altitude Differential Value
If you specify a reference altitude, the second hand of the watch will
indicate the difference between the current altitude and the reference
altitude. The displayed altitude differential value is updated each time the
watch obtains a new altitude reading value.
• Depending on the currently selected display range, the allowable
range for the altitude differential value is 100 meters to –100 meters
(100 meters = 328 feet), or 1,000 meters to –1,000 meters (1,000
meters = 3,280 feet).
• If a reading value is outside the allowable range either
( ) or
) appears on the digital display.
• The second hand will move to 9 o’clock if a sensor reading could not
be taken for some reason or if the reading is outside the allowable
• See “Using the Altitude Differential Value While Mountain Climbing or
Hiking” (page E-58) for some real-life examples of how to use this
Altitude differential Altitude differential
Specifying the Altitude Differential Measurement Range
You can use the procedure below to select either ±100 meters or ±1,000
meters as the altitude differential measurement range.
Relative Altitude Measurement Range Display Unit
±100 meters (±328 feet) 5 meters (16 feet)
±1000 meters (±3280 feet) 50 meters (164 feet)
To specify the altitude differential measurement range
1. In the Altimeter Mode, pull out the crown.
• Thi s will cau se the cu rrent alt itude re ading valu e to appea r .
2. Press
• This will cause DIFF to app ear on th e digita l display, alon g with th e
fl ashi ng curren t altit ude dif ferent ial meas ureme nt range s etti ng.
3. Rotate the crown to select either 100 meters (
) or 1,000 meters
) as the altitude differential measurement range.
4. After the setting is the way you want, push the crown back in to exit the
setting screen.
Using the Altitude Differential Value While Mountain Climbing or Hiking
After you specify the altitude differential start point while mountain climbing or hiking, you can easily
measure the change in the altitude between that point and other points along the way.
Altitude differential Altitude differential
To use the altitude differential value
1. In the Altimeter Mode, check to make sure that an altitude reading is on the display.
• If an a ltitud e reading i s not disp layed, pres s
to ta ke one. Se e “To take alt itude re adings ” (page
E-5 4) for details.
2. Use the contour lines on your map to determine the difference in altitude between your current location
and your destination.
3. In the Altimeter Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds to specify your current location as the
altitude differential start point.
• DIFF R ESET and then RESE T will a ppear. The watc h will ta ke an alti tude read ing, and t he seco nd
hand w ill indi cate the a ltitud e dif ferentia l. ±0 (±0 mete rs) will be disp layed as th e altit ude
dif ferent ial at the re ference p oint.
4. While comparing the altitude difference you determined on the map
and the watch’s altitude differential value, advance towards your
• If th e map sho ws that t he dif ferenc e in altit ude bet ween y our
loc ation a nd your d estin ation i s +80 m eters fo r example, y ou kno w
you wi ll be nea ring you r desti natio n when th e displaye d altit ude
dif ferent ial value s hows +8 0 mete rs.
Altitude Differential (Reference
location, so ±0 m is indicated.)
Current altitude
Altitude Differential (Reference
location, so ±0 m is indicated.)
Current altitude
The altitude differential with the reference location is indicated by the second hand (altitude differential
indicator) as shown in the illustration below.
Unit: 50m (164ft)
Unit: Meters
Unit: 5m (16ft)
−100m (−328ft)
−1000m (−3280ft)
1000m (3280ft)
100m (328ft)
Example: Altitude differential
of −30 (300) meters
Indication range: ±100 (1000) meters
Types of Altitude Data
Your watch can record two types of altitude data in its memory: manually saved data and auto save
• Use the Data Recall Mode to view data stored in memory. See “Viewing Altitude Records” (page E-80)
for details.
Manually Saved Records
Any time you perform the procedure below in the Altimeter Mode, the watch will create and store a record
with the currently displayed altitude reading, along with the date and time the reading was taken. There is
enough memory to store up to 30 manually saved records, which are numbered from
To save a reading manually
1. In the Altimeter Mode, check to make sure that an altitude reading is
on the display.
• If an al titud e reading is n ot disp layed, pres s
to take o ne. Se e “To
take a ltitud e reading s” (page E- 5 4) for detai ls.
2. Hold down
fl ashes and then stops fl ashing.
• Thi s will save th e curren tly disp layed alti tude rea ding in a ma nuall y
saved re cord, al ong wi th the ti me and da te of the read ing.
• The wa tch will retu rn to the A ltime ter Mod e screen au tomati cally
after the save operation is co mplete.
• The re is eno ugh me mor y to store up to 3 0 ma nually s aved reco rds.
If th ere are alre ady 30 m anual ly saved rec ords in m emo ry, the
above o perati on will c ause th e oldes t record to b e deleted
auto matica lly to make ro om for t he new on e.
Auto Save Values
Auto save values are one type of data stored in the memory of your watch.
Auto Save Values
High Altitude (
Low Altitude (
Total Ascent (
Total Descent (
• These values are checked and updated automatically by the watch as altitude auto measurements are
• Auto save is performed only while the watch is in the Altimeter Mode.
• Cumulative ascent and cumulative descent values are updated whenever there is a difference of at
least ±15 meters (±49 feet) from one reading to the next.
• Auto save values also include the date and time each value was recorded.
How High and Low Altitude Values are Updated
With each auto save reading, the watch compares the current reading against the
(high altitude) and
(low altitude) values. It will replace the
value if the current reading is at least 15 meters (±49
feet) greater than
, or the
value if the current reading is at least 15 meters (±49 feet) less than
How Cumulative Ascent and Cumulative Descent Values Are Updated
Session start point
20 m
0 m
120 m
320 m
620 m
Session end point
The total ascent and total descent values produced by an Altimeter Mode reading operation session
during the example climb illustrated above are calculated as follows.
Total Ascent:
(300 m) +
(620 m) = 920 m
Total Descent:
(320 m) +
(500 m) = 820 m
Operation Guide 5463