Port setting (TL)
Tap this setting item and then scroll the list that appears upwards and
downwards. When the name of the point (port name or name of a city near
the ocean) you want is displayed, tap it.
This setting specifies the point (port) whose tide information is displayed by
the “Tide Graph” of the TOOL app.
Re-calculation with Current Location (TL)
Tap this setting item to start acquisition of positioning information for your
current location. After positioning information acquisition is successful, the
TOOL screen will reappear, which will show re-calculated data.
Perform this operation when “DEMO” is displayed on the TOOL app screen
or when the message “Displayed result is based on location info from 000
minutes ago.” appears. It re-calculates data displayed by the TOOL app
based on current location information acquired by the watch or your
smartphone GPS function.