• Conrm login.
• Add your Conga robot.
• Connect to Wi-Fi
• The App does not support 5G networks.
• The Wi-Fi name and password cannot exceed 32 bits.
• If the network conguration fails to connect, follow the below steps:
• Press the start button for 5 seconds, the robot will enter sleeping mode and the Wi-Fi
light indicator will blink fast indicating connection error. Retry connecting the robot again
following the steps in the before section.
• If the connection fails again, check if:
• The robot is too far away from the router.
• The Wi-Fi password is incorrect.
• The Wi-Fi networks is not 2.4G Hz.
* This Conga model is compatible with Alexa and Google home virtual assistants.
While the robot is operating, press Pause on the App or on the robot to pause it and press
Clean to resume cleaning.
The robot will automatically enter standby mode after 5 minutes of no operation. Press Clean
on the App or on the robot to start it up again.
• After 12 hours of no operation, the robot will turn automatically off.
• The robot will not enter standby mode during charging.
Water intensity level
Press on the water intensity function to select the desired level: high, medium or low.
Suction power level
Press suction power level function on the App to select the desired power level. Choose
between Eco (low power), Medium (medium power) and Turbo (maximum power).