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You must consider the following factors in determining the amount of
training eort required in order to aain tangible physical and health
The level of physical exeron in training must exceed the level of nor-
mal exeron without reaching the point of breathlessness and / or ex-
hauson. A suitable guideline for eecve training can be taken from
the pulse rate.During training this should rise to the region of between
70% to 85% ohe maximum pulse rate (see the table and formular for
determinaon and calculaon of this).
During the rst weeks, the pulse rate should remain at the lower end
of this region, at around 70% of the maximum pulse rate. In the course
of the following weeks and months, the pulse rate should be slowly rai-
sed to the upperlimit of 85% of the maximum pulse rate. The beer the
physical condion of the person doing the exercise, the more the level
of training should beencreased to remain in the region of between 70%
to 85% of the maximumpulse rate. This should be done by lengthening
the me for the training and/ or encreasing the level of diculty.
If the pulse rate is not shown on the computer display or if for safe-
ty reasons you wish to check your pulse rate, which could have been
displayed wrongly due to error in use, etc., you can do the following:
 Pulse rate measurement in the convenonal way (feeling the pulse
at thewrist, for example, and counng the number of beats in one mi-
 Pulse rate measurement with a suitable specialised device (available
from dealers specialising in health-related equipment).
Most experts recommend a combinaon of health-conscious nutrion,
whichmust be determined on the basis of your training goal, and physi-
cal trainingthree mes a week. A normal adult must train twice a week
to maintain hiscurrent level of condion. At least three training ses-
sions a week are requiredto improve one’s condion and reduce one’s
weight. Of course the idealfrequency of training is ve sessions a week.
Each training session should consist of three phases: the warm-up pha-
se, the training phase, and the cool-down phase. The body tempera-
ture and oxygen intake should be raised slowly in the warm-up phase.
This can be done with gymnasc exercises lasng ve to ten minutes.
Then the actual training (training phase) should begin. The training
exeronshould be relavely low for the rst few minutes and then rai-
sed over a period of 15 to 30 minutes such that the pulse rate reaches
the region of between70% to 85% of the maximum pulse rate.
In order to support the circulaon aer the training phase and to pre-
ventaching or strained muscles later, it is necessary to follow the trai-
ning phase with a cool-down phase. This should be consist of stretching
exercises and/ or light gymnasc exercises for a period of ve to ten
Start your warm up by walking on the spot for at least 3 minutes and then perform the following gymnasc exercises to the body for the training
phase to prepare accordingly. The exercises do not overdo it and only as far run unl a slight drag felt. This posion will hold a while.
Aer the warm-up exercises by some arms and legs shake loose.
Don’t nish the exercise phase abruptly, but will cycle leisurely something without resistance from to return to the normal pulse-zone. (Cool
down) We recommend the warm-up exercises at the end of the training be conducted and to end your workout with shaking of the extremies.
Maximum pulse rate = 220 - age (220 minus your age)
90% of the maximum pulse rate = (220 - age) x 0.9
85% of the maximum pulse rate = (220 - age) x 0.85
70% of the maximum pulse rate = (220 - age) x 0.7
You nd further informaon on the subject warm-up exercises, stretch
exercises or general gymnascs exercises in our download area under
The key to a successful program is regular training. You should set a -
xed me and place for each day of training and prepare yourself men-
tally for the training. Only train when you are in the mood for it and
always have your goalin view. With connuous training you will be able
to see how you are progressing day by day and are approaching your
personal training goal bit by bit.
Reach with your le hand be-
hind your head to the right
shoulder and pull with the
right hand slightly to the le
elbow. Aer 20sec. switch
Bend forward as far forward as pos-
sible and let your legs almost stret-
ched. Show it with your ngers in
the direcon of toe. 2 x 20sec.
Sit down with one leg stret-
ched out on the oor and
bend forward and try to
reach the foot with your
hands. 2 x 20sec.
Kneel in a wide lunge forward and
support yourself with your hands
on the oor. Press the pelvis down.
Change aer 20 sec leg.

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