Press the “ ”key to enter the body mass index (FAT) detection function. The system first to SEX settings, press the “ ”key to change the ge-
nder. After setting, press the key, and the right side of AGE show “25”as flash, indicating entering the setting Age parameter, and press the“”
key to adjust the age value. (Setting range: 10-99 years old); Press the key, and the right side of HEIGHT shows “170”as flash; indicating enter the
setting height, press the “” key to adjust the height value.(Setting range: 100-200cm); Press the key, and the right side of WEIGHT show
“65”as flash, indicating enter the setting weight, press the “”key to adjust the weight value.(Setting range :20-150kg); After setting them in turn,
press the key again, The „-- --“ on the right side of BMI is shown in flash, indicating the function of body fat in the test. At this time, put your hands
on the arm rest of the sensor plate of the test heartbeat, and the body fat value of the tested person will be displayed within 8 seconds.
F-1Sex malefemale
F-2Age 10 — 99 years old
F-3Height 100 — 200cm
F-4Weight 20 — 150kg
≤19 Underweight
=(20—25) Normalweight
=(26—29) Overweight
≥30 Obesity
Press the key to switch audio mode. Support to play mp3, ape and
other formats music, and other common video format files; In the pro-
cess of exercise, music with bright rhythm should be selected as far as
possible, and it is best to adapt to the running rhythm. Music with large
sudden rhythm change is easy to have adverse effects on the running
The green font represents the name and size of the song
being played
The white font represents the name of the song to be
selected and the size of the song.
The progress of the song is currently playing
The total length of the song is currently playing
the current playback progres
Press the key to switch the video mode; Support to play mp4, mov
and other common video format files;Please not to watch video when
running, which is easy to be distracted and may cause danger of running
too fast or too slow.
Body mass index (FAT) is a measure of the relationship between a person‘s height and weight, not body proportion. FAT is suitable for any man or wo-
man, and together with other health indicators, provides a basis for people to adjust their weight. The ideal FAT should be between 20 and 25, if less than
19 means too thin, if 26 and 29 means overweight, and if more than 30 means obese. (data are for reference only, not as medical data)
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