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1. Important Recommendations and
Safety Information Page 7
2. Summary of Parts Page 3
3. Parts List Page 8
4. Assembly Instructions Page 8
5. Training Instructions Page 8 - 10
6. Pulse Rate Measurement Table Page 10
Dear customer,
We would like to thank you for buying our home sports training equipment
and hope that it gives vou satisfaction. Please note and follow the infor-
mation and instructions for assembly and use.
We congratulate you on your purchase of this home training sports unit and
hope that we will have a great deal of pleasure with it. Please take heed of
the enclosed notes and instructions and follow them closely concerning
assembly and use.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you should have any
Top-Sport Gilles GmbH
Important Recommendations
and Safety Information
Our product has been tested by and meets the latest and toughest safety
standards. This fact does not however mean that you can fail to closely
observe the following basic points:
1. Assemble the equipment according to the assembly instructions and
only use the individual parts enclosed for assembly of the equipment and
which are listed in the parts list as being specifi cally for this equipment.
Before you start assembly, check against the delivery to make sure that
everything has been delivered, and check against the packing list to make
sure all the parts have been enclosed.
2. Check before the equipment is fi rst used, and again at regular inter-
vals, that all screws, bolts, nuts and other connections have been done
up tightly, to ensure that your training equipment is in a safe operating
condition at all times.
3. Place the equipment on a dry, level surface and protect it against damp
and wetness. If you wish to protect the area underneath the equipment
against damage from pressure or from becoming dirty or the like, we
recommend that you place a suitable non-slip item under the equipment
(such as a rubber mat or sheet of wood).
4. Always wear training clothing that are suitable for fi tness training when
you are doing training work on the equipment. The clothing must be of a type
that will not hang down during training due to its shape (e.g., length).
5. Remove any objects from a vicinity of 2 meters avound the equipment
before you start any training work.
6. In general, you should consult your doctor before starting targeted training
work. He can make a defi nitive statement as to the maximum exertion (pulse
rate, wattage, duration of training, etc.) you can set for yourself and can
also give you detailed information with respect to the correct body position
during training, your training target, and questions of diet.
It is to take care that this item is not useable for therapeutical purpose.
Exercise never after heary meals.
7. Only carry out training work on the equipment when it is in perfect working
order. Only use original spare parts in the event
of a repair.
8. If it has not been explicitly stated otherwise in the instructions, the
equipment may only be used by one person for training.
9. If you experience giddiness, nausea, chest pains or other abnormal
symptoms, stop the training at once and see a doctor.
10. In general, sports training equipment is not a toy. It may only be used
in an appropriate manner and by persons who have been suitably informed
or instructed.
11. Children, invalids and the handicapped should only use the equip-
ment in the presence of another person who can provide assistance and
12. Always pay attention that you or any other persons never bring parts
of the body in close proximity to any parts of the equipment that are still
13. When making settings for any adjustable parts, check that they are in
the right position and also check the marked maximum setting.
14. Do not use strong solvents for cleaning, and only use the tools supplied,
or suitable ones of your own, for any repairs that may be required.
15. To protect the environment, do not dispose of the packaging materials,
used batteries or parts of the machine as household waste. Put these in the
appropriate collection bins or bring them to a suitable collection point.
16. The maximum permissible load (=body weight) is specifi ed as 100

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