Administrative Rules for Low-Power Radio-Frequency Devices
Article 12: For those low-power radio-frequency devices that have already frequency devices that have already received a type-approval, companies,business
units or users should not change its frequencies, increase its power or change its original features and functions.
Article 14: The operation of the low-power radio-frequency devices is subject to the conditions that no harmfulinterference is caused to aviation safety and
authorized radio station; and if interference is caused, the user must stop operating the device immediately and can’t re-operate ituntil the harmful interference
is clear.
The authorized radio station means a radio-communication service operating in accordance with the Communication Act.
The operation of the low-power radio-frequency devices is subject to the interference caused by the operation of an authorized radiostation, by another
intentional or unintentional radiator, by industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment, or by an incidentalradiator.
4.7: Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
4.7.6: The U-NII devices shall accept any interference from legal communications and shall not interfere with the legalcommunications. If interference is caused,
the user must stop operating the device immediately and must not re-operate it until the harmful interference is clear.
4.7.7: Manufacturers of U-NII devices are responsible for ensuring frequency stability such that an emission ismaintained within the band ofoperation under all
conditions of normal operation as specified in the user manual.
Brazil Wireless Statement
Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não
pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.
This equipment operates on a secondary basis and
consequently must accept harmful interference, including interference from stations of the same kind. This equipment may not cause harmful interference to
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