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Unique Functions of Solar-Powered Watches
i When the watch becomes insufficiently charged, the display changes as shown
*1 If the watch has stopped as a result of being insufficiently charged:
· A minimum of about 30 minutes are required until recovery automatic reception even if the watch
is exposed to light.
Sufficiently charge the watch by referring to “General Reference for Charging Times”.
*2: If recovery automatic reception has failed:
· Since the time is incorrect even if the second hand is moving at one second intervals, first set the
time and date manually or by on demand reception before using the watch.
[Normal Display]
[Insufficient Charge
Warning Display]
[Recovery Automatic Reception]
When the watch
becomes insufficiently
charged due to not
exposing the dial (solar
cell) to light
Second hand begins to move
at 2-second intervals
When reception is successful*2
Watch stops due
to being
When sufficiently
charged by exposing
the dial (solar cell) to
2-second interval
Radio waves are received once
automatically when charged
If insufficient charge warning
(2-second interval movement
continues for 2 days or more)