• Install the equipment by carefully following the instructions given by the manufacturer and in compliance with the standards in force. Do not tamper with the internal elements
offering protection against short circuits and overcurrents.
• All the equipment must only be used for the purpose it was designed for. Comelit Group S.p.A. declines any responsibility for improper use of the apparatus, for any
alterations made by others for any reason or for the use of non-original accessories or materials.
• All the products comply with the requirements of Directive 2006/95/EC (which replaces Directive 73/23/EEC and subsequent amendments), as certied by the CE mark they
• Do not route the riser wires in proximity to power supply cables (230/400V).
• Do not insert objects or pour liquids into the device.
• Installation, mounting and assistance procedures for electrical devices must only be performed by specialised electricians.
• Cut off the power supply before carrying out any maintenance work.
• Do not press and hold the audio hook while the handset is lifted.
• The camera must not be installed opposite bright light sources, or in places where the lmed subject is against the light. To resolve the above problem, we recommend
modifying the installation height of the camera, which is usually 160 - 165 cm, to a height of 180 cm and pointing the lens downward so as to improve lming quality.
• Cameras with colour CCD sensor have poorer sensitivity in low light conditions than black/white cameras. We therefore recommend, in dimly lit environments, to
install an additional light source
• IMPORTANT: to prevent a malfunction of the device, make sure that the metal fascia of art. 4893 does not rub against any other metal parts and damage their insulation.
General information
Operating distances
Art. 2638
1. Privacy function indicator.
2. Key button.
3. Button P1 generic actuator / button for various uses present on
terminal block (P1 C1).
4. 3-position ringtone/Privacy service selector:
High position: Maximum ringtone volume.
Middle position: Medium ringtone volume.
Low position:Privacy service activation. (Privacy service
means exclusion of the call ringtone from the external unit and
switchboard; activation of the Privacy function is signalled by a
red indicator appearing at the top right-hand side).
Set the user code on Dip Switches U2 as indicated in the table
on page 17.
See page 16.
L L bus line connection.
CFP CFP Floor door call input.
P1 C1 terminals for pushbutton P1 C.NO. 24V 100mA dedicated
to various services (remove CV1 and CV2).
S+ S- terminals for call repetition device.
8. JP2jumper for selecting the Switchboard call (position C) /
Generic actuator (position A) function of button P1.
9. CV1 CV2 jumpers to be removed in order to obtain a voltage
free C. NO contact on button P1.
5. Trimmer for adjusting the microphone volume.
6. U2 DIP switch for setting user code.
7. System connection terminals:
The maximum total distance between the external unit and the furthest
monitor is 200 m (with cable Art. 4577).
The total number of internal units with the same user code and call
repetition devices (additional ringtone) connected to these internal
units cannot exceed 4 (with a maximum of 1 main internal unit and 3
secondary internal units). Connect only one call repetition device for
each internal unit.
The MAX. cable length between the internal unit and call repetition
device is 20 m. A shielded cable should be used for the connection and
should not run close to heavy inductive loads or power supply cables
(230 V / 400 V).
For instructions on the installation and conguration of internal
units (Art. 6302S, Art. 6302S/BM) and the external unit (Art.
4893), refer to the respective technical manuals.
Dimensions: 108×90×62 mm (6 DIN modules).
Protected from short-circuits and overloads.
Description of terminal block
L Nmains power input 110-240 V~
L2 L2riser bus line output (31 V)
L1 L1 main bus line input (31 V)
The kits are comprised of the following articles:
External unitArt. 4893
Internal unitArt. 6302SArt. 6302S/BM
Power supply unitArt. 1209
TerminationArt. 1216
The electrical system of the building must be tted with an (easily
accessible) omnipolar mains switch with a contact opening of at
least 3 mm, which is capable of cutting off the power supply of
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