USAGE GUIDELINES: The usage guidelines presented in this section should be considered as
general rules. For all programs, it is recommended that you read carefully the usage information
and advice presented in the Operation section. You should use the web site to
establish an appropriate training plan. The web site helps you with your first steps
with the device.
determines the kind of work that is imposed on the stimulated muscles. Based on your knowledge
about sport training, you can choose the program that is appropriate to your needs. Please go
on the web site as it offers an advanced interactive way to establish an appropriate
work program. With just a few answers to basic questions, the “Training Planner” will determine
which is the most appropriate program for you.
PLANNING STIMULATION SESSIONS: The Training Planner ( will determine the
number of training sessions per week you should do and the number of weeks you should use a
muscle training program.
ELECTRODE POSITIONS: For optimal results, use the electrode positions recommended by
• A positive pole (+) = red connection
• A negative pole (-) = black connection
• A different electrode must be connected to each pole.
Note: It is possible and normal to have an electrode arrangement that leaves one electrode
connection free from a cable.
Depending on the characteristics of the current, efficacy can be optimized in certain programs by
placing the electrode connected to the positive pole (red connection) “strategically”. When working
with a muscle stimulation program (involving muscle contractions), it is important to place the
positive electrode on the motor point of the muscle.
It is crucial to choose the right size electrodes (large or small) and correctly position these on the
muscle group you want to stimulate to ensure the efficacy of the program. Therefore, always use
the size of electrodes shown in the pictures. Unless you have other specific medical instructions,
always follow the placement directions in the pictures.
Where necessary, look for the best possible position by slowly moving the positive electrode over
the muscle until you find the point that will produce the best contraction or the most comfort for you.
DJO, LLC disclaims all responsibility for consequences arising from electrodes placed in other
positions. See the Safety Guide section of this manual to more information on where not to
apply electrodes.
For Active Recovery, typical electrode
placements are as follows:
For Active Recovery and Strength Training,
typical electrode placements are as follows:
For Strength Training, a typical electrode
placement is as follows:
For Strength Training, a typical electrode
placement is as follows:
For Strength Training, a typical electrode
placement is as follows:
For Strength Training, a typical electrode
placement is as follows:
Individual results may vary. Neither DJO, LLC nor any of its subsidiaries dispense medical advice. The contents of this document do not constitute medi-
cal advice. Rather, please consult your healthcare professional for information on the courses of treatment, if any, which may be appropriate for you.
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