Glossary | 709
master object
An object that has been cloned. Most changes you make to the master object are automatically applied to the clone.
master layer
A layer on a master page whose objects appear on every page of a multipage drawing. A master page can have more than one master layer.
master page
A virtual page that contains global objects, guidelines, and grid settings that apply to all pages in your document.
mesh fill
A type of fill that lets you add patches of color to the inside of a selected object.
micro nudge
To move an object in small increments.
See also nudge and super nudge.
miter limit
A value that determines when two lines that meet at a sharp angle switch from a pointed (mitered) joint to a squared-off (beveled) joint.
moiré pattern
The visual effect of radiating curves created by superimposing two regular patterns. For example, a moiré pattern can result from
overlapping two halftone screens of different angles, dot spacing, and dot size. Moiré patterns are the undesirable result of rescreening an
image with a different halftone screen or with the same halftone screen on an angle different from the original.
multiple select
To select multiple objects by using the Pick tool, or multiple nodes by using the Shape tool.
nested group
A group of two or more groups that behaves as one object.
nested PowerClip objects
Containers that hold other containers to form complex PowerClip objects.
nested symbol
A symbol definition that contains one or more other definitions.
The square points at each end of a line or curve segment. You can change the shape of a line or curve by dragging one or more of its nodes.
In bitmap editing, random pixels on the surface of a bitmap, resembling static on a television screen.
nonprinting characters
Items that appear on the screen but do not print. They include the rulers, guidelines, table gridlines, hidden text, and formatting symbols,
such as spaces, hard returns, tabs, and indents.
To move an object in increments.
See also micro nudge and super nudge.
A generic term for any item you create or place in a drawing. Objects include lines, shapes, graphics, and text.