Glossary | 761
A way of describing light in terms of degrees Kelvin — lower values correspond to dim lighting conditions that cause an orange cast, such as
candlelight or the light from an incandescent light bulb. Higher values correspond to intense lighting conditions that cause a blue cast, such
as sunlight.
A predefined set of information that sets the page size, orientation, ruler position, and grid and guideline information. A template may also
include graphics and text that can be modified.
text baseline
The imaginary horizontal line that text characters appear to be placed on.
text frame
The rectangle that appears as a series of dashed lines around a block of paragraph text created using the Text tool.
text style
A set of attributes that controls the appearance of text. There are two text style types: artistic text styles and paragraph text styles.
texture fill
A fractally generated fill that, by default, fills an object or image area with one image instead of with a series of repeating images.
A level of tolerance for tonal variation in a bitmap.
A miniature, low-resolution version of an image or illustration.
Invisible divisions to which your pointer gravitates.
The technique of repeating a small image across a large surface. Tiling is often used to create a patterned background for webpages.
In photo editing, a tint often refers to a semitransparent color applied over an image. Also called a color cast.
In printing, a tint refers to a lighter shade of a color created with halftone screening — for example, a spot color.
See also halftone.
tonal range
The distribution of pixels in a bitmap image from dark (a value of zero, indicating no brightness) to light (a value of 255, indicating full
brightness). Pixels in the first third of the range are considered shadows, pixels in the middle third of the range are considered midtones,
and pixels in the last third of the range are considered highlights. Ideally, the pixels in an image should be distributed across the entire tonal
range. A histogram is an excellent tool for viewing and evaluating the tonal range of images.
The variations in a color or the range of grays between black and white.
The quality of an object that makes it easy to see through. Setting lower levels of transparency causes higher levels of opacity and less
visibility of the underlying items or image.
See also opacity.
See color trapping.