T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F O R T H E M B R 9 0 0
Setting WiFi Security on your CradlePoint Router
WiFi security is highly recommended by CradlePoint. WiFi Security is separate from the
User Login Page. Setting “WiFi Security” on your router prevents users from connecting their
computers to your router unless they have your wireless security password.
F ol lo w T he S t ep s B el ow To S e t Th e W iF i S ec u ri ty :
1) Access your r outer administration page by opening your browser and typing
http://1 in the address bar.
2) Enter your DEFAULT ADMINISTRATIVE PASSWORD . This password is the last
six digits of the MAC address found on the label on the bottom of your router.
3) Once you are connected, click on t he BASIC tab, click S ETUP WIZARD, click NEX T.
4) You will see a summary of the upcoming Setup Wizard Steps, click NEXT .
5) The default Administrative password should appear. Select your TIME ZONE, click NEXT .
6) One option to establish network security is by selecting REQUIRE USER LOG-IN. By using
this setting, you will force every user of the router to log-in using the User Login Password
(Set in a separate location in the User Interface) . By turning OFF the Require User Log-In,
you will still be able to secure your network using the settings below.
7) The next option is to select an appropriate LEVEL OF WIFI SECURITY. This will allow you
to create an encrypted security key for your network based on the security mode you select.
Choose the security mode that best fits your needs: GOOD for WEP, BETTER for WPA and
BEST for WPA2. (Make sure your PC or other devices support the mode you choose.) Choose a
personalized SECURITY PASSWORD . This password will be used to re-connect your devices
to the router once the security settings have been changed. Click NEXT
9) Record the setup information shown on the final summary page, then click CONNECT .
This will save your new settings and apply them to your router. If you are using WiFi, you
will need to re-connect to the router using the password you’ve just established in step 7.
You’ve now secured your CradlePoint router from unintended WiFi access.
Your USB Modem or Phone Does Not Work With the Router
1) If your USB data mode m or phone is not working wi th the router, check the list of supported
device s to ensure yo u are using a supported devi ce and carrier . The device you’re using
must be supported on the carrier network provi ding your cell ular service or it’s consider ed
an u nsupported dev ice, even if i t is supported on another ca rrier’s network .
Crad lePoint’s supp orted device l ist changes re gularly. We u pdate our suppo rted device li st
af ter a device i s certified an d approved. I f the device y ou have is NOT on the list, that means
we do not su pport it at th is time.
The SUPPORTED DEVI CE list can be found at: cradlepoint.com/suppo rt/MBR900
2) Someti mes a USB da ta mode m need s to b e upda ted or have other config uratio ns set corre ctly
in or der to make a c onnection thro ugh the router . If your USB Modem has not been updated
recently, it is r ecommende d that y ou do so if it is having t rouble c onnecting to the MBR900.
Simp ly i nsert you r US B da ta m odem into you r PC and usi ng th e so ftwa re p rovi ded b y yo ur
cellular c arrier, acc ess the In ternet. Fo llow the d irections p rovided to complete t he update.
On ce yo u hav e upd at ed yo ur US B d at a m od em, r eco nn ect t he ce llu la r d ev ice t o y ou r C ra dle Po int
rout er and connect to the Intern et.
If, after followin g the above di rections, you are still unab le to access th e Internet,
cont act CradlePoin t Technical Su pport for furt her assistance .
You are Connected to the Router but Cannot Connect to the Internet
The status LEDs of your router will give you an indication whether or not a proper connection is
being made. See the LED STATUS definitions below:
If the USB Dat a Modem LEDs are not i lluminated, you r modem is not connec ted and online. You
may ne ed t o u pdat e f irmw are . Re fer to “Yo ur U SB M ode m or Ph one Doe s No t W ork Wit h Th e R oute r. ”
If, after updating, you a re still not online, call CradlePoint Tech nical Support for further assistance.
The MBR900 is powered on.
No Light
The MBR900 is not connected to power. Check that the unit is connected to an outlet.
The Wireless LAN is active and available to share.
No Light
The Wireless LAN is not active.
Connected to an active Ethernet Connection.
No Light
Not connected to Ethernet, the connection is not configured correctly, or Cable or DSL modem
is not configured correctly (or turned on).
Data connection has been established with your cellular network.
No Light
Cellular network is unavailable or connection is still in progress.
Standard connection time is 15-30 seconds.
When your MBR900 is up and running, it creates a shareable wireless signal (WLAN).
The MBR900 must be powered using an approved power adapter .
Y ou may c onnec t the MBR90 0 via an Et herne t cabl e to your Cable or DS L Mode m.
The MBR9 00 wo rks w ith U SB, Ex press Card, or P C Car d Mob ile B roadb and Modem s wit h act ive d ata p lans.
I Need To Update My Firmware
To support th e latest features, mo dems, and phones, fol low the directions be low:
1) Access your router administratio n page by opening you r browser and typing
http://1 in the address bar.
2) Select the TOOLS tab on the top navigation, then the FIRMWARE menu on the left.
3) Select ONE- BUTTON FIRMWARE UPDAT E for easy firmware u pdates.
If you experi ence problems, you ca n also install the fi rmware manually.
1) Download th e new firmware by goi ng to cradlepoint.com /support/MBR900.
2) Select the TOOLS tab on the top navigation, then the FIRMWARE menu on the left.
3) In the FIRM WARE UPGRADE section, click BROWSE.
4) Browse for the new firmware file you downloaded in St ep 1 and click OPEN.
5) Click the U PLOAD button. The up grade process can tak e a minute or two.
My WiFi-enabled Devices Can’t Get Past The Login Page
Some el ectronic d evices may experience problems h andling the Internet Access User Login sett ing.
Devices that commonly have trouble are, but not limited to:
• iPod Touch
• iPhone
• Wireless Vo IP Phones
To Allow Thes e Devices Access, fol low the instructions below to disable the user login.
1) Access your router administratio n page by opening you r browser and typing
http://1 in the address bar.
2) Go to the T OOLS tab on the top n avigation, then the U SER LOGIN menu on the left panel.
3) Uncheck the REQUIRE USER LOGIN c heck box.
4) Scroll to t he top of the page an d click SAVE THE SETT INGS , which will save and reboot the
router with your new config uration.
Note: Because the User Login page adds security and access control to others connected to your router,
you may need to enable additional security features such as WEP, WPA, or MAC Address Filtering (if you
are not already doing so) when turning off the User Login Page. See the “Setting WiFi Security on your
CradlePoint Router” section of this guide for details.
• Wireless Pr inters
• most WiFi-e nabled Video Game Sys tems
• most WiFi-e nabled Devices that a re not PCs or Macs
Regu latory Information
Th is equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rules. These lim its are de signed to provide r easonable protecti on
agai nst harmful in terference in a residential installation. This equipme nt generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instr uctions , may caus e harmful i nterfer ence to radio comm unicati ons. This d evice mu st accept a ny interf erence received , includi ng
inter ference that may cause un desired operati on. Howe ver, the re is no guarante e that in terferen ce will not occur in a part icular
insta llation . If th is equip ment do es caus e harmfu l inter ference to radi o or te levisio n recep tion, wh ich can be dete rmined by turn ing
the e quipmen t off a nd on, the use r is en courage d to tr y and c orrect the int erferen ce by o ne or mo re of t he foll owing m easures :
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or television technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by CradlePoint, Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the product.
Radio Frequency Interference Requirement - Canada
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Warranty Information
CradlePoint, Inc. warrants this product against defects in materials and workmanship to the original purchases (or the first
purchaser in the case of resale by an authorized distributor) for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. This warranty
is limited to a repair or replacement of the product, at CradlePoint’s discretion.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt should the product fail for any reason other than damage due to customer negligence, purchaser
may return the product to the point of purchase for a full refund of the purchase price.
If the purchaser wishes to upgrade or convert to another CradlePoint, Inc. product within the thirty (30) day period, purchaser
may return the product and apply the full purchase price toward the purchase of the other product. Any other return will be
subject to CradlePoint, Inc.’s existing return policy.
Still Have Questions??
EMAIL s up p o r t@ cradlepoint.com
CHAT c radlepoint.com/content/chat-support
CALL (208) 424-5054 Option #2
M on day-Friday 7:00am to 7:00pm MST
c r a d l e p o i n t . c o m / k n o w l e d g e - b a se