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Fitness watch w ith speed and distance
Pulse measuring w ithout chest strap
Operating instruction s
Item No.: AU4-PF- 6LA/6LB
Issue: Jan uary 2014
1 Area of Ap plicati on 1
2 Safety and Serv icing 1
2.1 Safet y In struc tio ns .................................................. 1
2.2 Batteries .................................................................. 1
2.3 Operati onal En vironmen t Condition s ..................... 1
2.4 Water Resistance .................................................... 1
2.5 Dispo sal .................................................................. 1
2.6 Cleaning and Care ................................................... 1
2.7 Stor age .................................................................... 1
2.8 Notes on op erating instruction s .............................. 1
2.9 Scope of Supply ...................................................... 2
3 Getting S tarted 2
4 Function K eys/M odes/Set tings 2
4.1 Funct ion Ke ys o f the Fit ness Wa tch ....................... 2
4.2 Main Func tion M od es ............................................. 2
4.3 Time Mode .............................................................. 2
4.3.1 Basic Setting .................................................. 2
4.4 Training M od e ........................................................ 2
4.4.1 Setti ng of T ra ini ng Zone s and T ar get Ste ps ... 2
4.4.2 Target Steps with Progress Bar ...................... 3
4.4.3 Tr aining .......................................................... 3
4.5 Stopw atch Mode ..................................................... 3
4.5.1 Addit ion St opping .......................................... 3
4.5.2 Split Times Stop ping ...................................... 3
4.6 Alarm Mode ............................................................ 3
4.6.1 Ho u rl y A la r m ................................................. 3
4.6.2 Daily Alarm ................................................... 3
4.7 Count down Mode w ith Interva l Time r ................... 4
4.8 Pulse Mode ............................................................. 4
4.8.1 Pulse Measurement ........................................ 4
4.8.2 Pulse Alarm .................................................... 4
4.9 Po wer Savi ng .......................................................... 5
4.10 Display Light ...................................................... 5
4.11 Specificatio ns ..................................................... 5
4.12 Bat tery Cha nge ................................................... 5
5 Conformi ty 5
6 Trouble shooting /FAQs 5
1 Area of Application
The fitne ss watc h is i nte nded for use a s a wrist watc h.
Addit ionally it can also be used as a training tool for
meas ure ment a nd d ispl ay o f yo ur p ulse . It has b ee n desi gne d
for personal use and is not suitable for any comm ercial
purpose . The fitness watch is not a medical device. Please read
the opera ting inst ruct ions to lea rn ab out a ll funct io ns o f yo ur
fitness watch a nd ens ure flawle ss operatio n. All sp ecified d ata
are merely for gui da nce. Subject to techn ical modifications.
2 Safety and Servicing
Please read the safety instructions carefu ll y and only use the
fitness watch as d escribed in t hese instructio ns to a void
accidental injuries or damage. Retain these instructions for
future reference. These instructions should be handed over
when pas sed on t o a new owne r.
2.1 Safety Instructio ns
Important: Alwa ys cons ult a physi cia n before star ting a
regula r tr aini ng p ro gra m. T he fitnes s watch is not a medical
device, it is a trai ning too l to meas ure and d isplay your pul se.
Pac emake r use rs s hou ld o nly use p ulse meas uri ng de vices after
consu lti ng a ph ysic ian.
Risks for childr en and in dividuals requir ing
This device is not intended for use b y children aged
eight (8) upwards and individuals with limited
physic al, sensorial or emotional c apacities or limite d
experience and / or knowledge unless they are
supervised by an individual responsible for their
safety o r receive instructions f rom the latter as to
how the device should be used and have understood
the dangers arising from it. Chi ldren should be
supervised in order to ensure that they do not play
with the device. Cleaning and user m aintenance may
not be performed by c hi ldren without supervision.
For mor e information, please visit www.
2.2 Batteries
Your f itness wa tch runs on a 3V CR 2032 batter y.
Below are some directions o n the use of batteries:
• Never expose the battery to excessive heat such as
sunlight, fire or the like - increased danger of leakage!
• Never recharge the battery.
• Do not sh ort-circuit the battery and do not take it apart –
explosion hazard!
• If necessary clean the battery a nd unit contacts before
inserting the batter y.
• Flat b atteries should be immediatel y removed from the
device. There is increased dang er of leakage.
• Remove the battery when the device is not in use for a
longe r period of t ime.
• Caut ion! There is a risk of explosio n if the batter y is not
changed correctly. Only replace th e battery with one of the
same or similar ty pe.
• Keep the batteries and fitne ss watch out of reach of
children. Batteries can be swallowed by childr en. S ee k
immediate medical attentio n if this happ ens.
• A void contac t wit h ski n, e yes and mucou s memb ra ne if
leakage occurs. Upon contact w ith battery acid rinse the
affected area with plen ty of water and seek medical help
Non-compliance w ith these instructions can lead to damage
and under certain circumstances to explosion of the batteries.
Details on how to change the batteries can be found under
Section 4.12 „Battery ch an ge“.
2.3 Operational Environment Conditions
The fitne ss watc h ca n be operated conti nuously at an ambient
tempe rature of 32 ° F to 122 °F. The f itnes s watch is protected
again st sho cks wh ic h may occ ur duri ng no rmal wea r on t he
wrist. No evide nce of cond ensation is a llowed in a q uar tz
watc h as t his mig ht tri gger a sho rt c irc uit. The fitness watch
shoul d therefore never be expos ed to ext reme changes in
temperature. The uni t should never be placed near very s trong
magnet fields (e. g. electric al welding equipment, c urrent
transformers) as th is could cause variations in the time
meas ure ment. N on-compliance with th ese directions can result
in mal func tion o r d ama ge of t he fi tne ss wat ch.
2.4 Water Res istan ce
The fitness watch is water resista nt up to 50 m. T he following
table displa ys the acti vities a nd condit ions suited for the
fit ness watch. This information is based on a water resistance
test in compliance with DIN 8 310.
Be careful not to press the key s when the watch is wet.
Wat er ca n onl y ente r the c asi ng t hrou gh t he ke ys and damage
the move men t.
Please bear in mind that salt water and thermal
water can cause corrosion of metal parts.
Please be aware that water resist ance cannot be guaranteed
under e x tr e me te mper atur e c hange s (e .g. fro m the sa una t o t he
divi ng pool, fr om sun ba thing into t he cold se a). Chang es in
temperature ca n ca use c on densa tion, th us d ama ging the
move ment .
To guarantee the water resistance of your fit ness watch the
batt ery e xcha nge sho uld be c arr ied o ut b y a watc h
professional or a serv ice centre to avoid dam age to the sealing
ring a nd c ase.
2.5 Disposal
Do not put in trash. R ecycle or manage as h azardous waste.
If y ou wish to di spose of y our watch , fol low the provisions
current at the time. Information may be obtained from the local
council waste d isposal facilit y.
Warenhandels GmbH
Maria- Theresia-Stra sse 41, 4600 Wels , AUS TRIA
Pack aging
Dispos e of th e wa tc h p ackaging in accordance with the cu rrent
provis ions. Informati on may be obtai ned from the l ocal council
waste disposal faci lity.
2.6 Cleaning and Care
Use only a soft, da mp, lint-free cloth to clean the fitness watch.
Do not use solvents, abrasive or gaseous cleaning materials.
Ensur e that all water droplets are re moved from the display.
Water can cause permanent discolouratio n. Ensure that the
fitness watch display is not expose d to glaring sunlight or
ultraviolet ra ys.
2.7 Storage
Store the fitness watch in a cool and dry place. Once the
battery has been removed, the fitness watch ca n be stored at
14 °F to 140 °F.
2.8 Notes on operating instructions
We ha ve st ruc ture d t he op era ting i nstr uct ion s for thi s fit nes s
watc h in such a way that you can a l ways find the in for matio n
you require using the them ed top ics in th e table of contents.
Additionally, y ou can refer to the FAQ sectio n o n our o nli ne
pro duc t servi ce p age fo r fur ther help with your fitne ss watc h. duktser E AN Code: 20009212