Crystal Reports User’s Guide 579
sections 236
deleting 215
Details 88
identifying 89
inserting 214
making read-only 261
merging two related 216
moving 215
multiple in report 218
Page Header 88
Report Header 88
resizing 217
resizing to delete white space 269
splitting 217
suppressing to delete white space 270
sections, and accessibility 549
SELECT clause 514
Select Expert 157, 177
and Formula Editor 159
for group selection 177
multiple objects 252
selection criteria 60
selection formulas
and performance 144
parameter fields 438
range limit conditions 495
templates for 160
troubleshooting 163
servers, grouping on 151
server-side processing 141, 516
shapes, adding 265
showing dimension members 378
silent installation 41
Smart Linking 498
linking tables with multiple indexes 499
smart tags 409
snapping objects to guidelines 248
sort field 168
sort orders
ascending 169, 171
descending 169, 171
original 171
specified 171
using parameter fields to set 466
and performance 151
Bottom N 529
by record 168
group 529
groups conditionally 174
OLAP grid 380
on summarized group values 190
records 65
within groups 175
reports 64
single fields 169
Top N 529
with SQL expressions 153
sorts, adding to OLAP grid 380
spacing between text-based objects 245
indenting lines 250
selecting the grid 246
using the grid 245
special fields, inserting 100
specified sort order 171
SQL 510
and Crystal Reports 514
database considerations when linking 495
databases 496
using 510
DBMS 512
join types 500
language 514
server-side grouping 518
stored procedures 144, 513
using expressions 150
SQL expression fields
creating 99
for Case Logic 153
for performance 150
placing on reports 98
when to use 150
SQL Expressions tab 99
SQL link types 500
SQL query, editing 514
SQL statements
DISTINCT clause 514
FROM clause 515
GROUP BY clause 516