Chapter 6:
Producing Your
After your movie has been completely edited, you are ready to
produce your movie. Producing a movie simply means compiling
(or rendering) the separate elements it contains into one
playable movie file. As your movie can be destined for different
uses, PowerDirector has several options to produce movies suited
to any need.
Note: Before producing your movie, make sure that all of your
video clips have the same interlacing format. This is an
extremely important step to take before production, as it
can drastically affect final video quality! If you produce
your movie and find the video quality unsatisfactory, verify
that the interlacing format of all of your video clips is the
same. If your clips have different interlacing formats, set
them all to the same format, then produce your movie
again. For more information, see Set a Video Clip’s
Interlacing Format on p.63.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Preview Your Movie on p.94
• The Production Wizard on p.96
• Produce a Disc on p.97
• Create a File on p.101
• Create a Streaming File on p.112
• Write Back to DV Tape on p.120