Chapter 1: Introduction
option, you can limit the length of video that displays by
entering a value for the User-defined motion menu duration
• Eject after erasing: Check to have CyberLink PowerProducer
automatically eject a disc after erasing is complete.
• Display TV safe zone: Check to display a box in the Author
window that indicates the safe zone when creating the disc
menu. Utilizing this feature ensures that menu items, including
text, thumbnails and buttons, will be within the display range of
most TVs.
• Default menu style: Specify your favorite style (.fl file) as the
style for each new CyberLink PowerProducer project.
Video/Audio Preferences
Note: The video and audio quality options that are available depend on the
disc format that you have selected.
• Video quality: Select a video quality for your disc: HD (High
Definition), SD (Standard Definition), HQ (High Quality), SP
(Standard Play), LP (Long Play), EP (Extended Play) or Smart
Fit. The video quality settings offer different bit rates, resulting in
files of different sizes. The higher the quality of the video, the
larger the resulting file and the shorter the length of video that
can fit onto a disc. Further, more CPU power is required for
capturing and rendering higher quality video. The Smart Fit
option automatically adjusts the bit rate to the best quality video
file that fits exactly to the capacity of the disc you are using.
• Audio quality: The different audio qualities are as follows: LPCM
is an uncompressed audio format. Dolby Digital audio uses the
Dolby Digital Consumer Encoder format. MPEG audio uses the
MPEG-1 audio compression format. (This audio format may have
compatibility issues in NTSC.) MP3 uses the MPEG-1 Layer 3
audio format.
• Location: Select the location where your disc will be played.
Location determines the TV format (PAL or NTSC) that is used.