You have doubts about whether your hob is working correctly .... ......
this does not
necessarily mean there is a breakdown. Nevertheless, check the following points
➡ This is the normal start-up procedu-
re for your hob when the power is tur-
ned on.
➡ If you have pressed the main "Off"
button then this is normal.
✓ Wait for a few seconds until the
display goes out.
✓ Your hob is ready to use.
➤ 2 bleeps followed by
the displaying of F1 or F2
or F3 or F...
on the timer , then
A2 or A2 or A…
➡ The current is cut off.
✓ Check that you have an electrical
✓ If you have current and the fault still
continues, call the After Sales Service
➤ You are unable to
control your hob and the
displays are blank.
➡ Your burner is unable to ignite.
✓ Check that the gas is fully open or
that the burners are correctly assem-
✓ Check that the injectors correspond
to the gas being used (please see the
technical characteristics table).
✓ Check that there are definitely sparks
at the corresponding burner.
✓ After carrying out all of these checks,
try to turn it on again by pressing .
➤ shows E4 and
the hob bleeps. One of
the indicators for the
faulty burner lights up.
➡ You have suffered a power cut or
have pressed the main "Off"
button .
✓ Press to use your hob normally.
➤ displays a fla-
shing time setting. (Time
remaining before the cur-
rent cuts off).
➡ The burner concerned is unusable.
➡ However, you can still use the other
✓ Call the After Sales Service dept, and
be sure to tell them which error code is
➡ Your hob cannot be used.
✓ Turn off the gas.
✓ Call your After Sales Service dept.
and be sure to tell them which error co-
de is displayed.
➤ displays E6.
Minor troubleshooting
➡ You have a flame or a hot object on
one of the safety features (thermo-
✓ Turn off the gas.
✓ Call your After Sales Service dept.
➤ displays E7:
one of the indicators
lights up to show the
faulty burner.
➡ The table has 2 faults.
✓ Call the After Sales Service dept and
tell them which indicators have lit up.
➤ displays EE and
several indicators light up
to show the faulty bur-
- When an error code is displayed, this automatically prevents all use of the timer
➤ displays E2 or
E5, one of the indicators
for the faulty burner
flashes and you hear a