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Model Number: GT-SC-01
Irish Stew
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Ingredients for 2 portions:
1/2 litre vegetable stock
3 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and diced
3 carrots, peeled and diced
2 sticks of celery, cut into pieces
1 onion, peeled and ½ nely chopped
11/2 cloves of garlic, peeled and ½ nely chopped
1 kg lamb on the bone
salt, pepper and sugar
Add all ingredients to the ceramic pot in order. The lamb can be cooked whole or
removed from the bone. Dice the meat, if it is removed from the bone. Cook the
removed bone as well, as this provides a wonderful ¾ avour.
Season with salt, pepper and sugar.
Remove the lamb at the end of the cooking time (if it is cooked whole), remove from
the bone and cut into small pieces and return to the pot. Thicken, if required.
The dish can be ½ nished off with parsley, thyme or basil.
Cooking time:
Level HIGH: 4-6 hours
Level LOW: 8-10 hours
Level AUTO: 5-7 hours
Recipes 07