4. EditChannel
Tip: Inputthe default password. Youcanpress the Sat buttonto
choose different satellite according tothe help information, press
OK toconfirm, then all thechannels ofthis satwill bedisplay.
Menu->EDIT CHANNEL->TV/RadioChannels
1. Move Channels
1)Press RED button to entermove mode.
2) Highlight the channel you want to move and press OK button
to select the channel.
3) Press the ▲/▼ button to the destination in the channel list
and press the OK button.
1.1 Move Group Channels
1) Highlight the channel you want to group move. Then press the
RED button to sign the channel.
2) Press the ▲/▼ or/ button to highlight other channels you
want to group move. Then press the BLUE button to sign the
channel one byone.
3) Press the ▲/▼to the destination in the channel list and press
OK to confirm.