Press “” button to turn on unit. To turn off, press the button again.
This is the root of the screen hierarchy and you can simply access all features
by tapping on the touch screen buttons.
Start Radio USB port SD/MMC mode
External device
connected AUX IN Utility Settings
Selecting a source (MODE)
Press MODE repeatedly to switch between TUNER, AUX IN, USB or SD/MMC mode.
Adjusting Volume
• Head Unit: Rotate VOL knob right or left to increase or decrease volume.
• Remote Control: Press VOL+ or VOL- to increase or decrease volume.
Mute Button
• Head Unit: Press MUT button to mute the sound at once. Press again to return to previous volume level.
• Remote Control: Pressbutton.
Loud Button (LD)
Press and hold LD button to turn on/off LOUD feature.
Equalizer (EQ)
Press EQ to select between Flat – Class – Rock – Pop -- EQ– Class – Rock – Pop -- EQClass – Rock – Pop -- EQ– Rock – Pop -- EQRock – Pop -- EQ– Pop -- EQPop -- EQ equalizer modes.
To show clock, switch to RADIO mode and press CLK on remote control.
How to Set Clock
1. Press UTIL on main menu.
2. Press (/) to set the time.
3. Press X to save and exit.
DUAL is a feature that lets user listen to radio while the passenger at the back can watch video. This unit supports connection
of external AV device such as portable TV through the AUDIO OUT and VIDEO OUT port.
1. Connect the AUDIO OUT and VIDEO OUT port at the back of head unit to the LINE IN of external AV device.
2. Press and hold MODE. Select memory card or USB source.
3. Press DUAL key on remote control to select which mode you want to control.
Note: You will need to connect an external portable TV or monitor when using this feature.
Reset button is placed on the housing. To reset, use a sharp point object and press and hold the RESETbutton for 2
The reset button is to be activated for the following reason:
• Initial installation of the unit when all wiring is completed.
• All the function buttons does not operate.
• Error symbol on the display.
Band (BD)
Pressing this key repeatedly will toggle cyclically between each band. FM1---FM2---FM3.
Automatic or Manual tuning (SEEK + / SEEK –)
When pressed short, these keys are operated as MANUAL tuning mode.
When pressed longer than 1 sec., they are operated as AUTOMATIC tuning mode.
This key is operated as RADIO SCAN. The operation is similar as normal search but different thing is holding 5 seconds on
every station detected in RADIO SCAN mode.
Auto Seek/Preset scan (A/PS)
Preset Scan (PS) - By pressing shortly, the radio plays each preset station for 5 seconds.
Auto Seek (AS) - By pressing longer than 1 sec, auto seek is activated. The 6 strongest stations are preset and stored in the
corresponding preset number. When Auto Seek operation is nished, the radio executes the preset scan.
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