Save picture
Press Pause when playing picture, then press Menu and select this function, press Play to confirm. There
are two options: YES/NO. Press Play to confirm the selection, then exit.
Delete File
Select the file you want to delete when return to 6 thumbnail pictures display. Press Menu button to enter
and select the file, then press Play to confirm. There are two options: YES/NO. Press Play to confirm the
selection, then exit.
Format memory
Press Menu button to enter, select Format memory and press Play to confirm. There are two options:
YES/NO, press Play to confirm the selection, then exit.
Reset setting
Select this function and confirm, all the setting will return to the original setting.
Press Menu button to enter, select the language you want to set, press Play to confirm, then exit.
English 4
German 5
3) Spanish 6
Brightness, Contrast, Color and Tint
Adjust Brightness, Contrast, Color and Tint for the display screen.
Press Menu button to enter, select the function and press Play to confirm, then exit.
Brightness: Press confirm button to enter and adjust the Brightness by pressing Left and Right button,
then press Play to confirm, then exit.
Contrast: Press confirm button to enter and adjust the Contrast by pressing Left and Right button,
then press Play to confirm, then exit.
Color: Press confirm button to enter then adjust the Color by pressing Left and Right button, then press
Play to confirm, then exit.
Tint: Press confirm button to enter then adjust the Tint by pressing Left and Right button, then press
Play to confirm, then exit.
Press Menu button under the main interface, select Time and press Play to select Year/Month/Day. Press
Play again and set the Time by Left or Right button, press Play to confirm and save.