Specifications without guarantee
Lithuania X X Outside closed villages only; next
to farms with farmer's permission
Luxembourg X X Not near the Esch-sur-Sûre-See;
max. two tents may be set up
Macedonia X X
Netherlands X X Overnight stays on streets and
squares is allowed in some bor-
Norway X X Not on land used for farming or
cultivated land; minimum dis-
tance to houses: 150 m
Austria X X Staying overnight for one night to
restore driving ability is permit-
ted, but not in nature reserves.
Observe regional and local limita-
tions. Generally prohibited in the
Poland X X Permission of land owner re-
quired; not on the coast or in na-
ture reserves
Portugal X X
Romania X X
Russia X X
Sweden X X Not on agriculture areas or in the
vicinity of houses. Observe local
Switzerland X X One overnight stay at highway
rest areas and in some cantons is
tolerated. Permission from local
authorities required for staying
Serbia X X
Slovakian Re-
Slovenia X X
Spain X X Some regional restrictions apply,
especially on beaches; only with
permission from local authorities
Czech Republic X X
Turkey X X Regional restrictions possible
Hungary X X
Country Sleeping on
roads and
Sleeping on
owned lands
Yes No Yes No