15.7.4 Dometic 8 series with AES
LEDs for display of the
temperature range flash
Temperature sensor defec-
Contact customer service
LED " " and LEDs for dis-
play of the temperature
range flash
240 V heater element de-
Contact customer service
LED " " and LEDs for dis-
play of the temperature
range flash
12 V heater element defec-
Contact customer service
Z In the case of a fault the LED display fault will always light up " ".
Fault Cause Remedy
Text "230 V" flashes No 240 V power supply Connect 240 V power sup-
240 V automatic circuit
breaker has triggered
Switch on the 240 V auto-
matic circuit breaker
240 V operating voltage
too low
Have the 240 V power sup-
ply checked by an author-
ised specialist workshop
Text "12 V" flashes Fuse on the transformer/
rectifier is defective
Replace fuse on the trans-
Disconnector relay in the
transformer/rectifier is de-
Contact customer service
12 V operating voltage too
Have the 12 V power sup-
ply checked by an author-
ised specialist workshop
Text "GAS" flashes Lack of gas Open regulator tap and
gas isolator tap
Connect a full gas bottle
Cobwebs or burnt residue
in the burning chamber
Remove the ventilation
grill on the outside of the
vehicle and clean the burn-
ing chamber
LEDs for display of the
temperature range flash
Temperature sensor defec-
Contact customer service
Text "HE1" flashes 240 V heater element de-
Contact customer service
Text "HE2" flashes 12 V heater element defec-
Contact customer service
Fault Cause Remedy