Date 07/2011
Specifications without guarantee
17.7 Toll regulations in European countries
Many European countries have introduced a mandatory toll system. The toll regu-
lations and how they are collected vary greatly from country to country. Neverthe-
less, ignorance is no excuse. Penalties can be quite severe.
As is the case with traffic regulations, the vehicle driver is required to be familiar
with the toll formalities before starting out on a trip.
Contact your automobile club or the Internet for further information.
17.8 Tips on staying overnight safely during travel
Prudent behaviour is the most important protective measure for insuring a safe
night in the caravan.
The risk of thievery is reduced to a minimum when the following basic rules are
z Before commencing the journey, close and lock all windows, doors and sky-
z If present: Switch on or activate anti-theft alarm and special door securing
devices. Warning devices against gas assaults using anaesthetic gas are offered
at camping supply stores.
z During high season do not spend the night at highway rest stops or parking
areas located along typical vacation routes.
z If possible, stay overnight in large, occupied car parks, e.g. near a restaurant.
z Even if it is just for one night, go to a camping site.
z Only take with you those valuables which are absolutely necessary for the
journey. If possible, store valuables in a small safe and not in the immediate
vicinity of windows or doors.
z Always lock up the vehicle.
Turkey Sale of 2 and 12 kg gas bottles;
connection possible with adapter
Ipragaz company
Hungary Identical gas bottles Primagaz, Total-
gaz, Shellgas, Mol
Exchanging and filling gas bottles
Norway Norwegian 11 kg gas bottles can
be used with adapter
Overview of pro-
vides from:
AGA (,
Fax: 00 47/22 02 78
05 Statoil, Fax:
00 47/22 96 22 10
Country Gas supply Provider Info