11. Gimbal Dial
12. Camera Settings Dial
13. Video Recording Button
14. Flight Mode Switch
15. Shutter Button
16. Playback Button
17. C1/C2 Buttons (Customizable)
18. USB Port
19. Micro-USB Port
1. Power Button
2. Return to Home (RTH) Button
3. Control Sticks
4. Status LED
5. Battery Level LEDs
6. Power Port
7. Mobile Device Holder
8. Small Device Positioni n g Tabs
(such as mobile phone)
9. Antennas
10. Handle Bar
Phantom 3 Professional Remote Controller
● Environmental Considerations:
1. Do not fly in severe weather conditions. This includes high winds (speeds of 22 mph or 10 m/s or more), snow , rain, and fog.
2. Only fly in open areas. T all buildings and steel structures may affect the accuracy of the on- board compass and GPS signal.
3. Avoid obstacles, crowds, high-voltage power lines, tr ees, and bodies of water .
4. Minimize electromagnetic interference by avoiding ar eas with high levels of electromagnetism, including mobile phone base stations,
radio transmission towers, or Wi-Fi hotspots.
Ai rcr aft and b attery perf orm an ce are sub j ec t t o env i ronm ental factors su ch as air dens ity and temperatu re. Be v ery ca r eful when
fl yi ng 1 9,6 0 0 f eet (6 km ) or m o re ab ov e s ea l evel , as b att ery and a irc raft p erformance m ay n ot b e at pe a k eff icie nc y .
6. Th e Ph ant om 3 P rofessio na l cann o t o perat e i n P M ode o r us e GPS a t pola r lat itud es. O nl y A T TI M od e and th e V i sio n Po si tio n in g
system will b e o peration al.
● Calibrating the Compass:
Make sure to calibrate the compass at every new flight location. The compass is very sensitive to electromagnetic interference, which
can ca use abn ormal compass da ta, lead ing to poo r flig ht pe rfo rmanc e or even failu r e. Regular ca librati on is requir ed for optimal
perf ormance.
1. DO NOT calibrate your compass where there is a chance of strong magnetic interference, such as magnetite, parking structures, and
steel reinforcements undergr ound.
2. DO NOT carry ferromagnetic materials with you during calibration such as keys or cellular phones.
3. DO NOT calibrate beside massive metal objects.
4. If the Aircraft Status Indicators are showing solid red, then try to calibrate again. If they are blinking red and yellow alternately after
placing the aircraft on the ground, the compass has detected magnetic interfer ence. Change your location.
Fly Safe
● P Mode:
In this mode, the Phantom 3 Professional can use GPS and the Vision
Positioning system, allowing it to hover accurately in position indoors
and out. When GPS is a vailab le, a Hom e Po int will be lo cked so that the
Phantom 3 Profession al ca n Retu rn to Ho me if the Remote Cont roller
signal i s lost .
※ This Quick Start Guide is subject to change without prior notice.
Th ere a re th r ee st at es i n P mod e :
P-GPS: GPS works best when outdoors and in a wide open ar ea. Y our
Phantom 3 Professional uses GPS to hover in place when there is a
strong GPS signal.
P-O PTI: If GPS i s not a vailab le, the ai r craft c an us e the Vis ion Po sit ion ing
system to hov er a ccurate l y .
P-ATTI: Nei ther GPS nor the Visi on Positi oni ng sy stem are availabl e.
The airc raft wil l only use i ts bar ometer for a lti tude and other on- board
sensors for att itude stabili zation .
Note that the Vision Positioning system may not work properly when
the Phantom 3 Professional is flying over water , over surfaces without
a clear pattern, or in a low-light environment.
● Return to Home:
When there is a strong GPS signal, the air craft will be able to
record a Home Point and return to that Home Point when
required. The Home Point location is recor ded when the GPS
signal icon in the DJI GO app is either yellow or green.
The aircraft will return to the Home Point
automatically in the
following scenarios (all require a str ong GPS signal):
Smart RTH: When the RTH button on the Remote Controller
or in the DJI GO app is pressed.
Low-Battery RTH: A notification will appear in the DJI GO
app requesting the pilot to take action when the battery level
falls under a certain level.
Fail safe R TH: When the Remote Cont r oller’ s signal is lost .
GPS Positioning
Remote Con trolle r
Oper ating Fre quen cy 2.400 GHz-2.483 GHz
Max. Tr ansmis sion Dist anc e FCC Compliant: 16,400 feet (5 km); CE Compliant: 11.483 feet (3.5 km)
(unobstructed, free of interference)
Vid eo Out pu t Port USB
Oper ating Tem perat ure Range 0 °C to 4 0° C
Batt ery 6000 mAh LiPo 2S
Mobile Device Holder Tablets and smartphones
Transmitter Power (EIRP) FCC: 20 dbm; CE:16 dbm
Working Voltage 1.2 A @7.4 V
Volta ge 17.4 V
Rat ed Power 100 W
In telligen t Fligh t B atter y(PH3-4480 m Ah-15 .2 V )
Cap acit y 4480 mAh
Volta ge 15.2 V
Batt ery Type LiPo 4S
Energy 68 Wh
Net Weight 365 g
Ope r at in g Temp erature -10℃ to 40℃
Max. Charging P ower 100 W
FCC ID: SS3-WM3231503 FCC ID: SS3-GL3001501
This device compl ies with part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
A ircr aft
Weight (Including Battery) 1280 g
Max. Ascent Speed 5 m/s
Max. Descent Speed 3 m/s
Max. Speed 16 m/s (ATTI mode, no wind)
Max. Flight Altitude 6000 m
Max. Flight Time Approximately 23 minutes
Opera ting Te mpera tur e Ra nge
0° C to 40°C
Gimba l
Controllable Range Pitch: − 90° to +30°
Vision Posit ioning
Ve lo ci ty R ange <8 m/s (Altitude 2 m)
Al ti tude Ran ge 30 cm-300 cm
Op er atin g Ra nge 30 cm-300 cm
Op er atin g En viro nmen t
Surface with clear pattern and adequate lighting (Lux > 15)
Sensor Sony EXMOR 1/2.3” Effective pixels:12.4 M (total pixels: 12.76 M)
Lens FO V (F ield Of View) 94° 20 mm (35 mm format equivalent) f/2.8
ISO R ang e 100-3200 (video) 100-1600 (photo)
Elec tronic Sh ut te r Speed 8 s-1/8000 s
Ima g e Max. Siz e 4000 x 3000
Still Pho tograp hy Modes Single shot
Burst shooting: 3/5/7 frames
Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB): 3/5 bracketed frames at 0.7EV Bias
e s p a l - e m i T
Vid eo Record ing Modes UHD : 4096x2160p 24/25, 3840x2160p 24/25/30
FHD: 1920x1080p 24/25/30/48/50/60
HD: 1280x720p 24/25/30/48/50/60
Max. Bitra te o f Video St orage 60 Mb ps
Su ppor
ted File F orma t s FAT32/exFAT Photo: JPEG, DNG Vide o: MP4/MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264)
Su pport ed SD Card Types Micro-SD, Max. capacity: 64GB. Class 10 or UHS-1 rating required
Opera ting Te mpera tur e Ra nge
0° C to 40°C
It’ s time to meet your Phantom 3 Professional.
The Phantom 3 Professional’ s camera records video at up to 4K and captur es 12 megapixel photos.
Review the diagram below for a full list of your Phantom 3 Professional’ s parts:
This powerful Remote Controller allows you to pilot and maneuver your Phantom 3 Professional at distances over 16,400
feet (5 km)* away , while putting selected camera controls at your fingertips.
Built into your Remote Controller is a rechargeable LiPo battery and DJI Lightbridge, which when paired with a compatible
mobile device gives you a live HD view from the Phantom’ s camera.
* This maximum transmission distance was tested in a lab environment and is for reference only. The maximum operating distance may vary depending
on conditions in your immediate surroundings.
Mobile device connection
DJI encourages you to enjoy flying your Phantom 3 Professional in a safe, responsible, and smart way . T o do this, it is important to
understand some basic flight guidelines, both for your protection and for the safety of those around you.
1. Fly in Open Areas: Always fly in locations that are free and clear of buildings, tr ees, power lines, and other obstacles. Do not fly above
or near people or animals.
2. Maintain Control at All Times: Even when using DJI autopilot functions such as Auto-T akeoff, Auto-Landing, and Auto-Retur n to
Home, always keep your hands on the Remote Controller and maintain control of your air craft when it is in flight.
3. Mai ntain L ine of Sight: Keep your ai r craft in sig ht at all times, and avo id flyi ng beh ind buil dings or other obstacl es th at m ay b l ock y our vie w .
4. Monitor Y our Altitude: For the safety of full-sized aircraft and other air traffic, always fly at altitudes less than 400 feet (120 meters)
above ground level, or in line with your local laws and regulations.
htt p://f lys afe.d ji.co m/no-fl y for more information on critical safety features such as
No-Fly Zones.
T o enable P Mode, toggle the Flight Mode Switch
to the P position.
16 15
Quick Start Guide
While returning to the Home Point, the aircraft’s altitude can be adjusted to avoid obstacles. Tall buil di ngs ma y aff ect t he R emot e
Con troller’s sig nal. The Fail sa fe Re tur n to Hom e pr oce dure will be tri gger e d if the sig nal is lost. Be sure to fly hig her th an any nearb y
buildin g s t o avoid cras hing.
Return to home
9 feet 10 inches
1 foot
Vision Positioning
1. Gimbal and Camera
2. Vision Positioning System
3. Camera Micro-SD Card Slot
4. Aircraft Micro-USB Port
5. Camera Status Indicator
6. Front LEDs
7. Motors
8. Propellers
9. Aircraft Status Indicators
10. Antennas
11. Intelligent Flight Battery
12. Power Button
13. Battery Level Indicators
14. Link Button
15. Camera Micro-USB Port
289.5 mm
89 mm
185 mm
105 mm
71 mm