Mineral oil produ cts degrease your skin . If your skin comes in contact with th ese sub-
stances repe atedly and f or an e xtende d peri od of time, it will desiccate. V ar ious skin
deseases m ay result. In a ddition, al lergic rea ctions are kn own to occu r . Eyes can b e
irritated by contact with oil. I f oil comes into your eye s, immed iately wash them with
clear water.
If your eye s are still irritated, see a doctor immediat ely!
Chain oil
Use an oil wit h adhesive additive for lubr icating the ch ain and guid e
bar . Th e adhesive additive prevents the oil from being flun g off the
chain too quickly .
We recommend the use of chai n oil which is bio-de gradable in ord er to
protect the environm ent. The use of bio -degradable oi l may e ven b e
required by local regulations.
The chai n oil BIOT OP s old by DOLMAR is m ade of spec ial vegetable oils an d is
100% bio- degradable. BIOT OP h as been granted the “blue angel ” (Blaue r Umwelts-
chutz-En gel) for being par ticular ly environ ment-fr iendly ( RAL UZ 48 ).
BIO TOP chain oil is av ailable in the following siz es:
1 l orde r number 9 80 008 21 0
5 l orde r number 9 80 008 21 1
Bio-degrada ble oil is stable only for a li mited per iod of time. It shoul d
be used wit hin 2 years fro m the date o f manufacture (pr inted o n the
containe r).
Impor tant note on bio-degradable chain oils:
If you are not plan ning to us e the saw again for an extende d peri od of t ime, empty th e
oil tank and put in a small a mount of regular engine oil (SAE 30), and then run the
saw for a time. Th is is ne cessar y to flus h out a ll remain ing bio -degradable oil fr om the
oil tank, oil -feed system, chain and gu ide bar, as many such oils tend to leave sticky
resi dues o ver time , which c an caus e damage to th e oil pump or oth er parts.
The next time you use the saw , fill the tank with BIOT OP chain oil again. In case of
damage ca used by using waste oil or inapp ropri ate chain oil the prod uct guarante e
will be null and void.
Y our salesman will in f or m you about the use of chain oil.
W aste oil is ver y dange rous for the envi ronment.
W aste oil contain s high am ounts of car cinogen ic substanc es. Residues in waste oil
result in a high de gree of wea r and tear a t the oil p ump and the sawing device.
In case of damag e caused by using waste oil or unappropr iate chai n oil the product
guarantee will be null and void.
Y our salesman will in f or m you about the use of chain oil.
Mineral oil produ cts degrease your skin . If your skin comes in contact with th ese sub-
stances repe atedly and f or an e xtende d peri od of time, it will desiccate. V ar ious skin
deseases m ay result. In a ddition, al lergic rea ctions are kn own to occu r . Eyes can b e
irritated by contact with oil. I f oil comes into your eye s, immed iately wash them with
clear water.
If your eye s are still irritated, see a doctor immediat ely!
Refu ellin g (Fig. 39)
Be caref ul and cau tious when h andling fu els.
The en gine must be switched off!
Thoroug hly clean th e area arou nd the caps, to prevent dir t from gett ing into the fuel or
oil tank.
Unscrew the cap and fill the tank with fuel (fuel/oil mixture) or chain oil as the case
may be. Fill up to the bottom edge of the filler ne ck. Be careful not to spill fuel or chain
Tighten the f uel caps far as it will go.
Clean screw cap and tan k after refuelli ng.
Lubricating the chain
Duri ng oper ation t here mus t alw ays be suffi cient ch ain oil in t he
chain-oil tank to pr ovide good chain lubricat ion. One filling is suff i-
cient for about one half-hour of co ntinuous op eration. When wo rking,
check that there is still sufficient cha in oil in the tank and top up if
necessar y . Check only when t he engine is switched off !
1 f uel/oi l mi xture
2 cha in oil
Adjusti ng the chain lubri cation (Fig. 40)
The en gine must be switched off.
Y ou can ad just the oil pum p feed rate with the a djusting screw (1).
The amo unt of oi l can be ad justed us ing the un iversal wrench.
T o ensure tr oublefree ope ration of the oil pump the oil g uide groove
at th e housi ng (2) and the oil inlet b ore in th e guide b ar (3) mus t be
cleaned regular ly . (Fig. 41 )
Chec king the chain l ubrication (Fig. 4 2)
Nev er w ork with th e chain saw wit hout sufficien t chain lu brication . Otherwis e the ser-
vice life of the chain and guide bar will be r educed.
Before star ting wor k check the oil lev el in th e tank and the oil feed.
Check the o il feed rate as descr ibed bel ow: Star t the c hain saw (see “Star ting th e
engin e”).
Hold the r unning cha in saw approx. 15 cm above a trunk or the ground (use an appro -
pri ate base).
If the lubr ication is sufficient, you will see a light oil trace beca use oil will be flung off
the sawing device. Pa y atten tion to the direction the wind is blowing and av oid u nnec-
essar y exposure to th e oil spray!
After th e saw has been tur ned off it i s nor mal for residual chain oil to dr ip from the oil
feed system, the gui de bar and the chain for a time. This does n ot constitu te a defect!
Place th e saw on a sui table surface.
Starti ng the engi ne (Fig. 43)
Do not start t he saw unt il it has be en comple tely assem bled and ins pected!
Move at least 3 m aw ay from the place wh ere you fuel led the saw.
Make sure you have a good footing, and place the saw on the grou nd in such a way
that the chain is n ot touchi ng anything.
Engage the chain brake (lock).
Grasp t he rear h andle fir mly i n one ha nd and h old the saw f irmly against th e ground.
Press wit h one kn ee on the rear han dle.
IMPORT ANT : The choke lev e r (5) is coupled to the throttle lev er (1). It will r e ver t to its
ori ginal positi on autom atically on ce the thro ttle lever has been pre ssed.
If the th rottle lever is pr essed before the engine sta r ts, then the ch oke lev er (5) will
have to be res et to the a ppropr iate positi on. (Fig. 44 )
Cold start:
Push the sh or t-circuit switch (3) forward.
T u r n the cho ke lev er (5) to position . Push pr imer pu mp 7 – 10 times.
Slowly pull out the star ter cable (4) unti l you notice resistan ce (the pist on is positione d
before the top dead centre). (Fig. 44 )
Now continue to pull quickly and powerfu lly . The en gine will start after 2 to 4
attempts an d will continue to r un (at low temperatur es, se veral star ting pull s might be
necessar y).
CA UTION: Do not pull out the sta rte r cable more tha n approx. 50 cm, and lea d it back
by hand. For effici ent star ting, it is im por tant to pu ll the sta rt er cable quickly and pow-
erfully .
As soon as the en gine is ru nning smooth ly , gently press the throt tle le ver (1) on ce
(grasp the handle, the saf ety locking b utton (2) will release the throttle leve r) this will
cause the cho ke le ver (5) to spr ing back to its or iginal po sition and the en gine will
then run at idling speed. (Fig . 44)
Now release the chai n brake
Wa rm start:
Procee d as descr ibed und er cold star t, but p lace the choke lev er (5) to
. (Fig. 44)
Impor tant: If the fuel tan k has been co mpletely empti ed and the en gine has stoppe d
due to l ack of fuel, press the primer pump 7 – 10 time s. (F ig. 44)
Stopping the e ngine
Put the sho rt -circuiting switch (3) in position “STOP”. ( Fig. 44)
Chec king the chain br ake (Fig. 45)
Do not work with t he chai n saw witho ut first checking the cha in brak e!
Star t the eng ine as descr ibed (make sure you h av e a goo d f o oting, and place the
chain s aw on the ground in such a w a y that the gu ide bar is fr ee of c ontact).
Grasp th e tubular han dle fir mly with one hand and hold the gri p with the o ther.
With th e engine runni ng at m oderate spe ed, press the hand guard (6) in the direction
of the a rrow wit h the back of your hand un til the c hain bra ke engages. The chain
shou ld stop immedi ately .
Immedi ately relea se the t hrottle and relea se the chain brake.
IMPOR T AN T: I f the c hain doe s not st op immediat ely i n this t est, do not under
any circums tances p roceed wit h work. Con tact a D OLMAR servi ce cente r .
Adjustin g the carbur etor (Fig. 46)
The carbure tor elimin ates the nee d to adju st the idle a nd main noz zles, and no such
adjustmen t is possible.
If nec essary , the idl e speed can b e adjusted using the adjustment scr ew (11).
As in stall ed, th e carb ureto r has f ixe d nozz les f or th e air p ressu re
at sea lev el. At he ights abov e 1000 m /3 300 fe et it ma y be ne ces-
sar y to repl ace the ca rburetor noz zles.
Adjust the carburettor usin g the screwdri ver (7, which has a blad e
width of 4 mm).
Before under ta king the adj ustment, run the e ngine for 3 – 5 minute s to war m it up, but
not at hi gh spee d!
Set idle s peed
T u r ning th e adjusting screw (11) in (clockwise) : increases t he idle s peed.
T ur ning it out (counterclockwise): lowers the idle speed.
Caution: In no ca se should th e chain move.