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Nabíjanie mimo dobíjaciu stanicu
Zapojte adaptér a pripojte konektor do zásuvky vo vysávači
· Symboly pri nabíjaní:
· blikajúce “1111” = prístroj sa nabíja
· svieti symbol “FULL” = prístroj je plne nabitý
· symbol “Erro” = pre nabíjanie musí byť vysávač
zapnutý. Zapnite hlavný vypínač.
Nádobku nečistôt a lter odporúčame čistiť po každom použití, a to nasledujúcim spôsobom:
Product Maintenance
Cleaning Side Brushes
Clean the side brush when it become dirty and replace it if its damaged. The maximum life span of
the side brush is 12 months.
Note: Before replacing side brushes, check and ensure that the L/R mark on the side brush match
with the L/R mark on the bottom base of the robot.
Cleaning Dust Bin and Filters
Empty and clean the dust bin after each usage following the steps as show in the figures below:
A. Hold the bottom of dust bin, and press down on the button using your
thumb to take out of the dust bin.
B. Take out dust bin.
C. After press down button
and open dust bin upper cover
D. Open dust bin cover and take out the
primary filter and HEPA filter.
E. Empty the dust bin.
F. Wash the dust bin and primary filter under tap water,
clean the HEPA filter with brush, avoid washing it under
G. Assemble primary filter and HEPA filter again into
dust bin.
Product Maintenance
Cleaning Side Brushes
Clean the side brush when it become dirty and replace it if its damaged. The maximum life span of
the side brush is 12 months.
Note: Before replacing side brushes, check and ensure that the L/R mark on the side brush match
with the L/R mark on the bottom base of the robot.
Cleaning Dust Bin and Filters
Empty and clean the dust bin after each usage following the steps as show in the figures below:
A. Hold the bottom of dust bin, and press down on the button using your
thumb to take out of the dust bin.
B. Take out dust bin.
C. After press down button
and open dust bin upper cover
D. Open dust bin cover and take out the
primary filter and HEPA filter.
E. Empty the dust bin.
F. Wash the dust bin and primary filter under tap water,
clean the HEPA filter with brush, avoid washing it under
G. Assemble primary filter and HEPA filter again into
dust bin.
Product Maintenance
Cleaning Side Brushes
Clean the side brush when it become dirty and replace it if its damaged. The maximum life span of
the side brush is 12 months.
Note: Before replacing side brushes, check and ensure that the L/R mark on the side brush match
with the L/R mark on the bottom base of the robot.
Cleaning Dust Bin and Filters
Empty and clean the dust bin after each usage following the steps as show in the figures below:
A. Hold the bottom of dust bin, and press down on the button using your
thumb to take out of the dust bin.
B. Take out dust bin.
C. After press down button
and open dust bin upper cover
D. Open dust bin cover and take out the
primary filter and HEPA filter.
E. Empty the dust bin.
F. Wash the dust bin and primary filter under tap water,
clean the HEPA filter with brush, avoid washing it under
G. Assemble primary filter and HEPA filter again into
dust bin.
Product Maintenance
Cleaning Side Brushes
Clean the side brush when it become dirty and replace it if its damaged. The maximum life span of
the side brush is 12 months.
Note: Before replacing side brushes, check and ensure that the L/R mark on the side brush match
with the L/R mark on the bottom base of the robot.
Cleaning Dust Bin and Filters
Empty and clean the dust bin after each usage following the steps as show in the figures below:
A. Hold the bottom of dust bin, and press down on the button using your
thumb to take out of the dust bin.
B. Take out dust bin.
C. After press down button
and open dust bin upper cover
D. Open dust bin cover and take out the
primary filter and HEPA filter.
E. Empty the dust bin.
F. Wash the dust bin and primary filter under tap water,
clean the HEPA filter with brush, avoid washing it under
G. Assemble primary filter and HEPA filter again into
dust bin.
Product Maintenance
Cleaning Side Brushes
Clean the side brush when it become dirty and replace it if its damaged. The maximum life span of
the side brush is 12 months.
Note: Before replacing side brushes, check and ensure that the L/R mark on the side brush match
with the L/R mark on the bottom base of the robot.
Cleaning Dust Bin and Filters
Empty and clean the dust bin after each usage following the steps as show in the figures below:
A. Hold the bottom of dust bin, and press down on the button using your
thumb to take out of the dust bin.
B. Take out dust bin.
C. After press down button
and open dust bin upper cover
D. Open dust bin cover and take out the
primary filter and HEPA filter.
E. Empty the dust bin.
F. Wash the dust bin and primary filter under tap water,
clean the HEPA filter with brush, avoid washing it under
G. Assemble primary filter and HEPA filter again into
dust bin.
Product Maintenance
Cleaning Side Brushes
Clean the side brush when it become dirty and replace it if its damaged. The maximum life span of
the side brush is 12 months.
Note: Before replacing side brushes, check and ensure that the L/R mark on the side brush match
with the L/R mark on the bottom base of the robot.
Cleaning Dust Bin and Filters
Empty and clean the dust bin after each usage following the steps as show in the figures below:
A. Hold the bottom of dust bin, and press down on the button using your
thumb to take out of the dust bin.
B. Take out dust bin.
C. After press down button
and open dust bin upper cover
D. Open dust bin cover and take out the
primary filter and HEPA filter.
E. Empty the dust bin.
F. Wash the dust bin and primary filter under tap water,
clean the HEPA filter with brush, avoid washing it under
G. Assemble primary filter and HEPA filter again into
dust bin.
1. Stlačte tlačidlo otvorenia (uvoľnenie) nádoby nečistôt a vyberte ju z vysávača.
2. Otvorte a vyberte lter HEPA (vrátane držiaku).
3. Z nádobky vysypte všetky nečistoty - najlepšie je vysypávať rovno nad smetiaku alebo košom.
4. Následne nádobu a držiak ltra opláchnite pod tečúcou vodou. Nechajte ich uschnúť a potom vložte
späť na svoje miesto. Medzitým vyčistite lter HEPA (vyklepte alebo vyčistite pomocou kefy na
5. Ak je HEPA lter značne znečistený, môžete ho po cca 30 dňoch používania tiež vyčistiť a premyť
pod tečúcou vodou. Pred vložením späť do vysávača musí byť absolútne suchý.
· Akonáhle je HEPA lter veľa znečistený alebo viditeľne poškodený, tak ho musíte vymeniť za
nový. Maximálna životnosť ltra je približne 6 mesiacov.
· Vymeňte lter HEPA a držiak v nádobe. K tomu najprv otočte kryt na stranu.
6. Pri výmene ltra s držiakom musíte najskôr otvoriť veko nádoby (pootočenie na stranu).
Product Operation
Battery Charging
1. Charging Station Placement
A. Place charging station against the wall,
and remove obstacles about 1m on either
sides and 2m in front of the station. Please
remove obstacles as show in the right figure.
B. If robot is power off, switch on the robot first before charging.
2. Charge the robot in either way as shown below:
A. Plug one end of the adapter into the robot and the other end into the power socket as shown
in Fig a.
B. Press the “HOME button on the remote control or robot to operate the robot looking for the
charging docking automatically as shown in Fig b.
Fig a Fig b
a. When robot is in charging, the LED panel will gradually show “1111 from left to right.
b. When charging is over, the LED panel will show “FULL”.
c. In standby status, the robot will when the battery level is low.
d. In working status, the robot will look for the charging dock automatically when the battery
level is low.
In Order to Extend Battery’s Life
a. Please charge the robot for up to 5 hours during the first charging.
b. Charge the robot as soon as possible when battery capacity is low.
c. The robot will return to the charging dock automatically when cleaning is finished or battery
capacity is low.
d. When you do not use the robot for some time, please fully charge the battery first, then
switch off the robot and keep it in a cool but dry place.
e. If the robot has been put aside over 3 months, please charge the robot for 5 hours first
before using it for cleaning.

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