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· UPOZORNENIE: Nie je určené pre vonkajšie použitie (okrem veľkých stanov)
· UPOZORNENIE: Chladnička nie je určená na použitie v dopravných prostriedkoch.
· Raz zmrazené a rozmrazené potraviny už znovu nemažte.
· Do mrazničky nevkladajte žiadne perlivé tekutiny.
· Pri konzumácii zmrznutých potravín (lízanky, nanuky, ovocie) buďte opatrní, aby ste si
nespôsobili omrzliny.
· Do mrazničky nesiahajte mokrými rukami.
· Mraznička je vybavena kompresorom, ktorý pri zopnutí hučí. Tento hluk je bežný.
· V mrazničke by všetky potraviny mali byť zabalené alebo prikryté.
· Balíčky s jedlom nestláčajte k sebe, mrazničku nepreplňujte, aby mohol cirkulovať vzduch.
· Nenechávajte otvorené dvere príliš dlho. Vždy sa uistite, že sú dvere dôkladne zatvorené.
· Odporúčame: balíčky jedál popisovať aj dátum odporúčanej spotreby.
Ak potrebujete prehodiť otváranie dverí na opačnú stranu, musí sa premontovať pánty.
Odporúčame, pozvať si servisného mechanika alebo vyškolenú osobu z okolia.
Ešte skôr ako začnete pánty přemontovávat, chladničku vypnite a všetko z nej vyberte preč.
Budete potrebovať krížový skrutkovač a kľúč (ani jedno nie je dodaný v balení).
1. Odoberte krytku skrutiek na hornej časti prístroja. Všetky 3 skrutky vyskrutkujte a
odoberte horný pánt, ktorý drží dvere. Potom dvere vysaďte a odstavte je stranou na
mäkké miesto, kde sa nepoškriabu.
3. Take off the middle hinge by removing
the screws. Lift the lower door and place
it on a padded surface to prevent it from
Remove the screws’ covers and place
them to the opposite side.
Swap the position of the plastic tube and
hole cover on top of the lower door.
Remove the door block, screw and plastic
tube under the lower door and move
them to the opposite side. You may
need to replace the door block to fit the
opposite side.
Reversing the Door Swing
Tools required: Philips style screwdriver / Flat bladed screwdriver / Hexagonal spanner
1. Take off the hinge cover.
2. Remove the the upper hinge. Lift the
upper door and place it on a padded
surface to prevent it from scratching.
Remove the door block, screw and plastic
tube under the upper door and move
them to the opposite side. You may
need to replace the door block to fit the
opposite side.
• Ensure the unit is unplugged and empty.
• All parts removed must be saved to do the reinstallation of the door.
• Do not lay the unit flat as this may damage the coolant system.
• We recommend that 2 people handle the unit during assembly.
• If you want to have the door swing reversed, we recommend that you contact a
qualified technician. You should only try to reverse the door yourself if you believe
that you are qualified to do so.
LFC60W16_IB_160201_grace.indd 8 1/2/16 10:43 am
3. Take off the middle hinge by removing
the screws. Lift the lower door and place
it on a padded surface to prevent it from
Remove the screws’ covers and place
them to the opposite side.
Swap the position of the plastic tube and
hole cover on top of the lower door.
Remove the door block, screw and plastic
tube under the lower door and move
them to the opposite side. You may
need to replace the door block to fit the
opposite side.
Reversing the Door Swing
Tools required: Philips style screwdriver / Flat bladed screwdriver / Hexagonal spanner
1. Take off the hinge cover.
2. Remove the the upper hinge. Lift the
upper door and place it on a padded
surface to prevent it from scratching.
Remove the door block, screw and plastic
tube under the upper door and move
them to the opposite side. You may
need to replace the door block to fit the
opposite side.
• Ensure the unit is unplugged and empty.
• All parts removed must be saved to do the reinstallation of the door.
• Do not lay the unit flat as this may damage the coolant system.
• We recommend that 2 people handle the unit during assembly.
• If you want to have the door swing reversed, we recommend that you contact a
qualified technician. You should only try to reverse the door yourself if you believe
that you are qualified to do so.
LFC60W16_IB_160201_grace.indd 8 1/2/16 10:43 am
2. Na spodnej časti dverí je zarážka a teónová krytka. Obe časti odmontujte a presuňte na
druhú stranu.
3. Take off the middle hinge by removing
the screws. Lift the lower door and place
it on a padded surface to prevent it from
Remove the screws’ covers and place
them to the opposite side.
Swap the position of the plastic tube and
hole cover on top of the lower door.
Remove the door block, screw and plastic
tube under the lower door and move
them to the opposite side. You may
need to replace the door block to fit the
opposite side.
Reversing the Door Swing
Tools required: Philips style screwdriver / Flat bladed screwdriver / Hexagonal spanner
1. Take off the hinge cover.
2. Remove the the upper hinge. Lift the
upper door and place it on a padded
surface to prevent it from scratching.
Remove the door block, screw and plastic
tube under the upper door and move
them to the opposite side. You may
need to replace the door block to fit the
opposite side.
• Ensure the unit is unplugged and empty.
• All parts removed must be saved to do the reinstallation of the door.
• Do not lay the unit flat as this may damage the coolant system.
• We recommend that 2 people handle the unit during assembly.
• If you want to have the door swing reversed, we recommend that you contact a
qualified technician. You should only try to reverse the door yourself if you believe
that you are qualified to do so.
LFC60W16_IB_160201_grace.indd 8 1/2/16 10:43 am

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