Read this m anual carefully and familiarize yo urself with the dart game before you use
This user’s manual is printed fo r 208/ 208C/ 2 16 /216C. The 216 / 216C are designed
for 1 to 16 p lay ers to play 30 game series, and 208/ 208 C allow 1 to 8 play ers to play
21 game series.
The 30 game series are 301 to 1001, Crick et, LUDO (Mensch Ä rgere Dich Nich),
Killer, Scram, Over, Under, Count Up, High Score, Around the Clock, Random Shoot,
Shanghai I, II & III , Half It, Follow the Leader, Free, All 51 by 5, B ngo, 21 Point,
Penny , DD41, B est Ten, Red & Green, 9 Lives, English Cricket, Billiards (9 ball),
Snooker, Baseball, Golf and Tennis.
All descriptions about games of LUDO, K iller, 21 Points, Shove Ha Penny , Best Ten,
Red & Green, English Cricket, Soccer and Snooker are not suitable for 208/ 208C.
Meanw hile it is 8 players if you purchase 208/ 208C when we m ention 16 players in
game rules.
Patented large “ DIAM OND ” catch area traps missed darts.
Fifteen sound effects and sou nd on/off optio n.
Delete button allows the play er to eliminate score of bounce-out or mistaken
The power w ill turn off p ower auto matically a fter play is suspende d for about 5
minutes. It will be turned on power and the game will be resumed later at a touch of
any key.
“Stuck” indication allows the playe r to quickly and easily correct stuck segment of the
dartboard .
Includes AC/DC ada pter, 6 soft- tipped darts a nd 14 spare t ips.
1. Inse rt the adapter into an electric outlet then insert the Plug into the jack on the
right-side of th e dartboar d.
2. Press any button to stop the L ED auto-test scann ing.
3. Press Game button to select a desired game series, and pre ss Option to select a
desired game option.
4. Press Change button to confirm the game and option setting and change to the next
setting panel.
5. Press Playe r button to choose 1 to 8 or 16 play er s or 2 teams/play ers, and press
Double button to se l e c t d o u b l e in / o u t fo r ’ 0 1 ga m e s on l y . Pr es s Pl a y er bu tt o n to ch o o se 1
t o 8 t o 16 p l a y er s, o r 2 te am s.
6. Press Change b utton to star t the game.
7. Press Change b utton after e ach round f or play er change.
8. Press and ho ld > RE -START button for 2 seconds t o re-start a n ew game.
1. This game is designed for soft-tipped darts only , the steel-tipped dart will damage
the dartboa rd.
2. Darts are an adult game. Includes functional sharp points/edge, children should play
with adult su pervision.
3. Alwa ys pay att en tion to t he gam e; neve r thr ow a d ar t w ith out f ir st lo oki ng to m ake sure
the play ing area is clear.
4. This device includes small parts and is not inten ded for childre n under 3 y ears old.
5. This device must only be used with attache d transformer (9 v DC/500mA output).
6. Disconnected the d evice from the tran sformer before cle aning.
Please save this user’s manual in its entire ty because it not only contains detailed
information for this d art game, but is also evidence for pr oduct war ranty .
1. Select a suitable location that complies the international standard for height and
distance shown in the figure, and be sure the cable length of the adapter is long
enough to e xtend fr om the dartboar d to an electrical o utlet.
2. Drill the upper screw hole at a height of 6 3 7/8” (193cm) from the floor, and the
lower scre w is 1’ 3 3/4” (40cm) below the upper scr ew vertically .
3. Hang the dartboard securely on the 2 screws. Pull on the dartboard to be sure
that it is hung s ecurely bef ore letting go of t he dartbo ard.
4. The 2 fixed screws sh ould be no longer than 8mm in length from screw gaps
to the w all to avo id damagin g the in ner circuit, an d to fix the dartb oard firmly.
1. The plastic tips w ill break easily and it also hard to remove the da rt from the
dartboard if yo u use heavy darts. Soft-tipped da rts weighting 12 to 16 gr ams are
most suitable for he e lectronic dartb oard. Do not u se darts w eighting over 19 grams.
2. Do not atte mpt to push the br oken tips into the inner part of the dartboard w hen the
plastic tip is broken and st uck on the holes of the target segments. I n this way , the
broken tip which is at the inner p art of the da rtboard w ill obstruct the t arget segment
from moving smoothing and sen sing the signal ex actly . Please refer to the
descriptions in the Trouble Shooting sectio n of this book. Release t he screws o n the
bottom cover of the b oard to take up the botto m cover , holding the br oken tip with a
needle-nose pliers, then pu sh it out from the inner side of the tar get segm ent.
The dartboar d has 3 buttons with di fferent functi ons as foll owing:
Change to the next play er.
Restart a new game.
Score Review
Delete the curr ent dart’s score .
Review all play ers’ score.
Double In /Out
Sound on/off
To freeze/u nfreez e the dartbo ard
Sound on/off
1. The symbol of “ >” means you have to press and hold the button for 2 seconds to
operate the function such as De lete, Sound, RE-Start.
2. T he player just press the button to operate the button function in case of no >
1. The 2 LED wind ows display scoring status for the cu rrent play er only.
2. The da rt bo ar d dis pl ay s “P L- # and rd# ” the p lay er’s cumul at iv e sco re” to in di ca te whi ch
ro un d a nd w hi ch pl ay er ’s t ur n it i s af te r pr es s th e ch an ge b ut to n to b e g i n t he g a me o r to
ch an ge t o t h e n e x t p la y er .
3. “PL- # and 1, 2, 3 or 4 dots” appear on the Temporary Score window to indicate it is
play er 1, 2, 4 or 4’s tur n it less than 4 player s are selected. Dots of play er numbers
will disappear when more 4 play ers are select ed.
4. Three flicking dots appear on the Cumulative Score window to indicate the residu al
darts of this round to be thrown. Each scored dart will eliminate one dot. It also
shows the dartb oard is at Start status. The dartbo ard displays “P#F# and the final
score” and “#rd” alternatively to indicate which player wins the game at which round,
and a melody plays for the winner.
5. The dartboa rd indicates the p atented closed st atus of a Cricket game as be low:
The close status of each number is display ed on the bottom rows displays for the
current play er.
The middle mark lights to indicate the curren t play er has no d art on the n umber.
The lower 3 marks indicate the cu rrent close sta tus.
The upper left mark lights to indicate the nu mber has been closed by a play er at
T he top mark lights to indicate the number has been closed by all other play ers,
and the current player cannot get points from this num ber after he/she closed the
1. A round (turn) shall consist of 3 darts. Any dart bouncing off, or falling out of the
dartboard shall not be re -thrown .
2. All pl ay e r s th r o w in se qu en ce . To d e ci de th e th ro wi ng se qu en ce by th r o w in g the Bull,
the play er throwing closest the bull’s-ey e shall throw first.
3. The singles shall score as the face number of the segment, the double (or tr ip le)
r in gs sh all sc or e d o u b le (o r tr ipl e) t he s eg men t n u mb er , th e o u t e r bu ll shall score 25
points and the inner bull shall scor e 50 points ( double 25).
’ 0 1 G A M ES : 3 0 1 , 5 0 1 … t o 1 0 0 1 ( A0 1 )
1. Each playe r starts at a beginning score of 301, 501…901 or 1001. The object of
the game is to reduce each round’s score from the beginning score. When the
player reache s z ero exa ctly, they finish the g ame.
2. The round is a BUST (display bu St) when a play er throw s a dart re sulting a score
higher than the residual score that can not reach a zero score exactly . It will stop
the current rou nd and return the play er’s score to the last round’s score of the
current play er.
3. There are 4 double I N/OUT options in each ’01 g ame.
DOUBLE IN: The play er must hit a number in the double ring o r the inner
bull’s-ey e to start th e game.
OPEN IN: Hit any number t o start the ga me.
DOUBLE OUT: The player must hit a number in the double ring or the inner bull
to get the score to zero exactly and finish the game. It will be a
bust round when the play er’s score falls to 1 p oint under th e
double out o ption status.
OPE N OUT : A n umbe r is hit th at r each es t he s co re of z er o ex actl y to f ini sh t he game .
1. The object of Score Crick et is for each player/tea m to “close” each number from
15 through 20 plus the bull’s-eye. The first player/team to “CLOSE” all numbers
and the bull’ s-eye, and t o be even or ahead on po ints wins.
2. A play er closes a specific number or the bull’s-eye by hitting 1 triple, 1 double
plus 1 single, or 3 singles. The outer bull is considered a single and the inner bull
is a double.
3. The player to “close” a specific number “owns” the number and can score points
on this number un til all of the play ers also close it.
The game of No Score Crick et is sim pler than Score Crick et. The object of this
game is to only “Close” the numbers 15 through 20, plus the bull’s-eye. The first
play er to close all the target numbers wins the game. T here is no need to compare
the scores.
1. The game play s the same as Score Cricket, except that when a play er closes a
number, the score for all further hits to that number are given to the opponents
with that same number open. The first play er with all his/her numbers closed and
lowest score wins.
2. All the display s for Cut Throat are the sa me as the Score Cricket game.
L U DO ( M en s c h Ä r g e r e D i ch N ic h ) : 3 00 t o 90 0
1. Rules of the L UDO dart game:
a). Each play er starts the game with 0 points and adds to their cumulative score
with each sco red dart, but any previous play er’s cumulative score may fall back
to 0 points aga in when the previous playe r is “killed” by the current play er. To
kill an opponent (making the opponent re-start from 0 points) by scoring the
current play er’s score as the same value of the tens and units (compare 2
digital value of the 10’ and 1’ only, no need to compare 100’) as the previous
play er’s cum ulative score. Each scored dart can kill an opponent, and it is
possible to kill all 3 oppone nts in a round .
b) . The cur ren t p layer wi ll in crea se 1 “Li fe ” w he n he /she ki lls an op pone nt o ne t ime.
c). Any cumulative score between 0 to 29 points is in the safety zone, and the
current player can not k ill the opponent’s score back to 0 points when the
previous play er’s cumulative score is less than 30 points.
d). There are two w ays t o win the L UDO dart game:
The cumulative points reach or go over a tar get score. The tar get score can
be preset fr om 300, 400… to 9 00 points (in 10 0 points increments).
Kill the opponent( s) 7 times (accumulating to 7 lives) .
2. Score gap d isplays:
The dartboard will compare the 2 digital value of the 10 and 1 of the current
play er’s score with the others. If the score gap is less than 60 points, the
dartboard will display the score gap with th e previous pla ye r number. I t will display
all the score gaps alternatively if there are over 2 score gaps less than 60 points.
It will show the “--H- ” symbol if no score gap is less than 60 points. For example:
39H7 and 43H2 displayed alternatively means the current play er can hit 39 to
killer playe r 7 and hit 43 to kill player 2.
1. The obje ct of the g ame, as th e nam e s ug ge sts i s to “kill ” t he op pon en ts ’ liv es bef ore
y our o wn is el imin ated . Th e la st play er /t ea m r emain ing “ali ve ” is t he w inne r.
2. The game can play all numbers except the bull’s-ey e.
3. At the beginn ing of the game, ea ch play er should th row one dart with the
opposite hand to select his/her o wn number. Every play er must have a diffe rent
number if a play er misses the board or hits a number already taken or a
bull’s-ey e, he/she must th row again.
4. There are 2 g ame options: Killer (Doub le Ring), Killer (3-7 Life).
K IL L E R : 3 - 7 L F ( L IV E S )
1. In 3- 7 LF option :
a). Each play er owns no lives at th e beginning of the game.
b). The play er will become a killer if he/she has accu mulated the preset number
of lives by hitting his/her own number . Playe rs can set the n umber of lives
from 3LF to 7L F.
c). A killer won’t add o r lose his/her lives any longer by hitting his/her own
d). A killer may lose the title of killer if other killers hit his/her number, bu t he/she
can become a killer again if h e/she can rea ch the preset n umber of lives.
e). All of doubles and triples count as singles.
f). A play er may add one life to another p lay er by accident and a melody “Ha, Le,
Lu, Ya” so unds.
g). A killer cannot thro w a dart to kill a playe r out of the g ame before the p lay er
gets his/her fir st mark. The first hit of the play er’s number by a killer will add
one life mark to the play er.
h). The play er will be out if the killer hits the number again w ith any residual
2. The last one to h ave any lives left wins.
K IL L E R : D B L ( D O U B L E R I NG )
1. The “dbL” o ption is the trad itional killer game, meaning:
a). A p la y e r m u st h it th e “d ou bl e r in g ” o f h is /h er o w n n umb er on ce , a n d th e n h e/ sh e
b e co me s a k ill er .
b). The killer also m ust hit the “double ring” of the opponents’ numbers to k ill their
lives. T he killer may kill himself/herself by accident and lose one li fe if a player
hits his/her ow n number.
c). A killer is alway s a k iller unless he/she loses all lives and is ou t.
2. The last one to h ave any lives left wins.
S cr a m C ri c k e t : 7 t ( 7 t a rg e t s )
1. The game plays the same as Scram, except that the game uses the cricket
numbers 15 to 20 and the bu ll’s-eye . Each must be hit thr ee tim es to erase the
2. Stoppers erase a specific number by hitting 1 triple, 1 double plus 1 single, or 3
singles. The outer b ull is considered a sin gle and the inn er bull is a doub le.
S cr a m : 2 1 t ( 2 1 Ta r ge t s )
1. The game plays all the numbers, 1 through 20 and the bull’s -ey e. T he LED
display the “ErASEd” status of 21 num bers, each mark ind icates one num ber as
2. The task for the Scorer is to score as many points as possible by hitting any one
of the numbers. The stoppers’ task is to hit each number 1- 20 and the bull’s-eye
one time in any order.
3. The Scorer roun d is finished w hen all numbers are erased.
4. The one with the highest scor e wins th e game.
O v er : Co n , L d r O p t i o ns
1. The ob ject of this game is for players to take turns shooting for a 3-dar t score
that is equal or higher than the “Leade r’s Score”.
2. Your score will become the new leader’s score and you do not lose a life when
yo ur score of a round is equal or higher than the previous leader’s score.
Otherwise, yo u will lose a life.
3. Each play er starts with 7 lives, an d the last play er alive wins the ga me.
O v er : Co n ( Co n t i n ue )
W ith the “Con” option of the Over game, the leader will also lose a life when
he/she has a score in a round that is lower than the leader’s score (it is scored by
himself), and the leader’s score is kept at the Highest value alway s. The score
can only be increased.
O v er : L dr ( L ea d e r )
The dartboard will show “---“ and “ LEA” for the previous leader if there are not any
opponents who have becom e the new leader after a round. T his indicates the
play er has the right to re-issue a new leader’s score and does not lose any lives,
although the new leade r’s score is lowe r than the previous leade r’s score.
U nd e r : C o n t i nu e , L ea d e r O pt i o n s
1. The ob ject of this game is for players to take turns shooting for a 3-dar t score
that is equal to or lower t han the “Le ader’s Score”.
2. Your score will become the new leader’s score and you do not lose a life w hen
yo ur score after a round is equal to or lower than the previous leader’s score. If it
is not, y ou will lose a life.
3. Each play er starts with 7 lives, an d the last play er alive wins the ga me.
4. Each missed dart cou nts as the top sco re of 60 point s.