The Venecia and Ibiza model stoves should be anchored to the wall using 4 attachments available with the
stove (two on each side). To do this, you must remove the side doors attached by 4 torx head screws. See
drawing 9 (Venecia). Please keep a safety distance from the walls.
Drawing 9
In order to fix the stove in its right position and prevent it from accidentally moving, its legs must be set to the
right height until the front wheels lose contact with the rail. In order to do that, we have to disassemble the
frame’s side fittings, open the door of the fireplace, unscrew the bottom trim and pull it out. Do this for stove
models Kiev Insert (drawing 10) and Oslo Insert.
Drawing 10
4.14. Gas output must be located in a ventilated area, not in closed or half-closed areas e.g. garage, corridor, air
space of the house or places where gas may concentrate.
4.15. The external parts of the stove may reach high temperatures that might burn when touching; it is
recommended to use a non flammable grid to avoid risk of burn for children and old people.
The end of the gas outlet flex should remain higher than the stove’s output. It is mandatory to install at least
two metres in length vertically to create natural current preventing smoke, odors or eventual cut of electric
The horizontal pipe must not be longer than 1 metre; greater lengths mean ash, condensation or corrosion
may build up in this area.
Faced with cut of electric supplies and unusual weather conditions (storms, strong winds) it is recommendable
to install an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) which we have available as an option. This apparatus only
feeds the exhaust vent.
4.16. Distances from doors, Windows, ventilation grids or air input to the house or building: