for installation with an
- The connections, commissioning and
verification of proper operation of the boiler-stoves must be
carried out by qualified personnel, who can implement all con-
nections in accordance with the laws in force, particularly with
Italian D.M 37 Law No. 46/90, apart from complying with the-
se instructions.
- The boiler-stoveand the system are filled with water that flows
from the water inlet pipe (the diameter must not be less than
18 mm)
ttoo tthhee ooppeenn eexxppaannssiioonn ttaannkk..
- All the vents of the radiators must be opened during this pha-
se so as to
pprreevveenntt aaiirr ppoocckkeettss ffrroomm ffoorrmmiinngg iinn tthhee ssyysstteemm
, which
would obstruct the circulation of water.
- The open tank should be placed higher than 3 m from the hi-
ghest radiator and lower than 15 m from boiler-stove.
- In any case, the tank must be high enough to create a greater
pressure than that produced by the pump (circulator).
TThhee ssyysstteem
m mmuusstt nneevveerr bbee ffiilllleedd ddiirreeccttllyy ffrroomm tthhee wwaatteerr mmaaiinnss aass
tthhee pprreessssuurree
may be greater than that stipulated on the data
plate of the boiler-stove.
- The safety pipe to the expansion tank must allow the water to
flow freely, must not have taps and must be insulated properly.
- The water inlet pipe must not have taps nor curves.
TThhee mmaaxxiimmuumm ooppeerraattiinngg pprreesss
suurree mmuusstt nnoott eexxcceeeedd 11..55 bbaarr
- The testing pressure is 3 bar.
- In places that reach very low temperatures, antifreeze liquid must
be added to the water in the system.
NNeevveerr iiggnniittee tthhee ffiirree iinn tthhee bbooiilleerr--ssttoovvee ((nnoott eevveenn aass aa tteesstt)) uunnllees
tthhee ssyysstteemm iiss ffiilllleedd wwiitthh wwaatteerr aass tthhiiss ccoouulldd ccaauussee iirrrreeppaarraabbllee
- Connect the drains of the thermal relief valve (VST).
- The flow test of the system
mmuusstt bbee ccaarrrriieedd oouutt wwiitthh tthhee eexxppaannssiioonn
ttaannkk ooppeenn..
- It is recommended to install a 6 bar safety valve on the hot
sanitary water circuit so as to drain any excessive increase in
the volume of the water in the heat exchanger.
- Place all the components of the system (circulator, heat
exchanger, valves, etc.) in easily accessible points for routine
and special maintenance procedures.
- It is recommended to prepare thermal insulation on the vaulted
top part of the boiler
for installation with an
(additional regulations to those specified above).
- Be careful not to exceed 1.5 bar when filling the system.
- Only if a thermal relief valve actuates the coil can the boiler-
stove be installed on a CLOSED TANK system.
- Consider the necessity of installing another CLOSED TANK.
- Make sure the drain is connected to the coil and the power
supply is at least 1.5 bar.
- The upstream pressure of the cooling circuit must be at least
1.5 bar (UNI 10412/2 point 6.2).