Chimneys and smoke ducts connected to solid fuel burning
equipment must be swept once a year (check whether spe-
cific regulations apply in your country).
Lack of regular controls and cleaning increases the risk of
fire in the chimney. Should a fire occur proceed as follows:
• do not extinguish with water,
• empty the pellet hopper,
• consult specialised personnel before restarting the
machine after the incident.
A: insulated steel flue
B: minimum height 1.5m
C-E: air intake from outside to room (minimum internal
section 80 cm²)
D: steel flue, inside the existing brick-built flue.
sk tecnica soleil-polaris-tania multilingua_fra ristampa febbraio 2010.qxp 24/02/2010 9.09 Pagina 37