Faults Cause Remedy
The equipment does not start
- Power supply not connected
- Floating switch does trigger
- Check power supply
- Raise position of floating switch
The equipment does not pump
- Intake sieve clogged
- Discharge hose kinked
- Clean intake sieve with water jet
- Unkink the hose
The equipment does not cut out
- Floating switch cannot sink - Place equipment correctly on
shaft bottom
Insufficient pumping rate
- Intake sieve clogged
- Performance reduced due to
heavily contaminated and
abrasive water impurities
- Clean intake sieve
- Clean equipment and replace
wear parts
The equipment switches off after
briefly running
- Motor circuit-breaker switches
the equipment off due to
excessive water contamination
- Water temperature too high;
motor circuit-breaker switches
the equipment off
- Unplug power plug and clean
equipment and shaft
- Ensure that maximum
permissible water temperature
(35 °C) is not exceeded
10. Troubleshooting guide