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Points to re m e m be r w h e n ope rating
th e e xpre s s k e ttle
Be fore s tarting th e appliance e ns ure
th at th e m ains cord and plug are dry.
Ne ve r us e th e k e ttle w ith w e t h ands .
Ne ve r us e th e appliance outdoors .
W h ils t us ing th e e xpre s s k e ttle , h igh
te m pe rature s are re ach e d w h ich can
caus e s calding if th e k e ttle is not
h andle d care fully. Th e re fore only h old
th e appliance by th e h andle (F)
provide d.
Do not us e th e k e ttle uns upe rvis e d. Do
not place or us e th e k e ttle on h ot
s urface s or ne ar nak e d flam e s .
Atte ntion: If th e k e ttle is ove rfille d th e re
is a ris k th at th e boiling w ate r m ay
s pray out. Th e re fore ne ve r fill th e k e ttle
above th e m axim um m ark ing.
Only us e your k e ttle for h e ating w ate r!
Ne ve r put foods tuffs or foods tuff
additive s into th e k e ttle . Ne ve r h e at m ilk
or s tock on th e k e ttle ! Do not place any
obje cts in th e k e ttle !
Ne ve r us e th e appliance w ith th e lid (D)
ope n as oth e rw is e th e autom atic s w itch
off cannot w ork .
Do not m ove th e appliance w h ils t it is
Ne ve r im m e rs e th e appliance in liq uid!
Prote ct th e appliance and cord from
h e at and w e tne s s .
If th e appliance is us e d for any oth e r
purpos e or is incorre ctly us e d, th e
m anufacture r adopts no liability for any
dam age s w h ich m ay re s ult.
Alw ays e m pty th e k e ttle com ple te ly. Do
not le ave re s idual w ate r in th e
appliance for a long pe riod.
Do not s w itch on th e appliance w ith out
w ate r.
Only us e th e k e ttle w ith th e as s ociate d
bas e .
Us ing your k e ttle
Be fore us ing your ne w k e ttle you
s h ould w ipe it ins ide and outs ide w ith a
dam p cloth due to h ygie nic re as ons .
Initial us e
Place th e bas e unit (J) on a firm s urface .
Plug th e m ains plug into a w all s ock e t.
If th e m ains cord is longe r th an
ne ce s s ary it can be w ound up at th e
bottom of th e bas e unit (J).
Pre s s button (E) dow n to ope n th e lid
Fill w ith at le as t s ufficie nt w ate r to m ak e
it vis ible on th e w ate r le ve l indicator (G),
but not h igh e r th an th e M ax. m ark .
Clos e th e lid (D) until it e ngage s . Th e
autom atic s w itch off can only function
re liably if th is is done .
Place th e k e ttle onto th e bas e (J) in any
pos ition you w is h .
Pre s s th e O N/OFF s w itch (H ) dow n, th e
pilot ligh t ligh t up and th e k e ttle s tarts
to h e at up.
Th e O N/OFF s w itch (H ) only catch e s
w h e n th e k e ttle is on th e bas e unit (J).
Do not us e th e w ate r from th e firs t
boiling cycle to pre pare food.
Th e autom atic s w itch off
Th e k e ttle w ill s w itch off autom atically
and th e pilot ligh t w ill go out w h e n th e
w ate r h as boile d or th e k e ttle is
re m ove d from th e bas e .
If you w ant to s top th e h e ating proce s s
be fore th e k e ttle autom atically s w itch e s
off, s im ply pre s s th e ON/OFF s w itch (H )
up or lift up th e jug from th e bas e . If you
w ant to re h e at w ate r w h ich h as alre ady
be e n h e ate d, pre s s th e ON/OFF s w itch
(H ) dow n again.
W h e n th e w ate r h as boile d th e k e ttle
w ill s w itch off autom atically. If th e k e ttle
is only fille d w ith a little w ate r, it tak e s
longe r to s w itch off.

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