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General Description
The URC22D-8, URC22D-8A, URC22D-8B universal remote control is a new
model of multi-functional preprogrammed remote control for European market. It has
been proved powerful function and stable quality. It features as:
8 Device key: TV1, TV2, VCR1, VCR2, SAT, CD, AUX and DVD.
11 Device Bank: TV, VCR, Satellite [Analogue Satellite, Digital Satellite],
Cable, CD, LD ,DVD,AMP, Tuner, Tape, AUX [Cable, LD, Audio Amplifiers,
Audio Amplifiers /Tuners, Audio Cassette Players, Digital Audio Tape Player
inside AUX.]
4 Operating Modes: Set-up Mode, Manual Search Mode, Auto Search Mode and
Display Mode.
Transmission and Set-up indicating LED.
Punch-through function.
Teltxt/Fastext function.
Menu function.
Volume and Mute Lock function.
Device Lock function.
Battery Requirement
This remote control needs two batteries to work with. Refer to the direction mark
inside the battery apartment and put 2 pieces of fresh AAA, or R03 or UM4 in the
battery apartment. Alkaline batteries are recommended.
Remember to replace the batteries at least once a year.
Set up By Device Brand Code
According to the attached Device Brand Code List, find out the device brand
name and code of the device that you want to control (For example, you can find
codes for Philips”TV: 001,004,023 etc). Then follow steps as below:
A. Press the [SET] key and hold it, then press the device key that you want to control,
such as [TV1], [VCR1], etc.
B. The LED will be on at the moment. Then release the pressed both keys.
C. Enter in the 3-digit Device Code. (For example: code 001 for Philips TV).
D. If the entered Device Code is correct, the LED will be off automatically. If it is
incorrect, the LED will blink twice and keep being at setup mode (being on). Then
please return to step C.
E. Try if keys on Remote Control work or not. If most keys work improperly, please
try other code under the same brand (For example: code 004,023 …… under
Philips TV), repeat A~E till you find the main keys work good enough.
Remark: In the process of setup, if you want to quit from set up mode, please press the device key.
If no key is pressed in 10 seconds, the remote control will leave the setup mode automatically.
Set up By Manual Search
If you have tried all the codes under the brand name, the remote control still does
not work (i.e. the device still can not be controlled by this remote control), or you can
not find the correct brand in the Device Code List, you can use Manual Search to find
out the correct code.
A. Power on the device that you want to control. If it is a VCR, it must be inserted
with a tape.
B. Press and hold [SET] key and press the device key (TV1 etc) at the same time.
C. The LED will be on at the moment. Then release the pressed keys.
D. Press the [POWER] key again, then release it.The remote control enters into
Manual Search Mode and the LED keeps flashing.
E. Point the remote control to the device, and then press the [POWER] key. See if
the device reacts or not. If it reacts, turn to step F. If not, repeat step E (press the
[POWER]) every 1 second.
F. Test other keys, if they do not work good enough, return to step A.
A. In search process, you can press [SET] key to switch between Forward and Backward to change search
direction and find the right code quickly. If you don’t want to change search direction please don’t press [SET]
key during Manual Search.
B. Whenever you want to leave search mode, press the device key, and the LED will turn off.
C. In the search mode, besides the [POWER] key, all other key’s function can be checked normally. That is to say
you can test other keys without leaving search mode.
D. The URC22D-8, The URC22D-8A, The URC22D-8B unit will leave search mode automatically if no key is
pressed in 30 seconds.
Set Up By Auto Search
This search is similar to Manual Search but the remote control transmit the
power signal automatically instead of manually pressing power key.
A. Power on the device you want to control. If it is a VCR, it must be inserted with a
B. Press and hold [SET] key, in the meantime, press and hold the Device key (for
example: TV1) for more than 3 seconds and then release them, the auto search
begins. The remote control enters into Auto Search, LED flashing, and remote
control transmits power signal every 2.0 seconds automatically.
C. See if the device reacts or not, once the device reacts, press any key (except SET
key) to stop the auto search.
D. Test if the other keys work good enough. If most keys work not good enough,
please go to step B-D using Auto Search again to find the best code.
Remark: A. whenever you want to leave Auto Search mode, press any key (except SET key) to quit, and the LED
will be off. The search is over.
B. When remote control searches through all different type of codes (about 5 minutes), LED will have been
on for 2 seconds, then the remote control will quit from search process automatically.
C. In case of you do not stop the auto search on time when you find the device reacts, you may use the
Manual Search to search back to find the reactive code.
Device Lock/Unlock
This function will make one device code fixed and can not be changed by code setup
by Manual Search or Auto Search:
A. Strike the device key that you want to fix such as [TV1], [SAT], [AUX], etc
B. Press and hold the [SET] key, then press the [7] key, then release the both pressed
keys, the LED will blink once then off, the code of the current device are locked.
C. If you want unlock the current code, press and hold the [SET] key, Then press the
[8] key, then release the pressed keys, the LED will blink once and then off, the
current code unlocked.
A. The fixed code can be changed by unlock or reset only.
B. Only one code can be locked in all devices. If you try to set this function at difference devices, the system
would reserve the last setup only. You can make the operation of unlock under any device.
Volume and Mute Lock/Unlock
This function makes you very convenient when you only use one device to adjust
volume. For example, you may use your amplifier as your main volume control, then
you can use this function to fix the volume and mute key of AUX (amplifier inside
AUX), no matter which device you will use (even you will use TV, VCR etc, the
volume and mute key of remote control still control the volume and mute of your
A. Strike the device key that the volume and mute key you want to fix such as [TV1],
[SAT], [AUX], etc.
B. Press and hold the [SET] key, then press the [5] key, then release the both pressed
keys, the LED will blink once then off, the volume and mute key of the current
device are locked.
C. If you want unlock the current volume and mute key, press and hold the [SET] key,
Then press the [6] key, then release the pressed keys, the LED will blink once and
then off, the current volume key and mute key are unlocked.
This will erase all the set-up data you programmed.
APress and hold the [SET] key.
Then press and hold the [0] key for more than 3 seconds.
CThen release the both pressed keys, the LED will blink twice then off, your remote
control reset.
Punch-through function
When you change the device from one to another, if another device doesn’t have
volume key and mute key, the remote control will remain the volume key and mute
key of last device.
Device code display:
The device code is a 3-digit number and any one of the digits can be indicated:
A. Press and hold the [SET] key, in the mean time press the digit that you want to
display, such as 1,2,or3.
B. Release the both pressed keys.
C. Count the times that the LED blinks, and the blinking time is the digit. If there is
no blink, the digit is zero. For example:
SET+1 (first digit): LED blinks 1 time
SET+2 (second digit): LED blinks 3 times
SET+3 (third digit): LED blinks 8 times
The indicated code is: 138
A. After you have finished set-up, first please press the device key (TV or VCR)
on remote control that you want to use, then operate your remote control
B. If you find your remote control disorder, please take out the batteries, press keys several times
to discharge the unit and then you put the batteries again. Your remote control may be
normally now.
Device Brand Code:
A.R. Systems 023
Accent 023
Acme 004,010
Acura 010
ADA 015
ADC 002,006
Admiral 001,002,003,020,050,054,109,187,196,197
Adyson 004,181,186,210
Agashi 115,179,187,209
Agazi 003
Agb 124
Aiko 004,005,010,023
AIM 023
Aiwa 088,181
Akai 007,009,010,011,012,023,062,069,070,071,126,134,141,170,179
AKI 179
Akiba 012,023,101,115
Akito 023,026
Akura 003,012,023,072,101,115,179,187
Albiral 038,179,207
Alkos 165
Allorgan 021,027,115,195
Allstar 023
Amplivision 004,073,207,209
Amstrad 003,010,012,014,023,031,069,070,072,075,109,124,202
Anam 010,066,110
Anglo 010
Anitech 003,010,016,023,024,110,183,184
Ansonic 010,015,023
Arc En Ciel 046,112,127,204,207
Arcam Delta 004
Aristona 023,170,195
Arthur Martin 159
Art-Tech 115
ASA 001,017,018,019,050,111
Asberg 023,182,187,195
Astra 010
Astro Sound 115,207
Asuka 003,004,012,101,115,191,209
Atlantic 004,021,022,023,170,182,197
Atori 010
Audiosonic 004,010,012,021,023,112,170
Audioton 004,016,182,198
Ausind 115
Autovox 001,003,004,021,058,102,126
AWA 023
Baird 007,112,172,179,186
Bang&Olufson 001
Barcom 210
Basic Line 010,012,023,101,115,184,186
Bastide 004
Baur 023,119,126,133,170
Bazin 142,179,183,201
Beknteknik 073
Beko 008,023,035,073,084,209
Beon 023,170
Best 084,114
Bestar 023,073,116
Binatone 004
Black star 130
Blacktron 101,115
Blackway 101,115
Blaupunkt 009,113,117,120,179
Blausonic 207
Blue Sky 012,023,073,101,115
Blue Star 101,121
Bondstec 130
Boots 004,026
Boston 191,208
BPL 023,096,101,121
Brandt 037,046,047,112,127,128,204
Brinkmann 023
Brion Vega 001,023,058,170,208
Bristol 208
Britannia 004
Bruns 001,008,040,044
BSR 027,115,132,197,200,210
BTC 012
California 195
Capsonic 003,209
Carad 023
Carena 023,115,209
Carrefour 028
Cascade 010,023
Casio 023,201
Cathay 023,170
CCE 023
Centurion 023,170
Century 001,187
CGE 054,130,132,187,204
CGM 198,202
CIE 115,196,202
Cihan 209
Cimline 010,029,115,181
City 010
Clarivox 038,040,170
Clatronic 003,004,010,012,023,031,084,115,130,179,209
Cofadel 204
Colombia 073
Colombus 182
Concorde 010
Condor 004,022,023,084,101,182,184,187,211
Cont. Edison 204
Contec 004,010,028,030,031,115,142,211
Continental Edison 037,046,047,112,127
Cosmel 010
Crezar 182,202
Crosley 001,130,132
Crown 010,023,054,073,084,096,122,170
Cs Electronics 004,012,130
CTC 130
CTC Clatronic 015,115,187,202,207,210
Cybertron 012
Daewoo 004,010,023,059,095,116,196
Dainichi 012,115
Dansai 003,023,115,170
Dantax 035,149,162,181
Datronic 196,211
Datsura 096,122
Dawa 023,195
Dayton 010
Daytron 023,196
De Graaf 007,020,034
Decca 004,011,023,026,031,124,136,170
Deitron 023
Denko 179,209
Denver 115,211
Desmet 023,170,182
Diamant 023
Digiline 023,181
Digital 115
Dixi 010,023,040,170
Domoh 182
Drean 023
DTS 010
Dual 004,023,090,112,126,127,132,179,195,197,207,211
Dual-Tec 004,010,132,197
Dumont 001,004,015,018,019
Dux 023,170,195
Dynatron 023,170
Elbe 023,038,109,158,180
Elcit 001
Electa 121
Electro Tech 010
Elekta 101
Elektronska 207
Elg 023
Elin 004,017,019,023,170,186,197,198
Elite 012,022,023,179,184,197
Elman 015,132,181,207
Elsay 136,184
Elta 010
Emerson 001,023,101,126,128
Emperor 101
Engel 044,207
Erres 023,170
ESC 023
Estel 207
Etron 010,023
Eurocom 115,207
Euro-Feel 003
Euroline 089,170
Euroman 023,115,179,196,209
Euromann 003,004,084
Europa 023,073
Europhon 004,015,023,026,124,132,202,207
Eurotronic 073
Expert 021,186,188,197
Exquisit 023
Fenner 010,115,116,184,187,195
Ferguson 036,037,038,051,053,082,112,128,164,170,172
Fidelis 182,211
Fidelity 004,020,023,069,097
Filsai 142
Finlandia 007,017,020,111,129,186
Finlux 001,004,011,015,017,018,019,023,052,064,111,124,132,158,168,170
First Line 004,010,027,023,063,130,183
Fisher 001,004,007,019,028,030,040,044,084,132,195,211
Flint 023,149,183,184,187,196,209
Formenti 001,002,004,022,126,132,134,170,182
Fortress 001,002
Fraba 023
France Concept 184
Friac 023
Frontech 003,010,020,050,069,119,130,181,183,184,187
Fujitsu 011,021,115,197,207
Funai 003,027,115,211
Galaxi 023,054,084
Galaxis 023
Galeria 196
Galway 184
GBC 010,028,132,198,202
GCM 115,195
GEC 004,011,016,023,024,042,050,124,126,133,136,170,186
Geloso 010,016,020,132
General Technic 010
Genexxa 012,023,050,115
Germanvox 202
Goldhand 016
Goldstar 004,010,013,020,023,041,085,094,130,132,151,170,210
Goodmans 003,010,011,023,028,029,069,094,112,116,128,154,161,170
Gorenje 084
GPM 012,115,210
Gradiente 023
Graetz 050,126,143,188
Granada 004,007,011,020,023,028,032,055,065,124,128,129,134,135,139,170
Grandin 010,012,023,101,121,170,184
Gronic 115,180,187
Grundig 009,018,023,092,102,117,118,137,179,185
GTT 187,211
Halifax 003,004
Hampton 004,183,202
Hanseatic 004,008,010,022,023,027,028,074,096,101,119,126,132,170
Hantarex 010,023,124
Hantor 023
Harwood 023,186
Hauppauge 023
HCM 003,004,007,010,023,075,101,121,202,211
Hemmerman 183,201
Hifivox 112,204
Higashi 179
Highline 023
Hinari 007,010,012,023,028,044,115,138,161,170,181
Hisawa 012,101,115,121,149
Hitsu 115,179
Hornyphone 023
Hoshai 012,115,198
Huanyu 004,116
Hygashi 004
Hyper 004,010,130,132,198,202
Hypson 003,004,023,101,115,121,170,209
Iberia 023
Ibervisao 188,207
Ibico 196
ICE 003,004,010,012,023,069,115,187,210
Imperial 023,050,054,084,130,132,187
Indesit 025,102
Indiana 023,170
Ingelen 050,188
Ingersol 010
Inno Hit 004,010,011,012,023,094,124,170,205,211
Innovation 003,010,062,069,088,104,108,112,116,151,155,157,169,176,177,178
Interbuy 010,110,130
Interfunk 001,023,050,112,126,130,170
Internal 023
Intersound 182
Leyco 003,011,023,027,170,209
LG 004,010,013,020,023,041,085,089,094,130,132,150,151,170,210
Liesenk 170
Liesenkotter 023,179,195
Life 003,010,062,069,088,104,108,112,116,151,155,157,169,176,177,178
Loewe 023,098,099
Loewe Opta 001,170,190
Logik 031
Luma 020,021,023,126,170,186,197
Lumatron 020,021,023,126,170
Lux May 023
Luxor 004,020,048,078,094,102,126,133,139,147
Madison 023,115,182
Magnadyne 001,015,124,130,132,170,187
Magnafon 004,015,017,124,182,183,195,207
Magnavox 023
Magnum 003,010,062,069,088,104,108,112,116,151,155,157,169,176,177,178
Mandor 003
Manesth 003,004,022,023,029,170,181,182,184,188
Manhattan 023
Marantz 023,170,187,195
Marech 182
Marelli 001
Mark 023,170
Marshall 115
Matsui 004,005,010,011,014,020,023,026,027,028,029,031,063,069,092,124,148,
Matsushita 066
Mcmichael 042
Mediascreen 209
Mediator 023,170,195
Medion 003,010,023,062,069,088,104,108,112,116,151,155,157,169,176,177,178,
M-Electronic 004,010,017,019,023,037,050,069,110,111,112,116,170
Memorex 010
Memphis 010,011,114
Mercury 023
Metz 001,076,081,117,152,153,191
Micromaxx 003,010,023,062,069,088,104,108,112,116,151,155,157,169,176,177,178
Microstar 003,010,062,069,088,104,108,112,116,151,155,157,169,176,177,178
Minerva 018,102,117,179,185

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